Presentation on the topic of speech behavior. Presentation on the Russian language on the topic “Speech etiquette” download for free. YOU are communication

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What is “speech etiquette”? Speech etiquette- this is a system of specific linguistic signs (words, stable verbal formulas) and rules for their use, adopted in a given society at a given time in order to establish speech contact between interlocutors and maintain friendly, polite, benevolent or official relations in accordance with the speech situation. “Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Speech Etiquette” Speech etiquette is a conventional language of politeness, subordination, which has its own vocabulary (system of signs) and grammar (rules of decent speech behavior in society) “Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Speech Etiquette” Speech etiquette is the totality of all etiquette speech means and rules for their use in certain situations. "Russian language. Encyclopedia"

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How it was We receive our first lessons in the culture of communication from the people closest and dearest to us: mother, father, grandmother, nanny, teacher... No matter how we define this concept, one thing is indisputable: speech etiquette accompanies a person throughout his earthly life, from affectionate mom’s “Aha” to the last “Sorry.”

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Anyone who neglects socially accepted norms of behavior, including norms of speech behavior, cannot count on the respect of others, and, consequently, on personal success in life.

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Benevolence, kindness and affability, cordiality, hospitality towards acquaintances and especially strangers, politeness, modesty, courtesy, along with other Christian virtues, were revered by the people as valuable moral qualities, which every person should try to possess. The church constantly and persistently reminded us of this; the elders taught this to the younger ones in various ways.

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The people's attention to speech etiquette is widely reflected in works of folklore and literature. To speak at good times, to remain silent at bad times. I wouldn’t get tired of talking, there would be something to say. He who speaks sows, he who listens gathers. Don’t get angry at a rude word, don’t give in to a kind word.

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Times and morals change, but people of different generations, belonging to different social strata of society, pay constant attention to speech etiquette, respectful treatment, and kind words.

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Everyone considers the problem of speech etiquette to be relevant. In their opinion, many have mastered speech etiquette to some extent, but they need to improve their skills and abilities. The problem of speech etiquette is widespread. This is not only “clogging the language with foreign words, slang and jargon, it is the loss of the originality of the native language and the identity of the nation.”

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Using slang expressions (i.e. youth slang) in situations where this should not be done!

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Slang is an expressive and emotionally charged vocabulary of colloquial speech that deviates from the accepted literary language norm. Slang, of course, clogs the language, but it is impossible to get rid of it. You can only grow from it. By the 11th grade, the frequency of slang use decreases. The children grow up, learn more, communicate with a larger circle of people, read more, and for them the task comes to the fore: to achieve certain heights in life, first of all, professionally. So you have to speak Russian! 8th grade students use slang more often, thus showing their maturity and belonging to a certain circle of the elite.

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Moreover, due to the development computer technology and the “advancement” of young users, school informal language includes great amount computer words - terms hidden in slang words.

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Is it possible to compare slang and the beautiful Russian language? “Cool Dnieper in cool weather, when, wandering and showing off, it saws through forests and mountains. He won’t whoop, he won’t come around. You’ll hatch your eyes, open the mitten, and you won’t know whether he’s sawing or not. Rare bird with a snob he will scratch all the way to the middle, and if he gets there, he will whoop so much that he will throw off his hooves.” “The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when its full waters freely and smoothly rush through forests and mountains. It won’t flash, it won’t thunder. You look and don’t know whether its majestic beauty is going or not going into the distance... A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper...”

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The correctness of speech, its accuracy, logic, purity, richness and expressiveness are the criteria for good speech. Another important criterion for good speech is relevance. It happens that educated people, who have an excellent command of language and speech, do not understand each other, cannot agree, listen but do not hear, or are not tactful or delicate enough.

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Follow the rules that lead to successful communication. 1. Attention and friendliness towards the interlocutor. 2. Maintaining subordination by age. 3. Taking into account the interlocutor’s response. 4. Conversation on a topic proposed by the interlocutor, primarily listening to the interlocutor rather than speaking. 5. To create a more confidential conversation environment, use the interlocutor’s first name and patronymic.

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There are ways to help avoid this negative word. What not to say I'm not interested in your offer. I don't know anything about it. I don't agree with you, this is not true at all. How many times can you call? I have not received such information yet. I don't want to talk about it now. You did this report wrong. What to say We are not currently considering such offers, but we will definitely contact you later. Unfortunately, at the moment I do not have this information yet. How do you look at another point of view? It may make sense to wait a little: information will be received later. I would prefer to discuss this matter at another time. It would be better if you look at this report again.

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A compliment is a kind, pleasant word, a flattering review. A compliment is an approval of our appearance, mind, action, work. A compliment approves and encourages! You look so good! You are so charming! You have wonderful eyes! And you are such an interesting conversationalist! You talk so interestingly! You are a wonderful teacher!

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Increasingly, in everyday modern life, many conversations take place over the Internet or by telephone. Part of general speech etiquette is telephone etiquette. Sociological surveys and personal observations show that students have not fully mastered this type of etiquette. We cannot imagine life without a phone, especially a mobile phone. But this wonderful tool is sometimes used for other purposes. Many students often do not think through what and how to say, and waste time on conversations that can be discussed at a meeting. Expert psychologists claim that a modern disease has emerged - “telephonomania”, which even shortens a person’s life by 3-4 years. And evil jokes, vile practical jokes or giggling, silence, hissing into the phone are simply hooliganism and disgrace.

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Mobile phones are especially popular. Almost everyone uses them. But the use of cell phones while driving often leads to traffic accidents, so drivers themselves need to observe ethical standards of behavior and not wait until a traffic police inspector notices them and fines them. The ringing of a mobile phone can be heard today anywhere: on the street, on a bus, at an exhibition... Very often, telephones ring at performances, even more often in cinemas, and sometimes at school during a lesson, which is a disadvantage of the upbringing of their owners.

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Several important rules for talking on the phone. First, say hello, identify yourself, and only then make a request. Do not dial a number from memory unless you are sure it is correct. Do not call before 9 am and after 10 pm (except for urgent messages or if you know for sure that your call will be expected and you have not gone to bed). If during a conversation the phone accidentally turns off, the person who called will call back. It is inconvenient to have private conversations in the presence of other people. Therefore, when calling about a personal matter, first ask if there is an opportunity to speak. Do not call unless absolutely necessary to work on a personal matter. At work, speak briefly on the phone. A telephone conversation should not last more than 3-5 minutes. The person who called should end the conversation. If the caller has the wrong number, answer politely. It often happens that it is not the person who is to blame, but the automation. According to the rules of Russian speech etiquette, the person being called may not identify himself.

Repetition of the Green Crocodile Green mother taught: You can be a scientist, a designer or a poet, But the main thing is to be green! Please remember this. The pot-bellied hippopotamus was taught by the pot-bellied mother: “You can be an acrobat, a designer or a poet.” The main thing is to be pot-bellied. Happiness, son, lies in this. Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech2

The concept of speech culture Compliance with the ethics of communication Proficiency in the norms of the literary language The ability to select and organize linguistic means that, in a certain communication situation, contribute to the achievement of communication goals Stylistics of the Russian language and speech culture3

Communicative qualities of speech (B.N. Golovin) Communicative qualities of speech are signs and properties of speech aimed at fulfilling communicative tasks of communication, ensuring a more complete mutual understanding of the subjects of speech communication Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech4

Communicative qualities of speech (B.N. Golovin) 1. Correctness - compliance with the norms of the literary language 2. Accuracy - compliance of the content of speech with the range of objects, phenomena, concepts that are displayed in the speech # After his revolver was stolen during a rally, he filled his pockets with bullets # My friend has problems with a young man Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech5

Communicative qualities of speech (B.N. Golovin) 3. Logicity - compliance with logical thought and its logical development in speech # At the Faculty of Biology there are 8 circles that work at the departments. Many of them have existed for more than 20 years # My pension is good, but small # The librarian was present at the lesson, as well as Alexandra Petrovna and Iraida Afanasyevna Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech6

Communicative qualities of speech (B.N. Golovin) 5. Expressiveness - the presence in speech of elements that support the interest of the addressee 6. Richness of speech - the construction of speech based on various linguistic structures 7. Relevance - the use of speech in accordance with the goals and conditions of communication Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech9

Ethics of communication Etiquette is a set of rules of good manners accepted in a given society and establishing norms of behavior and communication of people in certain situations. Speech etiquette is developed rules of speech behavior, a system of speech formulas. Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech11

Rules of speech behavior Conversation is beautiful with humility The tongue will not wither from polite words An affectionate word is worse than a club, an unkind word is like fire Burns Kind silence is better than idle chatter There is honey on the tongue, and ice in the heart Stylistics of the Russian language and the culture of speech12

Translator's Code of Conduct (LingvoPlus Translation Bureau) The author's text is inviolable for the translator. The translator cannot express his point of view or interpret the words of the speaker at his own discretion. Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech17

Translator Code of Conduct (LingvoPlus Translation Bureau) The translator must guarantee confidentiality The translator must be a professional in his field The translator must be responsible for the quality of the translation performed Stylistics of the Russian language and speech culture18

Translator Code of Conduct (LingvoPlus Translation Bureau) The translator has the right to authorship The translator must comply with established etiquette Appearance the translator must correspond to his representative activities Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech19

Etiquette when talking on the phone Calling an apartment after and before 9.00 is a violation of etiquette The conversation should be short (3-5 minutes) The one who called ends the conversation Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech22

Etiquette when talking on the phone You want to quickly communicate or obtain certain information You need to find out an opinion on an urgent issue You need to clarify whether the previous agreement on a meeting is still valid You need to inform about a change in the situation You have agreed on a telephone call Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech23

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Slide text: Explanatory dictionary of Russian speech etiquette Speech etiquette is a system of specific linguistic signs (words, stable verbal formulas) and rules for their use, adopted in a given society at a given time in order to establish verbal contact between interlocutors and maintain friendly, polite, friendly or official relations in accordance with the speech situation.

Slide text: Explanatory dictionary of Russian speech etiquette Speech etiquette is a conventional language of politeness, subordination, which has its own vocabulary (system of signs) and grammar (rules of decent speech behavior in society)

Slide text: Russian language. Encyclopedia Speech etiquette is the totality of all etiquette speech means and the rules for their use in certain situations.

Slide text: Speech etiquette formula

Slide text: How it was: from the history of speech etiquette The Russian proverb says: “An unusual person cannot live with people”

Slide text: Testament of Vladimir Monomakh Leaving the Russian land to his sons to reign, he bequeathed to them: “to have a pure and immaculate soul, a thin body, a meek conversation and to keep the word of the Lord.” ...Be silent with the old, listen to the wise, obey the elders... ...don’t rage with words, don’t blaspheme in conversation... ...don’t laugh a lot, be ashamed of your elders... ...don’t let a person pass without greeting him, and say a kind word to him...

Slide text: “Domostroy” “...If you happen to greet visiting people, whether merchants, foreigners, other guests, whether called or given by God: rich or poor, monks or priests, then the owner and hostess should be friendly and give due honor to reward according to the rank and dignity of each person. Politely and gratefully, honor each of them with a kind word, talk to everyone and greet them with a kind word, and eat and drink or put it on the table, or give it from your hands with a special greeting, but highlight each with something and please everyone.”

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Slide text: Assignment Remember and write proverbs and sayings that are in one way or another related to the topic of speech etiquette (word, language, speech)

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Slide text: Current state speech etiquette National specifics and level of culture Fenya and profanity

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Slide text: National specifics

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Slide text: Level of human culture

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Slide text: Current state of speech etiquette Slang (from the English slang) is a set of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various human associations (professional, social, age groups).

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Slide text: The current state of speech etiquette Fenya is a language that was formed in Rus' during the Middle Ages and was originally used by wandering ofen traders. The Ofeni created a new language by inventing new roots and abandoning traditional Russian morphology and used the language to communicate “not for the ears of others.” Subsequently, the language was adopted by the criminal environment, and currently Fenya is called thieves' jargon (to speak such a language is to talk about a hairdryer).

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Slide text: Current state of speech etiquette Excerpt No. 1 “Cool Dnieper in cool weather, when, roaming and showing off, it saws through forests and mountains. He won’t whoop, he won’t come around. You’ll hatch your eyes, open the mitten, and you won’t know whether he’s sawing or not. A rare bird with a snout will scratch all the way to the middle, and if it gallops so far, it will whoop so much that it will throw its hooves away." Excerpt No. 2 "Wonderful is the Dnieper in calm weather, when its full waters freely and smoothly rush through forests and mountains. It won’t flash, it won’t thunder. You look and don’t know whether its majestic beauty is going or not going into the distance... A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper...”

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Slide text: Qualities of speech etiquette Tactfulness Courtesy Tolerance Benevolence Composure Use of addresses

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Slide text: Assignment Each group receives 2 cards with qualities written on them. Within 5 minutes, prepare an explanation of each quality.

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Slide text: Tactfulness ethical standard, which requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, and discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him. lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, the willingness to inform him in detail on all topics relevant to the conversation. Qualities of speech etiquette

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Slide text: Tolerance Forbearance consists of being calm about possible differences of opinion and avoiding harsh criticism of the views of your interlocutor. You should respect the opinions of other people and try to understand why they have this or that point of view. the ability to calmly respond to unexpected or tactless questions and statements from an interlocutor. Qualities of speech etiquette

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Slide text: Goodwill The use of appeals is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor and in the entire structure of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words. the most widespread and most striking etiquette sign. Qualities of speech etiquette

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Slide text: YOU or YOU?

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Slide text: Assignment Make up the rules of speech etiquette in the form of a table using handouts.

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Slide text: Call me, call...

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Slide text: Assignment Dialogue “Why was mom offended?” Masha: Hello, Katya, is that you? Mom: No, it's not Katya. Who is asking her? Masha: Yes, my friend. Where's Katya? Mom: She's not at home. What should I tell her? Masha: Here is a goat, she promised to wait for me, but she disappeared somewhere. Mom: Sorry, I can’t talk to you like this anymore.

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Slide text: Working on mistakes Mom: Hello. I'm hearing you. Masha: Hello, Katya’s classmate, Masha, is bothering you. Mom: Hello, I'm listening to you. Masha: Can I invite your daughter to the phone? Mom: Unfortunately, she is not at home now. What should I tell her? Masha: Don’t worry, there’s nothing urgent, we just need to arrange a meeting. Tell me, what time is most convenient for me to call to find her at home? Mom: Call me in two hours. I'll tell her you called. Masha: Thank you. I'll definitely call you back.

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Slide text: Rules for talking on the phone First, say hello, identify yourself, and only then make a request. Do not dial a number from memory unless you are sure it is correct. Do not call before 9 am and after 10 pm (except for urgent messages or if you know for sure that your call will be expected and you have not gone to bed). If during a conversation the phone accidentally turns off, the person who called will call back. It is inconvenient to have private conversations in the presence of other people. Therefore, when calling about a personal matter, first ask if there is an opportunity to speak. Do not call unless absolutely necessary to work on a personal matter. At work, speak briefly on the phone. A telephone conversation should not last more than 3-5 minutes. The person who called should end the conversation. If the caller has the wrong number, answer politely. It often happens that it is not the person who is to blame, but the automation. According to the rules of Russian speech etiquette, the person being called may not identify himself.

Slide text: A word is nothing more than a distant and weakened echo of a thought. Gustave Flaubert Speech Etiquette

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“Etiquette (from the French etiquette - label, label) is a set of rules of behavior relating to the external manifestation of attitude towards people (dealing with others, forms of communication, manners and clothing)"

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Ethics of speech communication

Speech ethics are the rules of proper speech behavior based on moral norms and national and cultural traditions.

The ethics of verbal communication begins with compliance with the conditions of successful verbal communication: with a friendly attitude towards the addressee, demonstration of interest in the conversation, “understanding understanding” - attuned to the world of the interlocutor, sincere expression of one’s opinion, sympathetic attention.

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Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas for polite communication.

Speech etiquette has national specifics. IN Russian society are of particular value

  • tact
  • courtesy
  • tolerance
  • goodwill
  • consistency

The word is an arrow, if you release it, you won’t get it back

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Tactfulness is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, and discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him

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Precaution is the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes.

interlocutor, readiness to inform him in detail on all topics relevant to the conversation.

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Tolerance is to be calm about possible differences of opinion,

Avoid harsh criticism of your interlocutor’s views.

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Goodwill is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor and in the entire structure of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

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The main ethical principle of verbal communication - respect for parity - finds its expression, from greeting to farewell, throughout the conversation.

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Components of the act of communication

  • initial communication formulas
  • main part
  • formulas used at the end of communication
  • Representation formulas,
  • formal and informal greetings
  • Farewell formulas
  • Wish formulas,
  • invitations,
  • congratulations,
  • requests,
  • advice,
  • recommendations,
  • refusal
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    Representation formulas

    Let me get to know you.

    Let's get acquainted.

    Let's get to know each other.

    I'd like to meet you.

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    When contacting an institution by phone or in person, it becomes necessary to introduce yourself:

    My last name is Sergeev.

    Let me introduce myself.

    My name is Valery Pavlovich.

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    Spouses are introduced together: surname, wife's name, husband's name. - According to all the rules, it is necessary to introduce: the younger ones to the elders; subordinate to superiors; boy to girl; friend or girlfriend (regardless of return) to parents. - If someone is introduced to a man, then the man must stand, but the woman can sit, except when she is introduced to an older woman. - When introducing someone, one should not only name his last name, but also briefly describe him. - If we introduce two people of the same age, then first we name the one who is closer to us (relative).

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    greeting formulas


    Good afternoon


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    In the room, the first person to say hello is the one who enters.

    A person passing by greets first, regardless of age, when he overtakes someone. - If you see an acquaintance in the window or on the balcony, you should greet him with a slight bow, and not shout to the whole street.

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    When making a request to strangers, it is customary to say hello. - We say hello and goodbye to our table neighbors in a cafe or restaurant, a train compartment (but not the entire reserved seat carriage), at the doctor’s office, in the office, in a theater box, in a small home store.- A man greets a woman first, even if he is in the company of other women. A woman greets an older woman first.

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    Let me invite you...

    Come to the celebration (anniversary, meeting).

    We'll be glad to see you.


    Let me congratulate you on...

    Please accept my sincere (heartfelt, warm) congratulations...

    Warm congratulations...

    Slide 18

    Do me a favor...

    If it’s not difficult for you (if it’s not difficult for you)…

    Please be kind...

    May I ask you...

    I beg you very much...

    Tips and suggestions

    Let me draw your attention to...

    I would suggest you...

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    Formulation of refusal

    - (I) cannot (unable, unable) to help (allow, assist).

    It is currently not possible to do this.

    Please understand that now is not the time to make such a request.

    Sorry, but we (I) cannot fulfill your request.

    I am forced to refuse (prohibit, not allow).

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    Farewell formulas

    Till tomorrow.

    Until the evening.


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    Poetry game

    * Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word of thank you * An old tree stump will turn green when it hears a good day * If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll say thank you to our mother * When we are scolded for pranks we say, please forgive us * Both in France and Denmark they say goodbye goodbye *The boy is polite and developed and says hello when meeting

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    If at the beginning of the century the universal methods of address were citizen and citizen, then in the second half of the 20th century dialectal southern forms of address based on gender - woman, man - became widespread.

    IN Lately Often in casual conversational speech, when addressing an unfamiliar woman, the word lady is used, but when addressing a man, the word mister is used only in an official, semi-official, club setting.

    Circulation formulas

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    Treating conversation participants with respect

    In the traditions of Russian speech etiquette, it is prohibited to speak about those present in the third person (he, she, they), thus, all those present find themselves in one “observable” deictic space of the speech situation “I – ​​You (You) – Here – Now.”

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    Interruption. Counter remarks

    Polite behavior in verbal communication requires listening to the interlocutor’s remarks to the end.

    However, a high degree of emotionality of the participants in communication, demonstration of their solidarity, agreement, introduction of their assessments “in the course” of the partner’s speech is a common phenomenon in dialogues and polylogues of idle speech genres, stories and histories - memories.

    According to researchers, interruptions are typical for men.

    In addition, interruptions occur when there is a loss of communicative interest.

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    “You” and “You”

    She replaced the empty “You” with a heartfelt “You”.

    A.S. Pushkin.

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    YOU are communication

    In the Russian language, you - communication in informal speech is widespread. Superficial acquaintance in some cases and distant long-term relationships of old acquaintances in others are shown by the use of the polite “You”. In addition, you - communication indicates respect for the participants in the dialogue; So, you - communication is typical for long-time friends, who have deep feelings of respect and devotion for each other. More often you - communication during long-term acquaintance or friendship is observed among women.

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    You are communication

    Men of different social strata are more often inclined to You - communication. Among uneducated and uncultured men, You - communication is considered the only acceptable form of social interaction.

    Once a You-communication relationship has been established, they make attempts to deliberately reduce the social self-esteem of the recipient and impose You-communication. This is a destructive element of verbal communication, destroying communicative contact.

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    Addressing “you” indicates greater politeness:

    • To an unfamiliar, unfamiliar addressee
    • In a formal communication setting
    • With an emphatically polite, restrained attitude towards the addressee
    • To an equal and senior (in age, position) addressee

    Addressing “You” indicates less politeness:

    • To a well-known addressee
    • In an informal communication setting
    • With a friendly, familiar, intimate attitude towards the addressee
    • To an equal and junior (in age, position) addressee
  • Slide 29

    Parity relationships as the main component of communication do not negate the possibility of choosing You - communication and You - communication, depending on the nuances of social roles and psychological distances.

    The same participants in communication different situations may use the pronouns “you” and “you” in informal settings. This may indicate alienation, a desire to introduce elements of ritual treatment into the speech situation.

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    Thus, speech etiquette allows you to establish the necessary contact with your interlocutor in a certain tonality, in different communication settings, to reflect the different nature of the relationship between those communicating, etc.

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    Vera Mishunina
    Presentation “Etiquette of the culture of verbal communication of young children preschool age»

    Words can cry and laugh,

    Command, pray and conjure,

    And, like a heart, it bleeds,

    And breathe indifferent cold,

    A call to become, and a response, and a call

    The word is capable of changing its mode.

    And they curse and swear by word,

    They admonish, glorify, and denigrate.

    Ya. Kozlovsky.

    "Formation of the foundations culture behavior begins from the very first years of a child’s life. He, imitating an adult, begins to master the basic norms communication. To the elder preschool age a child can be brought up with fairly stable forms of behavior, an attitude towards the environment in accordance with the learned moral norms and rules.”

    Teach a child:

    Express your thoughts correctly and clearly for others.

    Answer questions and make requests politely.

    Listen and hear others.

    Be an interesting conversationalist, feel at ease during a conversation.

    Etiquette -(translated from French - label, label) . A set of rules of conduct relating to the external manifestation of attitudes towards people. Form, demeanor, rules of courtesy and politeness, acceptance in one way or another society.

    What is it needed for speech etiquette?

    It is a verbal expression of respect for each other.

    Helps you defend your position in a dispute without hurting your opponent’s pride, preventing negative experiences.

    Formula speech etiquette:


    Who are you talking to?

    What are you saying?

    Where are you talking?

    Why are you saying

    What will be the consequences of this?

    Children, like sponges, absorb absolutely everything that surrounds them, so control your speech and behavior, because a personal example for a child is more convincing than a thousand words. The child acquires speech through the so-called "motherly way", imitating adults, so it is important that he hears not only correct, but also polite speech. As said Makarenko: “Your own behavior is the decisive thing”.

    Publications on the topic:

    Using fairy tales as a means of emotional, artistic and speech development of children of primary preschool age 2. I would like to present to your attention a project called “Using a fairy tale as a means of emotional, artistic speech.

    “Circle of Communication” on the topic “Etiquette” for children of senior preschool age. I. Speech game “Polite cat” Purpose: Children pronounce various words.

    Folklore as a means of speech development in children of primary preschool age. Creative project Relevance: TIMES ARE DIFFERENT NOW, AS ARE GAMES AND ACTIVITIES. RUSSIA HAS GONE FAR FROM THE COUNTRY IT WAS, BUT WE SHOULD NOT FORGET THE TRADITIONS OF ANCIENT TIMES.

    Presentation “Integrated approach to the organization and content of speech development of children of primary preschool age” Timely acquisition of correct, clear speech has important for the formation of a full-fledged personality. A person with a well developed

    Consultation for parents “Development of communication skills in children of primary preschool age in play activities” Play is a child’s right, a childhood companion. Play is the leading activity of a preschool child. It is important for timely and complete.

    Presentation “Education of the principles of ecological culture in preschool children” The basics of environmental education have been included in programs for preschool institutions since the 60s of the last century. But if then.

    Recently, the number of children with speech problems has increased. Therefore the search effective methods and techniques for developing children’s speech is important.