Who ordered what? What is profitable to sell now? Let's recall the main trends in the field of online shopping

In some life situations A problem arises when there are not enough material resources. In this case, people often wonder what to sell to make money. Although in some situations, entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business do the same thing.

Products from a Chinese manufacturer

There was a time when buy-sell relationships flourished. However, it has long passed. Currently, in-demand products can be sold using a method such as dropshipping. Its essence is quite simple and does not require virtually any costs from its performer. This is the usual delivery of products from its manufacturer to its buyer. Using this method, you can earn good money by selling products from China. The best-selling products have always been and will be made in China, since their cost is lower than that of other producing countries. The advantage of such a sale is that there is no need to invest your cash, since the goods are paid for in advance by the buyer. This same point guarantees that there will be no downtime of products, they will be in circulation all the time.

Using an Internet bulletin board

Since this is the 21st century, it would be logical to ask the question of what to sell on the Internet to make money. Today there are many free Internet sites that operate on the principle of a bulletin board. In addition, such sites are completely free, which means it costs nothing to post information about selling your product. All these sites are quite similar to each other, and therefore the rules and list of what can be implemented there are approximately the same. Here is a small list of products that you can try to sell through online bulletin boards:

  1. Personal items that have become unnecessary for some reason.
  2. You can buy various products and resell them, receiving interest on sales.
  3. Sale of goods wholesale.

In addition to using existing platforms, you can create your own Internet portals on which you should place various profitable offer for selling products. If you ask people who specialize in sales what to sell to make money, they will list roughly the following categories:

  • Gold, silver and other jewelry items, except those owned by the family as heirlooms.
  • You can sell a product such as cosmetics from a large company. True, to do this you need to become a representative of such a company.

What to sell to make good money?

Very interesting option sales of goods may, at first glance, become rubbish, which ordinary people not needed for nothing. However, there is a type of people called collectors. This segment of the population is quite capable of purchasing for a large sum, for example, some kind of badge or coin, which to the average person would seem like a trinket that has no value. In some cases, the answer to the question of what to sell to make money may be antiques and other valuables belonging to different collections. It is more difficult to sell them, since first you need to spend a sum on their purchase, and then find the same collector who will pay even more than the amount for which the item was purchased.

This also includes residents rural areas, since they earn a good income from selling vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. Some entrepreneurs buy large volumes of products from villagers, and then resell them in the city at a higher price. This type of activity can also be attributed to the answer to the question of what is profitable to sell.

What do people buy?

When the question arises about making money by selling something, it is always worth remembering that there are areas that will be in demand always, everywhere, and at any time. What to sell to earn money quickly and a lot? One of these areas is real estate. Selling and buying housing will always be in trend, since no one wants to live on the street. This method of earning money requires certain investments, but with the right approach it will allow you to quickly return the amount spent and earn interest. We are talking about the resale of private houses, apartments or garages, for example.

When constantly monitoring various advertisements, you may come across one in which the owner writes about the urgent sale of a home, for example. The reason for this may be leaving, reluctance to search for a buyer for a long time, etc. In such cases, sellers are very often ready to make concessions and reduce the amount from the initial one by 10-15%. It is precisely such proposals that you need to look for. Having bought real estate at a reduced price, all that remains is to add interest and resell it. Thus, you can earn a lot of money without doing practically anything.

What can you quickly sell online?

As mentioned earlier, when wondering what to sell to make money, you should turn your attention to the Internet. However, message boards are not all that can generate income. Despite the fact that almost everything that can be bought is available on the Internet, and the demand, as well as the supply, is great, there are areas in which demand is clearly greater than supply. These categories include the following products:

  1. Clothes and shoes for children and teenagers. Such products are always in use, because, as you know, children grow quickly. We have to buy new things almost every year, which means that the demand will be constant and large.
  2. Various products used at home and in offices.
  3. Real estate and cars.
  4. Original and beautiful photographs are less in demand, but still in demand.

Although it is worth noting that it is much more difficult to make money selling photos, since photo banks that accept photographs have very high requirements.

Hello, dear reader! I am glad to welcome you to the expanses of our business magazine.

Recently, my colleagues and I thought about the question of what product is the most popular in Russia. I think every thinker sooner or later comes to mind this question. Personally, it began to torment me from the moment we decided to launch our online store, but that’s a different story.

Usually one question causes a series of subsequent ones, so today we will not only discuss the top selling goods in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS - we will also consider with you:

  1. trending products in online sales;
  2. what is in demand on bulletin boards (www.avito.ru);
  3. top 10 purchased products worldwide;
  4. which is currently being purchased by the Slavic brother in China (using the resource ru.aliexpress.com).

Purpose of this article– general development, expansion of consciousness. You will learn to analyze the demand for a product and its seasonality using publicly available Internet tools, and most importantly, you will be able to show off your new knowledge to your friends. Let's start!

Best selling product in Russia and Ukraine

This information is unlikely to help you find a niche for your store, but at least it is interesting. You have a minute to think for yourself which product is the best-selling product in Russia.

And no, the answer is not food, not cigarettes or even alcohol, but we buy it almost every time we go shopping at the store or market. In general, the purchase of this product occurs automatically. Did you guess it?

So, the title of the best-selling product in Russia goes to the usual plastic bag . Even on such a seemingly insignificant product you can make millions of rubles.

The world has already begun to realize that polyethylene products cause great harm to the environment. environment. The problem is that polyethylene does not decompose for a long time, and this leads to the death of 1 million birds, 100,000 marine mammals and a huge number of schools of fish. In the USA and Europe, plastic bags have begun to be abandoned.

What to look for when choosing a product to sell?

If you are interested in a product for sale, you should go a different route. You should not look for the most popular product, which is bought by the population in “wagons”. We must first look at prospects and profitability - our product must also be ready for unfavorable conditions, since economic crises not uncommon now.

The list of the most purchased goods in Russia includes the following:

  • small Appliances;
  • electrical goods;
  • sanitary products;
  • everyday tools;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothing and shoes;
  • childen's goods;
  • other daily use products.

Let's go through the list of the most popular products:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey);
  • semi-finished products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • frozen seafood (fish);
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • flour and pasta;
  • sugar and salt;
  • Black tea;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, oats);
  • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage);
  • apples, bananas.

Some things are in greater demand, some are in less demand. How to decide?

  1. Focus on your interest and think about what is closest to your heart.
  2. Everything is learned by comparison: in order to make a choice in favor of one product or another, analysis is needed (this will be discussed in a separate article).

This is beyond the scope of this article, so we will look at this problem in more detail another time. Now let’s start compiling a rating of the most purchased goods by Russians on the Internet. Go!

Top best-selling products on the Internet for 2017

The Internet is big and interesting market, for which there are three reasons:

  1. Currently, Internet coverage in Russia is about 74%, with constant growth observed;
  2. share of older users age group also increases;
  3. The mobile Internet audience is moving at warp speed (30-40% of people access our website from smartphones or tablets).

70% of all Russian Internet users accessed the Internet at least once from a mobile device – a year ago, for example, this value was 56%.

What is this rapid growth of the Internet leading to? Along with it, the demand for goods and services increases, and this is what you and I need. Next we will look at:

  1. the most popular and popular products in online stores;
  2. the most trendy and popular products on one-page websites today.

1. Search for goods in demand for an online store

In an attempt to track down the most in-demand and popular products in online stores that are best purchased by the public in 2016, we have come up with the following top 10 list.

  1. Small household appliances are today the leader in online sales. The low price and compact size make this product almost ideal (but this product is not suitable for selling in your online store).
  2. Perfumes and cosmetics .
  3. Mobile devices.
  4. Laptops and tablets.
  5. Online gifts and toys.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Clothes and shoes.
  8. Books. Surprisingly, paper books are still popular. It would seem that they are expensive, and besides, there are many sites where you can download the literature of interest for free from electronic version. However, this does not prevent paper books from selling.
  9. Book tickets online. You won’t be able to imagine how many planes are in the air right now (whenever you have a free minute, go to the website flightradar24.com - it will expand the boundaries of your consciousness).
  10. Large home appliances.

Most of the products listed are not suitable if you are planning to open an online store from scratch. Problems and breakdowns can arise with equipment, and in order to make good money, you need to order in bulk. It is unrealistic to compete with large players who buy goods in bulk and sell them at prices typical for regular stores.

2. One-page website: what is it and why is it needed?

One-page website, landing page, landing page – these are all synonyms.

There is such a category as wow-products (in Russian wow = wow) - goods of impulse demand. Have you ever been walking past a store or kiosk, saw an advertisement for a product on TV or the Internet, and you immediately wanted to buy it, although before that you didn’t even know about its existence? There is a high probability that it was a product from this category. TV stores also often sell wow products. Let me give you examples:

  • effortless weight loss belt;
  • exercise machines that pump up muscles without your participation;
  • all kinds of water, light, fuel, etc. savers;
  • creams to enlarge something;
  • copies of brand watches, iPhones.

Are you familiar with the concept of CPA networks, affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage? If not, there will be a separate detailed article about this. In short, a CPA network is an intermediary between a webmaster (the person who works with websites and traffic) and advertisers who have a product. They are ready to pay a commission to the webmaster for promoting and selling the product. CPA networks sell wow products through one-page websites. Remember the phrase that demand creates supply? In the case of these guys, it's the other way around.

Here is one of the many pater networks - http://m1-shop.ru/. After registration, following the link http://m1-shop.ru/ofers, the offered products will be available, which you can familiarize yourself with (about 300 offers). I will give 10 of them, which were top at the time of writing.

So, we present to your attention the top most popular products that are sold through one-page websites in large volumes.

  1. Black Mask mask for blackheads and acne.
  2. Solar Powered PowerBank.
  3. Army wrist watch Amst.
  4. AB Gymnic belt.
  5. MAC corrector.
  6. Waist Trainer Corset.
  7. Mangosteen – slimming syrup.
  8. Klev activator FishHungry.
  9. Hair spray Ultra Hair System.
  10. Titan gel.

Some data from Avito - the largest message board in Russia

I tried to find information for 2016, but only came across the official report from two years earlier. Since there is no fish and no cancer, then we will talk about 2014. However, the information is interesting and useful, so there will be something to think about.

Conducting a study, Avito analysts found that site users skimped on 34.4 billion rubles in such product categories as:

  • personal belongings;
  • goods for home and garden;
  • hobbies and recreation;
  • Appliances;
  • goods for pets.

A third of the turnover was taken over by the categories “Personal belongings” and “Goods for home and garden” (6.5 and 5.5 billion rubles, respectively). Fun fact: Year-over-year sales in these categories grew almost identically, up 38.6% and 38.3%.

And the best-selling category of goods turned out to be “Consumer Electronics”: Avito sold laptops, computers, video and photo cameras, smartphones and other gadgets worth 15.2 billion rubles. The amount is not small, but when compared with the previous year, the increase is only 13.2%.

3.5 billion rubles were spent on “Hobbies and Recreation”, an increase of 47.4%. And they spared no expense on pets and spent 4.7 billion rubles: the annual growth was as much as 82%.

  • fan;
  • netbook;
  • swimsuit;
  • smartphone;
  • prom dress;
  • tent;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • video card;

From this list we can conclude that demand is greatly influenced by the season.

How to analyze the seasonality of a product?

If you are reading this article because you are going to open an online store or start your own business, it is important not to make a mistake with the seasonality of the product.

Let's look at the product that is at the top of the list on Avito - a fan.

To analyze seasonality and demand, we will use the well-known service https://wordstat.yandex.ru/. It is designed to gauge user interest that can be applied to the product we have selected. Before you start, you must register/log in to the service. If you don’t want captchas to pop up all the time, it’s better to immediately disable adblock or its equivalent.

Next, we select the region that interests us (in my case, I look at data for Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries). Next, I enter the request “buy a fan” into a special field, since it more accurately reflects the intent of users than just “fan.”

The service shows what last month there were 236,554 impressions for this query (wow, that’s pretty cool!). We can conclude that the product is in demand. Let me check the seasonality of this product! I just did a search “By words”, now I’ll switch the checkbox to “Query history” and see what happens. The graph shows that in 2016 the demand for fans doubled compared to last year (apparently, it is VERY hot this year). Thus, if you purchased fans and started selling them in the winter, most likely nothing would work out. Therefore, never buy a product without testing the demand!

Of course, the example I gave is obvious - it is clear that it is hot in the summer, and the demand for fans will be greater than in the cold season. However, not all products are so obvious. It is also better to look for niches where the graph is just starting to rise - it is better to prepare for the season in advance.

Rating of the most popular goods from China

It is difficult to determine the sales leader of the Chinese market, because everything is bought there and in a huge number. Have you ever ordered anything from China? Personally, I ordered a watch, a scale, a case for an e-reader, a bag, a UV lamp and all sorts of other things. If anyone doesn’t know, here are 2 sites where the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS orders goods from China:

  1. Aliexpress is more designed for retail purchases - here you can easily order goods in one copy. However, sometimes it is more profitable to buy a product in a regular online store than here.
  2. Alibaba is a large wholesaler: prices for goods are much cheaper, but you will have to order in bulk. Often, delivery of goods costs several times more than its cost.
  1. Cell phones;
  2. clothing and footwear, including copies of world brands;
  3. laptops and tablets;
  4. Appliances;
  5. computer components and accessories;
  6. goods for sports and recreation;
  7. bed dress;
  8. furniture;
  9. electrical goods;
  10. equipment and machines.

Of course, the data does not reflect reality 100%, but the truth is somewhere nearby.

For women

For men

For children


Credit card flash drive

Waterproof IPhone Case

Convenient wallet for iPhone


Economic activity aimed at purchasing and selling is a stable source of profit for many businessmen. The principles of trading are quite transparent (buy cheaper - sell more), however, as in any type of business, in successful sales there are many pitfalls.

Organizing your own business in trade

“To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary,” said the thrifty cat Matroskin in the famous cartoon. This simple truth also applies to entrepreneurship. The real goldmine is that this very “something unnecessary” may turn out to be extremely necessary for someone else, who will end up being a satisfied client. So, a primitive business scheme in the trade sector looks like this:

    Determining a product that will be in demand. What to sell to make money? A well-built strategy will allow you to sell almost any product, but there are still certain trends that make sales easier. That is why it would be useful to first marketing research market.

    Purchasing a trial batch of goods or searching for a supplier who is ready to work on the dropshipping model (direct delivery from the supplier to the end consumer, bypassing the intermediary who is looking for customers).

    Direct sale of goods (already with a markup) to the end consumer. The organization of trade can be different: through the Internet or a real retail outlet, among friends (many network marketing structures were initially built on this principle).

There is another option for organizing a business in the trade sector: production of goods with subsequent distribution wholesale or retail. What can you sell this way? Products in demand self made, you can organize a small home cafe with delivery, sell kvass or home-made beer, agricultural products and everything that can be “produced” without the need to rent production facilities.

Reselling goods from bulletin boards via the Internet

What can you sell online? A once very popular way to earn money without investing in World Wide Web involves searching for goods that owners sell at a low price, with subsequent resale at an adequate or even slightly inflated price. A salesperson who seeks to earn money in this way must be not only a good, but also a universal “salesman.” You can find a wide variety of “lots” on countless bulletin boards, and limiting yourself to only one type of product means obviously losing some of your profits.

Another option for such a business, which over time can be developed into a full-fledged online store, involves concentrating on only one category of goods, which, as a rule, is clothing. Many thrift, consignment, or stock stores can offer decent items at very low prices. Minor repairs, additional washing, perhaps adding some decorative details - and the item can be sold at a premium. High-quality photos and your own group on a social network or even an entire online store with single copies of dresses, T-shirts or jeans will help you organize trade turnover.

Sale of goods from abroad in Russia

The ubiquity of the Internet and ecommerce, globalization and the “erasing of borders” have made trade possible not only between large corporations from different countries, but also by wholesalers or retailers and end customers. Venues where the most miscellaneous goods can be purchased at a very low price from the manufacturer ( Chinese online stores), today are known to many, but even in the twenty-first century, users are often afraid to buy through the World Wide Web, and even literally on the other side of the Earth.

By ordering a small batch, for example on AliExpress orTinydeal, you can make a good markup and sell the product in Russia at a good profit.But what is profitable to sell in Russia now? Wholesale sales in this business only pay off for trendy items or equipment. It is better to purchase other goods in small quantities.

Selling information products: money “out of nothing”

You can make money in e-commerce without financial investments. Information businessmen today make a lot of money from e-books, manuals, coaching (consulting and training), collections of lessons and similar training materials. You can sell both your own information products and others (according to affiliate programs). In the latter case, the seller receives a percentage of the author's profit.

How to sell a product that “cannot be held in your hands”? Implementation information products involves promoting a personal brand, creating your own web resource, active work on social networks and cooperation with popular sites on the same topic. All that is required of a novice businessman is to select and correctly place advertising materials, as well as answer questions from potential clients in a timely manner.

Organization and launch of your own online store

A more serious project is launching an online store. In this case, you will need to draw up a business plan, find suppliers, organize a warehouse, perhaps even an office and a call center, develop a website, hire a specialist who will administer, fill the online store with goods, and promote search engines, as well as social networks and much, much more. Such projects pay off in different periods of time - it all depends on the correctly chosen niche and the implementation of the idea. You can earn large sums even in a month if the idea is of interest to the online community.

What to sell to make money? According to statistics, Russian residents most often buy computer equipment and electronics on the Internet. By the way, the profile of purchases on foreign sites is significantly different, as shown by the data presented below in the form of summary graphs.

A hobby that can bring good income

Handmade products deserve special attention, the margin on which can even reach 500% of the cost - it all depends on the skill of the manufacturer and the originality of the product. What can you sell? Embroidered paintings, amulets, knitted items (comfortable children's clothing or costumes for baby photo shoots are used in a special way), bags, toys and accessories - this is only a small part possible options. Hygiene products (decorative or “promotional” soap, natural shampoos, scrubs), cosmetics, notepads and diaries, restored furniture, and wedding paraphernalia are in demand. On the eve of May 9, craftswomen sell kanzashi in the colors of the St. George ribbon, and before the Day of Knowledge - bouquets of sweets.

Opening your own store or outlet

Much more nuance suggests discovery point of sale. The entrepreneur will have to register, purchase or rent suitable premises (not forgetting that the location of the store also has a direct impact on profits), organize deliveries, communicate with many authorities, obtain all the necessary permits, hire personnel, and so on. Trading enterprises require constant monitoring by the manager (owner), but with the right approach, you can get much greater profits.

Selecting a suitable product for sale

Future earnings are influenced by the correct choice of goods. What can you sell? It is necessary to conduct market research to find out which products the demand for is not met by the existing supply. It is often profitable to sell everyday goods (we are talking about convenience stores), second-hand items, medicines or children's products. In big cities, branded clothing or health food stores are popular. It is profitable to sell pet products, cosmetics, and alcohol.

Features of trade in consumer goods

Consumer goods include personal hygiene products and items, light bulbs, batteries, household chemicals and other items that are frequently purchased. This also includes some food products (in packaging), pet products, plastic products or paper/cardboard. Such products are used daily (or very often), are presented in a wide range and at an affordable price. Features include an extremely wide audience of buyers and fast implementation. Purchases of this category of products are divided into everyday purchases, in reserve and for entertaining guests at home.

Consumer goods in most cases do not require carefully thought out marketing strategy. Success factors in this trade segment are:

    convenient location of the outlet (in crowded places: near bus stops public transport or in residential areas);

    a wide range of everyday goods, availability of analogues;

    affordable pricing policy and development of a package of additional options for regular customers(introduction of discount cards, gifts).

The most profitable product options for sale

What can be sold profitably? The largest markup is placed on those categories of goods that are in high demand. Large sums are earned by those who manage to find a supplier and organize sales of any product at low cost in conditions of high demand. What to sell to earn high margins:

    Flowers. Profit of flower shops in the pre-holiday and holidays can reach astronomical amounts. Considering that roses, for example, somewhere in Ecuador cost about 30 kopecks apiece, and in Russia they sell for at least 100 rubles, you can “win” a significant amount. A significant disadvantage of such a product, however, is its fragility.

    Bijouterie. Jewelry and accessories are quite cost-effective, the markup on which can reach about three hundred percent. The margin can be several hundred or even thousands of rubles, and demand remains consistently high.

    Beverages. Extra charge for loose tea or coffee, drinking water bottled drinks or drinks in street cafes can reach one hundred, two hundred or even five hundred percent. Good margins are made on milkshakes or refreshing drinks. Business does not lose prospects with cold weather: in winter you can sell hot tea or coffee.

    Popcorn, gummies, cotton candy, ice cream and other sweets. Cost of raw materials for products sold in shopping centers, parks and other places of mass gathering and recreation of people, ten times lower than the cost of ready-made popcorn or cotton candy. During the season, you can get significant benefits by selling sweets.

    Handmade. In a society that promotes the ideals of difference and individuality, exclusive products are in very high demand. It is quite difficult to estimate the cost of such things (especially for those who are far from creative), so the seller can increase the price quite significantly. Demand is for both handmade jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and hygiene products or clothing, as well as updated furniture or interior items.

    Cosmetics (including handmade hygiene products). The cost of cosmetic products sold in stores, as a rule, does not exceed 20% of the market value. The rest of the final price consists of advertising and transportation costs, as well as beautiful packaging.

    Greeting cards and holiday paraphernalia in general. Products that are sold at unreasonably inflated prices, such as helium balloons or cardboard cards, actually cost only about ten to thirty rubles, while the minimum price tag is already one hundred to two hundred rubles.

    Trendy things. You can expect really high profits if you manage to catch the trend. Once upon a time, talking hamsters were popular, later - transparent bottles for drinks My bottle, the demand for things, for example, with comic book characters, was more stable. You can also make customized T-shirts and sell them. Printing on linen bags is in demand. Is it true, wholesale trade will not bring results here.

    Accompanying services. Related services include furniture assembly services (for furniture stores), repair of household appliances (for sellers of small appliances for the home), refilling cartridges (for stationery stores or copy/print points) and the like.

Of course, not all high-margin products allow you to earn large sums quite consistently. But the right approach and innate instinct solve many problems associated with organizing your own successful business.

Our new article will tell you how to properly collaborate with a web studio and get the maximum result from this cooperation.

Our team and our clients used to be very sad people. We missed deadlines, and clients were dissatisfied with the quality. As a result, no one made money, and everyone took it out on each other.

Naturally, such a situation could not suit us. After a long search, meditation, prayers and rituals, we finally found the main cause of all our troubles - incomplete, contradictory technical task. After we changed the way we work on this it's crazy important document and were able to competently produce it for our clients - we all became happy. The company began to earn money, clients began to earn money and everyone began to smile more.

Mother Teresa once said: “To maintain happiness, it must be shared.” Following the behests of the great man, we share the found formula with the community.

Let’s say right away that since the work on the technical specifications is carried out both on the part of the client and on the part of the developer, recommendations are present for both parties. In this article we will consider recommendations to the customer. In the next article we will definitely consider recommendations for the performer.

What to do if the Contractors to whom you ordered a website screw up the project?

First, let's define what it is successful project? This is a project that at least repaid its costs within the planned period. All. Including hosting rental and the salary of your manager who populates the site.

So: If you cannot calculate the income from the project or the amount of costs, or if the project does not pay off, congratulations, you have “screwed it”.
Of course, you can accuse the developers of incompetence, replace them, or sue them. But according to our data, in the vast majority of cases this will definitely not lead to successful completion of the project on time. Moreover, by contacting other performers, you have a high chance of getting the same situation.

The fact is that a good, savvy customer can achieve the desired result even from a bad web studio, essentially acting as a work organizer for a poorly coordinated team. And an inexperienced customer who thinks that “you are professionals, do me good” will not get the desired result even by contacting a cool company.

It is important: To be guaranteed to get the desired result, you must professionally order a website.

What do you need to do to professionally order a website?

Most clients cannot cope with this paradox. “How can it be, I’m paying money! I must like the site!” Forget it. No one cares whether you, your wife, or a department in your company likes your website. The site should be liked by its visitors. The opinion of your wife or sister can only be taken into account if you decide to make money from them.

2. Well, introduce your client very well.

Damn it, we don’t even understand how some companies work and don’t know who buys their services. Remember the previous point? How do you plan to determine whether a website is good or bad if you don’t know who should like it?

No kidding. Every person is smart within their competence. I'm good at programming in PHP, but when it comes to whitewashing the walls, I'm a fool. Explain your business, your task, your work scheme, your specifics. Don't they ask you? Explain anyway. Refuse to listen? Come to the company's office and kill one programmer at a time until the manager listens to you.

4. Remember: programming is only 30% of the work on the project.

There are a lot of programmers on the market now. You can easily find a variety of them. But your customers care deeply about how well-designed the database or application architecture is. Moreover, most projects on the web, from a programming point of view, are relatively simple, typical things. Your clients can only be attracted by competent marketing policy combined with thoughtful SEO. Only a well-thought-out interface can keep them on the site and ensure conversion. Only an experienced analyst can correctly reflect all the nuances of your business on your website. Never. Never order a website until diverse specialists have worked on your concept and compiled these documents.

5. Technical specifications without marketing analysis, prototypes of ALL interfaces, an SEO report and a detailed, specific, unambiguous description of each function is really just a piece of paper.

You can throw it away. Why? See previous paragraph. Moreover, you need to come to terms with the following facts:

  • No, you can't make it up yourself marketing analysis. Even if you worked as a marketer at Eldorado for 20 years. The web has its own specifics, you must have experience in this area.
  • No, you cannot create interface prototypes yourself. If only because it is a group work. Which necessarily involves: a technical specialist, designer, manager, marketer, SEO specialist. If you don’t have, for example, a technical specialist in your group, then you run the risk of developing an interface, the implementation of which will require a disproportionate amount of money and effort.
  • No, you cannot create an SEO report yourself. However, most clients usually have no doubt about this.
  • And finally: no, you cannot write the terms of reference yourself. Because detailed description for you, for the programmer and for the court (in case of a critical situation) - these are three big differences. In short, stop looking for bad, non-working ways to reduce the cost of a project and do something useful.
6. Carefully read the documentation sent and take responsibility for key decisions.

You do the business. A web studio or programmer has his own business, with his own laws, which may not only be different, but also contradict your laws. The responsibility of the web studio is to provide you with the information contained in the technical specifications and reports. And your responsibility is to make the final decision and convey it to the executing company. Don't forget this.

Where is the happiness?

Happiness comes when you, having spent money, effort and time, observe the successful result of your labors. Because nothing is better than seeing the results of your efforts.

And remember: There's nothing worse than investing money, being negligent in your responsibilities as a client, and then feeling cheated.
Good luck to you and your projects!

Department Analysts information technologies Moscow presented the results of the study “Online trade in Moscow in 2017”. The data was obtained from a telephone survey of Muscovites, statistics from commodity aggregators, and in-depth monitoring of the TOP-200 largest Moscow online stores. The study has been conducted annually since 2015.

Who's buying?

77% of Muscovites have made a purchase online at least once, of which 30% buy online twice a month or more often. 76% of respondents said that they made their first online purchase more than 5 years ago. Moreover, every second customer surveyed ordered goods from foreign online stores.

Computer equipment is bought mainly by men (71% of all customers), and clothes are ordered on online platforms mainly by women (76% of purchases). It is interesting that only among buyers of household appliances there are approximately equal numbers of women and men (47% and 53%, respectively). All other product categories can be divided into “men’s” and “women’s”. By the way, almost all product categories are dominated by female buyers.

It is interesting that among online buyers, 23% are citizens of retirement age.

What are they buying?

Most often, computer equipment and electronics are ordered from online stores. 25% of buyers are interested in these products. Muscovites also often visit online stores for household appliances and are also interested in clothing and shoes.

How is the range of stores changing?

The number of product offerings in Moscow online stores has increased by more than 1.5 times in 2 years. In particular, stores are expanding their assortment with new product categories. Explosive assortment growth is observed in the children's category, and the number of offerings of clothing, shoes and accessories has also expanded. A decrease in the number of product offerings is observed among specialized equipment and
office goods.

How much do they spend?

The average bill for Muscovites in Russian online stores is about 6,600 rubles, in foreign ones it is slightly less - 6,400 rubles. At the same time, in the household appliances segment the average bill reaches 10,000 rubles; in computer stores, the average purchase amount fluctuates around 8,400 rubles, but on pet products, for example, buyers spend an average of only 3,600 rubles per purchase.

The most expensive categories are household appliances, goods for cars and motorcycles, computer equipment and electronics.

How do they pay?

63% of Muscovites prefer to pay for their online purchases in cash upon receipt of the goods. Almost a third (32%) pay for orders bank cards.
DIT notes that non-cash payment on the website is available in most stores, but low confidence in online payments remains among the population.
It's interesting that in Lately Online stores are increasingly offering to pay for purchases by card upon receipt. “If in 2015 this payment option was available in 2 out of 10 online stores, then in 2017 - already in 5 out of 10,” the researchers say.

Muscovites use electronic money least often. Although every second store offers this option, only 3% of buyers use electronic money when making orders.

How do customers communicate with stores?

Recently, online stores have been actively using such methods of communication with consumers as social media And mobile applications. According to monitoring data, 4 out of 10 online stores have their own application.

Most online stores use VKontakte (97%) and Facebook (80%), somewhat less frequently - Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Instagram. 4% of online platforms are active on Telegram - in particular, goods are ordered through chat bots.

Breakdown by product category