Interesting ideas for handmade: a master class on creating unique things. Where to sell handmade? Ukrainian sites Postcards, decorations and crafts

Going through the little things that have accumulated at home, you often wonder: what can you do with your own hands at home with all this, so that the products are really of high quality, beautiful and functional? "Serious" author's handmade seems to be a difficult task, requiring talent and special skills, but... It's not. I speak from my own experience: sometimes all that separates us from great homemade products is our own insecurity and lack of ideas. Move the first one aside and relax: there will be no shortage of ideas!

On the Internet, you can find many workshops on making things from a variety of improvised means: plastic tableware, purchased blanks, pallets, old tires, etc. But you must admit: rarely does anyone really have old tires from Kamaz lying around at home, from which you can make a pouf, but there will be difficulties with pallets if you don’t have your own cafe or shop. We propose to go the other way and solve two problems at once in one fell swoop: avoid expensive purchases and focus on eco-handmade made from natural materials that can be easily found at home.

Postcards, decorations and crafts

The simplest of those things that you can do with your own hands at home are small items made of paper, fabric and simple designer decor details. The creation of these little things is well suited for children, as it develops fine motor skills of the hands and stimulates the unbridled creativity of the little ones. But it cannot be said that the occupation is purely childish: many adults, carried away by handmade, make amazing things from simple materials and even earn money by selling postcards, jewelry and various crafts on the Internet.


Let's start with the simplest. Colorful homemade postcards, with some diligence, are not inferior in beauty and quality to purchased ones. Well, the warmth that the author puts into the creation of the product is simply priceless.

Tip: if you are suddenly invited to a birthday party, and you think what you can do with your own hands at home and present to the birthday person, start with a postcard. It's simple - even a novice handmaker can handle it, and the memory and pleasant emotions from such a gift will remain for a long time.

There are many options for postcards: simple (flat), opening, with three-dimensional figures inside; made of paper or fabric; decorated with applications, drawings, inscriptions, etc. It is up to you to decide which type to choose, I will only recommend starting with the simplest flat postcards and gradually complicating the decor and design.

The simplest and at the same time original gift can be a postcard made by one's own hands.

As for materials, you can find everything you need to create postcards at home. The obligatory minimum is a pencil, pen, scissors, PVA glue and, of course, paper (preferably thicker paper or thin cardboard, but if they are not available, you can simply glue several sheets of plain paper together, creating a thicker sheet). And here's what else you can use to create postcards:

  1. Colored paper. These do not have to be new sheets - trimmings left over from the child's crafts will do.
  2. Foil from chocolate and sweets.
  3. Unnecessary details from old jewelry: cabochons, rhinestones, etc.
  4. Fabric scraps. Almost any will do, but it is best to take samples without fluffy pile.
  5. Threads.
  6. Colored pencils, pens, markers. For the design of the inscriptions, you can take black or colored liners - they practically do not smear and draw with clear lines of a given thickness.
  7. Watercolor paints. If you have children school age, then there is a simple set of watercolors at home - they are quite enough for crafting postcards.

To prepare a souvenir, the remnants of bright, fabric, beads, ribbons will come in handy.

In addition, you may need a clerical knife and superglue ("Moment", "Second"). The list of materials can be continued for a very long time, because literally anything can be used to create postcards. At one time, I got myself a special box in which I put any little things that seemed suitable to me - even if I didn’t have specific ideas for using them at that time. Experience has shown that in the end absolutely everything is used.

The main thing is to stock up on patience, free time and a desire to please loved one

Tip: to make your postcards look stylish and harmonious, remember the most popular formats for making them: rectangle 105x148 mm (A6 format), elongated rectangle 98x210 mm, squares 140x140 and 120x120 mm.

Let's look at how to make a regular A6 postcard with your own hands.

  1. The first step is to prepare the base. Let's take the option that you will definitely find at home: a regular A4 sheet. Fold it in half along the wide side, making sure that the edges meet very precisely. Glue the sheet so that the halves fit snugly together. Let it dry, then fold over the wide side again. The basis for the postcard is ready.
  2. Now come up with a design. Consider the available materials, think about which ones you want to use, which ones work best with each other. You can draw a sketch on a separate piece of paper. Visualize as much as possible in your head the card you want to make - and, having selected the right materials, get to work.
  3. Process the decor elements. If you decide to place a curly paper or fabric application on a postcard, cut out the required shape in advance. Prepare everything that you will attach to the front of the postcard: colored paper, bows, rhinestones, fabric, etc.
  4. If you don't want to leave the background of the card white, now you need to color it. Take watercolor paints or markers and apply a light coat of the right color. The effect of antiquity on paper can be given by painting it with tea or coffee. And if you throw a few grains of salt on wet watercolor, you get beautiful snowflake patterns. Remember to let the paper dry after painting.
  5. Decorate the front side of the product with the prepared decor.
  6. Sign the card on the spread, accompanying it with a beautiful poem or just a short congratulatory phrase.

The original homemade postcard is ready!

Do not limit yourself in experiments and flight of fancy. Try different styles and materials, paper sizes and options. Look for your own author's handwriting and, most importantly, do not give up trying if the first results are not to your liking. As in any business, everything depends not only on talent, but also on perseverance and practice.


Among the things that you can do with your own hands at home, jewelry is one of the most popular options. You can wear them yourself or give them to someone, or you can sell them, having received not only pleasure from your own hobby, but also material rewards.

Kids just love these original popsicle stick bracelets!

The simplest option that young children can be involved in making is bracelets made from ordinary wooden ice cream sticks. It should be honestly noted: such bracelets, both in size and in style, are primarily for children. Little needlewomen and craftsmen are happy to take part in the creative transformation of familiar objects into bright jewelry - especially if you then help the child decorate the bracelet in the way he likes.

These bracelets are very easy to make. You will need:

  1. Ice cream sticks (one per bracelet)
  2. Glasses of suitable diameter

First, place all the sticks in one container and fill with water so that it completely covers our workpieces. Since they are wooden and float easily, cover the container with a lid or something else.

Check the sticks after a while. Well soaked, they will begin to bend without breaking. Then they need to be placed in a glass, bending inside or outside close to the walls. I prefer to wrap the sticks around the glass, pressing on top with strong rubber bands: so ready product rather take the desired shape.

Leave the blanks to dry in a warm, dry room. After complete drying, the bases will remain curved, and it will be possible to start decorating the product. A wooden bracelet for a girl can be decorated with rhinestones, turning it into an accessory of a real princess, and a bracelet for a boy can be decorated with the emblem of your favorite superhero.

Another useful cuteness is a jewelry stand.

Tip: for gluing decorative elements to wood, it is better to use superglue, and after painting it is worth varnishing the product.

Bracelets are rich ground for creativity. What you can do with your own hands at home, having a fishing line and beads at hand, is easy to imagine. But I propose to pay attention to more non-standard products - woven Shambhala bracelets, which are great for both adults and children from 12 years old. Such a product, made independently, is both a charm and a stylish accessory that combines patterned weaving with beads.

Popular Shambhala bracelets can be easily made with your own hands

To weave Shambhala you will need:

  1. An odd number of beads made of wood or natural stone.
  2. Two smaller beads - for the clasp.
  3. The base cord is so thick that the selected beads can be freely strung on it. Take the length of the base cord based on the circumference of your wrist plus ten centimeters on each side for fasteners.
  4. The cord of the main weave is three to four times longer than the base (it is better to take a longer one for the first samples). Thicker threads are well suited for braiding.
  5. One lace about forty centimeters long for making a fastener.

It is convenient to weave Shambhala bracelets from waxed threads, but it is not necessary to run after them to the store. Experiment! I wove one of my coolest bracelets from ordinary twine and a strong “iris” thread at the base.

Tip: to make Shambhala smooth and fine, fasten the weave. To do this, you can use a tight clerical clip and a planchette (or book cover).

We start to weave. About ten centimeters from the end of the warp cord, tie a knot of thread for the braid - so that it divides the thread into two tails of equal length. Now you need to knit knots from these ponytails around the base cord, alternately threading one thread under it and the other over it. Having made the desired number of knots, string the first bead onto the base and continue braiding immediately after it. Alternate beads with knots, using gaps to your liking (traditionally, Shambhala bracelets are made symmetrical, but this rule is not strict); at the end, do not forget to knit the same number of knots of simple weaving as at the beginning. Finish with a knot.

Making designer jewelry may well become an additional source of income for you.

If you used a natural thread, apply a drop of PVA glue to the final knot, let it dry, then cut off the excess cord. If the thread was synthetic, carefully cut the ends and burn the tails with a lighter or match - of course, being careful.

Let's go to the castle. Take the ponytails left on both sides of the bracelet, fold them together and tie with several knots of weaving using the third cord. Fasten the lock in the same way as you fastened the bracelet. Put small beads on the remaining tails of the base cord and tie knots at the ends.

So your own beautiful Shambhala bracelet is ready. Congratulations! This activity is fascinating, so do not be surprised if after a while you give these amulets to all your friends and you will think about what to do with new products. Sell ​​- let others appreciate your talent!


What can you do with your own hands at home for children under 10 years old? Of course, toys will be a win-win option. Usually for sewing dolls you need a lot additional materials like special fillers, and sewing skills above the base level. But there is also such an option that the children themselves will cope with (and will be happy to help you): these are motanka dolls.

Encourage your child to make a cute winding doll

To make them, you will need assorted pieces of fabric - any pieces of old unnecessary clothes will do. For the base, the body of the pupa, it is better to choose something light: an old white sheet or thin burlap, but for clothes you can take any color you like. You will also need ordinary sewing threads, optional ribbons and other little things for decoration. The doll is made like this:

  1. Roll one piece of fabric into a three-dimensional rectangle or cube. This is the basis of the motanka's head.
  2. Put a square piece of light fabric on it, gather it on one side and wrap it with sewing thread. You don't need to make knots: a large number of the thread will fix itself and will not unwind.
  3. Take another square piece of light fabric. The length from corner to corner is our doll's arm span, so choose accordingly. Roll this cut into a roll, wrap the “wrists” with sewing threads.
  4. Tape the "sausage" of hands to the body of the chrysalis under the head. It is best to do this by winding the threads crosswise.
  5. Choose a few different-colored pieces of fabric for the doll's clothes. Make a skirt, preferably with two or more layers of fabric: it looks very cool. Secure the skirt with thread, twine or ribbon.
  6. Another piece of fabric will go to make a scarf. Fold a triangle from the cut and tie on the doll's head.

Traditionally, motanka dolls are made without faces - these are impersonal amulets. I know that faceless dolls scare some people, so if you do not put any additional meaning into it, then you can safely embroider or draw a face on the fabric, giving your doll personality.

Such a doll will simultaneously become your personal amulet.

Tip: if you are a woman and want to have children, weave a motanka doll for yourself as a charm and do not give it to anyone. If you believe folk omens, it can help a woman get pregnant in the shortest possible time.

Cozy homemade hacks

Handmade can be not only beautiful, but also extremely functional. Why spend money on acquiring various little things that are so necessary in everyday life, if many of them can be made with your own hands at home? You can easily make useful items for the kitchen, desktop and other corners of the apartment using the most common things. And now I'll tell you how.

If you're struggling with a lot of stationery to keep on hand, but can't get to the store to buy an organizer, don't rush. Convenient organizers for your pencils, pens, rulers and other little things can be made from the most unexpected things, such as old ones. cans, bushings from paper towels or unnecessary boxes and boxes from under household appliances.

It will not be difficult to make such an organizer from paper towel sleeves, but how much joy your child will have!

Consider how to make the simplest, but at the same time beautiful and convenient organizer from cardboard sleeves. You will need:

  1. Two rolls from paper towels (or four from toilet paper)
  2. A small piece of cardboard for the base
  3. Scissors
  4. Stationery knife (you can also use a regular knife, but it must be very sharp)
  5. PVA glue
  6. Paints (acrylic or gouache) or fabric for product decoration

Cut paper towel rolls into two equal pieces (or don't do anything if you've used toilet paper rolls since you already have four separate cylinders). Paint or cover them with fabric if you want to decorate the cardboard. Alternatively, you can wrap the twine around the cylinders from top to bottom, or glue strips of twine only from the top - be guided by your own taste. After decorating, glue the cylinders close to each other on the cardboard base.

Tip: it is better to leave them to dry for a day, pressing a load on top - for example, a couple of heavy books.

When the cylinders are glued, cut off the excess cardboard from the base. That's all - a stylish and unique office organizer is ready.

And here's an even more useful option for storing small toys.

If you liked the idea, and you are thinking what else you can do with your own hands at home from recyclable materials - for example, from paper - I suggest paying attention to these wonderful wicker baskets. They can be placed on the table in the living room, used as a receptacle for magazines and books, can be adapted as a housekeeper in the hallway. In the kitchen, they can be used as a convenient stand for jars of spices or fresh fruits and vegetables.

Here is such a beautiful and useful thing you can weave from collections of old newspapers and magazines

The basis for weaving a basket will be old newspapers or magazines. If you want to make a basket with a stable bottom, you will also need two identical pieces of cardboard of the desired size; but the hanging basket can be woven without a hard bottom. Also, do not forget about other necessary materials:

  1. scissors
  2. Wooden skewer or needle
  3. Klee (in this case, not PVA, but “Moment” is better)

First you will need to be patient and make long thin tubes from newspapers or magazine pages. Cut them into long strips ten centimeters wide and roll them into sausages, winding the paper around a skewer or knitting needle. Fix the ends with glue, then remove the needle and lightly press down on the paper, making the strips more or less flat. You will need a lot of such tubes: from one hundred to five hundred, depending on how big the product you want to get.

As you can see, the weaving technique is quite simple.

Once you've completed the tedious part of the job, congratulate yourself and move on to making the base of the basket. Apply superglue around the perimeter of one of the cardboard sheets and lay paper tubes on top at a distance of a few centimeters from each other. Inside the cardboard sheet, they should go about five centimeters. Apply more glue on top, then press down with a second piece of base cardboard. Let the bottom of the future basket stick together well.

You will quickly master the technique of weaving from newspapers and magazines

After the base dries, bend the strips glued into it at a right angle. Around them we will weave our basket. We make the first loop as a “figure eight”, wrapping the end of one of the remaining paper tubes with a cross around two strips of the “frame”. Then we weave, threading paper from one side to the other, then from the other side of the vertical tubes, until we weave a basket of the required height.

Tip: periodically “tamp down” the weaving, shifting it to the bottom. By the way, to make the walls of the high basket even, put a box of a suitable size inside as a frame.

Fasten off the last loop by tucking the free end into the bottom rows of the braid. Do the same with the remaining ends of the frame strips, securing them with glue if necessary. That's it! Make basket handles from an old belt or twine - and find a place for a new stylish and useful accessory in your home.

Having learned to weave from newspapers and magazines, you will delight your family with all sorts of beautiful home-made utilities.

The main secret of homemade life hacks is a creative look at things that, as a rule, go to the trash can and are simply thrown away. Fans of eco-style will definitely appreciate this approach, which enriches your home with useful things and at the same time makes the world at least a little cleaner.

Home decor

Stylish interiors are defined by details. A scattering of bright pillows on the sofa, a picture or a set of photographs in stylish frames on the wall, a decorated mirror, creative curtains or small accessories on the shelves can completely transform the room, giving it a certain color and mood. And many of these details can be made by hand - you just have to decide on the style and your preferences.

My passion is making dream catchers. These are not only wonderful amulets that provide the owners with pleasant dreams, but also a bright accent in the interior of the bedroom. Dreamcatchers are very easy to make and I suggest you try making one. Perhaps you will find in it the same pleasure as I do, and get not only a stylish accessory, but also a new hobby.

Original amulet "Dreamcatcher"

To make a dream catcher you will need:

  1. The basis. Traditionally, the bases are made from natural wood, most often willow, the flexible branches of which can be gathered while walking in a park or forest. In the assortment of handmade stores there are bases made of plywood.
  2. Strong, non-stretchy and preferably non-slippery threads for weaving. If you take a plywood base, you will also need threads for braiding it, I recommend taking a thicker one.
  3. Beads of your choice. Twelve loop catchers look very nice, so I advise you to take twelve, twenty-four or thirty-six beads, respectively - depending on how many rows you want to decorate.
  4. Feathers and/or ribbons to decorate the bottom of the dream catcher.
  5. PVA glue for fixing knots.

Weaving the catcher begins with the base. If you have collected willow branches, put a few pieces together, twist into a more or less even circle, secure with tape or an elastic band - and set to dry for several days in a dry and warm place. In the summer, a sunny balcony is optimal, in winter you can put the workpieces closer to the battery. After drying, the base should hold without additional fasteners.

If you have chosen a purchased plywood base, you need to braid it. Why do I recommend taking a thicker thread for this? For the first time, without a certain skill, weaving the warp is the most tedious and painstaking part of the work, and a thick thread will save you time and nerves at times. So, fasten the chosen thread with a clothespin or a regular single knot, leaving the tip longer, and start winding it around the warp until you complete the circle. Take both ends, tie a neat knot (single, if you have chosen the right thread material, it will not slip and untie). Then, stepping back ten centimeters from the base, tie the ends with another stronger knot and cut off the excess thread. So you will make both a braid and a loop on which you will hang your catcher.

Such a thing will certainly become a special decoration of your interior.

The next step is to weave the web itself inside the circle. Knot the thinner thread at the warp, and start making loops around the warp. Knots are not needed: the thread clings to itself and stretches itself. That is why the threads for the main weave must be as strong as possible - after all, the tension in the finished catcher is comparable to the strings, and the thread must withstand this.

Weaving the first row, go to the second, stringing a bead on each loop. In the third row, draw the thread not in loops, but through the beads, not forgetting to string new ones - and repeat this pattern as many times as you want. You can alternate rows with and without beads, you can do it without decorations at all, or you can string several beads at a time - any option that fantasy throws at you will do. Having reached the center, fasten the thread with the last strong knot and glue it (and the starting knot) with PVA glue. When it dries, cut off the ends of the thread.

The last stage is the decoration of the bottom of the catcher. Feathers are usually hung there, but this rule is not at all necessary, especially if you use only what you have at home. Feel free to take ribbons, lace, beads and attach it all to the dream catcher. The more decor, the more beautiful it will turn out.

Tip: allocate a few hours to create a catcher and try to make it right from start to finish, without breaking the process into stages. So the amulet will thoroughly absorb your energy and good thoughts, and will qualitatively protect your dreams from negativity. By the way, it’s better not to sit down to weave in a bad mood - this can have a great effect on the quality of the dream catcher’s work.

The dream catcher will surely become your favorite decoration in ethnic style.

The dream catcher is an ethnic decoration, not tied to any season. If you want to do something with your own hands at home for the holidays - for example, decorate an apartment on New Year, I propose to do the creation of thematic elements of decor. For the winter holidays, handmade using spruce and pine branches, tinsel, shiny toys and candles is perfect. Typically autumn decorations- Halloween pumpkins "Lantern Jack", garlands of paper lanterns and edible compositions of fragrant September apples. There is nothing better than flowers to decorate a house in spring: it can be either live bouquets or willow branches, or colorful applications, collages and photos in beautiful bright frames. Well, in summer, designer products will help to dispel the heat. nautical style using stones, shells, twine.

Let this be your homework and food for the imagination. Today you have learned how to create a variety of beautiful and useful things, and I am sure that you will be able to expand your handcrafting skills arsenal even further. For inspiration, I suggest watching this video on the topic of what you can do with your own hands at home:

"Handmade" in English means "handmade". For many, this word is associated with a hobby. Yes, creating products with your own hands is a rather exciting process that will help express creative potential. At the same time, the home collection is replenished with another original item. But handmade can also increase your budget. How to turn your hobby into a business?

Unfortunately, there is a wrong stereotype that crafts self made sloppy and primitive. Of course, everyone starts with the basics. But if you consider handmade as a serious way to earn money, you must become a professional. Handmade is more expensive than factory products, because it combines quality and uniqueness.. A potential buyer himself understands that he can purchase an inexpensive "stamping". But if a person has already come to you, it means that he is ready to pay more for a good handmade item. Don't disappoint him! Here are some interesting ideas.

Wedding accessories

People often buy exclusive items for special occasions such as weddings. Everyone wants their ceremony to be special, not stereotyped. What to offer newlyweds? There are many handmade options: postcards, bouquets, clothing accessories, garlands. But remember that in each subject there should be something new. Catch the golden mean between solemnity and brightness, even if a little bold. Consider how to create an original decor for a handmade box for wedding rings..

You will need the following materials:

  • a small deep box (for example, in the shape of a heart);
  • satin ribbon;
  • silk fabric;
  • velvet fabric;
  • mesh, sequins, rhinestones, pebbles (any decorative items);
  • glue.

1. To get started make pillows for rings . Place the box on a sheet of paper and trace its outline. If the walls in the box are very thick, subtract half a centimeter. Using the pattern, cut out two pieces of silk fabric.

Heart pattern

2. Sew the pieces together leaving a small hole.

Sew details around the edges

3. Stuff the pillow with padding polyester and sew up the hole. You can decorate the product with bows or flowers made of silk fabric.

We fill the pillow with synthetic winterizer

4. Now let's deal with the hand-made box itself. Sides and lid outside decorate with velvet fabric . For this you need glue. But do not pour too much, just a few drops are enough.

Cardboard box in the shape of a heart

5. Make decor out of fabric and attach to the lid. You can decorate the fabric with pebbles and rhinestones. With glue attach a pillow to the bottom from silk fabric. A handmade box will be a wonderful attribute of a wedding.

Finished result

Handmade decorations

Jewelry made of gold and silver is far from affordable for everyone. And despite the luxury, they often lack warmth. By creating handmade jewelry with your own hands, you put a charge of kindness and joy into them. Today there are many techniques using beads, ribbons, wood, elastic, polymer clay . Consider a master class on making handmade earrings from the latest material.

You will need:

  • polymer clay;
  • acrylic paint;
  • needle;
  • brush;
  • wet wipe;
  • earwires, rings, pins.

Necessary materials

1. Rolling out polymer clay into layers a few millimeters thick.

Roll out the clay into a layer

2. Cut out five circles . Cut out two petals from each circle.

Making mugs

3. Now roll out the ball and squeeze it into a cake - this is the basis of the earrings.

4.Bend the pint into a loop , press its tip into the middle of a pre-rolled ball.

Basis for earrings

5.Making petals from circles .

Making petals

6. Attaching the petals to the base . Just don't close the loop.

Attaching the petals

7. Needle we push through the strip in the center of each petal. You can apply any pattern.

Making a pattern

8. Base close details from clay of a different color. Decorate according to your taste.

Adding details

9. We send the product to the oven . The firing temperature and time are specified in the instructions for the material. When the flowers have cooled, carefully paint over them with paint. Make sure the paint goes into the grooves.

We cover with paint

10. Wet wipe removing a layer of paint from the surface. Let the flowers dry and cover with varnish.

Removing excess paint

11. With the help of rings and fasteners collect earrings: we unbend the ring, put the loops from the pint and the earring into it and bend it. Handmade polymer clay earrings are ready!

Earrings ready

Polymer clay will allow you to create absolutely different images: Both feminine and playful. These handmade decorations are perfect for a themed party.

On video: jewelry with blue roses made of polymer clay

Small interior items

Every person needs home comfort and warmth. Therefore, needlewomen tend to create items for the home with their own hands. The decor of shelves, furniture, doors, curtains - these are great handmade ideas for the interior. And small vases and caskets, funny figurines or creative coasters are often purchased as a gift for a friend. If we consider handmade as a business, then you can earn a good amount on such trifles. We offer a small master class on how to make a ceiling lamp from plastic spoons.

You will need:

  • big plastic bottle(at least 5 liters);
  • plastic spoons;
  • PVA glue;
  • energy-saving light bulb, socket, copper wire.

Important point! Take care of safety. Choose a light bulb that does not glow.

1. Gently cut off the bottom of the bottle. Align if necessary.

2. We pierce a hole in the lid with a hot awl. This is where the wire will be inserted, so the diameter of the hole should be wider than the diameter of the wire. The frame of the ceiling is ready.

3. Cut off the handles of the spoons. We place the convex parts in a circle, as if they were scales. We start from the bottom and slowly move to the neck, which we also hide behind the scales. The result was a ceiling resembling a cone.

4. Inside place the bulb. The product is ready.

Ideas for a home can be completely different. In one technique, you can create completely dissimilar objects. If you give handmade enough time, you can come up with the most unexpected solutions.

DIY gifts

Handmade gifts are great way express your feelings to family and friends. And although they say that the main thing is attention, remember: a real souvenir should look perfect. When creating gifts with your own hands, be original and strive for perfection. What can be donated?

In fact, the list of handmade souvenirs is quite large:

  • toys;
  • notebooks;
  • caskets, pencil cases;
  • decorations;
  • paintings;
  • cloth.

In general, everything that will please the other person. Some gifts are easy to decorate. The decor of others can take days or even weeks.

Do not forget about the decor of old clothes. Many people have things in their closet that are already out of fashion or have lost their color and shape. But the owner does not want to part with them. He will be happy if his favorite clothes become beautiful again.

When you once again want to make an unusual item for your home with your own hands, consider whether hand-made can become a source of additional income. Of course, this requires constant improvement. You can learn new subtleties of the craft, periodically draw inspiration from other masters. But your hand-made works should have your own author's style, by which you will be recognized.

Brooch and hair band made of felt (2 videos)

What do you need to know before you start selling?

Selling handmade work is no less an art than creating it. What do you need to consider in order to get high sales? After all, there are a lot of competitors! You need to beat them somehow.

Catch simple but effective tips:

  1. Present your work beautifully. To do this, do not be too lazy to think over some kind of composition or intricate background on which your work will look most advantageous. Take photos of your product from several angles, and select only the clearest and most beautiful pictures. You can work a little with filters, but remember that the photo should convey the beauty of the product, its natural beauty.

One of my friends attracted to this work professional photographers. The photos they took are very different from non-professional phone shots.

  1. Make a good description. Considering that the competition in each category, no matter what resource you sell on, just rolls over, you need to work not only on photos. You need to write a good description of your product. Tell us what inspired you. Maybe there is some story behind this product. Tell us about the materials from which it is made, emphasize the features. A good description will do the job for you - it will convince a potential buyer to become real.
  2. Try to process requests quickly. Again, if you sleep, your buyer will be processed by someone else. The sooner you respond to a message or question, the better.
  3. Ask for customer reviews. Reviews are a weapon that breaks the trust of buyers in you. The more reviews you have, the more likely it is that other portal visitors will trust you more.
  4. Set the right price. Study the prices of competitors. You perfectly understand that people are always looking for cheaper prices. But the price should cover your costs - materials and time - and still make money. But do not raise the bar too high - otherwise they simply will not buy from you. If your price is higher than competitors and there is a good reason for that, argue in the description. For example, you have natural stones, others have artificial beads. Obviously your prices are higher.
  5. Choose a good site. The busier the site, the more potential buyers there are. But at the same time, the competition is higher - do not forget about it.

Our selection of sites for the sale of hand-made will help you figure out the last question!

Ukrainian sites for the sale of handmade

For Ukrainian masters, more than a dozen of the most different venues, with different pricing policy and conditions. I chose 8 of the most interesting.

In addition to needlework, jewelry and collectibles are sold here.

On this site you can post ads for the sale of hand-made for free. In total, there are three sales formats: for a fixed price, auction or custom-made.

The principle of operation of the resource implies a direct connection between the buyer and the seller - without intermediaries. No commissions or hidden fees.

In addition, needlework masters can share their skills with everyone by posting articles or master classes on the site's forum.

Probably the most popular platform for the sale of handicrafts. There is no commission here, and every registered user can count on friendly technical support.

On the resource, you can open your own store (or you can sell without it), upload works and collect customer reviews. Also, any authorized user can subscribe to your updates. You are responsible for shipping and communication with customers.

Each seller can also be a buyer.

On this platform, the master can create his own store to sell and advertise his own products. You can place up to 3 products for free, if more - you need to connect a tariff plan:

Plus, the site takes a commission on the sale - 15%.

The site has a blog where you can publish articles, and a forum to communicate with like-minded people.

You can sell both by promoting your store and through the website catalog.

This is not just a website, but a network of handmade stores. Not everyone can get here. If you are sure that your products are original, original and really cool, you need to apply through the form feedback or write to [email protected]. Masters are accepted only on an individual basis, only the best are selected for sale.

And this is a real fair of handicrafts. Placement of the first 15 works is completely free. To sell, you just need to register and indicate that you are a seller.

After registration is confirmed, you will be able to post works for sale - but no more than fifteen. Only after the first sales, you can get access to paid tariff plans, and choose the most convenient for you:

All works on the portal are moderated. There is also an instant publishing service, but it is available only to users tariff plans"20-200 works" and "10%" and holders of the "Trusted Seller" level.

Work with clients is direct.

To sell your products here, you just need to register. To gain access to the main functions of the portal, you need to complete your profile as completely as possible.

But in order to post, edit and update your ads without restrictions, you need to make a contribution of 36 UAH per year.

Each registered author after payment can add an unlimited number of works. To do this, use the "Add" menu item, and in personal account bookmark "My works", which reflects all your ads. You can also put up an ad there. In addition to filling in the required fields and a beautiful description of your work, you must add a photo that should not exceed 1 Mb and its size should not exceed 800 x 800px.

This is a community for handmade craftsmen, which you can join by simply registering. But in order to sell - you need to pay, however, a little.

Based on the platform, you can create your own online store, for free. As a tool to increase sales in the store, they offer to use the opportunities club card, in the presence of necessary funds On the account you can order paid services:

Listing (120 days of publication in general directory- 2 UAH per item).

A well-designed store and high-quality photos can bring you first sales.


Important: a profile can be blocked for posting links to third-party sites or social networks in the product description or in the profile, as well as for posting the contact details of the master.

I bypassed OLX and Prom.Ua. The first is obvious, the second is expensive. Only if you earn a lot on exclusive things, then you can look towards Prom, and you need to constantly “feed” the site with money, otherwise there will be no sales. In this case, it is easier to create your own store and promote it.

Save your post so you don't lose it, and explore the sites at your leisure!

Making handmade products for many craftsmen has long ceased to be just a hobby. National hand-made goes to the masses. With the development of online trading and access to the entire Ukrainian and foreign market on the Internet, needlework is becoming a business and the main source of income for many Ukrainians. Fortunately, in addition to bulletin boards, online auctions and thematic forums, there are specialized trading platforms, where craftsmen exhibit their works, and buyers can choose the right hand-made product from a huge assortment. There can be more than a hundred results for one query. Therefore, everyone will find something that suits their liking and pocket.

IGate has compiled a selection of six online marketplaces where you can buy and sell handicrafts.

  • golden hands

The platform has collected more than 39,000 works of authorship worth UAH 15 million, and 4,900 artists have been registered. This is one of the largest art spaces in Ukraine, which combines both a marketplace selling hand-made goods and creative blogs, a theoretical part that hosts a lot of educational materials, a space for communication and exchange of experience, and much more.

The site of the project is made on 5+, the level of the presented works is also on top. For the most part, professionals and true connoisseurs of hand-made have gathered here, which is immediately evident from the design of the work and the active development of the project.


This free freelance exchange offers the addition of an unlimited number of copyrighted works and products. To gain trust from buyers, each user has their own rating and reviews. A memorable name, user-friendly interface and powerful functionality provide the project with a constant influx of interested audience.

  • Skrynya

Marketplace Skrynya is the largest Ukrainian online platform for the sale of hand-made. The site presents more than 100 thousand works from 22 thousand masters, a large catalog of accompanying materials and master classes. The site offers free placement of author's works, support for the largest art and fashion events in Ukraine.

This marketplace is very actively cooperating with the main social networks, and is also fully represented in three more countries - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.

  • HandemadeUA

This Internet portal also works on the principle of free placement of author's works and products. A clear name, bright design and active advertising on the Internet attract many users to this project. The site also announced a product return service if it does not meet the declared quality, which additionally pleases the buying audience.

  • Cudesa

Kudesa is the first Ukrainian online community of handmade connoisseurs, which was created primarily as a platform for the exchange of experience, useful information, search for creative inspiration, new contacts and friends. Subsequently, an online market was launched on the platform, containing more than 35,000 unique works.

The placement of goods for the master is absolutely free, there is also a very convenient functionality of the site and a good visual design. The project earns by providing advertising and promotion services in the main catalog and on the recommendation page.

  • Crafta

A new player that has recently appeared on the Ukrainian hand-made market is the Crafta Internet site. This site was launched by the team and, despite a rather modest start - about 6 thousand products in 22 categories - it has every chance to grow into a full-fledged, specialized marketplace.

An important principle of the project is to present products first hand, without intermediaries. This marketplace is aimed at daily consumption goods: clothes, interior elements, jewelry, goods for children, stationery. The authors of the project emphasize that one of its main goals is to take Ukrainian hand-made products beyond the usual souvenirs.

  • Umade Store

UAmadeStore is the first Ukrainian chain of hand-made concept stores. These guys specialize in high-quality products, all goods go through strict control, and among all the craftsmen who want to get into UAmade stores, the highest quality and non-banal goods are selected.

Project stores operate in the largest shopping malls countries such as GULLIVER, KOMOD, GLOBUS, GlobusFASHION. Here you will find clothes, accessories, furniture, fashion items for the home and even food.

If we talk about foreign platforms for the sale of hand-made goods, then it is worth mentioning first of all such monsters as Etsy, which is the largest platform for the sale of handicrafts in the world, ArtFire - a site for working with individual orders in private, and , perhaps, the European resource DaWanda, which has collected a rather impressive part of the hand-made audience of the EU and a number of other English-speaking countries.