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Cash turnover is the process of movement of cash banknotes (banknotes, treasury notes, small change). Despite the fact that cash turnover in all countries, both with market and administrative economic models, is a smaller part, it is of great importance. It is cash circulation that consists of the constantly repeating circulation of cash. Cash remains one of the main means of payment and is unlikely to be replaced by electronic analogues in the foreseeable future.

IN developed countries in a world where non-cash payments are quite common and have been developing for decades, the volume of cash payments is 70% or more. In Europe, six out of seven transactions are made with cash; in Russia this figure is about 97%. According to experts, in the future cash will serve at least 2/3 of retail payments worldwide. The fact is that making non-cash payments requires additional costs. Transactions, the amount of which is comparable to or lower than their cost, are unprofitable to carry out in a non-cash manner.

The advantages of cash are also very significant:

* obvious acceptance of payments as a legal means in any conditions;

* instant settlements;

* no need for special (and permanent) infrastructure;

* ease of use by all users (there are no difficulties in using even elderly citizens);

* the possibility of strict control of emissions and circulation by the state;

* anonymity of use.

And finally, cash is a liability of the country's central bank, which, by definition, cannot go bankrupt, whereas electronic means payments represent mainly obligations of commercial banks or other financial structures, whose bankruptcy is not excluded.

The Bank of Russia organizes cash circulation and manages cash flows taking into account the needs of payment turnover, and also monitors the main directions and trends in the development of modern cash circulation in the world.

There is another definition of cash turnover - the movement of cash in the sphere of circulation and the performance of two functions by it (a means of payment and a medium of circulation). Cash is used:

· for the circulation of goods and services;

· for settlements not directly related to the movement of goods and services, namely: settlements for payment wages, bonuses, benefits, pensions; for payment of insurance compensation under insurance contracts; when paying for securities and paying income on them; on payments from the population for public utilities and etc.

In terms of size, cash turnover is the totality of cash payments for a certain period of time. It is this turnover that largely serves the formation of income and expenses of the population.

Cash begins its movement from bank cash desks. Enterprises, organizations, entrepreneurs, using funds available in their accounts or granted loans, receive cash from the cash desks of commercial banks. These sums of money are intended to pay wages and equivalent payments and make other payments in cash. Part of the cash from bank cash desks can be sold to other banks, as well as directly paid to the population (interest on deposits, etc.).

Then begins the process of spending (using) cash by the population to purchase goods, pay for services, payments to the state and other legal and individuals. Spending some of the money can be put aside (savings) in organized and unorganized forms. From the population, cash again goes to the cash desks of enterprises and organizations, but the latter cannot use it for cash payments without going through the bank, and must hand it over to the bank for crediting to their accounts. Thus, cash, having begun its movement from bank cash desks, passing through all channels of circulation, returns back to the banks to begin a new turnover.

The same banknotes can make many circuits, being in all stages at the same time. The circulation of cash is continuous, and banks are at the center of it. This makes it possible to concentrate cash in banks, which leads to faster circulation, reduction of cash turnover costs, ensures a smooth transition to the non-cash money sphere and, conversely, without counter transportation of money, and also creates the ability to control the expenditure of cash. To prevent the delay of cash in the cash registers of enterprises and organizations, banks set for them maximum amounts (limits) of cash that can remain in the cash register at the end of the day, and strict deadlines for their delivery to banks (communications companies). In addition, the possible amount of on-site spending by enterprises and organizations of incoming cash proceeds has been determined.

In the process of organizing cash flow, such important issues are decided economic objectives, How:

Determination of the total volume of cash turnover and its structure; study of emerging trends;

Direction and regulation of cash flows;

Distribution of the money supply throughout the country;

Determination of the mass of money in cash in circulation, the size of monetary aggregates;

Establishing the level of revenue collection, other methods of mobilizing cash by banks;

Calculation of the emission result for (for) a certain period, etc.

Scope of use of cash

Cash turnover, which represents a set of payments for a certain period of time, reflects the movement of cash, both as a medium of circulation and as a means of payment.

Articles 140, 861-885 Civil Code The Russian Federation provides for the use of payments in cash and non-cash forms. The scope of use of cash is mainly related to the income and expenses of the population:

· settlements between the population and enterprises retail And

· Catering;

· remuneration of labor by enterprises and organizations, payment of other monetary income;

· contribution of money by the population to deposits and receipt of deposits;

· payment of pensions, benefits and scholarships, insurance compensation under insurance contracts;

· issuance of consumer loans by credit institutions;

· payment for securities and payment of income on them;

· payments by the population for housing and utilities, when subscribing to periodicals;

· payment of taxes to the budget by the population, etc.

Cash turnover between enterprises is insignificant, because The majority of payments are made non-cash.

Different procedures for settlements with the participation of citizens have been established, depending on the connection of these payments with their entrepreneurial activity. With the participation of citizens who are not engaged in entrepreneurial activities, it is allowed to make payments both in cash without limiting the amounts, and in non-cash form. However, payments to citizens related to business activities must, as a rule, be made by bank transfer.

The most important component of the economy of any state is money circulation. The complex interweaving of various production, investment and trade processes, the inextricably linked processes of accumulation and investment of capital, the formation and use of credit funds, are ensured thanks to money circulation - the movement of money in cash and non-cash forms.

1. Cash turnover, its concept and structure…………………...5
1. The concept of cash turnover………………………………….5
2. Structure of cash turnover………………………………..6
3. Scope of use of cash in the Russian Federation……………………………...8
2. Organization of cash circulation………………………………..9
1. Principles of organizing cash circulation in Russia……..9
2. Fundamentals of organizing cash circulation…………………...10
3. The problem of cash flow and assessment of development prospects..15
1. The problem of cash circulation…………………………………...15
2. Trends in the development of cash turnover…………………….19
List of references………………………………………………………...25

The work contains 1 file




Finance Department

Department of Banking


in the discipline “Money, credit, banks”

on the topic: Organization of cash circulation in the modern economy




  1. Cash turnover, its concept and structure…………………...5
    1. The concept of cash turnover………………………………….5
    2. Structure of cash turnover………………………………..6
    3. Scope of use of cash in the Russian Federation………………………………...8
  2. Organization of cash circulation………………………………..9
    1. Principles of organizing cash circulation in Russia……..9
    2. Fundamentals of organizing cash circulation…………………...10
  3. The problem of cash flow and assessment of development prospects..15
    1. The problem of cash circulation…………………...15
    2. Trends in the development of cash turnover…………………….19

Conclusion……………………………………………………………....... 24

List of references………………………………………………………...25

Applications…………………………………………………………… …………………...26


The most important component of the economy of any state is money circulation. The complex interweaving of various production, investment and trade processes, the inextricably linked processes of accumulation and investment of capital, the formation and use of credit funds, are ensured thanks to money circulation - the movement of money in cash and non-cash forms. There is a close and mutual dependence between cash and non-cash money circulation: money constantly moves from one form of circulation to another, acting either as cash banknotes or in the form of entries in bank accounts. Cash is an important component of the Russian monetary system, on which its sustainable functioning largely depends.

At the beginning of the era of rapid development of electronic technologies, many predicted a rapid transition to “electronic money” and the functioning of payment systems in electronic form, but they were not able to replace cash circulation. Therefore, there is no real reason to assume that the importance of cash in the life of Russian society will weaken in the foreseeable future.

The processes of globalization in the modern world economy also affect the sphere of monetary circulation; it has long become international. At the same time, the state of the economy of any country largely depends on the organization of national monetary circulation. A stable state and stable development of the sphere of monetary circulation are a necessary condition for economic development, and a violation of the monetary balance inevitably leads to an economic crisis.

That is why central banks of all countries of the world constantly study international experience and trends in the development of monetary circulation, strive to develop and implement new schemes for its organization based on national characteristics.This position determined the relevance of the chosen topic of the course work.

The purpose of this course work is:

  • Define the concepts of cash turnover and why it is so important in the economy;
  • What principles exist for organizing cash circulation and what are the uniqueness and features of organizing cash circulation in Russia;
  • Identify the main existing problems of money circulation in the Russian Federation;
  • Consider the main trends in the development of cash turnover.

Based on the articles, textbooks, and scientific literature under review, we can say that this topic is widely and comprehensively covered in many sources on economic literature.


1.1 The concept of cash turnover

Cash turnover is part of the total money turnover in which cash is used as a means of circulation and a means of payment. Cash circulation is an integral part of money circulation within the national economy. It is realized as a constant circulation of cash in the economy. The volumes and speed of circulation, the motivation for cash transactions of all participants in money circulation reflect the needs of society as a whole and its individual citizens. And that is why one of the defining characteristics of the payments market in Russia is the continued dominance of cash as an instrument for retail payments and transfer of money to the population, including the issuance of wages, pensions, benefits, and subsidies. Cash payments account for 94% of all individual consumer spending. This is indicative of today's addiction. Russian economy from cash turnover.

Cash is a kind of calling card of the state, by which one can judge its economic condition. They seem to give physical tangibility to the political and economic role of the country in the world. Only cash as legal tender is required to be accepted at face value for all types of payments throughout the state at any time of the day and in unlimited quantities.

In the sphere of cash circulation, the final sale of produced goods, works and services takes place, and the correspondence of supply and demand is checked. The purchasing power of the national currency largely depends on the state of cash circulation.

Cash circulation is a process of continuous movement of cash banknotes, during which banknotes primarily perform the function of a medium of circulation and a means of payment. It is this turnover that serves the receipt and expenditure of most of the population’s cash income. Cash circulation begins at the cash settlement centers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Cash is transferred from their reserve funds to the working cash registers, from where they enter circulation. From the working cash desks of cash settlement centers, cash is sent to the operating cash desks of commercial banks. Banks may transfer some of this money to each other for a fee, but most of the cash is issued to clients. Part of the cash in the cash registers of enterprises and organizations is used for settlements between them, but most of it is transferred to the population in the form various types cash income.

Rational organization of money circulation, strengthening control over cash flows is one of the effective means to help solve acute problems the current stage of development of Russia. However, it is impossible to carry out serious analytical work without having an estimate of the real amount of cash in the region. This problem is very complex. It is difficult to solve it using the regional institutions of the Bank of Russia alone. It is necessary to develop a unified methodology for assessing the amount of cash in the region. Solving this problem will make it possible in the future to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the money supply in the region, taking into account both cash and non-cash components.

1.2 Structure of cash turnover

The structure of cash turnover involves the inclusion of certain cash flows between the subjects of monetary relations, or cash turnover:

  1. Between the central bank system and the commercial banking system;
  2. Between commercial banks, between banks and their clients;
  3. Between organizations and the population;
  4. Between individual citizens.

These four cash flows allow you to trace the level and stages of organizing cash flow.

First cash flow

The first stream fixes the monopoly of the central bank on the issue of cash in circulation, linking cash circulation with the processes of supplying banks with cash from the central bank and its collection (receipt) at the central bank. Cash issued by the central bank goes either directly to the operating cash desks of commercial banks or to the cash desks of organizations.

Second cash flow

The second stream covers the area of ​​cash collection from clients of commercial banks and supplying these clients with the necessary cash. This money flow is regulated by the central bank using the rules it sets. On their basis, commercial banks carry out their cash transactions related to cash. This turnover ensures the receipt and servicing of the expenditure of cash income of the population. The population also uses cash for mutual settlements, but most of it is spent on paying taxes, fees, insurance payments, utility bills, repaying loans, purchasing goods and paying for various paid services, purchasing securities, paying fines, penalties and penalties, etc. .

Third cash flow

The third stream provides cash services to the population through banks and organizations. Cash turnover between organizations is insignificant, since the bulk of payments are made non-cash. For each organization, limits are set on the balance of cash in the cash register, and money exceeding the limit must be deposited with the commercial bank serving this organization. Part of the cash in the cash registers of organizations is used for settlements between them, but the majority is transferred to the population in the form of various cash incomes.

Fourth Cash Flow

The fourth stream appears when using cash, when payment is made by simply transferring a currency note to the payee. At the same time, no technical means are required for the two parties to the transaction. There is also no requirement to notify a third party and obtain their confirmation of the right to complete the transaction. The payee can spend the money received immediately.

In modern conditions, this cash flow leads to the emergence of “shadow” turnover.

1.3 Scope of use of cash in the Russian Federation

Cash turnover, which represents a set of payments for a certain period of time, reflects the movement of cash both as a means of circulation and as a means of payment.

Articles 140, 861-885 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provide for the use of payments in cash and non-cash forms on the territory of the Russian Federation and reveal the essence and procedure for the implementation of the main forms of non-cash payments.

The scope of use of cash payments is mainly related to the income and expenses of the population. Payments are made in cash:

  • settlements between the population and retail and public catering enterprises;
  • remuneration of labor by enterprises and organizations, payment of other monetary income;
  • depositing money by the population and receiving deposits;
  • payment of pensions, benefits and scholarships, insurance compensation under insurance contracts;
  • issuance of consumer loans by credit institutions;
  • payment for securities and payment of income on them;
  • payments by the population for housing and utilities, when subscribing to periodicals;
  • payment of taxes to the budget by the population, etc.

Cash turnover is the process of movement of cash banknotes (banknotes, treasury notes, small change). Despite the fact that cash turnover in all countries is a smaller part, it is of great importance. It is this turnover that serves the receipt and expenditure of most of the population’s cash income..

Cash is the main means of payment used for making retail payments in the Russian Federation.

As a means of payment, cash is used for settlements directly related to the process of selling goods and services in retail network, as well as for the payment of wages, pensions, benefits, scholarships.

The issue of cash (banknotes and coins), the organization of their circulation and withdrawal from circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out exclusively by the Bank of Russia. Banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia are the only legal means of cash payment on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Bank of Russia is taking measures aimed at protecting payment turnover from counterfeiting; intensive development and implementation of new security features of banknotes is underway.

The cash circulation system includes: the system of organizations of the Bank of Russia, commercial banks, non-bank credit organizations, all economic agents, including households.

The Bank of Russia system includes central office, territorial institutions, cash settlement centers and other organizations necessary for the activities of the Bank of Russia. They are located in all regions Russian Federation. This ensures coordination of the Bank of Russia’s activities throughout the country, which is necessary for the effective organization and regulation of payments and settlements, taking into account the territorial extent and the presence of 9 time zones.

Regional branches of the Bank of Russia are not legal entities and do not have the right to make regulatory decisions.

Cash settlement center(RCC) – structural subdivision Bank of Russia, operating as part of its territorial branch. The RCC carries out functions related to opening bank accounts for clients, drawing up and transmitting electronic messages to the authorized institution of the Bank of Russia. In addition, if required, the RCC accepts payment documents on paper from clients and converts them into electronic form, and also provides cash services to customers and ensures settlements using advice notes. Each national bank and main department have their own cash settlement centers (one of which is the head office).

RCCs regulate and ensure cash flow by transferring banknotes from reserve funds to the working cash registers of the RCC.

RCCs open circulating cash desks for accepting and issuing cash and form reserve funds of banknotes and coins, i.e. a certain stock of banknotes intended for release into circulation when an additional need for cash arises. This money is a reserve, i.e. a cash resource, and not money in circulation, because do not make movements.

Reserve funds are created by order of the Bank of Russia, which sets their value based on the size of the working cash register, the volume of cash circulation, and storage conditions.

Reserve funds are created for:

1) meeting the needs of business entities and the population for cash;

2) renewal of the money supply (removal of old, damaged coins and banknotes);

3) maintaining the optimal banknote composition of the money supply for circulation needs;

4) reducing the costs of transporting and storing money.

Revolving cash desks of the RCC accept cash from credit institutions and credit sums of money to their deposits (permanent deposits) in the RCC of the State Bank of Russia. As needed, credit institutions receive cash from working cash desks. Revolving cash money is money in circulation.

From the circulating cash desks of the RCC, cash goes to commercial banks and, further, to their clients: firms, organizations and the population. Partially, firms use cash for payments among themselves, as well as in the form of wages to employees.

Rice. 5.1. Scheme of cash flow between the population, legal entities and banks

The population receives cash from enterprises and banks (in the form of interest on deposits or loans). In the opposite direction, cash leaves the population in the form of consumer spending, loan repayments, bank deposits, etc.

Cash is handed over to the daytime and evening cash desks of banks, to collectors and to joint cash desks at companies for subsequent delivery to the bank. Banks accept cash upon the client's personal appearance, in a bag and from collectors.

To issue wages, enterprises enter into contracts with certain deadlines, and the issuance is carried out by expense cash desks. The issuance of salaries using plastic cards is increasingly being used.

Commercial banks have limits on their working cash. Therefore, they hand over cash in excess of the limit to the RCC.

If the amount of cash receipts into the working cash register of the RCC exceeds the amount of cash issued from it, then the money is transferred from the working cash register to the reserve fund. This is how money is withdrawn from circulation.

If on the contrary, then the RCC is obliged to increase the issue of money into circulation by transferring the required amount from the reserve fund to the working cash register. This requires special permission from the Bank of Russia management.

After replenishing the working cash register, cash is transferred to the operating cash desks of credit institutions if they do not have enough cash for settlement and cash services to clients.

Rice. 5.2. Organization of cash circulation in the Russian Federation

The Bank of Russia, for the purpose of organizing cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation:

– predicts and organizes the production, transportation and storage of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, creates their reserve funds;

– establishes rules for the storage, transportation and collection of cash for credit institutions;

– establishes signs of solvency of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, the procedure for destroying banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, as well as replacing damaged banknotes and coins;

– determines the procedure for conducting cash transactions.

In addition, the Bank of Russia monitors the state of cash circulation and changes in its structure, analyzes the banknote composition of the cash supply and its compliance with the needs of payment circulation, monitors the service life of cash banknotes of various denominations, calculates the need for cash of various denominations by region, and compiles plans for making banknotes and coins.

The structure of cash turnover in the Russian Federation is dominated by receipts from the sale of goods, receipts to accounts on deposits of individuals, receipts from the sale of cash foreign currency to the population, receipts to accounts individual entrepreneurs and etc.

Largest volumes of cash withdrawals Money– these are withdrawals from deposit accounts of individuals, withdrawals for wages, social payments, scholarships; issuances from the accounts of individuals; issuing loans and credits; issuance of transactions using plastic cards.

Work plan.

Cash turnover…………………………………………………….3

    Cash turnover, its concept…………………………..3

    Economic content of cash turnover……….3

    Principles of organizing cash flow……………8


Theoretical part

Question No. 6. Cash turnover.

    Cash turnover, its concept.

Cash turnover is the movement of cash in connection with the sale of goods, payment for specified services and making various payments. Only cash can be used. The basis for money circulation is the circulation of goods. Changing forms of value creates the opportunity for their constant movement. However, developing on the basis of the sale of goods, money circulation has some features and is not a simple repetition of commodity circulation. After sale, all goods leave the sphere of circulation and are consumed. Money does not leave the sphere of circulation and is again used to implement new commodity metamorphoses.

    Economic content of cash turnover.

Money in circulation performs three functions: payment, circulation and accumulation. Money performs the last function because its movement is impossible without stops. When they temporarily stop their movement, they perform the function of accumulation. Money in monetary circulation does not perform the function of a measure of value. Money performed this function before entering money circulation when setting prices for goods. Therefore, fulfilling the function of a measure of value affects only the need for money for money turnover, and therefore, the amount of money turnover. For example, when a person comes to the market, before buying a product and transferring money to the seller, he bargains, as a result of which the price of the product is established, and only after that the money moves - it is transferred into the hands of the seller.

Cash turnover is one of the main components of money turnover, which also includes non-cash turnover. The main part of money turnover is payment turnover, in which money functions as a means of payment and is used to repay debt obligations. Payment turnover is carried out in both cash and non-cash forms. The share of non-cash turnover in payment turnover is predominant (70-80%). Accordingly, economic processes in the national economy are mediated primarily by non-cash payment turnover.

The banking system acts as the starting point for the circulation of cash and non-cash payments, and the creation of means of payment, which is its most important function, is closely related to the credit operations carried out by this system. Since enterprises and individuals in the process of settlement and cash services are directly connected with banks, the prerogative of the latter is to transform debt claims to their clients into means of payment. By opening demand accounts for them, banks thereby increase the money supply.

The money supply is the result of the interaction of two flows. One flow is the issue of money, which means the distribution of means of payment through banks among economic agents in need of money, the other is the return of money by debtors, which occurs when debt claims in the assets of banks decrease due to the payment of debts. Due to the fact that the issuance of means of payment occurs more actively than the return, the money supply tends to increase. Derivatives of money turnover - the money supply and the volume of loans - along with the exchange rate, serve as the main objects of monetary policy.

Cash in circulation performs the functions of a means of circulation as a means of payment. Money as a means of payment is used not to mediate the process of exchange of goods, but to complete it. When selling goods on credit, money is used to pay off debt obligations incurred at the time the buyer purchased the goods. In addition, cash as a means of payment is used to make various types of payments that are not directly related to the process of exchange of goods.

In the sphere of circulation, money functions alternately - either as a means of circulation or as a means of payment. The money received for goods sold can be used by the seller to repay a previously granted commercial or consumer loan or in connection with other non-commodity payments, can be used to pay for purchased goods, i.e. functions of the medium of exchange.

Money can function in the following forms: metal, paper, credit.

In addition, there are:

      Full-value money, when their nominal and real value coincides (piece, weight coins);

      Their substitutes (signs of value) are inferior coins, paper money (treasury bills), credit money (bills, banknotes, checks).

Full-fledged money in metal circulation simultaneously played the role of a universal value equivalent and performed all the functions of money. As capitalist production develops, paper money replaces gold coins. To service small payments, small change coins have long been minted. At first, a fractional unit of full-fledged money, then as an inferior (billion) coin, the face value of which exceeds the cost of the metal it contains and the costs of minting. Modern coins are made mainly from alloys (copper-nickel, copper-zinc). Their specific gravity in monetary circulation is small. They are issued in certain sizes and, as a rule, have limited payment power. The main type of money today is paper tokens of value.

Paper money first appeared in China in 1230-1263. Marco Polo mentioned the second issue of banknotes in 1286. In other states, paper money appeared later (from the 17th century). In Russia, paper notes appeared in 1769 and were called banknotes.

The emergence of paper money is associated with the development of commodity production. Metal circulation was too expensive for the state. In addition, the extraction of precious metals always lags behind the economy’s need for means of circulation, and the replacement of metallic money with paper notes also helps to save circulation costs.

Outwardly, it seems that paper money - substitutes for full-fledged money - was created by the state. In fact, they arose in the process of circulation of metallic money as the nominal content indicated on them deviated from the real weight.

The appearance of paper money is due to the objective laws of metal circulation and the needs of money circulation. The state does not create paper money, it only uses the opportunity and necessity of issuing money with a forced exchange rate to ensure money circulation, as well as to cover its expenses.

Paper money is banknotes (signs of value), endowed with a forced denomination, usually irredeemable for metal and issued by the state to cover its expenses. Historically, they originated as signs of gold and silver.

The essence of paper money is that it is inferior and has no independent value. Outside the circulation process, these are scraps of paper. The forced face value (face value) of paper money established by the state gives it social significance within a given country.

The state can arbitrarily set the nominal value of a monetary unit and issue an unlimited amount of paper money in any denominations. But this is where the illusion of the state’s power over money circulation ends. Once in circulation, signs of value are subject to their inherent laws, and since paper money historically arose as signs of the value of gold and silver, their circulation is based on signs of metallic circulation. Regardless of the mass of issued money and its denomination, its real value is determined not by the stamp of the state, but by objective conditions, the law of value, the law of monetary circulation.

Since paper money does not have its own value, it cannot independently perform the functions of a measure of value, treasure, or world money. They have always served as a means of circulation and as a means of payment. Paper money sometimes functions as a store of value, but in practice paper money turns out to be a false idol, as it is subject to instability. Paper money is inherently unstable because:

        They have no intrinsic value;

        Their emission is connected not only with the real needs of turnover, but also with growing unproductive, primarily military expenses;

        The mechanism of spontaneous regulation of monetary circulation does not work, since paper money does not serve as a treasure.

A spontaneous reaction to a violation of the law of monetary circulation is the depreciation of money. There are several reasons for the depreciation of paper money:

    Excessive release of money into circulation. The difference between the nominal value of money and the cost of printing it forms the government's share premium.

    Paper money depreciates in the event of a loss of public confidence in the government (refusal to accept payments at face value).

    Under gold monometallism, the passive balance of payments caused excessive demand for gold as world money and the depreciation of paper money in relation to the metal.

    Principles of organizing cash flow

Cash circulation in the country is organized on the basis of certain principles.

Cash circulation in the country is regulated by the following laws and regulations: Regulations of the Central Bank of Russia dated January 5, 1998 N 14-P “On the rules for organizing cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation” (approved by the Central Bank on December 19, 1997), Federal law dated April 26, 1995 N 65-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)", as well as taking into account the provisions of the Federal Law dated February 3, 1996 N 17-FZ "On Banks and Banking Activities", the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Federation, Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting”, Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements with using payment cards" and other federal laws and legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to Article 34 of the Federal Law of June 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” (Bank of Russia), in order to organize cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia is assigned the following functions:

    Forecasting and organizing the production, transportation and storage of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, the creation of their reserve funds;

    Establishment of rules for the storage, transportation and collection of cash for credit institutions;

    Establishing signs of solvency of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, the procedure for destroying banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, as well as replacing damaged banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia;

    Determining the procedure for conducting cash transactions.

The conduct of cash transactions themselves is directly regulated by the Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions in the Russian Federation, approved by decision of the Board of Directors of the Central District Hospital dated September 22, 1993 No. 40. This document determines that organizations of all legal forms are required to store available funds in banking institutions. To make payments in cash, each enterprise must have a cash register and maintain a cash book in the prescribed form.

Acceptable cash register equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation is mandatory for all legal entities, their branches and other separate divisions, as well as individuals carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity, when making cash payments during trade operations.

In addition, Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003 “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards” provides for the possibility of using strict reporting forms - however, only when making payments with population.

Procedure for approving forms strict reporting is determined by the Government of Russia in the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register systems (approved by Resolution of the Government of Russia dated March 31, 2005 No. 171).

To strict reporting forms, equivalent to cash receipts, include receipts, tickets, travel documents intended for making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards in the case of providing services to the population. Forms of forms are approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation at the request of interested government bodies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and organizations uniting business entities engaged in a certain service sector.

Documents drawn up on forms are primary accounting documents. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs keep records of forms. Strict reporting forms themselves are an object of accounting.

Considering that cash owned by an organization can be considered as property, cash accounting should be subject to general rules accounting, including those relating to and documented business transactions established by Article 9 of Law No. 129-FZ.

According to the above norm of the Law, all business transactions carried out by the organization must be documented with supporting documents. These documents serve as primary accounting documents on the basis of which Accounting. All primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up in accordance with the form contained in the albums of primary accounting documentation, or compiled with mandatory details.

In accordance with the Regulations of the Central Bank of January 5, 1998 No. 14-P “On the rules for organizing cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation”:

Organizations, enterprises, institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal form (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) store available funds in bank institutions in appropriate accounts on contractual terms.

Cash received at the cash desks of enterprises is subject to delivery to banking institutions for subsequent crediting to the accounts of these enterprises.

The procedure and terms for depositing cash are established by bank service institutions for each enterprise in agreement with their managers based on the need to accelerate the turnover of money and timely receipt of it at the cash desks during the working days of bank institutions.

Cash desks of enterprises can store cash within the limits established by the banking institutions that serve them in agreement with the heads of these enterprises.

The limit on the balance of cash in the cash register is established by banking institutions annually for all enterprises, regardless of their legal form and field of activity, that have a cash register and carry out cash payments.

Enterprises, in agreement with the banking institutions that serve them, may spend the cash proceeds received at their cash desk for the purposes provided for by federal laws and other laws. legal acts, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the regulations of the Bank of Russia adopted in their implementation;


    Money. Credit. Banks: Educational and methodological complex. – Novosibirsk: NGUEU, 2009. – 132 p.

    Zhuravlev V.N. Cash transactions in examples. – M.: LLC IIA “Nalog Info”, LLC “Status Quo 97”, 2007. – 116 p.

    Cashless monetary turnover in the Russian Federation 2.1 Legal basis regulation of non-cash monetary turnover And principles his organizations Legal basis...

  1. Organization cash monetary turnover in the Russian Federation

    Abstract >> Finance

    ... . ORGANIZATION CASH-MONEY TURNOVER 2.1 Principles organizations cash monetary turnover in Russia The task of the Central Bank in organizations cash monetary turnover- provide his stability, elasticity and efficiency. That's why turnover cash ...

  2. Principles organizations and forms of non-cash payments in the Russian Federation (3)

    Abstract >> Finance

    Consider:1) non-cash monetary turnover And principles his organizations;2) forms of non-cash... cash monetary rpm creates conditions that facilitate planning monetary circulation and non-cash monetary turnover. Expansion of the non-cash sphere turnover ...

  3. Cash-monetary turnover, monetary systems

    Test >> Financial Sciences

    my test work is " Cash-monetary turnover, his organization. Monetary system". I was... monetary income of the population. Cash-monetary turnover is organized on the basis of the following principles: all enterprises and organizations must keep cash ...

Origin and essence of money

The origin of money dates back to the 7-8 millennium BC, when primitive tribes had a surplus of some products that could be exchanged for other necessary products. At that time, market relations were not yet established; natural exchange predominated, i.e. one commodity was exchanged for another without the mediation of money. The act of purchase was also an act of sale. Proportions were established depending on random circumstances, for example, how much the need for the offered product was expressed in one tribe, and also how much others valued their surplus.

As exchange expands, especially with the emergence social division labor between product producers in barter transactions, difficulties grew. The seller would like to exchange animal meat for a tool, but did not find the desired product on the market; another was going to exchange pottery for grain, but was also forced to leave the market with unsold goods. Sellers (who are also buyers) were forced to wait a long time before the next auction. Barter becomes cumbersome and inconvenient. The owner of meat, in order to preserve its value and facilitate further exchange transactions, will probably try to exchange his meat for such a product, which is most often found on the market, which has already begun to be produced as a means of exchange.

Money- This special kind a universal commodity used as a general equivalent through which the value of all other goods is expressed. Money is a unique commodity that functions as a means of exchange, payment, measurement of value, and accumulation of wealth.

An important discovery in the study of the nature of money was the proof of its natural origin. Money arose when certain conditions implementation of production and level of development economic relations in society. The immediate prerequisites for the emergence of money are:

  • transfer from subsistence farming to the production of goods and commodity exchange;
  • property separation of producers of goods who become the owners of the products they produce.

The development of exchange occurred through a change in the following forms of value:

  1. simple and random form of value, corresponding early stage of exchange development. The exchange was random: one commodity expressed its value in another, opposing commodity;
  2. full or expanded form of value, associated with the development of exchange, which is caused by the first major division of labor, and therefore many objects of social labor are included in the exchange process;
  3. universal form of value, related to the fact that further development exchange led to the separation from a variety of goods individual goods, playing the role of the main objects of exchange in local markets;
  4. monetary form of value, associated with the allocation, as a result of further exchange, of one product as a universal equivalent. With the development of exchange, this role was assigned to noble metals (gold and silver). This is due to the fact that these metals most closely met the requirements that the market placed on the product - money. Thus, precious metals have a number of natural properties that make them most suitable for performing social functions as a universal equivalent. These properties include:
  • uniformity;
  • divisibility;
  • waste-free;
  • portability;
  • ease of transportation;
  • preservation (wear resistance);
  • universal means of storage.

a) general consumer value;

b) a universal equivalent of value. The essence of money as a universal equivalent of value is manifested in the unity of its three properties.

1. The property of universal direct exchangeability, which means the exchangeability of money for any goods: both goods are directly exchanged for money, and money is exchanged for goods.

2. Money acts as an external measure of labor.

3. Money is an independent form of exchange value (the movement of money can be separated from the movement of goods, and then a one-way movement of money occurs).

Thus, essence of money lies in the fact that this is a historical category that resolves the contradictions of commodity production between consumer value and value due to the fact that they are a specific commodity, with the natural form of which the social function of a universal equivalent merges.

Functions of money

Money manifests itself through its functions. Usually the following functions of money are distinguished:

Measure of value. Dissimilar goods are equated and exchanged with each other based on price (coefficient of exchange, the value of these goods expressed in the amount of money).

Means of circulation. Money is used as an intermediary in the circulation of goods. For this function, the ease and speed with which money can be exchanged for any other product (liquidity indicator) is extremely important. When using money, a commodity producer gets the opportunity, for example, to sell his goods today, and buy raw materials only in a day, week, month, etc. At the same time, he can sell his goods in one place and buy what he needs in a completely different place. Thus, money as a medium of exchange overcomes time and space restrictions in exchange.

Instrument of payment. The money is used to register debts and pay them off. This function takes on independent significance for situations of unstable prices for goods. For example, a product was purchased on credit. The amount of debt is expressed in money, and not in the quantity of goods purchased. Subsequent changes in the price of the product no longer affect the amount of debt that must be paid in money. Money also performs this function when monetary relations with financial authorities.

A means of storage. Money saved but not used allows purchasing power to be transferred from the present to the future. The function of a store of value is performed by money that is temporarily not involved in circulation. However, it must be taken into account that the purchasing power of money depends on inflation.

World money. Foreign trade relations, international loans, and the provision of services to an external partner gave rise to the emergence of world money. They function as a universal means of payment, a universal means of purchasing and a universal materialization of social wealth.

The following functions of money are also sometimes distinguished:

Treasure forming tool. If, in the conditions of natural money, in order to maintain a balance between the money and commodity masses, it was necessary to reduce the amount of money in circulation, they began to be deposited in the form of treasures. Treasures differ from savings in that savings are a form of accumulation of funds for a specific purpose; upon reaching the required size or right time they are spent. Treasures are made without a specific purpose. The main reason for their formation is the impossibility (or unwillingness) effective use the total amount of cash. Treasures begin to be spent when the economy's need for money supply increases.

Types of money

Real money (expressed in gold, silver or other precious metals) is money whose denomination corresponds to its real value, that is, the value of the metal from which it is made.

Commodity (material, natural, real, real) money is money, the role of which is a commodity that has independent value and utility.

Secured (change, representative) money - money, in the role of which are signs or certificates that can be exchanged upon presentation for a fixed amount a certain product or commodity money, such as gold or silver. In fact, secured money is a representative of commodity money.

Fiat (symbolic, paper, decreed, unreal) money is money that does not have independent value or it is disproportionate to its face value. Fiat money has no value, but is capable of performing the functions of money, since the state accepts it as payment of taxes, and also declares it legal tender on its territory. Today, the main form of fiat money is banknotes issued by the country's central bank and non-cash money held in a bank account.

Credit money is the right to claim in the future in relation to individuals or legal entities, a specially formulated debt, usually in the form of a transferable securities, which can be used to purchase goods (services) or pay your own debts. Payment for such debts is usually made within a certain period, although there are options when payment is made at any time upon request. Credit money carries the risk of default.

Examples of credit money: bill, check.

The evolution of credit money led to the emergence of electronic money (the essence of which is the basis of credit cards and electronic check books).

The concept of money turnover. Cash and non-cash turnover

Cash flow is integral part payment turnover. Money turnover, which includes the circulation of cash (since it is cash that performs the function of a medium of circulation), in turn, serves as an integral part of money circulation. The circulation of banknotes involves their constant transfer from one legal entity or individual to another.

Money in circulation performs three functions: payment, circulation and accumulation. Money performs the last function because its movement is impossible without stops. When they temporarily stop their movement, they perform the function of accumulation.

The structure of money turnover can be determined according to various criteria. Of these, the most common is the classification of money turnover depending on the form of money functioning in it. On this basis, cash turnover is divided into non-cash and cash turnover.

Cash circulation is the movement of cash in the sphere of circulation and its performance as a means of circulation. Cash is used: to pay for goods, works, services; for settlements unrelated to the movement of goods and services (payment of wages, bonuses, allowances, scholarships, pensions, etc.). Cash movement is carried out using various types of money: banknotes, metal coins, credit instruments (bills, checks, plastic cards).

Non-cash turnover is the movement of value without the participation of cash. The high level of non-cash payments in any country indicates the correct, competent organization of all monetary turnover.

There is a close relationship between cash and non-cash turnover: money constantly moves from one sphere of circulation to another, they form a general money circulation in which a single money operates.

Non-cash cash flow must be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

1) legal regime for making settlements and payments;

2) making payments using bank accounts;

3) maintaining liquidity at a level that ensures uninterrupted payments;

4) the presence of the payer’s consent (acceptance) for payment;

5) urgency of payment;

6) control of all participants over the correctness of calculations and compliance with the established provisions on the procedure for their implementation;

7) property liability for non-compliance with contractual terms.