Worker's ID card. How to fill out a certificate of knowledge and labor protection requirements. Certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements how to fill out

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According to labor law Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 212, enterprises and organizations are obliged to ensure the safety of workers. In order to comply Labor Code enterprises and their employees are legally required to take short-term training courses to improve their competence in the field of labor protection (Decree 1/29 of the Ministry of Labor), as a proactive measure aimed at reducing the number of accidents, injuries and occupational diseases.

It is necessary to issue a labor protection certificate after completing training for the following categories of personnel:

  • heads, deputy heads, chief specialists, heads of departments and subdivisions, engineering and technical personnel exercising control and technical supervision over the work at the workplace;
  • responsible for introductory and primary briefing at the workplace;
  • specialists of labor protection services, personnel who are responsible for organizing the work of labor protection and safety, members of labor protection commissions;
  • organ workers executive power and local government;
  • workers educational institutions and teachers of schools, universities, vocational institutions;
  • members of attestation commissions (CHAK).

We provide remote training in labor protection in 2 days with the issuance of a certificate of the established form.

Our training center provides training and regular (extraordinary) certification on labor protection according to the "New Rules" in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 336n dated 06/01/2015. and in full compliance with Decree No. 1/29 of 13.01.2003. "Procedure for training in labor protection". As part of the educational program, students of courses study new federal regulatory documents that have just entered into force, as well as amendments to old regulations. As a result, your employees will receive a certificate and a copy of the OT certification protocol.

Organizations with employees are required to properly maintain safety documentation. For this it is necessary to CEO or a person authorized by order to study in three areas of health and safety and receive a certificate of knowledge in labor protection, fire and technical minimum and electrical safety. Then start a journal and conduct regular briefings.

Labor protection certificate

from 2000 ₽

  • Urgent clearance
    2 days
  • Validity
    3 years
  • Form of study
    remotely, face-to-face
  • Delivery
    in Moscow and Russia
  • Accounting documents
  • ATTENTION! It may be easier to urgently obtain a labor protection certificate from the so-called "sellers of diplomas and crusts" retroactively, but definitely not cheaper than in our training center, firstly. Secondly, the "benefit" (in quotation marks) from possible problems under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may have a very dubious prospect.

Labor training programs

Timing distance learning: 40 to 256 hours. The certificate is issued by a training center with a valid educational license. Students on the courses receive knowledge in the following areas:

OT for managers and specialists;
-- OT at height (groups 1, 2, 3);
-- OT in construction;
-- OT in housing and communal services (HCS);
-- OT for members attestation commissions enterprises. A labor protection certificate must be issued to 3 administrative and technical employees;
-- Extraordinary testing of knowledge of OT requirements when working with tools and devices;
-- FROM for authorized persons;

Certificate sample

You can buy a labor protection certificate for workers from us as soon as possible. The document is issued on the basis of a protocol signed by the State Labor Inspector.

We'll help you get it done remotely labor protection certificate for the manager, his assistants, the responsible person, other senior employees, as well as for the working staff in a short time (according to existing standards).
We will provide everything Required documents(the crust itself, an extract from the protocol, a copy of the license).
Payment by bank transfer is possible (conclusion of the contract is obligatory).

Separate the specialist from production process not necessary.
The process of registration takes no more than 2-3 business days. You can provide it to all authorities exercising control.

Prices can be found in the PRICE section.

Issuance of labor protection certificates

According to existing regulations*, specialized training centers that have a license and accreditation in the field of Labor Protection (Article 217 **, clause 2.3. be a fairly large organization, the creation of its own commission is a very laborious task, and discussion is not for this article).

We propose to solve this task in two ways:

  • 1. Issue a certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements on the job, while the employee can not be interrupted from production duties. The process will take several days. Link to the required documents at the beginning of the article. BUT! This option is suitable ONLY for specialists who have been trained before and have considerable experience behind them. We recommend the second option for beginners.
  • 2. With a direct visit to the training center. The process is over long (40 hours - about a month), but the specialist will get everything necessary knowledge which he may need in the course of his work.
    At the end of the training, he will pass the exam (in the form of a test), receive a "crust", and will be able to begin to perform his immediate duties.

Validity period of the labor protection certificate

The term established for the certificate (crust) on labor protection is prescribed in Decree 1/29 * (the main standard on the basis of which the article was written). Specialists must confirm their qualifications at least once every 3 years (clause 2.3.1 *).

But there are nuances - a representative of the controlling authorities has the right to demand a re-check, regardless of the deadline for passing (even if the employee received the documents yesterday), so it is recommended that you still know the theory.

When is an audit required?

The next checks are described in more detail in clause 3.3*.
  • 1. When changing regulations, legislative norms, other standards;
  • 2. In case of changes in technical processes, operation of new equipment, in other cases when employees are required to receive additional knowledge to ensure safe work;
  • 3. Appointment of a specialist to a new position;
  • 4. At the request of the inspector (upon detection of violations, accidents, etc.);
  • 5. A break in work for more than a year.
In addition, when moving from one organization to another, the certificate loses its validity and must be reissued. The employer must take care of obtaining this document for a newly hired employee within a month after hiring (clause 2.3.1 *).

What is a certificate (attestation) for labor protection

And now some theory.

Certificate - there is nothing more than a document confirming that the owner has the right to a particular type of activity (in the common people "crust").

Labor protection - a set of measures aimed at ensuring the organization safe conditions reference labor activity.

It follows that a labor protection certificate is a document confirming that the owner can (has the right) to take a direct part in ensuring the safety of his enterprise.

According to clause 1.5 *, all management personnel must be certified in this area. Of course, in practice this is usually not done, but the person responsible for labor protection and the manager are required to receive this document (if there is no responsible person in the organization, then the head of the enterprise, clause 1.7 *, takes responsibility).

This document is issued by specialized educational establishments licensed and accredited in the field.
Training programs are developed and approved by the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The head of the enterprise is responsible for the correct and timely execution of certificates (crusts) for his specialists (clause 1.7*).

Sample certificate for labor protection

A sample of this crust on labor protection is given in Decree 1/29 in Appendix 2.

But in practice, training centers often make some changes that are not prohibited, if they do not contradict the basic concept of the standard. Below are samples of labor protection certificates that we issue through specialized educational institutions (some data is blurred)

1 option
Fill in typeface

Option 2
Filled in manually.

Both options are drawn up without violating existing standards, and can be presented to the inspectors at the first request. If anyone needs it, below is a link to the form of the labor protection certificate itself for ordering at a printing house in WORD.

Checking the labor protection certificate

Workers are often interested in how they can check their labor protection certificate.

For us, this is a strange question, for one simple reason - if it arose, then where did you receive it? Of course, there are a lot of dubious organizations in this area now, and prices sometimes do not correspond to reality (which is also important to pay attention to), and humanly these people can be understood.

As is customary in our 21st century, training centers do not publish information about certification (although in vain), you have to check it the old fashioned way. If you do not like OUR offer, then below are a few aspects that you need to pay attention to.

  • 1. Any employer has the right to send a request to an educational institution for an employee to pass certification, and he is obliged to respond as soon as possible (some, like ours, for example, even confirm by phone);
  • 2. Upon receipt of the document, the employee has the right to demand an extract from the protocol (the protocol itself is stored in the archive) and a copy of the license of the educational institution (if this is an electrical safety permit, then they are required to provide a knowledge test log with the approval of the inspector of Rossnadzor), and a copy of the license;
  • 3. If you found an offer on the web, then for starters it’s easier to check how long the site has existed and how many years it has been offering its services (new sites can rarely offer anything worthwhile);
  • 4. Some can be checked by the regalia posted on a specialized page (ours);
  • 5. But most importantly - read articles, study regulations, call and ask questions. If the specialists are not able to answer your question, then what kind of specialists are they and what will they arrange for you.

Summary: labor protection certificate is a document confirming the right of an employee to participate in activities aimed at ensuring employees' safe work activities. Specialized educational institutions have the right to issue. Renew at least every 3 years. Responsible for the timely and correct registration - the head of the enterprise.

Material used: Decree 1/29*, Labor Code of the Russian Federation**

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Issue a certificate of labor protection for the head and responsible employee

Occupational safety is regulated by many regulations and relevant law. All subordinates are required to undergo a training course or briefing, depending on their position, in order to ensure safety in their particular production place and in general organization.

Representatives of certain production professions must undergo special training. This must be confirmed by relevant documents. How exactly and how to issue it, further in our article.

What does a certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements give?

The certificate confirms the fact of training and assimilation by the employee of the norms and conditions for the safety of activities (his work) at the enterprise and at the segment of work entrusted to him. Form - the established sample. It is available for sale in stationery departments and stores. Its issuance is regulated by the relevant Decree.

Certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements - validity period

The occupational health and safety knowledge test certificate is valid for three years. The certificate is issued after the first training course within thirty calendar days after employment. Further, every three years. If the employee changes place of work, at a new place, if not expired fixed time after completing the last training (three years), a new instruction takes place, in case he changed his direction in the profession.

Also, a labor protection certificate should, of course, be with the labor protection inspector at the enterprise, and with the head. The presence of a certificate from the manager means that he also has an understanding of safety at the enterprise and the knowledge to ensure it.

Training can also be extraordinary for the following reasons:

  • Installation of new equipment at the enterprise;
  • Introduction of a new technological process;
  • At the request of the head;
  • When changing the safety inspector;
  • In the event of an accident at work.

It is issued or training centers or in an enterprise. If it is issued on the spot, the organization must have a trained occupational safety specialist (inspector) who will further train the staff and confirm their knowledge.

How to fill out a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

A certificate in execution is a fairly simple document, but still requiring compliance with certain rules. The document consists of two parts. On the left side, there is a hat, on the right side - a place for marks about the passage of repeated briefings and training.
Fill out the certificate in order.

Left-hand side:

  • Enter the name of the organization (enterprise) - full and abbreviated in brackets.
    The serial number is assigned at the enterprise, it is taken from a special log of registration of certificates.
  • Next, we indicate personal information about the employee - his full: Surname, Name and Patronymic, title of the position held and qualification category the department in which he works.
  • Data are entered on the course that the employee passed, its volume.
  • In the line where the number and date of the minutes of the meeting are indicated, the name of the enterprise is once again entered.
  • In the very bottom line of the left part of the certificate, the chairman of the commission certifies the certificate with his signature and its transcript, indicates the date of issue of the document and stamps it.
  • Right side: it is issued during repeated briefings, after three years.

A short version of the document header is filled in the top line - indicate the name of the employee, his place of work (department), position, indicating the professional rank. Next, enter data about the course of study: the name, the amount of information received in hours. The next line contains the details of the minutes of the meeting: its date and number. The last line is the signature of the certificate by the chairman of the commission, his full surname and initials, the date of execution of the document and the wet seal of the organization.

Form of certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements

The form of the document is standard, adopted and approved by a special Decree of the Ministries of Labor and Education. Replacing the form with another is unacceptable. The company can buy them stationery store at a very affordable, symbolic price.

The sheet consists of two parts. Their structure is similar:

  • Header - indicate the details of the enterprise, the full name of the employee, his position and belonging to a particular unit. Assign a certificate number.
  • The main part - it indicates the name of the training program, its duration in hours (volume), data from the minutes of the commission meeting.
  • The final part is the assurance of knowledge by an authorized person - the chairman of the commission. Indicate his full name, signature, date of issue of the certificate, and certify with a seal.

Certificate of verification of knowledge on labor protection - form

The form is single, approved normative act- Resolution. Consists of two parts. It is easy to fill out and does not require special skills.