Why isn't anyone hiring? Why don't they hire me? Advice for ideal employees. You are not interested enough in the work

Sometimes it happens that a person has gone through many interviews, but is not hired for a job. “We’ll call you back” - this is the employer’s phrase that usually ends an interview with such people.

And it’s most likely not a matter of little work experience. After all, the employer sees this work experience in the resume, and if it does not suit the employer at all, the applicant simply will not be called for an interview. So why don’t they hire you after an interview? This is most likely due to the mistakes that candidates often make during interviews.

The first reason is a lie

Every job candidate wants to present himself in the most favorable light. Sometimes this results in putting false information on your resume. Most often - about the nature and scope of duties performed at the previous job. And the employee cannot answer the employer’s questions about these responsibilities correctly and begins to “float.” Of course, the employer can attribute everything to anxiety. But if a person really did what he indicated on his resume, then even if he is nervous, it will not be difficult for him to answer questions about his responsibilities.

Deception can also apply to other issues. For example, size wages at the previous place of work (the person inflates the figure to raise his price). Such a lie can be revealed after the interview, because the employer has nothing to do with calling your previous place of work.

Applicants also lie about their hobbies, trying to appear versatile developed people. And they don’t take into account that the interviewer may have exactly the hobbies he named and will certainly ask about them in more detail.

You can't make a career with the help of deception - that's a fact. Therefore, a candidate caught in a lie will never be hired.

Failure to comply with standards of decency

Many factors can be attributed to this. For example, unkempt appearance: unwashed hair, uncut nails, dirty and wrinkled clothes, the smell of alcohol. This includes being late for an interview, interrupting the interviewer during a conversation, chewing gum, and using rude, obscene language in speech. Sometimes candidates don’t even observe basic rules of decency: they don’t say hello or goodbye. All this indicates bad manners of the applicant and may well be the reason for refusal of a job.

Negative reviews about previous work

At any interview, they will definitely ask why the applicant left his previous job. You need to come up with an answer to this question in advance. Even if your previous boss was a tyrant, and your former colleagues are real snakes, you should never talk about this at an interview. Most likely, you will come across as a person who simply does not know how to build relationships with other people. But employers clearly do not need such workers.

We all know that it is important for an employee to earn money. But employers want to see, first of all, those who want to gain experience. Therefore, a question about salary and various benefits, asked right away, can immediately put an end to working in a given company.

The same applies to requests to establish a special work schedule, questions about the possibility of leaving work early, taking time off, and so on. It is better to ask about this when you have already been hired, and not at the interview stage.

You are not interested enough in the work

It happens that a person almost doesn’t care what kind of job he gets. Accordingly, there is no interest, no sparkle in the eyes - and the employer sees this very well. Many employees don’t even try to find out more about the company: its structure, its scope of activity. But employers often ask the following question: “Have you probably heard about our new project? We are recruiting employees there...” And the applicant does not know what to answer, because he did not hear anything and did not even try to find out.

Often at the end of the interview the employer will say that you can ask your questions. The absence of such may also alert him. At least for the sake of decency, you need to ask a few questions: more about the company, about the responsibilities, about the nature of the work. Disinterest is immediately obvious and can be a reason for refusal.

Conversations about personal matters

As a rule, the interview begins with the employer saying “tell us about yourself.” It’s always better to clarify what exactly the employer wants to hear: purely about professional experience or about personal things too. But many applicants immediately begin to tell the story of their life from birth and touch on topics that have nothing to do with work: about their relatives, about illnesses, religious views, about pets... It is acceptable if the applicant tells a little about his hobbies, if they are useful and interesting. It could be sports, drawing or something similar neutral. However, it is undesirable to say that in free time you like to “hang out” with friends at a bar or strip club.


We offer you a video review of mistakes during an interview.

Psychologist's answer.

Ekaterina, hello!

For God’s sake, try to put yourself in order and react a little to everything that is happening now, as if in a cooler way.
Otherwise, it will be even worse unless a miracle happens. And waiting for a miracle is more expensive. This is how your whole life can go!
Ekaterina, gain experience and knowledge!
And we are not talking about your purely professional, highly specialized skills, abilities and knowledge. We are talking about a set of competencies that should be in the “portfolio” of EVERY MODERN TRUE PROFESSIONAL. I'm talking about stress resistance, the ability to "keep a face", skills effective communication, self-presentation skills, etc. Are these terms familiar? I am sure that somewhere somewhere you have heard about this.
In a good way, you shouldn’t delve into psychology, but go to training!
You see, we are now talking about the fact that you have a certain deficiency of what is called “socially active skills.”
Imagine, but every schoolchild in the USA, France, England has these skills... Only for some reason we continue to resist, bringing ordinary WORK moments into the area of ​​deeply personal reflection!
Don't have the skill to "hold a stance"? - Low self-esteem! People who know how to control, say, facial expressions, facial expressions, muscles, etc., are much more resistant to unpleasant “surprises” of communication of various kinds: a boss yelled, a co-worker was rude, a negative response to a request, etc.
No self-control skills at the verbal (speech) level? -Panic! Because it seems to you that you are spending a lot of energy on telling and explaining, but they don’t understand you. You try even harder, waste even more energy (and they are not endless), completely lose your sense of reality, no longer control anything, intensify the negative feeling and impression, and in response - “You are crazy!” Etc.
For you, being fired is a trauma. But, let’s say, in the West, this is a completely working situation. Yes, it’s also very unpleasant! But WORKING! People are nervous, worried, but patiently and persistently search again and again, go to interviews (sometimes tough, cynical, etc.), get rejected and again stand in line!
I’ll say something banal, but this is an excellent learning situation for you. I would say that if you want to preserve what you have, strengthen and multiply, then learn to behave, control and be a professional from the point of view of personal qualities!
Do special relaxation exercises, gymnastics, breathing exercises! Any anxiety and panic PASSES when you start breathing correctly!
Take a light sedative! Who said this is bad?!
But anxiety should not affect business qualities! And your job now is to SEARCH AND FIND A JOB!
If you are in Moscow, then I advise you to look for a good PRACTICAL psychologist. I can advise you to contact me, but it’s whatever you want.
Good luck! Everything will be fine!

“They won’t hire me, what should I do” – familiar thoughts? Have you already completed all the interviews in the city and are still unemployed? Or are you planning for a new one, but nothing works out? Let's try to figure out what's going on.

Many applicants are tormented by guesses why they are not hired, because, it seems, they behaved correctly, prepared well, and looked great. Some rewrote their resume several times, compared it with others, but the result was still negative.

Hiring is a complex procedure and is influenced by many reasons, which do not always depend on the candidate. Let's look at typical problems that lead to failure. Some of them are a consequence of the applicant’s mistakes, but others are independent of him.

The first and main problem is the problem with the resume.

  • Refusals often occur due to false information that the candidate provides in his resume. Many people use it to write ready-made templates, found on the Internet, and this immediately catches the expert’s eye.
  • Excessive professionalism of an employee, truthfully stated in a resume, can also lead to refusal. Too much smart worker runs the risk of getting bored in the proposed position, and the labor return will be low. Over time, he will demand a salary increase or more worthwhile work.
  • There are cases when an employer gives a refusal, bypassing a personal meeting, only after reading the resume. This can be compared to communicating on social networks when you don’t see your interlocutor. Some are rejected after the first sentences. The same thing happens here.

Problem two - unsuccessful interview

An interview is a mandatory procedure, since it is necessary to verify the data specified in the resume with the real ones. Therefore, candidates need to be careful about the information provided in their resume, mentioning only actual advantages so that they are confirmed during the conversation and do not become a stumbling block. And then I didn’t have to say the annoying “they won’t hire me because I’m too good resume”.

Reason three - personal characteristics

  • An important advantage for applicants is accuracy and... Being late for an interview will undoubtedly cause a negative reaction from the host. If you feel that you cannot make it to the appointed time, be sure to call and let them know that you will be late. A good first impression is sometimes more useful than work experience and a great resume.
  • Watch your appearance! No one will communicate for a long time with an interlocutor who is unkemptly dressed, chews gum, and constantly waves his arms. People don't like gloomy types with round eyes. Simple anxiety is acceptable, but the ability to control yourself will help you gain favor with your employer.
  • Do you always come to interviews prepared and confident? Some people may devote the previous day to celebrating a birthday, and show up in the morning with traces of a hangover and lack of sleep. In this case, the refusal will be obvious.
  • Hold off on telephone conversations, no matter how important they may be. Before entering the office, turn off your mobile phone. A sharp, unexpected call will throw the conversation off topic and confuse both you and your interlocutor.

How not to make mistakes in an interview

  • During the interview, demonstrate to your interlocutor your motivation and interest in working for this company. If the vacancy turns out to be uninteresting, then it is better to immediately thank the employer and leave.
  • Do not rush to ask the employer about organizational issues of work from the first minutes: payment, conditions, bonuses. First, show interest in the responsibilities and rules, ask questions that arise during the conversation, and then ask for the rest of the information. This will present you as a tactful and interested person future work, and not just its financial side.
  • If the job involves communicating with people, then the applicant must be able to competently express thoughts and convincingly prove what is right. Excessive self-confidence or, conversely, tightness gets in the way when applying for a position. Relax and be natural.
  • During a conversation, the candidate should not speak critically about his former leader and colleagues, wash their bones at length. So the employer will decide that a scandalous, conflict-ridden person has come to him. It's not in your best interest.
  • You should not be critical of a recruiter, even if he is much younger and looks inexperienced. Its main task is to check the compliance of the information written in the resume with the actual qualities of the candidate. If you overcome this stage, the next one - the interview with the manager - will be even easier, since a positive review about you from a company employee will be added to your resume.

The list of reasons can go on and on, but even those listed will help you check yourself and avoid making basic mistakes. Subjective factors do not depend on us and remain on the conscience of employers. Learn to accept rejections stoically and not succumb to pessimism.

Stop worrying and racking your brains over the question of why they don’t hire you and what to do? Don't stop, work more on yourself and your professional baggage. While you have time to search, you can take time to educate yourself. And if 5 vacancies have not already come up, the sixth one will!

30.03.2017 05:56

Refusals are always unpleasant, but if you are actively looking for a job, you can’t live without them. Another thing is the reason for the negative answer. She, of course, agrees labor legislation, must be justified and cannot be unrelated to the candidate’s work qualities. But the domestic culture of recruitment is such that the vague “you are not suitable for us” is enough for even an annoying applicant - it is not customary to name arguments. How to clarify them.

Although, you must admit, there may be many reasons behind the refusal - from inappropriate education to dirty shoes at an interview. All these questions are purely individual - no one other than the recruiter himself can tell you the reason why you were not hired. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the ten most common reasons according to Careerist.ru, so that they do not become the reason for at least your failure.

1. Experience

No matter how obvious it may be, but the most common cause refusal to hire is experience. Moreover, both its lack and its excess. Personal ambitions are, of course, good, but when a young applicant tries to hide his own incompetence behind them, this will not lead to a positive result under any circumstances. And it’s not a matter of experience at all - if an employer needs a lawyer with experience in business negotiations, a former notary’s assistant or, say, a secretary with legal education. When there is more experience than what the job requires, there may be a refusal... but what difference does it really make, if you have more experience, then you deserve more!

2. Failure to meet the requirements for the vacancy

This reason will haunt all those who, in an attempt to find at least some work, send their resume to everyone whose vacancies even more or less correspond to the desires of the candidate. “It doesn’t matter that the education is not suitable or the qualifications are significantly lower, I’m ready to learn...” Unfortunately, employers do not need trainees, but ready-made specialists. Of course, there may be much more responses to resumes and invitations for interviews. - mass mailing does its job. But failure to meet the job requirements, be it professional, personal qualities or simple age, reduces the chances of success. Although, if you were not eliminated at the resume stage, then... who the hell is not joking!

3. Unpunctuality

If you're late for an interview, you've already been rejected. The only thing that will save you is a super-objective and important reason for being late, like saving a mother of many children from a pack of rabid dogs or saving a baby from a fire. But even they may not help - 4 out of 5 recruiters will refuse to interview you without even listening to the reasons for your lateness. Like, if you didn’t have time, it means you’re not motivated enough, the work isn’t really needed, and in general, you’ll still be constantly late for work. So try to always arrive early in case someone is late and you manage to take his place...

4. Appearance

The appearance of a candidate for employment must ALWAYS correspond to the status of the employing company. Well, if he, of course, wants to find a job. The traditional dress code should be business style, An interview is a formal meeting, and people are greeted, as they say, by their clothes. Therefore, a neat appearance can be the foundation for successful passage and one of the central selection criteria. Dirty shoes, an unironed shirt, the foul smell of yesterday's fun, a week's worth of stubble... all this will definitely turn off the recruiter, leaving you without even the slightest chance to win due to superior competencies - corporate culture “decides”. But don’t overdo it: you shouldn’t wear a formal suit when applying for a job in a supermarket or design studio.

5. Lying on your resume

Although this never works, young candidates stubbornly continue to distort information on their resumes in an attempt to present themselves to the employer in the best possible light. This doesn’t work for at least two reasons: 1) the selection of resumes has long been carried out by professional HR people who, imagine, understand recruitment (even despite their young age, large breasts and an iPhone), and can understand where is a lie and where Truth; 2) each of the selected resumes is thoroughly checked, including by calling former employers for recommendations. There, everything secret will definitely become clear. Well, overstating your competencies, experience, or work results in your previous place, as you understand, is not the best The best way make a good impression.

6. “Why did you leave your previous job?”

The answer to this question has always tormented the most persistent candidates. It is asked in 99% of interviews. Yes, this is a real test of strength, especially considering that the recruiter could have already called the employer and found out the true reason for leaving. Of course, it is not a fact that the previous employer told the truth, but if his version of your departure had a negative connotation, then best choice will talk about the conflict with the employer. But the majority do not follow this path, blindly following template formats such as “I have reached my career limit”, “I was not satisfied with the salary”, “my job was not suitable for me” or even worse, they begin to “believe” nonsense about unfair dismissal and bad employers . Can you imagine how many times a recruiter has to hear these repeated reasons? Yes, they even make ratings of the most popular ones... Let your answer be short, clear and sincere - the truth will increase your chances of success.

7. Inflated requests

The salary issue, if it is not specified in the vacancy, is usually decided directly at the interview. Here, the range of candidate requests is directly proportional to the popularity of the profession. Inflated salary requests are relevant in cases where the employer is looking for a unique specialist, an expert with the highest competencies (technologists, high-quality programmers, etc.) - anticipating the benefits received from him, the employer may even go beyond the previously established salary range. If the position is massive, for example, a legal adviser, then the salary offers are unlikely to be higher than the market average. Therefore, if there are several candidates with the same competencies, the recruiter will obviously choose the applicant with fewer requests.

8. Age

As unfortunate as it may be, older candidates are much more often rejected “on the basis of age” than for any other reasons. The problem of senior candidates age group is that the only thing they can “win” an employer with is their unique experience and competencies - as experts say, good traumatologists, architects and engineers find work at any age. But this is typical for those professions where experience “decides”. Where the competencies of an older employee are equivalent to the skills of a young employee, the recruiter will obviously choose the young employee. But don’t be discouraged - it’s worth developing competitive advantages, and then no one will look at your age. Rude, but true.

9. Shyness/indecisiveness/slowness

Remember, no one needs passive workers who are unable to take initiative and flinch every time their name is pronounced. Even with an excellent education, a diploma with honors, an internship abroad and a recommendation from Aunt Zina from the housing office, a timid and indecisive applicant will be eliminated in favor of an active C student who “will not go into his pocket for words.”

Yes, this is a harsh reality - confidence in an interview and unbridled motivation for work will leave an excellent impression, even if the objective indicators of professionalism are frankly lame. You may be denied employment, but the formed opinion about you can help when the company has a new vacancy in the future, and you will already be “in mind.”

Social networks, oddly enough, decide no less than your appearance at an interview. We know many stories when candidates were rejected because they had few VKontakte friends or did not have a Facebook page. Of course, it rarely reaches the point of absurdity, but the reality is that in large companies, where is loyalty to corporate culture- not an empty phrase, it is customary to monitor social media candidates. Survey results indicate that at least 35% of employers in the labor market do this. So frivolous photographs, frank confessions, harsh political discussions, obscenities, insults and other obscenities that can create a negative image need to be “wiped up.” Or at least hide it from prying eyes. By the way, you should also refuse to participate in the flash mob #MeNotTook - as recruiting agencies report, 12% of employers have already warned applicants that such a hashtag on the wall could lead to negative consequences for them.

They didn’t take it - and that’s good!

Let's return to where we started: refusal is always unpleasant, but it is not always a professional tragedy. History knows a lot of cases when refusal of employment resulted in the opening of new opportunities, acquisition new profession or a much more prestigious position. Remember everything that is done is for the better!

Primary source - careerist.ru

Some people take no more than a week to find a new job. Others are forced to go to interviews for different companies longer. When you don’t get hired for a long time, it’s worth thinking about the fact that this is not just bad luck, but that the person is doing something wrong.

Errors may vary. It is important to understand the reason for numerous failures and correct the situation. Employers, by virtue of their professional activity, see in a person what he himself may not notice.

Applicant's assumptions about the reasons for refusal

Job seekers spend a lot of time searching new job and gradually come to the conclusion that they are simply unlucky. This is only partly true. To get the desired place, you need to show yourself with the best side. Luck plays a role, but not the main one. A job application is denied for a specific reason. It has nothing to do with luck.

Job seekers believe that they are not hired without experience. A person is invited to an interview after reviewing his resume, which already indicates work experience in a certain field. Therefore, a refusal to an applicant for this reason is unlikely. You need to analyze your unsuccessful attempts to find a job and understand what causes a negative reaction from a potential employer.

Employer's motives

Typically, the reason for refusal of employment is related to the applicant's mistakes during the interview. Everything matters: appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, etc. To understand the reasons for the refusal, you need to analyze everything that happened during the interview. An employer refuses an applicant for the following reasons:

  • negative personal characteristics;
  • unattractive resume;
  • mistakes during the interview;
  • bad reference from a previous job.

Applicants may lie in an interview if they want to get a position in a well-known company. A person drives himself into a dead end: his words will be checked by potential leadership.

Candidates make mistakes in the first minutes of an interview. The recruiter asks the applicant to tell about himself. What a person says in response can ruin a favorable first impression of him. Rules of conduct during an interview:

- do not give unnecessary information about yourself;

- talk about your attitude to work and hobbies;

- do not talk about your family and family workaholism.

Negative Personal Characteristics

The employer has certain requirements for personal and professional qualities new employee. A simple example is an applicant being late for an interview. Every employer is looking for a responsible and punctual person. If the applicant is late, he can remove himself from the list of candidates. There are other reasons for refusal:

  • unkempt appearance;
  • diffidence;
  • inattention during the interview.

The first impression of a person is his appearance. The employer will not be able to communicate with an unkemptly dressed person who chews chewing gum for long. It is important to think through all the details of clothing.

The employer will like a calm and confident manner of dialogue more than nervous rubbing of palms or long silence instead of answering a question.

Inattentiveness manifests itself as a lack of interest in the interview. A person may not turn off their phone during an interview or look at items on the employer's desk.

Unattractive resume

A properly written resume is the first step to successful employment. Before a personal meeting with candidates, the employer can determine a list of potential leaders. He makes his choice based on the submitted resumes and letters of recommendation.

A bad resume needs to be fixed. Job applications are denied because the resume contains something that should not be there:

  1. False information. During the interview, the qualities, work experience and other information stated by the applicant are easy to check.
  2. Template phrases. An experienced recruiter will easily identify such a resume.
  3. Information about excessive professionalism. A person who has already achieved a lot in his career is not needed by enterprises. Such an employee may become bored in the proposed position. He will quickly cope with his responsibilities and ask for a salary increase.

Problems with a resume can be discovered during the interview, after the interview, or before the interview. The timing of receiving a refusal depends on the employer's opinion of the resume. If he has any doubts, the recruiter can meet with the applicant. If not, then the interview date and time will never be set.

Mistakes during interviews

Regular invitations to interviews are a sign that everything is in order with a person’s resume. You need to understand what goes wrong during the interview: does the applicant’s appearance correspond to the dress code of the company he came to work for, does he behave with restraint and calm. In addition to being late, there may be other errors:

  1. Lack of preparation for recruiter questions. “What do you know about our enterprise?” - the recruiter will ask and receive a vague answer. Or there will be no answer at all. This means that the candidate is not ready for an interview.
  2. Criticism of superiors or colleagues from previous jobs. This phenomenon is not uncommon. This spoils the impression of the applicant. Criticism is characterized by experiences conflict situations. Nobody needs a conflicting employee.
  3. Lack of interest in work. This indicates a lack of motivation on the part of the candidate.
  4. Inadequate response to the proposed salary. This problem is the most dangerous, because high expectations indicate high self-esteem, and low expectations indicate a lack of experience and self-doubt.
  5. Impoliteness. It appears in people with extensive work experience. This phenomenon is similar to star fever. The employer won't like it.
  6. Refusal to answer questions or comply test. If a person refuses this way to test his professionalism, then the employer will not consider his candidacy.
  7. Inadequate reaction to interview features. Recruiters are using innovative approaches to finding candidates for vacant positions: games, professional logical exercises, artificial recreation of a work situation, etc. The applicant may not be ready for such methods and makes mistakes.

Look for any opportunity to fix own mistakes. The sooner you do this, the better: you will soon be able to find a job.

Bad reference from previous job

People who were fired from their previous place of work will face failure in the future. Information about serious violations may be included in work book. It happens that denial of employment is due to negative feedback about a person from a previous place of work. If former employee has a bad reputation, former bosses can point this out to recruiters.

If a person is denied a job, then the reason is himself. Refusal from potential management may be due to an unattractive resume, mistakes during the interview, and even appearance.

To find a place, it is important to work on mistakes. The main thing is to show your professionalism and readiness to perform any tasks that the employer sets.