How to open a garbage removal company. How to organize the removal of garbage and solid waste from the private sector. How much does the business bring?

Hi all! Today I will tell you about a specific, but no less interesting way of earning money.

The object of our close attention will be garbage removal.

What would you like to say first?

Yes, this business idea is not suitable for everyone, but I think quite a few people will be interested in the article only because, in terms of average earnings, garbage collection is on par with the work of the same programmer.

So don't underestimate my offer. Let’s move from words to action and try to understand why garbage is so attractive as a source of income.

Business for garbage removal from apartments

You will laugh, but after the 90s, such an understanding as a garbage millionaire appeared in everyday life.

Indeed, some people, having opened a trash can, managed to earn millions from what people simply throw away.

This idea is still very interesting, and garbage removal is perhaps the most underrated.

We will try to deal with the removal, and not the organization of a landfill and storage of what we export.

For a successful start in our difficult business, we will need a business plan and a number of tools that will help us successfully cope with our tasks.

For successful start in this case you will need the following:

  1. Crew of engine cleaning workers. The success of garbage removal and the speed of completing all the work will depend on the motivation of hired workers. In addition, it is the speed that will determine the number of addresses that you can serve per day.
  2. Equipment. Shovels, pitchforks, bags, chainsaws - this is roughly what a garbage collector's song sounds like about those devices that should help him complete any of the cleaning jobs.
  3. Transport. Well, the most important thing will be, of course, transport. You need to take the choice of car especially seriously. You should be guided primarily by the volume of garbage and what the garbage itself is. Let’s say you will be removing garbage from the private sector, then you can get by with an ordinary gazelle. And if you order the removal of construction waste, you cannot do without a dump truck. So everything here must be thought out to the smallest detail.

How to start a waste removal business

It doesn’t matter whether you carry out waste removal from the private sector or from a construction site.

In both cases, you will have to resort to searching for customers for your services.

I think you yourself understand that at first no one will come running to you and ask you.

Therefore, you need to offer your services yourself. To begin with, I would advise you to think about posting notices in garages and entrances.

Be sure to pay attention to the ad design.

Most likely, you will not be the first to offer similar services, so your waste removal proposal It should be distinguished by its brightness and attract the attention of even a person passing by.

In addition, it would be a good idea to visit various offices and companies and offer your assistance in removal.

Often large companies already have contracts with companies similar to yours, but it’s not torture to try and perhaps you will be the one who will interest the customer, the main thing is to offer yourself correctly.

In addition, if you have a vehicle such as a dump truck, then it would be a good idea to visit construction sites and offer construction waste removal services.

Believe me, many will agree. Again, the main thing is not to overprice and offer yourself wisely. As for the price, everything is purely individual.

For example, on the Internet, garbage removal from one company per month ranges from 3,500-10,000 rubles. Again, it all depends on the volume of the containers and the actual contents of the garbage.

If you consider that you will have to go to one address a maximum of 5-10 times a month, then the price really makes you think, but now imagine that you have half a hundred such addresses.

In such situations, you can work 3-4 hours a day and have 100,000 rubles a month without particularly bothering about anything.

The experience of colleagues who tried to organize this case says that with 8 hours 6 days working week and of course, with a normal number of orders, you can buy a new dump truck in 3-4 months and organize something like a waste collection network.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Finally, I will say that cities are becoming larger, and therefore the garbage from them will not decrease.

This means that garbage removal has been and will remain in high demand and will not require any additional knowledge from you. The main thing in this matter is to be able to work with a shovel.

I hope the article was useful to you. Leave your opinion or question in the comments.

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Garbage and household waste are always present in human life. And few people think that they can make money from all this. Many abroad ordinary people became millionaires by starting a garbage collection business. In our country, it is not customary to consider the “garbage business” as profitable. Nevertheless, this type of activity brings good profit to its owner. You just need to know the specific features of this business and some of the subtleties of its functioning.

How to start a waste removal business

Preparation for opening such an enterprise must begin with writing a competent business plan. After all, to run a business successfully, you need to clearly know everything organizational stages. Read about what it is and how to write it correctly.

Before you start working, you need to register with the Federal Tax Service (FTS) as individual entrepreneur(see) or legal entity. There is an opinion that the best organizational and legal form for a waste removal business is a limited liability company - LLC. Registering an LLC is advisable because various contracts will be concluded in the process of work, and customer trust in the organization is, as a rule, greater than in an individual.

To register with the Federal Tax Service, you will need to prepare a package of documents and select codes for the types of your future entrepreneurial activity in accordance with the generally accepted OKVED classifier. To carry out waste removal as a business, you should indicate the following codes in the application for business registration:

  • 38.11 - Collection of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.12 - Collection of hazardous waste;
  • 49.41 - Activities of road freight transport.

Non-hazardous waste includes food debris, paper, cardboard, textiles, rubber, some polymers, that is, garbage that does not pose a threat to human life and health. The dangerous group includes damaged and broken electrical devices, fertilizers, poisons, expired household chemicals, paints and varnishes and many other wastes that can have a clear adverse effect on people’s lives and health.

Components of success in a “garbage” business

To start a business such as garbage removal, you need to select a place where the waste will be transported. This can be either a third-party paid testing site or one created independently in accordance with current legislation. The option of having your own territory for storing waste is more profitable, since it allows you to reduce the cost of paying for landfill services and receive additional profit for accepting waste from other carriers.

At first, the business can do without office space, but as the activity develops and expands, it will definitely be needed for the business owner and administrative personnel (accountant, call dispatchers).

The main link in the “garbage” business is the equipment on which the waste will be removed. To reduce costs, you can buy a used garbage truck or even rent it (see). It is also necessary to have garbage containers that will be located on customers' premises.

It is more profitable to purchase a garbage truck equipped with a special press for compressing waste. This will help reduce the cost of waste disposal to the landfill, as well as reduce fuel costs by reducing the number of trips.

To successfully start a business, you need a client base. It is quite difficult to form it. To do this, many novice entrepreneurs use the “cold calling” method, when they take a directory of enterprises and organizations in the city, as well as management companies, and make calls through which cooperation is offered.

Approximate investments and payback

Any business requires initial capital. The waste removal business is no exception. Approximate amount The starting capital consists of the following figures:

  • purchase of garbage trucks and additional equipment – ​​from 1 to 2 million rubles;
  • office space – from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. depending on the region;
  • funds for advertising - from 25 thousand to 50 thousand rubles;
  • registering a business and obtaining a license – from 15 thousand to 55 thousand rubles;
  • formation of a wage fund - about 50 thousand rubles.

The figures are approximate; everything will depend on the goals and capabilities of the entrepreneur. Current expenses include taxes, payment for landfills and landfills (if you don’t have your own), wage, transportation costs, etc. With proper organization of business processes, investments can pay off in just 1-2 years.

How else to make money from garbage

Let's briefly talk about how to make money from garbage, doing more than just removing it. Sorting household waste is also considered quite a profitable business. To organize such a business, you need working personnel and territory for sorting work.

You can earn income not only from your main activity, but also from additional activities, for example, from waste disposal. With time successful business will allow you to buy a waste processing line or even a mini-factory. Garbage trucks will provide it with the necessary raw materials, and the ecology of the area will become much better. Thus, the entrepreneur will receive a closed production cycle, which will significantly increase his income.

Read what income can bring. We will talk about making money from waste paper, plastic waste and glass.

Consider also and find out how beneficial it is.

Another profitable area in the field of waste management is. Everything about how to choose equipment and set up the production process.


Until some time, few entrepreneurs were interested in the business idea of ​​waste removal. But the popularity of this method of earning money in Lately is quickly gaining momentum. This is explained by the fact that there will always be garbage and waste, and the demand for services for their removal will be constant even during periods of economic instability or crisis in the country. Therefore, making money from garbage in the near future will not only be profitable, but also prestigious. Consider others

Garbage - promising business and also eternal, I came into it out of greed and still don’t regret it. In order for a waste business to generate income, it is necessary, if possible, to be present at all stages of the technological chain: removal, sorting, depositing and recycling. So far we are present at the first three, but our business model assumes that we will definitely engage in processing, increasing sufficient volumes of incoming raw materials. If you control the entire chain, you can collect added value at each stage. We take out the garbage - we get a margin of 10–15%, we sort - another 15%, we recycle - plus the same amount. The highest competition is in the logistics market, and with each new municipal competition it increases, bringing new players to the market, and the country’s real need is in sorting complexes, processing plants and high-quality landfills. There are still no full-cycle factories in Russia.

Today there are companies working in the field of waste management different levels and with different approaches. Someone is exploiting the infrastructure inherited from Soviet times, without investing in modernization and without developing new directions - this is an approach fatal for our ecology. Russia is choking on garbage. And the Moscow region is perhaps one of the most problematic. What is needed is comprehensive solutions problems: it is necessary to build new modern infrastructure facilities in accordance with European standards, at the same time it is necessary to update the container park, sites and vehicles.

Influential competitors

The Russian model of managing the utility sector differs from the European one. In Europe, the municipality is independently responsible for quality utilities, collects money from the population and hires contractors through competition. Our management companies are responsible for this, they are the link between residents and utility sector enterprises - that is, they negotiate with everyone directly, without any participation from the state.

As a result, the heads municipal government There is practically no leverage over companies providing waste removal services. In order for the mayor to force a company to work well, he needs to go through a difficult procedure: create a yard inspection, conduct an inspection together with the local district police officer, prove that the service is being provided poorly, fine or sue the company. Now Moscow is trying to change the system towards the European model, abandon the institution of management companies and assume the right to hold contract tenders.

Separate waste collection is not yet very popular in Russia, while in Europe it helps people save significant amounts

For me, as an entrepreneur, this is a risk, because it is one thing when my customers are sixty management companies, and quite another when it is a municipality, which will be both a customer and a regulatory body.

The largest Moscow company in our sector is the State Unitary Enterprise Ecotekhprom. They control 50% of residential waste removal and 80% of recycling and deposits. The second largest waste removal company is MKM-Logistics, owned by the Chigirinsky family. They are followed by “Ecoline” by Gennady Timchenko.

Our priority is the construction of new modern facilities - MSKs and training grounds. Now there are 13 enterprises in 6 regions. We recently acquired the largest operator for the removal and disposal of medical waste in Moscow, so in the very near future Eco-System will create its own infrastructure for managing medical waste in the Moscow region.

Drinking employees

The utility industry has traditionally suffered from a shortage of qualified personnel, and without the training of professional personnel, it is difficult to imagine its future successful development. There are also the most pressing problem prestige of the profession. Since Soviet times, people have had the belief that janitors are losers, drunkards, limit workers, and now also migrant workers. When I joined the company, I had to conduct a personnel audit and completely change personnel policy. We have changed the principle of remuneration so that employees understand exactly what they are rewarded for and what they are punished for. You can evaluate the work of employees in different ways, for example, based on how much they traveled and transported, and not on how well they provided the service. Therefore, we first of all formulated what exactly our service is, and then translated this understanding into a system of employee motivation. We are not an ordinary cargo company and our clients do not pay us for driving our vehicles 100 km with some kind of cargo. We are paid for a high-quality and timely service, that is, for maintaining cleanliness, which has measurable parameters - everything must be done on time, quickly and accurately.

When people go to work, there should be no more garbage. In any civilized city, cleaning occurs in a short period of time, from 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning. It is believed that if garbage is not removed within three days, then this will lead to an environmental disaster. A city can be easily destroyed by paralyzing the waste system. This, for example, happened once in Naples. The owners of the landfill and the logistics company could not agree on a price, as a result of which the garbage collection system was paralyzed for a month, during which time Naples turned into a dump. The city was restored for a whole year.

Separate collection

In Soviet times, no one valued either human beings, much less natural resources, therefore, during urban planning, special landfills were not planned. Throwing garbage into the forest or into a ravine near the city was considered completely normal. There were experiments with collecting scrap metal and waste paper, but it was more of a fashion than an indicator efficient work with waste. We have not developed the habit of thinking about what and how you throw away.

Europeans perceive garbage as a raw material and understand that waste recycling is a complex and expensive process. For comparison: the average Russian family now pays about 600 rubles per year for waste disposal, and the average Austrian family - 500 euros. And here you need to take into account that for them this is the cost of removing already sorted waste. If the shipping company finds paper or food waste in the glass container, a fine will be issued. Not separating garbage in Europe is expensive and simply indecent. Russia can achieve this through evolution, but several conditions must be met. First, the cost of waste removal should increase. Secondly, there must be competition among companies dealing with waste.

Finding good employees to work in the garbage business is not easy. In order to restore order, Yakimchuk used a special assessment system

Companies could offer residents savings by separating waste at home. We have such experience in Astrakhan and Ryazan. This service has not yet received mass distribution, but is already very popular among educational institutions, which is important, since it is necessary to create a culture of waste management, as they say, “the sooner, the better.” For now we sell secondary raw materials. To start recycling on our own, we need to start serving about 5 million people.

Plastic, metal and pure cardboard are highly competitive raw material fractions: they are actively purchased and are in short supply. Plastic has become actively popular recently, because many new factories have appeared in Russia that process it. One ton of PET costs 380 euros in our country, and 500 euros in Europe. China is actively buying secondary raw materials. The trouble is that the garbage that has passed through the container and the garbage truck is mixed so that it turns out to be very difficult to separate them, and such dirty raw materials are cheap. Therefore, sorting before transport would benefit everyone. In fact, many janitors make extra money by sorting garbage. They stack bundles of cardboard or bags of bottles next to the containers, which are then picked up by representatives of recycling companies.

Landfills in the forest

Moscow produces from 6 to 10 million tons of garbage per year, and this is only household waste, and add medical, biological, construction waste to it - and all this needs to be stored somewhere. As a resident of Moscow, of course, I may not care where the garbage is taken out - the main thing is that it is not in my yard, but as a person who often visits the Moscow region, this is already important to me, because this is where it ends up. Half of the existing landfills in the Moscow region have long expired, and the number of unauthorized dumps continues to grow. As before, as now, garbage dumps appear spontaneously - without a plan or appropriate permits.

Ask any Russian mayor what their main headache is, and they will answer that it is landfills. Often, garbage is simply taken outside the city and dumped wherever necessary. For example, we once undertook to close unauthorized landfills in several regions - it turned out that it was difficult to even count them. There are about sixty operating facilities near Barnaul alone, none of which have a license. And how many we haven’t found yet!

Once, some guys organized a landfill right in a residential neighborhood of Astrakhan, and the residents blamed us because we were removing garbage from this area. Law enforcement They didn’t want to do this - we had to organize surveillance ourselves, find out who was behind it. As a result, after six months they simply upped and left - they probably found a new place. In the garbage business, the shadow sector is very large. Companies enter into an agreement to remove garbage, but no one cares where it is dumped. Most often, either into the forest or to long-closed landfills.

Russian companies are just beginning to explore the waste recycling market. But unauthorized dumps in forests have long become a tradition

The highest mountain of waste I have ever seen reached 25 meters. A ramming machine can still reach such a height. But the worst thing about a landfill is not what’s outside, but what’s inside. During the decomposition of waste, a toxic liquid is formed, which flows down and, if there is no protective geomembrane or clay castle at the base of the landfill, ends up in groundwater. After the landfill is filled, it is reclaimed: the garbage is allowed to settle for a year, compacted as much as possible, then covered with a layer of earth. To prevent methane, which appears as a result of decay, from blowing up the landfill from the inside (and this has happened), pipes are driven into it to different depths to remove the gas.

In Russia, I have not seen a single enterprise that collects landfill gas, so that it is freely released into the atmosphere. For comparison, in Europe, deep processing of waste is actively used, as a result of which a certain set of completely inert fractions, similar to sand, from which everything possible has been squeezed out, ends up being buried at a landfill. Glass, plastic, and wood are selected at the collection stage. They use the remaining food waste for needs Agriculture and obtaining electricity.

Waste incineration plants

Incinerating waste does not destroy waste, but only reduces its volume to the detriment of safety. One ton of waste produces 300 kilograms of ash, while the waste itself has a fourth or fifth hazard class, and the ash has a second class: it is poisonous and requires special storage. The only thing more dangerous than it is radioactive and chemical waste. 60% of the cost of a modern waste incineration plant comes from cleaning up emissions into the atmosphere. In the center of Vienna there is a factory where a stork lives on the chimney as a sign of safety of emissions.

There is one scandalous anecdotal story regarding emissions from Moscow waste incineration plants. Mayor Luzhkov wanted to prove to journalists and environmentalists that the plant he built was safe, but during the interview, acrid pink phenolic smoke poured out of the plant chimneys. Without being taken aback, the mayor explained: “Don’t be afraid, there is such a wind rose here that all the smoke is carried away outside of Moscow.”

I don’t even want to think about where the ash from Moscow factories is taken, because it is known that we have not built any special storage facilities for this. But she's going somewhere! The capital's factories burn about 12% of all household waste in the city, which results in at least 300 thousand tons of ash.

Photos provided by the Eco-System press service

Is it possible to make a business... out of garbage? It turns out, yes, since waste constantly arrives in all regions of the country, and, therefore, garbage removal as a business has the right to exist, just like garbage removal. The prospects are variable, since you can develop in different directions of the niche, which will be discussed in this article.

Read in the publication:

  • How to start a business using garbage.
  • Is it necessary to have an office?
  • Preparation of equipment.
  • List of costs.
  • Formation of pricing policy.
  • Let's summarize.

You need to decide in which direction you will move, since this type of business has different ways of providing services. The waste removal business itself is divided into 3 segments:

  1. Sorting and transferring waste.
  2. Waste disposal and disposal.
  3. Finally, myself.

The last point, which we are considering closely, is the least paid, but also the easiest to implement.

There are sub-niches here, for example, export:

  • From residential buildings and complexes.
  • From offices or organizations.
  • Co construction projects.
  • From factories and factories.

Experienced market players say that the most difficult stage is the preparatory stage, when it is necessary to formalize everything, obtain all approvals and permits, according to current legislation. In other words, you need to create your own company responsible for removing waste from certain places/areas (choose the form that is convenient for you, LLC or Individual Entrepreneur).

What you will need:

  1. License from Rostechnadzor (it is paid, the official cost is within 200,000 rubles).
  2. After inspection, permission is obtained from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  3. Finally, permission from local authorities.

Practice shows that preparation takes about 5-6 months. Don’t forget about the 3 remaining key tasks:

  1. Purchase of special vehicles (you can choose how new technology, and used).
  2. Personnel search.
  3. Collection of client base.

HELPFUL ADVICE! You need to understand that at the very start it is difficult to count on signing contracts with offices servicing the housing stock, since, most likely, they have already established close contacts with your competitors who are under the patronage of the state. Pay attention to offices, catering and enterprises that are in one way or another dissatisfied with how companies handle waste.

Do you need an office?

Of course, there are no extra funds at the very beginning, so many entrepreneurs are convinced that an office is completely unnecessary. This is indeed true, and the coin has 2 sides:

  1. If you are not planning an office yet, you can store equipment in paid parking lots.
  2. It’s better to still find reserves, albeit for a small amount, but own premises(it can be rented), which will give the organization solidity and will not evoke the feeling of a fly-by-night company.

The profitability of such a direction as the waste removal business largely depends on the quality of the equipment. You must have 2 special vehicles (you can either buy them or rent or lease them). You can decide whether to take transport for waste removal, or stick to ordinary trucks:

  1. If you work with special vehicles, you will have to purchase containers in addition to them.
  2. In the second case, your workers will need to load the garbage into the truck.

Giving approximate prices for transport is a thankless task, since the market is dynamic and constantly changing. Roughly speaking, you will spend about 300,000 rubles on 2 used cars, for example, ZIL.

List of costs

Periodic cash injections are required in any niche, and the waste removal business is no exception. Depending on the source data, the numbers and points may change, but the expense items are usually the following:

  • Purchase/rental of equipment, as already written above.
  • Payment of the license, all state fees and permits.
  • Rent office space, if you are planning to do so.
  • Staff salaries are at least 15-20,000 rubles per person.
  • Payment for the services of the landfill where you will dispose of waste.
  • Advertising costs.
  • Purchase of spare parts and fuel.


As soon as everything technical issues solved, you need to decide on pricing in order to see the real picture of how to make money on garbage. Depending on the size of the settlement and the general situation, the numbers will differ. Here are rough estimates for a large city:

  • Garbage removal from residential buildings and complexes - approximately 1-3 thousand monthly.
  • Removal from construction sites – 5-9 thousand per month.
  • Removal of hazardous waste to the disposal site costs 10-20 thousand, the price varies depending on the complexity of the task.

NOTE! That is, the price range for construction organizations and for the residential sector is significantly different, and in the second case it is much lower. This should be taken into account when planning.

As a summary

Garbage removal business - promising direction, besides - eternal. However, in order for it to generate maximum income, it is advisable to be present at every stage of the technological chain: export -> sorting -> processing. Potentially, this will allow us to collect added value at each stage:

  1. Garbage removal – margin up to 15%;.
  2. Sorting – another +15%.
  3. - about the same.

There are no full-cycle factories in our country, and new players are increasingly appearing on the market who are not able to meet the demand for processing and disposal sites. It follows that it is best to plan for possible expansion to cover all stages.

Useful video

Perhaps you will find it useful, as part of your study of the issue, a thematic video from American colleagues who give useful tips and recommendations: