World War II harrier fighter. Aviation weapons. Literature and sources of information

Attack fighter-bomber "Harrier" - an aircraft that is produced in Britain. It is distinguished by excellent performance, the possibility of vertical takeoff and landing, as well as structural transformations. The first flight on this unit was made back in 1960. For many years it has been used in the armies of the USA, Spain, Thailand, Great Britain. is constantly being improved, has several modifications.

GR-1 series: description

In fact, the Harrier is an aircraft that, for the first time in the history of aviation, was able to perform vertical takeoff and landing. The first prototype took off in the fall of 1960. Serial production began seven years later. In one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine, the first squadron of the British Air Force was formed, consisting of twenty-one units of the aircraft in question.

The main purpose of the aircraft of this series is to support the ground forces. This is due to high maneuverability and the ability to operate in various climatic regions. The range of altitudes to which the unit is oriented is from three to fourteen thousand kilometers. The design uses materials from aluminum, titanium and magnesium alloys. In addition, some parts of the body and assemblies are made of composite components and high-strength steel.


Engine and related units

US military jet fighters under the brand name "Harrier GR-1" are equipped with a Rolls Roys Bristol turbine jet power unit. It is attached in four places to the frames of the central fuselage. The rotation of the nozzles is carried out by means of a pneumatic motor. A change in the braking and takeoff thrust vector is the possibility of changing the position in flight by at least ninety degrees.

Correction of the aircraft in space is as follows:

  • operating four compressors, aggregating with an air duct in the bow and tail;
  • three nozzles, which are located in the rear beam and serve as tonnage control;
  • a pair of exhaust elements designed for channel control.

The jet activation system is activated during vertical takeoff and landing in flight mode at low speeds (motor nozzles switch the mode to twenty or more degrees).


"Harrier" - a combat aircraft in the first series has the following parameters:

  • year of issue - 1969;
  • span / wing area - 7700/1868 meters;
  • length / height - 13.87, 3.43 meters;
  • weight - five and a half tons;
  • maximum takeoff weight - 11, 34 tons;
  • engine - Pegasus Mk-101 with a thrust of 8160 kg / s;
  • speed indicators (cruising / maximum value) - 1185/1360 kilometers per hour;
  • flight resource without refueling - 3700 km;
  • combat radius - one thousand two hundred kilometers;
  • crew composition - one pilot;

The Harrier fighter-bomber is equipped with five hardpoints that house standard weapons. It includes:

  • thirty-millimeter gun "Aden";
  • two AIM-9D guided missiles;
  • similar air-to-ground projectiles;
  • bomb clusters, incendiary analogues, 450-kilogram bombs;
  • other ammunition, interchangeable with the named devices

In addition, the aircraft can be equipped with Type launchers, NUR-type weapons or a unit with a reconnaissance system.

Harrier GR-3 Overview

The multi-purpose fighter differs from its predecessor in an improved engine. Its takeoff thrust is within 9753 kilograms. The fuselage remained virtually unchanged. Fuel consumption for all classes of the aircraft under consideration is quite large, which is typical for similar vehicles with vertical takeoff.

The standard equipment of the jet machine includes an in-flight refueling system, a laser-type rangefinder, and frontal sensors. Fighter features include:

  • in service - a pair of thirty-millimeter Aden cannons located under the fuselage;
  • the ability to install reactive ammunition "Matra";
  • Ferranti sighting equipment”;
  • equipment with radio stations with reception of various waves.

In the United States, the Marine Corps has been equipped with the aircraft in question since 1970. In addition, this device has mastered air squadrons UK and Germany. The machines have been in serial production for about two decades.

TTX aircraft GR-3

Consider the tactical and technical parameters of an attack fighter:

  • year of adoption - 1970;
  • height / length - 3, 45 / 13.87 meters;
  • wing (span / area) - 7.7 m / 18.68 sq. m;
  • maximum take-off weight - eleven and a half tons;
  • internal fuel (mass) - 2.29 tons.

The Harrier GR-3 combat aircraft is capable of accelerating over one thousand three hundred kilometers per hour, with a practical flight range of 3425 km. The crew still includes one pilot, the possibility of combat defeat is five hundred and twenty kilometers.

GR-5 Series

In one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine, the Harrier fighters of the fifth version were replenished. The main difference from the previous modification was the increased combat load and range. The aircraft is designed for air reconnaissance and direct assistance to ground forces. Vertical takeoff and landing remained unchanged, as did general structure cars.

The device is a cantilever monoplane, which is equipped with wings with a high placement, a bicycle landing gear, a single-keel tail trim. When creating this model, composite materials were actively used. The non-separable type wing has a profile thickened and resistant to critical loads. Increased wing span and area. These elements are aggregated with hanging ailerons, which deviate according to the position of the nozzles.

Structural changes

The US and British fighters of this series have an improved wing design that increases the frontal air resistance and reduces the maximum speed of the aircraft. However, this disadvantage is compensated by changing the elements associated with the fuselage and the arrangement of air intakes.

The main external parts are made of graphite, epoxy, aluminum alloys. Protection under the fuselage and the plane in front of the windshield have a titanium base. Between the landing gear racks there is a place for mounting a special box, which consists of a transverse transforming shield, longitudinal fixed ridges. It serves as an exhaust reflector during takeoff. This decision has increased lifting force almost half a ton. The cockpit of the Hawker Siddeley Harrier aircraft is designed for one pilot, has an air conditioning system, a high seating position and a survey searchlight.

Fuel and engine system

The modification under consideration is equipped with a turbine jet power unit, which has the option of changing the direction of the thrust vector. The maximum static thrust is 9870 kg/s. A four-second engine interruption function is activated in the event of vertical landing at elevated temperature. The onboard oxygen system, flight control unit and pressurization are aggregated with a compressed air compressor.

US and British fighters of the Harrier brand have a fuel block that is not much different from its predecessor. By increasing the capacity of the tanks, the tanks can hold up to four thousand liters each. Also, the model under consideration provides for additional provision of fuel in the air and the possibility of mounting additional suspended-type tanks.

The technical side of the aircraft GR-5

The fighter is equipped with a pair of ventral guns "Aden" twenty-five-millimeter caliber (ammunition includes two hundred charges). The rest of the weapons are placed on several hardpoints. The kit may include bombs and rockets of various types.


  • commissioning - one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seventh year;
  • wing parameters - span (9.25 m) / area (21.37 sq. m);
  • length / height - 14.1 / 3.5 meters;
  • empty aircraft weight - 6.25 tons;
  • combat radius - five hundred meters;
  • top speed - 1150 kilometers per hour;
  • practical range - 3,825 km.

Training aircraft of this brand have similar characteristics, with the exception of a full combat set.

Modification GR-7

"Harrier-2" under the index GR-7 is the most common model that is part of the armed forces of Great Britain. The machine is manufactured jointly by British and American companies.

Technical parameters of the aircraft:

  • length / height - 14.53 / 3.55 meters;
  • span / wing area - 9.25 m / 21.37 sq. m;
  • engines - Rolls-Royce-Pegasus Mk-105;
  • take-off weight limit - ten and a half tons;
  • practical movement - 15 and a quarter kilometers;
  • crew composition - one pilot;
  • combat range - 2.7 km;
  • fuel reserve - almost nine thousand liters.

In addition, the aircraft is armed with a pair of Aden cannons, nine hardpoints for additional ammunition and launchers for guided missiles.

"Harrier GR-9"

This modification received two main differences from its predecessors. The integrated weapons program has been improved, which is designed to use a wide range of high-precision weapons of various calibers. In addition, a powerful engine appeared from the same Rolls-Royce under the number Mk-107.

"Harrier" - the aircraft, which in the latest modification is built with the latest weapons systems and air defense protection, is equipped with an extremely informative dashboard and a warning system for approaching the landing site. The first flight on the device in question was made in two thousand and one. There are developments of two-seat cars equipped with a not so powerful motor with an IWP system.

Specifications GR-9

This aircraft has the following parameters:

  • length / height - 14.3 / 5.5 m;
  • wingspan - nine meters;
  • wing area - twenty-one square meters;
  • fighter weight (maximum) - fourteen tons;
  • tractive effort - 10.75 tons;
  • top speed for maximum height- 1198 km / h;
  • combat range - two thousand seven hundred kilometers.

The aircraft is equipped with standard weapons for this class, as well as optically guided bombs and reconnaissance systems such as PU NUR.


The Harrier attack fighter is rightfully included in the category of "the best military aircraft in the world." It has a vertical takeoff and landing, has a large margin of direct flight and has excellent weapons. If we compare it with domestic analogue"Yak-38". It can be noted that the British counterpart is superior to the opponent in many ways. If we take into account the first series of cars, then in some aspects the Yak is more enduring and more maneuverable. Improved versions of the British aircraft practically do not experience competition among aircraft of equal type.

The interest of the most developed air forces in countries such as Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America additionally testifies in favor of the aircraft in question. Versatility, reliability, good equipment and high speed- the determining factors for the success of the Harrier fighter.

    British Aerospace Sea Harrier- Sea Harrier Dos Sea Harrier FRS.Mk 1 aproximándose a la cubierta del USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). Tipo Cazabombardero V/STOL Fabrica Wikipedia Español

    FA2 Purpose: fighter bomber Adopted: 1980 ... Wikipedia

    British Aerospace Harrier II- Harrier II (GR.5, GR.7 y GR.9) Un Harrier GR.9 durante una patrulla de combate sobre Afganistán en diciembre de 2008. Tipo Cazabombardero V/STOL … Wikipedia Español

    british aerospace- (BAe) war ein british Rüstungs und Luftfahrtkonzern mit Sitz in Farnborough. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Fusion 3 Produkte (Auswahl) 4 Webli … Deutsch Wikipedia

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    british aerospace- Infobox Defunct Company company name = British Aerospace plc company fate = Merged with Marconi Electronic Systems foundation = 29 April, 1977 defunct = 30 November, 1999 subsid = Rover Group (1988 1994) location = Farnborough, England, UK… … Wikipedia

    british aerospace industry- General statistics: According to the SBAC (Society of British Aerospace Companies) the UK aerospace industry is the largest in Europe and the second largest in the world . It includes many British ... ... Wikipedia

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    This article is about the now defunct British Aerospace. For its successor, see BAE Systems. British Aerospace plc Type public company Founded 1977 Abolished ... Wikipedia

    BAE Sea Harrier- Infobox Aircraft name= Sea Harrier caption= A Sea Harrier FA2 of 801 NAS in flight at the Royal International Air Tattoo. type= V/STOL attack aircraft national origin = United Kingdom manufacturers= Hawker Siddeley British Aerospace BAE Systems… … Wikipedia

Aviation armament

Sea Harrier Fighter

The prototype Harrier fighter, an experimental aircraft with the index R1127, was developed by a group led by Sidney Camm, then the chief designer of Hawker Siddeley. The basis of the project was a jet engine with a deflectable thrust vector - B.E.53, specially created by Bristol Aero-Engines.

The vertical takeoff of the VTOL aircraft R. 1127 was carried out by deflecting the engine thrust vector down using four rotary nozzles; when switching to horizontal flight, they turned into a marching position - along the axis of the aircraft.

The first vertical takeoff of the R1127 took place on October 21, 1960, and in 1968 the RAF began to receive serial Harrier GR.1 VTOL aircraft. The fighter for arming aircraft carriers of the Invincible type received the designation P.1184 / Sea Harrier Fighter-Reconnaissance-Strike Mark 1 (FRS.1). As the name implies, the aircraft was supposed to be multipurpose, capable of acting as a fighter carrying two Sidewinder missiles on each outer wing pylon, a reconnaissance aircraft and an attack aircraft.

To place the radar on the aircraft, the shape of its bow was changed. In addition, to save space on the deck or in the hangar of an aircraft carrier, the nose cone was tilted to the left; thanks to this, the length of the aircraft was reduced from 14.5 to 12.7 m.

To provide the pilot best review during landing on the deck, the cabin was raised up by 280 mm, and the lantern was given a teardrop shape. Raising the cockpit also eliminated one of the significant shortcomings of the GR.3 during air combat - poor visibility for the pilot to the rear and side. As an aerodynamic compensation for the raised cabin, the keel height had to be increased by 100 mm.

Since new equipment had to be placed in the cockpit, including a radar indicator on the dashboard, the cockpit had to be completely redesigned. A new Martin-Baker Mk.1 OH ejection seat, class 0-0, was also installed in it, which ensures the opening of the parachute 1.5 s after the start of the ejection - this parameter was 2.5 s for the previous seat. This reduction in response time increased the chances of rescuing the pilot in an accident during takeoff or landing on a ship.

To reduce the harmful effects of salt water and humid sea air on the Pegasus 104 airframe and engine, their design was finalized - many critical parts were made of alloys with increased corrosion resistance.

Guided missiles (UR) of the class " air-air» AIM-9 Sidewinder suspended from external wing pylons. To combat ships, it was possible to install two anti-ship missiles of the Sea Eagle or Harpoon type. The rest of the armament was similar to that used on the Harrier GR.3. For its suspension served one ventral and four underwing pylons. External underwing pylons were designed for a load of 455 kg, internal - for 910 kg.

On special mounts under the fuselage, containers with two 30-mm Aden cannons with 130 rounds of ammunition per barrel could be installed.

In May 1975, the British Ministry of Defense ordered a batch of 25 Sea Harrier aircraft (including one double training aircraft) to equip new aircraft carriers.

On August 20, 1978, the first Sea Harrier FRS.1 (number XZ 450), piloted by test pilot John Fairley, took off from Dunsfold airfield and made a 25-minute flight. Prior to this event - in May 1978 - the fleet ordered 10 additional Sea Harriers.

Given that the Harrier GR.3 aircraft had been in operation for a long time, and their components and assemblies were well developed, it was decided not to build prototypes of the Sea Harrier. The aircraft was immediately launched mass production, and the first three serial machines were allocated for various tests, including for testing the take-off technique from a springboard.

After the completion of the ground stage of testing, the sea was also carried out. But since the Invincible aircraft carrier destined for the Sea Harrier had not yet been completed, the takeoffs were carried out from the Hermes landing helicopter carrier, a former light aircraft carrier launched in 1953 and converted into a helicopter carrier in 1971 (in 1984 the ship was sold to India, where after a major overhaul it was named Viraat).

The first serial Sea Harrier FRS.1 was handed over to the fleet in mid-June 1979. At the end of the same year, No. 800 Squadron was formed for the aircraft carrier Invincible, and a few months later, in early 1980, it was followed by a second squadron, No. 801, intended for the aircraft carrier lllastrious. No. 803 Squadron 3 for Ark Royal was formed in 1982. In the same year, an order for another 23 aircraft followed.

Thus, a total of 57 Sea Harrier FRS.1s and three new two-seat T.4Ns were produced. Despite the successes achieved by the Sea Harrier VTOL in the Falklands War of 1982, the Royal Navy understood that they were largely due to the high proficiency of the pilots and the excellent qualities of the all-aspect homing head of the AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air missile.

The fighting also demonstrated the shortcomings of the Sea Harrier. Chief among them - the plane could not stay in the air long enough. In addition, two Sidewinder missiles were clearly not enough. And yet - the Blue Fox radar was not very effective, in particular because of the inability to distinguish the target against the background of the sea surface. Conclusion - the plane needed to be improved.

The first (intermediate) stage of modernization (Phase I Update) of the Sea Harrier began to be carried out immediately after the end of the war, during repairs, and lasted from the summer of 1982 to 1987. The aircraft were equipped with new external fuel tanks with a capacity of 854 liters instead of the old ones with a capacity of 455 liters, as well as special launch beams that allowed two Sidewinder missiles to be suspended on each external pylon, so that the Sea Harrier began to carry four such missiles.

At the same stage of modernization, a nozzle control system, known as nozzle inching or nozzle nudging, was installed on the aircraft, which allowed the Sea Harrier pilot to change the position of the nozzles using a brake air flap switch located at the top of the thrust control handle. This greatly facilitated the manipulations that the pilot had to carry out during takeoff and landing. Due to the complexity of these manipulations, there was a joke that Sea Harrier pilots needed three hands to control the aircraft.

On the modernized aircraft, a more advanced system was installed compared to the previous one, which facilitates landing in conditions of poor visibility, - Microwave Aircraft Digital Guidance Equipment (MADGE)). In addition, the FRS.1 was equipped with new system emergency power supply, and the previously used electric generator, which was put forward in emergency situations from the fuselage into the oncoming air flow, was removed.

Aircraft performance Sea Harrier FRS.l

Crew, pers. 1

Wingspan, m.7.70

Aircraft length, m.14.50

Aircraft height, m.3.71

Wing area, m2.18.68

Engine thrust Pegasus 11 Mk.104, kgf.9750

Empty aircraft weight, kg.6374

Mass of fuel, kg.2295

Takeoff weight during vertical takeoff, kg.8620

Take-off weight during takeoff with a run, kg.10 210

Maximum takeoff weight, kg. 11 880

Maximum speed, km/h. 1190

Practical ceiling, m.15 300

Range during vertical takeoff and landing, km. 135

The radius of action during takeoff with a run of 155 m and takeoff weight 9700 kg, km.795

Patrol duration during vertical takeoff, min.24

Duration of patrol during takeoff with a run of 155 m, min. 72

Maximum operational overload. +7.8 / -4.2

To correct other shortcomings of the Sea Harrier, a much larger amount of work was required, so in 1983 a program was developed for the second stage of modernization (Phase II Update). The contract for its implementation was signed with BAe (British Aerospace) in 1985. The upgraded Sea Harrier, which was to become the benchmark for new aircraft under construction as well, received the designation Fighter Reconnaissance Strike Mark 2 (FRS.2).

In 1988, BAe completed the conversion of two Sea Harrier FRS.1s into experimental prototypes of the FRS.2 aircraft. The first of them took off on September 19 of the same year, and deck tests were carried out in November 1990. In the summer of 1993, the Sea Harrier FRS.2 began to enter combat units for operational testing. The main difference between the new modification of the Sea Harrier and the previous one was the more advanced Blue Vixen radar developed by Ferranti. The Blue Vixen station had 11 operating modes (the Blue Fox had only four). Among them are the view mode of the lower hemisphere; "track and view" mode, which allows you to follow the selected target while simultaneously scanning the sky to detect new targets, and low power mode (LPI) - to detect a target without triggering its radar exposure warning system (RWR).

The British Sea Harrier FRS.2 became the first European aircraft armed with American AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missiles (AMRAAM) missiles. It could carry two of these missiles on external wing pylons and two more on pylons mounted instead of gun pods under the fuselage. In another payload variant, the Sea Harrier FRS.2 could carry two AMRAAMs and four Sidewinders. The FRS.2 modification turned out to be 350 mm longer than the FRS.1 due to the increased nose cone of the new radar. The wing span also increased slightly due to the large endings.

To compensate for the aerodynamic drag of the suspended AMRAAM missiles, it was supposed to increase the keel area, but this turned out to be unnecessary. The cockpit was also redesigned to accommodate multifunctional information displays, a hands on throttle and stick (HOTAS) control system, a Marconi Sky Guardian RWR radiation warning system and a GPS navigation system, the antenna of which was installed behind the ejection seat. The aircraft also received new engine- Pegasus 106.

33 Sea Harrier FRS.1 aircraft underwent modernization, which after that received the designation FRS.2. The last FRS.1 left for modernization in 1995, and the last modified FRS.2 was transferred to the fleet in 1997.

Eighteen new ordered FRS.2s were delivered to the fleet between 1995 and 1998, the last aircraft of this batch was transferred on December 24, 1998 as a "Christmas present" by Royal Navy. In addition, the fleet received seven Sea Harrier T.8 trainers, which were converted from Royal Navy and RAF two-seat Sea Harriers already in service.

The training T.8 is very similar to the T.4N, but has updated cockpit instrumentation to match the Sea Harrier FRS.2. Modification T.8 was not equipped with the Blue Vixen radar. The Sea Harrier T.8 made its first flight in 1994, and the start of deliveries of these aircraft dates back to 1995. From May 1994, the designation for the Sea Harrier FRS.2 was changed to Sea Harrier FA.2, where "FA" stands for Fighter Attack. The letter "R" (reconnaiss-ance) was removed from the designation, since the Sea Harrier was never actually used for reconnaissance missions, and the Navy never ordered a container with reconnaissance equipment for use on the Sea Harrier. The letter "S" (Strike) was replaced by the letter "A" (Attack), apparently because after the end of the Cold War, the tasks of delivering tactical nuclear strikes by Sea Harrier aircraft became irrelevant.

It was previously planned that the Sea Harrier VTOL aircraft would serve at least until 2012, but in early 2002 the Department of Defense announced that this period would be limited to 2006. It is assumed that they will be replaced by a second-generation Harrier adapted to maritime service - the Harrier II.

Aircraft performance characteristics Sea Harrier FRS.Mk 2

Engine.Rolls-Royce Pegasus Mk 106

Thrust, kgf.9770

Wingspan, m.7.70

Length, m.14.50

Height, m.3.71

Wing area, m2.18.68

Empty weight, kg.6374

Maximum takeoff weight, kg. 11 884

Maximum ground speed, km/h 1185

Practical ceiling, m.15 545

Range, km.750

Armament. 2 x 30-mm Aden 4xUR AIM-120 guns, bombs, NUR, Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles

When taking off from the deck.2270

When taking off from the airfield.3630

Sea King anti-submarine helicopter

In December 1957, the US Navy signed a contract with Sikorsky Aircraft to develop a carrier-based helicopter with a gas turbine power plant, which was supposed to replace American ships helicopters with piston engines S-58, used as anti-submarine under the designation HSS-1 Seabat and as universal under the designation HUS-1 Seahorse.

The development of a new amphibious transport helicopter took just over a year. The car was assigned the corporate designation S-61. Her extremely successful layout scheme was immediately liked by customers. T58-GE-6 engines with 1050 hp removed from the forward fuselage, installing them on top cargo cabin with dimensions of 7.6 x 1.98 x 1.32 m, while the pilots got an ideal view forward and down, and the fuselage of the aircraft-type helicopter was completely free to accommodate equipment and weapons.

The lower part of the fuselage was made in the form of a boat with a redan and cheekbones in the bow, which prevented water splashing on the cockpit glass when taxiing the helicopter through the water. To increase the flight speed, the landing gear was retracted into streamlined all-metal floats, which gave the car stability when moving through water.

The first copy of the S-61 helicopter with serial number 147137 was built in early 1959. Helicopter tether tests began, lasting 450 hours, and bench tests of engines for 5,000 hours. In addition, tests were carried out on special stands of the main and tail propellers. March 11, 1959 S-61 made its first free flight. With a takeoff weight of 7250 kg, the helicopter easily made a vertical takeoff both in calm and with a wind speed of 45 - 50 km/h.

During flight tests, the failure of one, and then both engines was simulated. When one engine was turned off in level flight, the required operating mode of the second engine was automatically set using the speed controller, which maintained the specified speed and torque on the main rotor shaft. When both engines were turned off, the helicopter descended in the autorotation mode and landed with a run of no more than 15 m. During the tests, water landings were also made both with the engines running and with the engines turned off.

Over the entire period of flight tests of the helicopter, more than 1000 flights were made in various modes with a total duration of 1100 hours. The maximum flight range was 868.9 km, the service ceiling was 4480 m. The helicopter could hover freely in the air at an altitude of 2591 m. automatic control. For the suspension of homing torpedoes and depth charges, two locks were provided on the struts of the floats. On the first production helicopters, the T58-GE-6 engines were first installed, and then the T58-GE-8 engines with an HP 1250 power.

The flight characteristics of the machine turned out to be more than sufficient to put it into service, and in 1961 the helicopter was put into production under the military designation HSS-2.

In 1959, the British firm Westland acquired a license to manufacture and improve the S-61 helicopter. By order of the Royal Navy, she developed her own anti-submarine helicopter based on it, called the Sea King (translated from English - “sea king”). His first modification HAS.Mk.1 differed from the American prototype only in the power plant and equipment. Westland launched a large-scale production of machines not only for its navies, but also for the armed forces of other countries.

The modern British anti-submarine helicopter HAS.Mk.6 is equipped with a 2069 descending sonar station with an AQS-902G-DS acoustic signal processor, which can search for submarines at depths up to 213 m. In addition, a magnetic detector AN/ASQ-504(V). On top of the tail boom of the helicopter, a cylindrical radome of the Mk.6 radar is fixed to search for surface targets.

The HAS.Mk.6 equipment includes the IDS-2000 terminal of the JTIDS tactical information ship system, which allows real-time exchange of information with the home ship and making joint decisions on the destruction of certain targets.

The flight and navigation system of the helicopter consists of Mk.31 automatic control equipment, AN / APN-171 radio altimeter, Mk.71 Doppler radar and aerometric instruments.

The cargo compartment of the search and rescue version of the helicopter can accommodate up to 22 people or nine stretchers with the wounded and two orderlies. The helicopters are equipped with hydraulic winches, designed for a load of 272.4 kgf, and ARI5955 or RDR-1500B search radars.

In 1995, Agusta-Westland upgraded the helicopter's equipment, after which the GPS-STR2000 satellite navigation system, the new RNAV-2 navigation system and the Mk.91 Doppler radar were added to its composition. Since 2004, the SKMSS infrared search and rescue system has been installed on British search and rescue helicopters, which improves the efficiency of the crew at night and in bad weather conditions.

On May 4, 1982, the British destroyer Sheffield was sunk by a direct hit from an Exocet anti-ship missile in the Falkland Islands. Almost immediately after that, the British decided to create a radar patrol helicopter based on Sea King. Work on upgrading the first two Sea King Mk.2s began in June 1982. The helicopter was equipped with a Searchwater Mk.1 surveillance radar weighing 545 kg from the Nimrod Mk.2 base patrol aircraft, while mounting the station's bulky antenna on a swivel bracket on the left side of the vehicle. The new helicopter was given the designation Sea King AEW Mk.2. Tests of machines showed that at an altitude of 3000 m, the detection range of air targets is 230 km. The first three Sea King AEW Mk.2s were delivered to the aircraft carrier Illustrious in 1985.

In 2000, it was decided to modernize the radar and on-board equipment of helicopters. The updated helicopter received the designation Sea King AEW Mk.7. It was equipped with a Searchwater 2000 radar, similar to the station from the Nimrod MR4A aircraft, a new Doppler radar and a satellite navigation system.

The next stage in the improvement of the helicopter began in 2002. Its goal is to bring the parameters of the helicopter equipment and carrier-based aircraft of the E-2C Hawkeye type DLRO closer together. After its completion, in 2006, 13 radar patrol helicopters of the Royal Navy became radar detection and control helicopters.

AEW.7 helicopters were modernized by further improving the radar and installing the Cerberus control system. At the same time, the designation of helicopters was changed to ASaC Mk.7. The Search-water 2000 pulse-Doppler radar received an improved digital signal processing system and an interface for transmitting data from the JTIDS 16 system. The equipment includes a new friend-foe interrogator and HaveQuick II radio communication system.

The Sea King Helicopter was built over 46 years ago, but it still meets the needs of today's fleets. different countries and will be in their service for a long time. As for the British Navy, it is gradually being replaced by the Merlin helicopter.

* * *

The Sea King helicopter has an all-metal fuselage, the structure of which is made mainly of aluminum alloys, and the most loaded power elements are made of steel and titanium. To reduce the mass of the structure, non-power structural elements (doors and fairings) are molded from fiberglass.

The lower part of the fuselage is arranged in the form of a boat with a redan and chines in the bow, which reduce splashing when moving on water. The bottom of the boat has a slight deadrise - to increase the lateral stability of the helicopter when taxiing on the water.

Helicopter landing gear tricycle with tail wheel. The main landing gear with twin wheels is fixed on floats. Inside the latter, special niches are provided in which the landing gear is removed. The self-orienting non-retractable tail wheel is mounted on the bottom redan of the bottom.

The tail part of the fuselage smoothly passes into the end beam bent upwards. To the right of the end beam there is a stabilizer with an elevator.

In the forward part of the fuselage there is a two-seat cockpit with pilots' seats located nearby. In the gap between the seats is the power plant control panel, automatic system stability enhancement, as well as radio and navigation equipment.

Instrument panels with flight instruments were mounted in front of the pilots. Devices for monitoring the operation of engines are installed on the central panel.

The next compartment is the operator's cabin with a large hydroacoustic station indicator in its front part and a winch for raising and lowering the sonar through a rounded hatch in the bottom of the fuselage in its center.

On the right side of the helicopter there is a large cargo door measuring 1.6 x 1.7 m with an emergency hatch. A winch is installed on a bracket above the door for lifting cargo on board in hover mode. The helicopter can be equipped with a device for carrying cargo weighing up to 3692 kg under the fuselage on an external sling.

The British HAS Mk.6 helicopter is equipped with H1400-2 1660 hp engines mounted on top of the fuselage in front of the main gearbox. The air intakes are somewhat raised above the fuselage; exhaust gases are directed downwards through nozzles on both sides of its upper part.

The output shafts of the HPT are connected to the main gearbox having a gear ratio of 30:1. A feature of the transmission design is the ability to start one engine on the ground to drive the units of the hydraulic and electrical systems, which made it possible to abandon the auxiliary power unit. The main rotor spins up only after the second engine is started.

Flight performance helicopter Sea King HAS Mk.6

Fuselage length, m. 16.69

Fuselage width, m.4.8

Rotor diameter, m. 18.9

Rotor speed, rpm 200

Swept rotor area, m2.280

Helicopter length with rotating propellers, m.22.1

Height, m.5.13

Chassis base, m.7.1

Empty weight, kg.6202

Maximum takeoff weight, kg.9707

Maximum flight speed, km/h.232

Flight range, km. 1230

Static ceiling (without taking into account the influence of the earth), m.2440

Rate of climb, m/s. 10.3

The engine control system lacks the rotary throttle control knob on the collective-pitch lever that is common in helicopters. Instead, there is a main rotor speed controller, controlled by levers located on top, in front of the pilots' seats.

The five-blade main rotor of a helicopter with hinged blades is tilted forward at an angle of 3.5 degrees. The rotor hub is made of steel and has combined horizontal and vertical hinges. In addition, the hub is equipped with a special hydraulic system for folding the main rotor blades in the parking lot, controlled by a button.

All-metal main rotor blades are rectangular in plan. The blades have a D-shaped extruded aluminum alloy spar and tail sections glued to it with a honeycomb core. To determine the presence of fatigue cracks in the spar, its sealed cavity is filled with compressed air, and a sensor is installed on the butt side of the spar, signaling a change in pressure. In the presence of a fatigue crack, the pressure in the spar drops, which is indicated by the sensor reading.

The tail rotor with five blades is mounted on a pylon, placed on the left on the upper part of the end beam, the end of which, together with the tail rotor, can be folded, pivoted sideways and installed along the rear fuselage.

The helicopter uses a centralized lubrication system for main and tail rotor parts, and propeller hubs are equipped with self-lubricating Teflon bearings.

The fuel is located in two separate groups of sealed fuel tanks with a total capacity of 2600 liters, which are located under the cab floor.

british aerospace

At the stage of conceptual study, the Navy command did not yet have a final decision as to which type of aircraft would replace the AV-8A, winged or rotary-winged, so the Sikorsky helicopter company (as a branch of United Aircraft Corporation) took part in the competition with the project of a reconnaissance-strike tiltrotor . The management of the progress of work, computer modeling of the tactical situation of air combat and testing of various subsystems, components and assemblies for a promising aircraft were assigned to state-owned research institutions in the structure of the US Navy and NASA:

  • Chassis, runway and hangar infrastructure of carrier ships - Shipbuilding Research Center, Carderock, Maryland;
  • Gun Armament, Missile Armament, Air-to-Air Weapons Control Subsystem - Fleet Weapons Research Center, China Lake, California;
  • Air-to-Surface Weapons Control Subsystem - Central Naval Laboratory, Washington, D.C.; Fleet Air Arm Research Center, Warminster, Pennsylvania;

Development work

Especially for use in the production of fuselages and wings of the Super Harrier, high-strength sandwich-type structures based on a light titanium alloy resistant to corrosion and temperature extremes, a turbofan propulsion system of large diameter and short length with variable geometry of elements (turbines and nozzles) and low noise level, new means of emergency escape from the cabin - an ejection seat of minimum size and weight with a hermetically packed parachute system. An innovation in avionics, which was also developed by order of the Navy specifically for installation on a promising aircraft, there was an analogue-free system for displaying information on the windshield at that time (before that, only target designation signs of sighting and navigation systems were displayed on the windshield, on the Super-Harrier glass it was supposed to display, in addition to target designation, the entire spectrum necessary information flight control for the pilot to make a decision on the implementation of the maneuver and its boundary parameters), as well as digital holographic displays and LED indicators on the dashboard. Weapons control systems were developed by Hughes Aircraft in Culver City, California, and Westinghouse Electric Systems Division in Baltimore, Maryland, simultaneously for the Super Harrier and the promising Tomcat fighter.

Project AV-16

McDonnell Douglas AV-16s had an old partnership and contractual relationship with Hawker Siddeley, and the two companies worked together on a number of US-British aerospace projects. In fact, McDonnell Douglas acted as the local representative of Hawker Siddeley in the United States in the development of the Super Harrier and vice versa, Hawker Siddeley acted as the representative of McDonnell Douglas in the UK and the British Commonwealth in the matter of routine maintenance, life extension work and modifications of the "Phantoms" to the requirements of the national armed forces. License agreement for the modification of the "Harrier" original model under the requirements of national customers - the types of armed forces and the production of modified aircraft at American aircraft factories, was concluded between McDonnell Douglas and Hawker Siddeley for the future on December 22, 1969, even before the start of the competition for applications for the Super Harrier.

Among a dozen other promising original projects, the McDonnell Douglas project, which received the index AV-16, did not differ in particular originality, since he realized the idea of ​​​​creating a licensed modification of the Harrier - an improved l. A. using the existing fuselage and tail, but with a larger wing and a more powerful engine (after 1977, Hawker Siddeley was nationalized by the government of James Callaghan and British Aerospace became McDonnell Douglas' partner on the British side). This program, accepted for further development, was eventually curtailed after spending on it exceeded $1 billion.

Project AV-8B

Despite this, McDonnell Douglas does not give up and makes a new attempt to improve the aircraft without changing the engine. To increase the bomb load and flight range, the new aircraft was given a larger wing with capacious tanks and a large number of suspension points. However, the refusal to replace the engine (and its power) led to the requirement that the total weight of the new aircraft remain equal to the weight of the base model AV-8A. To achieve this, McDonnell Douglas engineers decide to make the fuselage and wings from lightweight materials, as well as improve the flight properties of the aircraft. As a result, the larger wing was made of graphite composite materials (lighter than aluminum and, in some respects, stronger than steel). The air intakes were also enlarged and improved, large flaps were installed on the wings, and a ridge was added to the cannon container from the bottom of the fuselage to improve flight performance during takeoff and landing.

Models of the new aircraft were shown in August 1975. Initially, two AV-8A aircraft received the necessary improvements for testing. The first flight of these prototypes took place at the end of 1978. The tests were so successful that a program was launched to improve the entire American AV-8A fleet. Improved aircraft received the designation AV-8C.

In the early 1980s, four aircraft built from scratch were tested. In 1981, British Aerospace entered into an agreement with McDonnell Douglas. Under this agreement, British Aerospace took part in the program as a subcontractor, which meant the return of the British government to the Harrier program. Production began in 1983, with McDonnell Douglas building 60 percent of the aircraft and British Aerospace the remaining 40. The AV-8B entered service with the US Marine Corps in late 1983, the British version (GR.5) was adopted by the RAF a little later .

On the basis of the Marine Corps aircraft, several modifications were carried out. In the late 80s, a variant for night operations (AV-8B Night Attack) was created - an IR forward-looking system was placed in the nose, used in conjunction with night vision goggles. In total, in the period 1989-1993. 72 aircraft were built in the AV-8B Night Attack modification. In June 1987, British Aerospace and McDonnell Douglas decide to create a modification of the Harrier II with radar. To do this, an AN / APG-65 pulse-Doppler radar (similar to that used in the McDonnell Douglas F / A-18 Hornet) was installed in the nose of the AV-8B Night Attack aircraft. This modification allowed the aircraft to fly air battle and improved its ground strike performance. The Marine Corps ordered 31 aircraft of the new modification (Plus), its deliveries began in July 1993. Another 72 aircraft were modified in 1997. By 1997, only the Plus and Night Attack modifications were in service with the Marine Corps.

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  • YAV-8B- prototype, 2 copies.
  • AV-8B Harrier II- basic modification.
  • AV-8B Harrier II Night Attack- an upgraded version with an IR forward vision system and a new Pegasus 11 engine.
  • AV-8B Harrier II Plus- an upgraded version of Night Attack with a new radar.
  • TAV-8B Harrier II- double training option.
  • EAV-8B Matador II- designation in the Spanish Navy.
  • EAV-8B Matador II Plus- designation in the Spanish Navy.

Combat use

It was used by the American side during the war in Afghanistan. On the night of September 14, 2012, about 15 Taliban dressed in American uniforms attacked the parking lot. American aircraft at Camp Bastion. The attack destroyed eight Harriers and one C-130, in addition to many buildings and hangars.

Tactical and technical characteristics

The given characteristics correspond to the modification AV-8B. Data source: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY -- NAVAL HISTORICAL CENTER


  • Crew: 1 (pilot)
  • Length : 14.12 m
  • Wingspan: 9.245 m
  • Height: 3.551 m
  • Wing area: 21.37 m²
  • Sweep along the line 1/4 chords: 30.62°
  • Wing aspect ratio: 4,0
  • Chassis base: 3.481 m (between main posts)
  • Chassis track: 5.182 m (between side posts)
  • Empty weight: 5,822 kg
  • Curb weight: 6 097 kg (without combat load)
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 14,060 kg
    • during vertical takeoff: 8618 kg
  • Weight of fuel in internal tanks: 3,590 kg
  • Volume of fuel tanks: 4,319 l (+ 4 × 1,136 l PTB)
  • Power point: 1 × Rolls-Royce F402-RR-406 turbofan
  • Thrust: 1 × 95.86 kN
Flight characteristics
  • Maximum speed: 1,063 km/h

The British carrier-based VTOL fighter-bomber British Aerospace "Sea Harrier" was created on the basis of the land-based Harrier aircraft. It was in service with the Royal Navy of Great Britain in 1980-2006.
In order to increase the combat potential of the Sea Harrier aircraft, British Aerospace specialists made a number of changes to the design of the aircraft - as a result, the Sea Harrier FA Mk.2 appeared, one of the best ship-based fighters.

In January 1985, British Aerospace received a contract to upgrade the Sea Harrier, under which it was planned to convert two Sea Harrier FRS Mk.1 aircraft to the FRS Mk.2 (then FA Mk.2) standard. Initially, in 1984, it was announced that the Ministry of Defense intended to give 200 million pounds to BAE and Ferranti to modernize the entire Sea Harrier fleet, but already in 1985 the number of modernized vehicles was reduced to 30.

The FA Mk.2 aircraft differs externally from the FRS Mk.1 in having a less pointed nose radome, a longer rear fuselage, redesigned antennas and external pods, and larger slats.
The upgrade included the installation of a Blue Vixen pulse-Doppler radar, an integrated tactical information distribution system, an advanced radar exposure warning system, and enabling the use of the AIM-120 AMRAAM UR. Initially, "VAe" also proposed to provide the possibility of suspension of the Sidewinder UR on the wingtips, but then this and a number of other improvements were excluded from the project, but the aerodynamic ridge and enlarged slats were left.
The first of the converted aircraft (ZA195) took to the air on September 19, 1988, followed by a second machine (XZ439) on March 8, 1989. The aircraft was equipped with an additional compartment for avionics and redesigned bow- due to the installation of the Blue Vixen radar, the nose cone became less pointed, but in general, the new FA Mk.2 turned out to be 0.61 m shorter than its predecessor - due to the fact that the nose rod of the PVD was removed.

The wing span remained the same, but the underwing suspension units were redone - on the upgraded machine it was now possible to hang a pair of 864-liter PTBs, as well as one Hughes AIM-120 AMRAAM (or BAE ALARM) on external pylons. In total, five weapon suspension systems were installed on the aircraft, implemented on the basis of multi-purpose aircraft launchers LAU-106A and LAU-7. When performing strike missions, the aircraft can carry Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles (range - more than 50 miles, speed - 0.3 km per second) and ALARM anti-radar missiles.

Electronic equipment includes the Marconi Electronic Systems Sky Guardian 200 radar warning system, the AN / ALE-40 jamming system, the AD120 VHF Marconi Electronic Systems and AN / ARC-164 communication system, the AN / Friend Identification System. APX-100 MK12 or PTR 446 IFF, Tacan Marconi Electronic Systems AD 2770 tactical air navigation system and Thomson Thorn's MADGE Microwave Airborne Digital Guidance Equipment. For observation, an F.95 camera installed in the bow is used.

The FA Mk.2 cockpit instrumentation includes new multifunctional cathode ray tube displays, and the aircraft controls are arranged according to the HOTAS principle, which allows you to fly the aircraft without removing your hands from the control stick and throttle. The FA Mk.2 received the more powerful Pegasus Mk 106 engines, a so-called "boiled" version of the AV-8B's Mk 105 engine, without the use of magnesium in its design.
On December 7, 1988, a contract was issued for the conversion of 31 FRS Mk.1 aircraft to Mk.2 standard, and on March 6, 1990, a contract was issued for the construction of 10 new FA Mk.2s.
In January 1994, a new contract was signed for 18 new FA Mk 2s and the conversion of five more FRS Mk.1s. The re-equipment of the aircraft was carried out at Dunsfold and Brough - the final assembly of the upgraded machines was carried out at Dunsfold.

sea ​​trials of the modernized fighter were carried out on board the aircraft carrier Ark Royal in November 1990 and confirmed all the calculated data and the possibility of a safe takeoff from the bow ramp with a descent angle of 12 degrees. Two pre-production aircraft participated in the tests, but only one of them had a radar.
For more effective training pilots, a two-seat version of the T Mk 8N was created - in 1996, four of these machines came to replace the Harrier T Mk 4N. The car had an almost complete set of avionics of the FA Mk.2 variant, with the exception of the radar.
The Hughes AIM-120 became the main air-to-air guided missile for the Sea Harrier FA Mk.2, and the new Blue Vixen radar (model "A") was tested on BAC 1 - 11 and BAE 125 aircraft until August 1988.

Another BAe 125 was equipped with a complete set of instrumentation for the FA Mk.2 aircraft - it was installed on the right side, and in 1989 it was installed on it for testing the Blue Vixen radar (model "B"). During the tests of the AIM-120 UR, 10 launches were performed, unmanned targets MQM-107 and QF-106 were used as targets. The tests were almost thwarted when on January 5, 1994, one of the two aircraft equipped with the new radar was lost during an accident.
In June 1993, the first, experimental, unit was formed in Boscombe Down, and on the basis of the 899th Naval Aviation Squadron, a group was created to conduct evaluation tests of the Sea Harrier FA Mk.2 - four of its aircraft made a trip aboard the Invincible aircraft carrier in 1994 year. In January 1995, the 801st Squadron left on the aircraft carrier Illastries for the first full-fledged military service. Aircraft also entered the 800th squadron, which then took part in the operation against Yugoslavia.
It was generally accepted that the aircraft performed well during Operations Deny Flight and Allied Force, but one aircraft was lost to ground fire on April 16, 1994. The pilot escaped.

Flight performance Sea Harrier FA Mk.2:
Crew: 1 (pilot);
Length, m: 14.17;
Wingspan, m: 7.7;
Height, m: 3.71;
Wing area, m2: 18.68;
Empty weight, kg: 6097;
Curb weight, kg: 6374 (without combat load);
Normal takeoff weight, kg: with vertical takeoff - 8620, with takeoff run - 10210;
Maximum takeoff weight, kg: 11880;
Mass of fuel in internal tanks, kg: 2295 (+ 2404 kg in PTB);
Powerplant: 1 x Rolls-Royce Pegasus Mk.104 turbofan;
Thrust, kN: 1 x 95.6 (9750 kgf);
Maximum speed, km/h: 1190;
Combat radius, km: with vertical takeoff - 135, with takeoff run - 795 (with a takeoff weight of 9700 kg);
Patrol duration, min: with vertical takeoff - 24, with takeoff with a run - 94;
Practical ceiling, m: 15300;
Armament: 2 x 30 mm ADEN cannons with 130 Pat. on the barrel (removable)
Guided missiles: air-to-air missiles - AIM-9, AIM-120 (FRS.2), R550 Magic (FRS.51); air-to-surface missiles - ALARM, AS.37 Martel, Sea Eagle; missiles - 4 x 18 x 68 mm SNEB unguided rockets