Profession controller open. Sample resume for otk controller Write a resume for a job sample regional controller

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of Quality Control Controller (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. Competent resume will greatly improve your chances of getting hired.

The QCD controller resume template is available in two types

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling” strong resume and realized what works and what doesn’t. This sample resume for a quality control inspector has been tested by practice.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of the correct composition of a resume for a job as a quality control inspector.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find Good work, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a resume for a quality control inspector. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample resume for a Quality Control Controller, click on the link below.

Resume for the vacancy controller

Today, all employers publishing vacancies for inspection controller require sending a resume to get to know the candidate in more detail. Today it is convenient to create a resume for an inspection controller and post it on the website Job 7 Moscow. To all applicants who are interested latest vacancies OTK controller in Moscow, you can create a resume online, post it on the Job 7 Moscow website, or send it to the employer whose vacancies interest you. Employers will be able to easily find a resume for an inspection controller in Moscow and choose the candidate they like, or receive notifications in personal account about resumes sent by the controller from applicants.

inspection controller - resume in Moscow

Today, the job search site Job 7 Moscow offers fresh vacancies from direct employers with decent wages. For convenience, job seekers have access to: search for vacancies by profession, vacancies by sections shift work, work without experience, vacancies for students, selection of vacancies for a specific employer (company), online resume preparation. Employers can publish vacancies and view the resume database to independently search for candidates. Job 7 in Moscow is fresh vacancies, a huge database of resumes for an inspection controller in Moscow, and a job for everyone.

The technical control department (QCD) exists at manufacturing enterprises for timely detection of violations in production technology. The quality control inspector is responsible for identifying defects in the manufacture of products and checking product compliance with standards and GOSTs. Control is carried out visually or using instrumentation.

Vika works in the quality department of a Russian-Japanese car painting company. The working day at production begins at 7:15, Vika must be at work at 8 in the morning (a little early, but at least you can go home at 16:15). At approximately 8:15 there is a daily planning meeting - the entire quality department (20 people) gathers. In 15 minutes, the boss distributes tasks and discusses current problems.

If the beginning of the working day is the same, then the rest of the day goes differently. Time may be spent testing the quality of paint or primer, checking paint colors and discussing future orders with suppliers (for example, coordinating colors), drawing up reports (sometimes this takes many hours), calibrating instruments (usually done monthly ) and other tasks.

Places of work

The position of quality control inspector is required at all manufacturing enterprises. Each product must undergo quality control before going on sale.

History of the profession

The profession of quality control inspector can be said to have appeared thanks to Henry Leland, who made weapons production at the factories of Samuel Colt a role model. The “Master of Precision” introduced the concept of “pass caliber” into use and for the first time in history began to reject outwardly suitable shells due to their non-compliance with the standard. His motto: “Craftsmanship is the credo, accuracy is the law,” is followed by the world’s most successful manufacturers.

Responsibilities of the Quality Control Controller

IN job responsibilities quality control inspector includes:

  • Output control of finished goods.
  • Verification of actual parameters of manufactured products with the reference indicators specified in technical documentation, drawings, GOSTs.
  • Preparation of accompanying documentation - certificates, defective statements, quality certificates.
  • Checking the quality of the raw materials used.
  • Identification of technological inconsistencies and causes of defects.
  • Promotion of ideas for modernization of production.

Sometimes the functions of a quality control inspector may also include working with complaints (customer complaints).

Requirements for a quality control inspector

The basic requirements for a quality control inspector are as follows:

  • Secondary technical or higher education.
  • Experience from 1 year.
  • Knowledge of production technology, GOST standards.
  • Ability to read drawings and design documentation.
  • Skills in operating control and measuring instruments.
  • Attention to detail.

Sometimes a specialist may be required to have good vision and excellent coordination of movements, as well as additional education (depending on the specifics of the production).

Resume sample

How to become a quality control inspector

To become a quality control inspector, it is enough to obtain a secondary technical or higher education specialized education. Knowledge is also required production processes, because specialist communicates with technologists, designers, foremen, bosses production departments and the sales department. Knowledge of production often comes with experience as either a technologist or a technical control controller.

Quality Control Controller Salary

The salary of a quality control inspector ranges from 25,000 to 45,000 rubles. As you move up the career ladder, your salary increases significantly. An inspection foreman can receive a salary of up to 65,000 rubles, and the head of a workshop inspection service can receive up to 85,000. The average salary of a quality control inspector is 30,000 rubles.

Where to get training

Besides higher education There are a number of short-term training programs on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

Institute vocational education"IPO" invites you to go through distance courses in the direction of "" (there are options 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) with obtaining a diploma or state-issued certificate. We have trained more than 8,000 graduates from almost 200 cities. You can undergo external training and receive interest-free installments.

Summary dated 6 February 2013

Special details recruited

This person wants to grab your personal details and contacts, otherwise you can apply for a vacancy.

This prankster wants to take your special details and contacts. You can contact him on the page

Site foreman, quality control inspector, technologist

Fully busy, not always busy.

Location: Odessa

Contact information

Shukach, having received your personal details, you can also send him notifications or advertise a vacancy if you add contacts.

Dosvid robots


from 10.2008 according to Nini (11 days 2 months)
(Production of metal products and commercial equipment

Head of Quality Control Department

from 03.2005 to 05.2008 (3 rocks 2 months)
JSC "ZONT" (Odessa), (production of CNC plasma cutting machines)

Organization of control of manufactured products, including finished products at the production sites of the plant.

Site supervisor, quality control inspector.

from 09.1983 to 05.1990 (6 days 8 months)
NPO "Electronmash" (production of electronics and consumer goods)

foreman of the product quality control section,
incoming inspection of parts and assemblies arriving at the site
bench testing of finished products
quality analysis


Odessa College of Industrial Automation

Lifting and transport machines, Odessa
Serednya special, from 11.1979 to 03.1983 (3 rocks 4 months)

Dodatkova osvita

  • Courses on the use of measuring instruments in mechanical engineering (2006, 10 days)
  • User courses personal computers. (2005, 15 days)

Professional and other skills

  • Robot skills with a computer
    Computer skills: MSOffice, AutoCAD basics, Internet, mail and communication programs (Skype)
  • Production site management experience (15 days before the day)
  • Skills in working with measuring instruments in mechanical engineering (15 days before the day)
    Stuck through, vikoristuyu at the given hour.

Knowledge mov

  • Russian - free
  • Ukrainian - middle
  • English - cob

Additional information

Semerneva Olga Vladimirovna

Site foreman, controller, quality control foreman, technologist.

The city of Odessa

Goal: Obtaining a job in the position of: production site foreman, quality control inspector, site technologist.

Contact Information
Tel. (surprisingly in the “contact information” section)

Foreman at the site for the production and powder coating of metal products.
Technologist, line operator powder painting
Control foreman, quality control inspector of the mechanical processing and electrical products section.

Private enterprise "Metalozahist", Odessa (Production of metal products and commercial equipment).
from 01.10. 2008 to present
Master of the site, including powder coating of products.

JSC "ZONT" (Odessa) (Mechanical engineering)
from 03.2005 to 05.2008 (3 years 2 months)
Head of the quality control department of the enterprise. Organization of control of manufactured products, including finished products at the production sites of the plant.

NPO "Electronmash"
Site supervisor, quality control inspector.
Responsibilities: organizing the work of the control area and monitoring manufactured products, as well as ensuring compliance with the production technology of manufactured products;

Odessa Technical School of Industrial Automation, mechanical technician.
Courses on the use of measuring instruments in mechanical engineering
Personal computer user courses.

Professional skills
I have experience in managing teams of employees (production site).
I know production equipment and standard technologies in mechanical engineering.
Skills in working with measuring instruments in mechanical engineering
Computer skills: MSOffice, AutoCAD basics, Internet, mail and communication programs (Skype)
-incoming inspection of materials,
-carrying out quality analysis of products,
-conducting consulting and methodological work with personnel on QMS processes
- organization and control of standardization work to improve the quality and competitiveness of products and services
- skills in working with regulatory and technical documentation (GOST, TU)
- mastering new things technological equipment, training.

Language skills
Russian, Ukrainian - fluent
English - beginner

Additional information, personal qualities:
Able to independently solve assigned tasks and act adequately in changing situations in achieving the set goal.
Conscientious, attentive, responsible for my work, I quickly get to the heart of problems, and quickly master new areas of work.

Personal interests:
Scuba diving
Computer techologies

Since financial controllers are people with fairly different levels responsibility, the resume should be more specific: detailed functional responsibilities, reflects the presence and number of subordinates, as well as their status (if the applicant’s resume indicates that there were two financial analysts under his command, then this sounds very serious).

Touches to the profession

In the classic structure of a Western company, the financial controller usually reports to the financial director. This is a fairly high financial function, including budgeting, analysis, reporting at various levels, management, control, and possibly participation in the implementation of ERP systems. If the financial director is more of a manager, then for the entire practical financial function The financial controller is responsible. Sometimes in companies a separate employee is responsible for budgeting and planning, and then the financial controller performs a more managerial function.

In large FMCG companies, junior financiers can also be called financial controllers. Such a financier can manage only one brand of the organization. If he is responsible for all brands, then he actually becomes a deputy financial director. In other words, the filling of the position of a financial controller can be different, so it is quite difficult to convey the level of responsibility of such a specialist in a resume.

Resume purpose/desired position

The desired position in the resume must be clearly and concisely stated. Alternatively, applicants applying for the position of financial controller may indicate as an objective “Perform a first or second financial function.” In some cases, candidates specify that they want to be a controller reporting to an expat CFO. (this often means that they are applying for the position with the prospect of taking the place of their expat boss). Specifying something like “to occupy a financial position that would help me use all previously acquired skills and unlock potential” in goals is incorrect and, rather, shows that the candidate himself does not know what he wants and can do.


The education of a candidate for the position of financial controller must be specialized - economic. In the “additional education” column, applicants often indicate the passed ACCA papers, the fashion for which came from the Big Four companies. However, it is “very accounting paper.” Typically, expat employers are more likely to want candidates who have passed CIMA or CFM papers, which are more management-related.


Specialists from Big Four companies very often apply for the position of financial controller, but some problems arise with their employment. After working in Big4, what is most often required is what we call a “business layer.” Of course, if a person has worked for about 5 years and reached the rank of manager, it is clear that he has taken part in many projects and has very valuable skills, but for the real sector he lacks practical experience.

Ideal path for a financial controller: work in Big4 (two years), then move to some function financial analysis into the real sector, and then apply for the position of financial controller.

Your resume should clearly show your career path, which should be logical. For example, it is very difficult to move from accounting to finance, and an applicant with experience as a chief accountant, even if he is ready to reduce his grade and salary level, will find it very difficult to do this. But if he succeeds, and his resume shows a logical career and professional growth(For example, " Chief Accountant-> financial analyst -> junior finance controller -> senior finance controller), the recruiter will definitely pay attention to such a candidate.

Or, as an option, a person worked for quite a long time as a financial analyst in a large company, then took the position of Head of analysis, subordinate to several people, and then became a Group Finance Reporter (if we are talking about a large organization, then this is actually a deputy financial director). Specialists with such a track record will quickly be able to get a position as a major financial controller or even a financial director.

Sometimes clients ask that former CFOs not be nominated as candidates for financial controller positions. Although, in principle, there is a direct path from the position of CFO from a small organization to a financial controller in large company. However, some employers believe that such candidates have very big ambitions.

Functional responsibilities

In order for recruiters to pay attention to a resume, it is necessary to very clearly list all the functional responsibilities that the specialist performed in previous places of work. If he participated in the implementation of an ERP system, then he must write about this with all the details (which unit was implemented, how he optimized the process, etc.) so that employers could assess how high the responsibility of the applicant for the vacancy was.

In principle, the list of functions for candidates is similar, but if a person has worked in the company for only 3 months and writes about responsibility for the budget and its execution or refers to managing a large team, then this is not serious.

Resumes are very spoiled by high-profile positions with little experience. If a candidate starts his career path immediately from the position of chief accountant or, after working as a financial analyst, moves to the position of CFO or CEO, this looks very strange. Such a resume is likely to scare away potential employers.

Long breaks from work also spoil your resume. For example, when a person leaves for two years to study, and after returning wants to get a job again big company. If additional education was paid for by the organization, then the resume can indicate that the candidate received an MBA degree while working for the company. But if a specialist “quits” his job and goes to study, then, most likely, the Russian employer will assume that he simply did nothing for these couple of years. Even if the applicant has had a great previous experience, recruiters will have a very difficult time selling him.

Since financial controllers are people with quite different levels of responsibility, the resume should be more specific: functional responsibilities are described in detail, the presence and number of subordinates, as well as their status are reflected (if the applicant’s resume indicates that he was subordinate to two financial analytics, then this sounds very serious). If the candidate did not hold a very high position, you should indicate what place he occupied in the company structure and to whom he directly reported.

Resumes of financial controllers often look quite standard, so sometimes, due to the lack of clarifying information, recruiters can make the first impression of a candidate's qualifications based on the amount of salary expectations. If a specialist in his previous position received 120-150,000 rubles, then most likely he is of a sufficiently high level and actually performed this function, and if the income level is 70,000 rubles and below, then this is probably a financial analyst who is in the company’s structure simply called financial controller. The recruiter will in any case ask a question about the current compensation package, so it is better not to hide this information.


Possession foreign languages, as well as experience in special financial applications and ERP systems, it is better to highlight in your resume in order to draw the employer’s attention to these points.

Personal qualities

A specialist applying for the position of a financial controller does not need to list his or her inherent personal and business qualities. All this will become clear during the interview process.

Additional Information

As additional information It is worth reflecting data that can help when applying for a job. In special cases (for example, a foreign surname), you can indicate whether the candidate has Russian citizenship or a permit to work in Russia. Do not overload your resume with information about your driver’s license, open Schengen visa, etc.

If a specialist worked for some time without registration, and he does not have a record of this in work book, it is better to clarify this point in the resume, indicating who can give him recommendations. Otherwise, when the employer does not find official confirmation of the work experience that was indicated in the CV, unnecessary complications may arise.

The resumes of people who started working in the mid-90s contain a lot of such pitfalls. It's best to tell the truth about yourself!