Basics of electrode welding. How to cook with inverter welding: tips for beginners. What is forward and reverse polarity

In a country house or garage, as well as in an apartment, in some cases it may be necessary to connect several metal objects. Hiring professionals is expensive and not always convenient. Today it is permissible to purchase a tool and carry out the procedures yourself. To do this, you will need to master several skills and, of course, remember safety precautions. Welding is a serious process that requires a person's maximum concentration, skill set and willingness to learn.

Modern inverter devices are economical and easy to use. The base load goes to the power grid. Previously, users faced traffic jams due to the high energy consumption of the device. Today, models are equipped with capacitors for energy storage. This allows continuous operation without compromising power supply.

The operating principle is based on melting the rod of the device and the product. After prolonged exposure to an object with an electrode. Clarifying how to learn how to weld with a welding inverter from scratch, we note that first of all you need to figure out what is required and how to ensure safety precautions.


First of all, you will need a good welding machine, it is inexpensive. The instrument should weigh no more than ten kilograms. Other materials that will be needed include:

  • electrodes;
  • welding wire.

When selecting equipment, you should be guided by two principles: quality and safety. The larger the instrument, the more experience is required. We also note that massive units require a gas cylinder.

When purchasing, it is important to consider the following:

  1. The higher the welding current, the more expensive the tool, but also the more functional.
  2. One hundred and sixty amperes are enough to work with metal up to five millimeters thick.
  3. Household networks are not adapted for devices with a power exceeding two hundred and fifty amperes.

When using wire, it is permissible to work with different metals and thicknesses. Let's learn how to learn to cook with electric welding at home.

The person carrying out the work also needs a protective suit and a good mask. The ideal option would be a chameleon welding mask.

The more serious work is planned, the better protection is needed. For short-term welding, special glasses are sufficient.

Clothing must be made from non-flammable materials. As a rule, suits made of canvas or suede are used. Clarifying how to properly learn how to cook with electric welding for beginners, we note that the selection of clothing should be approached thoroughly, the health of the person and those around him depends on it.

Safety precautions

Due to the occurrence of powerful radiation of light and heat, safety rules apply both to the worker himself and to people in the immediate vicinity.

Let's look at the key safety standards:

  1. The distance between the gas cylinder and the generator must be at least five meters.
  2. To avoid damage to the hoses, they are suspended.
  3. The welding area must be fenced to prevent people and animals in the room from getting burned.

We also note that processing pipes under pressure is unacceptable. First of all, they must be emptied, and only then work can begin. Considering how to learn welding yourself, we will determine that compliance with safety precautions is no less important than learning the process itself.

Manual arc welding is divided into the following classifications:

  • by type of electrode – consumable and non-consumable electrodes;
  • according to the shape of the arc - free and compressed;
  • according to the principle of impact on metal - direct and indirect.

When learning how to learn welding yourself, you should determine in advance the technique and type of arc welding. It is gradually possible to master all varieties.

During the learning process, it is worth giving preference to the common MP-3 electrodes. They are easy to use and easy to light. The most common and cost-effective electrodes are those with a diameter of three millimeters.

What is forward and reverse polarity?

The metal melts under the influence of the arc. It is created between the product and the tool under the influence electric current. It is permissible to perform welding in several ways; they differ from each other in the connection method.

With direct polarity, the rod is connected to the minus, and the product itself to the plus. The melting zone is deep and narrow. With reverse polarity, everything is the other way around, both the connection method and the result. The melting point is shallow but wide.

The element that is connected to the positive is subject to greater heating; this is important to consider when choosing a technique. It is acceptable to use several methods when working with one product.

There is a special table that contains recommendations for choosing one method or another. It all depends on the thickness of the metal.

A weld joint is a place that is difficult to separate and has been formed by welding. The main types of welded joints include:

  1. Butt - two elements are adjacent to each other with their end sides.
  2. Overlapping - parts partially cover each other.
  3. Angular - elements adjoin at an angle of ninety degrees.
  4. T-shaped - one of the parts is welded at an angle to the base of the other.

A weld is formed as a result of the metal crystallizing and deformation occurring.

The arc is ignited using one of two methods:

  1. The electrode is placed with its end against the part. When it is shifted a few millimeters, touch ignition occurs. This is not easy for a beginner to do with a cold electrode. All movements must be smooth, but efficient, otherwise the electrode will either stick to the product or the arc will break.
  2. The principle of striking is similar in technique to lighting a match. The already hot electrode is brought to the product, and an arc is created. This option is easier for beginner welders.

After ignition and creation of an arc, the metal begins to melt. During the process, slag and gas bubbles will appear. They must be carefully monitored through a mask so that they do not get into the seam of the product.

Effect of Electrode Feed Speed

The electrode feed rate affects the continuous flow of molten metal into the area where welding occurs. If there are not enough of them, then a gap occurs.

If the speed is very high, then the seam is formed superficially and becomes weak. If the speed, on the contrary, is low, then it is permissible to burn the surface of the product and deform the thin metal.

How does current influence?

The current strength is directly set on the inverter and depends on the thickness of the metal. Let's look at examples of recommended indicators:

The strength of the current increases the depth and increases the speed. If you optimally select the current strength and feed speed, the seam will turn out strong and beautiful.

The principle of action when cutting metal is as follows:

  1. You must select the current mode on the instrument. It must match the thickness of the metal being processed.
  2. We place the electrode on the cut site and after a short wait for it to warm up, we begin the procedure.
  3. When cutting the plate, it is recommended to place it vertically. This is required so that the side effect of molten iron flows down and does not harm the work.

For cutting, it is worth choosing an electrode different from the one used for welding. As for safety precautions, the standards are similar.

How to learn welding on an inverter yourself?

First of all, before working with the inverter, it is necessary to ensure safety:

  1. Wear protective gloves made of rough fabric; the use of rubber options is unacceptable.
  2. Wear glasses or a mask over the eyes. The advantage of the chameleon mask is that it itself adapts to the brightness of the current and protects vision.
  3. Jacket and apron made of canvas.
  4. Shoes should also be made of leather and have high soles.

In addition to ensuring safety and purchasing a welding machine, it is important to complete the following preparatory steps:

  • equip the space - remove from the table everything that could interfere and where drops will fall;
  • guarantee quality lighting;
  • To protect yourself from electric current, you need to stand on a thick wooden floor.

After the preparatory stages, you can begin to work. To do this, the current level is selected depending on the thickness of the product.

The metal itself should also be prepared in advance. Firstly, it is cleaned of rust. Secondly, it is treated with a solution.

The result of welding will be the resulting seam. Electric arc method allows you to get a high-quality result, without defects and the need to correct the work. If any errors occur, it is worth correcting the product, as it can only get worse over time.

Inverter welding - overview of the device

Let's take a closer look at the device itself and the rating of the most effective devices. Affordable devices include:

  1. Interskol ISA-160/7.1 is acceptable for working with unstable voltage. Easy to use and mobile. The price starts from seven and a half thousand. You will need to purchase several additional items.
  2. Resanta SAI-220 is a compact and moderately lightweight device, effective even at low voltage. The cooling fan is NOT always reliable. Price from eight thousand rubles.
  3. Svarog EASY ARC 160 (Z213) is easy to use even for novice craftsmen. Lightweight and fast, and the purchase includes a large set of necessary components.
  4. Bison ZAS-190 has ordinary characteristics inherent in a simple, inexpensive inverter. A weak fan and low-quality wires are a sign of Chinese production on a mass scale. Costs from eight thousand.

Along with inexpensive models, there are also more powerful and high-quality devices. For example, FUBAG IN 163 costs more than twelve thousand. It is often used by professional welders who perform work at home or in the countryside. One of the key advantages is the advanced surge protection system. This not only extends the life of the device, but also helps in creating beautiful welding seams.

Considering how to learn how to weld Resanta yourself, we note that, firstly, you should carefully study the instructions, and secondly, consult with experienced craftsmen.

Control of arc size (arc gap)

The arc magnitude is monitored using a portable ammeter. The welding itself is carried out using the shortest arc possible. Before extinguishing the arc, the welder needs to fill the crater. To do this, several short short circuits of the electrode are made. After which the location of the break is displayed. You need to learn to track the arc size from the very first time, even if the work is performed under the supervision of an experienced craftsman.

The formation of a weld occurs in a short period of time, so the process must be approached carefully and promptly. The result will be influenced in particular by the speed of filling with metal.

The seam is formed by means of two copper water-cooled sliders. They move at a speed equal to the welding speed.

The most uniform seams are obtained by mechanized welding, as well as by using light-weight manual inverters. The length of the arc also significantly affects the quality of the formed weld.

Thus, when considering how to learn to cook with electric welding yourself, not only the technique of the process is important, but the result obtained. In this case it is a welding seam. It’s worth learning how to form a seam from the simplest, gradually moving on to complex techniques. You should not immediately use thin metal, as it requires a special attitude and approach.

The seam can be made in three ways:

  • at a right angle - the bath will be symmetrical, but not the most comfortable, as a rule, it is used in places with difficult access;
  • at an angle forward - a deep bath at the beginning of the seam, the arc thus pushes out the metal, preventing it from being poured back in;
  • at an angle back - it is easy to control the process due to the good visibility of the seam, often used for which seams are interceptions.

Weld defects can be associated with many factors, but most often with unevenness in the width and depth of the weld pool.

Defects in the welding zone

Defects are considered to be any deviations from standards and specified parameters. The most common causes of defects include:

  1. Incorrect choice of mode - current strength for a specific metal thickness.
  2. Welder errors associated with little experience and human factor.
  3. Malfunction of welding equipment.

All defects can be divided into several groups:

  • cracks - gaps that appear under the influence of cold or under heavy loads;
  • cavities or pores - empty spaces filled with gas inside the seam;
  • solid elements - pieces of unmolten metal that stand out on the product;
  • non-fusion - occasional absence of a weld;
  • violation of the shape of the seam and other deviations from the standards.

Depending on the formation mechanism, cold and hot defects are also distinguished. To weld a product correctly, it is important to accurately understand the technology of the process and study all the subtleties and details of the issue. Otherwise, the appearance of defects cannot be avoided.

Features of welding thin sheets of metal

Welding thin sheets is difficult even for experienced welders. Let's look at the main difficulties a welder faces when starting work:

  1. Strong heating of the products is unacceptable, as holes will form very quickly. The electrode must be moved smoothly and quickly, without deviations or delays.
  2. It is necessary to make a short arc, but even with a slight separation it quickly goes out.
  3. If you overheat the product too much, you can change the shape of the sheets themselves.

When fusing thin sheets, it is especially important to carefully process the products, clean them of rust, plaque and paint. You can teach welding in one day, but most likely the result will be rough and sloppy. It is worth starting to work with delicate parts if you have some experience. Process learning involves both theory and practice. You can then use the knowledge you gain for the rest of your life.

Summarizing the principles of working with thin metal, we note the following aspects:

  • use the thickest electrodes and reverse polarity to avoid burn-through;
  • concentrate as much as possible on the start - at the beginning of the formation of the weld pool;
  • The seam should be made in short sections; this will not only make the joint stronger, but also will not deform the metal layers.

It is important to thoroughly clean the metal in a timely manner and use only high-quality electrodes. A large number of slag will worsen and appearance product and its quality.

Summarizing the rules and recommendations described above, let’s consider some tips for novice welders from masters and experts:

  1. You can’t rush if you want to achieve a high-quality and beautiful result. It is advisable to prepare the grinder in advance, in case something goes wrong and you have to redo it.
  2. Having placed two metal plates side by side, you need to carefully examine the joint in the mask. Since it distorts the image, it is worth adapting to shades and changes in shape. Only after all the elements have become clearly visible in the mask can you take the device.
  3. If it is impossible to light an arc, you should first check whether everything is being done correctly and only then check the voltage in the network. It should be two hundred and twenty volts. Long wires can also cause unsuccessful attempts.
  4. Electrodes should be stored in a warm place, for example, on a battery or on a stove. When working, it is recommended to take several with you; you do not need to carry the whole pack all the time.
  5. Beating off the slag crust must be done exclusively with safety glasses and tarpaulin clothing.
  6. It is recommended to regularly check the serviceability of the equipment and be sure to do this before work. It is also worth paying attention to the outlet into which you plan to insert the device.
  7. When completing the seam, you need to briefly hold the electrode at the end point. A sharp break will result in a deep crater, which will weaken the seam and spoil the appearance. It is even recommended to carefully run the electrode along the entire seam in the opposite direction and only then tear off the arc.

Despite the fact that handymen assemble inverters themselves, working with such devices is very unsafe. Preference should be given to industrial devices created in factories.

You can prepare the device at home, but then you need to approach this matter professionally. Welding requires that a person is familiar with the basic laws of physics in practice, has experience working with electricity and does not act alone. Afterwards it is critical for the safety of the tool creator during the production and testing of the unit.

Anyone can learn to cook with an inverter if they wish. Due to the fact that the activity requires strength, as well as attentiveness and thorough preparation, it is better for men to master this area. Purchasing equipment is advisable when several works are planned; it is easier to invite a specialist just for once. When asking whether it is possible to learn how to weld with electric welding in 1 day, we will answer positively, but the skills will only be enough for simple tasks. Complex species works mastered by craftsmen for years.

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And you want to master welding with an inverter for beginners.

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties! The inverter device is easy to use, any person without experience and knowledge can short time master the welding process.

Safety precautions. Welding production is associated with electrical voltage, or in common parlance - current. The current is invisible, but can kill a person.

We check the welding cables for serviceability and connect them to the inverter equipment. Return cable with a clothespin on metal to the negative connector. Cable with electrode holder to connector +. We insert the electrode into the electrode holder.

When connecting the device to the network, visually evaluate the current-carrying cables for serviceability. After making sure that the cables are in good condition, we plug in the plug into the socket and the toggle switch on the device, having previously set the current regulator to the lowest value. If the cooling fan starts working smoothly, without crackling or noise, then everything is fine.

Metal weight. When connecting heavy structures, take precautions. If multi-ton products collapse, they can lead to death or disability.

Equipment. Welding production involves high temperatures. The welder must have:

  • canvas mittens ();
  • robe (special suit);
  • mask with;
  • respirator for work in confined spaces;
  • boots with rubber soles.

Gaiters are used when welding at heights, when arms are raised up, and mittens in other cases.

Other accessories:

  • welding machine;
  • hammer;
  • brush;
  • electrodes.

Inverter Welding Basics

For beginners, experienced welders advise attaching the holder cable to the body, pressing it with the elbow of the arm and wrapping it along the forearm (from the elbow to the hand), and taking the holder in your hand. This way the shoulder joint will pull the cable, and the arm and hand will remain free.

The method will help you manipulate your hand with ease.

Correct placement of the cable on the forearm. You should not work with bare hands.

If you just take it in your hand without wrapping the cable around your forearm, then during the welding process your hand will get tired and wrist movements will cause the cable to dangle. Which will affect the quality of the welded joint.

How to cook using inverter welding correctly? We set the welding current on the machine according to the diameter of the electrode, the type of connection and the welding position. Setup instructions are available on the device and the electrode pack. We take a stable stance, move the elbow away from the body (you can’t press it), put it on and begin the process.

For beginners, it is better to start welding with an inverter with metal workpieces larger than 20 cm.

It is known that a beginner, putting on a mask and lighting an arc, stops breathing, trying to boil the entire length of the workpiece in one breath. With short products, you will develop the habit of cooking in one go. Therefore, practice on long workpieces, learning to breathe properly when welding.

Workpieces (plates) on the work table can be placed in a horizontal plane - vertically towards you or horizontally, it makes no difference.

At the beginning of welding, place the electrode clamped in the holder at an angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular) and move it towards the seam by 30-45 degrees. Light the arc and start moving.

  1. If welding is performed at an angle backwards, then the tilt of 30-45 degrees goes towards the seam.
  2. If the connection occurs at an angle forward, then the electrode is tilted away from the seam.

The distance between the surface to be welded and the electrode is 2-3 mm, imagine that you are running a pencil along a sheet of paper.

Please note that when welding, the electrode decreases as it burns - gradually bring the melting rod closer to the surface at a distance of 2-3 mm and maintain an inclination angle of 30-45 degrees.

Watch a useful video on how to learn how to weld with electric welding for beginners:

How can a beginner learn to weld with a welding inverter?

First we learn to light and hold an arc. Feel the edge when to bring the electrode closer to the surface to be welded during combustion so that the arc does not interrupt.

The electrode is ignited in two ways:

  • tapping;
  • chirping.

The new one lights up easily. A slag film appears on the working rod, preventing ignition. You just need to tap longer to break the film.

  1. To facilitate arc ignition, inverter devices have a built-in Hot Start function.
  2. If a beginner quickly brings the electrode closer to the surface, the Arc Force function (arc force, anti-sticking) is activated, increasing the welding current, preventing the electrode from sticking.
  3. If the melting rod gets stuck, the Anti Stick function cuts off the current, preventing the inverter from overheating.

Video: What is arc force on a welding inverter and how to use it.

It is better for a beginner to first learn on a thread seam; the electrode is held smoothly, without oscillatory movements.

After mastering thread technology, proceed to welding metal with oscillatory movements. Which are used on thick metal for heating, holding the electrode at a certain point using movements - herringbone, zigzags, spiral or your own method.

Types of oscillatory movements

At the beginning of the connection, we carry out several movements from left to right, forming a weld pool and go along the seam making oscillatory movements. The angle of inclination of the electrode is 30-45 degrees. After passing, we beat off the slag with a hammer and clean it with a brush. , wear glasses.

Tip: at the end of the weld, make oscillatory movements to the sides and move the electrode towards the deposited metal. This trick will add beauty to the welded joint (get rid of the crater).

Video: how to weld corner joints, butt joints and overlap joints.

Seams are divided into:

  • single-pass (one pass replenishes the thickness of the metal);
  • multi-pass.

A single-pass weld is performed on metals up to 3 mm. Multi-pass seams are applied for large metal thicknesses.

Welders check the quality of the seam with a hammer - they strike next to the seam. If the seam is smooth, without irregularities, then after the impact the slag flies off completely, there is nothing for it to catch on. It is important to select the correct temperature regime: an overheated seam (hot) will break, an underheated one - there is a risk of lack of penetration.

The current is selected based on the diameter of the electrode, in theory 30 A per 1 mm of electrode diameter.

Direct and reverse polarity when welding with an inverter

Let's consider polarity when welding with an inverter. With a DC connection, the movement of electrons is constant, which reduces spattering of molten metal. The seam is of high quality and neat.

The device has a choice of polarity. What is polarity is the direction of movement of electrons depending on the connection of cables to equipment connectors.

  1. Reverse polarity when welding with an inverter - minus on the workpiece, plus on the electrode. The current flows from minus to plus (from the workpiece to the electrode). The electrode heats up more. Used for welding thin metals, the risk of burn-through is reduced.
  2. Straight polarity - minus on the electrode, plus on the workpiece. Current moves from the electrode to the workpiece. The metal heats up more than the electrode. Used for welding thick metals from 3 mm and cutting with an inverter.

The polarity is indicated on the pack of electrodes; these instructions will help you correctly connect the wires to the equipment.

Welding thin metal with an inverter

The essence of connecting thin plates comes down to selecting small-diameter electrodes and adjusting the welding current. For example, for metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm, electrodes with a diameter of 1.8 mm are used. The current on the inverter is set to 35 A.

Technology occurs in intermittent movements. Watch the video for a detailed description of joining thin plates.

How to cut metal with a welding inverter

To properly burn a hole in a pipe, we set the current on the device to 140 A for a 2.5 mm electrode. We light the electrode, placing it in one place to warm up the metal and press it in. We move the electrode to a new place, warm it up and press it in. Gradually, we cut a hole in the pipe.

Among the available welding machines for purchase and initial practical training, the most suitable for self-taught welders will be inexpensive, reliable, lightweight and reliable models that have the main and undeniable property - ease of use.

Modern electric arc welding machines, created using new technologies and incorporating almost all the most significant innovations, have such almost ideal properties.

Like any other welding inverter, it is used for simple and reliable connection of metal structures.

It is quite difficult to outline more precisely the scope of application of such technology, since it is almost universally applicable. welded joints– in construction, mechanical engineering, agriculture and everyday life, in general, where it is necessary to easily and simply connect metal together.

Required materials/tools/protection

Directly for work, a novice welder will need the following tools:

  1. Welding inverter with a set of wires (from ground and electrode holder.
  2. Consumables– welding electrodes for manual electric arc welding (for starters, 3 mm in diameter will be suitable for training).
  3. Metal brush.
  4. Small hammer(as a rule, such a hammer is included with the inverter, but it is better to buy a special welder’s hammer - with a spring handle and pointed ends with a flat and a peaked shape).
  5. Clamps for pressing the parts to be welded.

Suitable materials for initial training:

  1. Metal iron objects– pipes, metal strips, construction fittings.

Attention! When taking your first steps, it is important to know that welding aluminum, cast iron, and stainless steel requires special electrodes and very confident welding skills.

And most importantly, to carry out the work you need special protective armor:

  1. A mask with a special light filter is required., blocking bright light from the welding arc.
  2. Protective gloves- after all, you will have to deal with molten scrap metal.
  3. Special suit, preferably from fire-resistant tarpaulin.
  4. Work boots on thick and durable soles with high boots - a simple and reliable way to protect your feet from burns.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the work

Preparatory steps:

  1. Step one– first you need to prepare the workplace, remove the room from unnecessary objects and flammable materials and liquids;
  2. Provide adequate lighting for the area creative research.
  3. Prepare material for welding and necessary tools.
  4. Check that the cable connections are correct and secure when using electrical extension cords.

As for the work itself, here you need to master the sequence and order of actions once and for all, this should become the rule and develop all movements to the point of automatism:

  1. Welding cables are unwound and straightened, connects to the inverter sockets.
  2. The parts to be welded are laid out, the correctness of the connections is checked and, if possible, secured in a vice or clamps.
  3. Wear protective equipment, the mask is being prepared.
  4. Ground terminal– a clamp with a plus sign to one of the surfaces to be welded.
  5. The electrode is inserted into the holder.
  6. Checking the connection of the device itself to the electrical network, without turning on the power supply key.
  7. Power turns on, after 15-20 seconds the device is ready for use.
  8. The electrode is brought to the site of the intended seam, the protective mask is brought to the face, the arc is ignited.
  9. Light movements form a weld pool, and a seam is formed.

When connecting small parts where the seam is short, it is recommended not to turn off the device during quality control and removal of slag deposits; for large volumes of work, it is recommended, despite the presence of forced cooling, to turn off the inverter and take a short break.

  1. Remove the hand with the holder, stop the formation of an electric arc.
  2. Power off apparatus.
  3. Let the seam cool for 3-5 minutes., and lightly tap the slag and check the quality of the seam - ideally, it should look like laid scales, like on a fish - one should seem to overlap the other.

Safety precautions

Welding inverter – electrical appliance, and therefore it is prohibited to carry out work in high humidity, in the open air during rain.

It is necessary to work only in a protective mask, in a special fire-resistant suit and shoes, and in welding gloves. Workplace must be spacious; there must be no flammable or explosive materials, liquids, or cylinders in the workplace.

It is prohibited to carry out welding work with objects that have dangerous contents - in cans, gas tanks, and various ammunition.

Arc gap control

Welding arc diagram

We can speak with confidence about the initial skills of a welder when the skill has been developed. correct formation and holding the arc gap - the welding arc.

In fact, this is a simple process, the main thing in it is the understanding that the arc will be constant and melt the electrode most efficiently with the correct, slightly slow movement of the holder.

In many ways, this is achieved by trial and error - a consolidated skill will appear when, when moving the electrode, a homogeneous seam begins to form, connecting both parts being connected.

Rules for forming a weld seam

Obtaining a strong and reliable weld joint is largely the result of proper movement of the electrode in the weld pool. Quite primitively, this can be described roughly as the process of learning to write.

The movement of the hand with the holder is reminiscent of a first-grader's copybook, when the skills are quite weak and you have to draw zigzags, circles, or oblique lines. But at the same time, in addition to movement in one plane, when welding, you need to either bring the electrode closer or, on the contrary, remove it.

Such movements make it possible to form layers of metal in the weld pool, as if overlapping each other, and this ensures a perfectly formed connecting seam.

Direct and reverse polarity during inverter welding

The usual connection of the welding cables of the holder to the “minus”, and the “ground” clamp to the “plus” of the inverter allows you to easily weld all permissible connections, while this polarity allows you to increase the amount of heat generated during welding.

Reverse connection of cables, and the inverter has such a possibility, “plus” is supplied to the electrode, and “minus” is applied to the parts being welded, which allows you to reduce the amount of heat and, accordingly, connect parts made of thin metal without the formation of burns.

Working with thin metal

Selection of electrodes

The option of working with an inverter with thin metal is not easy for beginners the first time, but even professionals do not always succeed.

However, you should know:

  1. When welding thin metal It is recommended to use reverse polarity.
  2. When connecting thin metal and thicker, to achieve the result, you need to tightly press the thin metal to the thicker one and weld “from thick to thin” to prevent overheating and burning.
  3. Both parts must be well cleaned, rust must be removed to avoid the formation of additional slag.

Advantages and disadvantages

When starting to work with an inverter welding machine, it is useful, in addition to the operating instructions, to familiarize yourself with even more in-depth publications on electric welding equipment; in any case, you need to clearly understand all the pros and cons of such tools.

The “advantages” of welding inverters clearly include:

  1. Light weight.
  2. Ability to operate at fairly low network voltage, the electronics hold the arc perfectly even at 160-180 volts in the mains.
  3. Smooth adjustment of electric current issued by the device.
  4. Opportunity to work with almost all types of electrodes.
  5. Easy and efficient arc ignition.
  6. Ability to configure to work with various materials , both in terms of the thickness of the metal being joined, and with various metals - for example, aluminum, cast iron.
  7. Almost complete absence of power surges when working even on congested networks.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages, but most of them are not related to the direct operation of the tool:

  1. High price compared to transformer models.
  2. Demanding working conditions– positive temperature, acceptable humidity, slight dustiness.
  3. High cost of repairs– the electronic components used are most often repaired or in specialized service centers, or it’s cheaper to buy a new inverter.

The essence of the welding inverter technology is that the alternating current of the electrical network through the operation of electronic components is converted first into direct current, and then once again into alternating current, but with different quality indicators - high frequency (about 20,000–50,000 Hz) and high power current - 100–200 Amperes, but with a low voltage of about 60-90 V.

When starting to use a welding inverter, the most important thing you need is to be patient; more than one pack of electrodes will go away before you get a really beautiful seam.

But you need to strive for this from the first time you turn on the device, and the following points will help a lot:

  1. At the initial stage It is enough to learn how to hold the arc so that the electrode heats up evenly.
  2. During the first lessons It is recommended to first learn how to form a horizontal seam, and only then diversify the tasks - welding vertical and ceiling elements.
  3. It's important to make it a habit clean rust and deposits from the joints.

One of the most simple methods metal connections - welding with an inverter. For novice welders, it provides an opportunity to quickly master simple skills and learn how to work with metal. When carrying out welding work, not much equipment is required, and it is affordable. Actions with hot metal require compliance with safety regulations. Therefore, you need to start by studying the equipment, protective equipment and methods of correctly performing operations.

Necessary equipment and equipment

First of all, you need to select equipment, protective equipment and learn how to use the inverter correctly. Required equipment:

  • Canvas leggings;
  • Robe or thick cotton clothing;
  • Welding mask with light filters;
  • Respirator;
  • Shoes with rubber soles.

The main protective equipment is a welding mask. It protects from splashes of hot metal, from bright lights and from strong ultraviolet radiation.

Equipment you will need:

  • welding inverter;
  • hammer;
  • brush;
  • electrodes.

The main characteristic of the inverter is the range of adjustment of the welding current. An inverter with a maximum current of up to 160 A can be used for both welding and metal cutting, but will experience significant overloads.

Another characteristic is the constant switching factor. This is the ratio of the operating time to the cooling time of the inverter. As the current decreases, the continuous switching factor increases and the device overheats less.

Taking both characteristics into account best choice for a novice welder there will be a machine with a maximum current of 180-200 A.

Welding Basics

According to safety rules, before starting, you should remove all flammable, wooden, paper, and plastic objects from the work area. The mask must be put on before starting the arc.

Electrode - metal rod, which is coated with a special flux coating. During welding, the consumable electrode fills the weld with metal. The coating also melts and covers the surface of the molten metal (weld pool), protecting the liquid metal from oxidation. The current strength determines the depth of metal penetration. The higher the current, the greater the distance over which the melt spreads during welding. The current strength is directly proportional to the diameter of the electrode. It is indicated in tabular form on the packaging with electrodes.

Types of seams

The bottom seam is the easiest to make. The parts lie horizontally, the weld pool is stable. With a horizontal seam it is much more difficult to keep the metal in the bath.

The vertical seam is made from the bottom up to prevent metal from flowing out of the weld pool. Otherwise, the quality of the seam will be poor. It will turn out uneven, with sagging and undercooked.

The most difficult weld is the ceiling one, because the seam and weld pool are located above the electrode. To perform ceiling seams, a highly qualified welder is required. Pipe welding is very difficult. There the bottom seam gradually turns into a vertical seam and into the ceiling seam. You need to be good at all of these types.

Operating procedure

To learn how to weld with a welding inverter, you need to start with the bottom seam. A metal object is selected, for example, a thick corner or channel, such that a long seam can be made. For training, it is better to use MP-3 type electrodes. They easily ignite the welding arc and form a weld, which is important in the learning process for a beginner. To learn how to cook using inverter welding correctly, you can choose electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm. They are common and inexpensive.

Before you begin, you need to check and assemble the equipment. This requires:

Now you need to start welding. First, the arc is ignited. This requires:

  • Remove the coating from the end of the electrode by tapping it on the metal.
  • Ignite by striking. It's like striking a match. It is necessary to quickly move the electrode over the surface of the metal, not allowing it to stick. The question may arise why the electrode sticks when welding with an inverter, even with the anti-stick function. This occurs due to incorrect settings of the device or when using raw electrodes. The electrode can also stick due to uncleaned metal.
  • The electrode heats up and will be able to ignite an arc as it approaches the part. A section of molten metal is formed under the flared arc.

You can strike an arc by tapping it on a metal surface. The electrode must be kept at a constant distance from the part. Recommended distance 3 mm. You need to adjust the behavior of the bath by tilting the electrode:

  • Welding at right angles is performed in hard-to-reach places. The bathtub is symmetrical, but it is inconvenient to work with.
  • Forward angle welding creates a deeper pool at the beginning of the weld.
  • Backward angle welding is used only in the bottom seam and in temporary tack welds.

The main weld defects arise due to uneven movement of the electrode, poor-quality coating or too fast movement of the tool.

Forward and reverse polarity

Direct and reverse polarity refers to the order of connection to the DC poles. When connecting the electrode to the minus, and the metal workpiece to the plus, they speak of direct polarity. The melting zone is deep and narrow. With reverse polarity, a metal part is connected to the negative. When choosing polarity, you need to know which element should heat up more. It should be connected to the positive.

Direct polarity is applicable when cutting metal structures, thick-walled workpieces and in cases where it is necessary to create a high process temperature. With reverse polarity, increased heating occurs at the electrode, and the metal is heated less. It is used for electric welding of thin sheets of metal to obtain an ideal seam or when it is necessary to prevent damage to the workpiece during operation.

For production repair work at home, in the garage, in the country, it is very important to learn how to weld metal. Tips for beginners can be found on numerous websites dedicated to welding. There are video tutorials and tutorials with a detailed description of how to properly weld metal with an inverter, and showing all stages of the work process.

Welding is one of the rather complex, but extremely popular technologies for working with metals. Wherever you look, welded joints are always used. Nothing can happen without this process. industrial production, construction company, repair or service establishment. Welding becomes indispensable in the construction and improvement of one’s own home.

But here’s the problem: welding work requires a certain level of preparedness. You can, of course, if necessary, contact welders through advertisements, or contact your friends who have the necessary skills. But it’s better to ask yourself the question - how to learn how to work with electric welding yourself, so as not to be dependent on anyone. Today, when home welding equipment has ceased to be a problem, the ability to carry out such work, especially for the owner of an individual home, is an invaluable plus, since many problems will simply cease to exist.

But first of all, you need to understand the basic concepts of electric welding and purchase equipment. Welding is like that technological process, where the quality of work directly depends on the equipment of the workplace.

What types of electric welding exist?

The very essence of electric welding is as follows. Power point generates a powerful welding current, which is supplied through cables to the work station. An electric welding arc is created between the electrode and the surface of the metal being welded - a stable discharge characterized by the highest temperature values. This leads to melting of the metal and filler material. A so-called weld pool is formed - an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe melt, by controlling and directing which the welder forms the seam. After removing the arc, crystallization of the molten metal occurs and a strong monolithic connection of the parts is created.

This very simplified scheme is implemented in several welding technologies:

  • Most widespread is manual arc welding, which, according to existing terminology, has the abbreviation MMA (from the English name “ Manual Metal Arc"). The main feature is the use of fusible electrodes with special coating. Advantages – no special complexity required technical support, gas equipment. The disadvantage is that welding can only be done with ferrous metals or stainless steel.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, if welding is considered at the household level, then this technology is meant.

  • Welding using TIG technology allows you to work with alloy steels and some non-ferrous metals. The term " Tungsten Inert Gas» speaks for itself: tungsten and inert gas. In this case, an arc is created between the surface to be welded and an infusible tungsten electrode, and a filler rod of one type or another is introduced as a filler. At the same time, a protective inert gas is constantly supplied through a welding torch with a heat-resistant ceramic nozzle, which ensures the cleanliness of the seam.

Welding using this technology has a lot of advantages, but it requires special equipment and highly qualified employee.

    Metal Inert Gas – Metal Active Gas) – one of the most advanced modern technologies, which is increasingly used by home craftsmen. The welding process also takes place in an environment of inert or active gases with automatic supply of filler material (welding wire), which plays the role of an electrode.

This technology allows seams to be made High Quality in any plane and with very high productivity. To some extent it is even simpler than M MA, but requires complex and rather bulky equipment - the welding machine itself, a wire feeder, a gas cylinder device, a torch with a special sleeve through which the wire and shielding gas flow.

  • There is also spot electric welding - SPOT, which is widely used, in particular, in the body areas of car service enterprises. It also requires special, sophisticated equipment, and is practically not used at home.

Manual arc welding MMA - what is required for work?

Any beginner always starts by mastering the techniques of manual arc welding (MMA), so all the questions discussed below will be devoted specifically to it.

To start practicing on your own, you need to prepare certain equipment, equipment and consumables.

Arc Welding Machine

To carry out welding work using MMA technology, one of three types of devices is used:

  • A welding transformer is one of the simplest types of equipment. The principle of operation is elementary - the mains voltage of 220 V (or 380, for a three-phase network) is converted into a lower one, about 25 - 50 V, but due to this the current value increases sharply. The advantages of such a circuit are its simplicity, high reliability and ease of maintenance , high performance power. Such devices are inexpensive, which probably largely determines their prevalence.

The transformer has many more disadvantages - the welding arc from alternating current is not stable, there are frequent cases of electrodes sticking, large spattering of metal, and the seams are not neat. In addition, special electrodes will be required specifically for “change”. Welding transformers are very dependent on the mains voltage, and during operation they can seriously drain the network. They are not distinguished by their compactness and lightness. In a word, starting training with such equipment is undesirable. As a rule, working on such devices will require good skills.

  • MMA welding rectifiers differ from transformers in that they produce direct current at the output. It is much easier to work with them, since the “constant” arc is much more stable, and the seams are more accurate.

However, shortcomings remain– the same massiveness and dimensions, even larger than those of welding transformers, dependence on the supply voltage and a large load on the network. They are more expensive in price than transformer devices.

  • Without exaggeration, we can say that a literal revolution in welding technologies was made by devices operating using an inverter circuit. AC mains voltage 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hz goes through a whole cascade of frequency and amplitude transformations, and the required direct current with the highest degree of stabilization is obtained at the input. All processes are controlled by a microprocessor assembly, which allows the required adjustments to be made with a high degree of accuracy.

The most modern solution - welding inverter

All this gives a whole “bouquet” of advantages of such a device:

— The equipment can easily withstand quite serious fluctuations in the mains voltage, which is especially important in suburban villages, where such problems are a very common occurrence.

— At the same time, inverters, compared to other devices, have minimal energy consumption - they practically do not overload the network.

— Stabilized current and the possibility of its precise adjustment allow you to make precise and neat seams. There is virtually no spattering.

— The device is compact and lightweight.

A wide range of similar devices is produced - from household-grade inverters to professional equipment. For beginner welders, this is the most optimal solution. Prices for high-quality inverters are quite high, but, firstly, they tend to decrease, and secondly, such a one-time purchase will fully justify itself. And quite a few inexpensive devices of very dubious assembly have appeared for sale. Therefore, it is very important to approach the problem correctly inverter selection - You need to pay attention to a number of important nuances:

  • Maximum welding current. If the device is planned to be used in a household environment, then, as a rule, stop on models with a value of 150 - 200 A. this is quite enough to work with electrodes with diameters up to 4 mm.
  • Resistance of the electronic circuit to changes in mains voltage. High-quality inverters must withstand fluctuations within ± 20 ÷ 25%.
  • The inverter must have a forced cooling system that operates constantly when the power is on, or be equipped with an automatic system that starts ventilation at a certain radiator temperature.
  • We should not forget about the power consumption of the device - it can be of the order of 2 ÷ 3 kW for small models, but can reach larger values ​​for devices semi-professional or professional class.
  • What about m Many people simply don’t know: the parameter that determines the permissible duration of the welding process is the on-time (ON). No device can work without interruptions, and the parameters must indicate PV, expressed as a percentage of total duration equipment operation. For household-class models this is usually about 40% - nothing can be done, this is the price to pay for the compactness of the device. In practice, this means that the “rest” period, in this case, is 1.5 times longer than the welding time, for example, 1 minute of continuous work will then require at least a minute and a half pause.
  • It will be very convenient for novice welders if some useful functions are implemented in the device circuit:

— “HotStart” significantly facilitates the initial ignition of the welding arc. The electronics automatically pulse increases the current value at the moment of ignition.

— "ArcForce" will help to cope with the eternal problem of beginners - sticking of the electrode to the metal surface. By reducing the required gap between the electrode and the metal, the current increases, preventing this nuisance.

— “AntiStick” is a function that will prevent the machine from overheating if sticking cannot be avoided. In this case, the power will simply turn off automatically.

Another important advice. The “Achilles heel” of inverters is the certain difficulty of carrying out repair work in the event of a circuit failure. When choosing a device, it is better to give preference to models with a multi-board electronic circuit layout. Buying such devices is a little more expensive, but diagnosing breakdowns becomes easier, and maintainability is much higher.

Video: how to choose a welding inverter

Prices for popular welding inverters

Welding inverters

Welding leads, electrode holder, ground clamp

Welding inverters, as a rule, are already equipped with wires, an electrode holder and a ground clamp. However, when purchasing, you should also pay close attention to these elements - sometimes you can run into low-quality products.

  • Welding wires must be in flexible rubber insulation and have reliable brass contact plugs suitable for the connectors of a particular device. The cable cross-section must be at least 16 mm² if the device is designed for currents up to 150 A, 25 mm² - at 200 A and even 35 mm² if it is intended to work with currents of 250 A and higher. You should not chase a long length of wires or extend them yourself - this can lead to overload of the electronics and failure of the inverter.
  • The electrode holder is the most important element of a welder’s equipment, since it is what the master manipulates during the work process. You should not use homemade “forks” for work - this is quite dangerous in terms of light burns to the eyes or electric shock. The most common and convenient today are plier-type holders - “clothespins”. Some are convenient, allow you to quickly and easily replace the electrode, are well insulated on all sides and provide adequate safety.

One of the most common are plier-type “clothespin” holders.

The holder must have a reliable clamp for the electrodes, allowing them to be placed not only perpendicularly, but also at an angle of 45º. You need to take the time to check the material of the contact part - it should be copper or brass, but not copper-plated steel. This is a clear sign a cheap fake that can be easily identified with a small magnet. It is necessary to check the reliability of fixation of electrodes, especially small diameters (2 mm) - this is often a problem with low-quality plier-type holders.

An important factor is the convenience of the holder, its balance, “weight distribution” - working with it should not cause rapid hand fatigue. It should have a handle long enough to allow you to take the most comfortable hand position, and a corrugated surface to prevent slipping in the palm wearing a mitten. Do not forget that the maximum welding current value is also determined for the holders.

  • The ground clamp must have a powerful spring, reliable connection with wire, brass contacts for crimping a metal workpiece, connected by a copper busbar.

Welder equipment

  • First of all, for welding work you will need a mask or shield. Shields often come with inverters, but they have an inconvenience - you need to hold it with your free hand, and this is not always possible. It is better to purchase a full mask.

This piece of equipment protects the eyes from light burns, covers the face from metal splashes or sparks, and the respiratory system, to a certain extent, from rising gases. At the same time, the light filter must provide good visibility of the seam being applied when the arc is ignited - selection is made individually. The light filter must be covered with protective glass.

The mask itself is made of heat-resistant plastic. It should not be heavy and bulky, causing rapid fatigue. It is necessary to check the comfort of the headrest and its fixation in the desired position, the possibility of adjustment to the required size.

Masks - “chameleons”, equipped with special liquid crystal filters that instantly change light conductivity at the moment of arc ignition. The convenience is undeniable - there is no need to constantly fold back the mask to visually control the completed seam, and the process of igniting the arc is simplified. Such masks have certain degrees of adjustment of response speed and degree of darkness - this is another significant advantage. Their disadvantage is their rather high price.

  • To work, you will need special clothing, made of durable, dense fabric that prevents instant melting or burning when exposed to sparks. (eg tarpaulin) Patch pockets on a jacket or pants are strictly prohibited.

Shoes must be leather, fully closed, and their tops must be securely covered by the legs. Hands must be protected with leather or thick canvas mittens or gloves (gaiters) with long cuffs that completely cover the wrist area.

  • To carry out welding work, in addition, you will need a special hammer for chopping slag - cleaver, iron brush for cleaning metal surfaces. Cutting workpieces and cutting parts (chamfering, etc.) will require a grinder machine with cutting and grinding wheels.

What electrodes should I use?

Electrode represents a steel rod covered with a layer of coating. The rod is both a conductor for welding current and a filler material. Coating, when exposed to high temperatures, creates a protective layer of slag and gas, protecting the weld from instant oxidation by oxygen and nitrogen in the air.

It is very important to choose the right electrodes

There are situations when the equipment is good, and everything seems to be done according to the rules, but the weld does not work. Perhaps the reason lies in the incorrect selection of electrodes. Alas, many novice craftsmen select them, focusing only on the thickness of the rod section, losing sight of the other characteristics. Meanwhile, the classification of electrodes is quite complex and diverse. Of course, you can get advice when purchasing, if, of course, the seller himself understands this. But you can try to figure out some issues on your own.

For example, an electrode E42 A-U OHI-13/45— 3.0-UD (GOST 9966— 75) or E-432(5) – B 1 0 (GOST 9967— 75). What can numbers and letters tell us?

  • E42 A– a special designation indicating the mechanical and strength properties of the seam being created. A characteristic more required for engineering calculations.
  • UOHI -13/45 – The brand of the product is encrypted here. which is assigned to it by the manufacturer.
  • 3,0 – the diameter of the metal rod is 3 mm.
  • Letter "U" indicates that it is intended for welding carbon or low-alloy steels - what is most often required at home. You can find designations "L", "T", "V" - these are electrodes for alloyed and in instrumental steels of various types, and "N" - to create a surfacing layer on the metal surface.
  • Letter "D" in this example it speaks of thick coating. A thin layer will be indicated "M" , average - "WITH" and very thick - "G". Preference should be given to thick coating.

According to the following GOST, the decoding is as follows:

  • E-432(5) – information for specialists about the physical and chemical properties of the deposited additive.

"B" is a classification of coating coating. In the example given - the main thing. Besides You can find the following designations:

- "A" — acid-type coating, suitable for permanent, And for a break, for any types of seams, but produces strong spattering.

- "B" — the main one, used for welding powerful thick parts using reverse polarity.

- "R" — rutile coating is one of the most common, perfect for a novice welder and for work at home.

- "C" - coating with a cellulose component. It is very convenient for large-scale work, but requires special qualifications of the welder, as it does not tolerate overheating.

— “RC”, “RCZh” combined type. The letter “F”, in addition, indicates the inclusion of iron powder in the composition. Mainly used by qualified professionals for special type works

  • The next number indicates the spatial arrangement of seams that can be made with this electrode.

"1" - universal;

- "2" - everything except vertical top down;

"3" - “ceiling” and vertical are unacceptable, just as in paragraph 2;

- "4" — the electrode can only perform lower seams.

  • The last digit of the marking is an index indicating the parameters of the required welding current. The data is summarized in a special table, taking into account the type of current, the value of the open circuit voltage of the device, and the required polarity. Without going into details, just a few words about what needs to be taken into account. There are ten gradations in total, from «0» before "9" . For alternating current, any can be used except «0» . When “constant”, the polarity of the connection will not matter for indexes "1", "4", "7" . Electrodes "2", "5" And "8" - exclusively for straight polarity, and "0", "3", "6" , And "9" - only for reverse.

The diameter of the electrodes is selected depending on the thickness of the parts being welded. Simplified, you can focus on the following parameters:

— For workpieces up to 2 mm thick — Ø 1.5 ÷ 2.5 mm;

– 3 mm – Ø 3.0;

– 4 ÷ 5 mm – Ø 3.0 ÷ 4.0;

– 6 ÷ 12 mm – Ø 4.0 ÷ 5.0;

- over 12 mm - Ø 5.0.

Video: classification of electrodes for manual arc welding

Prices for electrodes for welding

Electrodes for welding

Preparation of the workplace

To get started practical classes, you need to prepare your workplace:

  • It is best to work in the fresh air and open space - there is no possibility of fire in the building structures, and there is less exposure to toxic fumes.
  • There should be no flammable materials or liquids near the workplace.
  • In case of fire, you should prepare fire extinguishing agents - water, a fire-resistant cape made of thick fabric, sand. In this case, water can be used to extinguish the flame only when the apparatus is completely de-energized.

The optimal solution is a metal welding workbench
  • It is best to work on a metal workbench. You should consider the issue of fixing workpieces (vises, clamps, etc.). )
  • The extension cord must have a cable cross-section that matches the peak power consumption of the welding machine.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to take measures to exclude the appearance of strangers, and especially children.

First practical steps

If everything is ready, you can proceed to practical actions. To begin with, it is best to prepare a sheet of metal, cleaned of dirt and rust - it is better to practice the first steps on it, without rushing to immediately weld any parts.

A mass clamp is attached to the workpiece. Good contact at the connection point is very important - it should be cleaned with a metal brush

It is best to start training with electrodes Ø 3 mm - it is easier to “get your hands on” with them. The value of the welding current in this case will be about 80 - 100 A. The electrode is inserted into the holder, and the reliability of its fastening is checked.

  • The first “exercise” will be to ignite and hold the welding arc. To do this, after turning on the device and lowering the mask, you need to either scratch the electrode on the surface of the metal, or knock several times on one place. A spark must appear, and now the most important thing is to keep the arc burning. To do this, it is necessary to strictly maintain the gap between the electrode and the metal surface. The position of the electrode is approximately 30 º from the perpendicular to the surface.

A normal gap is considered to be approximately equal to the thickness of the electrode rod - this is called a short arc. When inverter welding using high-quality and dry electrodes, there are usually no problems with arc stability. Increasing the gap to 4 - 5 mm results in a long arc, which will not produce a high-quality seam. Bringing the electrode too close to the surface may result in it sticking. In this case, you should immediately swing the holder to the side before the rod begins to overheat.

When maintaining an arc, remember that the electrode is constantly burning out, and its position relative to the metal surface must be adjusted.

  • Now you need to clearly understand the structure of the molten metal in the arc region. At the beginning of heating, a red liquid spot appears - this is not metal yet, but the melted coating of the electrode, which has created a protective layer. After 2-3 seconds, a bright orange or even whitish drop with a slight trembling or ripple on its surface will appear in the center of this spot - this is the weld pool, an area of ​​molten metal. It is important to learn to clearly distinguish between the liquid slag and the bath itself - the quality of the seam being applied will depend on this.
  • As soon as the bath has formed, we begin to try to move it, smoothly moving the electrode without changing the gap. A drop of metal always moves to an area of ​​increased temperature, so the bath will tend to follow the arc. For its part, the pressure of the arc pushes the bath somewhat in the opposite direction. Having worked practically and understood this principle, you can try to form a bead of deposited metal on the surface of the sheet.
  • To complicate the task somewhat, it is best to mark a line on the surface of the metal that is maintained when creating a weld bead. The electrode will move along the line with slight oscillatory movements to the sides - as shown in the diagram.

After applying this “seam,” you need to let it cool and then chip off the slag layer to visually assess the quality. Amperage adjustments may be required. This, for example, will be noticeable in uncooked areas - the current is clearly insufficient. An increased value may lead to burning of the sheet. All this is determined only experimentally; it is difficult to give any clear recommendations.

The first exercise is to create even rollers

Porosity of the seams and inclusion of slag particles in the metal structure are not allowed - this connection is not durable.

During practice, it will be possible to decide which direction of welding will be most convenient - towards you or away from you, pulling the bath behind the electrode or vice versa, pushing it forward. Many craftsmen still advise welding, if smooth and high-quality beads begin to be obtained, you can move on to the next stage - welding two workpieces.

  • Welds According to their spatial position, they can be lower, on a vertical plane (horizontal or vertical) and ceiling. Of course, you need to start from the bottom - the ability to perform the rest will not come immediately, as you gain experience.
  • Based on the location of the mating parts, seams are divided into butt, corner, tee and overlap. Each of them has its own characteristics of application, electrode movement, cutting and positioning of workpieces.
  • Welding of two parts begins with tacks, which will ensure a stable position of the parts when applying the main seam. Usually, for tack welding, the current is inserted 20-30% more, while working on a short arc. In this case, the tacks should not be closer than 10 mm from the edge of the workpieces or close to the holes. After applying tacks, it is possible to check the correct position of the parts and make the necessary adjustments.
  • First, you should learn how to apply single-layer sutures on thin, 3-4 mm workpieces. More complex options, with root boiling and filling, can be mastered; years with the simplest techniques, stable skills will be achieved.

You should not be afraid of such first failures - experience will definitely come

In a word, everything else will depend only on the efforts and regular practical training of the novice welder. It would be good if there was an opportunity to contact a specialist so that he could evaluate the results obtained. If not, you can compare the results of your work with videos shown on the Internet with master classes on arc welding. Experience, steadiness of hand, ability to choose the right parameters and self-confidence will definitely come.

Video: master class on manual arc welding