Christmas symbols. Two Christmases: traditions, decor and festive menu DIY Christmas symbols

Preparing for Christmas is a joyful process, because the New Year holidays are still in progress, which means that we do not need to think about work worries and problems while waiting for the wonderful holiday to arrive. Of course, there are certain worries before Christmas, because we want to prepare delicious meals for our loved ones, buy nice gifts for family members and godchildren, and, of course, create a truly Christmas atmosphere at home.

The traditional elements of this holiday are stars, angels, bells and candles. In addition, New Year trees continue to stand in all houses, because few people part with these beauties before the Old New Year. However, we want to emphasize the Christmas atmosphere as much as possible, so we look for all kinds of themed decorations on store shelves.

Homemade decorations made from simple materials will help you decorate your home!

However, in Lately More and more people are decorating their homes, because they bring much more joy, home comfort and warmth. The master classes below will help you make unusual and original decorative crafts without much expense!

Idea No. 1: Salt dough stars

It is not for nothing that we associate Christmas with the stars, because even people far from religion remember that in ancient times our ancestors always sat down to the table only after the first evening star appeared in the sky. That is why salt dough stars will be filled with a deep symbolic meaning that fully corresponds to the spirit of this holiday. By the way, they will wonderful decoration for the Christmas tree!

Preparing and cutting salt dough for Christmas crafts

To prepare this decor you will need:

  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • salt – 1 glass;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • purified water;
  • parchment paper;
  • baking dish (large and small stars);
  • fine sandpaper;
  • gold and silver acrylic paints;
  • paint-contour;
  • glue;
  • beads, rhinestones;
  • clear varnish;
  • decorative cord.

Step-by-step instruction on design and painting of stars

The process of preparing stars involves the following sequence of actions:

  • Step 1. Take a deep bowl and mix flour and salt in it, add lemon juice. Gradually add purified water to the mixture. The dough is ready when it becomes smooth, elastic and does not stick to your hands.
  • Step 2. Place parchment paper on the table. Separate a piece of dough and roll it into a layer up to 2 centimeters thick.
  • Step 3: Make using a star shape. Make a hole in one of the beams so that the figures can then be hung from the spruce paw. Continue making shapes until you run out of dough.
  • Step 4. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper and lay out the figures. Preheat the oven to 80 degrees. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 3.5-4 hours. Don't forget to check your baked goods to make sure they don't burn. By the way, you don’t even need to bake this dough, but dry it in a ventilated room, but this will take 2-3 days.
  • Step 5. Sand the finished figures with sandpaper.
  • Step 6: Cover the stars with gold and silver paint. Apply patterns using outline paint. Glue beads or rhinestones. To ensure that the product shines beautifully and the decor does not crumble, cover the stars with colorless varnish.
  • Step 7. Make loops from decorative cord and hang the stars on the tree.

Idea No. 2: Sweet sleigh

A sleigh made from sweets and lollipops is a great option for a sweet gift!

Christmas is a holiday on which expensive gifts are rarely given. The only exceptions are close relatives, loved ones and godchildren. However, this celebration is shrouded in a special atmosphere of kindness and love, so we want to make the people with whom we communicate at work or gather in the same company at least a little happy. Best idea For a little Christmas surprise, sweet gifts certainly count.

However, it would hardly occur to you to give someone a bag of sweets or a pack of cookies, because the gift should be unusual and beautifully decorated. For example, in the form of a New Year's sleigh! Such a gift is sure to leave the most favorable impression and will be remembered by the recipient for a long time, and you won’t need a lot of money and time to prepare it. To make sleigh gifts you will need to buy:

  • multi-colored lollipops with curved tails;
  • chocolates in bright wrappers;
  • several large sweets;
  • satin or foil bows;
  • artificial Christmas tree branches;
  • small Christmas tree balls;
  • decorative braid or ribbons;
  • beads;
  • small bumps;
  • artificial snow;
  • glue gun

Stages of making sweet sleighs:

  • Step 1. Lay out the ribbon or braid on the table. Place two candies on top to become the runners of the sleigh. The candies need to be placed perpendicularly so that the products can be secured with ribbons later.
  • Step 2. Place the largest chocolate bar, waffle pack, or other suitable confectionery item on top of the lollipops. Arrange the rest of the candies in a pyramid shape. Secure the sled and weight with ribbons or braid.
  • Step 4. Take the artificial spruce into small pieces and combine them into a compact bundle. Using a glue gun, attach red berry beads, small balls or cones. Sprinkle the composition with artificial snow and glue it to the bow.
  • Step 5. Attach decorative elements to the candy sleigh. A sweet surprise is ready!

Idea No. 3: Fireplace made from boxes

Spectacular Christmas decor - fireplace made of boxes and garlands

There is no such person who would not dream of warming up by the fireplace on long winter evenings. Of course, not every one of us owns our own home with a fireplace, but it is at Christmas that such dreams tend to come true. It's enough to make a fireplace with your own hands! You can even place such an unusual craft in your apartment, enjoying evenings spent by the fireplace with your family. In order to decorate your apartment with a fireplace, you need to get:

  • several cardboard boxes;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • self-adhesive film imitating brickwork;
  • white paint;
  • Garlands;
  • foil;
  • small logs;
  • New Year's socks for gifts;
  • brushes;
  • tinsel and other New Year's decorations.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a cardboard fireplace

The process of making crafts includes the following stages:

  • Step 1. Connect with tape carton boxes so that the arch learns.
  • Step 2. Decorate the fireplace with self-adhesive brick pattern.
  • Step 3. Paint the “slopes” of the fireplace with white paint.
  • Step 4: Wrap the logs in foil.
  • Step 5. When the fireplace is dry, place logs inside and arrange a garland on them.
  • Step 6. Decorate the craft with tinsel, Christmas balls, socks for gifts, and hang it on the mantelpiece. At dusk, light the garland located inside the fireplace and enjoy the comfort of the fire!

Idea #4: Paper angels

Paper angels - an elementary craft for children's creativity

Another indispensable attribute of Christmas are angels. You can make such a craft from almost anything - for example, sew babies from felt or sculpt from polymer clay, however, the simplest material is ordinary. Angels from it turn out to be especially airy and graceful. This craft will require you to have:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • white paper;
  • thick paper coasters for dishes;
  • hole punch;
  • beads;
  • wires;
  • pencil;
  • decorative cord;
  • paper clips

Step-by-step instructions for creating an angel from cardboard

The process of making angels is as simple as possible:

  • Step 1. Cut a small segment from the round stand as shown in the picture.
  • Step 2: Draw or print wings on white paper. Cut out enough of them so that there is enough for each angel (there should be two pairs of wings - a larger one and a smaller one).
  • Step 3: Roll up most of the cut coaster using a pencil. You should end up with a cone. Coat the joint with glue and fasten with a paper clip. Let the workpiece dry.
  • Step 4. Make a loop out of the cord and thread it through the cone to form a bell with a tongue. String a bead onto the ends of the lace and make a knot.
  • Step 5. Pull the loop higher and make an angel head from a half bead and a white paper circle.
  • Step 6. String two small beads onto the wire and make an angel's hands. To keep the structure in place, you can glue a small strip of white paper into the shape of the collar.
  • Step 7. Glue the large and small pairs of wings and attach them to the back of the figure. Your guardian angel is ready!

Idea No. 5: Sisal Christmas tree

A handmade Christmas tree can be decorated with dried berries and oranges

Festive decor on New Year- these are not only balls, snowflakes and wreaths, but also a huge number of compositions that can be placed on a windowsill, desktop or mantelpiece. One of the most unusual compositions is a decorative sisal Christmas tree, which you can use to decorate your own home or give as a Christmas present. To make a Christmas tree you will need.

We are offering to you interesting idea for a gift for the winter holidays bottles “Snow House”. By following the suggested description and practicing a little on a piece of paper (if you don’t have artistic skills), I think you can easily draw this winter drawing. Your family and friends will be pleasantly surprised!

Materials: any dark glass bottle, liquid soap, degreasing alcohol, cotton pad, foam sponge, art brush Kolonok No. 00, flat brush Kolonok No. 5 and Bristle No. 7 may also come in handy nail painting brushes, dots (tool for applying dots), palette. You will also need: transparent varnish and silver glitter for nails, acrylic varnish to fix the painting, water-acrylic paint in the following colors: blue, white, green, brown, yellow and black.

So, having looked master class on painting start making your own.

Preparatory stage

Step one

Before painting the bottle, it is necessary to degrease the surface. Soak it in warm water with a little soap added, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then remove any existing labels. Dry the surface.

Applying a background to glass

Step two

Degrease the surface with alcohol. Take white water-acrylic paint and a No. 7 bristle brush. Then, using this tool, apply color to the glass - the first layer, let dry.

Step three

Apply a second coat of white paint to the bottle glass and neck. To do this, use a foam sponge, making pressing movements, imitate a “snow haze”, as shown in the photo.

Step four

Now on the palette, combine blue paint with white and, having obtained a blue color, also using a sponge, give the glass the desired shade. Please note that the light blue paint should not evenly cover the white layer.

Pencil drawing “Snow house”

Step five

Visually determine the location of the landscape on the bottle and, sticking to this size, outline the main drawing with a simple pencil. Initially, you can practice on a piece of paper.

Painting on glass with acrylic paints

Step six

Then, using a flat brush No. 5, combine blue and green paints and achieve a dark green color. Using semicircular strokes, following the center line, draw the branches of the Christmas trees. And use brown and white paint to paint a “Snow House.”

Step seven

Then apply the snowdrifts in broad, semi-circular strokes. A brown fence with thin parallel lines, on which small snow caps can be seen. And don't forget about the yellow light in the windows. In the latter case, use a fine size 00 brush.

Step eight

Use blue paint with a small amount of water to add depth to the landscape; simply outline the house and Christmas trees with a translucent color. In some places of the trees, place dark strokes - shadows, white - snow caps. Use a thin brush with black paint to paint small details.

Finishing glass painting

Step nine

Lastly, create a lot of snowflakes using dots and apply silver glitter on clear nail polish. Secure the painting with acrylic varnish, so you can easily wipe your designer bottle in the future. So, you got an original gift, didn’t you?

What you need to know about Christmas

On January 7, after a long fast and the restrictions of Christmas Eve (i.e. January 6, when fasting is the strictest), Orthodox Christians celebrate one of their main holidays - the birthday of Jesus Christ.

Other Christians do this 13 days earlier, according to the Gregorian calendar, on December 25th. By the way, we also live according to the Gregorian calendar, if anyone doesn’t know, since 1918. But Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian and some other churches still use Julian. That's why there is such a discrepancy in dates.

The holiday begins at midnight from January 6 to 7 with services in churches, and the entire next day is supposed to be spent with family and closest people and also do good deeds. The feeling of a new period in life that has begun, good and bright, the expectation of a miracle, the happiness of being a family and with a family - all this makes Christmas a holiday that even non-religious people love and celebrate.

Christmas symbols

Each of the symbols of Christmas (and we will name only a few of them) can become both a gift and a home decoration not only for Christmas, but also for the New Year. This is understandable, because for many years New Year's Eve in the USSR replaced Christmas Eve, supplanted it and for this purpose borrowed a lot from Christian traditions. There is probably no need to separate holidays that are so closely fused. It's just that at Christmas some symbols take on special meaning.

Star of Bethlehem. The Gospels say that she shone in the sky at the moment of the birth of Jesus Christ and led the Magi to him. The image of a star is used to crown a Christmas tree, decorate houses, gifts, and sweets.

Angel. In legends, it is he who usually gives good news. It is customary to give an image of an angel with words of hope that he will protect loved ones and their home.

Nativity scene. This is the shelter, the cave in which Jesus Christ was born. In essence, it is a “doll’s house” with figurines of the holy family, shepherds, wise men, gifts and animals above the cradle (only in the Russian tradition, instead of Mary and the Child, an icon was used: toys could depict anyone, but not the main characters, in order to avoid sacrilege). And a nativity scene was also called a Christmas performance with the participation of dolls or live actors. For children, a nativity scene is one of the main attributes of the holiday, in which you can see everything with your own eyes.

Candles. Their light symbolizes Christ. It is customary to light thick wax candles on the eve of Christmas so that they burn throughout the night and the next day.

Bells and bells. First, it is a sign of good news and a welcome to the messiah. Secondly, since pagan times it has been believed that ringing scares away any evil force and “cleanses” space. Decorating your home and Christmas tree with bells and bells, as well as giving them as gifts, is considered a good sign.

What to give for Christmas?

At Christmas it is customary to do special gifts, having value not so much material as spiritual and emotional. Believing adults are often given books and icons; non-religious people can be given Christmas symbols, as well as hand-made items: embroidery, knitting, sewing, crafts.

But the main gifts, of course, should be received by children: toys and a lot of sweets, beautifully and unusually packaged (it’s no coincidence that the first factory packaging for gifts was Christmas!).

A special Christmas tradition that is useful to teach children to is helping the disadvantaged. It is natural for a person to be kind, and on such a holiday it is natural to show it. Taking gifts to church for poor children and old people, visiting lonely neighbors with refreshments is not at all difficult and brings real joy to Christmas.

Christmas table

In many countries, including Russia, it is customary for the Christmas table serve 12 dishes. Not necessarily luxurious, difficult to make, or ancient and with a strange taste for a modern person. What matters here is the number 12, which brings good luck and prosperity in every month of the year.

Table settings usually use candles, Christmas wreaths made of pine branches and red berries, as well as straw or hay, reminiscent of a manger. in which lay the newborn Christ. Another wonderful tradition is baking pies with wishes. By the way, this can be a pleasant gift that guests will take home.

Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays. This is a bright and joyful day, which has its own rich history. This holiday brings together representatives of various nationalities and religions. Each country has its own traditions and symbols of Christmas. Of course, some of them are completely forgotten, while others, on the contrary, are still used in our time. In this article we will learn about the symbols of Christmas in Russia.

history of the holiday

In order to learn about all the traditions of the Nativity of Christ, first let’s remember the history of this day. So, in the second century in Egypt they began to celebrate a holiday called Epiphany. It symbolized three events: the birth of the Savior, the giving of gifts to him and baptism in the river. At the end of the fifth century, Christmas was singled out as a separate holiday. The Catholic Church celebrates it on December 25 according to the Gregorian calendar, and the Orthodox Church celebrates it from January 6 to 7 according to the Julian calendar. The eve of all three holidays is called Christmas Eve, and the celebrations themselves are called Christmastide. They end on January 19 at Epiphany.

Birth of the Savior

According to history, “in those days” (about the 4th century BC) a census was taken. Each resident had to come to their city and sign up. The pregnant Virgin Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem, but could not find a place to stay for the night. They stopped to spend the night in a barn. It was in the cattle pen that the Savior was born. The shepherds, who at that time were grazing cattle nearby in the field, saw an angel. It was God's messenger. He told them that the King of all kings - Jesus Christ - had been born. So the first to see the Son of God were the most ordinary shepherds.

The role of Jesus Christ in Orthodoxy

When considering the symbols of Christmas, one cannot fail to mention the role of the Son of God in the formation of Christianity as a religion. So, Jesus is the messiah who atoned for the sins of people. The Old Testament repeatedly mentions his coming to the sinful earth. The Savior is a symbol of faith, purification and a real miracle. The New Testament tells about the life of Jesus on earth, about the atonement of sins. The Son of God performed many miracles. He raised the dead, healed the sick, and then himself rose again after death. With his sacrificial death he atoned for the sins of people.

Christmas and New Year

Angels and bells

These symbols of the Nativity of Christ are also known to many who celebrate this wonderful holiday. This is also connected with the birth of the Savior - Jesus. The angel informed the shepherds that a miracle had happened and the Son of God was born. But bells as a symbol of the Nativity of Christ in Russia came to us from winter pagan holidays. It is believed that their ringing wards off evil forces. Thus, bells and angels not only look very beautiful on the Christmas tree, but also supposedly protect the home from evil spirits. In addition, it is the choir of angels and the ringing of Christmas bells that glorify the birth of Christ.

Celebrating Christmas

In Russia this holiday is celebrated with great pleasure. The Christmas tree is already decorated for the New Year. Children's laughter and cheerful conversations can be heard in the houses. From January 6 to 7, services are held in Russian Orthodox churches at which the prophecy of Christmas is read. In addition, at midnight you can hear the most beautiful Orthodox canon “Christ is born...”. In Russia, this holiday is considered very mystical and mysterious. For this reason, a wide variety of rituals are usually performed on this day. Young girls tell fortunes about their grooms. Some believe that on this day the souls of deceased relatives come to the festive table. For this reason, there are always more devices on the tables than people. After the festive dinner, the children go caroling. They read special carol songs and scatter wheat and barley in the houses of relatives and friends. It is believed that such a ritual will bring happiness and prosperity to the owners of the home. For this they always thank the children and give them delicious treats.

Traditions in different countries

Both children and adults love this big holiday. It symbolizes joy and the birth of a new life. The traditions of this holiday vary greatly in different countries. For example, a nativity scene is a mandatory symbol of Christmas in England. A few days before Christmas, it is installed in the most honorable place. This is a kind of mini-theater in which you can see the Mother of God, little Jesus, the wise men with gifts, and a manger. In many countries, it is customary to begin celebrating Christmas with the appearance of the first star. The family sits down at the table, rejoices at the appearance of Jesus, reads a prayer and eats food. The menu for this holiday is different in each country.

For example, in Ireland the main dish is smoked, but in Scotland it is smoked. In Iceland, white partridge is prepared for this holiday. In Russia, Ukraine and other Slavic peoples, Christmas kutya is always placed on the table. If it is customary to celebrate the New Year with the family, then at Christmas, on the contrary, you need to go to visit. In Ukraine, for example, it is customary for a godson to bring the “Holy Supper” to his godparents.

In general, it should be noted that certain traditions depend on faith. For example, in many Catholic countries, Advent begins on the eve of Christmas. It lasts 4 weeks. At this time, Catholics fast and mark the days before the holiday on a special advent calendar. The symbol of Christmas in Great Britain is, of course, the roast turkey. On the night of December 24-25, the British give each other gifts. But on Christmas morning, children happily run to the stockings hanging on the fireplaces. There they find gifts from Santa Claus. In Great Britain, Christmas is a family holiday. As a rule, the entire extended family gathers in one house. On this day they are noisy and fun. They look at family albums and just chat.

Residents of Norway most believe that many evil spirits come to earth during the Christmas holidays. For this reason, they very carefully decorate their homes with bells and bells. They sing a lot of songs and dance, thus attracting good luck into their lives and driving away evil spirits.

In some Slavic countries, it is customary to light candles at Christmas. They symbolize the birth of Jesus. In addition, in Ukraine there is a custom of preparing 12 different dishes. This number corresponds to 12 apostles. On this day, Ukrainians do not have breakfast or lunch. A small snack is allowed only for small children.

In any country, Christmas is bright and good holiday. It is customary to meet him without quarrels and conflicts. On this day it is not recommended to discuss people and talk about sad things. Of course, on Christmas we should pray, remember the Savior and give him gratitude for the fact that he atoned for the sins of mankind.

As the New Year approaches, a question table decoration and at home is becoming one of the most relevant. I really want the decor to be special, so that even Christmas decorations caused delight among household members and guests, but it seems that everything has already been tried and implemented before...

But New Year and Christmas are celebrated not only in Russia. Each culture has its own special traditions and beliefs that are so beautiful and interesting that you want to adopt them. Why not?

Today we will try to make a small excursion into Catholic Christmas. Advent wreaths, mistletoe, pomanders - maybe these time-tested “foreign” symbols will give impetus to developing the concept of your own original celebration of the main night of the year?

the site tells its readers about the main traditions of celebrating Catholic Christmas, its symbols, decorative elements and even... smells!

Looking forward to the holiday...

In Catholic countries there is no Advent fast, but there is a period of Advent. It begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas. For religious Catholics, this is a time of spiritual cleansing through prayer and visiting church, pacification of the spirit by limiting oneself in food (the same refusal of meat during the Advent period). However, for both believers and atheists, this is a time of waiting for the holiday, home decoration and small miracles:

Advent wreath

One of the main symbols of Advent was first made by the theologian Johann Hinrich Wichern for the children of the poor whom he took into care. The children constantly asked when Christmas would come, and then Wichern made a wreath from an old wooden wheel, decorating it with 19 small red candles and 4 large white ones. Children lit one red candle every day, and a white one on Sundays. When all the candles burned out, Christmas came.

Typically, such a wreath is made from spruce branches and placed on a large dish or tray. Although you can find Advent wreaths made of flowers, Christmas balls, tinsel, threads... In general, for every taste!