Conducting a technical audit. Technical audit of production. Technological audit methodology

Conducting a thematic, extraordinary, comprehensive or scheduled inspection in the form of an independent examination in order to realistically evaluate technical condition production and prevent Negative consequences the influence of certain phenomena in production is called technical.

Theory Basics - Conducting Technical Analysis

  • An audit is a complex event that includes, at the customer’s request, the following work:
  • Establishing a list of mandatory requirements for a product or project.
  • Checking the design and technological documentation in accordance with established legislation.
  • Metrological support of production.
  • Correct labeling.
  • Correct documentation
  • Complete organization and conduct of technical control and testing.
  • The goal that a technical audit sets for itself is primarily to collect and systematize information.
  • In addition, the event aims to conduct a complete and in-depth analysis, as well as a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the company or enterprise.

After the complex of actions has been carried out, the auditor provides the results, as well as recommendations and proposals that will allow us to bring the equipment in production up to generally accepted standards, in accordance with current norms and rules. Recommendations are also given regarding the identification of priority measures to minimize injuries at work, improve safety and accident-free operation at the enterprise.

A preliminary technical audit of an enterprise allows you to easily pass the inspection of a government agency.

The objects used to check are:

  • Structures and buildings.
  • Special equipment.
  • Energy supply facilities.
  • Servers.
  • Stations.
  • Network hardware.
  • Software.
  • Server security.
  • Company equipment.

The technical audit process involves conducting a survey among shop managers, professional workers and engineers, and key management personnel in order to collect more reliable information for representative data.

The technical analysis is carried out on the basis of studying the license that is applicable to a specific production, on equipment passports, on organizational and administrative documentation, operation and overhaul logs. The audit also checks the work of all departments, without exception. If necessary, equipment testing can be carried out, as well as control measurements.

During the inspection, meter readings may be taken in order to identify the actual state of energy debt in relation to consumption and the compliance of payments for them.

Applies audit when:

  • The need to reduce company costs.
  • Preparing a specific project.
  • Before concluding contracts and transactions.
  • Before there is a need to contribute capital to the enterprise.

The essence of an audit and why is it so important?

Carrying out an event at the enterprise includes:

  • Assessment and examination of documents at the enterprise, including operational and technical.
  • Technical analysis of the condition of equipment in production, as well as in industry. Such analysis is necessarily based on previously carried out technical tests carried out directly on site.
  • Analysis of the condition of metering devices that are available in production.
  • Checking documentation for compliance with current legislation, regarding established standards and requirements, instructions and rules in the field of industrial and environmental, as well as fire safety.
  • Conducting an assessment of production energy costs.
  • Disclosure of recommendations regarding identified deficiencies.
  • Drawing up a report on the set of activities carried out.
  • Drawing up and submitting a plan for the technical modernization of production at the enterprise.
  • The company can use the results obtained during the implementation in the following way:
    Implement based on the data received, innovative activity which will allow you to make a profit.
  • Implement the results obtained on the basis of a newly created enterprise or use the information received with partners.

The importance of technical audit in an enterprise

For an enterprise or firm, carrying out this set of analysis will allow you to obtain reliable and complete information regarding the efficiency of using the company's assets and fixed reserves. The state of operation of the equipment and its compliance with established standards and requirements. Conducting an audit is, first of all, assessing the work of an enterprise and identifying its strengths and weaknesses.

It will help you pass any audits of your organization’s activities without fines or problems.

If your site begins to lose rankings in search results, it’s time to learn about what a site audit is and who conducts it. This article will help you understand these issues.

You will find all the information on audits and how to conduct them at the enterprise.

Who conducts the technical audit?

A technical audit can be carried out either in-house, to save money, or with the involvement of experts in the field, however, the involvement of a competent specialist is justified, despite the cost of providing his services.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that such an expert can, with a fresh look from the outside, as well as rich experience in this field, conduct a technical examination of the state of the enterprise, identify problem areas - especially for construction, develop an innovative plan based on the analysis, with the help which can be saved, for example on the estimate.

It is important to note that the holding of the event is primarily based on the following principles:

Independence and objectivity. That is, the one who conducts the assessment is not interested in checking either materially or in property terms.

The auditor does not disclose data on the progress of the assessment. However, third parties may only be aware of the audit of an enterprise after the consent of the client or in accordance with a court order.

The inspector must be distinguished by a high level of education, professionalism and integrity.

Stage-by-stage audit

Technical audit, this is a set of activities that are based on standards that contribute to obtaining a correct and reliable result. First of all this:

  • Providing a high level of audit services.
  • Assistance in the introduction of new methods when conducting inspections.
  • Assistance to users regarding the verification performed.
  • Elimination of supervision of any nature.
  • Establishing connections with clients.

The audit is carried out in stages. There are six such stages in total. The first stage involves inspection of the technology, as well as its evaluation. This stage includes the formation of employees who are involved in such a project. A survey is conducted among them, as well as with the customer base and suppliers.

After this, the second stage of the audit involves conducting a review of the production technology applicable in another company. Inventory, quality and materials purchased for production can be checked. This stage also includes checking similar patents, identifying similar developments in this area, and determining the transformation of innovations into a new direction.
The third stage of testing is the classification of technologies into groups, of which only the effective ones remain.

The next stage is assessment market perspective product or project through audit. That is, a series of assessments are applied regarding a similar technology and product, and, if necessary, a search for a need is carried out with which it can be satisfied.

At the fifth stage, a relative advantageous advantage of the product or project is searched through the use of a technical audit tool. That is, in essence, this stage allows you to determine that side of the enterprise that, if improved, will be more profitable for the enterprise.

The last – sixth stage is negotiable. According to it, the implementation of innovations, launches of projects or products, as well as technical improvements in production are carried out.
After the event, the auditor generates a report that describes in detail the purpose of the audit, the methods that were used during the audit, as well as the presence of violations identified during the audit. At the same time, if inconsistencies and errors are discovered, the reasons for the occurrence of such errors must be indicated so that management can draw general conclusions, as well as provide recommendations to management regarding their elimination.

The audit allows the company's management to evaluate its activities and improve the company's management system, organize more productive activities regarding the control of its employees, and also analyze its own production weaknesses.

In contact with

Any manager or owner of an enterprise needs to obtain the most reliable and complete information that shows the technical condition of production and demonstrates the effectiveness of its use. It is for this purpose that technological audits are carried out at certain intervals, allowing as soon as possible identify the presence of the greatest strengths and weaknesses in the work and economic potential of the enterprise.

Features of a technological audit of an enterprise

There are several specific features of performing a technological audit of an enterprise. Among them:

  • the depth of detail of the feasibility study directly depends on the goals that the owner of the enterprise sets for the auditor;
  • the inspection must be carried out by qualified specialists, since any assessment of the enterprise’s activities is subjective;
  • the algorithm for generating initial data for the audit is selected in accordance with the specifics of the organization of all internal services of the enterprise.

Technical audit of the enterprise

Our company carries out a technical audit of the enterprise using the latest techniques that have convincingly proven their effectiveness when used in Russian conditions. We always try to show the customer an objective situation, realistically assessing his chances in competition with other market participants.

Stages of work on technical audit of production

Technical audit of production includes the following procedures:

  • careful study terms of reference a customer who wants to estimate the costs of equipment, software and personnel training;
  • study of the technological state of the enterprise, taking into account its organizational development, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained;
  • strategy development for more effective use available means of production and proposals for measures for its successful implementation.

It is worth noting separately that the entire range of measures that are necessary to obtain a reliable assessment of the economic potential of production are selected taking into account the personal needs and wishes of the customer. This is done to ensure that our clients receive the most effective results from a technical audit.

ABOUT accounting audit organizations, which in some cases is mandatory. A technological audit is an audit of a company’s industrial production capacity, usually carried out by third-party engineering companies and aimed at optimizing production processes.

This type of audit procedure involves:

  • studying technological processes and comparing them with global technical standards and practices (including competitors);
  • identifying gaps in production organization;
  • studying documents and technical documentation in order to verify compliance with legal requirements;
  • checking the operability of technical mechanisms and compliance of their operation with the requirements of technical documentation;
  • making proposals for further development.

Despite the fact that the legislator does not establish requirements for the mandatory technical audit of an enterprise, since we are not talking about a mandatory audit in the context of Art. 5 of the Law “On Auditing Activities” dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ, it is advisable to carry it out. This will not only allow you to check the condition of technical equipment in production, but also avoid possible sanctions during inspections government agencies, as well as ensure the safety of technological processes.

A technical audit is carried out in order to:

  • identify weaknesses and strengths during the production process;
  • develop a set of tools to further increase the company’s production potential;
  • evaluate the results of the proposed modernization, etc.;
  • bring technical documentation in accordance with legal requirements.

When choosing a contractor to conduct a technical audit of an enterprise, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The auditor has experience in auditing organizations engaged in similar types of activities.
  2. Availability of permits, special skills and knowledge necessary to conduct an audit.
  3. Cost of services.
  4. Availability of experience/reviews/recommendations.

For reference : the auditor, in accordance with the provisions of the Law “On Auditing Activities” dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ, must have an appropriate qualified certificate and be a member of the SRO of auditors of the region in which the activity is carried out.

Don't know your rights?

Conducting an audit

The legislation does not establish specific requirements for conducting a technological audit. In practice, preparation for the process begins with the company’s management making a decision to conduct it. Next, an auditor is searched and an audit group is created, which will include production workers who have knowledge of all internal processes and are able to provide explanations on the company’s activities to the auditor. Then an agreement is concluded with the auditor, after which the specialist begins work.

The procedure for conducting a technology audit is conventionally divided into several stages, proceeding in the following order:

  1. Determining the goals and objectives of the event.
  2. Getting information about production processes In the organisation.
  3. Analysis of the information received, study of the practice of conducting technological processes.
  4. Preparation of recommendations, identification of strengths and weaknesses of production.
  5. Drawing up an audit opinion and report.
  6. Monitoring the implementation of the recommendations presented.

To conduct an audit, a specialist may request technical and other documentation. In addition, he can gain access to data classified as a commercial or other secret protected by law if there is such a need and appropriate permission from the organization’s management.

Audit report

The audit report is a document issued by the auditor based on the results of the procedure and containing his motivated opinion regarding the object under study.

Main components of the auditor's report:

  • Title of the document;
  • information about the auditor;
  • information about the audited entity;
  • introductory part (links to regulatory framework, research methodology, information about the company, etc.);
  • scope of audit;
  • expert opinion;
  • date and signature.

The audit report includes recommendations from a specialist, which are aimed at bringing technological processes in accordance with current legislation. It may also indicate the need to obtain the necessary permits, etc. However, a technological audit is not mandatory, so subsequent implementation of recommendations is strictly at the discretion of the customer.

Thus, conducting a technological audit is voluntary and is appointed, as a rule, by decision of the owner of the enterprise or a collegial executive body. Based on the results of its implementation, an audit report is drawn up and recommendations are issued.

Modernization machine-building enterprises is impossible without improving the fleet of metal-cutting equipment and introducing modern technological processes. And the role of technology audit in this matter is paramount. In essence, a technical audit of production is an audit of the company’s production and technological complex and an assessment of its potential. As a result of this comprehensive study, the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise are identified, specific recommendations for change and improvement are formed production base, purchasing new equipment and using innovative technologies for processing workpieces.


  • Allows you to identify opportunities to increase profits, taking into account the use of existing technical equipment and other resources of the enterprise;
  • It is a tool for predicting commercial potential;
  • Acts as a source of information for decision-making strategic management production;
  • Allows you to achieve the most effective results during technical re-equipment.

Typically, an enterprise invites a contractor – an engineering company – to conduct a technological audit. It is more effective than conducting a technical audit on our own enterprises. In the analysis carried out third party company, more objectivity. Employees of the customer enterprise do not always know necessary knowledge, which are necessary for collecting, analyzing information and comprehensively assessing the production situation. The goals and objectives of a technology audit often differ and depend on several parameters: the scope of activity, the scale of the enterprise, the needs of the customer, the required depth of analysis, etc.

Each enterprise is purely individual, therefore, to obtain an objective examination, you need to choose the right methodology and adapt it to the customer. The qualifications and experience of the engineering company are important. But at the same time, an external consultant cannot act alone. He is not thoroughly familiar with the specifics of the enterprise, does not know the features of all internal processes. The interest of the management of the customer company, assistance and support during the technical audit is one of the mandatory conditions to obtain an objective picture and reliable results.


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The production part of the organization's activities is subject to audit. It is necessary to check the condition of the equipment and the quality of the products. What else do you need to know about technical audit?

Important aspects

A technical audit is an independent examination. This is an innovative procedure that allows you to examine engineering and production systems in order to assess their condition and identify reserves for improving operational efficiency.

Any enterprise is required to conduct such an audit. The purpose of a technical audit is to collect, summarize, analyze and evaluate information, provide advice, and check for compliance of activities with legislative acts.

During the audit, equipment passports, various documentation are studied, and the work of structural units is checked.

The technical audit includes:

  • examination of documents (operational and technical) of organization and production;
  • analysis of the condition of objects;
  • checking metering devices;
  • checking for compliance of documents with legal requirements and other regulations;
  • energy cost assessment;
  • developing recommendations for correcting detected errors;
  • drawing up reports;
  • drawing up a plan to improve production activities.

The following principles are used during the audit:

It is carried out in several areas - in the field of construction and in the field of labor protection and industrial safety.

Technical problems faced by enterprises:

Use of technical devices Which have already outlived their usefulness
Overestimation of mileage Equipment
Lack of high-quality acceptance of hazardous objects In production for operation
Documents have not been verified Industrial safety
No sewerage To discharge harmful substances
Availability of open Emergency barns
Fuel oil is stored in barrels at temperatures above 100 degrees, What leads to boiling when it is poured into tanks

A technical audit in the construction industry pursues the following goals: determining the cost of building structures, approving redevelopment, assessing work performed, and others.

To ensure that the audit is carried out correctly, there are special standards. Their meaning is as follows:

  • provide high quality audit;
  • promote the introduction of new verification methods;
  • help users understand the audit;
  • eliminate government oversight;
  • help the auditor establish relationships with clients.

Technical audit is used in the following situations:

  • when it is necessary to prepare a project;
  • reduce the organization's expenses;
  • prepare for the upcoming transaction;
  • contribute assets to the capital of the enterprise.

What it is

What may be the object of inspections

The objects of research are:

  • building structures;
  • special equipment, machines;
  • energy supply facilities;
  • servers;
  • stations in operation;
  • various structural networks;
  • network equipment;
  • software;
  • various equipment;
  • server security.

Legal regulation

IN Russian Federation There is a system consisting of 5 levels:

Its main provisions:

  • establishes the concept of auditing activity;
  • defines its goals;
  • formulates requirements for audits and auditors;
  • gives the concept of audit secrecy.

Features of technical audit

During the audit, the auditor is obliged to:

  • collect, analyze and draw conclusions about the information necessary to establish compliance with audit criteria;
  • by mutual agreement with the customer, conduct additional research;
  • draw up a report based on the results of the inspection;
  • give recommendations for eliminating errors (if any).

It is carried out in 3 stages. The first is to inspect technologies and evaluate them. At this stage, a group of those employees who are related to the technological project is formed. A survey of employees, customers and suppliers is conducted.

The third stage is the classification of technologies into groups. It is decided which of them will continue to function.

Methodology used

When conducting a technical audit, the following methods are used:

  • user interviews (using questionnaires);
  • collecting information through inventory;
  • performing file analysis;
  • equipment condition monitoring;
  • a whole range of checks to exclude possible penetration into the Internet through unauthorized means.

Site check

An audit means checking the technical side of the site - searching and eliminating broken links, removing identical names, pages with big time returns and so on.

Problems may arise when promoting websites. To prevent this, it is necessary to carefully prepare at the initial stage. Checking the site will help with this.

It is carried out before website promotion. To conduct an audit, you will need a website, the Xenu program (you can download it for free) and Excel.

A technical site audit makes it possible to understand what reasons are hindering the work. It also checks how quickly the site can respond to requests, handle errors, and whether there are duplicate pages.

The test begins with determining the functionality of the site. After this, the file itself must be checked. With its help, search robots will find the required number of site pages. If there are errors in the file, the search page will not be found.

If all steps are completed correctly, the site will appear in the search bar. A technical audit of the site must be carried out constantly to maintain its functionality.

To check a site, you need a special one, which contains the basic parameters. Every auditor has one.

At the enterprise

The purpose of the audit is to determine the enterprise’s readiness to comply with legal requirements.

Includes the following works:

  • establishing product requirements, for example, whether there is a certificate;
  • verification of documents;
  • organization of control of products used;
  • labeling, etc.

Technical audit focuses on technical means enterprises. The condition of the equipment is assessed and advice on maintenance is given.

When conducting an audit, it is necessary to check not only documents, but also interview management and employees.

Based on the analysis of the data obtained, advice is given aimed at increasing production efficiency, implementing innovative technologies.

To conduct an audit, a company is invited that is in cooperation with the company being audited. During the audit, it is important to find answers to the following questions:

  • what is the structural organization?;
  • what is the level of development?;
  • what materials are used by the company?;
  • what markets does it cooperate with?;
  • How is product quality control organized?

At the end of the inspection, it is necessary to draw up a document for the management of the enterprise.

Based on the results of the audit, the company receives a plan for further action, a needs analysis, and recommendations for improving activities.

Price audit

This type of audit is carried out to establish the reasonableness of the price for a certain order.

Other verification tasks:

  • analyze the rationality of the purpose of price formation;
  • identify pricing methods;
  • evaluate the factors that influence price setting;
  • calculate how consumers perceive prices;
  • whether the strategies for setting prices are correctly chosen.

Production check

Production analysis is carried out when it is necessary to check manufactured products. The goal is to establish the necessary conditions for its manufacture.

Objects are considered to be equipment, employees, documents, measuring instruments, product labeling, etc.

The analysis is carried out according to the decision of the certification body. When performing an audit, the condition of objects is checked.

In this case, the expert must provide documents - standards, log books, technological documents. Upon completion, a report is drawn up, which is handed over to the management of the enterprise for review.

Generating a report

The document must describe in detail what the goals of the audit were, what methods were used to carry out the audit, and what violations were identified.

If any inconsistencies are found, the reasons for their occurrence are indicated. It is also necessary to draw general conclusions about the inspection and give recommendations to the management of the enterprise.

The auditor is responsible for the data provided. Based on the results of the audit, the management of the enterprise has the opportunity to:
evaluate your activities;
carry out an analysis of weaknesses;
improve the management and control system for activities and employees.