Notification to the tax office of the appointment of a director. Notification of the bank about the change of director. When and how does a CEO change occur?

The General Director is the main actor, individually representing the executive body of the enterprise. He acts in the interests of the legal entity, and his powers are prescribed by the statutory documents. Information about the entity holding this post is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

When concluding transactions, the company's counterparties must check the authority of the manager. And if there is a change of employee, then regulatory authorities and partners must be notified about this. And it doesn’t matter for what reason the change occurs: dismissal general director By at will or at the initiative of the owners of a legal entity, in connection with death or other circumstances.

Often a situation of so-called dual power arises, when one director has not yet been fired, and the other has already taken up his duties. The owners of the enterprise should not allow dual power; in no case should there be two directors at the same time.

There is no single sample information letter about a change of general director. Each company can create it in any form. Below you can find examples.

How to do it right

Changing a director is a responsible step for any organization, so you should adhere to step by step instructions to avoid mistakes.

Meeting of owners and decision making

The head of a legal entity is a key figure in any organization, so to replace him, all shareholders will have to be convened.

The decision to change the general director must be documented in a protocol, which may contain only three questions:

  1. Exemption from duties of the current director.
  2. Appointment of a new person to this position.
  3. Approval of the new director.

Present to your attention approximate sample of this document:

Single owner of LLC

Date and place of compilation

The only participant of the LLC... full name, passport and registration data, -

  1. Release from his position... position... full name, passport details, based on his application from... date... - from... date.
  2. Assign a new... position... Full name, passport details, date...
  3. Responsibilities for making changes are assigned to the legal consultant, full name and passport details.

Member of LLC... Full name... signature.

Personnel accounting

Now you can dismiss the general director at your own request or for other reasons specified in the personnel documentation and, accordingly, accept a new person for this position. The order will include not only the statement, but also the minutes of the meeting as the basis for dismissal.


Next, you should contact a notary, fill out an application on form P14001, which he will also certify. As a rule, to carry out notarial actions, you will need to submit registration documents of a legal entity and a protocol on the decision taken. Sometimes, if necessary, a notary may additionally request an extract from the tax service and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Tax authorities must be notified of a change in management no later than 3 days from the date of the meeting. It is not recommended to violate the deadline provided for by law, since administrative sanctions in the form of a fine of 5 thousand rubles are provided for this.

You should also submit an information letter to the regional branch of the Federal Tax Service about the change of general director according to the sample P14001, certified by a notary.

Regulatory acts do not provide for the provision of other documents, but, as practice shows, copies of the founders’ decision and orders of dismissal and hiring may be needed.

As a result, the representative of the enterprise will be issued a new extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The procedure for making changes lasts no more than 5 days.

Bank notification

Now that all the formalities have been settled, you need to inform the bank that services the company about the changes that have occurred. There is no single sample information letter about a change of general director; it can be compiled in any form. It is necessary to submit documents confirming the competence of the changes made, that is, a protocol, orders, a new extract from the register and a copy of the passport of the new manager. For businesses that are connected to online banking, you will need to go through the procedure of generating a new key.

Information letter on the change of general director, sample example for a bank:

To the head of the design bureau...

According to the agreement dated... date...

We hereby notify you that... date... to the position... date... appointed... Full name...


  1. Protocol...
  2. Orders...
  3. Extract from the register.
  4. Copy of the passport...

Head of the enterprise... signature... Full name.

Notification of counterparties

Now you can compose and send letters about the change of general director to counterparties. There are no specific deadlines for notifying partners at the legislative level. There is also no uniform sample information letter about a change of CEO. However, it is recommended to look into the contracts to see if there are any clauses there.

As a rule, it is not necessary to attach all the documents accompanying the procedure for changing the director; an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is sufficient.

Information letter about the change of general director: sample notification of partners

Ref.... date...

To the director of LLC...

According to the contract number... from...

Based on the protocol of the founders from... date... to perform the duties of... position... LLC... from... date... began... full name.


  1. A copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

General Director.. date.. Full name.

It should be noted that a legal entity has the obligation to notify only tax authorities and banking institutions about changes that have occurred; in other cases, this is done at the discretion of management. However, as practice shows, in order to avoid misunderstandings with business partners, it is better to notify them as well.

The issue of changing the general director is becoming relevant for many organizations that are faced with the urgent need to register a new authorized person as a manager. Some companies are trying to make changes on their own single register legal entities. However, in any case, it is necessary to prepare a notification to the INFS about the change of general director.

It is worth noting that when changing the leadership of an organization, changes to the constituent documentation are not required. That is why there is no need to pay the established state fee during the registration process of a new director.

To understand the specifics of drawing up the relevant notification, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework, with established deadlines submission, with the procedure for filling out, with the most popular methods of submitting a previously prepared package of documentation, as well as the need to prepare internal documents.

How the procedure works

The procedure for changing the sole executor on behalf of the organization in 2019 was slightly simplified. This is due to the possibility of using a single window service.

Registration current changes V state register legal persons is carried out as follows:

  • preparation of the established package of documentation - form P14001 is filled out, as well as the protocol and the decision to change the general director;
  • transfer of documentation to the territorial regulatory authority;
  • obtaining approval from the tax service;
  • registration of a new bank card linked to the account and generation of a new access key.

It is worth noting that the need for payment in this particular case is not regulated by current legislation.

Different territorial inspectorates apply their own rules for accepting application documentation. However, in the vast majority of cases, the procedural steps for making changes to the registry are almost identical. The main stage in registering changes is the preparation of the established package of documents.

To do this, the organization holds a general meeting of participants, at which the pressing issue of replacing the general director is decided. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, which must be signed by all participants. In cases where the LLC was created by one single person, a special application for a change of management must be drawn up.

It is important to note the fact that the majority territorial bodies It is quite rare to request minutes of meetings due to the fact that the legislation does not establish the obligation to provide relevant documentation.

In any case, an application in form P14001 is submitted to the territorial tax office. You should be very careful when filling out the form. This factor is due to the fact that even the most insignificant error can lead to refusal to carry out the registration procedure.

There is no need to print out the entire form. It is enough just to attach sheet B to the first three sheets of the document, which contains all up-to-date information about the new general director. It is not recommended to leave fields in the form in question empty. It is better to enter all the necessary information and put dashes in the remaining sections. This will help in assuring the registration authority that the company does not have such information.

The current legal address of the organization must be indicated in the form in accordance with the established KLADR classifier. All completed pages are numbered in order. In each specific case, the completed form is notarized. If you independently staple the sheets of a document, the company may receive a refusal to implement the registration procedure.

The application under consideration must be submitted no later than three days from the date of the actual adoption of the decision at the general organizational meeting. Otherwise, the official may be subject to penalty in the amount of 5,000 rubles, which is fully regulated by the provisions of Article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Normative base

As regulatory framework As part of the registration of a new general director, the Federal Law on state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs №129.

Also, the corresponding operation may be regulated by the following orders of the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance:

Why do you need to report to the tax office?

The head of any company has the authority to carry out business activities, as well as to make decisions on behalf of the organization without a formal power of attorney. That is why information about such authorized persons must be displayed in the register of legal entities. This requirement is established by the provisions of the current federal legislation.

Notification of the INFS about the change of general director is necessary for the new director to obtain the right to sign agreements with. Another reason for reporting is possible administrative liability for failure to comply with the relevant requirement.

That is why, in order to prevent risks associated with possible problems, it is necessary to promptly send a notice of a change of manager to the territorial tax office.

Excerpts from a sample notice of dismissal of a director (change of general director):

Submission deadlines

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 Federal Law No. 129, filing an application for state registration of a new head of an organization must be carried out within three working days from the date of the decision. Notification of the tax authority is carried out at the actual location of the organization.

The application in form No. P14001 is also signed by the newly appointed general director. It is worth noting that the emergence or termination of the powers of the executive body is in no way connected with the fact that the relevant information is entered into the unified state register.

Filling out the INFS notification about the change of general director

The documentation in question includes a request to amend the new CEO in the national registry. The current form of notification is established by special order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-6-25. It involves reading information by machine.

That is why it is important to take into account the following fundamental nuances:

  • the document is filled out by hand exclusively using printed characters;
  • black ink is used to enter information;
  • The document may not contain any blots or corrections;
  • There must be spaces between all words;
  • in case of transferring words from one line to another, there is no need to add additional characters;
  • if a word begins with the next line, and the previous ones were completely inscribed in the previous one, then one empty cell must be kept between them in order for the computer to recognize this as a space.

It is worth considering the design of each section in more detail:

Title page Within its framework, the full name of the organization is indicated, as well as organizational form, And . All current addresses are indicated based on the established KLADR classifiers. The number 1 must be entered in the application submission cell to confirm the fact that there is a change in the current information about the legal entity.
Sheet K Includes up-to-date information about a person who can carry out activities on behalf of the organization without issuing a special power of attorney. It is worth noting that this sheet is filled out for both the old and the new director. In the section about the reason for changing the information, the numbers 2 and 1 are entered, which indicate the fact of termination or assignment of obligations.
Sheet P Includes information about the person who presented the relevant notice. Information about it is carefully indicated in sheets P2 and P3. The option to obtain confirmation from representatives of the territorial tax authority is also marked.

It is important to remember the fact that the notification in each specific case is prepared by a notary to confirm the accuracy of the information and to give it legal significance. Blank document pages are not provided.

Methods for submitting documents

The internal rules for accepting documentation at the Federal Tax Service contain information that an application for a change of general director can be submitted to the territorial office in the following ways:

  • personally to the department of the office of the inspectorate - this operation can be carried out either by the previous or by the new head by power of attorney or by an authorized notary;
  • through the territorial branch of the Multifunctional Center;
  • by Russian Post with a description of the contents;
  • V electronic form through the official website of the tax service or using the government services portal;
  • through a notary who certified the signature on the document.

It is worth noting that after the package of documentation is handed over to the tax service employees, the applicant is given a special receipt containing a list of the information transferred and the date of the response decision. The inspection makes the required changes to the database within 5 working days and issues a special sheet. This document officially confirms the completion of the registration procedure.

Registration of internal documents of the organization

Registration of a new general manager is not considered a complicated procedure. This is due to the fact that registration of changes in the tax authorities can be carried out without the involvement of specialists. All documentation must be submitted to a special window for legal entities.

Simplicity cannot be attributed to the preparation of internal documents. The CEO is a representative of the company with an expanded range of powers. For example, he can freely carry out any settlement transactions, sign agreements on behalf of the organization, give obligations of a material or intangible nature, and so on.

That is why each stage of a leadership change must be documented.

When changing the general manager of an organization, it is necessary to prepare the following package of internal documents:

  • if the director resigns of his own free will, then a statement is prepared;
  • in case of dismissal of the manager by the founders - written notification;
  • employment agreement with the new manager4
  • act of acceptance and transfer of constituent documentation and material assets with the signature of the previous director.

Message to the bank

Notice in financial institution upon a change of director of the company, it must be provided immediately after the new director takes office. In this case, some banks may suspend the possibility of Internet banking, since digital signature of the past manager becomes automatically invalid.

Some banks may request additional package documentation in cases where the powers of the General Director were extended upon the conclusion of a new employment agreement.

As notification documentation, banks are asked to provide:

  • reference certificate confirming the introduction of changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the founders of the organization who made the decision to change the head - a certified copy of this document can also be provided;
  • internal order of the organization on the assumption of office of a new authorized person.

Quite often, a legal entity changes its director, and in this case, a notification about the change of general director must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service. In this article we will talk about the nuances of filling out such a document. But we will talk specifically about the executive body of a legal entity, not about the exit/change of founders.

As in the case of a change of address of a legal entity, the form of notification of the replacement of the general director is established by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/ The procedure for filling out and submitting the document is clearly regulated. But unlike changing details, it is not necessary to notify counterparties. All transactions are concluded on behalf of the organization and do not require re-conclusion.

Example of a notice of change of general director

Procedure for changing the general director

The previous director resigns in accordance with labor legislation RF. On general grounds (at one’s own request, agreement of the parties, termination employment contract, initiative of the employer, etc.), or by special ones (Articles 75, 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By decision of the sole founder or in accordance with the minutes of the meeting of founders, a new general director or director is appointed (depending on the name of the position in the Charter). Then the order is issued.

Within 3 days, you must submit a notice of change of general director on Form 14001. It is advisable to have with you both the decision (minutes) and the order to appoint a new director. Otherwise, officials of the organization may be fined under Art. 14.25 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Filling out the notice of change of general director

Like other similar notifications in the Federal Tax Service, form 14001 is filled out in Courier New font, 18 pt, in capital letters. The form can also be filled out manually, but only in capital block letters and black ink. Double-sided printing is not allowed, so each sheet is on a separate page.

All abbreviations are indicated in the appendix to the above order, as well as the codes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and personal documents. Words are not hyphenated if there is a letter at the end of a line, the next one begins with a space (as in the example where the name of a legal entity).

Pages are numbered in order, but only completed ones. This is the first sheet (title sheet), sheet K for the previous director, sheets K for the new director and all sheets R. They need to be printed, the rest are not included.

Submitting notice of a change of general director

The notification is drawn up independently and signed by the notary by the new general director. Form 14001 is subject to certification by a notary, so you must have the charter, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a decision to change and other documents with you (it is better to check with a notary).

There is no state fee for filing a notification. The deadline for entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 5 days. After making such changes based on the notification of a change in the general director, provide the information to the bank where the organization has a current account.

  1. Download a sample information letter

Information mail is compiled for the purpose of informing, advertising products, offering cooperation and in other cases. The information letter may indicate changes in prices, details, etc. There are several types of information letters. Message, statement, confirmation, reminder and similar types of letters must be drawn up in accordance with accepted rules business communication.

How to write a newsletter

The information letter is prepared in accordance with the requirements established for business correspondence rules, its structure corresponds general structure business letter.

Depending on the purpose of the information letter, the following types are distinguished:

  • message letter (notice, notice) - about a change in prices, director, company details, about negotiations, about the shipment of products, etc.;
  • letter of statement - about some intentions of the addressee;
  • confirmation letter - about receipt of goods, Money, documents;
  • reminder letter - about fulfillment of obligations;
  • advertising and information letter - advertising of products, services; this also includes a company information letter.

Often attached to the information letter covering letter, where information is provided in expanded form and in more detail, as well as individual provisions of legislative and other regulatory legal documents.

This letter is signed by the head of the company, sometimes his deputy or even the secretary. In the case of mass mailing (in large quantities), you can do without a signature or use a facsimile.

Sample information letter about change of director

About the change of director

By this letter we notify you of the change of director of our organization on the basis of protocol No. xx dated xxxxxxx. Since xxxxxxx Petrov Petr Petrovich has been appointed director of Target LLC

A copy of protocol No. 11/B dated November 20, 2012 is attached.

Sample information letter about the exhibition

Dear participants!

We ask you to familiarize yourself with the terms of participation in the exhibition “The City Through My Eyes” and confirm your consent to participate in within 5 days.

  1. The exhibition will take place on February 9, 2012 from 9.00 to 19.00 on Leningradsky Boulevard in the building of the “House of Culture” of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
  2. The minimum image size on the short side is 20cm (for example, a print is 20x30), the maximum on the long side is 45cm (for example, a print is 30x45).
  3. Photos will be posted on stands, on whatman paper.
  4. Each exhibitor can post up to 10 works. Please inform us about the number of photos in advance.
  5. Decide on the number and format of photos and send them to us by email This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. To preview their mini-image (preview 800x600 pixels) with the name and surname of the author, you need to February 01.
  6. Finished and approved works can be brought 07 February.

Best regards, organizing committee

Application. Information about the photo exhibition (jury, partners).

The letter regarding the change of general director is informational in nature. This document confronts the organization's counterparties with a fait accompli.

FILES 2 files

When the head of an institution changes, this must be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. No later than three days from the date of appointment of a new person, the organization is obliged to submit the appropriate paper to the tax office at the place of registration of the company. And then you can send letters of relevant content to other organizations. The same should be done if the general director’s last name simply changed for some reason.

Important: notification of a change of general director has a unified form, but an information message in the form of a letter does not. The one who draws up the paper has the right to add data and give comments (naturally, observing the norms of business correspondence).

Components of a letter

The document has a free form. However, it is built according to a generally accepted algorithm. So, at the very top of the sheet are usually located:

  • Company details. There is simply some free space left on the form for them. Ideally, all documents of this scale and focus are printed on the letterhead of a specific organization, which initially contains its name, address, telephone number and other contact information.
  • Letter number. It is necessary for correct registration of outgoing correspondence.
  • Date the document was signed. Without a signature, it has no legal force.
  • Destination. If this is a legal entity, then the organization is indicated first, then the position and name of the specific employee of this organization to whom the message is intended.

Apart from the introductory part, which is the same for large quantity documentation, the letter about the change of director has the main part. It may begin with the phrases: “By this letter we notify you...” or “By this letter we inform you...”, or simply “We inform you that from today Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov has been appointed general director.”

There is no standardized form for a sample letter. However, you should concisely and reasonably inform the addressee of the essence of the paper - information about the change of director. In this case, it is necessary to indicate as an attachment the paper that was the basis for such a change.

So, the mandatory points for the main part are:

  • Full name of the new general director.
  • The date on which he began to perform his duties.
  • What document is the basis for this? It could be a protocol general meeting shareholders (owners) of the company or the decision of the sole founder.

Who signs?

When drawing up a document, many people wonder who should certify the letter: the old or new general director of the organization. The answer here is clear: new. After all, the document on his appointment has already entered into force. And even if the tax authorities are still in the dark about the change of director, only the new boss now has the right to sign and certify the documentation with his visa.

In practice, a situation often occurs when two people are in power in a company at once.

In order to avoid such moments and possible related troubles, it is necessary to immediately indicate in the minutes of the meeting of owners on this issue specific dates for the dismissal of the previous employee and the appointment of a new one.


Since the new boss is signing, the letter needs evidence of the information provided, otherwise it would open up wide opportunities for scammers. Figureheads could take advantage of the resulting confusion when reporting this kind information. Therefore, the following must be attached to each letter about a change of general director:

  • A copy of the minutes of the general meeting at which the decision on his appointment was made. In practice, for convenience, it also prescribes the dismissal of the old one.
  • A copy of the power of attorney for signing the documentation.
  • A copy of the order on the appointment of the general director. The meaning of the power of attorney may be included in it.

Only the first paper will be required, but by attaching copies of the others, you can make your appeal more reasoned. Each organization in this case acts in accordance with its Charter.

The final part of the letter is the signature of the new general director and, if possible, the seal of the organization. In this way, counterparties and other persons to whom the letter will be addressed will learn how the new manager signs.

Special cases

In addition to the tax authorities, the banks that serve the company are also required to inform about the change of director. This is enshrined in Bank of Russia Instruction No. 153-I dated May 30, 2014.

In addition, the newly appointed manager must visit the banking organization in order to leave samples of his signature there. Only after this action has been completed will his “autograph” truly certify money orders and other financial documentation of the organization.

Is it necessary to notify partners?

By law, the company is obliged to notify only the tax service and the bank about the change of director. However, according to the rules of business communication, counterparties must also be aware of the current state of affairs. This is especially true in cases in which the previous CEO was fired from the organization due to loss of trust. His actions could also be related to business partners.

In addition, there is one more reason to notify business partners: additional agreements should be concluded with them to all contracts in which the full name of the old specialist appears (in order for them to have legal force).

Thus, mass mailing of letters about a change of general director is a mandatory item in the algorithm of any self-respecting company. If you don’t want to waste precious time signing multiple copies, you can use a facsimile of the new boss’s signature.