The resume of a medical representative sample is competent. Medical Representatives: Key Responsibilities and Sample Resume. Advantages and disadvantages of the profession. Personal qualities for employment in the resume

Various kinds of publications in the press are caused by the work of "medical representative". Reviews about her are mixed. The usual area of ​​work of this specialist, his social circle is the medical community.

However, it leaves traces visible to the uninitiated. Citizens who come to see a doctor often see the presence in his office of medical brochures, stationery with the logo of a medical company. Some observant clients, when receiving a prescription, notice that the package of the medicine they buy at the pharmacy flaunts the same corporate logo, as on the doctor's pen, and on the prescription form itself.

Profession generally recognized

Medical representatives work in pharmaceutical companies in all countries. Such work is recognized by the civilized world. In addition, it is in demand with us.

Certified medical professionals who have come into this profession note an improvement in the quality of their lives. After all, their wages in a new place are different from those they received when they got a job by distribution after a medical college or school. The purpose of this article is to familiarize the reader with the nuances and features of this profession.

The emergence of the profession

Pharmaceutical manufacturers effectively sell their products through departments where medical representatives (MRs) work. Those establish contacts of the pharmaceutical company with medical institutions and attending physicians. In this way, the SE promotes the advertising and promotion of its employer's products. He is an intermediary between his employer and the customers of his medicines (hospitals, pharmacies, sanatoriums and health resorts).

medical representative resume

What are the basic requirements for applying for this job in a pharmaceutical company?

As practice shows, in most companies, candidates are considered until the age of 35 years. As an exception, older workers, but with experience as a medical representative and positive characteristics, can also be accepted.

The applicant must have a medical degree. For example, complete higher medical education(certified by a diploma of either a doctor or a pharmacist). However, in some cases, employers are also satisfied with secondary education (a diploma from a medical school or college).

Traditionally, there are some applicants who seek to get a position as a medical representative while studying in an internship. In this case, there can be no full guarantee. The question depends on the management of the pharmaceutical company, whether it agrees to let the intern go to classes or not. As practice shows, in most such cases, the candidate is refused. Therefore, such an adherent should decide: whether to suspend his further medical education because of a profitable profession, or, without applying for a job as a MP, continue it.

The candidate for the position should be ready to communicate with representatives of medical institutions in the area of ​​the city assigned to him. Therefore, having his own car, indicated in the resume, will be an obvious plus for him.

Since the nature of the work of the MP is associated with the reception and processing of various information (medical, commercial, client), it is advisable for the applicant to indicate in his resume his skills in such work. Ideally, they should outline the ability to build tactics for selling lines of medicines and even an entire pharmaceutical business.

With a properly drawn up objective resume, regional managers (future immediate superiors) invite candidates for an interview.

How to pass an interview?

Before going to a meeting, it is advisable for the candidate to update their knowledge. Regional managers strive to recruit employees with a basic level of medical training, versed in applied issues of physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, cytology, pediatrics, and pharmacology.

The adept's knowledge must be real and relevant to professional communication with doctors. The position of "medical representative" assumes that its representative is able to talk with employees of a medical institution in their usual language. business language. Therefore, the candidate, when meeting with the regional manager, will definitely be tested for factual knowledge and competent presentation of applied medical issues.

Regional managers are interested in selecting for themselves personnel with a certain psychotype: active, sociable, manageable, proactive, independent. Accordingly, during the interview they are interested in people who can not only answer the question, but also explain their position.

It is desirable for the candidate to clearly represent the features of his future work, its main directions and its future responsibilities. It is important to be able to make decisions, to be a positive and helpful part of a team of colleagues, to have the ability to conduct a presentation, to have acquired sales skills.

The applicant is also valued, the existing professional intelligence, which consists in not panicking or becoming stunned by a possible mistake, but quickly finding adequate ways to eliminate it. From difficult situations, the MP must come out with new experience, becoming better and better professionally.

Regional managers employ medical representatives, usually from people who seek knowledge. Therefore, the presence of additional certificates of completion of courses will be a definite plus for the candidate.

If a candidate for the position of a medical representative in a conversation with a regional manager identifies these qualities, then, most likely, he will be accepted for the position.

Departments where MP works

Having settled down on a coveted job, he will directly face what is called production specifics. First, we will briefly describe some organizational issues.

Medical representatives work in pharmaceutical company, in marketing departments. Depending on the scale of sales, these departments can be more or less specialized in the sales segment:

  • over-the-counter (OTC);
  • prescription;
  • hospital;
  • budget.

IN large companies more specialized departments in the areas of medicine can be organized. For example, the department of cardiology or the department of ophthalmology. An employee hired by a medical representative will have to (except practical work) to master new medical and commercial knowledge in successive group and individual lessons with him.

Medical representative: who is he?

Having mastered the practical basics of work (it will take 4-5 months), the former candidate will finally be able to exhaustively answer the conceptual question of who a medical representative is.

This is a Sales Specialist. medicines and medical products. Its main task is to contribute to the growth of the pharmaceutical company's profit from the sale of medicines, stimulating their prescription by doctors, as well as their purchase by pharmacies and medical institutions.

Description of the profession

The range of tasks of a medical representative is clearly defined and well known to the subjects of the pharmaceutical market. Each pharmaceutical company formulates job descriptions for these specialists, taking into account its specifics. However, the classic MP job description contains little-changing basic tasks, which we present to your attention:

  • create a business plan for the company's sales (in the sector of its competence) taking into account the forecasted sales of distributors;
  • fulfill calendar plan visits to target polyclinics, hospitals, pharmacies, as well as to target doctors;
  • present the company's products in compliance with the principles of business ethics;
  • actively participate in the company's organization of meetings with healthcare professionals, conferences to further enhance the promotion of medicines;
  • achieve planned sales together with distributors;
  • inform your regional manager about the market situation, the actions of competitors, and consumer requests;
  • study the assortment and properties of the company's products, as well as get acquainted with the sales of competitors;
  • develop personal contacts with regional doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers.

Thus, the work of a medical representative is a commercial activity, but with the use of basic medical knowledge. This specialist performs his functions using the method of personal selling, which includes:

  • personal contact, individual approach to customers (persons that stimulate demand);
  • two-way exchange of information with buyers. Availability feedback Necessarily;
  • Skills to convince and influence buyers.


The description of the profession will be incomplete without mentioning one more thing. The logic of the presentation of the material finally led us to one of the most essential working conditions. After all, basically (to be honest) people associate themselves with this profession, taking into account the position on salary. After all, children dream of becoming politicians, lawyers, soldiers, doctors, but not medical representatives.

For a pharmaceutical company, an effective medical representative is beneficial. His salary, according to open statistics, is quite high. This is the way it is in the world: people in this profession have an income above the average.

Thus, the income of SE is on average:

  • in Russia - 21-28 thousand rubles. per month;
  • in St. Petersburg - 33-39 thousand rubles;
  • the capital's medical representative (Moscow) is predictably the most paid, he receives from 35 to 43 thousand rubles. per month.


MPs operate in the pharmaceutical market (FR). Being a professional, navigating it and finding ways to increase the company's profits is the alpha and omega of his work. Regional managers evaluate his work, based on the performance of these functions. Therefore, in an effort to more clearly describe the principles of the work of a medical representative, we are forced to acquaint the reader with the concept of the pharmaceutical market.

For simplicity, we will present an extremely brief definition of this concept: FDs are the whole set of subjects interested in the manufacture, sale and consumption of medicines. We are talking about companies - manufacturers of medicines, distributors, doctors, pharmacists, pharmacies and, of course, about patients.

The medical representative acts on the PR, which has the property of duality, according to the generally accepted ideology of companies.

The duality of the pharmaceutical market is manifested in the presence of direct sales and indirect sales. Medical representatives cannot sell drugs to patients themselves. But they competently address their physicians, while bringing them the idea of ​​promising treatments. If the doctor perceives the proposed method of treatment, then he begins to write out appropriate prescriptions for patients.

Peculiarities of the pharmaceutical market

A distinctive feature of the pharmaceutical market is its internal connections. Pharmaceutical companies run RPMs, medical representatives interact with distributors, and, of course, pharmaceutical companies also communicate with distributors. The full scheme of the pharmaceutical market also involves the communication of doctors and pharmacies that influence patients.

Another feature of this market is that the main role in the promotion of medicines belongs to the SE. In some of its segments, the role of the media is tangible, however, in the vast majority of situations, the effectiveness of sales depends on the competence, attitude, personal communications and organization of the medical representative.

Thus, ironically, one can see that the medical representative is told that in the "dual world" he, acting in accordance with commercial schemes, is authorized to increase the profits of the pharmaceutical corporation.

How to solve the problems of the pharmaceutical market?

However, turning to a more serious tone, one should ask the question: why do the press and the media often receive critical materials regarding the specifics of the work of the MP?

In fact, in the world legal practice there are no facts of a direct ban by the state on the activities of medical representatives. By default, it is considered that their field of activity, located at the intersection of social, medical and commercial interests, should be subjected to state control and regulation.

This kind of regulation in Russia is inefficient through a direct ban on contacts between a doctor and a medical representative. (We are talking about the practically inactive article 69 federal law On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation.

It is reasonable in this situation to proceed from the position of a Russian doctor, often working in the provinces, who wants to keep his professional level, practically deprived (due to limited income) of the opportunity to visit professional courses, congresses, promptly acquire medical literature.

Patients demand effective treatment from him. How should he learn modern methods healing? How to receive necessary knowledge about diseases that have arisen recently? In this case, the state makes a helpless gesture…

From these positions, the educational activities of pharmaceutical companies (conferences, speeches by candidates and doctors of medical sciences) are a boon for the medical community.

On the other hand, unscrupulous, harmful to society “lobbying by a medical representative of the interests of a pharmaceutical company” and “the emergence of a personal interest of a doctor” should be stopped. The perpetrators should bear administrative, and in cases with severe consequences, criminal liability. The work of a medical representative should be legally transparent.

Article 75 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in Russian Federation» clearly defines a conflict of interest that a medical representative cannot initiate.


There are both pluses and minuses in the cooperation of pharmaceutical factories with doctors through medical representatives. There is a real risk of aggressive and poorly motivated promotion of inferior drugs to the detriment of manufacturers of the best.

On the other hand, in the healthcare system there is still no alternative to conferences and classes organized for doctors by pharmaceutical companies. Thanks to them, doctors have the opportunity to hear about certain diseases, to get acquainted with new trends in the treatment of these diseases.

However, drug consumers have hope that the state will update the control of the pharmaceutical market, entrusting public organizations a mechanism for detecting facts of discrimination of medicines in demand by society, as well as facts of promotion of unclaimed ones.

Medical representative is a new generation profession. Its main functions are the presentation and promotion of medicines, medical products or medical equipment by establishing communications with medical institutions, pharmacies, doctors. This employee is the face of the company.

For such a position, employers set special requirements related to the specifics of the activity, so it is important to create a representative and competitive resume. Here the main block will be with skills and education. As a rule, education should be higher medical or pharmaceutical, sometimes technical, it all depends on the characteristics of the product. It is useful to have additional education in reserve - courses, seminars, conferences, everything related to product promotion, building communications, knowledge in the field of pharmaceuticals. Describe your work experience and responsibilities in detail. Professional skills: knowledge of languages, computer skills, negotiation skills, active sales and much more than you can distinguish yourself from others, also having a driver's license will be a big plus. And most importantly - indicate the qualities needed for such a position (activity, sociability, stress resistance, learning ability, discipline, diligence, focus on results, leadership).

See also other resume examples:

Download Sample Medical Representative Resume:

Ivanov Anton Mikhailovich
(Anton M. Ivanov)

Target: Replacing the post of medical representative.


September 2000 - May 2006 - Moscow State Medical University. Mendeleev, faculty "Medicine", specialty "Therapist"
August 2006 - April 2008 - internship, Military Hospital No. 4, Moscow, Diagnostic Department.



January 2004 - April 2006 Pharmacy "Your Health", Moscow
Functional responsibilities:
- work with income and expenditure documentation;
— quality control and a line of storage of drugs;
— cooperation with medical representatives of pharmaceutical enterprises;
- Reception and distribution of goods.

Medical representative

May 2008 – March 2014, Solo Pharmaceutical Company, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
– conducting working visits to pharmacies and hospitals according to the plan;
- visits to doctors of various specialties;
— presentations of products, organization of round tables;
— support of the company's cooperation with health departments;
- participation in tenders.
Achievements: best sales result in 2012; cooperation agreements signed: 192.

Medical representative

March 2014 – present, Imperium Pharmaceutical Corporation, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— preparation of tender documentation;
— organization of conferences and seminars;
- participation in drug testing;
- support for cooperation with scientific institutions;
— presentation of products in hospitals (oncology).
Achievements: the best employee 2015.

Professional skills:

- Confident PC user;
— Knowledge of office programs, 1C, Internet;
— Knowledge of regulations and laws in the field of healthcare;
- Experience active sales;
— Experience in organizing and holding conferences, seminars;
- Business negotiation skills;
- Availability good connections;
— Language skills: Russian — fluent; English, German - basic level.

Personal qualities:

Activity, organization, self-criticism.
Patience, perseverance, communication.
Result-oriented, leadership, teamwork skills.

Additional information:

Marital status: Married.
Do you have children.
Possibility of business trips: yes.
Driving license: yes.

We hope that our sample resume for the position of medical representative has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Back to section..

When selecting employees for the position of a medical representative, employers pay attention to all the points of the completed questionnaire. After all, the vacancy has quite versatile directions.

The applicant must have not only higher education, but also possess the qualities due to which a high level of sales will be ensured. Therefore, when assessing professional skills and individual characteristics, it is important to concentrate on the most significant facts of the autobiography.

In the article below, you can study the resume of a medical representative, a sample, competently filling out each section, and analyze possible errors.

Medical representative resume example

How to write a medical representative resume

Every detail matters in a medical representative's resume. Therefore, before starting to fill out the questionnaire items, it is necessary to arm yourself with information sources that will simplify the task when compiling a unique autobiographical portrait.

To fill out the form you will need:

  • Presentable photo. The medical representative is the face of the company whose products he promotes. In this regard, it is advisable to prepare a portrait that will display seriousness, neatness and some kind of attractiveness. It is most correct to prepare a professional photo in a business style.
  • Documentation, confirming the level of education, passing courses, seminars, trainings corresponding to the chosen area of ​​activity. This information will ensure that the names of institutions, companies, organizing firms and training time frames are filled in correctly.
  • Information resources, recommendations. If your previous employer has their own website, it would be useful to include a link to it in your resume. This is done so that your potential bosses have an idea of ​​what products you have already worked with. However Special attention it is always given to having references that characterize you as a valuable employee.
  • Contact details(phone numbers, instant messengers, e-mail).

When getting acquainted with the resume, most employers want to see the item about the size filled in wages. It will not be difficult for an experienced specialist to adequately assess their capabilities.

The desired level of salary of a medical representative should be justified by the relevant experience, professional skills, constant expansion of the range of opportunities.

Medical representative experience

Experience in direct sales is the main criterion for choosing a representative of a company engaged in the distribution of medical products. When filling this section important: specificity, brevity, reliability of information.

When creating a resume of a medical representative, adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't cut short. All company names of previous employers must be listed in full, even if they are well known in your area. If the institution was located in another city or country, this should also be indicated.
  • Specify experience. Employers appreciate the essential details. When indicating the duration of work in a previous position, it is important to prescribe not only years, but also months. For example, a record from 2013-2014 may indicate that an employee has worked for 2 years or 2 months.
  • Set the right accents. It is wrong to describe everything that you did in your previous jobs. Choose only the main official duties for medical representative resume.
  • List your achievements. It is desirable that all your previous merits be confirmed by specific figures. For example, with your arrival, the company's sales level increased by 20% or the base regular customers expanded 2 times. Promotions should also be reflected in the questionnaire, if there were any with the previous employer.
  • If the specified information is confirmed by recommendations or reviews from previous employers, the questionnaire will clearly stand out from the others.

    An example of work experience in the resume of a medical representative:


      LLC "Healthcare Russia"

    • Job title:

      pharmacy network manager


      - control of marketing agreements;
      - drafting commercial offers;
      - cold calls;
      - Formation of the client base.

    Lack of work experience

    If you decide to suddenly change the field of activity, then when creating a resume for the position of a medical representative, you should indicate the length of service as close as possible to the requirements of the employer.

    Students and people without any work experience should act a little differently. In the posted information, the employer should see a purposeful person who is ready to learn and grow professionally. Focus on basic skills, a description of the projects that you led at the university, cover letters.

    The ability to escape is one of the main qualities of a medical representative, so why not use this skill when applying for a job.

    Education of a medical representative

    The position of a medical representative is quite multifaceted. It can be occupied by applicants with medical, economic, psychological education.

    Preference is given to graduates of higher educational institutions. Completing this section requires the full name of the university, institute, academy, faculty and specialty. Don't forget about the training period. Also welcome information about additional courses, trainings, seminars, relevant to this speciality.

    An example of education in the resume of a medical representative:

      Medical State University





      Year of ending:

    Medical Representative Skills on a Resume

    No less important is the section in the questionnaire, which indicates general and professional skills. In a sample of a competent resume of a medical representative, knowledge of current programs, sales techniques, responsibility, and organizational qualities are valued.

    About yourself in the resume of a medical representative

    In the “About Me” section, you should put a logical end to your presentation.

    After reading the information, the employer should understand why you are suitable for the vacant position.

    There is no need to write about marital status, hobbies and non-thematic achievements.

    Focus on unique qualities: the presence of a driver's license and a personal car, readiness for business trips.

    An example of "About Me" in the resume of a medical representative:

    • I have direct contacts with regional distributors. Pharmaceutical direction is the most interesting for me. I conduct drug presentations in pharmacies. I know how to find weak spots competitors and predict their behavior. In 2016 he received the title of "Best Sales Representative of the year".

    Contact details of the medical representative

    Business people always indicate the address Email It's not hard at all to create one.

    Only relevant contacts should be entered in the form. You should not specify, for example, the address of the page social network if you haven't used it for six months.

    An example of contact details in the resume of a medical representative:

      7 925 111-11-11





    Before posting a resume of a medical representative, the sample must be carefully checked.

    Make sure that there are no grammatical errors or typos in the questionnaire.

    To make things easier, you can download ready template and, based on the information received, turn it into a unique offer.

    Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

    Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a medical representative (an experienced specialist or a novice without work experience) will help you. Competent summary greatly increase your chances of getting a job.

    There are two types of medical representative resume template.

    • For experienced professionals.
    • For those with no experience yet.

    Template Benefits

    1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people to create a "selling", strong resume and understand what works and what doesn't. This medical representative resume template has been tried and tested.

    2) Standard format. Every hr-manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in the resume. Everything is simple.

    3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets with your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a medical representative.

    4) Important things are at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in the selection of personnel. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

    5) Resumes can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find Good work, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a resume for a medical representative. It allows you to make changes instantly.

    Click on the link below to download a Sample Medical Representative Resume.