Programmer skills and abilities. A programmer's resume is a self-presentation of a professional in which everything is important. What shouldn't be on a programmer's resume

Honestly, when I was looking for a job, my resume could easily be classified as bad. Yes, there were several good sections (like, but I wrote 2 books and 30 articles), but there was also a table of skills with the line: C#, 1 year of experience, Intermediate (!).

Now I read a lot of resumes and invite people for interviews. Over the past 3 years, I have conducted about a hundred interviews, and I have seen 5 times more resumes. So now I have a pretty clear idea of ​​what I want to see on a resume. But first, I’ll tell you what I don’t want to see on my resume.


Many outsourcing companies have come up with resume templates. The motivation is, in principle, clear, they want to unify everything in order to use machine learning to extract good candidates everyone looked the same, like privates in formation. However, these templates are the same for all positions and are compiled by wise CTOs and narrow-minded HR who have no idea what a really great programmer is.

Filling out such a template is like admitting your own inability to think and write a normal resume. This is a gesture towards a potential employer: “here’s your resume, I don’t really want to work for you.” If you don't really want it, don't send him away, damn it. Why waste your and other people's time?

Templates align developers. They make good developers look average, and bad ones, which is typical, too. That's why it's such a convenient mechanism to throw out a lot of text and numbers without saying anything useful.

Skill tables

They came from templates and became firmly entrenched in the minds of developers. More than half consider it their duty to include a list of technologies, years of their use and level of knowledge. Well, it’s good if there’s something specific on the list, like TDD or DSL creation. But no, usually there is PHP, 4 years, expert.

Such lists contain very little useful information and, at best, can be scanned in 3 seconds for something interesting. And in any case, this is a minus to general impression from resume.

List of projects

It seems quite logical to talk about the projects in which I took part. Unfortunately, this story is often approached from the wrong angle. I am interested in what exactly you did in these projects, what complex problems you solved, what was interesting to you about them and what was not. I'm interested in facts. Instead of facts, they usually give a list of technologies and general phrases like “development of application architecture, implementation of main modules, requirements analysis, bug fixing.”

Tell us better what you achieved in this project, what you learned new, what you are proud of - this is much more interesting.

List of personal qualities

Another section that is useless to look at is personal qualities. These are, for example:

I must say that this is a list from my 2004 resume. In principle, everything is true, but everyone writes this, so the benefit of such a section is vanishingly small. You won’t write that you are “an introvert who wants to work alone on complex projects.” You write “ability to work in a team.” Personal qualities must either be confirmed with examples, or not written at all.

Blank letters

The saddest thing is to receive a letter like this:

Well, of course, I’ll open my resume, but the first impression is spoiled. And if there is nothing interesting in the resume, then our acquaintance will end there.

In this case, the person turned out to be an excellent programmer (and his resume was not bad).

Another error is this:

It looks like the person is not interested in anything but money. This, of course, has the right to life, but it is unlikely good way start dating. Like, you come to a meeting with a girl, sit down at a table in a cafe, and start a conversation:
- Hello, I'm Vanya.
- Hello, I'm Alexandra. What kind of car do you have? Do you have an apartment?

It is best to write something personal, to interest, to show your level - this can be done in just a few sentences. Even just one:


The vast majority of resumes contain only what is listed above. Therefore, you literally have to read between the lines to form an opinion about a person. Remove all this from your resumes and think about what to replace it with.

And also, never send your resume from This is a bad sign.

UPD: People here complain that I evaluate people based on their resumes and that’s it, without talking. Well, how else to evaluate if at first you have nothing on your hands except a resume? I'm complaining here that According to resumes, very often good programmers do not differ from bad ones. I wish they were different. That's all.
I'm calling anyone who has a glimmer on their resume. And it has happened more than once that an excellent developer is hidden behind a bad resume.

text-autospace:none"> Novel
Moscow city
Gender: male

text-autospace:none">Age: 39 years old


text-autospace:none"> Requirements for future work:

text-autospace:none"> Job title:Engineer programmer
Salary (minimum): 2,500 USD


text-autospace:none">more than 5 years
"Info Directions, Inc."
Victor, New York: from July 2006 to November 2006
Job title: Software Engineer
Developer of C# NET networks for the Coast Guard in the field of recording calls and call time of subscribers and developing customer service programs in telecommunication services. Development of regression and load test applications in the field of performance benchmarking for the Coast Guard. Internet applications for the coast guard and offline applications. Development of an application programming interface for the Coast Guard based on MS 2.0 for branched computer networks and database processing. Using MS for structured queries and stored procedures for database management. The main activity is debugging programs, analyzing and improving codes in applications for the coast guard in order to ensure stability, including analysis of the implementation of the structural query plan. Extensive use of Visual Studio for coding and debugging programs. Documentation, reporting and dynamic teamwork.


text-autospace:none"> Ministry Agriculture United States (USDA) Washington, DC: from June 2005 to August 2005
Job title: Intranet application developer
Development of intranet applications in C# for processing personnel forms USDA Employee SF-52 Online. The main activity was improving registration security and developing devices for the administrator to better processing forms online. Used MS SQL and created stored procedures. Developed several extensions for SF-52 applications to ensure efficiency and safety. Documented additional technical requirements and use cases for the SF-52 project.


text-autospace:none"> PetsMart Direct Brockport, New York: from January 2001 to March 2001
Job title: Programmer/Analyst II
Mainly working with Java & J2EE as a researcher and developer on an Intranet Database Aggregation project. Was involved in creating an application for clients and a Java server for processing requests Email for the purpose of automatically generating document reports based on DB2/400 using the IBM AS/400 API driver. Developed several functional applications in Visual Basic for Microsoft Outlook.


text-autospace:none"> West Group Rochester, New York. (Contractor): from October 2000 to December 2000
Job title: Software Engineer
Developed an analogue of a separate application of a branched graphical user interface in Java to call the object model of API documents. This project was an analogue of an application that was supposed to be used and integrated in the future into strategic development, including the Aurora-H and Morpheus systems. The Aurora-H system is the driver for converting well-formed XML into the XML object model. The TBGUI interface is used to define extraction and transformation rules. The TBGUI application displays graphical tree nodes, and can create and manipulate data within an XML document.


text-autospace:none"> Netsight Systems Rochester, New York: from January 2000 to August 2000
Job title: Network application developer
Developer of network applications for the ORTISA (Online Real Time Interactive Agent) project. Engaged in the development of web applications for graphical needs in the communication link between clients and enterprises. The main project was to create a calendar and database management device for scheduling business meetings online. Developed and used the Access and Oracle database system for the ORTISA project. Installed and maintained Allaire's Jrun Java application server in Windows 2000 for the Internet information server. Initially developed applications in JSP, JavaBeans and Java Servlets, and later converted applications into ASP and JavaScript to increase speed and efficiency.

text-autospace:none"> Xerox Corporation Rochester, New York. (Contractor): from May 1999 to October 1999
Job title: Software Engineer
Prepared test computers for a wide software testing program (in particular XCAMS 3.0) using products software quality assurance and developed/improved Visual Basic scripts, test drivers, and computational routines for software testing. Participated in independent technical reviews to discuss key issues related to software development stages and customer requirements prior to product release


text-autospace:none"> "R. Shanly & Associates, Inc." Mendon, New York: from April 1999 to April 1999
Job title: Software Engineer
Developed and maintained company and client websites using hypertext tagging language HTML, Perl, and JavaScript for commercial and general Internet use. Assisted in testing and debugging products developed in Visual Basic for Applications and maintained the network system


text-autospace:none"> Kitchin Micro Cincinnati, Ohio: from June 1994 to January 1999
Job title: Systems Consultant
Developed, designed and maintained client websites using hypertext tagging language HTML, C/C++, Perl, JavaScript and Java for e-business. Developed accounting database and GUI application database in Visual Basic. Consulted with clients on planning and implementation of Internet and network equipment. Created, upgraded and maintained computer systems clients.


text-autospace:none"> "NASA at Landley" Newport News, Virginia: from July 1987 to September 1987
Job title: Computer programmer
As part of a summer student program, he volunteered to participate in group work developing a Pascal program for a satellite project. Developed code for sending commands to a satellite computer to control the drives of parabolic antennas.


text-autospace:none"> Professional skills:


text-autospace:none"> Programming languages: C/C++, C#, Java, Perl, Visual Basic, Lisp, Prolog, Eiffel

Programming as a scientific discipline appeared in the middle of the 20th century with the invention of the first computer, which at that time corresponded to the area of ​​a one-room apartment, spent a fairly long period of time on each operation and understood only one language - its own, machine one. Later, new generation programming languages ​​were developed and to work with them it became necessary to create new profession- programmer.

Programmer - professional specialist in the field of IT, creating and improving application software, designing and modifying automation tools, creating websites and troubleshooting computer equipment.

Formally, programmers can be classified into three categories: application, system and web programmers. They can work remotely, as a solo freelancer, or full-time specialist, member of the project team.

Functions performed by the programmer:

  • analysis of mathematical algorithms;
  • creation of oriented application software programs;
  • testing, configuration and installation of computer programs;
  • development and implementation of information methods for solving problems in the field of information processing;
  • choosing an alternative programming language algorithm;
  • control over the launch of configured programs;
  • entering and transmitting primary data according to the required conditions;
  • analysis and assessment of possible resources in the field of information technology;
  • determination of information necessary for processing using computer technology, its structure, size and storage methods;
  • support and adjustment of implemented programs;
  • maintaining the necessary related technical support. documentation, etc.

Many programmers without office experience are erudite self-taught people who work from home, but for work as an official staff unit it is desirable higher education profile specialization and knowledge of basic in English.

You can become a good IT specialist if you have a technical and mathematical mindset, knowledge of several computer languages ​​and a PC device, a readiness for constant self-education and advanced training, non-standard thinking, and developed communication skills.

A programmer must have a high level of concentration, the ability to express thoughts competently and clearly, set goals and achieve them, be diligent, patient, self-possessed, and persistent.

By improving and gaining experience and skills, a programmer can confidently move up the ascending steps of the career ladder - from an intern with no work experience to a team leader, project manager, or director of an IT company.

See also other resume examples:

Download a sample resume for a programmer without work experience:

Zadirov Andrey Dmitrievich
(Andrey D. Zadirov)

Target: Receipt vacant position assistant programmer, trainee programmer.


September 1996 – August 2002, Tyumen State the University of Economics, faculty " Information Technology and systems", specialty "System programming", specialist diploma (full-time department).

Additional education:

July - December 1999 - English language courses, Linguistic Center "Britannia", Tyumen.
May 2001 – Center computer training, “Programming in the 1C system: Enterprise 8.3”, Tyumen.


Programmer Assistant

May 2001 – October 2001 Passage of a six-month industrial practice at System Engineering LLC, Tyumen.
Functional responsibilities:
— improvement of the company website;
— participation in the design and creation of specialized software;
— reporting;
— writing and working with technical specifications;
technical support Internet sites on various CMS;
— design and administration of databases.
- Developed and implemented on the company's website online constructor software solutions for small business web resources.

Professional skills:

— Programming in Delphi, Java, PHP, C++;
— Knowledge of document (website) markup languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript (JS);
— I have basic programming skills in the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 system;
— Knowledge of the Microsoft Office package;
— Blind dialing method;
— Ability to write structured and understandable code;
— Understanding of the principles and stages of web project development;
— Experience in writing and working with technical specifications;
— Ability to find effective solutions and work for results;
— Ability to work with large amounts of information;
Language skills: Russian - fluent; English – fluent.

Personal qualities:

Efficiency, purposefulness, resistance to stress, ability to work in a team, discipline, accuracy.

Additional information:

Marital status: Not maried.
Possibility of business trips: yes.
Driver's license: yes.
Own car: yes.
There are no bad habits.

We hope that our sample resume with no experience as a programmer has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Return to section..

HR managers of large IT companies in their recruitment work daily have to deal with a huge amount text - dozens and hundreds of summaries. But recruiters pay attention only to well-written and formatted resumes that really convey useful information, and not a set of template formulations.

Sometimes applicants make completely ridiculous mistakes. This can be understood and explained by the fact that an IT specialist is by nature a techie. It will not be difficult for him to write a program, but everything else “writing” often causes difficulties.

Why is a resume so important?

A resume is important because it is the document the employer sees first.

It creates a first impression that can be easily spoiled and then very difficult to change.

Also, writing a resume is the only stage in the employment process that depends entirely on the applicant. Moreover, no time restrictions are imposed on the completion of this stage; this should significantly improve the quality of the document.

In a resume, a person can fully display himself as a professional. And only later at the interview will you have to prove this.

So, everything you need to know when writing a resume:

1. Document preparation

Sometimes HR managers can be disappointed in a candidate without even reading a single line of the IT specialist’s resume. Here is an example of an unsuccessful resume title: “Resume.doc”, “Resume 11/01/2013.doc”, “My resume.doc”. Such design is immediately repelled by its uninformative name. The file must be named with the name and surname of the applicant.

One readable font must be used. It can be Times New Roman or Arial 12 px.

When creating lists, it is unacceptable to use a hyphen and several spaces (or Tab) followed by text. One immediately gets the impression that the person is not familiar with even the basic rules of working in text editors. Such a "specialist" is unlikely to be needed by an IT company.

You should also use numbering, page breaks, left and right alignment, and other standard formatting techniques. All this makes the text much more readable.

2. Resume size

The optimal size of a resume is 2, maximum 3 pages. If they send a document of 10 pages, the HR manager will simply get tired of reading it and, perhaps, lose sight of some important information. The task of the applicant is to make the resume as capacious as possible.

You should also avoid cases where a small piece of text jumps to the next page. Elementary formatting helps to avoid such tails - you can slightly expand the fields.

3. Text and spelling

The text should be simple and understandable. Don't write complex sentences like "I was a developer who did ..., while I had a team of ...". Each thought should be expressed in a separate sentence. You need to write in such a way that the recruiter does not have the need to re-read the offer again to catch the idea. You need to express yourself clearly and understandably.

You should always check what you write. Everyone can make mistakes, typos, but sometimes text editor can put a pig in, correcting a word he does not understand completely to another, not suitable in meaning.

Therefore, in addition to the standard methods of checking spelling, you must use your eyes, i.e. Proofread your resume carefully after writing it. It is advisable to do this out loud so that it is easier to understand how the text sounds.

4. English version

You need to use knowledge of the English language. Most IT companies have strong ownership requirements foreign language. But, even if a person cannot communicate freely, writing the English version will still be a big plus. Therefore, it is preferable if the applicant sends 2 resumes.

The resume structure should be standard:

1. Brief information (Summary)

At the very beginning there should be a resume header with contact information. You need to indicate Email, phone, Skype, city. If there is a possibility of relocation, you need to mention this.

Brief information should be divided into items that reflect a specific skill. You should not give more than 6 points.

It is also necessary to indicate the number of years of experience with the technologies needed for this vacancy and specific knowledge in this area.

2. Technologies

It is necessary to indicate only those IT technologies with which you have practical experience work. It is forbidden to write lies. During the interview, the fraud will be revealed and the applicant will thereby discredit himself in the eyes of the employer.

Such information must be divided into main groups. For example, knowledge of programming languages: PHP, C ++, Phyton, sql query language, configuration, support and administration of server hardware, installation of PBX, server.

3. Education

The academic degree, specialty, and certificates are indicated. It is necessary to write where your education was received and provide the years of study. For example, 2000-2005

Moscow State Technical University named after N. Bauman, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, qualification - engineer-mathematician

4. Experience

Must be in reverse chronological order. The employer is more interested in finding out what the person has been doing recently.

The year and month must be specified. So, a person working from 2011 to 2012 could work for either a couple of weeks or almost 2 years.

You need to provide the names of the companies, or at least a description of the projects. For example, May 2010 - June 2013, system administrator, Peresvet LLC Administration of corporate networks, installation of office programs in a Windows environment for office PCs.

For each project, you must disclose your responsibilities and achievements. It is advisable not to write “achieved a lot” or “successfully managed a team.” It is better to provide specific results of the work. You also need to briefly describe the team and technologies that you had to work with on this project.

5. Languages

This item is mandatory. You must indicate your level of foreign language proficiency.

6. Optional sections: Objectives, Hobbies, References

If goals are stated, they should be done clearly and concisely. Goals like “I want to develop” or “I plan to achieve high results” are not suitable.

You don't have to add hobbies. In most cases, this is unnecessary text - the employer is of little interest to this section. IT people won't get paid for being great at tennis or scrapbooking.

The main thing to remember when drawing up is that it will be reviewed by the person who makes the decision about your further employment. Your future career largely depends on how much the employer likes it.

Below we provide basic resume samples for IT specialists. Using a sample as a basis, you can easily create competent resume, and if you have doubts about the correctness of your resume, you can always seek advice from our specialists who will help you create a competent resume.

Example of an IT specialist resume

A programmer is a modern profession, because today it is difficult to imagine the world around us without computers. It’s not difficult to create a resume for this position; the main thing is to stock up on arguments and evidence of your high professionalism and penchant for self-learning.

A candidate for the position of programmer must have a higher technical education in his specialty, and in addition to this, keep up with the times, monitor program updates, and improve his knowledge. A plus on your resume would be participation in educational projects, skills in creating programs or websites.

It is important for the employer that the programmer is dedicated to his work and enjoys it - then all tasks will be completed quickly and efficiently. Emphasize your ambition and love for your work. Well, the main part of your resume will be professional skills, this is where you can describe your knowledge in the field of programming, skills in working with certain programs.

See also other resume examples:

Download a programmer resume sample:

Fedorenko Artur Tomovich
(Artur Fedorenko)

Target: Filling a programmer position.


September 2003 – July 2008 Kiev National Polytechnic Institute, faculty information systems, specialty "System programming", master's degree (full-time).

Additional education:

August 2008 – October 2008 Courses “1C: Administration”.


Web programmer

April 2008 – July 2010 Teletrade Consulting OJSC, Boryspil.
Functional responsibilities:
— website development and support;
— installation and configuration of SMS;
— writing modules for PHP.

Software Engineer

August 2010 – November 2013 Lankom LLC, Kiev
Functional responsibilities:
— software development for automation;
— writing products and programs for RLS;
— participation in the technical design process of the ASC;
— development of technical documentation.

Professional skills:

— Fluent PC skills;
— Experience in software development and visualization systems;
- Experience in writing unit tests;
— Knowledge of basic operating systems and applications;
— Knowledge of programming languages ​​(PHP, C++, SQL);
— Language proficiency: Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​are fluent; English, German – technical.

Personal qualities:

Hard work, attentiveness, diligence, resistance to stress, accuracy, initiative, ability to work in a team, emotional stability, desire to work and develop, ability to work with a large amount of information, analytical warehouse intelligence, tendency to self-learning.

Additional information:

Marital status: Not maried.
Do you have children.
Driver's license: yes.
Possibility of business trips: yes.

We hope that the sample resume we compiled for the position of a programmer helped you in creating your resume for a job. Return to section..