Letter to Santa Claus I want an easel. How to write a letter to Santa Claus: sample text. We write our wishes

Usually, it is on December 4 that in many countries around the world post offices begin to provide services for sending letters to Santa Claus (Santa Claus, Yollupukki or Père Noel). Somewhere even special postal institutions are opening.

Every year, Russian Grandfather Frost receives thousands of envelopes with letters. And also emails.

Letter from our colleague

By the way, Media Center correspondent Olga Ulyanova tested for herself how to get an answer from Santa Claus. Last year she sent the first letter in her life to the winter wizard. The fairy-tale character even invited her to his residence. How it happened, read in the materials: Tested for myself: how I received an answer from Santa Claus and Santa Claus read the letter from the Oskolchanka and invited her to visit.

Santa Claus reads letters

Photo: Santa Claus's estate.rf

Where to send the letter?

The Russian Father Frost has a Moscow estate - a magical corner in the Kuzminsky forest. It was there that Olga visited. She notes that Grandfather and his assistants are very attentive to the children’s letters.

In order to get a real answer from Santa Claus, we recommend writing to the Moscow estate.

Where: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest
To: Santa Claus

You can also contact Santa Claus online.

“I am very happy with every letter I receive! Now each of us has a magic phone or computer that instantly connects us across the most distant distances“- the grandfather writes on his website.

You can write a letter and attach a drawing using this link:https://dedmorozmos.ru/letters-to-santa-claus/ .

There you can also find the regulations for the “Best Letter to Santa Claus” competition. The winners are invited to the residence.

1. First you need to say hello. You can write in a letter “Hello, Grandfather Frost!”, “Good health, Grandfather Frost!” or simply “Hello, Grandfather Frost!” The main thing is in a polite manner.

2. Tell us a little about yourself. You need to introduce yourself, say your name, how old you are and what city you live in. You can write what you are interested in, what interesting things happened to you this year. Don't forget to inquire about the health of Grandfather Frost. It would be polite to thank him for last year's gifts.

3. Describe some of your good deeds over the past year, your dreams, or maybe even your secrets.

4. Now it’s time to ask for a gift and make wishes! It doesn't have to be something big or too expensive. Limit yourself to a list of two or three gifts. Think about your family and friends. Wish something good for them.

5. At the end of the letter, congratulate Grandfather Frost on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas. You can wish him “Good health”, “Happiness”, “Snowy winter”, “Fast horses”, “Intricate miracles”. You can also convey congratulations to the Snow Maiden and the postal snowmen. Then write your name or sign.

November 9, 2018

New Year. For hundreds of years now, it has remained the most fabulous and long-awaited holiday on the entire planet. Children all over the world write letters to Santa Claus in the hope of receiving a cherished gift. Usually these letters are read by parents and they themselves give the gift stated in the letter because they do not believe that Santa Claus exists, but he really exists and actually answers children’s letters.

Even if you are a little late with the letter and did not write it before the New Year, you can do it after as the post office works all year round. And all year round Grandfather answers letters. In this article, I will talk about how to correctly write a letter to Santa Claus in order to at least receive a response letter from him, and maybe even a gift.

By the way, you can send letters not only to Veliky Ustyug, where the residence of the Russian Father Frost is located, you can also write to his other colleagues, for example: the Finnish Yollopuki, the French Pierre Noel, the American Santa Claus or the Belarusian Dzed Maroz, and maybe even the Tatar Kysh-Babay. And I have their real real addresses. You can even write to everyone to increase your chances of receiving a gift.

And so, in order to get an answer, you need to correctly format and write that very cherished letter, and in order to do this correctly, you need to adhere to the letter plan.
First of all, at the beginning of the letter you need to congratulate Grandfather on the upcoming New Year, wish him health and strength.

If you want to write a letter to all Santa Clauses, then it is better to write it to English language. Ideally, of course, it is better to write in the wizard’s native language. Here are a few phrases to start your letter with. In Russian it will be like this: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

In French Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!

In Finnish Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!

In German Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein schönes Neues Jahr!

In English Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In Tatar Rashtua һәm Yңa ate belen.

After the greeting, you will need to write about who you are, where you live, what you love most and what gift you want to receive. And it's better to do it in a polite manner.

Before the holiday, wizards receive thousands of letters from all over the world. And you need to write such a letter that he would definitely choose it from thousands, read it and respond. But here, of course, you need to try.

When writing a letter, you should not ask or demand a gift in a rude manner, as you may never receive an answer. You need to put a piece of your soul into this letter, write with love and respect. And then the chances of a response letter will really increase.

Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with short shot writing a letter to Santa Claus.

  • Greetings.
  • Congratulations to Father Frost and Snow Maiden on the upcoming or New Year.
  • Briefly tell us about yourself and your family.
  • Be sure to tell us about what you have achieved this year.
  • Now you can tell and describe your desired gift.
  • Tell him how much you love and respect Santa Claus, wish him long life and politely say goodbye.
  • Include a self-addressed envelope.

The greeting should not be long and drawn out. 2-3 lines will be enough for a greeting. In it you need to say hello to the wizard himself and his assistants. And also wish everyone a Happy New Year.

In this paragraph, briefly about yourself. Tell us what your name is, where you live, what kind of family you have, what class you go to or where you work, what you like to do. If you additionally go to music or sports school be sure to mention this.
Tell us what goals you set for the past year and what results you got. Santa Claus loves purposeful children and adults who try to achieve their goals and results. You can also talk at this point about what you want to achieve next year. Share your dreams and secrets.

Now that you are practically familiar, you can begin describing your desired gift. Describe it in all possible colors and of course about why you need it and why exactly you need this gift.

Next, thank Grandfather for sending you gifts last year. Wish him and his huge team of assistants good health. Happy New Year and say goodbye.
You can also include a drawing in the letter or write poems about the New Year and Santa Claus or about his helpers.
In order to receive a response, be sure to include a self-addressed envelope. What exactly would he answer you?

Of course rough plan writing a letter and you don’t have to stick to it one hundred percent. A plan is like a recommendation. You can write only 2-3 lines and receive a gift, or you can write 2-3 sheets and receive nothing. The most important thing is that the letter is written with love and warmth.

Samples of letters to grandfather from children 6-11 years old

Below I attach several real letters that children and adults sent and received answers to their letters.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Lena is writing to you. I am 10 years old. I live in Krasnodar region in the village Ilsk. We have a big family, we have an aunt and uncle and grandparents, but they are very old. I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you more health, happiness and lots of sweets next year. Thank you for the gifts you brought me before. I love to draw, play board games and sing. I dream of getting a new microphone and synthesizer since my old synthesizer is broken. I promise to be an obedient girl for a whole year and obey my parents and adults. I look forward to meeting you Lena S.

Greetings, Grandfather Frost! Kolenka is writing to you from Krasnodar. I am 10 years old. This year I moved to fifth grade, I study well and obey my mom and dad. I like to play hockey and run. In the summer I play hockey with my dad on Sony Playstation. Please send me a new console and a brother. I hope you make my dream come true. I promise that in the coming year I will also behave diligently and study with straight A’s. Goodbye!

Greetings, Grandfather Frost! Alena is writing to you from St. Petersburg. This year I moved to third grade, I try to study well and obey my parents. I like to play volleyball. On new year holidays I really want to get a new volleyball and phone. I hope you make this dream come true. I promise to behave diligently in the coming year and study excellently. I wish you good health and happy new year. Goodbye!

Santa Claus, I missed you! How are you doing? My name is Sveta. I'm already 16 years old. Recently my brother Zhenya was born. I am going to school. I have many friends there. I'm good at drawing. This year I learned to roller skate. I want Vadik Petrov to pay attention to me at school and we start dating. And I also want dad to quickly measure up with mom and they start living together again. if you are a real wizard, make sure they never fight again and always live together. I love you very much and wish you a happy new year.

Templates and forms of letters to Santa Claus

In order for your letter to stand out from the crowd of others, you need to write it so that it is noticeable from afar. You can write it in red ink or on a colorful piece of paper. Decorate it somehow unusual. Below are templates that you can download and print. Or you can leave me an email in the comments and I will send you a selection of beautiful envelopes.

Of course in ideal It is best to draw up a letter with your own hands, since all wizards are very fond of such letters. But if you can’t do anything yourself, then you can, of course, take our secret templates and write a letter on them.

Official address of Santa Claus

Well, now you know how to correctly and beautifully format your message. Next, you need to seal it in an envelope and sign the address. Many children believe that Santa Claus lives in the north or in Moscow, but this is not so; the real wizard lives in the Volgograd region in Veliky Ustyug. There he has a real mansion and a whole kingdom where all the sent letters end up.

162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus post office. You can also send email to Dedshka’s email, where they will definitely read and respond to it. www.pochta-dm.ru/letter/.
Well, if you want to write a letter to other Santa Clauses, here are the addresses of several of his brothers from other countries.

USA Santa Claus Two branches: North Pole Holiday Postmark, Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Dr, Anchorage, AK 99530-9998,
USA | Santa Claus House, 101 St. Nicholas Drive, North Pole, Alaska 99705, USA
Finland Joulupukki 01001, Santa Claus, Post office Arctic circle, 96930, Rovaniemi, Finland.
France Père Noël (Pierre Noel) Père Noël, Rue des nuages, Pole Nord, 33500 Libourne, France.
Belarus. Father Frost Residence of Father Frost, 225063, p. Kamenyuki, Kamenets district, Brest region, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus.

And now a little parting word for adults. Dear adults, you and your child can also write your letter to Santa Claus. It is possible that he will read your letter and fulfill your deepest desire. Over time, many people stop believing in miracles, since work almost completely absorbs you. But everyone knows that at heart we are still the same children, only our desires and toys are completely different. Try writing a letter with your child.

No matter how old you are or what position you hold, it is important to believe in miracles. After all, anyone will be pleased to find their small gift under the tree. And it doesn’t matter who will play the role of the wizard, he or someone else. The main thing is to maintain faith in miracles for our children and for ourselves. I congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year and wish everyone more peace, kindness and positivity. Good New Year 2020 to everyone and may all your cherished wishes come true.

There are a few general rules how to write a letter to Santa Claus. In short, the structure looks like this: a greeting, a little information about yourself, and at the end - specific gifts that you want to see under the tree. Now we will analyze these three stages one by one so that you can help your child write a letter to the wizard correctly.

Step 1: Say hello politely

First you need to say hello to Grandfather. You can choose any form: “Hello, Grandfather Frost!”, “Good health, Grandfather Frost!” or “Hello, Grandfather Frost!” The main thing is to remain polite.

After the greeting, inquire about Grandfather’s health. Just write in the first lines: “How is your health, Grandfather? I hope everything is fine." The wizard will be pleased that you care about him.

Step 2. Tell us about yourself

In a few sentences you need to say what your name is, how old you are and what city you are from. You can write about your hobbies and studies. And also tell us what interesting things happened during the year.

Step 3. Ask for gifts

Before listing your list of desired gifts, politely thank Santa Claus for last year's gifts. Describe to him how glad you were to find them under the tree on New Year's Day.

But now you can ask for a gift for this New Year. Try to limit yourself to a list of two or three gifts. And don’t forget about your family and friends: ask for something good for them too.

Step 4: Say goodbye politely

At the end of the letter, congratulate Grandfather Frost on the upcoming New Year. Wish him health, happiness, miracles and goodness. Don’t forget to also congratulate his granddaughter, Snegurochka.

Step 5. Give a gift to Santa Claus

Grandfather will also be happy to receive a gift from you. You can include your drawings, poems or other crafts in the letter. Do your work with soul: the wizard will keep it for long years.

Step 6. Sign your name and address

To end the letter, sign in the lower right corner: “All the best!” or “Happy New Year!”, and below is your name. On the envelope you must correctly indicate your full postal address with zip code and the address of Santa Claus.

Letter to dear Santa Claus
This New Year, I would like everyone to become kinder, and for me to become more beautiful. When you have time, make men smarter, but if you don’t have time, just send me a twenty-five-year-old ski instructor.

However, I digress.

I want to ask you for another new metabolism. The one from the cormorant will suit me - this bird manages to eat more in a day than it weighs itself, but does not gain weight at all in its hips. In my opinion, this is unfair. Slender hips are much more necessary for women than for some cormorants. Of course, I convince myself that if I eat bread for breakfast that tastes no different from the wrapper in which it is packaged, sooner or later I will turn into Kate Moss. But we both understand, dear Grandfather, that this is not so. Therefore - cormorants. Remember.

“In general, come up with something, you’re Santa Claus.”

Now about the hairstyle. Make it so that I don’t have to shell out five thousand rubles to the hairdresser every time so that two days after the haircut my hair again takes on its original tousled look. I'm tired of explaining to people that I don't sleep in a cage with rabid hamsters.

Epilation. Grandfather, do you even know how painful this is? I don't argue that there are a lot of advantages to being a woman. You will be the first to be lowered in a boat from a sinking ship (not a fact, but it is common to believe in it). You don't need to straighten your genitals in front of everyone. You can digest food with your mouth closed. You can scare men with mysterious gynecological terms. But never-ending Civil War with your own hair all over your body except your head, it’s unbearable. Either give us all a device that would quickly and painlessly remove all unwanted hair, or introduce a fashion for shaggy women.

Further. Underpants. This is a serious women's problem, to which even Bridget Jones at one time attracted attention. It's always difficult with panties. Always, every day, you have to make a decision: thongs, slimming, comfortable or no panties.

Shapewear has been preserved since the Inquisition, when women were offered the choice of fire, boiling lava or squeezing their insides using polyamide and elastane. In this vestment it is difficult to breathe, dance and take seductive poses. You can only think about one thing: “When the hell will this torment end?”

It's not easy with thongs either. The thongs cut into you know where, they prick, and because of them you have to constantly itch like a macaque in a zoo. The only difference is that the macaque does it in public, and you deliberately touch the tables, chairs and hands of men. Panties with frills, lace and other sexy decorations are also far from ideal. Perhaps it is precisely because of all these inconvenient devices that modern girls agree to have sex so quickly:

We met, drank a cocktail and - voila! - She is already undressing. Still would.

Comfortable cotton briefs are made for people, but they don't look aesthetically pleasing. And usually the size of a small developing state. We have to constantly remember that if a girl in comfortable shorts gets hit by a car, then all the orderlies at the morgue will come running to look at her: “Those are parachutes!”

In general, come up with something, you are Santa Claus. Make comfortable panties beautiful, delicious food low-calorie, and handsome men heterosexual.

I also ask you to let our loved ones talk to us this year. And not about anything random like “You need to format your hard drive,” “We’re running low on ketchup,” or “Why are you calling? Something happened?".

And about feelings, about the past: “As I remember now the day when we met, dear” - and about the future: “I want to live with you until I’m old.” We women have learned a lot. We know how to combine work and raising children, be on time everywhere, apply lipstick with one movement of the hand without looking in the mirror, and whisper the same thing to all our partners: “Wow, he’s so huge!”

But we wither away if they don’t talk to us about love. Rarely does a man realize that in order not to lose attractiveness, a woman needs emotional intimacy with him. How can you feel emotional closeness to a person who spends his days pretending to be a whatnot?

“Send me, Lord, someone who wears black lycra socks to bed!” At the same time, let them realize that the best foreplay for a woman is when a man loads the dishwasher and puts the children to bed. And that their wife deserves the same flirtation that they show towards any secretary at work.

Think about yogurt too. I don’t know how it is there in Veliky Ustyug, but here drinking yogurt does not completely pour out of the bottle. There are still three rubles left on the walls! Do something about it. Or lengthen our tongues.

Anti-wrinkle cream. Will he ever appear?

March 8. Will this holiday disappear in the near future or will we not have such joy?

Sales. Will they become year-round?

And will they make a horror film in this century whose heroine is not a total idiot? I don’t demand that modern Sofia Kovalevskaya play her. I would be quite satisfied with an adequate young lady who, having found a headless corpse at the edge of the forest, does not go for a walk in the dark forest or, having learned that a sexual maniac is operating in the area, does not stay overnight in a dilapidated house without doors.

Now about the main thing. Cellulite. This word sounds like the name of a stomach infection, although much worse. This is a woman's scourge. Punishment of the gods. It doesn’t matter what kind of figure a lady has, almost everyone has damned cellulite: both thin and plump.

Even glossy beauties have it - you just need to squeeze them harder or cancel Photoshop. But it’s not a shame that we have it, it’s a shame that they didn’t pay attention to it before. Can you imagine, Grandfather, how pure and kind people were in those days when these little dimples on women’s thighs were considered quite cute? And now you can be a whore, a murderer or a tomb raider - everyone will forgive you. Except for cellulite. This is not forgiven.

Therefore, manufacturers of anti-cellulite creams are making fortunes, and beauty salons are raking in piastres from anxious clients.

And you can try, puff, give birth to geniuses, marry princes, get Nobel Prizes and no one will even turn an ear to lead the state. But as soon as some newspaper publishes pictures of your bare ass, the world will shudder: “Does Britney have cellulite? God, how can I continue to live?”

Therefore, dear Santa Claus, I repeat - make men smarter. Or a ski instructor.

Do not forget.

An example of a letter to Santa Claus from a child is a template for a message to the New Year's wizard. If it is decorated beautifully and correctly, it will definitely reach the recipient, and all the wishes made on New Year’s Eve will definitely come true. After all, everyone should believe in miracles: both adults and children.

364 days a year, children, adults, grandparents live in anticipation of a miracle and know that it usually happens on the most magical night - December 31st. New Year is the time when dreams come true, when all the people of the world become a little happier with the chimes and splashes of champagne. But in order for children’s eyes to glow brighter and longer with happiness, so that all their cherished wishes come true, it is necessary to remember that the main character of the New Year, Grandfather Frost, does not know how to predict dreams, but like a true wizard he knows how to make them come true. It is mandatory for children to write a letter to him so that all gifts are dispelled in a timely manner and delivered to the recipient without delay.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus

New Year's letters are written by children from all over the world: residents of the post-Soviet countries send them to Grandfather Frost, the French to Pierre Noel, the Americans to Santa Claus, the Finns to Jollopuks, the Tatars to Kysh Babai, and the Germans to Weinachtsman. Usually, children write letters to Santa Claus - either independently or with the help of their parents or older brothers and sisters. If you follow simple rules, the New Year's bonus will definitely end up under your holiday tree:

  • a holiday letter, like any other, should begin with a polite greeting - Santa Claus is very intelligent and loves well-mannered children who do not begin the message with the words “I want” or “give me”;
  • then you should tell a little about yourself: name, age, favorite activities, achievements;
  • now you need to tell about your dreams and ask for a gift, avoiding demanding notes;
  • At the end of the letter, you must congratulate Grandfather on the holiday and wish him something, say goodbye and indicate the exact address so that his assistants know where to send gifts. According to rumors, they do not write it by hand or by typing it on a computer, but simply cut it out of the letter with scissors and paste it on an envelope with a return letter, or on a parcel with a New Year's prize.

Sample letter to Santa Claus from a child

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

My name is Vladik and I am 10 years old. I'm studying at school: as my mother says, not very well, but I'm trying.

Mom raises my little brother Nikita and me on her own and gets very tired at work, so I help her as best I can. I really like to walk outside, ride a bike and scooter, swim in the sea and play computer games. Every year you send me gifts and always the ones I wanted. Thank you for this. Guys on the street say that you don't exist, but I don't believe it. Please give me a hoverboard for the New Year, give my little brother a scooter with a ladybug, and give my mother a good husband, father and health. I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you never get sick and receive a good pension. See you next year.

Goodbye! Your Vladik.

Hello Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden and gnomes!

I hope you are doing well and the past year has passed happily. My name is Vitalina. I am 8 years old and this year I am finishing ninth grade. I have lived in a boarding house near Saratov all my life. My parents died in a car accident when I was very young - that's what the director says. I really love to dance and in the future I want to become a ballroom dancing coach. I really want to ask you for one thing: let all the children in our orphanage receive gifts from you for the New Year, but for myself I will ask for a talking doll and a new waltz costume. And also, let all the children in the world be with their parents. Thank you so much! Happy New Year to you and all the best and happiness! I really hope you receive my letter.

With love Vita.

It is possible to write a letter on a colorful template:

Hello dear Santa Claus!

My name is Marina. I write letters to you every year and continue to do so, although I am 16 years old, and many of my friends would laugh if they knew that I do such things. Everything is great with me: I’m doing well in my studies, my parents constantly praise me and want me to go to medical school. Their desire is good, but I dream of becoming a flight attendant and visiting different countries. I’m not interested in anything special, I’m just learning languages ​​so that my desire comes true. Please give me a new laptop, otherwise mine is about to fly away, and the little one (this is my sister Olya) came out, a phone. Otherwise, she spends all day begging her parents for it, although I think that she is too young for such expensive gifts. But I still love her, so let her be happy. Thank you in advance, happy holiday to you! And may all your dreams come true!


Sincerely, Marina.

Hello Santa Claus!

My name is Evelina. I’m only 4 years old, so I don’t know how to write yet, and my mother helps me: I speak, and she writes. I go to kindergarten, but I’m already so tired of sleeping and eating there that I just don’t have the strength. Did you go to kindergarten when you were little or were you born old? My mother just couldn’t answer this question for me. How are you doing? How are you doing in your Veliky Ustyug? I would really like to get a tablet for the New Year, like Tanka’s, so as not to interfere with my mother’s TV watching, but to watch cartoons on it. Thank you. Bye!

Your Velyusha (that’s what mom and dad call me).