Our advice on how to open a fishing store. Fishing store from scratch. Is it worth opening and how soon will it pay off? Online sales forecast for fishing products

Selling fishing products is a rather specific business. Consumer demand in this market segment is formed by a certain group of buyers. If you can take advantage of people's love for fishing, the business will bring excellent profits. detailed instructions How to open a fishing store from scratch, proposed in this article, will become a kind of guide to action for beginners and will help them continue on the straight path to success.

Registration of activities

Before you open a fishing goods store from scratch, you need to formalize your business activity. Without a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will not be able to enter into contracts with suppliers.

If you are planning to open a small fishing store, all you need to do is register an individual entrepreneur. You will spend 5 working days and approximately 800 rubles on paperwork. The optimal tax regime for such a trading enterprise is single tax, since its size does not depend on revenue, but on the area of ​​the sales floor.

Selecting a location

If you decide to open a fishing goods store, you need to take into account that most of your future customers are men, so it is advisable that it be located near a car market or in the city center. Another option is a retail outlet near the road at the exit of the city. You can also rent a small department or a separate room in a shopping center.

The main requirements that the premises must meet:

  • Convenient access;
  • Good maneuverability;
  • Availability of parking.

If we talk about area, the best option is 80–100 square meters. meters. You shouldn’t buy a property right away, because you don’t know how sales will go in the future. Renting it will provide you with the necessary mobility.

Beginning entrepreneurs often ask questions about this market segment. The answer is simple - start with hawker trading at the market and gradually develop your business. In time, when it comes together required amount, you can rent a small stall near a car shop or market. This is the most the best option without investing large amounts of capital in it.

Store equipment

In terms of purchasing equipment, a fishing store is practically no different from other retail outlets. In addition to regular shelves and racks, you need to purchase special stands for fishing rods and spinning rods. For small goods - hooks, baits, etc., you will need a closed display case.

To figure out how much it costs to open a fishing store from scratch, you need to calculate the costs of purchasing goods and equipment.

To work you will need:

  1. Glass closed display case – 20 thousand rubles;
  2. Open shelving – 15 thousand rubles;
  3. Shelves – 15 thousand rubles;
  4. Rack for clothes – 10 thousand rubles;
  5. Stands for fishing rods – 8 thousand rubles;
  6. Cash register – 10 thousand rubles.

In general, you will have to pay 78 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment.


As mentioned above, the main buyers in fishing stores are representatives of the stronger sex, so it is desirable that behind the counter there is a man who cannot live without fishing. How many salespeople are needed depends on the size of the store and its operating hours. For example, if your retail outlet is 40 sq. meters, will work seven days a week, you can hire two salespeople who will work during the week.

You also need to hire a cleaner and an accountant. If you understand financial reporting, you can do your own bookkeeping. But do not forget that you will have to constantly monitor the operation of the store, replenish the range and find new suppliers, so it is best to outsource your accounting.

Product range

When forming the assortment of a fishing store, it is necessary to take into account its area. First of all, you need to purchase products that you cannot do without when fishing:
  • Hooks;
  • Fishing line;
  • Baits;
  • Groundbait;
  • Spinning rods and more.

To attract more customers, you should also include the following product groups in your assortment:

  • Clothing (thermal underwear, raincoats, camouflages, etc.);
  • Furniture (folding chairs for fishermen, carp chairs, etc.);
  • Boats;
  • Tents and air mattresses;
  • Dishes;
  • Sunglasses, waterproof bags and other accessories.

At first, the number of items in the assortment will not exceed 7–8 thousand. In just 3–5 years it can grow to 20 thousand. Do not buy low-quality Chinese goods low prices. Real fishermen know brands well, so they won't visit yours. outlet, if you make an assortment of cheap Chinese products.

Financial investments

We have come to the most important question, how much does it cost to open a fishing store? Such a startup will require large financial investments from you. The biggest expense item is the first purchase of goods. To include boats and motors in the range, you will need approximately 1 million rubles. You can meet a smaller amount if you implement this. But even in this case, you won’t be able to get by with 200-300 thousand rubles, since spinning rods, camouflage clothing, tents and other fishing goods are quite expensive. Let's calculate how much money it takes to open a fishing store:

  • Registration – 20 thousand rubles;
  • Repair and design of the premises - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​150 thousand rubles;
  • First purchase of goods – 1 million rubles;
  • Advertising – 20 thousand rubles;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 110 thousand rubles.

In total, in order to implement this, you will need 1.5 million rubles.

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Now let's try to figure out whether it is profitable to open a fishing store? The profitability of such a business depends on the number of customers, the amount of the average purchase and the markup on the product. The most important thing in this matter is to choose a middle ground. A small markup can lead to losses, while a large markup will scare away customers. Inexpensive goods, such as fishing line, hooks, bait, etc., can be sold with a 100% markup. For more expensive items, you should not add more than 50% to the purchase price. On average, the markup on a product should be approximately 65%. If you purchase goods worth 1 million rubles, you can earn 650 thousand rubles from it.

It is very difficult to accurately calculate profit for a month or a year, so let’s turn to statistics. According to the latest research, every avid fisherman spends about 6 thousand rubles a year on his hobby. If 200 thousand people live in your city, 40 thousand of them can become your clients. Let’s say there are already six fishing shops in the city. This means that there are about 6.5 thousand customers per outlet. Each of them will make purchases worth 6 thousand rubles in a year. If you carry out simple calculations, you can understand that a fishing store can bring in up to 40 million rubles in profit per year. This is more than 3 million per month.

Competition in this market segment is not too high, but it is still present. If you want your business to bring good profits, before opening a fishing goods store from scratch, read the advice of experienced entrepreneurs who have been involved in this business for a long time:

Fishing traditionally remains one of men's favorite pastimes. Men are always ready to spend money on their car and hobbies. Give them this opportunity by opening a fishing supply store. The costs will pay off pretty quickly.

Fishing remains a favorite pastime for men at all times. The statement is so obvious that the thought of starting a fishing tackle business seems natural.

Let's look into the details of opening a fishing store and find out what needs to be paid to Special attention, what difficulties are possible and what costs will be needed when organizing this business.

Classifying business

Before we talk about organizing a fishing store, let’s decide what level of business we want to develop. This is, in fact, the main question that you need to answer yourself.

It depends on the answer, we will limit ourselves small department in the “Sporting Goods” store or we will open a large specialized fishing supermarket, in which the client will find absolutely everything for fishing and more. The choice will depend on the volume of investment, the area of ​​the premises, the number and composition of personnel, the range of goods - everything that will be encountered when organizing a store.

You can profess another principle: trade only in the products of one or two of the most interesting manufacturing companies. In this case, you can conclude direct contracts for the supply of goods and ensure the most attractive prices.

The fishing supermarket, already mentioned, will bring together specialized retail outlets with various fishing equipment under one roof.

Business registration. Permits

So, the choice has been made, and you imagine your future store in detail. Before you start organizing a business, you need to register the chosen organizational and legal form of your enterprise. You will have to choose between individual entrepreneurs and LLCs (see “”).

An individual entrepreneur has advantages: registration and accounting are easier. Taxation system - UTII or (if not possible) simplified tax system 15% - the difference between income and expenses. OKVED code in this case is 52.48.23 “Retail trade in sporting goods, fishing equipment...”

After registration and rental (purchase) of premises, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor.

Premises for a fishing store

The principle of choosing a store location is usual for retail trade: places with the maximum flow of people, near bus stops public transport, car parks, etc.

You can stop at a department in a shopping center or a small store on the ground floor of a residential building. It all depends on your desire and the scale of the intended trade. The store area must be sufficient to conveniently accommodate the planned product range. The product must be laid out and visible to the buyer. The minimum area of ​​a fishing store should be 80-90 square meters. m.

Market analysis

Fishing gear is not a consumer product, but this group has its own regular customer. According to statistics, there are about 80 thousand fishermen per 1,000,000 population who periodically become clients of fishing tackle stores.

If each of them spends about 4,000 rubles during the season, then the total income of trading companies will be about 320 million rubles. The figure, you see, is considerable. But it's not that simple.

Another statement: in order for the store’s income to be about 4 million rubles. per year, there should be one store for every 1,000 potential customers. You can count the number of fishing stores in your city and determine for yourself how promising such a business is.

Formation of store assortment

The store can combine an assortment of fishing goods with a variety of travel accessories. It is quite natural that there will be a proximity of fishing rods, floats, hooks, spinners with barbecues, tents, furniture for tourists and even inflatable boats. We divided all goods into three groups and indicated their share in the total volume of goods:

  • Basic (fishing rods, spinning rods) – 60%.
  • Additional (bait, floats, fishing line, hooks, etc.) – 30%.
  • Related (equipment, travel goods, clothing, shoes, etc.) – 10%.

Pricing in a fishing store

The markups on fishing equipment are quite decent and depend on the group of goods. Thus, goods of the main group are sold with a markup from 25% to 75%, which depends on the product. The markup on consumable goods is about 100%. The maximum markup (200%-300%), as a rule, is for products from world-famous manufacturers.

It is clear that with significant sales volumes, the profitability of such a store will be very high. Serious attention must be paid to the supply of goods. These should be serious, reliable wholesale companies or representative offices of manufacturers with a large assortment and high quality products.

Store staff

The store will sell a specialized assortment, which the seller, at a minimum, should be well versed in. It would be better if the sellers themselves turn out to be fishing enthusiasts and can talk substantively with buyers.

To communicate with male buyers, of course, a female salesperson is preferable, but it is unlikely that she will be well versed in the product and will be able to advise the buyer. Therefore, we can focus on several young men who are well acquainted with this topic. A small retail outlet will require 3-4 sellers.

Some features of preparing premises and trade

The premises must be well renovated. Retail store equipment choose so that the goods can be arranged as conveniently as possible for the buyer. Display large equipment separately. For small consumables, you will need special counters with small drawers, as well as display cases on which various fishing accessories can be displayed.

Trade equipment must be designed in the same style. Arrange the goods in such a way that it is convenient for both the buyer and the seller to navigate in search of what they need.

Economics of a fishing store. Business payback

Funds for opening a store:

  • Rent of premises, for the first month – 90 thousand rubles.
  • Repair of the premises, lighting, fire equipment - 160 thousand rubles.
  • Trade equipment (display cases, racks, counters, shelves) – 110 thousand rubles.
  • Working capital (purchase of goods) – 450 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising costs (signboard, posters, flyers) – 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 830 thousand rubles.

Opening a store will therefore require 830 thousand rubles. The amount is considerable, but given the high profitability, it can be returned quite quickly. With average trade margin 100% initial purchase will bring income of 900 thousand rubles.

Summary statement of annual expenses of a fishing store with an area of ​​80 square meters. m. (including costs of opening a store):

  • Rent of premises 1,080 thousand rubles.
  • Repairs, lighting, fire extinguishers 160 thousand rubles.
  • Trade equipment 110 thousand rubles.
  • Working capital (purchase of goods) 1,500 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising 50 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salaries are 720 thousand rubles.
  • Utility costs 120 thousand rubles.
  • Administrative and other expenses 120 thousand rubles.

Total: 3,860 thousand rubles.

The annual sales volume (based on a monthly 400 thousand rubles) will be 4,800 thousand rubles. Net profit for the year will be about 1 million rubles, and the costs of opening a store will pay off in less than a year from the start of work.

Trade in fishing gear and accessories – highly profitable type business, which will allow you to quickly return the invested funds and provide the opportunity to develop the business.

If you are interested in the topic of how to open a fishing store, you are doing absolutely right, because experts consider this business to be one of the most profitable.

♦ Capital investments – 1,500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – from 8 months

In terms of passion, amateur fishermen can only be compared to casino players.

They are ready to give up bread in order to buy the coveted bait, they are ready to show miracles of resourcefulness, making a nest egg from their wife to buy another fishing rod, and even in the greatest crisis they do not want to give up their hobby.

This passion can and should be used to build a profitable startup.

Interested in the topic, how to open a fishing store, you are doing absolutely right, because experts consider this business to be one of the most profitable.

Naturally, if you think through all the nuances when starting a business from scratch.

Competition in this sector is not too great, but it still exists.

If you want your fishing store to start making a profit in a short time, consider the advice of those who have been in this business for a long time:

  1. Think ahead about your competitive advantages.
    There are many standard markets that sell goods for fishing and tourism.
    You must come up with an original concept, for example introducing a new supplier in your city.
  2. Constantly work to update your product range.
    This market is developing very quickly, and you need to be aware of new products in order to offer them to your customers.
  3. Ruthlessly part with anything that doesn't sell well, even if the supplier offers you favorable terms of cooperation.
  4. You shouldn’t start this business from scratch if you don’t like fishing and don’t know anything about it.
    This business brings profit only to those who love fishing and tourism.
  5. Spend a lot of money on a big one advertising campaign no need.
    A bright sign, a cot in front of the door, outdoor advertising in the form of leaflets and communication on fishing forums are enough.
    Another effective marketing move is to participate in fishing championships and various city festivals as a sponsor.
  6. Remember that there is no advertising tool better than word of mouth.
    You need to look for contacts with fishermen in your city and invite them to your store.
    If they are satisfied with the assortment and prices, then have no doubt that soon all their comrades will be purchasing fishing gear you.

How to open a fishing store: assortment

Based on the area of ​​the fishing store, create an assortment of products.

Naturally, you should have everything you need for fishing, from hooks to expensive spinning rods.

You can’t limit yourself to just specialized fishing products.

It is worth trying to expand your customer base by selling:

  • clothing: camouflage, thermal underwear, raincoats;
  • furniture: folding tables and chairs, carp chairs;
  • tents and air mattresses;
  • dishes;
  • accessories such as sunglasses or waterproof document bags;
  • souvenirs and other things.

Do not sell low-quality Chinese goods, even if you can put a 100–200% markup on them.

Fishermen are spoiled and brand-savvy people; having bought a low-quality product from you once, they will no longer come to your store.

The best fishing brands: SALMO, Flagman, Shimano, Yo-Zuri, Berkley and others.

How to open a store from scratch: customer base

Often entrepreneurs who ultimately give up the idea of ​​opening a fishing store are prompted to do so by the argument: “Yes, how many of those fishermen do we have? You will never build a customer base. It's better to trade something more to the right people: clothes/products, etc.”

This is an erroneous opinion, because, according to the latest research, there are about 20% of amateur fishermen, hunters and tourists in our country.

And all of them are your potential clients.

Let's say you decide to open a fishing store from scratch in a city with a population of 200,000 people.

The number of your clients is 40,000.

This is a very good market and if you can interest them by correctly forming the range of goods and setting a reasonable price pricing policy, then you will not have problems with profit.

If we talk about gender, then you need to work focusing on men, because they are the main clientele of fishing shops:

How to open a fishing store: calendar plan

If you are opening a fishing goods store, then you should start with specific calculations that correspond to prices in your region and compilation calendar plan, describing by month how much you need to implement a particular stage.

It is quite possible to open a fishing store within 3-5 months after the idea comes up, if you do thorough preparatory work:

Registration, bank account
Repair work
Equipment installation
Recruitment of sales consultants
Agreements with suppliers, procurement

Deciding to open a fishing store: all the components of launching a startup

Entrepreneurs dreaming of owning a fishing store are unsure where exactly to start a startup.

Of course, the first thing to do is to carry out preparatory work to understand whether such a business has any prospects in your city.

If you definitely decide to open a fishing store, then you need to start implementing the plan with the registration procedure and repair work in room.


First of all, you need to decide which registration form you choose: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

If you do not have much experience in business and are not going to open a huge fishing store, the area of ​​which would be more than 150 square meters, then an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable.

The most convenient form of taxation is UTII, if for some reason this does not suit you, then the most acceptable option is the simplified tax system of 15%.

OKVED code for fishing stores is 52.48.23.

You also need to renovate the selected premises, making it safe for buyers and obtain work permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Service.

Try to fulfill all their requirements so as not to run into fines in the future.

Premises for a fishing store

Interesting fact:
One day, US President Jimmy Carter was fishing when a water rabbit swam up to his boat, hissing threateningly and trying to climb aboard. Carter fought him off with an oar, after which the rabbit turned around and swam away. The story made headlines like "President Attacked by Rabbit," and Carter's critics began to see the incident as a symbol of his weak policies and his future disastrous election defeat by Reagan a year later.

The location of a fishing store is a serious issue that future entrepreneurs must decide.

High traffic of people does not play such an important role as in the case of clothing or food stores, but still there is no need to climb to the outskirts.

If your prices are not significantly lower than those of your competitors, then potential customers simply will not be willing to travel that far to get to you.

If you decide to open a department store (fishing and tourism), then rent a premises with a total area of ​​at least 60 square meters, so that in addition to the sales area, you can equip it with a warehouse, a service room and a bathroom.

There is no need to spend a lot of money on renovations.

Male clients will be little interested in whether the color of the walls matches the tone of the tiles on the floor.

They will be more concerned about whether they can catch “a big pike with this wobbler.”

In order to open a fishing store from scratch, separate one-story buildings, basements, 1–2 floors of multi-story buildings, and pavilions in shopping centers are suitable.

If you open your shop on the ground floor, then take care of a good lighting system; fishermen will not appreciate the romantic twilight.

Fishing store equipment

Fishing store not too different from other markets in terms of purchasing equipment.

In addition to standard racks and shelves, you need a rack with hangers for work clothes, stands for fishing rods and spinning rods.

It is better to store small goods (baits, hooks, etc.) in a closed display case and display them to customers yourself.

Equipment costs for a fishing store will be as follows:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:150,000 rub.
Glass showcase-counter
20 000
Open shelving
15 000
Shelf opening
15 000
Rack and hangers for camouflage clothing
10 000
Stands for fishing rods and spinning rods
8 000
Furniture for warehouse and service room
30 000
Cash machine
10 000
Bathroom equipment
12 000
Other30 000

Fishing store staff

Fishermen are predominantly men, which means they will treat the young lady at the sales counter with distrust.

Hire only men as sellers and those who themselves cannot imagine their life without fishing and can talk about the features of the goods based on personal experience.

How many salespeople you need depends on the size of your store and its operating hours.

For example, for a store, shopping room which has 40 square meters, and which works seven days a week, requires four salespeople: 2 per shift.

Make it a condition that each of your sellers devote one day a week to fishing: testing new products.

This way your consultants will be able to improve their skills.

In addition to salespeople, you need a cleaning lady.

As for bookkeeping, see for yourself whether you can combine administrative functions with bookkeeping.

The manager of a fishing goods store has a lot of work: he must supervise the work of his subordinates, replenish the product range, constantly look for new suppliers, etc.

It is still better to conclude an agreement with an outsourcing company rather than deal with accounting issues yourself.

Those who decide to open a fishing store can expect the following expenses for staff salaries:

How much does it cost to open a fishing store?

A fishing store is not a startup that can be opened inexpensively.

Large start-up capital is needed primarily for the first purchase.

To create a normal assortment of goods, at least for several thousand articles, you need to spend at least 1 million rubles.

You can spend a smaller amount if you do not intend to sell such expensive goods as boats and motors in the store.

But still, don’t count on being able to spend a couple of hundred thousand rubles, because spinning rods, tents, camouflage clothing and other goods are not cheap even to purchase.

To open a fishing store with 60–70 square meters, you need to collect about 1.5 million rubles in start-up capital.

Also, given the fact that in the first months the store will bring minimal profit, you should include financial plan the amount of monthly expenses multiplied by 3.

Every month, get ready to spend about 500,000 rubles on staff salaries, rent, replenishment of inventory, taxes, etc.

If you open a fishing store, how much can you earn from it?

The profit of your fishing store will depend not only on the number of customers who visit you daily and not only on the amount of their purchases, but also on what markup you put on your product.

The main thing in this matter is to stay within limits.

A markup that is too small will lead to financial losses, while a markup that is too large will lead to loss of customers. For inexpensive Consumables(hooks, fishing line, bait, etc.) you can put a markup of 100%, but for more expensive ones - no more than 50%.

Let's take an average markup of 65%.

Having made a purchase of 1 million rubles, you will earn over 650,000. The faster you sell everything, the more intense the turnover in your store will be.

According to recent studies, each fisherman/tourist spends about 6,000 rubles a year on his hobby.

We have already calculated that in a city with a population of 200,000, about 40,000 of your potential clients.

Let's say there are 6 fishing stores in your city.

We divide potential clients equally between them, so each store has approximately 6.5 thousand clients. 6,500 people x 6,000 rubles is about 40 million rubles in annual profit.

More than 3 million rubles per month.

Agree, these are sufficient indicators to start studying the topic in more detail how to open a fishing store.

We invite you to watch a funny video

about a married couple’s trip to a fishing store:

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Every person at least once thinks about starting his own own business. But how to do that? What is considered priority and what can be postponed until later?

In our material we will tell you in detail about how to open a fishing store, what documents are needed for this and how to avoid common mistakes of many entrepreneurs. So, what is this thing?


A fishing store is a special area of ​​trade that specializes in fishing equipment and various equipment for tourism and recreation. It sells rods, floats, fishing line, various hooks, as well as a variety of literature that tells in detail about the intricacies of fishing in a particular season. If you are seriously thinking about how to open a fishing store, then you are already on the right track. The fact is that sociologists note a significant increase in the number of outdoor recreation lovers with a fishing rod in their hands.


Speaking in terms of numbers, the market is growing by about 30% per year. This means that every year hundreds of thousands of Russians spend no less on various fishing “things” than, for example, on everyday goods. It is also worth noting that, according to a number of experts, this segment Russian market is at its development stage. It's not even half full yet.

Therefore, there are all the prerequisites for seriously thinking about how to open a fishing store. In terms of obtaining permits, you will not have any problems here. You are not opening a weapons pavilion, which requires a lot of documents, certificates, etc. The procedure for opening a fishing store is standard for all entrepreneurs.

You register with the tax service. There you determine the form of doing business, type of activity and type of taxation. Entrepreneurs who are already successfully operating in this market segment are advised to choose the following: as a legal form - individual entrepreneur, type of activity - retail trade in sporting goods, equipment, fishing equipment and equipment for tourists. The best form of taxation is the preferential UTII regime. If this system is not used in your city, choose a simplified taxation system based on the principle of income minus expenses.

Deciding on a category

At the second stage, you have to resolve a serious issue - you must choose the format of your business and prepare the appropriate material base for it. Experts conditionally divide your market into three large categories. The first (and, perhaps, the largest of them) is represented by small retail outlets with a solid assortment and affordable prices.

The second category is specialized stores that offer products only from well-known world brands. Finally, the last niche is elite recreation and fishing centers, which combine trading network several small branded stores at once. You need to soberly assess your financial capabilities and only after that decide which category is best to work in.

Of course, a well-prepared fishing store business plan can play an important role in the success of this business. Try to include everything possible risks. Calculate your profit. You must clearly understand how much money you need to invest in the development of the business, and how quickly it will pay off. A fishing store business plan will be your guide in the stormy sea of ​​entrepreneurship.

Big risks

When planning to open a store, take into account the fact that goods for fishing and recreation are not essential items. Customers will only come to you when their main needs are satisfied. Therefore, your path relates to activities with an increased risk factor.

Experts in this field advise starting with organizing a small retail outlet that would serve amateur fishermen or beginners. Yours regular customers, for the success of the business, people with average incomes must become. The ideal solution is to consider a small store on the territory of a reputable shopping center or market.

On the one hand, you will save money on renting a separate room, and on the other hand, you will provide for yourself constant flow clients. Entrepreneurs who have achieved success in this field note that renting a place is preferable to any real estate, since in this case you become mobile, and if there is no success, you can always move your store to another location.

What is the most profitable thing to sell?

Now it's time to create an assortment. The main share of sales in this business comes from fishing gear - spinning rods, reels, fishing rods, and so on. About a third of the total turnover is made up of consumables, which include hooks, floats, fishing line, and so on.

At the same time, keep in mind that this seemingly petty product sells best. However, its low price does not allow it to take first place in turnover. This means that you need to make sure that there is always a supply of the mentioned useful gizmos in stock. Don’t discount related products, such as thermoses, folding chairs, etc. This category accounts for approximately 10% of total trade turnover.

How to set up a store?

In order to stand out in the market, some entrepreneurs try to furnish their outlet in some special way. If you have extra money, you can decorate the walls of your store with paintings of the appropriate theme. However, it is better to spend this money on other purposes. At the first stage, it is better to take care of a good assortment and reliable suppliers.

At the moment there are more than 25 million amateur fishermen in Russia. This is a very large figure and it means that in any region there is a target audience for a fishing store. In this article we will talk about how to find and make money on this target audience, namely how to open a fishing store from scratch.

The fishing business is not the most simple niche, it has many of its own subtleties and nuances. It will be a huge plus if you are an experienced fisherman with experience, then you will be much better aware of what the assortment should be, how to attract customers and many other issues. If you don’t understand fishing at all, but want to open a store, then first of all you need to study the features of the niche.

Niche Features

The sale of fishing goods is somewhat different from the sale of other types of goods and has its own specific features. In order to catch fish, a person must have certain skills and experience. Only a person who is passionate about fishing can professionally understand a wide variety of fishing products.

If you decide to open a fishing goods store, but are not an experienced fisherman, it would be better for you to invite a special consultant to participate in your project, who will help you create the necessary assortment of the store. The consultant, of course, will have to pay for providing the service, which will increase your costs of opening a store, but the consultant’s service will definitely pay off.

Fishing is typically seasonal, so your store's inventory will need to be changed periodically to suit the upcoming time of year. You can find out about seasonal goods, which are usually needed by fishermen, on the Internet, by looking at fishing forums, or on social networks. Fishermen usually buy goods in one place, so it is advisable that your store has a wide range of products that can satisfy all the needs of your customers.

Fishing products are not very cheap, but very compact. 1-2 small boxes can contain goods worth several thousand rubles. You may need a significant amount of money to build a good assortment for your store. Some expensive fishing gear has a significantly long lifespan and is rarely purchased by fishermen, but it is still a must-have item in your store. Fishermen buy cheap small goods much more often, but they should not form the basis of the assortment, they will not give you the necessary profit. It is very important to correctly understand the capacity of the local market.

Market analysis

The number of possible clients is calculated using a special formula. You need to multiply the population by the proportion of men and multiply by 20% of people who may be interested in fishing. For example, a city may have a population of 500,000 people. Based on the formula, the following result is obtained: 500,000 x 0.48 x20% = 48,000. This will be the number of potential clients.

Of course, it is very difficult to accurately calculate market capacity. This is due to the fact that the range of goods may differ in price. When calculating practical business problems, you have to rely on approximate customer indicators and average receipt values.

The minimum purchase amount is approximately 50 rubles - this is a pair of hooks or bait. The maximum value of a check is several hundred thousand rubles. This is the cost of a rubber boat, an outboard motor. Spinning in a fishing store costs about 5,000 rubles. So prices vary widely and it is difficult to achieve accurate results.

In addition, trading can be influenced by different indicators. The population of each city differs in purchasing power. In rich regions, premium segment products will be in demand. In poor regions, inexpensive goods are in demand; the rest of the gear is made independently.

Sales figures are also affected by the presence of aquatic fauna and its richness.

Store format

Stores that sell fishing products can be divided into:

  • Elite shopping centers, including several small stores;
  • Specialty stores selling branded fishing products;
  • Small stores that are multi-disciplinary, with a large assortment and affordable prices.

If you have a business idea for a fishing store, then work it out according to your starting capital and decide for yourself what type of fishing store you want to open.

  • The store must be located in a accessible place;
  • There must be a parking space nearby;
  • It is advisable to have a bus stop near the store.

Most of the store's clients will be men, so it is advisable that it be located next to a car market or the central city market. You can locate the store on the outskirts of the city.

It is better not to buy retail space for your store, but to rent it. If in this place the profit will be bad, you can always move to another place. It is better to rent an area of ​​at least 80 square meters. meters to accommodate your entire wide range of products.

A very important point in opening a store of this profile is the warehouse. The range of small goods usually accounts for a third of the total sales turnover. In the warehouse, all these small goods will be neatly arranged according to product range: bait, fishing line, bait, hooks, floats, etc. And you can always easily find the product you need.

Business registration

Any business must be legalized taking into account legal norms. This procedure is performed at the initial stage of opening a case. You definitely need to know what it takes to open a fishing store for profit.

To do this you will need to take several steps, including:

  • Registration of entrepreneurship. The best option will be the opening of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Get the OKVED code. This will be a special set of numbers that indicates what the person is doing retail trade a certain group of goods.
  • Choose a tax system. Most often, experts recommend choosing UTII. This is due to the fact that in this case a “preferential treatment” will become available. If UTII fails, the next option may be the simplified tax system. Such a system will include income minus expenses.
  • Register an account. Personal accounts cannot be used.
  • Obtain permits for activities.
  • Find premises for a fish store.

Selecting a room

Where to open a fishing store, how to choose the right place for its location? These are very serious issues that you must resolve first.

A store of this profile does not require very high traffic, but it is not worth opening it somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

If the store is not located in the center, then you will need to reduce prices and make them much lower than your competitors, otherwise no one will come to you specifically.

If you open a department store where you sell both fishing and tourism products, you will need to rent a premises of at least 60 sq. m. meters to make a warehouse and utility rooms in it.

You should not make expensive repairs; they are not necessary. Your customers will mostly be men who are of little interest in what color your walls are painted. They are more interested in which wobbler will catch pike better.

You can first try to rent a basement or a separate one-story building, or a small pavilion in a shopping center.

If you have chosen a basement for a fishing store, then you must have good lighting; fishing goods are often small, and fishermen do not need twilight.

Necessary equipment

Lists in stores necessary equipment cannot boast of variety, regardless of whether you are running a shoe store or a fishing store, the list of equipment will be approximately the same: shelving, air conditioning, cash machine etc.

The business plan of a fishing store, taking into account calculations, includes a certain list of equipment, the purchase of which requires a large amount Money. Very often, beginning entrepreneurs do not have enough money and to start a business they are forced to borrow money or take out loans. The way out of the situation is to save money; we can save money on equipment, saving our relatives’ money and our nerves after taking out loans.

New equipment costs a lot of money, so buy used equipment on Avito and then you can save a lot of money. Of course, look at the state of things. Racks and display cases worn to holes are definitely not suitable for our business.

Below is an approximate list of necessary equipment for a fishing store.

Fishing store assortment

A fishing store should have a variety of products. The presence of a wide range is due to the fact that there are different types fishing. Each client must find the right product for themselves. When purchasing goods, you must initially select those products that are in demand throughout the year. These can be fishing rods, various components for them. Such equipment is suitable for summer and winter fishing. Nets, flashlights, boats, sleeping bags and other products are among the most popular equipment.

Important! The more diverse the product offered in the store, the more customers will appear.

A retail outlet that opens from scratch must have at least 5,000 types of fishing products. In the future, the range will expand to 20,000 categories. Offers will already be formed depending on demand and the number of buyers.

The line of fishing products is formed according to the following principle:

  • The main product, which includes spinning rods, tackle, fishing rods - 40-60%.
  • Consumable goods – 30%. This includes hooks, weights, floats, fishing line, and bait.
  • Related products – 10%. These could be covers, a boat, dishes, tents.

It is better to keep statistics of products sold in order to control the availability of in-demand products.

We work with suppliers

When you are going to create some kind of business, and in this case, open a fishing store, your business plan does not always include risks. This is wrong, since risks and dangers in business await you literally at every stage.

Choosing an unreliable supplier is one of the biggest dangers in business. They may miss delivery deadlines, inflate prices, or even bring low-quality goods, which will ruin the reputation of your store in the future. That is why the choice of suppliers must be taken with special responsibility.

To begin with, you can choose local wholesale suppliers; they sell goods at a discount of approximately 24-31%. In the future, when you have adjusted and established all business processes, you can switch to foreign suppliers from China or Europe. Their products can be sold with a markup of up to 70%, but do not forget about the difficulties in delivery and large quantities marriage from China.

We are hiring staff

A real fisherman goes to a fishing store with a special feeling. This is not a supermarket. Here he wants to communicate with fellow lovers of a good bite like him. Here he will carefully, trying on and estimating, select the necessary gear. The seller is not only obliged to have a great understanding of the product. Ideally, he himself should be a true connoisseur and lover of fishing. This is collateral good sales. This item is included in the business plan for a fishing goods store. Otherwise there will be no profit.

The best work option is 2 shifts. You need to hire 2 sellers. Their responsibilities should include:

  • Ability to competently assist clients in choosing fishing gear and travel accessories;
  • Thorough knowledge of the entire product range;
  • The desire to leave a good impression about the store, which means communication skills of the highest level.

It's good when the seller is interested in sales. To do this, you need to think through bonus options that depend on sales. A store cannot operate without a smart manager and a qualified accountant. They must be professionals in their field, knowing all the intricacies of communication with clients and suppliers.

Attracting clients

To income from entrepreneurial activity increased, you need to use marketing tactics.

All this together will bring good profits.

Fishing online store

The basis of any business is a website. Profit will depend on its functionality and performance. An online fishing store needs to be made accessible and as easy as possible to make purchases. If the website is the only sales tool, then it will become the face of the business. In this case, it is necessary to make every effort to develop it. It is better to entrust this work to a professional. Only in this case will an online fishing store gain popularity on the Internet and get into the top results of search engines.

Delivery issue

It is important to consider how orders will be delivered to customers. Delivery can be competitive advantage. It is better to trust the courier to organize deliveries. He will be able to deliver fish to the specified address. The client will be able to pay with him, if necessary.

Payment for the order

Customers need to be provided with several payment options for their order. This is due to the fact that some customers find it convenient to pay cashless. Other customers choose electronic payments, so it is important to take a responsible approach to payment. /It is not recommended to limit yourself to one option in order to retain customers.

You can connect a payment aggregator to your online store. This will allow you to receive payment in different ways: Yandex.Money, plastic cards, WebMoney and other options.

Promotion of a fishing online store

This issue definitely needs to be addressed. An online fishing store needs to be promoted online, which requires time and effort. This is the only way to attract as many buyers as possible. You can use SEO optimization as promotion, contextual advertising, social media and other common options. Successful promotion of the resource will increase fish sales.


So, let's calculate how much money you need to open a fishing store. This is quite an expensive business, so you will definitely need at least 1,500,000 rubles.

Name Sum
Initial costs
Business registration 25.000rub
Repair and equipment 400.000rub
First batch of goods 1,000,000rub
Advertising RUR 50,000
Additional expenses 100.000rub
Total: RUR 1,575,000
Monthly expenses
Renting premises RUR 50,000
Staff salaries 100.000rub
Purchase of goods RUB 300,000
other expenses RUB 30,000
Total: 480.000rub

As a result, the initial investment will be 1,575,000 rubles, monthly expenses will be 480,000 rubles. Do not forget that in the first months your business will bring in quite a small profit, so you must set aside at least another 1,500,000 rubles so that your store does not go bankrupt before it begins to make a profit.