T-shirt painting ideas. Master class on painting T-shirts with your own hands. Who is the “T-shirt Painting” master class suitable for?

Everyone has the simplest and even boring things in their wardrobe. For example, white T-shirts or turtlenecks. When such things become boring due to their simplicity, there is no need to throw them away. Another reason for things to be scrapped can be small stains that cannot be washed off. Drawing can be a way out of these problems. There may be several ways to apply a pattern, but in this master class we will consider the option of applying the pattern yourself.
For work you will need clothes (in our case, a white cotton T-shirt). In fact, it can be a simple one-color item. The fabric material can be not only cotton, but also some other material. It is also necessary to choose a harmonious pattern for the work. It can be printed and then transferred onto fabric using carbon paper, or directly drawn on fabric, it depends on your drawing ability. In any case, for convenience, it is better to place something solid or at least cardboard under the fabric to be painted. This is necessary, first of all, for ease of drawing, and secondly, so that when applying paints they do not leak onto the back of the T-shirt. Accordingly, you will need fabric paints. They vary depending on the planned material. In any case, neither gouache nor any other paints will work. Only special for fabric. You can buy them in specialized stores for creativity. When all materials and tools are prepared, you can begin to work.
In this master class you will paint a white cotton T-shirt with a dragon design. The dragon has green, orange, yellow and black colors. First, let's transfer the design onto the fabric using carbon paper. Having placed the T-shirt on a wooden stool, placing a piece of cardboard under the front, we place the printed drawing with a carbon copy underneath and begin the translation. Due to the fact that the fabric itself is soft, you need to transfer onto it using a dull pencil, and not a sharp pen, because otherwise the paper will simply tear, and the design on the fabric will not work.

When translating, you should press hard on the lines so that they are printed accurately; you should not rush, otherwise you will have to do a lot of drawing and correction by hand with a pencil.

After the design is transferred to the fabric, you should carefully and gradually remove the design and carbon copy from the fabric. It is best to lift the edges one by one and see if all the main elements have disappeared. If not, then you need to return the drawing back and circle the untranslated elements again, pressing harder on the pencil. It is precisely because of the need for this operation that it is better not to remove the entire drawing, but only to raise the edges. Once all the major elements have been translated, the finer details need to be completed. No matter how good and strong the pressure is on the pencil, small lines may still not be completed. In such a situation, you need to carefully draw all the lines with a simple pencil, thereby bringing the drawing to its logical end.

The next step will be to draw the outline of the drawing. This can be done either with contour paints or regular fabric paints. The differences in them are insignificant, and the choice remains with the master. In this master class, 3D contour paints for fabric were used, but they were applied with a brush so that there was no 3D effect (it was inappropriate). The paint should be applied with a thin brush, carefully and slowly. Wrong strokes will be very difficult to remove.

Before continuing to apply paint, it is necessary to allow the outline to dry thoroughly. When it has dried, you can continue working. It is necessary to paint over the drawing step by step, like a coloring book. It is best to decorate according to the principle of choosing colors, not elements. In this master class, after the outline, orange paint is applied to all parts that include this color.

Before applying the next color, you should always let the previous color dry or at least dry. After the orange color, apply yellow. Don't forget to rinse your brushes thoroughly when changing colors. If you don't do this, you may end up with a dirty and unsightly color.

Apply all colors in the same way. If you don’t have the required color in your assortment, you can always resort to mixing. To obtain lighter tones, you can use a special thinner, which is sold in the same stores where the paint itself is sold. It is worth remembering that when diluted, the paint becomes more fluid and may stick to the underlying cardboard (and if there is none, then it will leak onto the back). After applying all the paints, let the entire drawing dry thoroughly.

Drying time depends on the fabric and dyes used. On average, the paint dries within 24 hours. Special instructions will always be written on the box or paint cans. After the T-shirt has dried thoroughly, you need to carefully remove the cardboard. You shouldn't pull or pull it too hard because the paint might leak a little and stick. After the paint has dried, the T-shirt is ready and can be worn.

In terms of time, decorating an ordinary T-shirt will take at most a couple of days. But for little labor and money costs you will receive an original and unique thing.

- the most popular and bright Master Class holiday agency "Sea of ​​Joy"! Each participant will learn about various techniques applying a design to the fabric, and then each guest will choose their favorite stencils, color combinations, decorative ornaments and, under the strict guidance of the master, will create their own unique Handmade T-shirt!



Master class on painting T-shirts— the most popular and bright master class of the holiday agency “Sea of ​​Joy”! Each participant will learn about various techniques for applying designs to fabric, and then each guest will choose their favorite stencils, color combinations, decorative decorations and, under the strict guidance of a master, will create their own unique Handmade T-shirt!

There is no limit to your imagination here: you will create a completely unique exclusive item, which you will then wear with pleasure, surprising everyone with the original “print” on your clothes!

And perhaps after our master class you will have a new hobby, and “Delo” will include caps, bags, sneakers and more)))

Consumables: calculated individually for each event.

You will need

  • - markers
  • - acrylic paints and outlines
  • - t-shirt
  • - a simple pencil
  • - stencils
  • - batik paint


Abstraction. Roll the T-shirt into a knot, roll or rope. Who likes it more? Soak it in paint intended for batik. It can be purchased at stationery or specialty stores for artists. When you straighten the T-shirt, beautiful symmetrical patterns will be visible across its entire surface. The T-shirt can be tied with cord or ribbon, and the patterns will be more interesting.

A drawing made using outlines or markers. Using an outline or marker, you can create a clear design. For this, there are special markers designed for light and dark fabrics.
Acrylic outlines are small tubes of paint that can be used to draw on fabric. The only thing that outlines give way to markers is that you should press evenly on the tube so that the drawing seems neater.
Before applying the design to the T-shirt, stretch it on a flat surface. Select a sketch and transfer the design onto the T-shirt using a pencil. Now you should outline it. If you want to color the drawing, then use acrylic paints.

Stencil. Stencils are perfect for pop art lovers. Sketch it on cardboard. The drawing can be anything - it is entirely your imagination. Remember, the drawing should be solid and not consist of pieces.
Place the resulting stencil on the T-shirt and paint over the entire sheet of paper, then remove it.

Imitation of a suit. A very interesting approach to designing a T-shirt would be a copy of the shirt of a movie or comic book character. For example, on a dark T-shirt, paint the tie, buttons and pockets with white paint.

The design is all over the T-shirt. A rather interesting solution would be a pattern that stretches across the entire T-shirt. It doesn't have to be done on one side. For example, you can draw her paws on the back, and her muzzle in front, her tail can be drawn at the bottom along the edge of the T-shirt.


Sometimes you want to do something original, with your own hands, as a keepsake. Something that others don't have. When you buy, for example, a T-shirt in a store, there is always a chance that you will meet someone wearing the same one. But you can always make your own, which no one else will have.

You will need

  • T-shirt without a pattern, thick paper, a pattern, cardboard (for fixing), fabric paint (or thermal paper), iron.


First you need it for the future. This can be an image of any event that happened, or any image you like. At this stage you need to use your imagination a little. You need to apply the drawing on thick paper and make two stencils on which the paint will be applied. The first stencil will match the outline of the design. The second stencil will have parts of the design that have a different color.

In order not to ruin the T-shirt, you must first practice applying it on a piece of any unnecessary fabric. You need to straighten the area of ​​​​the fabric on which the paint will be applied and fix it. Cardboard is suitable for this, as it can be inserted into a T-shirt. Next, you need to apply the first stencil and paint it in the right place.

After the paint has dried, you need to complete the elements using a second stencil. To fix it, the applied paint usually needs to be ironed.

There is another way. It requires thermal paper, on which the design is printed using an inkjet printer. Any image is taken (mirrored) and printed on thermal paper.

Next, you need to apply the design to the T-shirt and iron it with an iron at the highest temperature for a minute. Leave the drawing for 5 minutes to cool. After removing the film, the drawing will be ready.


First, you need to consult a fabric store and purchase paint that has the greatest durability.

Helpful advice

Thermal paper can be purchased at a printing house or online store.

Any plain T-shirt can become a canvas for your experiments. Armed with one jar of paint, you can paint over a T-shirt completely, create abstract patterns on the fabric, or apply graphic symbols. To make the most ordinary thing unique, use several techniques of painting on fabric.

You will need

  • - t-shirt;
  • - fabric paint;
  • - brush;
  • - threads;
  • - reserve for batik;
  • - cardboard;
  • - scissors.


If you want to make a colorful canvas without clear boundaries with smooth transitions colors, use a free painting technique. Wet the T-shirt with a spray bottle, apply several shades one by one with wide brush strokes and let them spread over the surface.

To add more definition to your design and limit the spread of color, try the hot or cold batik technique. In the first case, those areas of the fabric that should remain light and unpainted are impregnated with hot wax (using a brush); in the second, fragments of the pattern are outlined with a special reserve that will not allow the paint to pass beyond its boundaries. Apply the design, checking the sketch and moving from lighter to darker shades.

A painting made using one of the above methods can be supplemented with a volumetric contour - it performs only a decorative function and does not replace the reserve.

As stamps for a T-shirt, you can use halves of vegetables that have a non-uniform texture when cut. For example, half an onion can be dipped into fabric paint and applied to a T-shirt. Such patterns can cover the entire surface or only a part.

There are fabric pigments that dissolve in large quantities water and were originally intended to uniformly color the entire thing. To achieve a more unexpected and interesting effect, make several “tucks” on the T-shirt, tie them with threads, put the T-shirt in a bathtub or basin and fill it with diluted paint (according to the instructions). Without waiting for the fabric to get wet, place it on a dry, clean surface and let it dry (you can dry it with a hairdryer). After this, untie the knots. In these places, the paint forms smudges and voids, which result in an unusual pattern.

Helpful advice

Natural fabrics They hold paint better, however Lately There are many formulations available that are also suitable for synthetics - look for information about this on the packaging. It should also say about the method of fixing the paint. As a rule, it is fixed by ironing the pattern from the wrong side.


  • how to paint a T-shirt

To apply a design or text to a T-shirt, you do not need to use any special equipment. Certainly, this method Not universal, but it will help make your T-shirt or sweatshirt unique. All materials and equipment used are present in almost every home.

You will need

  • - jet printer;
  • - a sheet of paper in A4 format;
  • - file (also A4);
  • - scissors or stationery knife;
  • - a bottle with a spray;
  • - several newspapers;
  • - finished drawing or text in A4 mirror image;
  • - a white cotton T-shirt (although a colored one is also possible, but certainly a light one).


Determine the place for printing and place newspaper under this place, but not under it, but inside it, so that the text does not print on its other side. Iron the T-shirt. Although here you can do without an iron - iron it with your hands. The main thing is that everything is smooth, without a single wrinkle.

Insert a piece of A4 paper into the file, and then use scissors or a utility knife to trim off any excess until the file takes the shape of an A4 sheet. Next, insert the cut file with a piece of paper into the inkjet printer.

Now take a spray bottle filled with water and start spraying on the surface of the T-shirt in the place where the text or design will be located. Just don’t wet it too much, otherwise the paint will then spread. Just dampen the T-shirt slightly so that the dye is absorbed evenly.

In some graphics editor (for example, Photoshop), mirror the image or text you have chosen and print it to a file.

Check the printed image for printing defects. Do not touch the paint as it may smudge easily. After all, a file is not paper, so the paint is not absorbed.

Now you can leave the T-shirt to dry. Once the T-shirt is dry, you can put it on and wear it. Or you can apply another drawing.


  • where can I print on a T-shirt?

Each of us strives to be bright and individual, different from others both in manifestations of character and in such a seemingly completely ordinary component of life as clothing. Interesting creative ideas have long been revered in society; no one will be surprised by store-bought clothes, but if you appear among friends wearing a non-standard T-shirt with an equally original design, most likely more than one person will pester you with questions about how to paint the T-shirt yourself.

You will need

  • - t-shirt;
  • - cardboard;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - brush;
  • - felt-tip pens for fabric;
  • - fabric spray;
  • - a stencil with a drawing blank.


Wash the prepared T-shirt. This applies to both previously worn and recently purchased items. During production, special impregnations are often used, which will subsequently prevent you from applying the paint evenly and will not allow it to dry without streaks. After the T-shirt has been washed and dried, iron it for convenience in future work. If you have chosen a colored T-shirt, check the effect of the paint on the fabric in advance - it may turn out that the chemical reaction accompanying this process will turn the T-shirt into a color completely different from what you planned.

Place cardboard between two layers: back and front. This is necessary so that the paint does not leak to the other side and spoil the future masterpiece. Wrap the top of the cardboard with foil. Your T-shirt should be stretched over the cardboard - only then will comfort for work be ensured, and the design will lie flat on the T-shirt.

Prepare a table for work. Cover it with newspaper or an unnecessary tablecloth. For convenience, you can attach the T-shirt with cardboard to the table with tape.

Start drawing on a T-shirt. If you are not an artist, but have a more or less good command of these skills, apply the drawing yourself using special means: acrylic paints, fabric sprays or. You can purchase all this in specialized stores or art salons. If you are not confident in your artistic skills, use a prepared stencil for these purposes. If desired, apply the design with a moistened sponge, handprint or objects. Your imagination can be limitless. Remember that it is very convenient to use felt-tip pens for fabric to outline all drawn elements - the contours of the drawing will become clear, bright and not blurry.

Leave the painted T-shirt for 24 hours (the design on the fabric should dry well) and only then remove the cardboard. If you want to have a design on the back, repeat all the steps, turning the T-shirt over to the other side.

To become the owner of an original and stylish T-shirt, it is not at all necessary to spend large sums on designer work. Moreover, you don’t even have to sew a product from scratch, but simply take a ready-made item and change it at your discretion.

How to make an original designer T-shirt

First, you should decide what the product should look like in the end, and also make several. You can create your own T-shirt using your own ideas, or copy an item made by a famous designer. If neither option suits you, take a look various works fashion designers and take some of your favorite ideas and use them to create something unique.

Be sure to evaluate your knowledge and skills to see what you can actually do. To make a designer T-shirt, you can use appliqués, beads, and sequins. You can also embroider the product with threads, use scissors and a sewing machine to create an original style. Finally, you can sew additional elements to the item and add decorative inserts. Choose what you can do.

Simple and interesting option– T-shirt with a gradient. Take a regular white T-shirt, wet it and wring it out until the fabric is slightly damp. Then dilute a special fabric dye in water, which is sold in craft stores. The color of the dye can be any of your choice - black, blue, red, green. Then submerge the bottom of the shirt into the container, leaving 1/3 of the fabric on the outside. Wait a few minutes and pull the T-shirt up 5-7 cm. Repeat this procedure until you have removed the entire product. Then let it dry and wash by hand. You will get a T-shirt with a gradient effect, which, if desired, can be complemented with original decorations to make it look even more stylish.

There is also a more labor-intensive option. Take a T-shirt and cut part of the back to create stripes. They can be different in width - this will make the thing more original. Then process the edges of each strip so that the fabric does not “scatter”, and the product will be ready. Another option is to cut out the back altogether, and then fasten the front pieces together with pre-prepared cords or strips of fabric.

T-shirts with inserts look interesting. Inserts can be made of fabric of a contrasting shade or texture. Another option is to add pieces of sheer fabric to the piece to make it sexier. Finally, if you are good at knitting, make some flowers and leaves from the yarn and attach them to the fabric. By the way, if you decide to modify a T-shirt that turns out to be too short for you, simply tie a ribbon of Bruges lace and attach it to the bottom edge. The T-shirt will become longer, more original, and more beautiful.

Video on the topic

If your creative streak does not allow you to wear consumer goods and you want to decorate a T-shirt with a print of your own, you don’t have to rush to visit a photo salon. It is much more interesting to paint a T-shirt with acrylic paints yourself.

Often acrylic paints are too thick, which makes working with them difficult. You can even dilute acrylic with water if there is no other option. But this will reduce the quality of the paint and subsequently it will wash off from the T-shirt faster. It is best to use a thinner for acrylic paints; it is important that it is from the same company as the paints. The layer of paint on the fabric should be uniform and not thick, otherwise it may not stick. It's always better to do 2-3 thin layers than one thick one, that's what thinner is for. The better the paint saturates the fabric, the better and more durable the design will be. When mixing paints, it is important to do it as quickly as possible, this way the colors will be brighter.

The drawing must be allowed to dry for at least 24 hours. Then you can begin to secure it. Fix the design with an iron, ironing it through gauze or cotton fabric at the maximum temperature allowed for the fabric. Washing and any exposure to water is allowed 48 hours after fixing. When washing, use only soft detergents, the water temperature should not exceed 30-40 degrees. Long spinning at high speeds cannot be used; T-shirts painted with acrylic are washed, wrung out and dried like delicate fabrics.

Sometimes you want to sew some fashionable item yourself. For example, an original, stylish T-shirt that others don’t have. In principle, it's not that difficult. It is enough to be able to hold a needle in your hands.

We think about it, choose the source materials

First you need to think about the model. Will the T-shirt be tight-fitting or loose-fitting, what can it be worn with, what accessories can it be combined with.

Based on this, you need to choose the appropriate material and fittings. It is advisable to choose a fabric that does not fray when cutting, since it will be difficult for non-professionals to evenly overcast the edges and stitch the seams evenly. Therefore, it is better to leave satin and silk for later. But viscose or cotton in combination with elastane is quite suitable.

How to cut

You can make a classic cut, take measurements, draw a drawing and make a pattern, which you can then use to cut your future T-shirt. To do this, you will need the following measurements: half waist circumference, half chest circumference, half neck circumference, shoulder circumference, product length.

But there is an easier way. It is relevant if the T-shirt is loose or bias cut. You just need to carefully spread your blouse or yours on the floor and outline it with chalk. Based on the resulting drawing, it will be very easy to tailor a new item.

A loose fit has its advantages - you can design some original element, for example, a back vent or a sleeve " bat" Who knows? Fantasy will turn your homemade T-shirt into a true work of art. The main thing is to make sure that all the seams are even and nothing is sticking out anywhere, then you will get a truly designer item.


The most interesting thing about sewing is decorating. This is what makes a thing unique. The T-shirt can be decorated with anything. Flowers, large multi-colored buttons, appliques and even fur will be used. The main thing is not to overdo it. A well-designed T-shirt will look beautiful and fashionable. So, for example, if you decide to decorate it with a large element, then let it be one. In this case, it is better if it is located on the chest, shifted slightly to the side. A little advice: when you wear this T-shirt, it is better to tie your hair in a bun or ponytail.

Small details will look exquisite if they are placed correctly. You can sew on sequins. It is good to group them into an application or scatter them in sparse rows over the entire surface. Stones decorating the neckline or sleeves will also look good. You can also sew shoulder straps.

Or you can not decorate with anything at all. It is enough to choose a suitable decoration that can be changed every time.

Handmade crafts are not only popular gifts, but also items needed in everyday life. In particular, if we are talking about a T-shirt, the design on which was applied by the child himself. Naturally, wearing such a thing will be twice as pleasant. In addition, painting on a T-shirt will remind you of a pleasant day.

Do you want to children's party everyone remembers it? Then entrust the master class to the specialists of the holiday agency “33 Pleasures” (Moscow)! And believe me, the children will be delighted!

The main task of MK is the self-expression of the children! Figuring out what to draw, trying to do it beautifully and ultimately getting an unusual T-shirt, participants use their imagination and learn to make crafts with their own hands.

The guys will paint the fabric using safe acrylic paints. These paints will allow you to preserve the design even after washing. As for drawing, participants can choose how ready-made stencils, so come up with something of your own. If the children's party is themed, then we will pre-prepare stencils that match the theme.

Under the strict guidance of the animator, the children will learn a lot of new things about drawing on fabric, and at the end of the MK, everyone will receive a T-shirt made by themselves with a unique image.

All necessary materials and tools, packaging for crafts, as well as gloves and aprons so as not to get dirty while working - all this is included in the price and our specialists will take care of it. You should stock up on a camera to capture exciting moments as memories!

Fabric painting for junior schoolchildren

Working with paints and textile materials in technology lessons, fine arts or extracurricular activities for school students of different ages. Completion time is 45 minutes.
Goals and objectives:
Learn: work with paints and brushes,
draw on fabric
organizations workplace,
apply painting with acrylic paints in practice.
Develop: perseverance,
hard work, diligence,
sense of responsibility and mutual assistance,
creative abilities of the child.
Bring up: love for beauty
caring, thrifty attitude towards your things,
aesthetic taste,
support children's motivation for success in their creativity.
Repeat compliance with safety rules when working with paints.

To work we need:

Materials: fabric, here it is a children's white T-shirt without patterns,
Drawing – a sketch on A-4 paper, chosen according to taste and desire.
For example, like this one

Tools: marker (self-disappearing),
acrylic paints for painting on fabric,
brushes (hard) No. 2 and No. 4.

Progress of the lesson:

I got up early today.
She sat quietly at the table.
I took out the paints with a brush
And - the picture began.
I took on the task boldly!
I painted for five hours!
I even served my ass
And I was sweating down to my panties.

Step 1: Lay out a white T-shirt on a flat surface.

Step 2: Take a sheet of A-4 paper with the selected design and insert it inside the T-shirt, so that the design is clearly visible through the fabric.

Step 3: Calmly and slowly draw a marker along the contour of the visible sketch. (Don’t be afraid to go beyond the edges of the drawing; the marker line will disappear after it comes into contact with water.)

Step 4: Let's start working with acrylic paints. Let's decorate. Using brush No. 4, we apply paint to the design on the fabric and try to rub the paint into a thin layer.

Step 5: The paint from the brush can be washed off in a jar of water. And color the drawing different colors optional.

The rainbow hung merrily in the sky.
The rainbow in the sky is like a rocker.
Look, people, what a beauty!
A colored rainbow plays above the ground.

Step 6: When the work has dried (this takes quite a bit of time), you need to take black paint and use a brush No. 2 to follow the outline of the design. This way the work will look brighter.

I plunged into work
I painted and puffed for half a day,
And my talent returned to me,
My talent found me.

Step 7: The paint on the T-shirt will dry quickly.
At the end, the work can be ironed from the wrong side.

And so your individual and one-of-a-kind T-shirt is ready! You can wear it yourself with pleasure, or you can happily give it to someone.

You can also paint your other clothes using this fabric painting technique.

Create boldly and with inspiration!

I wish you all creative success!