Locust feed meal: replenishing the deficiency of animal protein in animal feed. Production of flour from locusts


Fish meal It is produced from non-food species of fish, marine mammals, crustaceans, as well as from waste from the processing of food fish, crabs, shrimp and other aquatic organisms with the addition of an antioxidant in accordance with the requirements of the GOST 2116-2000 standard.

Application for animal feeding

Fish flour is a dietary supplement used in fisheries, poultry farming, livestock farming, for fattening fur-bearing animals, supplying protein to plant foods that contain it in small quantities. Fishmeal constitutes from 2% to 10% of the diet depending on use and need. Positive effects include up to 15% improvement in fattening, 4% improvement in growth. Fishmeal is a valuable source of protein and amino acids. Therefore, it can be used to increase the growth of animals.

Agricultural sector The southern regions of our country face a very serious problem every year - an invasion of locusts.

A similar situation is observed in Kazakhstan, so our business idea can be implemented there too. It is estimated that locust attacks cause losses in the billions. At the same time, costs are associated both with the lost harvest and with the fight against locusts itself. All activities are aimed at preserving agricultural crops that are used for fattening livestock. Naturally, feed of the proper quality and in the required quantity is required condition production of meat and dairy products and poultry products. Many farmers do not realize that locusts themselves serve as a fairly rich source of protein, which is important for health and can significantly increase the level of one or another productivity. It should be noted that the provision of protein to animals is achieved through complete feed, BVMD and other expensive feed. In terms of the biological value of protein, locusts are not inferior to the listed feeds, and some are even superior. In many developed countries Fishmeal is used as protein feed, which costs more than one million dollars. In domestic agriculture There is an acute shortage of animal protein, which determines the quality of livestock products. It should be emphasized that the situation is somewhat paradoxical. The state and farmers spend huge amounts of money on foreign feed and at the same time invest considerable funds in measures to combat locusts, which themselves are a valuable source of protein. We must not forget that some types of control of these insects (for example, the use of chemicals) lead to pollution environment. It is important to remember: chemicals can accumulate not only in the soil, but also in crops, which often causes poisoning of both animals and people. The percentage of protein contained in locusts is 75%. We think you are now amazed by this figure. For comparison, pork and lamb contain 17% protein, and fish - 21%. As you can see, the difference is obvious. No less interesting fact- efficiency value of protein production by locusts in comparison with large cattle at least 25 times more. Today you can buy 1 kg of flour obtained from locusts for 3 thousand rubles. The price is a bit high. This is due to the fact that this food is produced in an artisanal way and deliveries are made in very small batches. Despite this, locust flour is in demand on the domestic market, which confirms the prospects of a business idea based on the production and sale of locust flour.

In our latitudes in winter, providing birds with live insects is not an easy task. You have to either buy live food at a pet store (which is quite expensive, and there are interruptions in trade from time to time), or learn how to breed 2-3 types of food insects. Most birds will not agree to constantly feed on any one type of insect.


It is most convenient to breed the “tormentor” in plastic basins with a depth of at least 15 cm. Beetles and larvae are unable to get out of the basin along the smooth wall, which makes these insects the most convenient food: “flour” can simply be poured into plastic feeder and put it in a cage, whereas for crickets or cockroaches a smooth surface is not an obstacle.

The basin is filled with a feed mixture of the following composition: bran - 50% of the total mass, milk powder - 10%, breadcrumbs -10%, barley -10%, grass flour (can be replaced with rabbit feed or dry nettle) - 10%, dry yeast - 10%. The ingredients must be crushed (it is best to pass them through a meat grinder), because... The more homogeneous the mixture, the easier it is to separate beetles and larvae from it. The optimal thickness of the feed mixture layer is 10 cm. A thin cloth folded in half is placed on top. The cloth must be wetted daily, wrung out and placed again on the surface of the food. The best temperature is 28-29°C: if you maintain a lower temperature, the rate of reproduction and development of insects will decrease, if higher, the beetles and larvae will begin to die from overheating. Further actions depend on how much mealworm you need: if 20-30 pieces per day, then one 30x30 cm basin is more than enough, you can plant 40-50 adult mealworms in it and after two months start feeding the last instar larvae. In this case, the basin is used until the feed mixture is used up, after which the beetles and larvae are separated from it by sifting through a sieve and transferred to a new mixture. If you have a relatively large farm, it makes sense to use the semi-industrial method. In this case, beetles are planted in a basin for 2 weeks at a rate of 150 pieces. per kilogram of feed mixture, then transplanted into the next basin, and so on. Then larvae of approximately the same age will appear and grow in each container, about 400-500 g per kilogram of the mixture.

Insects are a promising food for farm animals. The planet's population is growing every day, and by 2050, according to experts, it will reach nine billion people.

This fact will naturally entail an increase in the consumption of products such as meat and fish by as much as 70 percent compared to the current level. Of course, meeting the needs of humanity will not be easy. And the main difficulty will be the shortage of feed (especially protein-rich) used in livestock, fish farming and poultry farming. Protein-rich feeds are made from grain legumes and fishmeal. However, these products are barely enough today. The feed industry will have to look for new sources of protein.

According to many experts, insects may be the most promising source of protein. Thus, professor at Wageningen University, consultant to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Dutch entomologist Arnold van Huys, says: “The food industry faces the threat of a shortage of fishmeal due to overfishing, leading to the depletion of the resources of the world's oceans. Meanwhile, fishmeal is the most important a component of feed for chickens, pigs, and fish. But it is steadily becoming more expensive, so feed manufacturers are looking for an alternative. So, insects are an excellent source of proteins.”

05.06.2016 16:41:13

Astrakhan scientists are growing African catfish and creating feed for it from locusts. Know-how is aimed at commercial use and import substitution.

Scientists from the Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU) have developed projects for the development of aquaculture. They presented their main projects at the All-Russian Science Day. Many of them have already left the walls of laboratories and have received practical development.

One of them is a project to raise African clariid catfish. The fish, which is found only in African and Asian waters, was first brought into the unfamiliar region two years ago. But there is already a result: the first season of growing juveniles in an open pond of a small innovative enterprise at ASTU showed the success of this endeavor.

“This was an experiment that we decided to carry out primarily because it is promising: each fish reaches marketable weight in four months,” project curator, associate professor of the department of aquaculture and aquatic biological resources at Astrakhan State Technical University Yulia Bykaneva told .

For comparison, traditional carp and silver carp gain marketable weight in two years.

“We planted this species in a pond of 0.5 hectares in June. The fry weighed 2 grams, and by the end of September they reached a weight of 1-1.2 kg. African catfish are unpretentious and tolerate hot Astrakhan temperatures well; on the contrary, they like it In addition, the fish is practically omnivorous and does not require large quantity oxygen, so it tolerates high population density in the reservoir, which is beneficial for business,” explained Yulia Bykaneva.

According to her, internal organs catfish occupy 20% of the total body weight, respectively, their net fillet is high. The fish meat is slightly pink in color and not so fatty, which is what customers like. The meat of ordinary catfish is swamp-colored.

"This project is promising because it does not require high costs for growing. The only thing is that at +12 degrees the fish die. Therefore, all farmed fish is sold to chain stores, as well as for canned food,” the interlocutor continued.

Now the university is raising its own broodstock in the aquatic complex at ASTU, so that in the future it will no longer purchase larvae.

The project curator emphasized that growing African catfish is beneficial as part of the import substitution program. From the same point of view, another project that scientists are working on is also beneficial. It concerns the creation of mixed feed for fish from local raw materials.

According to Yulia Bykaneva, recently the laboratory began to try to introduce new components for the creation of compound feeds, which had previously been insufficiently studied.

The first one is the most unusual - the migratory locust. There is an abundance of it in the Astrakhan region in the summer. Locusts are distinguished by the fact that they contain a lot of protein, which is necessary for fish to grow.

“But the question with it is still open. Engineers will have to figure out how to catch it in a way that is convenient. So far, in the experiment at the aqua farm, we have used improvised means to check whether the fish like the locusts. We installed spotlights, the locusts flew on them, died and fell into the pond, the fish ate it. We are still discussing how to do this in production,” said the associate professor of the department.

The second component is sapropel, which is also abundant at the bottom of the Volga. It is a source of proteins, amino acids and minerals. And the third component is amaranth, a plant native to Latin America, which is characterized by a high content of essential amino acids necessary for fish. Amaranth does not grow in the Astrakhan region, so scientists bought seeds and grew it themselves in the summer at the dacha.

“This all leads to the fact that we are abandoning foreign producers and starting to use our own raw materials. We grew and produced our own feed locally and fed it to the fish. The feed is not stored for a long time, which means it does not go rancid, and our products will be tested,” the interlocutor explained

So far, ASTU scientists have made a pilot batch of new mixed feed, which has already proven its effectiveness. After a repeat experiment, which is planned for the spring of 2016, scientists will likely be preparing to patent the know-how.

If imported feed costs from 2.5 to 4 thousand rubles per kilogram, then Astrakhan feed is ten times cheaper - about 300 rubles.

There are other “fish” projects in the Astrakhan region. For example, a project for breeding crayfish and doubling their development. For two years now, a scientific idea has been implemented on a small scale. innovative enterprise ASTU "Sharapovsky", and from 2016 this year it is planned to enter new markets.

"Exotic arthropods survive at water temperatures of at least 16 degrees Celsius. At the same time, for a shrimp to grow to a marketable weight of 150 - 170 grams, it needs four months. Breeding them in artificial conditions, with heating, is too expensive. But our climate is like this that we manage to complete the production cycle in the warm season and collect the “harvest” at a water temperature of 20 degrees,” said “ Rossiyskaya newspaper"Governor of the Astrakhan region Alexander Zhilkin.

Local experts estimate that the shellfish project could produce between 80 and 100 tonnes of Australian crayfish and giant freshwater prawns per year. At the same time, there is a great demand for them, the price will be lower, and again, this is a project within the framework of the development of import substitution.

Astrakhan scientists also have other developments in the field of agriculture. For example, a project that has already been tested in practice is “Effective Farmer”.

The program not only takes into account the number of livestock, but also creates an optimal diet for animals, analyzes sales of dairy and meat products and calculates wages for farm workers. It has already been evaluated in one of the farms in the Volga region. After testing, the owners noted an increase in profits and a reduction in time for tax and veterinary reports. It is expected that this year the program will be implemented by three more agricultural enterprises in the region.

“I saw that there was efficiency and growth in profits and demand, and I realized that we need to continue to develop this product,” said the author of the program, a master’s degree in mathematics and information technologies Astrakhan state university Yulia Smirnova.

Another one new development young scientists FUNE - automated greenhouse "AstraGreen", which involves a completely autonomous growth cycle of plant crops from planting to harvest finished products. The greenhouse, which requires an inexpensive computer with a SIM card to operate, selects the appropriate program and implements the watering process, adjusts the temperature regime and monitors the growth and development of the crop.

Columnist Evgenia Artemova

The crisis state of beef cattle breeding in Russian Federation caused by several reasons. Along with underfunding of the industry, the main factors, in our opinion, are outdated technologies, low quality and high cost of feed. The increase in meat production volumes today interests all owners of meat livestock.

Meat consumption, and as a consequence, the quality of life, is falling in Russia. If in the early 1990s this figure in the country was 75 kilograms per person per year, then in the early 2000s the figure dropped to 45 kilograms. At the same time, more than 50% of red meat is imported.

The government has developed a program for the development of beef cattle breeding, introduced last year; until 2020, 65.4 billion rubles have been allocated for its implementation. The program provides for the development of the breeding base of beef cattle breeding, support for economically significant regional programs development of beef cattle breeding and subsidizing part of the interest rate on investment loans for the construction and reconstruction of facilities for beef cattle breeding. It is expected that, thanks to the program, by 2020 the number of crossbred and beef cattle will grow to 3.6 million heads.

The production of mixed feed is also growing. In 2013, according to official statistics, their production amounted to 26 million tons. But the main thing here is the unresolved protein problem, as well as the range and quality of both the grain part and protein and vitamin supplements.

“Currently, almost all domestic livestock farming works on wheat-barley recipes, while in the EU their composition includes only 48% grain, most of which is corn. Next - 28% soybean or rapeseed meal, 12% recycled products Food Industry, 3% are minerals and vitamins, 2% legumes and 1% dairy products.” All this is strikingly different from domestic realities, where up to 75% of feed grain is included in the recipes, because the range of additives and substitutes is poor, up to

livestock specialists do not want to count them.

In the Chelyabinsk region beef cattle breeding There are 170 farms of various forms of ownership, but there is not a single specialized one, built according to innovative technologies, large feedlot. Meanwhile, back in 1972, the author had the opportunity to visit an American highly mechanized feeding complex, where 35 thousand bulls were simultaneously kept.

About 50% of the Russian Hereford herd is concentrated in the region, but the cost of beef in the region is about 180 rubles/kg. Imported block, taking into account transport costs from Latin America, 140 rubles/kg.

The method of preparing dry monofeed that we developed at ChSAA allows us to significantly reduce the cost of complete feed.

Grains are cut into a windrow, dried to 17%, rolled into rolls, taken to a feed warehouse for storage, where they are ground into flour (grain together with straw). Naturally, we are talking about the fodder part of the harvest - seed commercial wheat is harvested in the usual way. Another limitation is that this technology is not suitable for regions with humid climate in autumn the limiting factor is high natural humidity ears in a roll.

The advantages of this method of harvesting: no combine harvesters are used, no losses during threshing, no chaff is lost (almost meadow hay (current data - nutritional value of chaff, barley 32 k.e., wheat 42 k.e., oats 44 k.e., peas 50 k.u., fiber is 20% less than in straw, 2-4% digestible protein, a hectare yields from 5 to 8 centers of chaff with chaff), no vehicles are used - only tractors, no problems with removing straw after harvesting, there is no grain sorting process, no expensive granaries are needed, grain fodder for feeding animals is not needed for the whole year, it can be prepared as needed. The ratio of the weight of grain in the ear to the straw is 60/40, moreover, the nutritious part is also the weeds in the straw. and their seeds (the so-called “dead waste”) If we take this fact into account, then the grain in this mixture will be extruded and no more than half will be. When extruded, it has long been proven that the digestibility of grain increases by 30-40%, and straw by 2. -2.5 times. At the same time, we save 70-80% of feed grain, and even reduce its cost.

Everyone knows that during extrusion, the inhibitor of straw digestibility - legnin - is destroyed; after extrusion, its digestibility increases 2-2.5 times; moreover, during extrusion, starch is denatured into sugars and animals do not need to introduce molasses into their diet. The possibilities of extrusion are enormous: after processing, the digestibility of rye increases from 10 to 90%, of legumes from 7 to 80%. In one extrusion pass, humidity is reduced by 30-40%, moldy feed contaminated with diseases and insects is sterilized. Even sprouted grain after extrusion is used in feed without limitation for all types and ages of animals.

Our country has historically experienced a shortage of animal protein in animal feed. According to the Williams All-Russian Feed Institute, annual purchases of animal protein abroad for the needs of domestic feed production amount to more than 500 thousand tons. The situation is so serious that Medvedev, as President of Russia in January 2008, at a meeting on the food program in Kaliningrad, said: “Domestic livestock farming is in danger - an acute shortage of animal protein in the diet increases feed consumption by 1.5 times, making livestock products unprofitable and uncompetitive "

Russia is capable of not only refusing to supply imported animal protein, but also flooding the European market with its protein supplements, and highest quality. We are talking about locust meal. Locusts have been used as a food product in Southeast Asian countries since ancient times. Here is a small analysis of the locust invasion in Kalmykia over the past 5 years: 2009 - 82 thousand hectares, 2010 - 40 thousand hectares, 2011 - 60 thousand hectares, 2012 - 100 thousand hectares, 2013 - 38 thousand . ha, 2014 - 80 thousand hectares.

As is clear from these figures, outbreaks occur annually. If we take the average locust density (minimum) as 4 tons per hectare, the figure is impressive.

In addition to Kalmykia, all regions of southern Russia and Kazakhstan are subject to annual invasion. In 2014, locusts occupied Bashkiria and the Southern Urals.

This brings billions of losses not only due to destroyed crops and pastures, but also due to the investment of huge funds to combat it: aviation, chemicals, equipment, human resources, etc. The logic of action is as follows: preserve crops for fattening livestock in order to obtain animal proteins: meat, milk, butter, eggs. However, the fact is completely forgotten that the locust itself is a source of protein, which is significantly superior in nutritional value to all of the above products.

Our countries annually purchase protein in the form of fishmeal from all over the world for the needs of feed production: in Argentina, Peru, Chile, China and many other countries - for millions of dollars. We have a catastrophic shortage of animal protein in feed, and without it it is impossible to obtain high-quality livestock products.

A paradoxical situation arises: we spend millions on purchasing protein abroad and at the same time invest huge amounts of money in destroying the source of protein at home. We also inevitably poison water bodies and aquifers with poisons; poisons accumulate in the soil.

In terms of feed nutritional value, locust meal has no equal: it surpasses all existing animal proteins used in feed. The facts are amazing: pork and lamb contain 17% protein, fish - 21%, and locusts - 75%! To obtain 1 kg of conventional protein, a cow needs 8 kg of feed, but locusts need only 300 grams. In absolute numbers, the efficiency of locusts in producing proteins exceeds cattle by more than 25 times (!!!). It is no coincidence that locust flour is offered on the Internet at a price of 3 rubles. per gram - 3,000 rubles. per kg. Of course, such a high price is determined by its artisanal production and supply in small quantities, which are used to feed exotic pets, but if there is such a supply, it means there is a steady demand. Difference in cost with quality fishmeal significant: its price on the market is 50-60 rubles per kg.

The enterprise "Bioenergy and K" in Korkino, together with ChSAA, has developed a set of mechanisms that allow high speed and it is extremely inexpensive to collect locusts from the ground and process them into flour. Locusts are collected within a period of 2-3 weeks, until they take wing.

This is a technology not only for collecting, but also for processing locusts into a finished feed product, ideal for all farm animals and especially poultry.

The locust collection and processing unit consists of 3 units of equipment:

The locust collection mechanism is mounted on a tractor type MTZ and consists of a towed device with gripper rollers 12 meters wide (mounted on a standard coupling of toothed harrows type ZZB-12).

The tractor is equipped with a powerful vacuum unit of the “Buran” type (produced in small series by our company) operating from the power take-off shaft. "Buran" sucks locust biomass from the capture rollers. A lightweight container with a “Veresk” desiccant with a dosing device is mounted on the tractor hitch. During operation, “Buran” sucks in locusts with a pneumatic hose, and the “Veresk” desiccant is supplied through an air dispenser. “Buran” crushes the locusts into biomass and initially mixes it with a desiccant.

Mixture air flow is sent to a standard cart for transporting roughage type 2PTS. The mixture is sent to a place of temporary storage and final processing.

The final operation for the production of protein concentrate from locusts takes place in a mobile extruder complex based on a UAZ vehicle. In an extruder, the mixture is sterilized by pressure and high temperature and brought to a final moisture content of 9%. It is packed into bags and sent to storage areas or directly to the consumer.

The existing technology has been tested in terms of aggregate and technology. It has no analogues to date, patented by the Chelyabinsk Agrarian Academy.

List of the required standard equipment for the locust collection and processing team: MTZ tractor - 2 pcs., coupling for tooth harrows - 1 pc., tractor trailer 2PTS - 2 pcs., KIS-8 feed mixer - 1 pc.

List of non-standard equipment manufactured: collection roller with forward-swept grooves and collecting comb diameter 350 mm<- 1000 мм - 12 шт., вакуумная установка «Буран» с 3-мя всасывающими рукавами и одним выгрузным - 1 шт., бункер для влагопоглатителя «Вереск» с дозирующим шибером объемом 1м3 - 1 шт., экструдерная мобильная установка «Лидер» на базе автомобиля УАЗ - 1 шт.

The presented technology is completely mobile and has no connection to energy sources or buildings. It is distinguished by high productivity and quality of products.

When the extruder complex operates around the clock, the productivity of the entire team for finished products reaches up to 10 tons. In total terms of production per day at one complex you can get up to 500 thousand rubles. The cost part: fuel, workers' compensation, equipment, etc. - 70 thousand rubles.

The approximate cost of non-standard equipment is: “Buran” - 150 thousand rubles, collection rollers - 120 thousand rubles, mobile extruder complex - 1300 thousand rubles. Total cost is: 1570 thousand rubles.

Zaltsman V.A. Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences. CHAA

Krasilnikov O.Yu. LLC "Bioenergia and K", director

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Locusts are popular as food insects among owners of spiders, large reptiles. It is larger and more nutritious than a cricket. In captivity, there are mainly two types of locusts: migratory (Locusta migratoria) and desert (Schistocerca gregaria). Desert locusts are sleeker and more brightly colored, but, in general, the recommendations for keeping both species are similar.

A plastic, wooden or glass cage container with smooth walls is suitable for keeping locusts. The base area of ​​the cage can be 60x40 or even less, the height - at least 60 cm. It is most convenient to construct the cage as follows: cover the bottom of the cage with a fine-mesh metal mesh, and provide a retractable tray underneath it. In general, this design of the cage is similar to the design of a vivarium and greatly facilitates cleaning in the terrarium. More than half of the cage is occupied by egg cartons suspended vertically in a row, which increase the usable area of ​​the container. Ventilation holes covered with metal mesh are provided in the walls or ceiling of the container. Good ventilation is necessary for locusts.

The photoperiod for locusts is made continuous to intensify feeding and growth. For lighting, the same incandescent lamp is sufficient. You can irradiate locusts with ultraviolet lamps (for example, Sylvania type). This greatly increases its value as reptile food.

Locusts are fed mainly with sprouted wheat and other cereal plants. In summer, lawn grass is suitable; In winter, you will have to sprout grain specifically, and in sufficient quantity: several pallets with sprouts at different stages of growth. In addition to wheat, succulent food is also given lettuce, grated raw carrots and apples, and desert locusts are given greens from trees and shrubs. The main dry food is bran with the addition of dried hamarus. You should make sure that no insecticides were used when growing greens, otherwise the locusts may die.

Insects reach sexual maturity 8 days after the last molt and are able to reproduce for another 3 weeks. During the breeding season, a small container with moist, loose soil (peat, coconut shavings, etc.) is placed in the locust cage. To prevent it from drying out, you can cover it with a lid with a small hole in it for the locusts. One female lays about 50 eggs at a time. 10 days after installation, the container with the laid eggs is replaced with a new one, and the first one is moved to an empty cage with the same temperature and humidity conditions.

About 15 days pass from the moment of laying until the hatching of the young. The locust then develops in a new cage, and after another 2-3 weeks reaches the imago (adult insect) stage. The cycle repeats again.

Between cycles, the insectarium should be cleaned and disinfected, after which it can be used again.

The agricultural sector of the southern regions of our country faces a very serious problem every year - a locust invasion. A similar situation is observed in Kazakhstan, so ours can be implemented there too.

It is estimated that locust attacks cause losses in the billions. At the same time, costs are associated both with the lost harvest and with the fight against locusts itself. All activities are aimed at preserving agricultural crops that are used for fattening livestock. Naturally, feed of the required quality and in the required quantity is a prerequisite for the production of meat, dairy and poultry products.

Many farmers do not realize that locusts themselves serve as a fairly rich source of protein, which is important for health and can significantly increase the level of one or another productivity. It should be noted that the provision of protein to animals is achieved through complete feed, BVMD and other expensive feed. In terms of the biological value of protein, locusts are not inferior to the listed feeds, and some are even superior. In many developed countries, fishmeal is used as protein feed, which costs more than one million dollars. In domestic agriculture, there is an acute shortage of animal protein, which determines the quality of livestock products.

It should be emphasized that the situation is somewhat paradoxical. The state and farmers spend huge amounts of money on foreign feed and at the same time invest considerable funds in measures to combat locusts, which themselves are a valuable source of protein. We must not forget that some types of control of these insects (for example, the use of chemicals) lead to environmental pollution.

It is important to remember: chemicals can accumulate not only in the soil, but also in crops, which often causes poisoning of both animals and people.

The percentage of protein contained in locusts is 75%. We think you are now amazed by this figure. For comparison, pork and lamb contain 17% protein, and fish - 21%. As you can see, the difference is obvious. An equally interesting fact is that the efficiency of protein production by locusts in comparison with cattle is at least 25 times greater. Today you can buy 1 kg of flour obtained from locusts for 3 thousand rubles. The price is a bit high. This is due to the fact that this food is produced in an artisanal way and deliveries are made in very small batches. Despite this, locust flour is in demand on the domestic market, which confirms the prospects of a business idea based on the production and sale of locust flour.

Locust flour: features of the technological process

Specialists from the Bioenergy and Co. enterprise have created units that provide quick and effective collection of locusts with subsequent grinding of insects. The price of the equipment is reasonable and affordable for every farmer. The optimal time to harvest insects is before they begin to fly. Collection duration is about 20 days.

The equipment is represented by a trailed unit, the working width of which is 12 m. This device works in conjunction with the MTZ tractor at a speed of 10 km/h. Thus, in 10 hours you can collect locusts from 100 hectares. Such equipment productivity is possible only if the density of insects per 1 sq. m. is 200 individuals, and also with a 50/50 ratio of locusts collected and destroyed. The average weight of one insect is 4 g. That is, from 1 sq. m. it is realistic to collect 400 g of insects, respectively, from 1 hectare - 4 tons. The result of the shift will be four hundred tons. Similar results are obtained by 1 unit (in an ideal calculation model)! The approximate price of a standard set of equipment is 500,000 rubles (this amount does not include the price of the tractor).

This is interesting: read our other articles -, and.

After collection, the biomass is dehydrated. The final and optimal humidity is from 10 to 12%. The cost of the dewatering unit is 1,200,000-1,500,000 rubles. Dehydration will also require a catalyst to ensure drying. You will have to pay up to 8,000 rubles/kg for it.

Locust meal as a source of protein

The storage period of such feed corresponds to the feeding year. It perfectly withstands transportation over long distances. Locust meal is applicable in feeding various types of animals. It is an excellent food for poultry.

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Facts in numbers

To get 1 kg of flour you need to spend only 10 rubles. Market price for 1 kg is 50 rubles. It is very easy to calculate the profit from the sale of 1 kg of flour; it will be 40 rubles. The collection for one shift will allow you to make a profit of 16 million rubles. As you can see, the costs associated with the purchase of equipment are returned through the sale of the harvest collected in 10 hours. The second important point is that agricultural crops will remain intact. In such a business, it is more rational to acquire several sets of equipment necessary for work. The results of a locust invasion are usually quite disastrous. At the same time, there was a tendency for the populations of these insects to increase. This indicates the need to find innovative ways to solve the problem. In this article, we looked at one of these methods that not only reduces the costs of agricultural producers, but also allows you to establish an additional profitable business.