How to force yourself to go to the gym. How to force yourself to go to the gym. Watch your posture

Let's face it, after a long day at work, the thought of lounging on the couch, watching TV, or surfing the Internet can be much more appealing than the prospect of sweating profusely in a crowded gym. Working out in the morning can be beneficial, but it doesn't always fit into your daily schedule. And in the evenings, you can easily be overcome by treacherous thoughts that you will no longer be able to bear any physical activity (although you should). So, how can you motivate yourself to go to the gym and grit your teeth when you really don’t want to? First of all, don’t blame yourself for being cowardly – ​​it happens to everyone. Then try these five simple tricks that can be very effective in motivating you to exercise.

1. Bring workout clothes to work

In the evening, prudently pack a bag with all the clothes and equipment you need for the gym, and don’t forget to take it with you to work in the morning. The presence of this bag at your desk is very powerful. In fact, it affects your conscience and consciousness, so the likelihood that you will overcome your laziness and go to the gym immediately after work is very high. Don't go home! Remember, as soon as your back touches the cozy sofa, everything is gone! If you need to go home, do it quickly: change clothes and run. Don’t even think about sitting down on a chair. Develop this habit and don't waste time having a deep internal monologue with yourself about whether you should exercise today or not.

2. Plan your workout schedule

Try inserting workouts into your daily calendar and treating them like business meetings. By planning out your activities for the week, you begin to remember, think, and mentally prepare for them. It also trains your ability to prioritize. If your work schedule is flexible and unpredictable, going to the gym may be the only stable event in your week. Ideally, try to train at the same times and on the same days, again to develop a habit and strictly follow an established schedule.

3. Hire a personal trainer or walk with a buddy.

Joint training can be " with a magic kick” for you, and you will be ashamed to miss subsequent classes. When you go to the gym alone, you really need that internal motivation, but working out with a friend(s) or private lessons will help you be much more focused. Group support or personal accountability to a coach is very stimulating.

4. Make a rule

Develop for yourself your own strict life rule (you can call it your own law), that no matter what cataclysms and other natural disasters happen around you during working week, you will train at least three times during this period. This means that you only have two days off after work, and the remaining three days you will have to work out in the evenings at the gym. Do not retreat and do not be cowardly, trying to reduce the number to two times or one, motivating this by being busy and tired. Make yourself an attitude: not “I want”, but “need” and “must”. This is a harsh reality. Your body should be moving and not constantly sitting or lying down.

5. Reward yourself

Develop rewards for persistence. Perhaps this is a visit to the cinema, buying some new sportswear or massage. Such a reward for own strength willpower can help you stay motivated. This is a very effective psychological point that should not be neglected.

New Year's holidays leave behind not only gifts, photographs, pleasant memories of the holiday, but also extra pounds. It’s doubly offensive if these kilograms cancel out the results of visiting the gym throughout the previous year. And the longer the break in classes, the more difficult it is to return to them.

There are a few simple ways that will help you force yourself to go to the gym and not miss classes. For example, a sports bag should always be packed in advance. It is advisable that it stands in the most visible place. Then she will be a silent reproach for you all evening, and perhaps force you to go to training.

Vigorous walking and running help prevent diabetes and hypertensionScientists found that running reduced the risk of primary hypertension by 4.2%, and walking by 7.2%. High cholesterol is 4.2% less common in the blood of runners, and 7% less common in walkers compared to other people.

If you're dreading the long drive to the gym and are putting off leaving the house, you can work out at home. Perform your usual set of exercises.

If you are in a bad mood and don’t feel like exercising at all, start your workout with your favorite exercise. This will most likely help you have fun and help you get things done.

It is best to go to the gym with a friend; you will be embarrassed to miss classes. If you go to training alone, appear in the gym at the same time and say hello to those present. Soon you will make friends. Together you will have much more fun, and, in addition, you will have someone to back you up when lifting the barbell.

Everyone knows that working out in the gym helps not only to gain a ton of muscles, but also to lose excess weight. And no matter what they tell you from TV screens about miraculous pills and magic cocktails, nothing can replace physical exercise. Look at yourself in the mirror and step on the scale every day. With regular training, your reflection and the numbers on the scale will be an additional incentive, you will immediately want to go to the gym.

Imagine how pleasant it is to follow changes for the better. And it's not just about flexing your muscles in front of the mirror. With each new workout, you will feel that you are becoming stronger, and that it is becoming easier for you to increase the load and perform new exercises.

You can make a selection of music specifically for training. As studies show, people who train to music exercise much longer and more actively than those who prefer to “swing” in silence or to the “music” of creaking iron and their own panting. The main thing in this matter is not to make a mistake in choosing the genre.

Scientists have explained which music is easier to exercise withPeople feel less tired if they receive an audible response to even the slightest effort. Scientists believe that this effect can be partly explained by the calming effect of music, which relieves muscle tension and leads to a more efficient supply of oxygen to the body.

Playing sports teaches us to be consistent. First you need to set yourself a goal that you must achieve over a certain period of training. Once the goal is achieved, you need to set yourself a new, more distant goal.

Surprisingly, gossipers can also be useful. If you need an extra incentive to get yourself to the gym, use public opinion. For example, you can tell your acquaintances, friends or relatives about your plans to pump up your biceps, and without even noticing it, you will instantly become the object of gossip. And your reputation will directly depend on your training.

Also great way forcing yourself to go to training is making a bet. You can challenge someone to a kind of fitness competition. And for greater motivation, it is better to challenge an opponent for whom you do not feel any sympathy. Or try challenging yourself. If, for example, you switch from a car to a bike in the summer, you can improve your fitness. Record how long it takes you to get to work, for example. It will be very great if every day you try to improve your results.

If you're a busy person, you don't have much free time to spend going to the gym. But look at this problem from the other side.

You can spend much less time training, the main thing is to do it with full dedication.

Make a class schedule for a month in advance. Cross off each completed workout with a sense of accomplishment. If you still manage to skip some workouts, include them additionally in your schedule for the next month.

A great way to get yourself into the swing of things is to communicate on fitness forums. There you can compare your successes with the successes of other people. However, you shouldn’t take everything too seriously - many “virtuals” really like to embellish reality.

Urban living conditions contribute to the development of heart and circulation diseases. These are, in particular, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition. The RIA Novosti infographic provides information from cardiologists about what factors are most destructive to the heart, as well as simple tips on how to stay healthy.

Try to treat training like work. See yourself as strict boss, and the coach - as a subordinate hired for work. If he doesn't do his job, fire him without a twinge of conscience, that is, change your coach or gym.

Check your blood cholesterol levels and set a goal to reduce your “bad” cholesterol by 20 points and increase your “good” cholesterol by 5 points. By improving your health, you can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

If after several workouts you do not find any visible changes, this is not a reason to be lazy and never go to the gym again. Measure yourself every week and record the results. Over time, you will begin to enjoy even the slightest changes.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Increasing. But what should those who don’t like ice skating, don’t snowboard and don’t collect ice cubes do? What about those who are used to doing fitness and now, or at least do morning exercises?

In 2008, American scientists thoroughly studied this issue. “The excuses people give for not wanting to exercise are ridiculous,” said a psychologist at Flinders University in Australia who participated in the study. - The most common - bad weather and fear that the workload will be excessive.”

In other words, good reasons not doing fitness - no. There is simple human laziness, self-pity and lack of self-discipline. And you can fight all this by using simple but powerful rules.

1. Count your money


“The simplest method,” says Yale Law School professor Jan Aers, “is to buy a more expensive gym membership with your hard-earned money. Out of frugality, a person runs to training like a cute little thing.”

2. Buy a card for a specific time of day


This contradicts the previous point, but is a good discipline. It’s easier to find time for training if you know that you only have four hours to visit the club, and not around the clock. And how does it usually happen? I didn't make it to the gym in the morning, but definitely Or tomorrow. Or in a week.

3. Carry fitness clothes with you


If the training is scheduled for the evening, it makes sense to get ready for it in the morning. “Get dressed in a tracksuit as soon as you wake up,” writes American. “Let it be very beautiful, very expensive clothes, bought specifically for training.”

If the business dress code does not allow you to walk around the office all day, you need to pack a bag with you. The heavier the better. The heaviness, and with it the significance of the burden, will be another reason to get to the club at all costs.

4. Create a workout for yourself.


It’s elementary: if your usual classes don’t inspire you, it’s time to change the program. Let's say, instead of , do or . Or you can, by picking up one element you like from each workout, to design your own training method. By the way, it gives enormous scope for such creativity.

5. Read while exercising


Great idea: take a more interesting book with you to the gym and read it only when you pedal. Slow down and move the book to the side, speed up and read again. Firstly, the desire to know what happens next makes you read more. Secondly, while reading you don’t feel bored or tired.

6. Work out when you have free time.


You don't have to go for a run at seven o'clock in the morning. Especially in winter, when by all measures it is still deep night. You can just as easily run in the evening. And if running is not one of your favorite disciplines, then you can. Fortunately, our channel “LIVE!” broadcasts around the clock: 17 disciplines, dozens of different coaches.

The trainers “LIVE!” same problems as ordinary people. Find out how some of them struggle with their reluctance to go to training in our quick survey:

Yulia Zaichenkova:

“It happens, of course, that I feel bad or sad. At such moments I don’t force myself, I don’t go anywhere, but I perform a spontaneous dance ( a dance that expresses the inner state of the performer, - ed.) I play my favorite esoteric music with a techno treatment and my mood instantly lifts.”

Ilya Vyaltsev:

“Dancing is creativity. But it happens that you don’t particularly want to engage in creativity. On days like these, you know what I do? I'm dressing up. I usually come to rehearsals in a tracksuit. But if my mood changes, I try to wear something bright: for example, red jeans, a yellow T-shirt and a cap. So that it would be pleasant to look at yourself in the mirror. The students feel it all. Basically, in dancing, the teacher is a conductor of energy. And when they see a guy in front of them in a torn T-shirt, holey socks and dirty jeans, their enthusiasm wanes. And if the teacher looks cool, cheerful, jokes, then the students try to match him.”

Marina Korpan:

“There is one sure-fire way: really hard. I know women who, in the evening, hang a dress on a chair that they would like to fit into New Year, and when they open their eyes at six in the morning, the first thing they see is him and get up for training without any “I don’t want” and “I can’t.” Therefore, without unnecessary sentimentality, they open their eyes and breathe.”

Stanislav Rogachev:

“Only a sleepless night can confuse my plans. Bad mood doesn't matter. I train in any weather and in any mood. You brush your teeth even when cats are scratching your soul? It’s a similar story with training.”

Want to know how to make yourself work? Take advantage useful tips from a psychologist and work more productively.

Do you ever have situations when, when you come to work, the first thing you do is open a contact, go to ICQ, check new messages on a forum or blog?

After that, do you go get coffee, chat with employees, check the forum or blog again?

And so, when the clock strikes one in the afternoon, you suddenly remember about work, sit down at the table, but for some reason the work doesn’t get done.

After sitting at the table for 1-2 hours, you decide to return to this issue tomorrow and get into contact again.

Do similar situations happen to you? Such incidents happen to me often.

If you are guilty of shirking work, it’s time for you to think about how to make yourself work.

How to force yourself to work: instructions for action

Why aren't we working?

Man is a lazy creature.

If he has the opportunity to get away from work with impunity, he will definitely do it.

After all, you must admit that relaxing is much more pleasant than carrying sacks of potatoes.

However, even if we try somehow force yourself to work, the result may be negative for a number of reasons:

  • we work at the wrong time, we don’t know our people,
  • the work is too simple and we are not interested,
  • we lack motivation,
  • we consider ourselves worse than others and therefore are afraid to perform certain tasks,
  • we have no faith in success,
  • the work can be done later,
  • We're just lazy.

Now that we have dealt with the main reasons for shirking current affairs, it’s time to talk about how to force yourself to do these things.

    The right motivation

    The most important incentive for doing any work is proper motivation.

    If it is not there, then you will begin to complete the assigned task only when time is really running out.

    With motivation, work can be much more productive and fun.

    After all, you will know what you are working for.

    Work at the right time

    Identify your most productive hours so that your most challenging tasks fall during your most productive hours.

    If you're a night owl, don't try to write reports at 8am.

    And if you're a morning person, don't schedule important tasks in the evening.

    Set clear time frames for yourself

    Always give yourself a clear time to complete a specific task. For example, from 11 to 13 you work on a press release, and then go to lunch.

    Try to deal with the press release strictly within the allotted time.

    Did not have time? Doesn't matter.

    Put down a task and move on to another. If you clicked your beak today, it means you will work more productively tomorrow!

    Do you want to force yourself to work? Then remove all entertainment

    At this stage, you will have to clear your work computer of numerous entertainment applications and social media. networks. Delete all contact and classmate bookmarks, send cards and Zoom to the trash.

    In general, leave only those files on your desktop that are directly related to your work.

    You can always play at home.

    Don't neglect sleep

    Never take work home.

    If you work at home, turn off the computer at 6-7 pm and do household chores.

    After all, if you sit at work until dawn, you will never be able to force yourself to work at the right times.

    Get ready for work

    If you can't get started right away, start with attitude.

    To start, you can dust your work area and check incoming mail from clients or suppliers.

    Or do routine work that doesn't require brain activity.

    For example, file documents, send a reservation, etc.

    All these simple steps will help you get back to work faster.

    The whip method to force yourself to work

    Use the whip method only as a last resort.

    When you have motivated yourself, are in the mood for work, but laziness prevails, spur yourself on with a whip.

    For example, set yourself a condition that if you do not finish writing a report in 3 hours, you will crow in your boss’s office.

    The best thing to do is make a bet with an employee - it will be more productive!

    Naturally, you won’t want to crow, and you’ll get to work on the report.

    If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest

    No matter how strong our fear is, we should not be afraid of it.

    After all, when we are afraid, then

Everyone knows that learning is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Every day a student has to get ready for school, sit in class, memorize a lot new information, write it down, answer in front of the whole class and write tests. But this is not the most difficult thing, since besides this they have to return home, where they again continue their education - read paragraphs, do exercises received at home, learn poems and solve complex problems. Therefore, no matter what you say, education is a titanic work, especially for a child. It is not surprising that under such a harsh regime, not all children can withstand it; some of them begin to skip classes, not do their homework, etc. However, forcing a child to study is not the surest way out of the situation. You need to approach the educational process carefully, and most importantly, correctly!

In general, the question “How to force yourself to study” is most often asked by students, since there is more control at the school desk: teachers monitor your progress, and parents “press” you for bad grades, and other students do not treat you with respect if you are constantly among the “losers” in terms of academic performance. In lyceums, institutes and universities, control leaves the student. Since you are already considered an adult who has the right to decide for himself how to study: good or bad. However, such freedom is somewhat intoxicating for a young man or girl, and not everyone is able to come to their senses in time and think about the fact that with such a wild life they can slide down the ladder of life. And then the student asks himself a difficult but quite interesting question: “How can I force myself to study??” Today you will find out the answer!

12 ways to force yourself to study

Set the task correctly! First of all, you (the student) must correctly set yourself a task or goal. Think not about how to force yourself to study, but about how to how to start studying well, after all, you are still, in fact, learning and will continue to study. The formulation of the task is very important, man is a rather strange creature and if you force yourself to do something, then your subconscious will resist it and will interfere with completing the planned tasks (learn lessons, listen to the teacher, etc.). Moreover, you will get much more pleasure from such disobedience than from following your goal.

If you formulate your question in a different way, for example: “How can I finish this year with flying colors?” or “How to start studying well this semester?”, then you will not notice how you will start looking for ways to get a good grade at school, that is, your consciousness will begin to work in cooperation with the subconscious, focusing on a positive result.

The psychological aspect is very important in the learning process, so try not to force yourself to study, but look for a good reason that can change your attitude towards learning in a favorable direction. But more on that in the next paragraph.

Find the motivation (reason) to study well. As we have already said, the reason for learning is the best method in learning. Your task is to find an incentive that would work specifically in your case. Motivations come in different forms; for example, some are influenced by the following phrase: If you do not start studying, you will be expelled from the educational institution in the next semester! Although this call will not have any effect on another person.

For most, prospect is a good motivation, but for some it works long-term perspective: If I graduate from this university with excellent marks, I will be able to get a job with a high salary and the opportunity to move up the career ladder. For others, the perspective should be closer and more realistic: If I finish my last semester well, my father will buy a ticket to the camp, where I will go with my friends for the whole summer!

We don’t know what can make you study, but we know for sure that such motivation exists. Find her! In general, we would say that the incentive to learn occupies one of the dominant roles in learning; if it is found and used by the student, then he is able to achieve incredible success.

If you are a parent and are reading this article in the hope that you can understand how to get your child to learn, then we would advise you to learn about his relationships in the classroom. Sometimes the motivation to learn disappears precisely because of conflicts with other children. This happens especially often with teenagers who rarely want to go to school or another educational institution.

Set up your own workplace. It would seem that such a minor issue as the arrangement of a student’s workplace can affect learning, but believe me, it can radically change the speed of completing homework and its quality. We agree that lying on your bed with a tablet or laptop is quite pleasant to do your homework, but it is not at all effective. Because when lying down, a person remembers and understands it much worse, and most importantly, more slowly. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of human organs. Try to allocate a small place in your home where you will exclusively do things related to your studies. A special feature of this place should be that there will be no computer, no laptop, no tablet, no mobile phone. Only necessary notebooks, books and stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, etc.).

A computer or other technology can greatly distract from the learning process. After all, you have a lot of temptations: icq, skype, VKontakte, interesting sites, films, music, games, etc. Therefore, it must be resorted to only in cases where it is specifically required to perform a particular task.

Those who are used to having a computer on their desk at all times, and without it, the desk seems boring and dull, we advise you to organize everything on the desk in such a way that it looks beautiful and interesting: buy new bright stationery, replace a boring desk lamp, new and original. In addition, it is better to place the table near the window, so that not only daylight illuminates the workplace, but also the view from the window allows you to be distracted or, on the contrary, concentrate.

If the computer takes up a lot of your free time, but you cannot resist it, then we advise you to think about the fact that computer radiation is harmful to human health: it impairs vision, ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract arise, and problems with the nervous system also appear.

Change your clothing style. Of course, clothes cannot force you to start studying, but their style can serve as the wave of the starting flag for an athlete. Let us explain in a little more detail: each of us knows how to distinguish a good student from a bad one. A good student is always dressed neatly and strictly (especially for guys), which cannot be said about a bad student, his style is always radically different from what one should wear in educational institution. So, when this same “not very good” student comes to class in a formal suit, the attitude towards him changes dramatically, both among the students and among the teaching staff. And the first thought that arises among those around him is “Has Ivanov (for example) finally come to his senses and started studying?!” Yes, yes, with the help of a regular change of image, you can achieve such changes in your attitude towards yourself. Naturally, after everyone has thought so well of you, it will be difficult to turn back into a quitter who goes to classes “to sit your pants down.”

Make learning fun (mind map method). You probably noticed that many of the girls in your group, during lectures, take notes not in continuous text, but using various markers and quotes. Their recorded lectures are often not just a few pages of the teacher's handwritten phrases, but an entire masterpiece of art: important phrases are written in a different color, rules are highlighted in various rectangular tables. The text contains a lot of underlining and highlighting with a marker or other ink. Even small sketches were made with a pencil and a ruler. Do you think they are just doing nonsense?! Wrong, they turn a boring lecture into an interesting activity by coloring and highlighting the main points. In addition, at home it will be easier for them to remember this information, since they remember the terms not only by meaning, but also visually, which allows them to remember the information faster and better.

When it is difficult to remember some information, try to understand it not literally, but through analogies. For example: you can remember the name “Battle of Borodino” using its analogy with “Borodino Bread”; you can remember the initials of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin as “Pushkin – ace (best specialist).” The examples may not be the best, but the main thing is to understand the meaning and use it in your teaching.

To make learning even more interesting and comfortable, buy notebooks with beautiful covers, keep comfortable and bright notebooks and use colorful stickers for reminders. Change pens more often and choose them not only for their comfort in writing, but also for their beautiful or unusual design. From time to time, use pens whose ink smells, the delicious smell will also lift your spirits, and when you open your notebook, you will not only remember your responsibilities, but also some delicious fruit or chewing gum.

Reward yourself for your success. It is difficult to force a teenager or an adult boy (girl) to study, but it is quite possible. Use reward methods for this, for example: You completed your studies today and didn’t get a single bad grade - praise yourself and allow yourself to walk for an hour or two today. And if you also got a good mark in an important subject, then here you can still reward yourself with something tasty (chips, chocolate or pizza). Passed the exam or test– there’s a bigger prize here: go with friends to a club, cafe or disco. Remember that encouragement should only be given if you really deserve it. If you are guilty, then there can be no talk of any prize or rest. You must realize all the sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat.

Evaluate yourself for your success soberly and honestly; sometimes a tight B deserves more praise than a solid A. In addition to grades, you can reward yourself for memorized tickets, completed homework, going to the library, active work in class, etc. That is, the results can be expressed in completely different ways. Don't get hung up on grades. It would be more correct to focus on the knowledge gained. After all, as we know, the grades that teachers give us are not always objective.

The first step is difficult to take! The most difficult moment in learning is the first step, the beginning of the process. Admit it to yourself, how often has it happened that you put off your homework until the last hours of your waking hours?! Probably quite often - after all, there are always things that seem more important than homework. Agree that starting to do homework is always more difficult than finishing it. It is so?!

The main reason for a difficult start is simple laziness. Homework may turn out to be a 15-minute task, but you need to sit down and start thinking about it, but you don’t want to do this. The faster you overcome laziness, the faster you will begin to study well.

Study well from the first semester! If you decide to finish this year with good grades and show yourself in the best light in front of teachers, parents and friends, then start studying well from the first semester. Don't put things off until later. At the beginning of the year (after the holidays), all tasks will accumulate gradually, and this is a chance to solve them quickly and correctly. If you procrastinate, you will end up in an unpleasant situation towards the end of this year or semester; there will be little time left until the end, and there will be a lot of things to do and assignments. And you will no longer think about good grades, but about having time to pass the subject before the session. Learn to distribute your study load evenly and then you will definitely succeed!

Work more in class so you have less to take home. A tricky way for those who know how to value their time. It often happens that the teacher manages to finish the lesson before the bell rings and, in order not to burden you with unnecessary information, asks you to go about your business. We do not advise you to waste this time, you are still at school, at your desk and cannot communicate loudly with friends, so use this time wisely: start doing your homework. Let it be not on this subject, but on another, even if not for tomorrow. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that you will save yourself time at home, which means you can spend an extra 10-20 minutes walking with friends in the fresh air.

Organize competitions and marathons. Try to negotiate with your parents for a kind of competition in which they will sponsor the prizes. For example: if you receive only good grades in algebra over the next two weeks, then after these two weeks they will buy you a new mobile phone (for example). The time and gift may vary depending on your previous academic success, as well as the wealth of your family. If you set conditions for a year or a semester, then take into account two factors: firstly, in six months or a year, the family budget may change (and not always in better side), so try to get guarantees from your parents for a particular purchase. Secondly, keep in mind that motivating yourself to buy the same bike throughout the year is very, very difficult. Sooner or later you may not keep the bar raised.

Manage your time wisely. Try to study according to a set schedule. For example, immediately after class, do not come and sit at the computer, but come and sit at the kitchen table, eat, then go do homework, and in the evening go out for a walk or go to a club. This way, you will always know that at this time you need to do your homework and not rest. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your regime, as some people cannot be forced to study immediately after school, they first need rest, and they start their lessons the next day early in the morning, but this regime is quite risky, since there is always a chance of oversleeping.

Develop your willpower. Sometimes it happens that no competition and no motivation can force a student to start studying. In such cases, there is only one piece of advice: “Grit your teeth, gather all your willpower into a fist and, by all means, start studying! Not because you want to, but because it’s NECESSARY!” In this way, you will develop willpower, which will come in handy more than once in the future. Good luck!