How to promote your business on Instagram? How to build a successful business strategy on Instagram How to start your own business on Instagram

It is no secret that social networks are very successfully used by users to conduct business and Instagram is no exception. On the contrary, the specifics of visual presentation of content allow you to present a product or idea in the most favorable light. Where there are images, there are always emotions that “force” people to commit impulsive actions. In this publication, we will look at the most promising ideas for business on Instagram and find out what is needed to make money on this social platform.

What kind of business can you run through Instagram?

There are many options for making money on Insta. Some require investments, but provide the opportunity to receive a very impressive income. Some can be started “from scratch”, although the earnings will only be enough for “ice cream”. Among all the options, the most effective are:

  • selling your goods and services;
  • trade in foreign products;
  • advertising;
  • sale of photographs;
  • account promotion.

Each of the above business options requires a promoted account with at least 10 thousand active live subscribers.

The first option is suitable for small shops, small producers, needlewomen, artisans, owners of beauty salons, hairdressers, small bakeries. If the assortment is small, then the Insta page can be very successfully used as a “showcase” of your virtual store.

Trade in other people's products does not even require the presence of goods. An online entrepreneur negotiates with an online store, receives an affiliate link and recommends this product to his followers. For each unit sold, you can receive a very good commission.

You can provide your Insta account to companies and other bloggers as an advertising platform. There are exchanges that act as an intermediary between the advertiser and the owner of the advertising platform.

To be “closer to the people” large companies often resort to publishing private photographs. Take the photos you need, publish them on your account, and if they meet the requirements, you can easily get a decent reward for them.

Account promotion – real earnings for promotion specialists. Many business owners hire someone to work on promoting their business idea. Average income from one account – 20 thousand rubles.

There is another type of business - completing tasks.

It is suitable for those who do not understand anything at all (and do not want to understand) about trading and promotion. You register in specialized services (for free), like and comment on other people’s photos, watch videos, subscribe to pages and get paid for it. It is difficult to name the final amount; it all depends on your performance.

Business ideas for Instagram 2018

As a rule, ideas for business on Instagram are not original: trading, advertising. But even here you can turn around by combining “business with pleasure.”

Business Idea No. 1 Blogging

Business idea No. 2 Group purchasing

You create a page with an assortment wholesale online store. Your subscribers gather in groups and place orders. When the “costs” are collected, customers pay you the wholesale cost of the goods + your 10-15% for services. You place an order in your name, and after receiving it, you send it to customers.

This is work, and a very serious one, which, by the way, with a normal approach can bring good profits and dividends in the form of an avalanche-like increase in the active and engaged audience with all the attributes inherent in a quality account: likes, comments, reposts, etc.

Business idea No. 3 Become a “star”

There are many ways to get an impressive number of subscribers in a fairly short time. As soon as the number of followers exceeds a couple of tens of thousands, you can start advertising. What to advertise? Yes, anything! Advertisers will stand in line so that your audience gets acquainted with their products, services, brands, etc. For one advertising post you can earn from 500 to 10 thousand rubles.

Business idea No. 4 Selling accounts

Business idea No. 5 Holding sales

A profile account is created, which acts as a platform for trading a certain group of goods. Users interested in expanding their audience join this community and receive the right to post their posts for a fee.

How to learn to earn money through Insta?

The first thing you need to make money in social program- a million-dollar idea. There is an idea, it needs to be implemented. The first and most important stage is recruiting an audience. This requires an integrated approach that includes classic methods of recruiting subscribers:

  • mass liking.
  • massfollowing (see).
  • hashtags.
  • geolocation.

In order for people who click on your profile to become your subscribers, you need high-quality and engaging content. Where can I get it? In the Internet! There you can always find a lot of questions on your topic that interest users most. Analyze the questions. The analysis will tell you what to write about to interest the user social platform. Monitor your competitors' content. Find out which topics get the most response and work in that direction. Monitor what your followers write and always communicate with them. Initiate a dialogue.

In parallel with recruiting an audience, start promoting your business idea. In the process, it can transform into something else, and that's good. This is an indicator of your flexibility and compliance with the requirements of the modern market. Now the main thing. To make money on Instagram, in addition to the number of subscribers, you need to earn the trust of your audience.

These are the most basic points you need to know in order to earn income from the social program.

How to create a business profile on Instagram?

To monetize your page on Insta, you need to switch to a business profile, which must be properly formatted. For what? Your profile is the first thing a visitor to your page encounters. The first impression determines whether he will become your follower or not. After registering your account, go to settings and select “Switch to company profile.”

  • Select an account name. If you represent a store, then indicate its name in English. A memorable nickname in Latin letters is perfect for a personal business page.
  • Uploading an avatar. Ideally, this should be the company logo. If not, then the image should reflect the essence of the activity, be of high quality with large elements. Your photo is also suitable for your personal page.
  • We write down the Name. This line is a search string, so please indicate your first and last name in Russian. You can use a slash to indicate the name of your business.
  • Fill out your profile. Provide information about the company: telephone, address, email. email where it will be convenient to contact you.
  • Specify the site. This is the only place on Instagram where the active link works. If there is no external resource, make one and indicate it!

After this, you can safely load content onto the page.

Common mistakes in doing business on Instagram

An Instagram businessman faces a lot of mistakes, each of which leads to the loss of an audience, and therefore potential clients.

  • Closed profile. People won't wait for your confirmation to subscribe.

  • Incorrect profile design. The absence of key information and an avatar will scare off a potential subscriber.
  • Monotonous photos. Instagram was created for entertainment and business is not a hindrance to this.
  • Frequent publications. The subscriber will quickly get tired of looking at your photos if they are published more than 3 times a day.
  • Refusal to communicate with followers. Talk to your audience. This builds trust and increases engagement.

In addition, abandoning hashtags and geotags significantly reduces the influx of followers, who can subsequently become active customers, buy, offer and recommend your products.

Auxiliary tools for doing business on Instagram

Doing business on Instagram involves using various instruments, improving the quality of content and simplifying its promotion.

  • Aviary is a multifunctional and simple photo editor that works on Android, IOS and Windows.
  • PicFlow is an application for create slideshows from static photographs.

  • Crowdfire – powerful account analytics.
  • Hootsuite is a scheduler with auto-posting feature.

In addition to third-party applications, do not forget to use useful options on Insta itself:

  • Direct is required for mass mailings;
  • statistics available to all business profiles.

As a conclusion

In this publication, we looked at the most popular ideas for business on Instagram, and introduced you to some secrets that allow you to earn income from your account with virtually no investment. own funds. Today, it is much easier to make money on social networks than to do business in the classic way, since on the Internet there is no such fierce competition as in life. Each of the methods of earning money we have proposed has been tested many times and is quite viable, and to make sure of this, try them in practice.

Modern Instagram is not just a social network about photography. This is an online space that allows you to learn more about the world, meet new people and, undoubtedly, gain popularity. But for many, Instagram is a way to build a business. Developing your business account on Instagram allows you to become a more media personality or page. You will receive a comprehensive answer to the question “how to start a business on Instagram” in this article.

How and where to start creating a Business account

Getting started with a business profile on Instagram is rightfully called the most difficult. This stage includes such a large volume of actions that it is almost impossible to manage quickly alone. Therefore, we advise you to be patient or find a team of like-minded people.

Let's make a list of basic rules that are mentioned when working with a developing page.

Fill out your account

Statistics show that pages filled with quality content have more subscribers, likes, views and other activity than pages without a description.

A potential subscriber trusts users with a filled header more strongly. Select.

Remember that it must be optimized: the fewer characters, the better.

When filling out the “About yourself” section, do not write a lot, it is better to indicate the most important information. Refrain from clichés.

Age, city, language, country are of least interest to users. Forget about large quantities emoji

Think about your content

Each of your photos should fit into the overall concept of the account. But more than that, you have to like her. It is better to create all content in advance.

For convenience, develop a plan for uploading photo and video files (content plan).

Captions for photos and videos matter. Work through the system, place them wisely.

Tags can lead content to increased awareness and interactions.

Write poems under photos, ask provocative questions, and avoid digital emojis almost entirely.

If absolutely necessary, replace them with outdated hand emoticons that take up no more than two characters - “:) (: :с с:" they will show more emotions than multi-colored bright mini-pictures.

Please note that users do not want to see in the news feed.

This information includes:

  • all negative content;
  • pornography and other parts of the content spectrum.

This may prevent you from turning Instagram into a business. In reality, all posts on your account should be linked.

Therefore, do not publish photographs with erotic content on pages about the family.

Don't lose sight of your target audience. There should be only three things in your head - the question of the amount of content, the question of target audience and the question about . And at the first stage, the answers should be to the first two questions.

Create original content

Uniqueness is encouraged by users. To create, take your phone and go out into the yard, onto the streets of your hometown, into the forest or any store.

Our world is too beautiful and diverse not to find something beautiful and new in it. Take photos and film everything that catches your eye. Play with light, scale, colors, shadows.

Any photo can be processed and cleaned later. Users are more willing to interact with unique content that can only be seen from a specific author.

This increases the buzz around your account and will be a free answer to the question of how to promote your business on Instagram.

Communication with subscribers

Another working tool for developing your Instagram is rightly called communication with subscribers. The audience always reacts to interaction.

Such interactions include , marks, . Replies to comments under your posts also increase user interest.

For proper communication, you need to communicate with already recruited subscribers, and using the “Recommendations” tab, like and comment on posts of groups or accounts from similar topics. This will make it possible to attract new users, interest them and increase the popularity of your Instagram.

Let the user look beyond

If your work or life is unique, if you have the opportunity to communicate with interesting people– share this with your subscribers. Everyone who follows you is a person who is interested in taking from the world the largest amount of information available only to him.

Draw the attention of society to something that many of its members have not even begun to think about.

Create content that is not just interesting and beautiful, but expands the boundaries of knowledge of at least one social group– your subscribers.

This is where the interest in working with educational Instagram comes from.

Launch all new products online

This especially applies to owners of offline and online stores:

  • Announce the start of sales;
  • Give vague but intriguing information.

This can attract the attention of a larger mass of people. And, as you know, the larger the human mass, the more solvent users there are among it.

And the increase in the number of solvent users increases sales unprecedentedly, which is what is required. Spend more time writing a post about the new caps in your store, and then sell those caps in packs to young and not very interested customers.

Encourage subscribers

Make it a rule once every a certain amount of time to delight subscribed users not only with content, but also in other ways. These levers include:

  • drawings of valuable prizes;
  • competitions;
  • liketimes.

For example, if once every two weeks between users who liked a certain post and subscribed to your page, good book, then the number of subscribers will increase sharply.

Pay special attention to themed prizes.

Instagrams about comics can give paraphernalia, owners of pages about computers can offer computer mice, rugs, and so on as gifts. In a word, there would be a fantasy, and the rest will definitely follow.

Conduct auctions

This point, again, has an impact mainly on store accounts. But solo users can also develop a personal auction system.

To hold an auction, it is enough to notify subscribers in advance, select a “lot”, initial price and step.

Some “shops” do not specifically warn subscribers about the auction, but start it suddenly.

They do this to maintain constant user interest in the store account.

This method works in 90% of cases. Particularly prominent in the list of successful auctions are auctions whose lots include very valuable items: expensive clothes, cosmetics.

These auctions also amaze the page owners themselves - such a stir is created around this or that page.

More than 500 million people use Instagram every day, and more than five million businesses use Instagram for business to visually tell their stories, connect with their fans, and build their brand.

People new to Instagram may be intimidated by the need to stand out from such a large crowd. But getting started with Instagram is much easier than it seems.

How to use Instagram for business

This article covers the basics of using Instagram for business, from creating an account, setting up a profile, designing your page, and posting photos or stories, to more advanced things like Instagram analytics and using tools to grow your following.

1. Set up your account and profile

The Instagram app can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play Store, or Microsoft Store. When creating an Instagram account, the app walks the user through a few basic setup steps. There are two things to take into account:

Profile photo

It will be displayed in the shape of a circle. When using your business logo, you need to make sure it stays in the center of the image. Additionally, the avatar will appear relatively small in the app, so avoid using text and instead try to make it stand out.

Profile information

The app won't ask you to fill out your profile information, but it will be helpful to do so. To do this, you need to go to your profile in the application and click on “Edit profile”. You will be able to fill out two fields: website and information about yourself.

You can also change your username here (i.e. @username).

Ready! Instagram account is set up!

2. Post photos or videos

To do this, you just need to click the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen. Instagram will show new photos in the user's photo library. You can also take a new photo or video by clicking on “Photo” or “Video” respectively.

A few tips:

  • When you select a photo from your library, you can upload the photo as a portrait or landscape. To do this, select a photo and click on the icon with two arrows in the lower left corner of the preview. Then you can move and zoom the photo to customize it to your liking.
  • You can upload up to 10 photos and videos per Instagram post. You need to click on the icon with two overlapping squares in the lower right corner of the preview and select a photo or video.
  • When shooting a new video, you need to press and hold the record button to record the video. If you want to shoot several different things, you can release the button, point the camera at something else, and press and hold the button again to continue recording.

Once the material for the post is selected, you can apply a filter or edit its orientation, brightness, contrast, and much more. When everything is ready, you need to click “Next” to fill out the post details.

One of the most successful methods for growing an Instagram account is to post regularly. After studying 55 brands on Instagram, Union Metrics found that some brands lost followers when they stopped posting regularly.

3. Post Instagram Stories

More than 250 million people post stories on Instagram every day. Instagram Stories - new format content. These are photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Verified accounts can add a link to their stories to direct people to their site.

Unlike regular posts, stories do not appear in the profile gallery or followers' feed. They're hidden behind your profile photo in a separate ribbon at the top of the app.

To post a story, you need to swipe your Instagram feed to the right. The app will go into camera mode, where you can take a photo or video, or upload one from those taken within the past 24 hours. Once a photo is taken or selected, you can add stickers (including hash and location tag stickers), drag, and add text.

10 Different Ways to Use Instagram Stories:

It would be great to follow your clients. Although they can be quite difficult to find, there are some ways:

When people follow your Instagram profile, you will receive a notification. It's worth checking out their profiles and following them as well.

5. Comment on posts

On social media, it’s not just about posting, it’s about engagement. To comment on a post, you need to click on the bubble icon below the photo or video. You can either leave a new comment or reply to another comment.

When followers comment on photos, such as leaving comments or asking questions, you need to respond to them as quickly as possible to show that you care.

After surveying more than 1,000 people, Sprout Social found that 70% of people surveyed are more likely to use a product or service from a brand that interacts with them on social media. If a brand doesn't respond, 30% of them will go to a competitor.

Connecting with your followers helps you build your brand, as well as convert them into customers and customers into loyal customers.

6. Turn your account into a business profile

This is recommended for anyone who uses Instagram for business or their company. Business profile allows you to add Additional information about business, and promote your posts. More importantly, analytics for the account appear.

All you need to turn your profile into a business profile is a Facebook page. Here's how to do it:

7. Use free analytics

Instagram Insights is a free analytics tool for Instagram accounts with a business profile. It provides a wealth of data that you can use to measure and improve your Instagram marketing.

To access Instagram Insights, you need to go to your profile and click on the chart icon.

How you can use data in Instagram Insights:

  • See your key metrics, such as subscriber growth, change over the past seven days
  • Find out when readers are most active in order to select best times for publications
  • Find out which posts and stories are most effective
  • Find out the demographics of your subscribers

8. Use additional tools

Finally, if you're willing to experiment, it's time to learn about some Instagram tools that will help you create better content, save time, and post consistently. A few tools to get you started:

  • Photo Editor by Aviary – for photo editing (web and mobile app)
  • Display Purpose – for finding the best hash tags to use (web app)
  • Adobe Spark - for creating amazing Instagram stories (web and mobile app)
  • Buffer for Instagram – for sequential publishing of posts (web and mobile app)

Conclusions on how to use Instagram for business:

  1. Create and configure a profile
  2. Post photos or videos
  3. Post Instagram Stories
  4. Subscribe to other profiles

The opportunity to earn money using a social network is a real chance, since this is where the great amount people willing to spend their money. VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki “territory” has long been mastered, so Russian Instagram users figured out how best to use this social resource not so long ago.

It is worth recalling that this project involves active use of a mobile phone. Statistics show that Instagram, with its growth rate in social networks, has overtaken even such an international giant as Facebook, which, in turn, speaks of the enormous potential of this resource.

The application allows users to share photos or videos, as well as turn their page into additional or main income. Therefore, when creating their profile on Instagram, users often open own business, and this is becoming commonplace today. But such a business will have to be developed and supported in accordance with all the rules and laws of a particular social network.

Popular, especially among young people, the social network was launched in 2010 and an impressive number of user audiences have businesses on Instagram. It’s much easier to get into a rhythm with the app and, most importantly, there is no such tough competition. And if you also use the tools of their service, then by tracking the statistics of your page, you can choose the right strategy.

Among the various ways additional income V this application A special place is occupied by the income received from the sale of advertising on Instagram and the publication of posts with advertising in your website. Today, in addition to direct advertisers (finding them is problematic), there are special exchanges that actively and successfully cooperate with users of the Instagram service. But before you can get real and stable income from advertising on Instagram, you should properly design your page and make your account attractive to advertisers.

Where to invest time and money?

What are some ideas for business on Instagram? How to earn money? How to sell? What you should pay attention to? It is worth noting that the principles of making money on this network are no different from any other social platform, although there are some minor nuances. The most important thing is to catch them, and then everything is in your hands. Let's look at the most common ways to make money.

Working with different services

Cooperation with various services is a good chance to earn extra money, and their number is steadily growing. For example, the most popular: Runet TwitUP, Userator, Uber cheating and the like. Money is earned from the service of reposting, specially indicated pictures, plus adding an account to your own read-list.

This method is suitable for those who do not have the skills to build a business from scratch, do not want to waste time looking for partners, or simply want to try something to assess their capabilities. For this reason, schoolchildren often use this service, since the task is simple and no special knowledge is required.

Attention! As a rule, such tasks are paid at a minimum, so it is difficult to make good money. You will need to spend a lot of time or have more than one account (to make decent money).

Instagram Market

This is not a completely correct method, since it is based on promoting your own account to the maximum, and then selling it to an interested party. How can I make this work? The number of people who subscribe to your page does not matter. The main thing is that these are “live” subscribers. It is important that people visit your Instagram page, read your interesting publications, and be interested in events in your life.

Shop on Instagram

A promising and growing area of ​​business development in the social network. Online stores have received full approval from customers, who at any time convenient for themselves can place an order for the product they like, simply by picking up a mobile phone.

The role of the catalog is played by the tape. Particular emphasis should be placed on photographs. Each photo should be incredibly beautiful, attractive, so that it can interest and hook a potential buyer. To order, as a rule, they use either comments (the author in this case sees updates) or the contact information specified in the profile.

At the same time, please note - no transitions to other accounts or sites without registration. This business is growing very quickly and gaining momentum.

Promoting your own brand

Using the Instagram service, you can advertise and offer your services. Anyone who wants to develop their brand, can offer a unique product or service and wants to speak only on their own behalf, will like this type of earning and promoting their account.

Suitable for stylists, makeup artists, fashion designers, designers, needlewomen and…

The only thing is that you will have to make a huge effort to get heard about you, and at the same time use only white methods for promotion. Create, design and maintain truly original and interesting content, and for this you should think about a development plan in advance.

Auctions, competitions on Instagram

You will need to create a profile account that will offer services to other users who are interested in the influx of new live subscribers. The direction is developed only in this social network.

Starting a business on Instagram

  • Conduct an analysis of popular and in-demand pages and create your own concept for the advertising profile being created. Carry out its registration and subsequent design (name, avatar and your first publications on the page).
  • Promotion. It will only be possible to start advertising when you already have a popular profile. How to do it? Special promotion services will help you promote your page. For example, you should pay attention to Pamagram, Zengram or Doinsta (they specialize in working with Instagram). Additional via Bosslike, Likemania or similar online services. Just don’t forget that an impressive part of these subscribers are bots.
  • Search for potential clients. You will start earning money if you have at least 5,000 subscribers, but it is possible to try to make money in this network even with 1,000 followers. You can search for advertisers yourself (offer your services for placement) or.

How much do you earn on Instagram?

Before putting your profile on the exchange, you should decide pricing policy. The cost of publishing with advertising depends on various parameters:

  1. subject of the page;
  2. the number of real subscribers and their growth (pages that quickly gain popularity are more expensive);
  3. subscriber activity (number of likes, comments, reposts under notes);
  4. the text used for the advertising publication (ready-made or write it yourself). Independent work- additional charges;
  5. your ability to maintain a profile. An experienced blogger with high-quality and original content will charge more for advertising than the owner of a page on a general topic;
  6. your own activity and ability to sell competently.

Applications and services that may be useful

To make life easier on Instagram, you can use some applications:

  • Instarepost – allows you to comment and share photos with subscribers of other social networks;
  • Instasize will help you upload a full-length photo (without cropping at the edges);
  • Instasave will help you save any photos to the memory of your iOS device;
  • InstaWeather Pro app allows you to add information to photos about the weather, time of shooting and exact location;
  • Over – best app to add text to photos in iOS;
  • Instapan – allows you to upload panoramic images;
  • Hyperlapse is a program of this social network that allows you to create beautiful videos.

The functionality of Instagram allows you to create a large audience in a short period of time. Its representatives constantly review publications and photographs. They are solvent and ready to make emotional purchases. The social network is an indispensable trading platform for entrepreneurs whose activities are focused on selling real goods, the sale of which requires dialogue with customers.

Business on Instagram

Advantages of an Instagram store

Placing cards with product characteristics and descriptions on trading platform Instagram is profitable and effective, due to the convenient console of the social network and low costs for promoting your account. Using it for business purposes, it is easy to inspire confidence among potential consumer promoted products, since all customers of the store have the opportunity to freely comment on their impressions of cooperation. Before transferring money for a purchase, buyers have the opportunity to read previously left reviews of users who have already used the service.

To open a clothing store on Instagram, you do not need to invest in creating, setting up and designing an online store website. Product cards can be uploaded to the social network server without the need for additional software.

A huge number of people use social network for entertainment and shopping. With the correct presentation of advertising information, all of them can become potential buyers. After posting a publication informing about promotions or the appearance of a new product in the store, all subscribers are notified about the event.

It is worth noting that they do not always log into the store account to view the seller’s offers. Users may not even remember its existence, but the advertising post will not go unnoticed and will certainly receive a response in the form of purchases from its readers. The more subscribers a seller’s account has, the easier and faster it is for him to spread the word.

How to open a store on Instagram: step-by-step instructions

To launch the service, you need to create a profile on Instagram and decide on a niche of activity. In order for trade to run smoothly, you need to find a reliable supplier who always has the right product in stock at an affordable price. Before opening a business, you need to assess its prospects, which is possible by comparing the size of the investment for the startup and the potential profitability.

Choosing a direction of trade

The direction of trade should be related to the personal interest of the entrepreneur and his ability to obtain the item for sale at a favorable price. You can check its relevance by assessing the activities of competitors. By entering the name of the niche in search engines, you can analyze the level of competition that will have to be overcome. The more advertising there is on request, the greater the coverage of the niche, and the more funds will need to be invested in promoting the project. It is worth noting that niches for which there are no advertising campaigns, may not be in demand.

Account creation

You can create a profile on Instagram on your computer or through the mobile application. A business account is opened using Facebook functionality or by adjusting the settings of a regular profile. Registration via computer is carried out by standard scheme, for which you will need email. The procedure is carried out from a personal Facebook account or from home page social network.

To create a profile via phone, you must first download the application. Registration can be carried out by phone number or address Email. Actions can also be taken from Facebook.