What subsidies does the state provide for agriculture? Subsidizing agriculture. Applicants who have

Development Agriculture V Russian Federation- an important part public policy. Therefore, benefits and special programs are provided for many farmers in the country.

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But not all entrepreneurs in this business area know what agricultural subsidies are in 2020. And what positive aspects can a farmer get for himself?

general information

Based on the fact that Western countries imposed sanctions against Russia, the issue of developing its own resources in terms of agriculture became much more pressing.

But it is worth understanding that the state has its own priorities in this area and not all enterprises will be interested in subsidy programs.

The fact is that Russia’s main goal is to increase the livestock farming and processing sector.

Therefore, it will be much easier for those entrepreneurs who work in such areas to receive benefits from the state.


Subsidy This is a payment in kind or in cash, which is directed from the state to support institutions, individuals or enterprises
Agriculture Industry in national economy, which includes several subclasses responsible for working with:
  • earth;
  • fields;
  • animals;
  • forests.
Farmer This is a private person who is engaged in agriculture. Several areas of agriculture can be implemented on the territory of one farm
Production This is an organization or legal entity that processes or processes products
Peasant farming This is a kind of association of several people who are engaged in production or other economic activity. Moreover, they are all owners of property - land, buildings on the territory of their farm
Compensation This is receiving financial compensation for any expenses. In agriculture, these can be funds associated with production and its sale.

Basic goals

Subsidizing of this area of ​​the country's manufacturing sector occurs for several reasons. The leading goals of the state in this regard are as follows:

Preferential lending for priority agricultural projects There are areas in which there are high risks and specific working conditions - these are areas of risky agriculture or breeding of elite livestock
Subsidies from the budget with targeted allocation They are carried out in the presence of low yield indicators. Options for income compensation are possible if prices for products that are included in the range of social
Additional funding for public sector sectors Typically, funds are allocated only to priority sectors. At the same time, you can receive a subsidy for loans and leasing payments
Planning government support programs Constant analysis of the agricultural market and identification of priority sectors allows you to correctly distribute funds

The legislative framework

In order to understand how the calculation of subsidies works in this area of ​​business, you should familiarize yourself with the legislation.

With the help of fluent knowledge of the laws, you can quickly and easily apply for any benefit and government program.

In addition, the legislation will also be useful for new entrepreneurs who do not know in which area to open a business, since it will tell them the priority direction of work.

Types of programs

There are several main programs for which applications are submitted in the field of agriculture:

List of documents that will be needed

Only after reviewing the documents from the farmer, a specialized commission makes a decision on issuing financing.

Therefore, first of all, you should take care of the completeness of the package of papers:

  1. — it is filled out at the place where documents are received and in accordance with the established template.
  2. Passport and education diploma. They should be submitted in the form of copies.
  3. Business plan for the household taking into account the funds received.
  4. Certificate of registration of farming from the tax service and copies of other papers that confirm the creation of the enterprise.
  5. Recommendations from entrepreneurs and municipal leaders.
  6. Agreement for the processing of personal data - the document form can be found on the Internet.

The development of agriculture, especially in the context of an urgent need for import substitution of a number of products previously supplied from foreign countries, is one of the priority tasks Russian state policy. Farmers are supported in a variety of ways, including subsidies for personal development subsidiary farming.

Who is entitled to such a subsidy, what is its size, and what does the owner of a private household plot need to do to receive financial assistance from the state?

What is personal subsidiary farming?

The concept of personal subsidiary farming is established by the provisions of Federal Law No. 112 of July 7, 2003. According to Art. 2 specified normative act, private household plots mean a special form of non- entrepreneurial activity aimed at the production and processing of agricultural products.

The sale of products obtained as a result of management by a citizen and members of his family does not require appropriate registration with the tax authority. A citizen has the right to conduct personal subsidiary farming from the moment of registration of rights to a land plot intended for carrying out the specified activity.

Types of subsidies provided to the owner of a personal subsidiary plot

The areas in which state support is provided are established by Art. 7 of Federal Law No. 112 of July 7, 2003.

According to the provisions of the article, state support for private household plots is provided in the following areas:

  • the formation of all the necessary infrastructure in the immediate vicinity of private household plots (in particular, communications, transport links, provision of electricity, gas and water, etc.), as well as the formation of agricultural cooperatives to facilitate the processing and marketing of produced products;
  • creation of organizational, legal, environmental and social conditions to ensure the normal functioning of private household plots, as well as providing owners of such farms with access to scientific developments and technologies.

Funds within the framework of the program for subsidizing personal subsidiary plots are allocated for:

  • keeping cows (subject to a certain number of livestock at the time of applying for a subsidy);
  • reimbursement of part of the costs of modernization or acquisition new technology, as well as the development of technologies used in the management of private household plots;
  • reimbursement of part of the costs of slaughtering livestock;
  • artificial insemination of cows:
  • purchase of fuels and lubricants, spare parts for agricultural activities, mineral fertilizers and veterinary drugs, etc.

The procedure for receiving subsidies for the development of personal subsidiary plots

In order to obtain the right to use budget funds for the development of personal subsidiary plots, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • application for a subsidy;
  • an extract from the household ledger used in maintaining private household plots;
  • copies of payment documents confirming the fact of incurring costs for the development of private household plots;
  • copies of technical passports of vehicles used in private household plots;
  • copies of agreements for obtaining a loan or loan aimed at developing private household plots;
  • livestock register;
  • certificates of work performed on slaughter, etc.

According to current legislation, the amount of subsidies allocated for the development of private household plots is established by the authorities on regional level.

Taxation of subsidies received for the development of personal subsidiary plots

According to clause 13.1 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, received for the development of personal subsidiary plots and used for their intended purpose, are not subject to income tax individuals. At the same time, the legislator notes that in order to be exempt from the tax burden, the following conditions must be met:

  • the total area of ​​land used for private household plots should not exceed 0.5 hectares (this standard can be increased by regional authorities, but not more than 5 times);
  • No hired workers are hired to work in private household plots.

So, current legislature provides owners of private farms with the right to receive subsidies for the purpose of developing agriculture in the country. The exact size and procedure for receiving budget funds Money is established at the regional level: that is why the most complete information about the rules for providing subsidies can be obtained from local governments. It is worth remembering that almost all subjects of the federation allocate funds for the development of agricultural farming, so you should not neglect your rights to receive them.

The Russian government decided to increase the budget for farm subsidies. The most important regulator for the agro-industrial sector of agriculture is the Federal Law “On the Development of Agriculture”.

The Government of the Russian Federation has modeled a state program for agricultural support and regulation, which is designed for the period from 2013 to 2020 inclusive. The program includes a full range state plans and initiatives for the future. This document reflects subsections in all areas of agricultural development.

Every year in legislative framework This program is being amended by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Forms of state assistance to farmers

In 2019, farmers can count on the following forms of support for agricultural business development:

  1. Grant for starting a business (for beginning farmers).
  2. One-time support for farmers.
  3. Reimbursement of costs for land registration.
  4. Credit programs.

Grants can be provided to farmers on a competitive basis. To participate, the farmer must submit an application supported by the following documents:

  1. Questionnaire.
  2. Application.
  3. Two documents (certifying completion of agricultural special courses, work record book, certificate of education, extract certifying farming).
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  5. Copy of the passport.
  6. Business plan.
  7. A copy of the peasant farm registration certificate.
  8. Estimate.
  9. Certificate from the Federal Tax Service.
  10. An extract from a personal bank account.
  11. Certificate of availability of livestock, special equipment, agricultural equipment.
  12. Implementation agreement for an amount of more than 30,000 rubles.
  13. Characteristic.

When submitting a copy work book The competition participant must have at least 3 years of work experience in the field of agriculture. Also, when submitting a bank statement, you need to remember that the current account must contain an amount of at least 10% of the grant value.

This list cannot be changed by the participant. All listed documents must be submitted to participate in the competition.

Reimbursement of costs for land registration is also a separate measure of farmer support. In this case, the subsidy is provided only for agricultural plots that:

  1. Transmitted for .
  2. Transmitted to .
  3. There were a plot of land.

The state can reimburse money spent during cadastral works during the procedure for registering land ownership. The subsidy can be 100% of the funds at rates determined by the region according to the calculation per hectare.

One-time assistance for farmers is provided for the following expenses:

  1. Purchase of transport for transporting passengers.
  2. Connecting the living space to gas and electricity networks, water supply and sewerage.
  3. Purchase of housing and subsequent construction and repairs, if it is the only one (the costs of repaying the loan and interest are also included).
  4. Purchase of installations that are intended for cleaning water, heating, gas installations and other devices used for supplying water and septic tanks.
  5. Purchase and delivery of 1 unit of home furniture, engineering equipment, communication equipment, household appliances, gas and electric stoves.

As for lending programs, support is provided for the following areas:

  1. Guarantee for loans.
  2. Microfinance.
  3. Interest-free loans.
  4. Financial support, which provides the right to receive money to repay the costs that the farmer incurred in paying interest on bank loans.
  5. Other types of loans.

In 2019, financial support will be provided by the state in various areas. This list can be expanded to cover costs for:

  • rental of land plots and specialized equipment;
  • purchase of fertilizers, feed, farm animals;
  • execution of installation and construction works (reimbursement is carried out partially);
  • activities aimed at improving agricultural production;
  • landscaping work.

In 2019, the following can apply for state financial support:

  1. Agricultural cooperatives.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs specializing in agriculture.

According to statistics, the amount of government grants intended for farmers increases every year. By the end of this year, the amount of financial support may reach 30 billion rubles. To date, more than 120 farmers have received subsidies from the Federal budget and allocated funds for business development.

Support Dimensions

In 2019, the volume of financing for the agricultural industry was increased. Now farmers can count on more serious support from the state.

The state decided to provide additional funding to the agricultural sector in the hope that this particular investment would be justified and positive for the economic situation in the country.

True, the amounts of subsidies may differ from the published standard due to the different coefficients of the regions.

In accordance with the regulations of Federal legislation, farmers can receive a maximum of 30,000,000 rubles. At the same time, one important condition must be met - the allocated subsidy can cover up to 60% of all costs incurred. It follows from this that applicants must have funds available that are sufficient to cover 40% of expenses (10% personal funds, 30% credit).

To receive a grant from the state, farmers must fulfill a number of requirements:

  • run your own business;
  • have a residence permit in a specific region;
  • use the labor of workers related to them by family ties living in the same region;
  • have not previously received subsidies from the state and local authorities;
  • the enterprise must be at least 12 months old.

It is worth noting that in 2019 the Government decided to financially support beginning farmers, for whom a special program was developed. According to its terms one-time funds allocated from the Federal budget will have to be spent on modernizing the farmer’s existing farm or improving living conditions.

Beginning farmers can take part in this program and receive from 1,500,000 to 4,000,000 rubles. However, applicants must meet the following conditions:

  • the farmer must have at least 10 years of experience in the agricultural sector, and up to two years of entrepreneurial experience;
  • the applicant must have higher education in the agricultural sector;
  • To receive a subsidy, you must draw up a competent business plan, as well as present letters of recommendation from your previous place of work;
  • a beginning farmer must have personal funds that will be enough for him to pay part of the costs (at least 1/10 of the part);
  • Documentary confirmation of the sources of sales of agricultural products is required.

Beginning farmers need to understand that the chosen direction must be relevant for a specific region. During the presentation of the business plan, they will have to prove that the future agricultural enterprise will be profitable.

New farmers can receive financial assistance from the state in another way. To do this, they should open an organization in which they will carry out labor activity relatives. If the business expands and the livestock increases to more than one hundred animals, they will be able to attract up to 5 hired workers for cooperation.

Receipt procedure

To participate in any possible state program two conditions must be met:

  1. Create a business project.
  2. Submit all necessary documents for participation to the Ministry of Agriculture in your region.

Requirements for participants

The requirements for farmers in 2019 are simple - to have funds in a personal bank account, and also to be able to protect their business project.

You also need to pay attention to the direction of development of your business. If the business project is of a large scale, involves the construction of premises, the purchase of elements of agricultural equipment, there will be a high probability of receiving a grant.

Also, when submitting an application, you need to prepare a complete list of documents required to participate in the competition, which are presented above.

Application procedure

First farmers need submit all documents to the Ministry of Agriculture in your region. Within 15 days, an expert assessment of the applicant farmer’s business project takes place, the result of which will be a decision.

The provided package of documents must fully reflect the essence of the business idea and be as competent, clear and reasoned as possible.

Read the list carefully necessary documents. After reviewing the application, a call is received to the Ministry of Agriculture for a conversation. During the conversation, experts evaluate business qualities applicant and make the final decision. If the application is approved, the subsidized funds will be credited to the bank account within 1-3 months after the actual grant is issued.


Since 2015 deadlines for issuing grants for farmers started to decline.

Every year, the Ministry of Agriculture of each region sends requests to the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the time frame for issuing subsidies to farmers; for 2019, special progress is noticeable - the maximum period for receiving a subsidy from the date of filing an application for participation in the competition is 3 months, the minimum period has been reduced to 21 days.

Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev is not going to stop on the issue of reducing the time frame for receiving subsidies. Moreover, if the expert commission recognized the application for participation in the competitive selection as highly profitable, then express subsidies will be possible for 2019, the terms of which, according to preliminary data, are limited to two weeks.

On the procedure for subsidizing the agricultural sector using the example of the Rostov region

The procedure for providing funds from the budget is explained by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Rostov region Mironova Olga Anatolyevna.

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Free in Russia

State support for agriculture in the form of subsidies for the development of this industry should have a positive impact on its development, as well as its entry into the domestic and foreign markets. How to get a subsidy for agricultural development? This question interests many beginning farmers in 2020. The answer in this case is quite simple - to enlist the support of the state by taking some steps regarding contacting municipal authorities. In this way, the government plans to reduce the regular increase in food prices, which are rising due to high inflation and strict policies towards the Russian Federation introduced by some European countries.

The settlement of issues regarding agriculture and its sponsorship is based on the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law No. 264 of December 29, 2006 “On the Development of Agriculture”;
  • state program for the development of this industry for 2013-2020.

Also, each individual region has its own regulations and laws regarding subsidies for this area of ​​the food industry.

What types of programs are there?

With the support of the state, several agricultural development programs have been developed, under which citizens have the right to apply for subsidies:

  1. Beginning farmer.
  2. Family livestock farm.
  3. The best farmer.
  4. Old help with new principles.
  5. Lending to this industry is supported by the state.

When starting a business in the agricultural industry, an entrepreneur should clearly familiarize himself with each of the support programs. This will allow him to receive subsidies from the authorities free of charge.

The influence of regional authorities on the allocation of subsidies

In accordance with current federal laws, regional authorities must provide assistance in the development and establishment of agricultural enterprises. Such a policy should bring agricultural enterprises to Russian market, gradually displacing foreign representatives. After which it is planned to smoothly move to the markets of foreign countries.

Of course, it is extremely difficult for entrepreneurs to achieve such success on their own without support. It is for such purposes that measures have been developed to influence regional authorities on providing subsidies to businessmen to start and maintain their agricultural production.

What are the priorities in government assistance?

When providing subsidies for subsidies, the state gives priority to the following agricultural producer who strives to:

  1. Significantly expand the raw materials market.
  2. Increase salaries for its employees of the agricultural producer.
  3. Regularly create new job positions, thereby reducing the unemployment rate in the country.
  4. Reclaim territories that were once abandoned.

If businessmen have these priorities, the state will most likely provide subsidies to agricultural production.

Requirements for rural enterprises

Before discussing how to receive financial assistance for business development, you should consider the basic requirements for such enterprises:

  • farming experience must be at least 10 years;
  • It is desirable to have letters of recommendation from the municipality or members of the cooperative;
  • the rule for providing a subsidy presupposes the presence of a progressive business plan;
  • it is necessary to provide sales schemes for finished products;
  • product quality must be at a decent level.

Only if these requirements are met, an entrepreneur can count on government support and subsidies.

List of required documents

In order for the state to provide subsidies to potential applicants, the following documents are required:

  1. Application, as well as a questionnaire of an applicant for subsidies.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its copies.
  3. Document confirming receipt of professional education.
  4. Certificate of registration of business activity from the tax authority.
  5. Constituent documents of an agricultural enterprise.
  6. Ready-made contracts with partners and other contractors.
  7. Letters of recommendation from municipal authorities authorities.

The application must also indicate the amount of subsidy that the entrepreneur requires to develop his production.

Beginning Farmer Program

The condition of this program involves providing the farmer with a grant to receive a subsidy in the amount of 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. When receiving a sum of money, it must be strictly spent on the purchase of industrial equipment, planting materials, fertilizer and other products necessary to start production.

To apply for a grant, you must submit a business plan to the Ministry of Agriculture of your region. Here an expert assessment will be carried out followed by a decision on whether to provide a subsidy or refuse.

Size and conditions of participation

The amount of the subsidy is determined by the Ministry of Agriculture of the region where the application is submitted. Here it is extremely important to provide the most detailed and clear business plan, which will clearly reflect the need for government support for the enterprise.

A beginning Farmer can count on an amount from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. However, the final amount of the subsidy for the purchase of everything necessary will be calculated without his direct participation. The period for consideration and provision of subsidies is 15 calendar days.


If the expert assessment led to a positive decision, then the entrepreneur must, upon completion of consideration of the application, re-submit all necessary documentation, then indicate the details for crediting funds. After making all purchases you will have to go through the procedure strict reporting before the Ministry of Agriculture, where the subsidy was provided. For this purpose, all purchase receipts are provided.

Development of family farms

The state also provides a program for the development of family farms, where it is planned to grow crops and raise livestock. In this case we are talking about the development of a single village or hamlet. You can count on subsidizing this program only if all employees of the agricultural enterprise are relatives. You don't have to be closely related to do this.

Size and conditions of participation

To participate in the program the following conditions must be met:

  • workforce of at least 3 people;
  • the farm must operate for one year before submitting an application;
  • Previously, the family did not receive financial support from the state for the development of small businesses.

The maximum subsidy amount is 10 million rubles. However, it cannot be more than 60% of the total cost of purchasing equipment and other necessary products, animals and materials.

Best Farmer

A state program under which you can count on subsidizing your farm - Best Farmer. Designed for those who have previously received awards and titles of the best in the region, region or region. In this case, it is designed for enterprises that have already long years provide domestic and foreign markets with their raw materials.

In this case, the amount of subsidies can be significantly increased if production re-equipment is necessary. The application is also submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of your region.

Providing loans

Along with government funding, a farmer can also take out a loan to develop a small business, and then apply to the Ministry of Agriculture for government assistance to pay part of the debt. To do this, he will need to provide detailed business plan, as well as documents confirming lending and purchase of everything necessary for production in the form of checks. Based on expert assessment, decisions will be made whether to provide a gratuitous subsidy or to refuse it.


How to get a subsidy for agricultural development? Entrepreneurs in remote regions of the Russian Federation often face this issue. As a rule, it is difficult to make a personal appeal to the Ministry of Agriculture due to its absence. In this case, it is possible to submit an application remotely through the official website of the Ministry.

Also, if you have difficulties providing a subsidy, you can always contact a higher authority.

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In the current economic conditions the development of some industries is a priority for the state. These include agriculture, gardening, animal husbandry, etc. To support the industry and attract new participants, a program has been developed at the federal level to provide subsidies to beginning farmers in 2018.

Getting support

Subsidies to farmers in 2018 are assigned based on the amount allocated to a specific region. The number of such areas is increasing every year, but the distribution of the total amount allocated by the government for development is uneven.

Each region receives a portion according to general conditions. At the same time, it is assessed how much it suffered from the introduction of sanctions, the general level of development of the industry, the presence of favorable conditions, etc.

This year, the subsidy for farmers amounts to over 3 billion rubles, and the total number of regions participating in the program is 83.

Requirements for farmers

To receive assistance in the form of a subsidy, a beginning farmer in 2018 must meet certain criteria:

  • registration of individual entrepreneur, LLC or legal entity other form;
  • availability of start-up capital. Minimum limit own funds– 100 thousand rubles;
  • the presence of a business plan that takes into account the procedure for distributing funds, forecasting the profit and profitability of the enterprise;
  • individual entrepreneur must work for at least 3 years and sell products worth more than 30 thousand rubles;
  • collective farms have the right to apply for state assistance only once during the entire period of activity (up to this point they must have worked for more than a year);
  • personal subsidiary plots, micro-enterprises, and agricultural cooperatives also have the right to benefit from state support.

Despite the fact that subsidies are mainly intended for beginning farmers, enterprises that have been operating in the market for several years have the right to take advantage of the opportunity to government funding. In this case, you can get help for development or expansion. The benefit can be used to pay off loan obligations.

Procedure and features of receiving subsidies

There is a certain procedure for how to receive subsidies for farmers. In addition to compliance certain conditions described above, you need to prepare an application and collect a package of documents:

  • Diploma, other educational document. A higher or secondary specialized education is required.
  • Labor book, certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs or other papers certifying the presence of experience in the industry for more than 3 years.
  • Agreements, invoices for the sale of products (if the enterprise is not new), certifying the volume of trade turnover.
  • Bank statement or other documents confirming the presence of 10% of the requested amount.
  • Business plan.

What can you spend it on?

The applicant must indicate and guarantee that they have not previously received government assistance. Based on the presented development plan, the commission makes a decision on issuing assistance.

Subsidies received from the state cannot be spent at your own discretion.

At the same time, you need to understand that subsidies to young farmers can only be spent on strictly defined purposes, for example:

  • agricultural machinery;
  • planting material, fertilizers;
  • land;
  • livestock;
  • pet food.

Verification and reporting

The Commission reserves the right to check how funds are spent. The frequency of inspections is set individually - once a year, once a quarter. Analytics and reconciliation occurs based on the articles of the business plan.

Achievement of planned results is also taken into account.

You should be aware that if inaccuracies are discovered, for example, funds are spent on items not taken into account in the plan, subsidies issued to support beginning farmers will need to be returned in full. Read about what other subsidies you can receive from the state in the following materials on our website.