Train clerk. Trainer of locomotive crews. The work of a contractor for locomotive crews


The Regulations for organizing the work of reserves of conductors of JSC Federal Passenger Company (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) ensure the unification production processes, is aimed at achieving the goals of the company and determines the main activities of the branches of JSC Federal Passenger Company (hereinafter JSC FPC) and their structural divisions.

The requirements of these Regulations are binding on all employees of JSC FPC.

The planning of the work of structural divisions for the coming year is carried out by a branch of JSC FPC and is combined into an Action Plan for improving the quality of passenger service and working conditions for employees in next blocks questions:

the work of the smart part, the balance of working time;

sanitary and living conditions (equipment of workplaces, food, service premises);

uniforms, personal protective equipment, overalls;

interaction of reserves of conductors with other production sites (formation, operation and repair of cars, operational department of the branch, etc.);

interaction with contractors;

organization of employee training (including technical);

ensuring the safety of train traffic along the route, SMBD;

introduction of electronic technical means and software in passenger trains;

correspondence staffing reserves of conductors to the volume of work performed;

recruitment plan;

reduction and optimization;

organization of targeted inspections of reserves of conductors;

class ranks, professional excellence, "Passport of trust", "Coupon of quality";

branded and international trains;


the work of the instructor staff;

information security of the reserves of conductors (availability of workstations of ACS "Express", AS SK SSPS GIS RZD, etc.)

Organization of the work of contractors for the formation of train crews

2.1. Tasks of the dressing department:

formation of train crews taking into account the established standards and requirements for service classes;

monitoring compliance with the regime of work and rest, norms for working hours;

planning the formation of train crews in accordance with the approved work schedule;

implementation of functional tasks and conduct of work in ECASUTR;

registration and maintenance of the route of the conductor of the passenger car and the acceptance of cargo and baggage form No. FTU-33 (hereinafter referred to as the Route sheet);

monitoring the timeliness of employees passing the medical commission and their going to work;

familiarization of employees with the schedule of work and rest;

maintaining reporting and regulatory documentation;

Accounting documentation dressy part.

2.2.1. On paper:

schedule of work and rest of train crews for the accounting period (half year, year) - posted on the information stand;

conductor pin lists passenger cars(hereinafter referred to as the Carriage Conductor) behind the brigades;

lists of assigning train crews to trains;

orders for conductors of cars certified for the right to service trains of the “branded” category;

orders to assign first-winter wagon conductors to experienced passenger wagon conductors;

orders for the appointment of trains, replenishment / reduction of schemes, sending cars to / from repair, etc.

vacation schedule for Carriage Conductors for the current year;

routes of the conductor of the passenger car and the acceptance of cargo and baggage form No. FTU-33;

printouts of extracts from formation books with personal signatures of train workers;

printouts of extracts from personal cards of train workers with their personal signatures.

2.2.2. IN in electronic format in EC ASUTR:

orders for granting holidays to conductors of passenger cars;

imposing orders disciplinary action for wagon conductors;

orders for the movement of train workers;

orders for the personnel of train workers (hiring, dismissal);

orders to encourage train workers;

personal cards of train workers;

books for the formation of train crews for each train (hereinafter referred to as the Book of formation);

a general book for the exit of Carriage Conductors to work;

hot reserve book.

The senior contractor is responsible for organizing the work of the dress department, who reports directly to the deputy head structural unit- the head of the reserve of conductors (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the reserve) or his deputy.

2.4. Requirements for the organization of the workplace of the train crew contractor:

Personal Computer, keyboard, mouse;

software SAP logon, ACS Express, Email;

multifunctional device (printer, copier, scanner);

telephone with access to long-distance calls;

Consumables(A4 paper, stationery)

Responsibilities of the contractor for the formation of train crews.

2.5.1. To form train crews together with the head of the train in compliance with the norms of the regime of work and rest.

2.5.2. Control work time employees of train crews, compliance with the norms of inter-shift rest.

2.5.3. Carry out the arrangement of Carriage Conductors in accordance with the train formation scheme and taking into account the requirements of the current standards for the maintenance of carriages by conductors.

2.5.4. When joining a flight, control the presence of an identity card, a certificate with marks on checking knowledge of the PTE, labor protection requirements, fire-technical minimum, rules technical operation electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V, the right to service the tail car (for the conductor of the tail car), the conductor’s sanitary book, the timeliness of passing the medical commission;

2.5.5. Issue Route sheets to train crew workers against signature in an extract from the formation book printed from the EC ASUTR. It is forbidden to issue the Route sheet to unauthorized persons, including the head of the train.

2.5.6. Enter data on the formation of train crews in the EC ASUTR. 2.5.7. Draw up an act together with the head of the train, the senior contractor and the instructor of the train crews on the unauthorized departure of the conductor of the car from work, indicating the date, time and substance of the case.

2.5.8. Control the attendance of train crew members. In the event of a long-term absence from work (more than 2 weeks) and the absence of information about its reasons, the senior worker reports to the Head of the reserve for further informing the head of the structural unit and his deputy for personnel and social issues to organize work to find out the reasons for the employee's long-term absence. Upon receipt of information about a long absence of an employee, the personnel management department prepares and sends a notification letter to the conductor of the car, in which he asks to inform the reason for his absence from work. If there is no response within 2 weeks after receipt of the notification of delivery, the procedure is repeated. Upon receipt of 2-3 notifications and the continuing absenteeism of the conductor of the car, the deputy for personnel and social issues prepares a memorandum addressed to the head of the structural unit to make a decision on the dismissal of the employee. In the event of the appearance of the Car Conductor for work and the discovery of absenteeism, the senior worker for the formation of train crews is obliged:

demand a written explanation from the Car Conductor with the obligatory indication of the specific time of non-appearance and the reason for his absence from work;

put down the date of his absence from work on the explanation of the Car Conductor and sign (the presence of work and unauthorized use of days off does not relieve the employee from liability);

to report in a report to the deputy head of the structural unit - head of the reserve of conductors to organize an official investigation of the case of absenteeism and determine disciplinary measures.

2.5.9. Demand from the employee of the train crew documents confirming the absence from the workplace along the route (hospitalization in medical institutions, detention by police officers, upon arrival at the reserve of conductors).

2.5.10. Warn train crew workers about the timely passing of a medical commission no later than a month before the expiration of the previous one, with a mandatory signature for familiarization in an extract from a personal card printed from the EC ASUTR.

2.5.11. To issue to the heads of trains the duty schedule of the conductors of the carriages for review under the signature of all members of the train crew.

2.5.12. Control the entries in the personal cards of the Carriage Conductors and Train Managers in the EC ASUTR.

If there is an entry in the personal card about the appointment of an official investigation on violation of labor or technological discipline, the conductor of the car is sent to the management of the reserve of conductors. If an official investigation is postponed, then the decision to provide work to the Car Conductor is made by the senior contractor in agreement with the head of the reserve conductors.

2.6. The procedure for issuing the itinerary of the conductor of a passenger car and the acceptance of cargo and baggage form No. FTU-33:

pick up Route sheets of employees scheduled for the trip;

when a train crew member arrives, put down the date and time of opening of the Route List (columns 1 and 2), in column 4 the train number, in column 5 the inventory (factory) number of the car, in column 6 the direction, and sign in column 29;

in case of non-attendance of the Car Conductor for work, in column 4, mark “n / a” (non-attendance) and sign in column 29;

if necessary, rewrite the Car Conductor for a later date, mark opposite the old date in columns 4 and 5 “rewritten to ....”, sign in column 29 and write the new release date in the line below;

upon delivery by the Conductor of the car of the Route sheet, make a note about the closure of the flight in columns 7 and 8, sign in column 30 and write down the date of the next departure in column 1;

duplicate entries from the Route List into the electronic route of form No. FTU-33 in the EC ASUTR;

when transferring the conductor to another production site, make an entry “Order dated CC.MM.YYYY No. XXX from CC.MM.YYYY to CC.MM.YYYY - (name of the production site)”;

in case of loss or damage, issue a duplicate of the Itinerary only upon the personal application of the Car Conductor and the mandatory permission of the Head of the Reserve to issue a duplicate, while in the duplicate of the Itinerary, restore flights based on the data of the EC ASUTR (stamps are not transferred, because this route of form No. FTU-33 is a copy).

the calculated Route sheets are stored in separate folders according to personnel numbers before delivery to the structural unit of Zheldoruchet;

corrections in the Route sheets by destroying the previous entry by the proofreader are not allowed - if necessary, the erroneous entry is crossed out, a signature is put and new information is entered;

2.7. The procedure for filling out the book for the formation of train crews in the EC ASUTR:

after the formation of the train crew in accordance with the standard established for servicing the train, the serial and factory numbers of the cars, full name Conductors of wagons, their personnel numbers, the total number of wagons and conductors;

further, a printout is made from the Book of Formation, in which they sign: the conductors of passenger cars (for receiving the Route sheet), the worker for the formation of train crews and the head of the train, who certify the formation of the train crew for the departure of the train;

upon arrival of the train at the point of formation, the order and serial number of the car, full name the Carriage Conductor, the planned date of the Carriage Conductor's arrival at work, the total number of carriages and attendants;

further, a printout is made from the Book of Formation in which they sign: the conductors of passenger cars (for the delivery of the Route sheet and familiarization with the date of the next appearance for work), the worker for the formation of train crews and the head of the train.

2.8. Issuance of disability certificates for train workers. In the event that the conductor of passenger cars is scheduled for work, the senior worker for the formation of train crews on the reverse side of the disability certificate fills out the upper part of the sheet with the obligatory mark “scheduled for ( date)”, then the schedule of the brigade for the period of absence of the conductor of passenger cars due to illness and personally transfers it to the structural unit of Zheldoruchet against signature. In the event that the conductor of passenger cars was not scheduled for work, the certificate of incapacity for work notes “not scheduled”. All entries must be signed and dated. Further, the worker for the formation of train crews is obliged to present to the conductor of passenger cars the previously drawn up act on unauthorized departure home, demand an explanation, after which all the necessary documents collected are transferred to the head of the reserve conductors for analysis.

in case of illness of the conductor (reported by phone), in column 4, write “n / y” and only after presenting a certificate of incapacity to work, make an entry “B / l No. XXXXXX from HH.MM.YYYY to HH.MM.YYYY”, sign in the column 29 and put down the date of entry to work in column 1;

2.6. Registration of the regular and educational holidays of train workers.

An order is issued to grant leave. The contractor for the formation of train crews, after receiving the order, determines the start of work for each conductor of passenger cars, taking into account the work schedule and hours worked, with their obligatory list for going to work in the "Book of Formation" and "General Book of Exits".

In the event that another vacation is granted outside the schedule due to the transfer at the request of the employee and agreement with the management, the following visas are affixed to the employee's application for vacation:

an outfitter for the formation of train crews, who notes the “working out of hours” when recording working hours (or the number of hours available in stock, with a total accounting of working hours), information necessary for the attention of the head of the reserve conductors (the presence of absenteeism, a ban, etc.);

the personnel department, which notes the right to use the leave; the head of the reserve of conductors, who reflects his opinion on the possibility of granting leave.

2.5.12. The procedure for issuing days without pay earned in summer period, holidays without saving wages similar to the procedure for granting the next vacation outside the schedule, established by paragraph 2.5.11. Regulations.

2.5.13 When assigned to service a trailer car (a group of cars), he determines and appoints one conductor to perform additional duties (hereinafter referred to as the senior conductor).

Senior Conductor – an employee, from among the Carriage Conductors, who, by order of the head of the structural unit, is entrusted with the functions (determined by the order) of managing the workers of the trailer car (group of cars) with the establishment of an additional labor intensity factor.

Referral of the senior conductor to the responsible person, determined by the head of the structural unit, to receive the kit required documents(travel report, trip log, forms for accounting for the population and consumption of bed linen form LU-72, a book of complaints and suggestions, receipts of the form VU-9, etc.).

2.9. During the period of mass summer passenger traffic, the assignment of Car Conductors to crews is reviewed, if necessary. If train crews are formed from student teams or conductors accepted under a contract, then conductors with at least one year of experience are appointed to service the head and tail cars.

2.10. One worker for the formation of train crews can be assigned from 150 to 300 people.

Checking the itinerary before issuing:

records in the personal card of the Carriage Conductor in the EC ASUTR (marks on the analysis, absence from work, compliance with the return to work after illness, passing a medical examination, etc.);

working hours;

passing a briefing;

availability of uniforms;

passing certification for the right to service branded trains by train workers, if a branded train is being formed.

3. Organization of work with forms and documents

The forms and documents in the reserves of conductors include:

tickets, receipts of surcharges and other documents of all forms for registration of passenger travel (including those issued using software and hardware);

receipts different fees RS-97;

receipt for the use of bedding forms

acts of form LU-4;

forms for recording the population of passengers in the car and the consumption of bed linen of the form LU-72, INU-4 (numbered with a numerator, with the stamp of the enterprise);

trip log form VU-6;

book of complaints and suggestions form ADU-20;

travel report;

route form No. FTU-33.

Forms of tickets, receipts and forms of strict accounting are established, produced and received centrally. Production of these forms in local printing houses is not allowed.

3.1. The procedure for working with the route form No. FTU-33

3.1.1. The route of the form No. FTU-33 is used to record the used working and non-working time of Car conductors, heads of passenger trains, train electricians servicing passenger trains along the route.

3.1.2. By the 24th day of the previous month, the train brigades formation contractors enter the routes of the form No. FTU-33, fill in the columns on the front side of the route of the form No. FTU-33: "Enterprise", "profession, surname, name, patronymic", "route number", month and the year for which the route of form No. FTU-33, “Personnel number”, “Date of filling out the route”, “ Tariff rate worker." In the issued routes of form No. FTU-33, according to the personal cards of train workers from the EC ASUTR, the reasons and period of absence from the workplace (vacation, rest days of the “special regime” earned during the summer period, absence of workers due to illness “B / l No. XXXX from HH.MM.YYYY to HH.MM.YYYY” and other distractions), assigned ranks.

3.1.3. Workmen for the formation of train crews select the routes of the form No. FTU-33 according to the orders for the next day and verify the records in personal cards. During the briefing by the conductors of passenger cars, the workmen form a train crew, fill in columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 29 in the section "Indicators of work and rest time" and issue them directly to the conductors of passenger cars and the head of the train, who sign for obtaining routes of form No. FTU-33. For paired trips, each trip (turnover) is issued in the itinerary of Form No. FTU-33 as a separate line. During the trip, the routes of Form No. FTU-33 are kept by the Car Conductor.

3.1.4. At the turnaround point, the head of the train collects the routes of the form No. FTU-33 from the conductors of the cars, draws up the section “Mark at the turnaround point”: fills in the columns “Train number”, “Day and month”, Hours and minutes”, all this is certified by a stamp and signature on duty at the station, fills in the following columns in the section "Indicators of work and rest time": 16 and 33. In the routes of form No. FTU-33 of the Conductors of cars serving the tail car, writes down the number of hours of work on the tail car. Upon completion of these operations, the head of the train distributes routes of the form No. FTU-33 to the conductors of passenger cars.

3.1.5. During the delivery, the section “Information on the acceptance and delivery of wagons” is filled in: the columns “Train number”, “Wagon number” - factory and serial, “Date of delivery of the wagon”, “Wagon handed over”, “Wagon accepted”, “Note on the status wagon and equipment.

3.1.6. After passing the shift, the head of the train and the conductors of passenger cars personally hand over the completed form routes
No. FTU-33 to the worker for the formation of train crews, who checks the correctness of filling in the routes of the form No. FTU-33 by the head of the train and the conductor of the passenger car, closes the route of the form No. FTU-33 (fills out columns 7, 8, 30), indicates the date of the next report to work (fills in columns 1, 2).

3.1.7. Not later than the next day after the shift has been completed, the train brigades formation contractors fill in the following columns in the section “Indicators of work and rest time”: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25 , 26, 27, 28.

3.1.8. Before the end of the reporting month, but no later than the last day of arrival in the reporting month of this Car Conductor, the Car Conductor puts his signature on the reverse side of the route of the form No. FTU-33 in the column "Conductor, signature, transcript of the signature", the head of the train on the reverse side of the route of the form
No. FTU-33 puts his signature in the column "The head of the train, signature, transcript of the signature" and makes notes about the bonus. In case of deprivation of the bonus payment, the head of the train makes a note about this with reference to the document on the basis of which the deprivation of the bonus payment is made and takes a written explanation from the Car Conductor, which is transferred to the instructor of the train crews.

3.1.9. Until the 1st day following the reporting month, train crews in the EC ASUTR make the final calculation of the route of form No. FTU-33 and fill in the section “Payroll: columns“ Type of payment ”, payment code, hours and interest on this species payment, “Calculation made, position, signature, decoding of the signature”, “Actual hours”, “Normal hours”.

3.1.10. After taxation, routes of form No. FTU-33 are transferred to the structural unit of Zheldoruchet for payroll. Routes of the form No. FTU-33 are transferred to the structural subdivision of Zheldoruchet against signature in the book for the delivery of routes indicating the name of the accountant and the number of transferred routes.

3.1.11. All paid routes of form No. FTU-33 are stored in the structural unit of Zheldoruchet in a filed form according to personnel numbers.

3.1.12. During the month following the reporting month, train crew formation contractors selectively check the correctness of calculating the routes of the form No. FTU-33 of the conductor of passenger cars (the head of the train) and correct errors, if any.

3.1.13. Corrections are not allowed in the routes of form No. FTU-33 by destroying the previous record by the corrector. It is necessary to cross out the erroneous entry, sign and write new information. When filling out the route of form No. FTU-33, entries should be made strictly in the appropriate columns. Extra entries in the route form No. FTU-33 are not allowed.

3.1.14. In case of loss or damage to the route of the form No. FTU-33, train crew formation contractors issue a duplicate if there is an application from the Car Conductor (train head) for the issuance of a new route of the form No. FTU-33, indicating the reason and the obligatory permission of the head of the reserve conductors to issue a duplicate. On the basis of the entries in the book of formation of train crews and personal cards, the train brigades formation contractors restore the lost flights and put their signature for each restored trip.

3.1.15 In column 19 of the route of form No. FTU-33, the hours of work of the conductor on coal heating are entered in accordance with the work and rest schedules of the conductors of the cars.

3.1.16. The section on the reverse side "Storekeeper's notes on the issuance to the conductor and receipt from him of bed linen, tea products" is used to determine the amount of deductions for lost bedding. The contractor for the formation of train crews is prohibited from accepting routes without the mark of the storekeeper.

3.1.17. The head of the train reflects the right of the conductor of the car to pay a bonus based on the results of work for the trip. In case of deprivation of the bonus payment, the number of the item of the document and the name of the document on the basis of which the deprivation of the bonus payment is made shall be indicated.

3.1.18. The column "Normal hours" is filled in by contractors for the formation of train crews as follows:

in case of working time accounting in turn - the norm of working hours of the reporting month;

in the case of summarized accounting of working hours: in the first month of the accounting period, the norm of working hours for the entire accounting period is affixed; in the second and subsequent months of the accounting period, the norm of working hours of the accounting period is affixed, minus the hours previously worked in this accounting period;

when recalculating the norm of hours due to the absence of an employee due to illness, in all types of vacations, days of rest earned during the period of the “special regime”, the recalculated norm of hours is recorded.

3.1.19 The shelf life of routes of form No. FTU-33 is 3 years. Routes of form No. FTU-33 are filed in bundles according to personnel numbers and stored in the structural unit of Zheldoruchet. The destruction of the routes of the form No. FTU-33 after 3 years is carried out after the preparation of the act by burning.

3.2. The procedure for working with the VU-9 form

3.2.1. Form VU-9 is approved for use in railway transport when paying passengers for the use of bed linen. Form forms VU-9 are a document of strict accounting. The receipt form consists of 2 parts (sheets) of self-copying paper, marked with one number and series:

1 sheet - the receipt spine - remains with a book for the report of the head of the train to the cash desk of various fees;

Sheet 2 - a receipt with a protective net - is issued to the payer.

The receipt book contains 50 receipt numbers or 100 sheets.

In branches where the code and name of the road is typographically applied, the stamp of the structural unit is not required, as this does not lead to a violation of cash settlements with customers railway transport.

3.2.2. Accounting for forms in structural divisions is carried out in books of accounting for strict accounting and reporting forms, bound, numbered and signed by the head of the structural division or a financially responsible person and certified with a seal. The forms are stored in the safes of the structural divisions.

3.2.3. The head of the passenger train, the senior conductor are obliged to receive receipts of the VU-9 form before the flight. Receipts of form VU-9 are issued to the heads of passenger trains (senior conductors) at the box office of various fees, with registration in the issue book. The number of books of receipts VU-9 issued to the head of the train or the conductor of the trailer car is determined from the amount of bed linen in the train (trailer car), taking into account the need for receipts for the entire route. The numbers of the books of receipts VU-9, issued to the head of the passenger train (senior conductor) at the cash desk of various fees, are entered in the travel report with the date indicated and certified with a signature and a stamp.

3.2.4. Form VU-9 receipts are issued by the head of the train to the conductors of sleeping cars before the departure of the train from the point of formation and during the journey as necessary. It is not allowed to use one book of receipts for several wagons. The numbers of issued receipts of the VU-9 form are entered by the head of the train in the form for recording the population and consumption of bed linen f. LU-72 (in the column the code of the destination station) of the car for which the receipts were issued.

3.2.5. Receipts of form VU-9 are kept by the conductor of the passenger car in the ticket folder along with the funds received for the use bed linen from passengers. Responsibility for the safety of receipts VU-9 and Money lies on the duty conductor of the car.

3.2.6. When issuing a VU-9 receipt, the wagon conductor must fill in all the columns of the receipt without fail. On the form of the receipt, a stamp with a fixed cost of bed linen can be applied in advance. Registration and issuance of receipts of form VU-9 to passengers is carried out simultaneously with the issuance of bedding to passengers and the collection of their cost.

3.2.7. The head of the passenger train, when exercising control over the work of the train crew, checks the timeliness and correctness of execution, as well as compliance with the rules for storing receipts of the VU-9 form by conductors of passenger cars.

3.2.8. No corrections to receipts are allowed. In case of damage or incorrect execution of the VU-9 receipt, both sheets of the receipt are crossed out separately and the word “spoiled” is written, the head of the train is stamped, his signature and date. If the damaged receipt is torn out of the book, the reason for the damage to the receipt must be additionally indicated.

3.2.9. Upon arrival at the return point of the train, the wagon attendant writes down on the back of the last used receipt the number of used and damaged receipt forms and the total amount of payments received. The conductors of passenger cars hand over the roots of the used forms of receipts to the head of the train (senior conductor). At the same time, the head of the train checks the compliance of the number of used receipts with the number of bed linen sold to passengers, according to the accounting forms LU-72. After reconciliation, he makes an appropriate entry in the registration form LU-72. Then the head of the train seals the bags with the used bed linen.

3.2.10. Before arriving at the train formation point, the Car Conductor writes down on the back of the last used receipt the number of used and damaged receipt forms and the total amount of payments received. The roots of the used forms of receipts and the payments received on them, as well as the remaining unused forms of strict accounting, are handed over by conductors of passenger cars to the head of the train (senior conductor).

3.2.11. The head of the train submits the cash proceeds from the sale of bed linen, receipt stubs with a report on the forms used to the cash desk of various fees with the issuance of a receipt RS-97m within two hours after the arrival of the train.

3.2.12. In case of non-delivery of the remaining receipts VU-9 by the head of the train after the trip, the employee responsible for issuing receipts immediately reports in writing to the head of the structural unit.

3.3. The procedure for working with receipts of various fees form RS-97,

Receipts of form RS-97, RS-97m are allowed for use in railway transport when making payments to passengers for railway transport services.

3.3.1. The receipt of form RS-97 (RS-97m) is a document of strict accounting and is issued to the payer upon receipt of fees, tariffs and surcharges, for the collection of which there are no special forms of forms. The receipt form consists of three parts (sheets) of self-copying paper, marked with one number and series.

1 sheet - receipt stub - sent to financial department branch;

2 sheet - receipt coupon - remains with the book in the affairs of the structural unit;

3 sheet - a receipt with a protective net - is issued to the payer.

The receipt book contains 25 receipt numbers or 75 sheets. The stamp of the structural subdivision receiving payments is put on the forms of receipts in advance.

3.3.2. In the case of registration of payment for railway transport services in a passenger train, the head of the train, according to the receipt of various fees RS-97, collects the following fees and charges:

insurance fee;

commission fee;

baggage allowance (hand luggage);

the cost of lost or damaged equipment (only on receipt RS-97m).

3.3.3. Receipts of form RS-97 (RS-97m) are issued to the heads of passenger trains at the box office of various fees, with registration in the issue book. The number of books of receipts RS-97 (RS-97m) issued to the head of the train is established by local technology. Numbers of books of receipts RS-97 (RS-97m) issued to the head of a passenger train at the box office of various fees are entered in the travel report with the date and certified by a signature and a stamp.

3.3.4. Receipts of form RS-97 (RS-97m) are stored in a safe along with the funds received from payers along the way. Responsibility for the safety of receipts RS-97 (RS-97m) and cash lies with the head of the passenger train.

3.3.5. The book of receipts of form RS-97 (RS-97m) must be filled in in the order of priority of numbers. With simultaneous payment by the payer different types payments for each type of payment, the receipt is issued separately. Payments from different payers are processed separately for each payer. It is allowed to issue family members on one receipt of fare, but not more than three (one last name, indicating the number of people). All columns must be filled in clearly, without corrections, especially when writing numbers. The name of the payer is indicated without abbreviation.

3.3.6. No corrections to receipts are allowed. In case of damage or incorrect execution of receipts RS-97 (RS-97m) indicating the numbers and the amount in words, all three sheets of the receipt are crossed out separately, and the word “spoiled” is written, a station stamp is put at the nearest station, certified by the signature of the station attendant and date. In case of damage to the receipt without indicating the amounts of payments, all three sheets of the receipt are crossed out separately, the word “spoiled” is written, the head of the train is stamped, his signature and date. Damaged receipts remain in the receipt book.

3.3.7. The procedure for filling out receipts of the form RS-97 (RS-97m):

in the upper left corner of the receipt form RS-97 (RS-97m) the name is indicated railway and the name of the branch (structural subdivision) in whose staff there is an employee who draws up a receipt of form RS-97 (RS-97m), as well as the route of the passenger for which payments are collected;

in the upper right corner the number of the train, the number of the car in which the passenger is traveling, and the number of the seat provided for travel are indicated;

in the column "type of transportation" it is indicated: "long-distance" or "local";

the surname, initials of the passenger, his address are indicated (in the absence of a document indicating the address, it is filled in from the words of the passenger);

in the column "code" the codes of articles of the code of various fees are indicated;

the column "name of the fee" indicates the service for which the payment or fee has been received;

in the column "date and number of the document" the date and number of the document to which the surcharge is made, payment received (the following abbreviations are used during registration: PN (passport), VB (military ID), SR (birth certificate), UD (certificate) ), its series and number;

in the column "amount (rub.)" the amount of the collected payment is indicated in figures, the total amount of the receipt is indicated, and the amount is indicated in words below;

in the column "cashier" the signature of the LNP is put, which issued the receipt of the form RS-97 (RS-97m);

the amount recovered on the receipt is confirmed by the signature of the payer.

3.3.8. The completed receipt is separated from the coupon and receipt stub and issued to the payer. The coupon and receipt stub remain in the receipt book.

3.3.9. On the back of the spine of the last receipt issued for a given date, the total of the amounts collected for the reporting day with the payment unit, according to the codes, is indicated in numbers.

3.3.10. All issued books of receipts of form RS-97 (RS-97m), both used and not used, after the end of the trip, within an hour after the arrival of the train, are handed over to the cash desk of various fees, together with cash collected on receipts of the form RS-97 (RS -97m).

3.3.11. The cashier of the cash desk of various fees, having checked the compliance of the collected payments and the handed over cash, draws up the receipt of money according to his receipts of the form RS-97 (RS-97m). After verifying the correctness of the financial report, the cashier puts the stamp of the cash desk, the date and his signature in the travel report, thereby certifying the fact that the receipts of the form RS-97 (RS-97m) were handed over to the cash desk of various fees.

Issued to the locomotive crew for each trip or type of work (train, shunting, etc.). Before issuing the route, the depot duty officer or contractor enters information about the locomotive and the crew into it. At the departure station, the station attendant writes down the composition of the train in wagons and the mass in tons in the route. During the period of movement, the driver notes in the route the time the train passes through separate points. When stopping, the station attendant enters into the route all changes in the composition and mass of the train, data on shunting work, etc. The route keeps records of the received and consumed fuel.

Contractor of locomotive (train) brigades

Characteristics of works. Timely call of locomotive and train crews to the place of work according to the outfit, order of the depot duty officer or locomotive depot contractor.

The route is issued to the driver after the contractor or the depot duty officer enters information about the locomotive and the locomotive crew. At the departure station, the station attendant records the composition and weight of the train in the route. While the locomotive is traveling with the train, the route is at the main conductor, who puts down data on the time of the train, and when it stops, presents the route to the station attendant to make all changes in the composition and weight of the train, time stamps for shunting work and other data. The net and gross weight of the train is indicated on the basis of the actual sheet. The fuel collection section is completed by the fuel depot agent. Upon arrival of the locomotive from the return trip to the main depot, the fuel at the tender is measured, the results are noted in the route, on the basis of which the fuel consumption for the trip is determined.

Health centers are organized in depots with more than 800 employees, first-aid posts with less than 800 employees. The Red Corner (100-200 m2), the rooms of the party committee, the local committee and the Komsomol committee, the technical library (30-50 m2), the rooms for technical classes (50-80 m2), the buffet are located in the amenity building. Near the equipment depot, there is an operating area in which the premises of the depot duty officer, contractors, operators, instructor drivers, decoders of speed tapes, rooms for familiarizing locomotive crews with orders and instructions before the trip and the office of the deputy

56.3.1 Performs tie-up of locomotive crews according to the daily and long-term work plan of locomotive crews.

56.3.2 Keeps records of the use and issuance of route sheets.

56.3.3 Upon the arrival of the locomotive crew after the trip, the worker of the locomotive crews determines the time of the next arrival at work of the locomotive crew:

- with a schedule system - according to the work schedule, informs the locomotive brigade of the date, time and place of appearance with a signature of each member of the locomotive brigade in the order log;

- when organizing turnouts depending on the approach of trains - determines the date, time and place of turnout according to the calculations of the required home rest of the locomotive crew.

In accordance with this, the contractor of locomotive brigades must comply with the following conditions for setting up locomotive brigades for turnout:

- the standard time for home rest (provided after the trip) is calculated according to the trip data and should be:

T sep.norm. \u003d (T working) * 2.6 - T det. p. about. Where:

T working - the total working time of the locomotive crew for a trip in both directions;

T dep. p. about. – rest time at the turnaround point;

2.6 - calculation coefficient established Labor Code RF, which determines the ratio of working time per week to non-working time based on a 40-hour working week.

At the same time, it is allowed to provide a reduced rest up to 0.75 of the standard, but in any case: the minimum time for home rest between trips should be at least 16 hours. An appropriate note is made in the journal of the outfit about the reduction of rest. After two night trips in a row, no shortened rest between shifts is allowed.

- the standard rest time at the turnaround point, when planning the "strings" of passenger trains and working with "foreign" locomotive crews resting at the turnaround point, should be at least half the time of the previous work (calculated according to the data of the previous work - the time from the appearance in the main depot before delivery at the point of circulation);

– night trips for more than two nights in a row are not allowed for locomotive crews. Night trips should be considered trips with work beginning or ending between 0000 and 0500 local time. This requirement does not apply to locomotive crews returning from a locomotive turnover point or locomotive crew change point as passengers.

56.3.4 The provision of a day off for the locomotive crew is carried out according to the work schedule for a month (quarter) by adding 24 hours to the calculated rest. The number of days of weekly uninterrupted rest should be equal to the number of Sundays (with a six-day working week) according to the calendar during the accounting period.

The duration of the weekly uninterrupted rest must be less than 42 hours. The transfer of the day off is carried out only upon a written application of the employee with a justification of the reasons for the transfer. The duration of the summarized day off is determined by adding 24 hours to the day off, determined in the manner provided for in the first paragraph of this clause.

The locomotive crew can be involved in work on a day off in cases of performing work necessary to prevent a production accident or eliminate the consequences of a production accident or natural disaster (snow and sand drifts, landslides, landslides, consequences of hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, heavy rains, floods and earthquakes) and with the written consent of the employee. To do this, an order is issued by the head of the operating locomotive depot, which indicates the reasons for attracting workers on a day off.

56.3.5 Granting leave to employees of locomotive crews is carried out upon written notification of the head of the reserve of locomotive crews. Leave for employees of the assigned locomotive crew, as a rule, is granted simultaneously.

The contractor of the locomotive brigades familiarizes the locomotive brigades against signature with the notification of the grant of leave, the date of actual leave on leave, the date of going to work.

56.3.6 The assignment of workers of locomotive crews after a break in work for more than 10 days is carried out by the contractor or the head of the reserve of locomotive crews after conducting appropriate briefings with the employee, if necessary, performing other work defined by these Regulations.

56.3.7 When the contractor of the locomotive crews receives information about the impossibility of attending work of one of the members of the locomotive crews, the contractor makes the appropriate movement of this employee to the contractor's workstation, puts a mark in the attendance log. Reports on this to the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades, the deputy head of the depot for operation. The selection of the absent employee of the locomotive crew is made from the lists of temporary assignment of workers of the locomotive crews.

If it is impossible to select a substitute worker from the lists of temporary assignment, another locomotive crew is called.

56.3.8 A locomotive brigade formed in accordance with the temporary assignment lists is not considered to be newly formed.

56.3.9 After each trip, the contractor of the locomotive crews calculates the working time of each member of the locomotive crew, monitors to prevent overtime hours work.

56.3.10 If the locomotive brigade exceeds the established regime of continuous working hours, the contractor informs the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades, the head of the depot. Makes an entry in the register of violations of continuous duration indicating the reason, time of overtime work, position and name of the person who transmitted the order to extend the working hours. Information about the violation of the continuous operation mode by the locomotive crew is transmitted to the dispatch center and the traction directorate in the order by order head of the operational locomotive depot.

56.3.11 Before the end of the shift, the contractor of the locomotive crews draws up a report prescribed form, which reflects:

– fulfillment by locomotive crews of time limits for a trip to each service area;

– violation of the established working hours;

- facts are not rational use working hours of locomotive crews;

– deployment of locomotive crews for each turnover point;

- providing an outfit for the upcoming shift or day;

- other data provided for by the regulatory documents of the Directorate of Traction and the operational locomotive depot.

Formation of the report is carried out in an automated mode using the reporting forms of the “Workstation of the Contractor”.

56.12 The contractor's work is organized in accordance with the regulations of Russian Railways

Section 13. Organization of work of the head of the reserve of locomotive crews

The main task of the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades (senior contractor) is to implement a set of measures aimed at ensuring the stable operation of locomotive brigades in terms of the rational use of working time, timely provision of days off and regular holidays, and solving specific issues according to the work schedule of locomotive brigades.

13.1. General provisions

13.1.1. The head of the reserve of locomotive brigades is appointed persons, as a rule, having practical experience work as a contractor or a depot duty officer with an education not lower than secondary special. The head of the reserve of locomotive brigades ensures the maintenance of locomotive brigades to the volume of work, planning work in accordance with the daily plan for the issuance of locomotive brigades in compliance with the norms of work and rest, supervises the work of contractors.

13.1.2. The head of the reserve of locomotive crews is directly subordinate to the head of the operational locomotive depot and operationally - to the deputy head of the depot for operation.

13.1.3. In the absence of the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades, his duties are usually assigned to the shift worker of the locomotive brigades.

13.2. Duties of the head of the reserve locomotive brigades

13.2.1. The head of the reserve of locomotive brigades is obliged:

Supervise contractors and conduct their training;

Draw up annual vacation schedules for locomotive crews, and, under forced circumstances, make their adjustments;

Develop nominal work schedules for locomotive crews;

Monitor the observance by employees of locomotive crews of job descriptions, labor discipline, labor law in terms of organizing the regime of work and rest;

Monitor and analyze the irrational use of working time of locomotive crews on a daily basis, take measures to improve the use of working time and rest time of locomotive crews;

Control and regulate the time worked by locomotive crews, the number of hours of overtime work;

Control the assignment of drivers and their assistants on the basis of approved lists;
- control and maintain a book of temporary unfastening of locomotive brigades;

Make daily analysis of violations of the work regime, extension of the working hours of locomotive crews and provide materials for investigation to the head of the depot;

Control the timely passage of the next locomotive brigades medical examinations.

13.3. The work of the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades

13.3.1. The head of the reserve of locomotive brigades should be guided by the rules and recommendations for the formation of locomotive brigades:

The locomotive brigade can only be formed from psychologically compatible machinist and assistant machinist, only workers with matching aptitude groups can be included in one brigade;

Workers are not completed in one locomotive brigade if at least one vulnerable quality coincides;

In one locomotive brigade, under no conditions of compatibility, may include employees included in the list of personnel incompatible with this employee. Lists of incompatible personnel are compiled by the depot psychologist and approved by order of the head of the depot;

The locomotive crew is formed from personnel working in one type of movement. In special cases, as an exception, a driver and an assistant driver from different types of movement can be assigned to one team, but only from types of movement that are compatible according to the requirements of professional selection (based on specific tests and methods);

A team can only be formed from workers who have not expired any of the controlled deadlines (passing a medical commission, passing a psychologist, the validity of an electrical safety certificate) and having the appropriate permits and qualifications.

13.3.2. The lists of permanent assignment of locomotive brigades approved by the head of the depot are transferred to the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades (senior workman), who within a week (taking into account the work schedule of locomotive brigades) produces (reforms) brigades of permanent assignment in the workstation of the worker in accordance with the order on permanent assignment.

13.3.3. The head of the reserve of locomotive crews forms a long-term plan for attendance. To do this, the schedule of movement of freight trains is transferred to the operating locomotive depots of the road and is the basis for the formation of a schedule of solid turnout lines. The attendance schedule must include attendances that provide freight trains included in the category - "the core of the schedule".

The basis of the turnout log is a long-term turnout plan, which must be provided by locomotive crews. The head of the reserve of locomotive crews can form the turnout plan both automatically and manually. Automatic addition of attendances is made from the schedules, the availability of which is provided in the contractor's workstation:

Passenger train schedule (intended for entering passenger train schedules, as well as any other trains with a stable route algorithm - on certain days of the week or dates, provided that their departure time is unchanged, for example, suburban trains);

Schedule of daily attendances (intended for entering the schedules of daily attendances of brigades of cargo, shunting, export and other types of movements).

In addition, the contractor's workstation provides for the possibility of quickly adding turnouts according to promptly received applications for locomotive crews.

A long-term attendance plan is formed for at least 5 days ahead and is the basis of the operational plan for the work of the depot for the shift.

The head of the reserve of locomotive crews is responsible for the timely formation of a long-term turnout plan, and the worker of the locomotive crews and the depot duty officer are responsible for the operational adjustment of the plan.

13.3.4. To ensure compliance with all rules and regulations for the use of locomotive crews, the head of the reserve of locomotive crews must have full information about the plan for the upcoming use of the requested locomotive crews:

About the place of the forthcoming work (specific traction arm or shunting station);

About the type of future use (with which train, freight or passenger, combined or double, etc., the locomotive crew will work);

On the type of traction, which involves the use of a locomotive crew, etc.
Section 14

14.1. General provisions

14.1.1. The main task of the contractor for locomotive crews is to ensure the plan for the turnout of locomotive crews, taking into account compliance with all the rules and regulations established in the regulatory documents of the department of the locomotive economy of Russian Railways.

14.1.2. Contractors of locomotive crews are appointed persons who have completed an internship at the workplace and have passed the test in knowledge of the basic provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations relating to the organization of the work of locomotive crews, with education not lower than secondary.

14.1.3. In his work, the worker of locomotive crews is directly subordinate to the head of the reserve of locomotive crews and the operational duty officer for the operational locomotive depot.

14.1.4. When starting a shift, the worker of the locomotive crews is instructed by the duty officer of the depot on safety and train traffic safety, gets acquainted with the current situation of the order, checks the performance of the worker's workstation, filling out the established reporting forms by the previous worker, enters his personal data in the user line of the workman's workstation, makes the established marks in the log of acceptance and delivery of duty.

14.2. Responsibilities of a locomotive brigades contractor

14.2.1. The contractor of locomotive crews is obliged:

Ensure the planning of arriving locomotive crews according to the work schedule or for the next shift;

To make a call for locomotive crews to appear with a call system for working under the trains indicated by the depot duty officer;

Ensure the maintenance of the established reporting documentation in paper or electronic form;
- to monitor the observance by locomotive crews of the established continuous working hours in service areas, rest norms at turnover points and home rest;

Inform your immediate and superior managers about all the facts of lateness and absence from work of employees of locomotive crews.

14.3. The work of a contractor for locomotive crews

14.3.1. The contractor is tying the locomotive crews to the threads of the train schedule.

14.3.2. The contractor keeps records of the use and issuance of route sheets.

14.3.3. Upon the arrival of the locomotive brigade after the trip, the worker of the locomotive brigade determines the time of the next appearance for the work of the locomotive brigade:

With a schedule system - according to the work schedule, informs the locomotive brigade of the date, time and place of appearance with a signature of each member of the locomotive brigade in the log book;

When organizing turnouts depending on the approach of trains, it determines the date, time and place of turnout according to the calculations of the required home rest of the locomotive crew.

In accordance with this, the contractor of locomotive brigades must comply with the following conditions for setting up locomotive brigades for turnout:

The standard time for home rest (provided after the trip) is calculated according to the trip data and should be:
T sep.norm. \u003d (T working) x 2.6 - T dep p.

T working - the total working time of the locomotive crew for a trip in both directions;

T otd p. about. - rest time at the turnaround point;

2.6 - calculation coefficient established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which determines the ratio of working time per week to non-working time based on a 40-hour working week.
At the same time, it is allowed to provide a reduced rest of up to 0.75 normative, but in any case: the minimum time at home between trips must be at least 16 hours. An appropriate note is made in the journal of the outfit about the reduction of rest. After two night trips in a row, no shortened rest between shifts is allowed.

The normative rest time at the turnaround point, when planning the "strings" of passenger trains and working with "foreign" locomotive crews resting at the turnaround point, should be at least half the time of the previous work (calculated according to the data of the previous work - the time from the appearance in the main depot to delivery at the point of circulation);

No night trips for more than two consecutive nights are allowed for locomotive crews. Night trips should be considered trips with work starting or ending between 0 a.m. and 5 a.m. hours of local time. This requirement does not apply to locomotive crews returning from a locomotive turnover point or locomotive crew change point as passengers.

14.3.4. The contractor of locomotive crews, when working with the contractor's workstation, has the very possibility of planning or operational use of an employee blocked if at least one of these conditions is violated. But at the same time, it remains possible to record a violation that took place through no fault of his own, and in this case, he must first set a mark that fixes the fact of violation.

14.3.6. The provision of a day off to the locomotive crew is carried out according to the work schedule for a month (quarter) by adding 24 hours to the calculated rest. The number of days of weekly uninterrupted rest should be equal to the number of Sundays (with a six-day working week) according to the calendar during the accounting period.
The duration of the weekly uninterrupted rest should not be less than 42 hours. The transfer of the day off is carried out only upon a written application of the employee with a justification of the reasons for the transfer. The duration of the summarized day off is determined by adding 24 hours to the day off, determined in the manner provided for in the first paragraph of this clause.

The locomotive crew can be involved in work on a day off in cases of performing work necessary to prevent a production accident or eliminate the consequences of a production accident or natural disaster (snow and sand drifts, landslides, landslides, consequences of hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, heavy rains, floods and earthquakes) and with the written consent of the employee. for this, an order is issued by the head of the operational locomotive depot, which indicates the reasons for attracting workers on a day off.

14.3.7. Granting leave to employees of locomotive crews is carried out upon written notification of the head of the reserve of locomotive crews. Leave for employees of the assigned locomotive crew is usually granted at the same time.

The contractor of the locomotive brigades familiarizes the locomotive brigades against signature with the notification of the grant of leave, the date of actual leave on leave, the date of going to work.
14.3.8. The assignment of workers of locomotive crews after a break in work for more than 10 days is carried out by the contractor or the head of the reserve of locomotive crews after conducting appropriate briefings with the employee, if necessary, training on simulators or other work defined by these Regulations.

14.3.9. When the contractor of the locomotive crews receives information about the impossibility of one of the members of the locomotive crews to come to work, the contractor makes the corresponding movement of this worker to the contractor's workstation, puts a mark in the attendance log. Reports on this to the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades, the deputy head of the depot for operation. The selection of an absent member of the locomotive crew is made from the lists of recommended workers by the driver-instructor and the psychologist for joint work in accordance with the requirements for the length of service and the qualification class of the driver or the length of service and the presence of control rights of the assistant driver.

If it is impossible to select a substitute worker from the lists, the selection of candidates for the formation of a locomotive crew is made only after agreement with the instructor driver and the depot psychologist.

Before the first joint trip, the newly formed locomotive crew must be instructed by the head of the operational locomotive depot or the deputy head of the depot for operation.

14.3.10. A locomotive crew consisting of two locomotive drivers, a driver and an assistant driver, who previously worked together or are on the psychologist's recommendation lists when re-formed, is considered to be newly formed. A locomotive brigade is not considered newly formed when it is formed in accordance with the lists of the main assignment approved by the head of the railway department or the deputy head of the railway for locomotive and wagon facilities, or if the brigade in this composition has worked together for the last 30 days.
14.3.11. After each trip, the worker of the locomotive crew counts the working time of each member of the locomotive crew, exercises control in order to prevent overtime work.

14.3.12. If the locomotive brigade exceeds the regime of continuous working hours established by the order of the head of the railway, the contractor informs the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades, the head of the depot. Makes an entry in the register of violations of continuous duration indicating the reason, time of overtime work, position and name of the person who transmitted the order to extend the working hours. Information about the violation of the continuous operation mode by the locomotive crew is transmitted to the railway department, the dispatch center and the locomotive economy service in the manner prescribed by the order of the head of the depot.

14.3.13. Before the end of the shift, the worker of the locomotive crews draws up a report in the established form, which reflects:

Fulfillment by locomotive crews of time limits for a trip to each service area;
- Violations of the established duration of working hours;

Facts of irrational use of working time of locomotive crews;

Dislocation of locomotive crews for each turnover point;

Providing an outfit for the upcoming shift or day;

Other data provided for by the regulatory documents of Russian Railways, the railway, the railway department and the operational locomotive depot.

It is possible to generate the specified report in an automated mode.

14.3.14. Trainers of locomotive crews should be trained at least once a year at seminars organized by the railway locomotive service. Quarterly, technical classes with contractors are conducted by the deputy head of the depot for operation and monthly - by the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades.

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Contractor for locomotive, train, refrigerator crews

4 - 6 digits

Job responsibilities. Ensures the work of teams according to the schedule in accordance with the daily plan and route schedules. Fills in, issues and accepts driver's routes. It takes into account and regulates the duration of their work and rest. Participates in the development of route schedules and work schedules for teams. Prepares a report on the work of the teams. Provides timely entry to work of team workers, as well as the necessary reserve for the implementation of economic and additional work. Carries out control over the passage of medical examinations by employees of locomotive crews before and after trips. Carries out operational management of the work of teams in accordance with the established plan. In the event of a change in the schedule of passenger traffic and shunting work, it makes a decision in accordance with the established procedure on the organization of work in the changed conditions. Participates in the work on the analysis and evaluation of the activities of teams. Ensures the timely provision of vacations according to the schedule and days off for the employees of the teams. Maintains established documentation. Ensures the provision of approved reporting.

Must know: Regulations on the discipline of employees of the railway transport of the Russian Federation; company charter; current instructions, orders, directives and regulations on the work of teams; the procedure for organizing work and changing teams; routes of the driver and the rules for their registration; traffic schedules and circulation areas served by brigades; location of receiving-departure and outfitting routes; modes of work and rest of team workers; job description(map); fundamentals of labor legislation; Regulations on working hours and rest time of railway workers; rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment.

4th grade: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the profile for at least 1 year;

5th category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a contractor for locomotive, train, refrigerator crews for at least 1 year;

6th category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a contractor for locomotive, train, refrigerator crews for at least 2 years.