Vending machines made in Russia. Vending equipment. Main manufacturers of vending machines

In conversation with us successful entrepreneur Konstantin Starkin spoke about the advantages and prospects of the vending business in Russia, and also spoke about the nuances of production vending machines.

Main points of the interview:

  • Type of activity: Production of vending machines
  • Location: Russia, Moscow
  • Experience entrepreneurial activity: more than 10 years.
  • Number of issued machines: more than 500 pieces (data as of January 2015).
  • Why did you start manufacturing: «…. vending trade in Russia is poorly developed. On the other hand, the production of vending machines is practically undeveloped , there was no equipment on the market that met the necessary criteria"
  • Is it worth starting a business during a crisis? “In my opinion, crisis times are great for those who want to start their own business. This rule is even more relevant when applied to vending trade...”
  • What does success in business depend on: “The main thing in achieving success is the desire to act, and not to look for excuses for inaction, not to refer to imaginary difficulties.”

Konstantin, how long have you been in this business? How did the history of your company begin?

I have been doing vending for quite a long time, for more than 10 years. It all started with installation and maintenance slot machines. At first we used a rather labor-intensive service imported equipment. The components were ordered from third-party suppliers and arrived within 4-5 months.

When gaming business got banned, we began to look for a new niche. Toys are undoubtedly a stable and highly profitable sector, especially since vending trade in Russia is poorly developed. On the other hand, the production of vending machines is practically undeveloped , there was no equipment on the market that met the necessary criteria.

Together with partners, it was decided to develop and organize the production of a new and unique vending machine for our market. That is why the name of our company is New Vending Technologies LLC (official website of the company

Why did you decide to switch from trade to production? commercial equipment?

It cannot be said that the company has completely switched from sales to the creation of devices, since we have retained a number of retail outlets(Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg).

Why did you decide to become manufacturers? Firstly, it is interesting to do something new, realizing the usefulness of your own efforts. Secondly, there was knowledge and understanding of exactly what product our market needed.

To be honest, at first glance your equipment gives the impression that it is imported. His Russian origin was a revelation for me.

Vending Machine Business - This is not an easy undertaking in Russian realities, as is the creation of any unique product. Now, looking back on the path traveled, you understand how risky this decision was. But the company managed to cope, managing to establish a very clear, streamlined equipment production process. Today we are proud that all products are completely assembled in Russia with the maximum use of local components.

In collaboration with the best domestic designers, a very durable, reliable Mangosteen device adapted to our realities was created. By the way, we are completely confident in the product we produce, and since the beginning of 2015 we have increased its warranty service to 3 years.

Do you have a large product line?

3 types are produced:

We also produce capsules for toys (Editor’s note: Toys must be packaged in capsules before sale), on two production lines - 60 and 100 mm.

How many vending machines have you made? And what is the geography of equipment sales?

More than 500 units of products rolled off the assembly line. For now, we only cooperate with Russia and Kazakhstan, but we strive to develop the Mangosteen sales network in other countries. Our products are installed in more than 60 cities, from Moscow, where we began to develop our network, to Khabarovsk, from Sochi to St. Petersburg. The company's products are represented in almost all cities with a population of over a million, as well as in very small and remote settlements.

Are your products already available in Crimea?

Unfortunately, not yet, but we will be glad to see representatives of Crimea in our ranks.

Selling toys through a vending machine is clear to me, but selling jewelry is not so clear. Is it possible to buy jewelry blindly? On personal experience I can say that before buying any hairpin, a woman will try on about 15 pieces. Or is the device aimed specifically at men: come, buy, give?

The capsules in which the jewelry is packaged are transparent. Customers can clearly see what they are purchasing, plus videos of the jewelry on display are scrolling on the monitor. The price of jewelry in a vending machine is significantly lower than usual, since there are no costs for sellers or for renting large premises. This, of course, is a tangible plus in the sale of costume jewelry.

Do you order toys for sale from China? Have you ever thought about organizing the production of goods in the Russian Federation?

Vending is a business for megacities (or regional centers) or possible in a small town? Does it make sense to install equipment, say, in a city with a population of 100 thousand people?

We have quite successful partners in small towns. Well, in a city with a population of 100,000 residents, you can not only install 1 machine, but develop a network of even 10 retail outlets.

In general, vending in Russia - a rather delicate task when it comes to small towns. On the one hand, in a small locality (if it is not in the north), the income of the population is lower, but at the same time the level of competition and rental rates is lower. Prices for toys are also more attractive for buyers than in our usual trading formats.

The main obstacle is the unfamiliarity of automated trading, the fear that the machine “will eat the money and not return the goods.” Therefore, the owner of this type of equipment small town should pay more attention to promotions, showing how easy it is to make purchases here. It is necessary to attract customers, and new customers will be found thanks to word of mouth.

I recently spoke with an acquaintance who claimed that sales through vending machines are not an activity for Russia, since the domestic consumer is conservative. How right do you think he is?

I agree with your friend. Russians are a conservative people, but vending is actively gaining momentum, and in the next 3-5 years it will become an integral part of our lives. Already now, in large cities, equipment with snacks, coffee machines, and newspaper machines are located on every corner. Soon other vending machines will experience the same boom, but it is very important to gain a foothold in the niche while there are excellent places.

What do you think are the prospects for the vending business in Russia against the backdrop of current market realities?

The prospects are amazing. We see how tent sales in Moscow are being reduced to a minimum, and are being replaced by automated sales, so it is logical to assume similar changes in other cities. Vending is convenient, reliable and high quality. In the very near future, we will see a 10-fold jump in the development of automated trading.

Is it generally worth starting your own business during a crisis? Maybe it’s better to wait until everything “settles down”?

In my opinion, times of crisis are great for those who want to start their own business. When applied to vending trade, this rule is even more relevant, since now people are thinking about saving money, and prices for goods in vending machines can be significantly lower than market prices (saving on wages, rent). In addition, a huge advantage is the widespread reduction in rental rates.

Even if the buyer of a vending machine decides that such trading is not for him or, say, changes his place of residence, the vending equipment can always be sold profitably, recouping the investment spent on launching the project.

How difficult is it to be an entrepreneur in Russia?

Our company employs patriots who want to live and develop in their homeland. I believe that now is a great time for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, since there is great amount government programs aimed at promoting entrepreneurship. There is an opportunity to receive subsidies, and negotiations are underway to reduce the tax burden.

And the last question: in your opinion, what needs to be done to succeed in business?

The main thing in achieving success is the desire to act, and not to look for excuses for inaction, not to refer to imaginary difficulties. Look for a type of activity that interests you. “Only the brave conquer the seas!”

The Magic Rest group of companies was one of the first to enter the Russian market with an innovative product - automatic massage chairs. Today Magic Rest is the No. 1 company in the market of vending massage chairs in Russia. In May 2011, the Magic Rest company entered into an exclusive agreement with the Irest company and now exclusively represents Irest and Magic Rest massage chairs in Russia. This agreement is the result of the fruitful work of a team of professionals and service center specialists. For many years, Magic Rest has been a leader in introducing new products into the design of massage chairs, and also offers innovative business solutions for its partners. Specialized Magic Rest vending chairs, equipped with a bill acceptor and a coin acceptor, are widely represented in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Samara, Saratov, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Perm, Khabarovsk, Kazan, Tula, Murmansk, Ulyanovsk, Ryazan. Representative offices were opened in Ukraine, Armenia and the Republic of Belarus. The design and execution of the chairs meet the highest modern standards, which allows you to decorate any interior. Various accommodation options are possible (car washes, fitness clubs, airports, hotels, entertainment centers, beauty salons, etc.). A real team of vending professionals, a large office near the metro, a warehouse, service center and a reliable, time-tested name in the market allow Magic Rest partners to engage in the massage chair business with the comfort and confidence of reliable and ongoing support. All presented products have undergone medical testing at the Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (CITO). The Magic Rest company is the official supplier of massage chairs for the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. The information sponsor of the company is the Media group of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Magic Rest is officially a member of the National Association of Automated Trading (NAAT). We are ready to provide any amount of massage equipment. Examples of placement can be viewed on the website: The Magic Rest company is constantly developing its network of vending massage chairs, which allows you to thoroughly know all the intricacies of massage equipment and the methodology of this business. All this makes it possible to offer our partners only proven massage equipment. We invite you to profitable cooperation with an experienced team of true professionals!
Activities: Electronic vending machines, Locator, Vending machine supply, Vending machine production, Warranty service, Installation and maintenance, Accessory supply, Accessory production

Russia is geographically located between Europe and Asia, as is Russian vending. We offer you an overview of the vending market in Russia and a detailed analysis of the main manufacturers of vending machines supplying equipment to the Russian Federation.

Manufacturers of vending equipment

European and Asian vending are radically different. Europe is a traditionally fresh bean coffee based on high quality ingredients. Asia chooses instant drinks; a considerable part of the assortment is represented by canned versions, which can even be heated.

As they say, demand determines supply. Therefore, the easiest way to determine the main direction of Russian vending is to look at which manufacturers of coffee machines are the most popular - both among the vendors themselves and among buyers.

European manufacturers of coffee machines:

  1. Necta
  2. Bianchi
  3. Saeco
  4. Rheavendoors
  5. Jofemar

All these brands have in common high quality assembly, reliable operation, ease of operation, wide range of drinks. But the main thing is the wide selection of models themselves. Each vendor will be able to choose best option for yourself, taking into account the price, size of the machine, features of the point, cross-country ability, etc.

In this niche there are machines for absolutely any conditions - including sales in elite centers and “street” vending.

Plus, Europeans work with universal software. You can easily change bill acceptors, coin acceptors and teremetry modules without getting hung up on a specific manufacturer.

Asian coffee machine manufacturers:

  1. Samsung Venson
  2. SMCoin
  3. Avend

From the entire line on Russian market Only Samsung stands out. Its machines are traditionally considered one of the most reliable in the instant machine segment.

The rest of the Asian models were never really able to gain a foothold in the Russian market. First of all, due to the low build quality. Each breakdown is a simple machine and dissatisfied customers. And Russian vendors are naturally not ready to take risks. In addition, there are certain pitfalls. Asian companies have individual software protocols. Therefore, additional equipment must be purchased only from this machine manufacturer.

This moment was especially serious when 10-ruble coins were issued in Russia. European owners updated the coin acceptance in a month, spending 1 - 3 thousand rubles on a machine. And the Asians prepared the updates for about 6 months, and the costs turned out to be 7 thousand. And some (for example, SMCoin) reached up to 40 thousand rubles.

Of the Russian varieties of vending machines, only Unicum can be noted. Him good quality assemblage, stylish, modern the lineup with good functionality. A wide range of. There are also particularly outstanding models - for example, Foodbox with a capacity of up to 1536 units of goods.

The quality of Unicum can be judged at least by the fact that it confidently competes even with the Italian leader Necta. All other Russian “brands” are actually “assembled on the knee,” which has been repeatedly confirmed by reviews from SuperVending customers.

Let's summarize - from the point of view of vending, Russia is definitely a European country! Both vendors and buyers prefer European vending machines - more reliable and stylish, with a wide range and tasty, aromatic drinks.

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About company

VendShop is a Russian manufacturer of vending machines and industrial automated equipment. We have done everything possible to establish ourselves as a reliable supplier of vending machines and equipment for maintaining the drinking regime.

  • Our company provides a full cycle of production of commercial equipment from the design and manufacture of cases to software.
  • Developed by our engineers, the unique SnackFresh Pro cooling system allows you to maintain temperatures from 0 degrees at the level of each shelf, and is one of competitive advantages vending machines of the VendShop brand, both among Russian vending machines and among imported ones.
  • The VendShop Online vending machine monitoring system, which has no analogues, is a non-competitive product, the result of the work of our IT specialists, created to provide complete control of the vending machine remotely.
  • We carefully monitor the quality of our products. This allows us to guarantee our partners reliable long-term operation of vending equipment.

We specialize in the production of universal vending machines, which our specialists can adapt for any piece of goods free of charge.

VendShop Company always has in stock a huge selection of ready-to-use vending equipment, which is best suited both for starting a business and for developing and modernizing an existing fleet of vending machines.

We deliver vending machines throughout Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries.

History of success

The company began its activities in 2003 and was initially focused on the production of industrial equipment - automatic saturators for maintaining the drinking regime, which were supplied to all large factories in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. When vending machines in Russia began to gain popularity, production was expanded, and the production of vending machines of the VendShop brand was launched. Now the range of VendShop vending machines already includes 15 models of machines capable of selling any product, in any container and packaging.

Production of vending machines to order, sale of machines

The anti-crisis SALE is ending: complete flower machines - at old prices, from stock - limited quantity!

see about the sale >> anti-crisis special offer for vending<<

The wide variety of vending made it necessary to create a system for the development and manufacture of various custom-made vending machines. This allowed us to develop a wide range of vending machines and additional options for them.

The special design bureau of the Infotekhnika group of companies offers its clients the development and production of vending machines (production of vending machines) to solve any business problems. Additionally, the department’s work includes modernization and modification of serial models of automatic machines (our own or foreign ones) for the specific purposes of the Customer.

Thanks to our extensive experience in developments for vending, we can bring to life almost any wishes in an extremely short time - any goods, any number of types of goods, any maximum load of goods, any shape and appearance of the vending machine, any additional options (bill acceptors, change issuing, touchscreen monitors, acquiring, interactive showcase, advertising screens, security and much more).

The design, appearance and price of a vending machine significantly depend on a number of parameters, the main of which are:
-name of the product, degree of fragility (can it be reset)
- range of simultaneously sold species
product (SKU, maybe different prices, etc.),
-type of product packaging (blister, cardboard box...), its shape and dimensions
(or size range) and weight for each type of product,
-desired loading quantity of each type of product,
-temperature conditions for storing goods
- operating conditions (room, street),
-issuance management: payment or issuance based on other criteria (for example,
smart card, corporate tag or access card, promotion, etc...)
-currency of the payment system (rubles,...)
-type of payment system (bills, coins, cards...),
- availability of change (bills, coins), number of change denominations,
-the need to install a touch screen to select products and advertising,
- the presence of remote control for transmitting messages from the machine (ends
goods, delivery...)
-availability of a receipt printer or fiscal registrar (KKM),
-presence of any restrictions (for example, area...),
- country and city of delivery,
-the number of machines planned for order in the first batch.
- standard or custom design,
-order volume.

In addition to developing new models of machines, the design department equips serial (usually foreign) models with non-standard options - various advertising screens and light panels, acquiring and other use of smart cards, payment from a mobile phone, remote control, preparing machines for street use, changing the design of machines, strengthening the structure, etc.

We can do anything - even such a miracle of vendor service<< см на отдельной страничке

Fashionable machines:

Flower vending machines, pharmacy robots, jewelry and jewelry vending, book vending machines, industrial vending, auto store

Payment terminals - see universal payment terminals of the PT series

Fashionable additional options:

Cashless payment, interactive showcase, remote control, photo and video control

According to statistics:

In Japan, there are 25 people per vending machine.
in the USA approximately 40-45,
in Europe about 110,
and in Russia there are 2500 - there is still room for development!

Some development stages:

  • Study of the Customer’s task and development of technical specifications;
  • Electronics design and manufacturing:
  • Selection of element base;
  • Development of electrical circuit diagrams;
  • Design of printed circuit boards (development of printed circuit board topology) with 2.4 or more layers. And their production;
  • Production of mock-ups, prototypes and batches of electronics units;
  • Design and production of harnesses and cables
  • Installation of printed circuit boards;
  • Functional testing of products and the necessary technological runs of products on specialized stands;
  • Design and manufacture of the machine body:
  • Selection of materials;
  • Design of main components of the body;
  • Case design, creation of 3D models;
  • Development of the design of the machine;
  • Manufacturing of frames and panels;
  • Housing assembly;
  • Hull painting;
  • Printing;
  • Design and manufacture of goods dispensing devices:
  • Selecting the type of dispensing device;
  • Development/refinement of goods dispensing devices;
  • Manufacturing;
  • Assembly;
  • Setup/testing;
  • Programming:
  • Development of programs for microcontrollers;
  • Development of software for personal computers (if used);
  • Debugging programs;
  • Assembly and testing of all machine components in the complex on test benches;
  • Installation of electronics, dispensing devices and additional equipment in the machine body;
  • Test tests of the assembled machine.
  • Possible developments
    Street version (only with JCM bill acceptor)
    Accepting non-cash payments from Visa, MasterCard...,
    using your own maps requires clarification and elaboration,
    Payment from mobile phone…. etc.
    -small changes (color, adding logo)
    -full design development and production of film for covering the machine
    On-line monitoring of the machine + integration with 1C
    Buyer interface: standard interface, interface modification,
    interface development using Hi-tech ipad technologies
    Multi-meter composite screen "video wall".

    Timing and sequence of actions during development

    The time required for development very much depends on the Client’s technical specifications.

    Main manufacturers of vending machines

    In practice, it takes from several weeks (with minor changes in finished structures) to two to three months (with the manufacture of all components from scratch).

    The sequence of actions when ordering development is as follows:

    • You send technical requirements for development to our email<< см.
    • If necessary, we will contact you to clarify the necessary details and configuration of the machine.
    • Our designers calculate the cost and development time.
    • We conclude a development agreement.
    • Constructors and designers develop the appearance of the machine.
    • After agreeing on the appearance of the machine, the body, product dispensing devices, and the necessary electronics are manufactured.
    • After all components have been manufactured, the machine is assembled and placed for testing/running.
    • Upon completion of a series of tests, the machine is packed and sent to you.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of basic questions for preparing a development task.

    ANNOUNCEMENT: we have developed a universal automatic robot (<< см. на другой страничке), который может продавать практически любой штучный товар от пушинки до нескольких кг!

    When you go to a supermarket, you will probably find at least one vending machine there. This type of equipment is very convenient - it can be used to sell goods and provide various services without hiring salespeople for this. The list of services that modern vending machines can provide is very wide. The production association MADE IN RUSSIA produces and sells various types of vending equipment designed for various needs.

    The production association MADE IN RUSSIA produces stainless steel vending equipment. We work on individual orders; you can order devices of all types, shapes, and sizes from us. The devices are equipped with anti-vandal housings, which eliminates the risk of their destruction. The possibility of money theft from a vending machine is also eliminated - all devices can be opened only with the help of special keys.

    Devices for automatic sale of goods and services

    Ready-made vending machines can be placed anywhere - in a store, office, train station, market. Since they are made from the most reliable materials, they are resistant to any external influences and beautiful at the same time.

    Vending machines to order

    The production association MADE IN RUSSIA produces equipment that allows you to sell goods and services automatically, without the participation of the seller. By contacting us, you can place an order for:

    • Retail equipment where you can buy coffee, cold drinks, food, snacks or other consumer goods;
    • Vending equipment for cleaning shoes, charging mobile phones, washing clothes, and other services of various nature;
    • Terminals where you can pay any types of bills for private and public companies or top up your account.

    The production association MADE IN RUSSIA undertakes the manufacture of vending equipment of any complexity. You can order devices from us wholesale and retail. Thanks to our significant production capacity and favorable location, we can quickly produce and quickly deliver any number of vending machines to any region of Russia and the CIS countries. If you have any questions, call our manager, he will conduct a free consultation for you.

    Please note that the reference information about products posted on this website does not constitute an offer; the availability and cost of equipment must be clarified with the company’s employees, who will be happy to advise you on choosing equipment and placing an order.
    The manufacturer reserves the right to change the appearance, technical characteristics and configuration of the product without notice.