Worm breeding products. Worm farming is a profitable business for agricultural enthusiasts. Breeding worms at home. How do worms reproduce?

Entrepreneurial activity for breeding worms is characterized by a high level of profitability and low capital costs. Among other things, you can even do this at home or in an apartment (by allocating just one room).

In addition to the fact that worms themselves are a product of sale, they can provide additional income as fertilizer and worm tea, which significantly accelerate the development of plants.

This idea will be especially interesting as an additional business for gardeners, poultry and fish farmers. This production will perfectly supplement agribusiness with useful humus, and poultry and fish farms will be supplied with healthy complementary foods at cost.

Advantages of a business idea with minimal investment

The economic justification for breeding worms at home is due to the clear advantages profitable business with minimal investment.

Benefits of breeding worms:

  1. Simplicity of the equipment used.
  2. High rate of reproduction of individuals.
  3. The presence of a high level of demand, as well as ample opportunities to open new sales points.
  4. Minor ongoing costs for care and feeding.
  5. Waste-free production.

In just one year, an entrepreneur can receive more than fifteen thousand individuals and up to one ton of fertilizers (with a nursery size of 2 m2). Having made simple calculations, you can see that the net profit from the sale of 15 thousand individuals will be about $700. In addition, profitability of this business can be increased by selling the collected ton of worm tea and humus. In today's economic situation, the profitability of breeding worms for humus production reaches 145%, which is an excellent indicator for such low initial costs.

Which worms are best for breeding?

Any type of worm can be used for breeding worms as a business. The most popular and cost-effective are the types presented below.


Appears to be a key competitor of California red worms. "Staratel" is distinguished by its high ability to quickly process biomass into fertilizers. Characterized by high activity. One of the advantages of breeding this species is its high resistance to temperature changes; it can withstand from +9 to +30 degrees.


Characterized by a high level of adaptation to environment, which makes it an excellent tool for making a profit even in a city apartment. The only drawback of this type of worm is its low reproductive activity, which, however, can be compensated experimentally.

California (red) worm

To effectively and profitably breed California red worms at home, you need to maintain (at least) three families, each of which contains a thousand individuals. This type characterized by whimsical eating (special food is required). Reacts sharply to temperature: the room should not be below +10. A distinctive advantage is high-quality humus.


This type of worm was specially bred by farmers as bait when fishing. Despite the low level of reproduction rate and life expectancy, dendrobena are quite large and fleshy. Also, worm cocoons are able to withstand temperatures down to -18 degrees, after which they are hatched at a positive temperature level. Excellent for soil improvement and, as a result, may be of interest to companies involved in agricultural activities.


The advantages of this type of worm lie in its distinctive characteristics for vermicultivation. Previously it served as the basis for breeding such species as the Prospector and the Red Californian worm. Based on the dung worm, a new population can be developed, characterized by greater gluttony, growth and reproduction speed, depending on the needs of customers.


Like the others, this type does not require any specialized knowledge and significant capital to build a profitable business process. Characterized by high speed reproduction and resistance to temperature changes.

Helpful advice! It is worth noting that the natural habitat of one type of worm can be destructive for other species. For example, if an earthworm and a dungworm live together, the earthworm dies. Since the waste products of a dung worm are toxic to others. Keeping all types separately will reinsure the business against losses.

Conditions for breeding worms

Worm care consists of the following:

  • loosening the soil;
  • maintaining the required temperature range;
  • timely feeding;
  • watering the soil.

Almost all types of worms do not present special conditions for feeding. The temperature level, as mentioned above, should not fall below +9 degrees and rise above +30. Worms love moisture, but don't overdo it. The soil moisture level should not exceed 85%.

After the population has grown, the “extra” individuals should be moved to another container. Otherwise, the worms will stop reproducing. Also, after increasing the level of compost in the soil with worms, it is necessary to loosen it. In the vast majority of cases, this is no more than twice a week. Correct and timely loosening of the soil makes it possible to provide insects with the necessary access to oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on their reproduction rate.

Ways to sell finished products

The worm farming business has a wide range of marketing opportunities. For example, after reaching a sufficient number of individuals, you can safely establish contacts with various pet stores, as well as fish farms. Moreover, the geography of implementation finished products is not limited solely to your own city of residence. Using the Internet, you can find websites of pet stores in other cities. IN Lately effective way The online store serves as a means of promoting the products sold.

To others, no less important method is direct sales in urban markets. One package of worms (thirty individuals) will cost on average $1-1.5.

As for humus and worm tea, this is an indispensable fertilizer for many gardeners and summer residents. By setting the average market price, you can quickly develop a significant customer base of retail buyers. You can find out more in this video.

Breeding worms at home can hardly be called a popular type of business. But the low barrier to entry, ease of cultivation and care, as well as the availability different sources sales indicates the prospects of organizing a vermifarm (a place where worms are grown).

You can make money by breeding worms at home in various ways of organizing a business:

  1. Sales through our own retail fishing outlets. Not every fisherman likes to pick in the ground in search of earthworms, and besides, today it is not so easy to find enough of them. Many people simply purchase bait at special points. One individual today costs 1-3 rubles, and for full-fledged fishing you need at least 30 worms.
  2. Sales to poultry and fish farms, pet stores for feeding. For fish and birds, live food must be present in the diet. Earthworms have great nutritional value. Therefore, farmers, for example those who breed, constantly purchase worms as feed, moreover, you can negotiate with them on periodic deliveries.
  3. Sale of breeding stock for those who want to breed worms at home.
  4. Production of vermicompost, which can be obtained as a result of the vital activity of worms. Vermicompost is a valuable organic fertilizer, the best nutrition for any plants. Buying vermicompost is interesting for both ordinary summer residents and large landowners, farmers, and those who are looking for ideas. Vermicompost can be collected every 4-6 weeks.
  5. Sale pharmaceutical companies for the production of medicines.
  6. Production and sale of vermicelli. Worm tea (vermic tea) is a product of the vital activity of worms and is a unique highly concentrated biohumate. Increases crop yields and has a protective effect on them.

How to breed worms for fishing at home

For some, fishing is a hobby, for others it is an opportunity to earn money. Particularly enterprising people organize a business for breeding worms at home. Today, wholesale breeding does not satisfy the demand for bait for fishing in any region of Russia.

Growing technology

Growing earthworms, earthworms or dung worms is easy and profitable; it does not require large investments, and you can start with small turnover, selling them for fishing to your friends and acquaintances. At the start, it is enough to know and obtain permits.

The main stages of growing earthworms at home:

  1. preparing a place for keeping;
  2. purchase of livestock, which should consist of adults, fry and cocoons;
  3. planting in the soil in a prepared “house”;
  4. worms reproduce, process compost, releasing useful substances during their life processes;
  5. collection of material for sale: adult specimens; top layer of vermicompost; worm tea.
  6. Adding compost with nutrients to start a new growing cycle.

Preparing the premises

For profitable breeding of worms at home, the main task is to create comfortable conditions for their reproduction. It should be a quiet place without noise or vibration.

When creating a place to keep them, it is not enough to simply pour soil into a box and launch the uterine colony there. You need to prepare the soil in which earthworms will live using a special method, which involves dividing it into three parts:

  1. in the upper part there is a feeding area, which should be enriched with organic matter;
  2. earthworms live in the middle;
  3. in the lower part, during life processes, processed products will accumulate - valuable vermicompost and worm tea.

The rate of reproduction will largely depend on temperature conditions. Sudden changes can lead to mortality. The permissible air temperature for breeding worms at home is +15 - +25°C.

Advice: Earthworms reproduce very quickly, so it is recommended to prepare reserve boxes for replanting them.

Purchase of equipment

A vermifer farm at home as a business involves purchasing a minimum set of equipment and inventory:

  • soil parameter meter;
  • thermometer for measuring air temperature;
  • sieve;
  • scales;
  • shovel, scoop;
  • boxes, racks;
  • buckets, etc.

As you can see, no high-tech equipment is required. It’s worth thinking about if you’re looking for a business idea without investment, analyzing the options and wondering: ?

Preparing a nursery - a place for growing worms

To grow worms at home, it is customary to use several types of containers:

  • Wooden box. It is knocked down from boards with a thickness of 2.5 centimeters. Recommended parameters: length – 2 meters, width – 1 meter and height – 0.5 meters. Cover the box with a plywood lid. You need to install it with a slight slope and a hole under which you need to place a tray for collecting worm tea.
  • Old refrigerator. The structure is installed with the door facing up at a slight slope. All shelves and drawers of such a refrigerator are thrown away. Small openings are needed in walls and doors for ventilation.
  • Cardboard box. An excellent and easiest option for beginners. Recommended size is 40x30 centimeters. Such containers allow air to pass through, are very easy to use, and earthworms feed on pieces of cardboard. After one of the boxes has become damp and very thin, pour the contents into a new one.
  • Plastic box. The sizes can be any, the main thing is to provide air access so that the earthworm does not suffocate. To do this, you need to make holes in the lid and walls, as well as slits at the bottom for collecting vermicelli.
  • Specialized vermicomposter. A device for growing worms and processing organic waste. Its cost starts from 12 thousand rubles. A very convenient device for breeding worms at home.

But in practice, even experienced entrepreneurs use homemade containers for growing. As you can see, organizing a place does not require large expenses. A more expensive option is .

Soil selection

Many factors depend on the choice of soil - the life activity of worms, their reproduction rate. Therefore, soil preparation must be treated with special care:

  • fill half the box for breeding earthworms at home with humus, you can add pieces of shredded cardboard;
  • the mixture should be 70-80% moist, and this level must be maintained constantly throughout the entire life process;
  • after a couple of days, make a hole in the prepared container and place the family of worms with the soil in which they lived before;
  • level the ground and cover with a cardboard lid;
  • a couple of days after adaptation, you can add food.

Constantly check the acidity level using a special device. The acceptable level is 6.5-7.5 pH.

Advice: if the acidity decreases every day, it can be increased by adding sawdust or plant tops to the soil. If, on the contrary, the acidity level increases, it must be reduced with chalk, limestone or crushed chicken egg shells.

Periodically inspect your worm farm; several dead individuals are an alarm signal, which may indicate that the conditions provided are not suitable for earthworms.

Preparing the food supply

Each type of worm has its own characteristics in the selection of food. But there are general rules which should be followed. Earthworms feed on various wastes, rotten or dead excess organic matter.

  • citrus;
  • meat surplus;
  • undiluted kefir;
  • large unchopped peelings of vegetables and fruits, peels or cores (must be chopped before use);
  • fresh manure (since it generates heat, it can raise the soil temperature to 70°C).

What you can feed:

  • crushed peelings - potato remains, cabbage leaves, banana peels;
  • boiled vegetables or fruits;
  • food waste;
  • bread crumbs;
  • water used to rinse a dairy can;
  • leftover coffee, tea leaves;
  • straw, grass;
  • manure that has already fermented and will not warm the soil.

Feed should be introduced after the remains of the old one are completely eaten. An excessive amount will lead to increased acidity.

California worms: breeding at home

California worms are the result of selection by American scientists. They began to be grown in 1959. About 500 pieces can be grown per year from one individual, but this requires optimal conditions.

California red worms differ significantly from their “wild” relatives:

  1. omnivorous;
  2. gluttony, which leads to rapid waste processing;
  3. high reproduction rate;
  4. unpretentiousness.

The California worm feeds on any organic waste. When purchasing this species, carefully inspect what is offered - adult specimens must be mobile and have a red color.

A full-fledged breeding stock consists of 1.5 thousand individuals. California worms are fed with fallen leaves, vegetable peelings, cardboard, paper, straw, bird droppings and manure.

  1. You cannot water the soil with water that contains chlorine, as it is a real poison for the California worm. Therefore, it is better to take rainwater. If the water is chlorinated, it must be left for three days - during this time the harmful chlorine will evaporate.
  2. You cannot fertilize the soil with fresh, unfermented manure or old droppings (more than three years old);
  3. Combine organic waste in heaps; after 1-3 months they rot.

It is better to start breeding California worms at home as a business in the warm season. 3 families populate 1 m³; after two months you can select worms. This should be done in the following way: do not feed them for 2-3 days, then sprinkle the top layer with fresh compost up to 10 centimeters in size. After a day, the top layer can be removed. As a rule, 60-80% of all individuals end up at the top, leaving only young people and cocoons at the bottom.

Where to buy California worms

The breeding stock of Californian worms is:

  1. Adults – 15-20%;
  2. Fry – 65-75%;
  3. Cocoons 10-15%.

It is easier and cheaper to buy red California worm on the Internet. There are a lot of message boards and websites of such companies. Place an order and a stock of breeding stock will be formulated for you, which will fit in cardboard box. Both adults and fry tolerate such transportation well, and a supply of food for 10 days is also included in the box.

You can also purchase this species on vermifarms, subsidiary farms. The cost of one box with 20,000 individuals varies between 3-4 thousand rubles.

If the start-up costs for organizing a vermifarm seem prohibitive for you, take an interest.

Video: breeding California worms

Breeding Prospector worms at home

The prospector differs from earthworms in its higher activity and speed of processing the food supply. From 1 ton of substrate, about 600 kilograms of vermicompost can be obtained with the help of a prospector. The increase in biomass is about 10 kilograms.

The life expectancy of a Prospector is about 15 years. It begins to reproduce after 90 days of its life and does this every week. The prospector is bisexual (hermaphrodite) and reproduces through cross-fertilization. As a result, from 3 to 15 worms are born from each young individual at a time after 2-3 weeks (depending on the quality of the substrate and temperature conditions).

Before purchasing a Prospector, prepare a place to keep it. These can be boxes from 0.5 to 1 m³ in capacity with a side height of 35-40 centimeters.

In order to raise a Prospector at home, you can equip a garage, barn or a small extension heated during the cold season. The temperature should be 16-24°C. The cost of the Prospector does not differ from the price of the California worm and is 3-4 thousand rubles. for 20,000 individuals.

Carrying out sales of worms

For successful implementation business project for breeding worms at home, it is important to establish distribution channels. Ask any store that sells fishing products where they buy worms from. Most of them order them from another region and are forced to overpay for transportation. There are only a few regions in Russia in which the worm breeding business is established (Moscow and Sverdlovsk regions).

The annual sales turnover of California worms, Prospector and other species is approximately 600 thousand rubles.

You can make sales:

  • by opening your own retail outlet;
  • by concluding a long-term contract for periodic deliveries in a store where fishing products are presented;
  • on the Internet by posting an ad on a business bulletin board.

You can sell vermicompost to subsidiary farms. For example, products may be of interest to owners.

Worm breeding as a business: reviews

I don’t know how it is now, but I remember the birth of this business in the 90s: money was tight for everyone then, and our Trudovik from a vocational school organized such a farm in the back room of the school itself (the director knew this, but turned a blind eye). We all went there as if on an excursion. I don’t know what his turnover was then, but the entire team occupied him until payday. He constantly tinkered with the worms, made the correct slopes, and measured the temperature. True, since he was advised to add shells to the soil, he did so, but did not know that they needed to be crushed. As a result, most of the worms simply cut themselves, there was no Internet with useful information and reviews. In any case, it was through worms that he got his start, and now he is a successful businessman.

I would not say that there is a huge demand for worms, as some people write in the reviews. True, on summer days it increases significantly. I not only breed worms, I also have a point selling fishing goods - I sell worms there.

I breed worms in the basement of my house. At first I sold them to trade tent near the entrance to a paid lake for fishing, now there is already a regular circle of clients - they come to see me. As a result, I get a good increase in my pension.

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Breeding worms at home as a business does not require large start-up investments or experience. By purchasing several thousand worms, spending on food supply and equipment for a mini-farm, within a year you can increase production several times over. On average, the income of small vermifarms in Russia is about 30-180 thousand rubles. per month. This figure can be doubled if you approach the planning process wisely, provide proper care and establish regular sales channels.

In contact with

For a long time, people have known that a good and rich landowner is considered to be one who cultivated and tilled the soil that produced a good and rich harvest. In the past century, the lands of Russia were on the verge of depletion due to the use of mineral fertilizers, but nowadays organic farming is slowly beginning to develop.

One of the most fertile soils is one that is rich in animal and plant waste and, as a rule, earthworms make it so. Thanks to them, all organic matter is processed, the soil becomes fertile and turns into humus. In the West, scientists even breed special breeds of worms that cultivate the soil and reproduce more efficiently. All this allows us to consider earthworm breeding as a business for the village, which does not require special efforts and investments. At the beginning, take care of drawing up a business plan.

Types of worms that are best to use

Absolutely any type of worm is suitable for your own home worm farm. You can focus on the most popular varieties. These include: the common earthworm, the California red worm and the prospector worm.

An ordinary earthworm adapts well to any terrain; a closed farm does not become a particular problem for them. Worms of this species reproduce quickly, but also have their drawbacks; their vital activity is much lower than that of more purebred representatives of other species.

A fairly popular species is the Californian red worm. The main thing when purchasing this species is to ensure that the individuals are particularly active and have a rich reddish tint. It is recommended to immediately acquire breeding stock of 1,500 individuals. One to three families are required per cubic meter of soil. The main features of this species are rapid reproduction and unpretentiousness to food; these worms produce high-quality vermicompost. They must be diluted at temperatures above +10 degrees.

The high activity of the prospector makes this type of worm quite popular among its fellows. The prospector processes the necessary food efficiently, quickly gains biomass, and is good and unpretentious about temperature changes. One thousand kilograms of substrate will yield up to sixty percent vermicompost.

If you decide to make money by breeding and selling earthworms, then it is better to choose the last two species - the prospector worm and the Californian red worm; they are more popular among modern farmers.

Choosing a room for breeding earthworms

An earthworm breeding business can be built without much effort. For example, even choosing a room for a vermifarm will not be difficult.

The most important thing is that the area meets all the needs of an entrepreneur who decides to start a worm business. It is recommended to breed worms in a well-heated area.

A garage or cellar is well suited to such an area. If this is not done, then the worms will hibernate in the cold season, at temperatures below +4 degrees, and you can forget about breeding earthworms at this time.

Breeding earthworms, as a year-round business, recommends choosing larger areas. The main thing is to calculate the territory taking into account the natural reproduction of these individuals. On large vermifarms their number reaches up to millions of individuals.

Worm boxes

Breeding earthworms at home can be done in homemade boxes. This is very convenient; depending on the volume, you can choose the required size in each specific case. Let's consider several options:

  • Wooden box. Such a box can be made from boards that are at least 2.5 centimeters thick. The optimal size of the box is 1x2x0.5 m. A hole must be drilled in the bottom, and the box itself must be installed at an angle on wooden blocks. This ensures the outflow of fluid. To protect against rodents, it is recommended to line the box with tin tape. The lid should be made of boards or plywood; the main thing is not to forget to make holes in it for good air circulation.
  • Plastic container. This type of box is well suited for an established entrepreneur. Plastic containers come at a cost and if you fail at raising earthworms, it won't be a pleasant experience to lose. own funds. When choosing such “housing” for worms, it is necessary to ensure complete breathability and drainage of liquid. Drill holes around the entire perimeter of the container and along the surface of the lid.
  • An old refrigerator is perfect for seeding worms. The internal contents are removed and the unit is installed with the lid facing up. Also, as in previous options, it is necessary to make holes for air circulation. Such a box should be installed with a slight inclination on wooden blocks.
  • Cardboard box. This version of the nursery box is perfect for novice businessmen. Cardboard is an environmentally friendly material, therefore, worms can eat it and develop fully. The only drawback of such a box is its fragility. Over time, the cardboard begins to become damp and worms feed on it. But the solution to this problem will be another box.
  • The most expensive, but also the most convenient is the vermicomposter. This device was created specifically for growing worms, it is equipped with everything necessary and is sold by specialized companies.

The main secrets of the worm business

Making money from breeding and selling earthworms is quite simple if you follow all the recommendations and adhere to the necessary rules. For example, you need to take into account the characteristics of the habitat of worms in wild natural areas, where the soil is divided into three main layers.

The first “level” of soil has an abundance of organic waste products of the plant and animal environment - this layer serves as a place for feeding and eating. In the lower layer, waste products of worms accumulate, that is, humus and the so-called worm tea. The middle layer is the most comfortable habitat; it is in it that the bulk of individuals accumulate.

What soil is preferable to use for breeding worms?

The activity of worms, their speed of reproduction and processing of organic waste directly depends on the quality of the soil. It is important to follow the rules when breeding earthworms:

  • It is recommended to fill the container halfway with humus, and do not add a large number of cardboard, which is chopped into small particles;
  • humidity should be at the level of seventy to eighty percent;
  • after a couple of days, having made small holes in the soil, transplant the worms with part of the soil in which they lived before moving into the box;
  • After this procedure, it is necessary to carefully level the soil and moisten it. Then it is recommended to cover the box with cardboard and wait a few days;
  • After the worms have successfully taken root and acclimatized in their new “home,” you can begin to feed them.

In order to find out whether individuals will take root in the new soil or not, transplant them fifty worms into small containers. This way you can see if the acidity of the soil is suitable for your pets.

The most optimal acidity level is from 6.5 to 7.5 pH. If you notice several dead worms, this is a signal that the acidity has changed.

To improve performance, you can use sawdust or ordinary straw. Tops from plants also work well.

If increased acidity is observed, it is recommended to reduce it. In such cases, add chalk, ground eggshells or limestone to the soil.

Worm food

To breed earthworms, it is recommended to prepare certain food, namely a compost heap.

Such food is prepared from waste human food; shells, waste from vegetable and fruit crops, tea leaves, coffee grounds, flour products, etc. are perfect here. different types grass, leaves and of course manure.

The finished feed mixture must be laid in a thick layer on top of the soil. The layer should be approximately ten centimeters thick. It is recommended to feed the worms once a week. In order to determine whether they have enough food or not, newspaper or any other paper is placed on top of the fresh layer of their food, which must first be wetted. When the worms begin to absorb this paper, it means it is necessary to update the fresh portion of food.

Reproduction of worms

The worms reach sexual maturity at the age of two to three months, then regularly every week for four months, lay their offspring in the form of cocoons. Cocoons ripen in approximately two to three weeks, then up to twenty individuals can emerge from one deposit, which after two to three months already give birth to their offspring. Consequently, after just five to six months, the number of individuals in the nursery increases fiftyfold.

In the case when there are more than fifty adult worms per liter of soil in the nursery, it is recommended to move to another box or start selling the product and make the first profit. If you do not do this, the worms will stop reproducing and laying offspring.

Sales of finished products

It is recommended to sort worms after five to six months. To do this, the top layer of soil is removed and set aside, then the middle layer of worm habitat is removed from the nursery and the humus is removed in the same way. After the work has been done, the most important thing begins - sorting the worms. Mature individuals, as a rule, go on sale or are embarked on further business expansion.

As for the small ones, they return back to the seedling boxes for further growth and development. Once sorting is completed, worm breeding can continue. It happens that a novice businessman is not entirely clear where he can sell his “freshly baked” product.

  • Of course, fishing. Almost every businessman who is planning to breed worms comes to mind with this method of selling goods. Since the worm is one of the most common types of bait, it is a great seller in the fishing industry. This may seem like a rather stupid idea to many, but in fact it is far from true. In modern world great amount fishermen, but practically none of them are eager to dig in the ground, but give their preference fishing shops, where you can purchase the required amount of worm bait. It is to such stores that earthworm breeding entrepreneurs supply their goods.
  • Pet stores. This is a goldmine for people who raise worms. In shops this kind worms are quite in demand. They are in demand for feeding fish, birds and other inhabitants of pet stores.
  • Fish farms. In such places, all fish are grown artificially, therefore, worms are a kind of delicacy for fish. Such enterprises are wholesale buyers similar type of food.
  • Sales of humus. This waste product of worms is the main fertilizer for growing any crop. The sale of humus can be organized for summer residents, gardening organizations, or used for your own garden.
  • Worm "tea". This liquid is practically the most valuable and in demand in the entire worm breeding culture. To collect this liquid, a special hole is made in the “home” of the worms. In the modern world, the demand for environmentally friendly fertilizers is growing - worm “tea” is one of them.

How much can you earn from farming earthworms?

Over the course of one year of work with earthworm breeding, approximately twenty thousand individuals and more than one ton of humus emerge from two square meters of a nursery. One worm costs on average two rubles apiece, therefore, a year comes out to forty thousand rubles, excluding the cost of humus, worm “tea” and large seedling areas.

Taking into account waste-free production and minimum costs for breeding earthworms as a business - economic efficiency reaches impressive sizes.

Read more: Greenhouse business

Fishing enthusiasts know well that an indispensable condition for a good bite is the right bait, which today can be purchased in specialized stores. Professionals use Californian worms for this purpose. However, not everyone knows that they can be used not only as bait.

Earthworms: varieties

Worms are the most common type of invertebrate animals. Their habitat excludes only Antarctica. There are many species and subspecies of these creatures.

Depending on behavior in the natural habitat, biologists distinguish three types:

  • Epigeic.
  • Endogeic.
  • Anecic.

Worms that belong to the latter type live on the surface of the soil. They dig burrows only vertically and feed on organic matter. The activity of this category immediately fades away if it moves from its usual habitat. This is why they are difficult to breed. This type of worm plays an extremely important role in the process of soil formation. Their practical use is limited to soil formation. They can also be used as fishing bait.

The second type of worms live in soil rich in minerals. They require less organic matter to support their life. They dig holes horizontally, but do not like to be on the surface. They process the soil and thereby saturate it with various nutrients, and also enrich it with oxygen.

Epigeic worms tolerate artificial living conditions well, so they are most often used for breeding for economic gain. This type of worm prefers the top layer of soil, rich in organic matter. They thrive in the remains of bark, trees and leaves. The conditions for breeding the California worm provide for a number of subtle points.

Worm breeding business

To understand the basics of worm breeding, you must first understand the main concepts used by professionals. Compost is a fertilizer made from organic waste. It is obtained with the participation of microorganisms. The most common sources for the production of this fertilizer are manure, peat, foliage and bird droppings. The product of compost processing by earthworms is called vermicompost. The California worm can be used at home to improve the quality of fertilizers.

Worm breeding: main areas of activity

One of the main directions of the California worm breeding business is the creation of vermicompost. This product is in high demand both among farmers and private households. This type of fertilizer is in demand even abroad. Agree, there is something to think about if you are planning to expand your business in this area. Vermicompost today is quite profitable investment investments.


This fertilizer is actively used for growing various vegetable crops. This applies not only to greenhouse vegetables, but also to root vegetables, such as carrots or potatoes. When using vermicompost, you can increase productivity by 40%. Vermicompost is incredibly effective when growing berries such as wild strawberries. This fertilizer is in high demand today. This means that you can make a good business selling it. Importers of vermicompost are currently quite rich countries, such as the United Arab Emirates.

The use of this fertilizer makes it possible to obtain high yields several times a year even in fairly aggressive climatic conditions. High-quality fertilizer is valued. Today they can offer about $2,000 for a ton of products. Of course, in Europe it does not cost so much, but the price of 600 euros is also quite good. This means that with the right approach you can make good money selling vermicompost. In order to not only get into this market, but also to gain a foothold in it, you will have to try hard.

Economic expediency

This review mainly discusses how to breed California worms. First of all, you should study the main advantages of using this type from an economic point of view.

Many believe that Californian worms have some incredible characteristics that distinguish them from other varieties. It is believed that they can live 15-16 years. This is wrong. Life expectancy is exactly the same as that of their domestic relatives, and the maximum is 6 years. There is also an opinion that Californian worms are able to survive in extreme temperatures (from 2 to 40 degrees). This is also not true: worms begin to die when it gets below 4 degrees outside, and in hot climate conditions above 35, they lose activity. However, despite the huge amount of unreliable information, this type has certain advantages.

Positive points

TO real advantages, which distinguish Californian worms, can be attributed to the fact that they remain active even in the cold season. It is also worth emphasizing the compactness of populations and the high level of reproduction compared to simple earthworms. Here the numbers indicated in the advertisement do not lie at all. So there are obvious advantages to using this type.


Why are California worms so good? Breeding at home usually takes place on the territory of a simple garden plot. In this case, this work can be a good source of additional income. To properly breed worms, it is necessary to organize activities in a certain way and strictly follow directions. Let's consider the main features of creating a business within a private sector.

How to breed worms in your summer cottage?

Many people today are interested in such a topic as breeding Californian worms. Households will be quite sufficient to start this type of business. You must first purchase adult worms or fry. Here everything mostly depends on your financial situation. For breeding on the site, it is necessary to prepare a square-shaped pit. Its depth should reach approximately 70 cm, and its dimensions should be one meter by one meter. To prevent the worms from spreading to the rest of the dacha community, the lower part of the pit is covered with boards and compacted well. After this, the nutrient medium is dumped into the pit. To obtain vermicompost, worms should be extracted. It takes several weeks for them to process the nutrient medium.

Extraction means adding a layer of substrate and loosening it. The worms will then crawl out to the top layer. This saturated material must then be transferred to a new pit to continue the vermicompost cycle. On average it takes approximately 3-4 weeks. The compost processed in this way is sifted and dried. In this form it can be sold. At the same time, the worms can calmly continue their work in the next pit.

What is the substrate made from?

Any waste on hand is suitable for this purpose: straw, paper, tops, organic filler. This mass must be placed near the worm pit and watered with liquid manure. Loosen the substrate once every two weeks.

The California worm, whose photo is probably familiar to many, has a special investment appeal. It is not required for breeding large investments. It is enough to show a little patience and interest in this activity. After all, not everyone will like to deal with unpleasant odors and creatures crawling in the ground.

Industrial breeding

When it comes to preparing vermicompost in large volumes, a number of nuances arise. If for private farming you need Californian worms in a volume of 10-20 thousand individuals, then industrial scale Usually a population of at least a million is taken. Also in this case, you will need a room with an area of ​​10 to 15 square meters, with artificial lighting and a constant temperature of 15 to 30 degrees. It is also desirable that the room have a natural water supply system. Special attention You should also pay attention to protection from rodents. To accommodate worm colonies, you will need to organize shelving.


California worm farming is profitable business, which has a number of features. Despite what he demands minimum investment, you will still need some degree of preparation and a desire to be directly involved in the production process itself.

Choose the optimal location and environment. If you don't mind living near crawling critters, the basement of your home can be one of the most optimal places for worms to live. A warm, dark, dry environment is best. At the same time, the worms are quite hardy and can withstand temperatures from 4 to 27 degrees Celsius. While the environment should be moist, it shouldn't be too wet, so make sure it won't get rain. Also, make sure that the worms are protected from direct sunlight. If you arrange the container well enough, they will be able to survive in lower temperatures, but you should not deprive them of care.

Build a container for your new pets. This doesn't require anything special. If you can't make one yourself, buy a ready-made one, there are a wide variety of worm bins on the market, from plastic to wooden. Wood is considered the optimal material, as it absorbs some of the moisture and is a good insulating substance, unlike plastic, in which the compost can get wet. Chances are you have some stuff around the house that you can use, like old toy boxes or dresser drawers. Anything that can hold a sufficient amount of filling will do. You will need to drill holes in the bottom to allow moisture to escape. If the water is not removed properly, the worms can easily drown.

Prepare a good mixture to fill the worm container. Crumpled newspapers are an excellent material; Crumpled cardboard, leaves, and other yard debris also work well. A couple of shovels of soil is enough. Worms need some dirt as tough material to digest their food. Use a variety of filling materials; the worms will have more fun, the amount of excrement they excrete will confirm this. Make sure that whatever filling you use is organic, such as paper, and non-toxic. Wet it and squeeze it out so it's a little damp but not wet. Fill the container about 3/4 full and keep it loose so there is enough room for the worms to get oxygen as well as for any bad odors to evaporate.

Select the type of worms for your new venture. This essentially means that you should decide on the type of clients to whom you will supply the worms. Large, thick night crawlers, such as Canadian mammoths, are suitable for fishing. They do not build a large number of mounds, like, for example, red worms. Red worms, on the other hand, are excellent for creating compost, which is considered a good standard fertilizer by agricultural farmers. By searching online, you can find good suppliers and choose exactly what you need.

Load the container with worms, keeping an eye on the ratio of worms to litter volume. Golden Rule in this matter, the ratio of worms to daily food is 2:1. If you have approximately 2 thousand night crawls, then your container should be quite spacious.

Feed the worms daily. A family of four typically produces enough food waste to feed the worms daily. Any type of food is suitable, with the exception of meat, dairy, excessively fatty and grain products. These products are smelly and attract flies. You better not deal with them. Coffee grounds work great; it has sufficient weight and is inexpensive as a food source. Eggshells are no less good. These substances tend to absorb moisture, so by using them you create a good environment and get quality fertilizer in return. Peelings and cores of vegetables and fruits - too a good option. You can also throw in crumpled, soaked newspapers.

Place worm food in one corner of the container. The worms will crawl and eat her. There is no need to scatter food throughout the container. Once the container is filled with excrement and good compost, you can move the worms to a new container and start over. And in your hands you will have a good product for sale. As the worms multiply, they will also need more space. You can drill a hole in the side of both containers and connect them together with a plastic pipe. The end of the pipe attached to the container where the worms are currently living should be closed. When you need to move the worms, simply open this end of the tube and fill the second container with food. The worms will begin to migrate there. This is a longer process, but it is simpler, less labor intensive and more accurate. Thus, you are the owner of a profitable business.