Digital television IPTV. Connect the computer, open the interface

Settings Wi-Fi router a QBR-1041WU


· Place the QBR-1041WU router next to your computer.

· Connect an external power supply to a 220V~50Hz outlet, then connect the cord from the power supply to the “Power” connector (5Vdc=2A) on the router.

· Connect the router to the computer from which you will configure it using an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector.

· Connect an Ethernet cable designed to provide an Internet channel into the “WAN” connector on the back of the router;

· Turn on your computer and wait for the operating system to load.

· Turn on the router, after 10-15 seconds the “i” indicator on the front panel of the router should start blinking.

· Make sure that the network cable is working properly and the connection between the PC and the router is correct. If the indicator " @ » does not light up or blink, make sure that the Ethernet cable for providing the Internet channel is working properly and its connection to the WAN connector on the router is correct.

After this, the QBR-1041WU Wi-Fi router is ready for further configuration.


When you turn on the router, the built-in DHCP server also turns on, which issues IP addresses for local network devices, such as your computer.

To obtain an IP address from the router's DHCP server, follow the instructions below.

Note:The following procedure assumes that you are using Windows 7. However general stages are the same for most other operating systems (OS). Check your OS documentation for details.

STEP 1:In the Network and Sharing Center window shared access» open a local network connection. Click the Properties button.

STEP 2:Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click the Properties button.

STEP 3:Select "Obtain an IP address automatically" as shown below.

STEP 4:Click OK to save the settings.

To access the router settings, follow these steps:

1. Connect the device to the computer using the cable supplied.

2. Open an Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome,...).

3. Enter in the address bar:

4. Log in using the login: “ admin" and password: " admin".

5. In the main menu, select the TCP/IP Settings=>WAN Interface section.

Select connection type WAN (WAN Access Type): Static IP .

Set the basic parameters for connecting to the Internet via Static IP:

IP Address: enter the IP address;

Subnet Mask: enter the subnet mask;

Default gateway: enter the default gateway;

DNS: enter the addresses of DNS servers:DNS 1: and DNS 2:

Attention!After filling in all the necessary network details, click the buttonApplyChanges to save the settings (this button must be pressed every time you change any data, otherwise the settings will not be saved!). After which a window will appear prompting you to restart the device to apply the changes, you must click on the buttonRebootNow:


Attention!Your QBR-1041WU Wi-Fi router already has factory settings for connecting to a Wi-Fi network. The name of the Wi-Fi network and the password to access it are indicated on a sticker located on the back of the device.

If you want to change the preset Wi-Fi network settings and access password, make the suggested settings.

To set up wireless Wi-Fi networks go to the router web interface (default:; login = admin; password = admin).

Then open the tab Wireless => Basic Settings

To manually configure a Wi-Fi access point, do the following:

1. Make sure there is no checkmark in the “Disable Wireless LAN interface” field;

2. Specify the required wireless network standard. To obtain the maximum reception/transmission speed over a wireless Wi-Fi network, use the 2.4GHz(B+G+N) field;

3. Set the router to operate as an access point –AP (AccessPoint);

4. In the “SSID” field, enter the name of your Wi-Fi network;

Note! IN further network will appear under this name. Only Latin letters and/or numbers must be used. In this example, the network name is: "MTSRouter_XXXXXX".

5. Set the channel bandwidth to 40MHz. This will allow you to get maximum speed and coverage area when working via a wireless network;

6. Set the Channel number to “Auto”;

7. Click the “Apply Changes” button to save the main settings.


To configure Wi-Fi network security, open the tab Wireless => Security

1. In the “Select SSID” list, select the name of your wireless network, for example, “MTS Router_XXXXXX”.

2. Select the encryption type: WPA- mixed.

3. Select the network authentication mode in the “ Authenti with ation mode", for example, "Personal (Pre-Shared Key)".

4. Select the encryption method “WPA Cither Suite”. In this example, the AES method is selected.

5. Define the password format - Passphrase

6. Enter the password in the “Pre-Shared Key” field.

Note! The key must be at least 8 characters in length, only Latin letters and/or numbers must be used. For greater security, do not use your own names, dictionary words, dates of birth, etc. as passwords.

5. To save the settings, click the “Apply Changes” button.


To change your password you need to open the tabManagement => Password

In field UserName enter in Latin letters the name that will be used to enter the device interface in the fieldNewPasswordenter a new password and repeat the password in the fieldConfirmedPassword. Next, click the buttonApplyChanges. In the future, use the new password to log into the router interface.


If you need to reset all existing router settings and return to factory settings, then follow these steps:

1. In the web interface (GUI), select the Management => Save/ReloadSettings tab and click the “Reset” button in the “Reset Settings to Default” field. Confirm resetting the router to factory settings by clicking the “OK” button.

2. If the web interface is unavailable, press and hold the “Reset” button located on the bottom of the router for 5-10 seconds.

The Rostelecom company offers to purchase the QBR 1041WU V2 router model from QTECH, since it can be connected to you via an Ethernet cable, which is supplied by the provider to your house or apartment.

The router contains firmware that is directly suitable for a full Internet connection and IPTV from Rostelecom. Even an absolutely unsure user can configure it. Appearance The router is quite beautiful and has many functions, it is convenient and easy to use.

To configure this model of router from Rostelecom, you need to connect everything correctly and according to the instructions.
After purchase of this equipment you need to check whether everything is included in the box, look at the components, these include the following:

Ethernet cable;
-power unit.

The QBR 1041WU V2 router has a built-in Wi-Fi module; to configure it, the user needs to perform the following steps: create a wired connection between the router and your computer, then try to install and connect the equipment.
The router model QBR 1041WU V2 from QTECH is one of optimal options for connecting and setting up the Internet from Rostelecom via an Ethernet cable supplied by the provider to an apartment or house. The compact form factor hides powerful components that allow you to connect all the necessary options for a private apartment or small office.

The most important thing is to familiarize yourself with the operating rules, understand the meaning of connectors, buttons and lit indicators. Incorrect use will result in damage and then you will have to take the router to a service center for repair or reinstallation. If it cannot be repaired, then you will have to purchase a new router by contacting Rostelecom.

Having recognized the connectors and familiarized yourself with the front panel and buttons, you can proceed to the ports. On the back panel of the QBR 1041WU V2, note the location of the ports:

- Internet (WAN);
-LAN 1-4 (Ethernet).

On the side, the user will notice a USB connector, which is suitable for connecting a printer at home and in offices.
As for indicators, we list them below:

Power indicator;
-wireless connection;
-Internet connection;
-network ports.

To configure QBR 1041 from Rostelecom, the user must first proceed to the power supply. Connect the provider's cord to the WAN connector on the back panel of your device, then connect the computer and router using an Ethernet cable.
For the router to work well, you need to take into account the absence of vibrations and complete overheating of your device. Very good way- this is to mount the router on the wall, since this position will limit the device from jumping and all kinds of vibrations.

QBR 1041WU V2S: setting up a connection to Rostelecom:
To connect this device, the user must proceed to the next step: initially configure the firmware. In the address field you need to enter the correct IP of your equipment, the default value looks like this:
The next operation is to check the ports, before turning it on, find the “Start the wizard” item.

To configure Rostelecom services, the user must correctly enter the login and password for the PPPoE connection. This data is specified in the contract you entered into with the provider.

Users who have connected digital telephony services need to select a connector to fully connect an IP communication device.
In the QBR 1041WU router model from Rostelecom, you can easily configure network parameters, most importantly, select a login and password for the access point.

A button called “Apply Settings” will appear on the panel, your equipment will immediately reboot and additional services will be added at this moment.
In terms of setting up the router model QBR 1041WU from QTECH for services from Rostelecom, several simple functions are performed.

All this generally relates to the work of the provider, who initially simplified software. Any user can simply set up any service independently at home, without requiring assistance from a Rostelecom specialist.

Under MTS, setting up a router comes down to setting a password with a login. Here we are talking about a router connected via ADSL and issued by the provider itself. In fact, it is better to know how to set up a connection from scratch without the help of technical support. Let's look at how to establish a connection to MTS (Stream, or MGTS) if you are using a device of the following model: QBR-1041WU v2.

Router appearance

The router itself, which is shown in the photo, is equipped with an ADSL port, as well as four LAN ports. Some firmware designed for it provides the following: one LAN port is used as a WAN (Ethernet) port. The ADSL module is then not used. We, in turn, will consider the standard option: the telephone cord is connected to the ADSL connector, the settings are made PPPoE connections(MTS).

Features of the MTS PPPoE protocol

It would seem that it can be difficult when setting up a connection “by telephone”. Typically a protocol called PPPoE is used, which allows for subscriber identification. All you have to do is set your username and password, and that’s it. In fact, there is also a TCP/IP layer that sits “above PPPoE”.

The MTS provider uses a static or dynamic IP address, and there is an option “PPPoE without an IP address.” The latter does not apply to MTS, but just such a protocol is implemented in many routers. Some models support both. Hence the conclusion: not every device can be connected to MTS in principle. DNS addresses, in turn, are specified explicitly in the router interface. Suitable values ​​must be determined in advance, before setting up.

Connect the computer, open the interface

The first or fourth LAN port must be connected to a computer (with a network card connector). To do this, use the patch cord included in the kit. It is not recommended to use port "3" or "2", as they may be disabled. The network card itself is configured like this:

PC wired connection settings

It is better to clarify the address of the alternative DNS server in advance (different numbers are appropriate in different regions). Well, is the address of the router itself.

Apply power to the router and reboot the computer. There is no need to remind you that the telephone cable should already be connected at this moment. After a minute, you can open your browser to navigate to the address “”. You will need to go through identification:

Open the web interface of the router

The password and login admin are suitable here. If this is your first time setting up, the following page will appear:

Password update tab

Setting up an MTS Internet connection

To connect your router to the Internet, you need to set up an ADSL connection. To perform this action, simply go to the “Interface Settings” -> “Internet” tab. By default, the “WAN” port may be used, which we do not need:

Internet connection settings tab

The topmost list on the page should contain the value “ADSL”. Select it, and what to do next will be discussed now.

Step-by-step setup of the PPPoE protocol

When the top list is set to "ADSL", the page contains the maximum number of options. It will look like this:

"Phone" PPPoE + Dynamic IP

Before setting up, you need to find out what login and password is used, as well as what exactly is to be set as the IP address. If the address is provided “automatically”, configure everything as in the example. Otherwise, move the selector to the “Static” position and fill in three numeric fields: IP address, mask, gateway. We hope everything is clear here.

Just in case, we list the values ​​of all parameters:

  1. The "PVC" list must contain the number "0";
  2. VPI/VCI fields – numbers 1/50 (true for MTS);
  3. "ADSL QoS" - UBR;
  4. IP address version – IPv4;
  5. Connection mode – PPPoA/PPPoE;
  6. VLAN – Disable;
  7. Login and password - as in the contract;
  8. Encapsulation – LLC;
  9. Authentication – Auto;
  10. Bridge – Off;
  11. Connection – Always on;
  12. Default route – Yes;
  13. NAT – Enable;
  14. MTU – 0, or 1492, or 1490.

We have already talked about how to set “IP options” (an example is given for “dynamic IP”). Finally, click “Save.” The connection should become active in 1-2 minutes; you do not need to reboot the router.

What to do with DNS?

Registering DNS addresses on each of the local devices is inconvenient. But there is a way out. Just go to the tab " The local network"to set the required values ​​in the "DNS" block:

Provider DNS server addresses

There is no need to set the address “” here, it is useless. Both suitable values ​​are given on the MTS website.

Further, if the built-in DHCP server is enabled, you have the opportunity to set the “auto” parameter on all local devices. The network card is configured as follows: “auto IP”, “auto DNS”. By the way, if you are using a protocol with a dynamic IP address, then try leaving the “DNS Relay” selector in the “Automatic” position. Maybe it will work out.

Setting up the router's wireless network

Stay on the “Interface Settings” -> “Local Network” tab. Verify that the DHCP service is active on all required ports:

Local Network tab, DHCP

Make changes if necessary and click Save. All we have to do is configure the Wi-Fi network distributed by our router, for which we go to the “Wireless Network” tab:

Wireless Settings Page

Here we enable the access point, set its name and operating mode (b/g/n), and also enable encryption (WPA2-PSK) and set a password. Let the rest be by default, and save the settings with the “Save” button.

Please be aware that your wireless network settings will take effect as soon as you reboot your router.

To do this, go to the “Maintenance” -> “System Restart” tab, select the “Restart device” selector and click “Restart”. Anyone who leaves the selector in the “Reset device...” position will have to blame themselves (they will have to set everything up again). If the router is configured and working, perform the following check: you need to disconnect the device from the power supply, wait 20 seconds and turn it on again. All functions should remain available.

Router 1040WU, different interface

The QBR 1041WU V2 router model from QTECH is one of the best options for connecting and setting up the Internet from Rostelecom via an Ethernet cable supplied by the provider to an apartment or house. The compact form factor hides powerful components that allow you to connect all the necessary options for a private apartment or small office.

Connecting and setting up QBR 1041 from Rostelecom

The QBR 1041WU wireless router has its own firmware, the functionality of which is ideal for connecting to the Internet and. The QTECH company, which occupied its niche in the telecommunications equipment market back in 2005, has developed a web interface for its devices in such a way that even an untrained user can configure it. Ease of use, powerful hardware and a laconic, but nevertheless beautiful design of the device create a special impression, distinguishing the router from its competitors.

Before you quickly configure the QBR 1041WU V2S wireless router for services from Rostelecom, you will need to connect the equipment correctly. To do this, you need to have a standard delivery package for the device.

Equipment configuration

The box with the QBR 1041WU V2S router from Rostelecom contains:

  • Ethernet cable;
  • power unit.

The presence of these two components is prerequisite connection to any router. Despite the fact that the QBR 1041WU V2S model has a built-in Wi-Fi module, to perform the initial setup we will need to create a wired connection between the router and the computer.

Installation and connection

If all components are in place, you can proceed to the next step. To connect and correct settings QBR 1041WU V2S router from Rostelecom, we will need to study the purpose of the connectors, buttons and indicators, since installing the cable in the wrong connector can lead to damage to the device.

Attention! Before installing and connecting the device, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic operating rules, as well as the purpose of the ports, buttons and indicators. Failure to comply with the basic conditions of use may lead to failure of the router, as well as loss of warranty for service.

The rear panel of the QBR 1041WU V2S contains all the connectors necessary for setting up services from Rostelecom. Here are the ports:

  • food (Power);
  • Internet (WAN);
  • LAN 1-4 (Ethernet).

The side panel contains a USB connector that can be used to connect a network printer.

The front part of the device contains indicators:

  • nutrition;
  • Internet connections;
  • wireless connection;
  • network ports (LAN 1–4).

These LEDs will help in setting up the equipment and identifying the stage where there is a communication problem.

Connecting wires for subsequent configuration of QBR 1041 from Rostelecom must begin with the power supply. Next, connect the provider cord to the WAN connector on the back panel of the device. After this, you need to create a connection between the computer and the router using an Ethernet cable.

A trial connection can be made in any convenient place in an apartment or house, but installing the equipment on permanent basis must take several factors into account. The main conditions for the smooth operation of the router are the absence of vibrations and overheating of the device. To do this, it is recommended to mount the router on the wall using screws and appropriate fasteners on the router. If this option is not suitable, then the equipment can be installed directly on a desktop or television shelf. In this case, it must be taken into account that in order to avoid overheating, the device must have at least 30 cm of free space above it. Also, the router cannot be installed on top of other equipment that generates heat during operation. Following these simple rules will keep your router operating for a long time.

QBR 1041WU V2S: setting up a connection to Rostelecom

Once the QBR 1041WU V2 is fully connected, we can begin setting up the firmware for Rostelecom services. To do this, you will need to wait until the router is fully turned on and open any of the browsers on your computer. In the address field we need to enter the IP of the equipment. By default it is

After confirming the entry, a message about automatic configuration will appear. After waiting 1 minute, the router will offer to personalize the time zone settings and password for accessing the web interface.

In the next window you will need to check the involved ports. To start it, you need to click on the “Start the wizard” item.

Now in the software you need to select the region, branch and service connected to the provider.

When the necessary items are filled in, we will be required to enter the login and password for the PPPoE connection. This data is provided by the provider in the concluded contract.

If you are using an Internet package with television, you will be asked to select a bridge port for .

Customers who have also connected digital telephony services will need to select a connector for connecting an IP communication device.

On the QBR 1041WU router from Rostelecom, you can automatically configure the wireless network parameters. You just need to choose a name and password for the access point.

By clicking the apply settings button, the device will reboot, after which the connection and additional services settings will take effect.

Setting up the QBR 1041WU router from QTECH for services from Rostelecom is done in just a few clicks. Internet connection parameters, IP television and telephony services are activated automatically. The router owes this functionality to the provider, who personalized the software in advance to simplify the use of the equipment by the client.

Now in Russia there are a large number of different telecommunications companies, but one of the largest is Rostelecom. Today, Rostelecom offers its customers a wide range of services, including different types telephone communications (landline, long-distance, cellular), and connection to the Internet, and digital television. The company never rests on its laurels. So, since 2013, it began to actively develop and implement mobile 3G Internet. Every day the number of absorbed weaker operators from different regions of the country, such as Yutel, Domolink, etc., is growing. However, that's not all. The company's customer base includes about 100 million subscribers and serves about 80 regions of the country.

But the most popular service in this huge list of offers is the service broadband access in Internet - . So, there are different settings for each individual device: settings for ADSL settings, settings for FTTB, and settings for Ethernet routers.

For example, let's take a closer look at how to set up internet from Rostelecom in the Windows7 operating system. Let's start by clicking the well-known “Start” button, which you use every day to turn off your computer. There, on the right side in the menu list, select “Control Panel”. In the new window that opens, naturally, select “Networks and Internet” and there you will find “View task network status.” Now in the “Networks and Internet” section, select “Network and Sharing Center” and again select the already familiar “View task network status”.

So, you have a diagram of your network and, accordingly, the center that controls all the main network parameters of your operating system. In order to create a connection to the Internet, you must use the link - setting up a new connection or network. In the new window you need to select the menu - “Internet Connection”. Further. If you have already created connections once and still have them, then the system may offer you to use them. Do not agree, we need a new connection and select - “no, create a new connection”, after which you must click next.

After that, click on high-speed connection and now you can enter your username and password with peace of mind. All. Now the question of how to set up the Internet from Rostelecom will not arise. You managed to access the Internet. You can check the box to remember this password so that you don’t have to enter your password every time.

The rapid development of the Internet and mobile devices, which are becoming more and more like mini-computers and we can no longer imagine how we could manage without them, makes it necessary to always have the opportunity to access the Internet at hand. But not everyone risks committing to self-installation by turning to specialists. Meanwhile, the installation process itself takes neither time nor effort. Installation on a tablet or smartphone is simple if you know how to use the technology (GPRS/EDGE).

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

Methods for installing Internet Rostelecom

The first thing you can do is call Rostelecom technical support and ask for help with the setup, but you can also do everything yourself. There are several methods you can use, you just need to familiarize yourself with them and choose the appropriate one.

  1. You just need to dial the Rostelecom Support service - *202#. The request must be made from a mobile device that requires an Internet connection. In a few minutes you will receive an SMS notification containing your automatic settings. After completing all the steps, you should restart your smartphone and enable data transfer in the settings. (“Settings” – “Wireless networks” - “Wi-Fi settings”; – Data transfer for Android 2.3.*). You are connected to the network! The whole thing took no more than five minutes; You didn’t look for settings specifically for your smartphone (they are different for different models); the operator did everything. For the consumer, this is the easiest installation method; in addition, you can ask the operator for tariffs for online communication.
  2. Pay attention to the address of the operator’s website: it is on the packaging of the Rostelecom SIM card. Here you can request automatic settings. This operation can be used by those registered on the iSERVE resource. The “Services” section provides a detailed description for subscribers of how to use their account and the services offered by Rostelecom.
  3. Contact specialized stores (Euroset, Svyaznoy). The service is paid and takes no more than ten minutes. The store consultants will do everything for you.
  4. IN service center Rostelecom companies will also help with installation. Of course, you will have to spend your time, but the job will be done. The address of the closest one to you can be found on the company’s website.
  5. Manual installation is possible - many people use this technique. Several operations need to be done:
  6. Name: this is a kind of password for accessing the network, you can choose it as you wish.

    APN type: default

    The subscriber's name is not specified

    Password: not needed

Install the Internet on your mobile devices, and you will be aware of current events around the clock, and maybe, in a free minute, read something interesting. The Internet is truly an endless information field.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

Nowadays, the use of the Internet in everyday life is no longer uncommon; each of us constantly turns to the World Wide Web in our work, study or during leisure. We are accustomed to communicating on social networks, receiving emails, and using electronic money and online services. But it is not always possible to log out from a computer or laptop, and here the mobile Internet comes to our aid.

In order to use the Internet from a phone, a subscriber first of all needs a device that supports GPRS technology (by the way, now even the most inexpensive phone models support it). Then, you need to connect to mobile Internet (usually it is activated by default) from the mobile operator Rostelecom and set up mobile Internet on your phone.

There are several ways to set up GPRS Internet:

  • When you install a new Rostelecom SIM card into your mobile phone, you will receive a message asking you to accept automatic GPRS settings. By agreeing, the subscriber installs all the necessary settings for using the Internet. If the SIM card is not new, then only other methods remain available to you.
  • You can ask for help from a technical support operator at 88001000800, who will tell you how to obtain automatic settings or will immediately send them to your mobile phone, specifying the device model.
  • Settings mobile internet can be done by specialists from Rostelecom communication stores. In this case, a monetary fee may be charged for setup.
  • There are cases when the phone model does not support automatic setup, then it can only be done manually.

Manual setup of mobile Internet Rostelecom

If you know where the menu for managing mobile Internet access points is on your phone, then enter it. If not, you can contact technical support for help. single number 88001000800, or use the instructions for the phone.

General settings for the GPRS service:

Data channel: GPRS
GPRS connection: continuously
APN (Access Point):
Identification type: ordinary
Registration type: auto
Username: not filled in
Password: not filled in
Packet data: put a tick
Proxy: not filled in
Port: not filled in
Server: not filled in
MMSC: not filled in
Proxy MMS: not filled in
MMS port: not filled in
Mobile country code: 250
Mobile network code: 39
Authentication Type: not filled in
Access point type: default
Session type: temporary
Communication protection: disable

If the mobile Internet does not work?

Sometimes it happens that the connection to the Internet does not occur and there may be several reasons for this. Here are some of them:

  • Negative balance. If this is the problem, top up your account or use the promised payment service.
  • The settings have gone wrong. This is a fairly common problem. In this case, you need to correct them, either yourself, or you can ask the operator for help
  • Mobile Internet service is disabled. In this case, you should also contact technical support and ask the Rostelecom operator to see if the service is enabled and check for restrictions on the number.

Today, life without the Internet is almost impossible to imagine. We constantly use the Internet widely for our own purposes, to watch videos, listen to our favorite music, read news, or any other interesting information. We are constantly on social networks, etc. But there are situations when it is not possible to sit at home near a computer and access the Internet, so in this case people use it.

To use mobile Internet, you first need to purchase a device that supports this function and supports GPRS technology. If you have such a mobile phone, the next step is to connect to mobile operator. In this case, we are considering the company Rostelecom, which offers its clients, for example,.

3 ways to set up GPRS Internet on Rostelecom

There are several options for setting up GPRS Internet:

At the very beginning, when you connect and insert a SIM card into your mobile phone, you will receive SMS messages containing offers to accept automatic GPRS settings. If you agree, you begin to set the necessary settings for using the Internet.

If you have an old SIM card, then use one of the following options:

  1. Call the operator on the phone 8-800-1000-800 . He will tell you about all the options for receiving settings automatically, or the operator himself will send the settings to your phone and specify the device model.
  2. Employees of Rostelecom communication stores can set up mobile Internet. But this type settings are mainly carried out on a paid basis.

If the phone model is older, then the settings must be done manually.

Manual setup of mobile Internet Rostelecom

You need to go to the phone menu and find the function for managing a mobile Internet access point. If you can't find them, then it's worth calling technical support and asking them to give you the information. You can contact specialists by phone: 8-800-1000-800 , or use the instructions for your phone.

General settings for GPRS service

  • data: - GPRS;
  • GPRS connection: - continuous;
  • APN (Access Point): -;
  • identification type: -regular;
  • registration type: - automatic;
  • username: - no need to fill in;
  • password: no need to fill in;
  • packet data: check the box;
  • proxy: no need to fill in;
  • port: no need to fill;
  • server: no need to fill in;
  • MMSC: no need to fill out;
  • MMS proxy: no need to fill out;
  • MMS port: no need to fill;
  • mobile country code: 250;
  • mobile network code: 39;
  • authentication type: not required;
  • access point type: default;
  • session type: temporary;
  • communication protection: disable.

After you have entered the settings, you need to save them and restart your mobile phone.

And if you need to check the remaining traffic on Rostelecom, we recommend it.

Mobile Internet not working?

There are situations when data transmission does not work. This happens due to some reasons:

  1. Formation of debt on your balance sheet. You need to top up your balance or use the promised payment service.
  2. Settings may be lost. This is a common case. In this situation, you need to edit them yourself or contact the service center, where specialists will help you.
  3. There may be a disconnection of the mobile Internet service, then you need to contact the company’s specialists.

Today, most people use the Internet very actively, both for work or study, and during leisure periods. We are used to e-mail, Internet banks, social networks, online shopping and other services offered by the World Wide Web. But using the Internet from a desktop computer or laptop is not always convenient. Helps solve this problem Mobile Internet.

A person who decides to use mobile Internet from Rostelecom to access the World Wide Web will first of all need device supporting GPRS technology. Today, even very inexpensive models have this function. You will also need to connect and configure the service with your operator.

Setting up mobile GRPS Internet

Rostelecom allows you to configure mobile Internet settings in several ways:

Automatic setup . When you install a new SIM card into the device, Rostelecom will send the mobile Internet settings automatically. The user will only have to accept them. If the SIM card has been used previously, you can get automatic settings by calling the operator at 8-800-1000-800.

Help from specialists . At the company's offices, employees will help you set up Rostelecom mobile Internet, but you should remember that additional fees may apply for this.

Manual setting mobile internet . Automatic configuration is supported by many devices, however, if it fails, you will have to configure Rostelecom mobile Internet manually. To get the settings you need to call 0104.

Manual setup of mobile Internet from Rostelecom

The phone may not correctly process the automatic settings of the operator and Rostelecom mobile Internet will not be able to work because of this. You will have to perform the configuration manually.

Before you start entering the configuration, you must go to the section access point managementin the device menu. If you cannot find such a menu on your own, you must use the instructions for the device or contact technical support specialists for help by phone 8-800-1000-800 .

After entering the access point settings menu, you must fill in the following parameters:

  • Data transmission channel: GPRS.
  • Access point (APN):
  • Identification type: normal.
  • Session type: temporary.

If necessary, you need to specify the mobile country code 250 and the operator - 39. The parameter specifying the registration type must be switched to the “ automatically" and check the box next to packet data transfer. There is no need to fill in the remaining parameters. The only thing is that you may need to disable communication protection.

After this, you need to turn on Rostelecom mobile Internet, if this has not been done in advance. After this, you can try to log into the network. If unsuccessful, you can try rebooting the device or contact support.

Setting up mobile Internet on a tablet, phone, USB modem

Mobile Internet from Rostelecom works correctly on all devices that support the technology GPRS And 3G. These can be tablets, smartphones, USB modems. Let's look at a few examples of settings for the most popular equipment.

Modern devices usually read the data correctly for automatic configuration. In other cases, you will have to refer to the section “ Access points" On Android it is in the “Mobile Network” menu, on Windows Phone in the “Data Transfer” section, and on iOS in the “Cellular Data” item. In the selected menu you need to find the “Add access point” item and specify the following:

  • Name. Here you can specify any name you like, for example: RTK or internet.
  • APN. At this point you need to enter

The username and password can be set to " No"or leave it as default. All other parameters do not need to be changed.

USB modems sold by Rostelecom through its own offices and partners are supplied with a special Rostelecom Internet program, which performs all settings automatically. The installation of the application on your computer will start automatically the first time you connect the device to the USB port.