Amendments to the charter of the autocooperative. What are founding documents? What you need to know when amending the bylaws

Changes in the main constituent documentation (amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in any constituent documents) are carried out in accordance with all the rules, in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

Throughout the company's activities, sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities information about the entrepreneur, changes are necessary.

There can be quite a few reasons. But, the most common ones are changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities passport data and credential documents, when the founder decides to withdraw from the enterprise, and so on. In this case, it is necessary to notify the change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there is a law that reads "On state registration individual entrepreneurs". According to this law, the entrepreneur is obliged to report all changes that are in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities to the local authority where the enterprise is registered.

Service content Cost, rub) Period of execution
Bringing the charter of the LLC in line with the amendments to the Law on LLC, which entered into force on June 1, 2009 4 000 from 10 days
Change of participants, redistribution of shares in LLC 10 000 from 10 days
Increase the authorized capital 6 000 from 10 days
Decrease in authorized capital 10 800 from 30 days
Correction of an error in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 4 500 from 10 days
Change of name in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 6 000 from 10 days
Change of legal address 6 000 from 10 days
Change of activities in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 3 000 from 10 days

But, there are situations when there is no need to report changes to state authorities. For example, when it is necessary to perform registration or the procedure for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as part of the company's shareholders.

Changes in the constituent documents must be made in the event of any changes in the passport data of the general director of the LLC or the constituent documents of other participants in the LLC. According to the Law "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” in case of such changes, the enterprise undertakes to notify the relevant registration structures. In addition, the application is notarized and submitted either by mail or in person. The Law specifies the terms during which the enterprise must notify the relevant registering structures. These terms are 5 calendar days. If the notification came later, it is considered as an administrative violation and a certain punishment is imposed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to prepare documentation in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for changing the passport data of the participants of the organization or the general director, you will need copies of the documents of the participants or the general director, along with the TIN certificate, as well as an extract from the register.

Make changes to the organization's CEO in the constituent documents

To make changes when changing the executive structure of the organization, persons who have the right to act on behalf of the legal entity will need to notify the Federal Tax Service inspectorate. You must submit a notarized application by mail or in person. Three days are allocated to notify of changes. If a notice has not been received by the authority within three days, then a punishment will be imposed, that is, a fine. To change the general director, an extract from the register, a TIN certificate, as well as copies of the passports of the old and new directors are required.

Contribute andchangesorganization namingin constituent documents

The change of the name of an organization takes place with the consent of all participants in the enterprise and in accordance with the rules of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is drawn up as a decision or as a protocol. It is in it that the decision to change the old name to a new one is indicated. Any changes in the name entail amendments to the charter, as well as the introduction of new data in the papers of the legal entity. persons in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. After signing the protocol/decision, an application for registration of changes is drawn up and entered into the documentation of the enterprise, and the signature is notarized. This application, together with the attached state duty in the amount of 800 rubles, must be submitted to the inspectorate of the federal tax service. When registering the documentation of a new charter, the state duty is 400 rubles.

When changing the name of the organization, you need to receive an information letter form. This is a letter from the sergeant major. In addition, it is necessary to replace bank card for all bank accounts, make a new seal, and generate notices from extra-budgetary funds.

Change and registration of a new legal address

Many enterprises quite often face the need to change their legal address. This happens for several reasons. For example, the owner of the premises may change its plans, or the organization itself, for one reason or another, may wish to change the address. However, whatever the reason, the organization must make any changes to the documentation of the enterprise. This is necessary because the location of the enterprise is considered to be the address indicated in the registration authorities. The procedure for changing the address begins with the conclusion of a sublease / lease agreement. It is also mandatory to gather participants to make a final decision regarding this issue. The verdict of the participants is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the enterprise. Further, changes must be made to the charter of the enterprise, which must then be approved in a new edition. Signed application for change of legal addresses are entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the documentation of the enterprise. The signature on the application must be notarized. The next step of registration is the submission of an application to the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 of Moscow. A state duty in the amount of 800 rubles is attached to the application. And you will also have to pay for the registration of the charter in the amount of 400 rubles.

In the process of changing the legal address, you need to receive a form of an information letter, change a bank card for the organization's accounts and notifications from extra-budgetary funds.

There are situations when a change in the address of an organization leads to a change in the tax office. In order to transfer an organization from one tax office to another, you need to get a special bypass sheet, go through all the departments that are indicated in the document, and provide the organization's financial file. As for off-budget funds, here the organization needs to deregister from one fund and register with another fund (registration with the fund). This is done with the help of notices from the funds.

The following changes are made to the founding documents:

    change of company address;

    change of company name;

    change in the number of participants in the company;

    change of capital according to the Charter.

The following changes are not made to the founding documents:

    change of the head of the company;

    additional types company activities;

    change of passport data of individuals;

    change of information about the founders.

All changes made in the constituent documents begin to operate on all legal grounds from the very moment when the registration of the changes came into force.
The lawyers of our company will help you draw up all the documents correctly, make changes to them, consult with you and help you draw up the constituent documents in government bodies authorities.

Registration of changes made. If a lawyer needs to resolve this issue, then he provides the following services:

    the lawyer makes all the necessary changes to the constituent documents;

    registers these changes;

    also, he makes appropriate changes to the information about the entrepreneur;

Additional services provided by our lawyers:

    preparation and collection of a complete package of documents;

    creation of applications for making forms;

    obtaining an extract on the entry from the Unified State Register and other extra-budgetary funds.

The only thing that will be required of you is to seek help from our specialists in changing the constituent documents. They will do their best to make sure you are happy with the amendments.

To always stay on the wave of success, do you actively develop your company and, if necessary, flexibly respond to changes in the business world? In the interests of business, did you decide to change the main activity, give the company a new name, redistribute shares of the authorized capital, or replace the management team?

To carry out these and other important transformations, by making appropriate changes to the constituent documents and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the specialists of the legal bureau "Vector Rights" will help you. Our lawyers will provide advice, help prepare new edition statutory documents and will assist at the stage of registration of changes in the constituent documents.

Changes in constituent documents - promptly and legally

The need to amend the constituent documents arises every time a legal entity changes one or more key attributes. Current legislature requires that an application for registration of changes made to the constituent documents be submitted no later than 3 days from the moment the company's management body decides to change the data. Violation of this period, as well as the provision of inaccurate or false information, entails sanctions - an impressive fine or disqualification for several years - stipulated in Art. 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In order not to violate the statutory deadlines and requirements for registration of changes, to complete all prescribed procedures promptly and clearly, please contact us before:

The procedure provides for the creation of new editions of the charter and memorandum of association, manufacturing new seal, making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as their registration with tax authorities and extra-budgetary funds. As a rule, assigning a new name to a company takes as much time and effort as registering a legal entity.

After the new OKVEL list is entered into the charter, it is necessary to register an updated version of the constituent documents with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate and make an appropriate entry in the state register. The statistics codes will also need to be updated.

- Update information about the founders or members

Data on the participants of the legal entity are reflected in the statutory documents. Therefore, changing the passport or changing the passport details of at least one founder of an LLC (for a JSC or CJSC - at least one shareholder or registrar) entails the need to adjust the memorandum of association and charter, as well as state registration these changes.

There are several ways to change company participants, and each of them involves making changes to the constituent documents with subsequent registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Our experts will not only help you choose the best strategy for updating the composition of the founders, but also provide legal support at the stage of making and registering changes to the constituent documents.

The change of position, as well as the name, surname, patronymic and other passport data of a person authorized to act in the interests of the company without a power of attorney, must be reflected in the statutory documents. An updated version of the charter must be registered, as well as new data must be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Since the size of the authorized capital ( statutory fund or share capital) is fixed in the charter, with its increase or decrease, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the constituent documents. In addition, you should go through the state registration procedure and officially notify business partners of the new amount of capital.

Changes to the founding documents also include:

Change of organizational and legal form of the enterprise;
- changing the data on the legal entity as an insurant in the pension, social and compulsory health insurance funds;
- change of data on representations and branches.

In order for the changes made to the constituent documents to have legal force, they must be registered in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 129 of 08.08.2001. After making changes to the charter or memorandum of association, the following documents must be submitted to the registration authority:

Minutes of the meeting and the decision to amend the statutory documents;
- new versions of the charter and memorandum of association, as well as a list of changes to be made;
- application for registration of changes - completed form Р13001;
- receipt of payment of state duty.

"Vector of Rights": solve bureaucratic issues quickly!

According to the legislation, after making changes to the constituent documents, it is necessary to take a number of measures aimed at registering these changes and notifying government agencies. The law clearly regulates the timing of each procedure, and even minor errors at the stage of processing and collecting documents can lead to unplanned delays.

To settle numerous bureaucratic formalities related to making changes to the individual entrepreneur or constituent documents of a legal entity, without being distracted from the main activity, the lawyers of the Vector Law bureau will help you. Depending on the nature and complexity of your task, we will provide comprehensive legal services or:

Advice on the legality and choice of strategy for the upcoming updates of constituent documents;
- assistance in making changes and preparing new versions of the charter or memorandum of association;
- assistance in the formation of a package of documents for state registration.

If necessary, our specialist, acting by proxy on behalf of your legal entity, will hand over and receive the documents after making changes and registration.

You can consult on any issues related to making changes to IP and statutory documents of legal entities, get information about the cost of services or agree on a meeting time with a lawyer by coming to our office or by calling.

Cooperating with the law office "Vektor Prava", you choose the right direction to success!

List of amendments to the charter when changing the legal address is necessary in order to record the fact of a change in the location of the organization, and to register innovations without accepting the new version of the charter of the LLC. You can download a sample of this document from the link provided in the article. The publication also gives Additional Information on how to prepare a list of amendments to the charter of an LLC.

In what cases can I issue a sheet for amending the charter?

Any information about the company can be changed by the decision of its participants. Most often, changes are made to . The procedure for registering changes is reflected in Art. 17 of the Federal Law "On state registration ..." dated 08.08.2001 No. 129.

Changes in the company when changing the address are required to be made only in cases where:

  1. The constituent document contains the full legal address of the organization, for example, Moscow, Vavilova street, house 76, office 3. When moving, the information reflected in the charter will cease to be relevant and will require changes.
  2. The charter does not indicate the full address, but only the locality where the company is located, and the organization moves to another locality.

In other cases not specified above, it is not required to make changes to the charter of the LLC, it is enough to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service in the form P14001.

How to prepare, approve a list of changes and register innovations with the Federal Tax Service?

If there is only one participant, a decision must be made to change the charter. If there are multiple participants, a general meeting. At the meeting, the issue should be put on the agenda and voted in the affirmative. The question is posed in such a way that it is clear that changes are made not by drawing up a new version of the constituent document, but by preparing a list of changes to it.

For example, you can state the issue to be considered as follows: “Change clause 8.1 of the Charter of Zakoved LLC, setting it out as follows:“ Location of the Company — Moscow, st. Vavilova, 43. Reflect changes by compiling a list of changes, which is an annex to the Charter of Zakoved LLC dated 12.08.2005 No. 1-UD and an integral part of it.

All participants, the chairman, the secretary put their signatures on the minutes of the meeting. If there is a seal, the document is certified by it. All participants of the LLC sign the change sheet to the charter.

Their list is as follows:

  1. Application form P13001 in 1 copy.
  2. Change sheet in 2 copies.
  3. Receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.
  4. A document confirming the new legal address (lease agreement, certificate of ownership, extract from the USRN, etc.).
  5. Notarized power of attorney (if documents are submitted by a representative).

The deadline for submitting documents is within 3 days from the date of the decision or the general meeting.

Application P13001 must be certified by a notary. To do this, he puts his signature on sheet M (page 3).

Amendment of the charter by submitting an application in the form P13001: what sheets to fill out?

The question often arises: which application sheets to fill out when changing the charter?

In application R13001 great amount sheets that contain various information that is not needed when registering a change of address. Therefore, it is enough to fill out only some application sheets:

  1. Title page (sheet A).
  2. Sheet B, which reflects the new address.
  3. Sheets M about applicants. In total, there are 3 pages in sheet M.

Other sheets when making changes to the charter on the grounds under consideration are not required to be filled out.

What is better - to draw up a charter in a new edition, or to amend by approving a list of changes?

This question is quite debatable, and the correct answer to it is different for everyone.

There are three advantages of compiling a change list:

  1. There is no need to print out a new version of the charter in two copies.
  2. It is enough to prepare one short document.
  3. You don't need to sew a charter.

There are two disadvantages:

  1. If the charter data changes frequently, many change sheets may accumulate, information from which will have to be included in the new edition of the charter in the future (for convenience).
  2. Sheets must be attached to the charter and stored with it, so a large amount of paper is created.

In our opinion, both methods have the right to exist, since they are not prohibited by law. Which one to choose is up to the founders of a particular organization.

The procedure for issuing a list of amendments to the charter on changing the address of an LLC in 2017-2018

Filling out the charter change sheet is quite simple, since it contains a minimum of information. It reflects the following data:

  1. In the upper right corner it is indicated that the document was approved either by the decision of the participant, or by the minutes of the general meeting (with the details of these documents reflected).
  2. The name of the document is written in the middle (for example, “Chart Sheet No. 1 to the Charter of Zakoved LLC”).
  3. The main part of the document indicates specific changes.
  4. After the main text, the signatures of the LLC participants are put, or sole member.

The above list of data is sufficient for the amendments to the constituent documents to be recognized as legitimate. After the preparation and approval of the document, it remains only to submit it to the Federal Tax Service along with other documents.

Sheet of amendments to the charter on the change of address (sample)

A sample sheet of amendments to the charter of an LLC when changing its legal address may look like this:

Approved by decision

sole member

Zakoved LLC

Sheet of amendments No. 1 to the Charter of Zakoved LLC

Clause 1.2 of the Charter of the Company shall be stated as follows: “1.2 Location of the Company: Moscow, st. Vavilova, house 100, office 32. The changes being made are an integral part of the charter of Zakoved LLC and come into force from the moment of state registration.

Participant: Konev V.M. /Konev/

Thus, a list of changes is compiled quite simply. The question of how to amend the charter is decided individually, depending on personal preferences.

Amendments to the Charter of LLC in 2018 in the form P13001

Amend the Articles of Association of the LLC new form R13001 will help you our step-by-step instruction+ application form and sample for 2018.

The charter is the main document that establishes the rules for the activities of a legal entity. When registering an LLC, the founders often choose the standard version of the charter, but later it may turn out that the text of the founding document needs to be changed. We will tell you how to formalize amendments to the charter of an LLC, if such a need arose.

The Articles of Association is the sole founding document of an LLC. When registering a company, the tax inspector checks whether the text of the charter contains the mandatory information specified in Article 12 of the Law "On Limited Liability Companies".

Some mandatory information from the charter is included in State Register legal entities (USRLE), which is always kept up to date. For this reason, it is necessary to make timely changes to:

  • Change of company's company name;
  • Increase or ;
  • (if the new codes do not correspond to the types of activities specified in the charter).

In addition, amendments to the charter of an LLC must be formalized if a new version of the text was called:

  1. Addition or exclusion of provisions that the participants of the company have the right to change at their discretion (the right of a participant to withdraw, inherit a share, at the expense of third parties, the number of votes for making certain decisions of the general meeting of participants, etc.). There are a lot of such dispositive norms in the Law “On LLC”, all of them are accompanied by a clause like “may be provided for by the charter” or “unless otherwise provided by the charter”.
  2. A change in the charter is required to introduce the "September" innovations Civil Code RF (2014). In principle, even if the charter is not specifically brought into line with these provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, they will still act by default. But there is one "September" rule that participants can change if they do not want to certify all the minutes of the general meeting of the LLC with a notary. To do this, it is necessary to fix in the charter another way of certifying the decisions of the general meeting of participants (video / audio recording of the meeting or signing of the protocol by all or a certain part of the participants).
  3. Amendment of the charter of the LLC so that it complies with Law No. 312 of 12/30/2008. This requirement applies only to those few companies that were created before 2009 and have not yet re-registered the charter with the tax office.
  4. Another change in the charter, which is caused by the adoption of any federal law. An example is the use clause. The fact is that since mid-2015, Law No. 82-FZ has abolished the obligatory round seal. Now the fact that the society uses the press must be specifically mentioned in the charter. This is a requirement of Article 2 of the Law "On LLC".

The procedure for amending the articles of association

Before registering a change in the charter with the IFTS, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of participants. The meeting may be regular or extraordinary; the issue of approving a new version of the charter should be on the agenda.

Please note that according to Articles 33 and 37 of the Law on Limited Liability Companies, at least two-thirds of the votes of the participants are required to make a decision to change the charter, unless the text of the charter provides for a larger number of votes. If the founder is the only one (of the company), then he formalizes the introduction of changes in his sole decision.

Next, you need to prepare the very edition of the changes. It can be either a separate document in the form of an annex to the current charter, or the full text of the charter in the new edition. Prepare two copies of this document, because the tax office will return one copy after registering the changes with its mark.

The form consists of 23 pages, but you do not need to fill out all of them. Before filling out the P13001 form, you need to select only those sheets that are needed for a particular situation:

  • Sheet "A" - to indicate the new name of the LLC in full and abbreviated spelling;
  • Sheet "B" - if the legal address of the company changes in the charter;
  • Sheets "L" and "M" - when adding and excluding types of activities according to OKVED;
  • Sheet "C", as well as one of the sheets per participant, according to its type (sheets "D", "D", "E", "G", "Z") - when changing the authorized capital;
  • Sheet "I" - in case of a decrease in the Criminal Code due to the repayment of a share owned by the company;

In addition, in all cases, sheet "M" is filled out for the applicant and the title page. In case of other changes in the text of the charter that are not related to the introduction of new information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, only the title page and sheet "M" are filled out. P13001 is filled out according to the same rules as applications for primary registration in the P11001 form.

Depending on the changes, the 2018 form P13001 template will be different.

The last document that needs to be prepared before amending the charter is a payment document for paying a state duty of 800 rubles.

Let's repeat the list of documents that need to be prepared for registering a change in the charter (you can find out in detail how to issue an application R13001 in the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6 / 25@):

  1. Minutes of the general meeting of participants or the decision of the sole participant on the approval of amendments to the charter.
  2. Two copies of the new version of the charter of the LLC with the amendments.
  3. An application certified by a notary in the form P13001 when changing information in the constituent document.
  4. Payment document confirming the payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

This list is given in Article 17 of Law No. 129 "On State Registration" and is considered exhaustive.

Registration of changes in the tax office

There are no deadlines for registering amendments to the charter after the relevant decision of the participants is made by law. However, by analogy with (submitted for registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities new information about the organization that is not related to a change in the charter), tax inspectorates may require that no more than three working days elapse between the date of the decision and the submission of the P13001 form.

In addition, in order to verify the validity of the declared changes, tax inspectors sometimes request additional documents. So, in 2018, the change of the legal address of the LLC to a new settlement takes place in two stages:

  1. Form P14001 is submitted to INFS at the same address;
  2. Not earlier than 20 days after making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the decision to change the location, form P13001 is submitted to the inspection at the new address along with other documents on changing the charter.

Such a long period is due to the fact that the IFTS checks the accuracy of the new address, for which it will be necessary to submit supporting documents for the premises (lease agreement, letter of guarantee, certificate of ownership).

Normally, registration of changes takes place within five working days, after which the tax office will give you one copy of the new version of the charter and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. However, if the IFTS considers that new information in the charter do not correspond to reality, then an entry will be made in the state register about the unreliability of information about the LLC. Most often, such situations occur when changing the legal address to the mass registration address.

Let's sum up and describe the procedure for amending the charter step by step (step by step instructions):

  • Step 1. Prepare two copies of the new version of the charter or amendments to it as a separate document.
  • Step 2. Gather a general meeting of participants and approve the protocol on amendments to the charter. This requires at least 2/3 of the votes. The sole founder prepares a decision only on his own behalf.
  • Step 3. Fill out the P13001 form and certify it with a notary.
  • Step 4. Pay the state duty of 800 rubles.
  • Step 5. Submit documents to the registering IFTS (it may differ from the one where the company is tax registered).
  • Step 6. In five working days, you will receive your copy of the charter with a tax mark and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Step 7. Inform counterparties and banks about the change of legal address and/or company name. Funds do not need to be notified, this is done automatically by the tax inspectorate.

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The activities of any organization, regardless of the form of ownership, are characterized by a variety of changes at different stages of existence. Limited liability companies are no exception. First of all, it is important to remember that when changing constituent information, this process must necessarily be reflected in the charter.

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The need to change the charter of an LLC arises on the basis of changing or adding information:

  • Company name;
  • legal address;
  • the composition of the founders;
  • the size of the shares of participants;
  • the size of the authorized capital;
  • codes of activities providing for the application of special taxation regimes;
  • activities of branches;
  • leadership team.

It is also very often necessary to change the charter when new legislative decrees and regulations are issued regarding the regulation of the procedure for its execution. In other words, the document is brought to the form defined by the Federal Law.

Methods for amending the charter of an LLC

Changes to the charter of an LLC can be made in two ways:

  • create a new version of the entire constituent document;
  • develop an additional document containing information on the items to be changed.

Both options have the same legal effect. Most often, the first method is used, since it is more convenient to use a single document than to constantly establish correspondences between the information of two or more documents.

The procedure for amending the charter of an LLC

Amendments to the charter are carried out only based on the results of the decision of the general regular or extraordinary meeting of the company's participants and are subject to mandatory registration with the Federal Tax Service. With a single founder, the decision is made by him alone.

In the process of developing and amending the charter, any company must go through a certain procedure:

  1. Prepare the necessary constituent and registration documents.
  2. Submit documentation to the registration authorities.
  3. Wait for registration and receive its documentary confirmation.

Preparation of documents

At the stage of preparing documents, an approved decision of the company's participants to amend its charter in the form of minutes of the general meeting is initially required. Unless otherwise stipulated in the founding document, at least 2/3 of all founders must vote for a positive decision.

  1. On the title page, the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are duplicated. In the event of a change in the name of the company, the old name is indicated on this sheet.
  2. Sheet A is used in the event of a change in the name of the company.
  3. Sheet B fixes address changes.
  4. Sheet B is filled in with changes in the amount of the authorized capital.
  5. Sheets D, E, F, G, H reflect information about the participants of the LLC, depending on their significance: Russian and foreign companies, individuals and so on.
  6. Sheet I reflects information on partial or full repayment of a share in the authorized capital.
  7. Sheet K deals with changes in branches.
  8. Sheet L is intended to indicate changes in OKVED codes.
  9. Sheet M contains information about the applicant.

On the third page, you must specify the receiving option finished documents. The form is always stitched and approved by a notary.

It is important to remember that when submitting an application, blank sheets are excluded from it. Only sheets containing information are subject to sequential numbering.

Submission of documents

Changes in the charter of an LLC are subject to mandatory state registration. Therefore, the representative of the company must submit to the tax office or the MFC a package of documents consisting of:

  • decisions of the sole founder or minutes of the general meeting of participants;
  • two new copies of the charter or additions to it;
  • application form P13001, registered with a notary;
  • paid receipt.

In more specific cases, the registrar may request additional documents:

  • when renting a new premises, a copy of the lease agreement, and the written consent of the landlord for the state registration of his premises as the legal address of the tenant;
  • when moving to own premises, a copy of the purchase agreement and a certificate of ownership, also certified by the manager.

The law does not provide for time limits for submitting an application R13001. But, it is recommended to apply for registration of changes in the charter of the LLC after three days from the date of the decision of its participants.

Time frames are defined only for situations when the value of the authorized capital changes:
  • when it increases - one calendar month;
  • when it decreases - three working days.

The application and the documents attached to it can be submitted to the registration authority in several ways:

  • manager or authorized person personally;
  • valued registered mail;
  • in electronic format through special services on the Internet.

Registration of changes in the charter of LLC and receipt of documents

Registration of changes is carried out within five working days. The countdown is from the date of submission of the application R13001. After that, on the next business day, the representative of the LLC will receive:

  • record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • one copy of the amended charter or addition to it, marked with a registration stamp.

How much is it

Registration of changes in the charter is paid in the form of a state fee according to a unified form of a receipt. In the payment document, the payer indicates the direct applicant. To date, the law defines a single amount of state duty 800 rubles.

You can pay your invoice:

  • by personal visit to the bank;
  • via the Internet using the online service of the IFTS.

The paid receipt is attached to the application with a simple paper clip or stapler. In this case, in the absence of an attached payment document, the inspector is not entitled to refuse to accept documents.

Notification of banks and counterparties

Changes in the registration data of an LLC, reflected in the constituent documents and recorded by the tax authority, concern not only the company itself, but also the persons with whom it cooperates. Therefore, you need to notify about the change of data:

  1. Banks with which the company has concluded a service agreement. Most often, banking institutions are not limited only to a letter and are asked to provide:
    • record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • a notarized amended copy of the articles of association.
  2. Counterparties. Usually, the notification procedure is stipulated in civil law contracts, but it is best to agree on the terms in advance. It may turn out that funds received from counterparties will be blocked due to incorrect details.
  3. State bodies. To date, non-budgetary funds and statistics receive information from the tax authorities on changes in electronic mode.

It is necessary to inform counterparties by sending them official letter on company letterhead. In certain cases, lawyers recommend signing additional agreements to contracts.

It turns out that any LLC has the right to amend its charter, especially if it concerns a change in the name of the company, address, founders and the amount of the authorized capital. Changes are considered finally made after passing all the preparatory and registration stages:

  1. Decision making by the members of the society.
  2. Creating a new instance of a document or addendum to it.
  3. Completion of the application form Р13001.
  4. Appeal to the registration authority with an application.
  5. Registration and making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

And in the case when the personal data involved in the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and customers change, then the stage of their notification.