Dumpling shop business. How to start a dumpling business at home. What equipment to choose for manual production of dumplings

Dumpling production is a process similar to home cooking, but on a larger scale. The product goes through several stages:

  1. Selection of raw materials (meat, flour, spices, water).
  2. Recipe development - dumplings made from one type of meat or combined minced meat.
  3. Preparing dough that should not be thick, but also not break at the most crucial moment.
  4. The choice of sculpting method is manual or machine.
  5. The production process from minced meat to packaging and sending to the freezer. It can be conveyor or manual.

There's nothing complicated. There is only one point - making dumplings at home, where the housewife alone controls the process, or in an industrial-scale “kitchen”, where everything must be sterile, molded in accordance with the recipe and the requirements of government authorities. Dumpling production can be organized in the kitchen of your home or you can find a suitable room and equip it with the appropriate equipment and equipment. These are two different areas in which the scale of investment and the number of products produced differ significantly. Accordingly, the opportunities to earn money will be different.

When producing at home, it is impossible to prepare the documents necessary to send dumplings to the shelves. grocery stores. Rospotrebnadzor, SES and other authorities issue permits, certificates, certificates only for products manufactured in specially equipped premises. Therefore, you can make dumplings for sale only for friends, relatives or private consumers. But that's it big capital you won't make money.

Opening a dumpling shop, even a small one, provides greater opportunities than making it at home. A small business in the production of dumplings usually starts as a family business and gradually gains momentum. It is irrational to start right away with a large complex, given the scale of competition. It is better to move from small to large, taking into account mistakes and finding attractive recipes for consumers. In addition to dumplings, the production can produce dumplings with various fillings. It won't be a big hassle because the molding principle is the same, but the revenue may be higher due to the variety of choices for customers.

The right start

Where should a beginner start if he is attracted to a business idea for producing dumplings? Any business begins with a deep analysis of the selected market segment and writing detailed business plan. Without this, you will not be able to understand what investments will be required at the initial stage and whether this direction is profitable in a particular region. If the findings are positive, then the following steps will have to be completed:

  1. Register your entrepreneur status.
  2. Find a premises that meets the requirements for the location of food production.
  3. Collect a package of documents from government agencies that will allow you to open a dumpling shop.
  4. Develop a recipe and decide what list of products will be produced in production.
  5. Select equipment.
  6. Explore potential partners who can provide the workshop with high-quality raw materials.
  7. Resolve the issue of staffing.
  8. Find distribution channels for semi-finished products.
  9. Develop a marketing strategy.

These are the main points in implementing your idea of ​​​​producing dumplings. Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Organizational aspects

When considering the algorithm of actions for a novice entrepreneur, we will focus on opening a separate dumpling shop, rather than home-made dumplings. You can start either by searching for suitable premises or by registering a business. Although, when submitting documents for registration to the Federal Tax Service, you will have to submit a lease agreement or evidence of ownership of a specific object.

A novice entrepreneur must take care of premises that:

  • Meets the requirements of the SES and fire department.
  • Has access to water supply, electricity, sewerage.
  • Spacious, it is possible to arrange equipment and ensure the safety of raw materials and products.
  • It is desirable that production be located close to a populated area to reduce transportation costs. This is beneficial for expanding the scope of activity if over time it is decided to open your own dumpling cafe.

If the premises are to be rented, then you need to agree with the owner about a long stay, so that during the recovery stage you do not have to curtail production and change the location.

Business registration

For a dumpling shop, two forms of work are relevant: individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), if there is only one owner, and LLC (limited liability company), if several partners will invest in the business. In any case, you need to collect a complete package of documents, pay the state fee and contact the regional tax office. When filling out the application, you must select the type of main and additional activities according to OKVED. The following codes are suitable for the production of dumplings:

  • Main view entrepreneurial activity select “Food production” (code 10).
  • There are two additional options: for dumplings with meat – “Production of meat (meat-containing) semi-finished products” (code 10.13.4), for dumplings with potatoes – “Production of frozen semi-finished potato products” (code 10.31).

At the registration stage, you must select a taxation system so that the tax office does not automatically make charges for common system, which may be disadvantageous for a novice entrepreneur. You need to consult with tax authorities, but most often businessmen choose the simplified tax system according to the “income minus expenses” scheme, given that at the first stage there will be a lot of expenses.

Don’t forget to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund if you plan to hire employees. In production, it is impossible for one owner to do all the work, even with full automation of the workshop.

We collect a package of documents

Business legalization is not the only paperwork step. After receiving the certificate, you will have to go through other authorities to obtain permission to open a dumpling shop. What documents need to be collected:

  • Lease agreement for the selected premises.
  • Certificate of inspection of the premises by firefighters (usually this document is drawn up by the owner of the property).
  • Technical passport for the premises with the latest edition of the redevelopment.
  • Recipe approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Technical conditions.
  • Conclusion of the SES on the condition of the areas where production will be located.
  • Projects of engineering and technological communications (placement of electrical networks, water supply, sewerage, exhaust hoods, fire alarms, panic buttons).
  • Products will require a quality certificate if sales are planned in grocery stores.
  • Permission from the administration and architecture to open a dumpling shop, posting information on the facade of the building.

Documents can be collected gradually. First of all, it is advisable to undergo an inspection of the premises so that the investment will not be in vain if the SES does not issue a permit and it will be impossible to correct the shortcomings. After approval, you can contact design services that will help you arrange the room and properly plan the space.

Production equipment

This stage is the most expensive and stressful, because it is necessary to bring all the rooms into proper condition, select and order equipment, provide conditions for the work of personnel, storage of raw materials and products. Objects in a dumpling shop or warehouse should be placed ergonomically so as not to make unnecessary movements. To complete the production hall, you will need equipment that corresponds to the planned daily production plan.

At this stage, it is advisable to study different equipment proposals, analyze the characteristics and cost. For a novice entrepreneur, in order to save money, there is the option of purchasing used equipment. But this may be a “pig in a poke” if the resource of equipment and devices is coming to an end. Repairs will be expensive and will result in downtime for the dumpling line.

A standard set of equipment for mechanical modeling of dumplings and dumplings may consist of the following items:

  • Dough mixer for kneading dough. Its cost depends on power, bowl volume and hourly productivity. Varies from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  • A flour sifter allows you to remove lumps and small inclusions from the mixture and saturate it with oxygen. The average cost for one set is from 25,000 to 100,000 rubles.
  • Meat grinder for chopping meat. The assortment is large, but it is worth considering production volumes. The cost of an industrial meat grinder is from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • A mince mixer is used to mix the required ingredients. The better the process, the more homogeneous, rich and tastier the minced meat turns out. Prices range from 70,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • An automatic complex for making dumplings, into which dough and minced meat are loaded and where programs are configured. The products go through the entire stage from dough rolling to dumpling packaging and labeling. Such a device can cost from 300,000 to 1.5 million rubles.
  • Refrigeration equipment will be required for the warehouse where raw materials and finished products will be stored. The dumpling shop also needs a pre-freezing refrigerator finished products before the stage of packaging and sending for storage.
  • Do not forget that funds will be required for Consumables for equipment, packaging, labels, scales, various containers, dishes. Staff rooms must be equipped with a wardrobe, bathroom, and shower to ensure employee hygiene.
  • In the administrative building it is necessary to install upholstered furniture, cabinet furniture, and office equipment.

You don't have to spend a lot of money on repairs. It is enough to make simple cosmetic repairs to keep it clean, and think about light sources and hoods.

Recipe development

The market offers a wide range of dumplings with various fillings, so the owner needs to develop his own product recipe in order to be able to attract consumers. Without a ready-made recipe and a list of manufactured products, it will not be possible to obtain approval from Rospotrebnadzor.

Perhaps your mother or grandmother prepared dumplings according to their family recipe and their taste was unforgettable. Then you can take it as a basis. But one type is not enough to reach a large audience of consumers. Tastes and preferences vary, so can be used for filling different types meat:

  • Beef.
  • Pork.
  • Veal.
  • Mutton.
  • Bird (various).
  • Game (hare, venison, etc.).
  • Rabbit.

The more varied the choice, the more buyers. You can order a recipe from an experienced technologist if such a position is not provided in the state.

Packaging is also an important detail in selling products; it is worth discussing this issue with the designers if there is no option for selling dumplings and dumplings by weight.

We are staffing

Small-scale dumpling production requires hiring employees. Even a fully automated workshop must be controlled by a person in order to lay down the ingredients, set up the work program, and turn on the conveyor. Small business often involves the participation of family members, but each participant must be registered employment contract and have a health certificate in hand. For small production you will need the following services:

  • Equipment operator.
  • Technologist.
  • Butcher.
  • Warehouse Manager.
  • Helper worker.
  • Loader.
  • Cleaning woman.

The owner can handle administrative work and the issue of searching for suppliers and distribution channels, so as not to spend money on an administrator and manager. We hire an accountant part-time, because there will not be a large amount of work at the initial stage. You can do many paperwork yourself. Employees are paid a salary because it makes no sense to determine the salary level based on sales volume.

Selection of raw material suppliers

Making dumplings is not only equipment, but also high-quality raw materials at an affordable price. You need to find suppliers of meat, spices, and vegetables in advance. It is not profitable to buy products at the market or in a store, because the price will be very high, which will affect the final cost of the dumplings. In order to make money and not spoil the impression of buyers, you need a farmer who raises animals for slaughter and has documents confirming the quality of the meat. Without certificates it will not be possible to sell dumplings through retail chains.

Spices and flour can be bought at wholesale stores, but you should make sure of their quality. The type of flour will greatly affect the external characteristics of semi-finished products and their properties in finished form. First, you need to make a trial purchase and make a small batch of dumplings to see the result. You can deliver raw materials yourself or enter into a delivery agreement with a partner.

We think about product sales in advance

Although dumplings are not a perishable product, it is not profitable to keep a large batch in a warehouse for a long time. Therefore, before launching production at full capacity, you need to find a distribution channel:

  • Small grocery store.
  • Dining room, cafe.
  • Rent a small area and install a chest refrigerator.
  • Go to chain shopping centers.
  • Participate in agricultural fairs and sell dumplings from a tent on wheels.

In any case, count immediately on high demand not worth it, because until the consumer tries it, he will not buy several packs. You can release a trial batch of products and organize a tasting of dumplings so that people can evaluate the quality and leave requests for single deliveries.

Start looking for distribution channels at the stage of preparing production for opening in order to control production volumes and not work at a loss. Investments must pay off; the profitability of dumpling production should not be lower than 25%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before starting to implement a business idea, it is worth studying the pros and cons of this direction, so as not to curtail production after investing large amounts of money. The disadvantages of the dumpling business include the following:

  • You are unknown to the consumer, and it takes time to get enough customers at once (this is especially true in food production).
  • It is difficult for newcomers to enter large retail chains, because companies set conditions in which it is impossible for the manufacturer to make good money unless they inflate the cost of the product. And this is not in favor of the consumer. Retail chains transfer money with delays, so the manufacturer must pay all expenses independently without making a profit.
  • It is difficult to find premises suitable for locating production. We have to invest in redevelopment, provision of water supply, electricity, and other communications.
  • The competition is serious, but it all depends on the location of the new workshop, the quality, range and cost of the goods presented on the shelves.

The advantages include the following indicators:

  • There is always a demand for dumplings. Even a family with average income often fills the freezer with semi-finished products in order to cook them at the right time.
  • Consumers choose quality. If competitors think only about profit, greatly inflate prices, add soy and flavorings, then it makes sense to compete with them in quality and reasonable price.
  • You can make money even on small batches and not spend money on expensive equipment. Use ordinary kitchen appliances, involve the family for hand sculpted dumplings or use a special form for dumplings.
  • There is a prospect for expansion if you open a dumpling shop or a small outlet to sell your products personally.

It is profitable to establish sales in rural areas, where the range of products is not always large. Even rural residents don’t always want to make homemade dumplings. Therefore, it makes sense to start your own business.


Despite a large number of enterprises engaged in the production of semi-finished products, the demand for dumplings and dumplings will never disappear. There is no point in jumping into a large complex right away, but for a small business, such as a family business, it makes sense to start in the food industry. A dumpling shop with a sales function might be a good option. ready-made dish, the so-called dumplings. The principle of registration and preparation for opening is approximately similar, but requires more investment. Although the profitability may be higher.

  • Selecting a room
  • Packing of dumplings
  • Recruitment
  • Secrets of dumpling making

Today you won’t surprise anyone with the variety of the “dumpling miracle”. Supermarket shelves are bursting with a variety of semi-finished products from a variety of manufacturers, at a variety of prices. Beginning entrepreneurs cannot compete with them. This requires huge capital, great connections and long arms. Of course, a novice businessman doesn’t have all this.

But the major players in the dumplings market have a very vulnerable side. In almost 99% of cases, they produce dumplings using automatic machines and with the meat content in the dumplings at most 50%, or even less. Of course, the price of such dumplings is several times lower, and there is a demand for them.

But as practice shows, every year the Russian consumer begins to understand more and more about the quality of products. If you give him a taste of a real tasty product, and do not deceive him with its quality, you can win his trust for a long time. long years. It is this path that small enterprises are taking today, producing dumplings without adding soy and other elements that reduce the cost of the finished product.

These are the so-called “elite” dumplings, the price of which cannot be lower than 300 rubles/kg. You can't beat the taste of real homemade dumplings.

All dumplings priced above 250 are made from natural meat, without the addition of vegetable soy. Soy is added only to cheap dumplings. This rule is followed by the Siberian Gourmet company, a leader in sales of semi-finished products on the market of the Urals and Siberia.

Hand-made dumplings are always more attractive to consumers, as they are tastier and of higher quality, unlike dumplings produced by automatic machines. This is precisely the advantage of small workshops, where exclusively manual labor is used.

The cash turnover of a workshop producing only 200 kg of dumplings per day can reach 1 million rubles per month. Of these, the profit can be 150 - 200 thousand rubles. But not everything is as sweet as it seems at first glance. The correct one is important here economic approach. First things first.

Where to start planning the production of handmade dumplings

Why should production planning begin with sales? Yes, because many novice businessmen went broke when they invested millions of rubles in the purchase of expensive equipment, and ended up with warehouses filled to the ceiling with finished products.

Their mistake was that during the formation of the business they did not plan the sale of their products. This kind of thing could have happened in the 90s, when there was a shortage of products and any product went out of stock. Today, in a period of fierce competition, business needs to start with the question: “Who will I sell this product to, who is my buyer?”

In the case of hand-made dumplings, the first sales can begin with the sale of trial batches to close acquaintances and friends. If you see how your dumplings are praised and ordered again and again, you may think that your enterprise will succeed.

After all, your dumplings will be in just as much demand on the shelves of local stores. So we need to open up...

Selecting a room

Many entrepreneurs actually early stage attract relatives and friends to the business. Making dumplings at home. When capital is very limited, this is often the only way out of the situation.

There is nothing shameful about this. When the volume of production and sales of dumplings exceeds 200 kg per day, you can already think about renting premises, purchasing equipment and expanding the staff.

When producing even 200 kg of dumplings per day, the size of the room must be at least 50 m2. It should include areas for receiving and cutting meat, an area for preparing dough, an area for modeling (production) of dumplings, and an area for storing finished products.

The workshop must comply with all sanitary standards for food production. The room must be clean, the walls must be plastered and painted, the floors must be plastered or tiled. The premises must be equipped with a toilet. It is also necessary to install a container with a disinfectant solution for treating and washing hands with instructions for them. And so on.

Don't forget about fire safety. These are the minimum requirements for similar kind enterprises.

What equipment to choose for the production of handmade dumplings

  1. Flour sifter - from 15 thousand rubles;
  2. Dough rolling - from 30 thousand rubles;
  3. Meat grinder - from 17 thousand rubles;
  4. Dough mixer - from 60 thousand rubles;
  5. Minced meat mixer - from 40 thousand rubles;
  6. Refrigeration chambers, 2 pcs. - from 100 thousand rubles.

Total costs - from 262 thousand rubles.

By the way, you can start producing hand-made dumplings without the above equipment at all. Everyone made homemade dumplings. Such production is limited only by the presence of a meat grinder, and other operations are done manually.

You can find an investor in different ways:

The other side of the coin of such savings is the speed of dumpling production, which will be extremely low.

The above set of equipment is enough to produce up to 700 kg of hand-made dumplings per day. When production volumes reach 1000 kg per day or more, it is worth thinking about purchasing blast freezing chambers and building a separate warehouse for finished products.

Manual modeling can be partially replaced by automatic modeling. To do this, you can purchase a dumpling machine, for example the HLT-700XL brand. In general, the market for equipment for the production of dumplings includes Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese and Russian equipment.

However, prices vary significantly. Italian equipment is considered the most expensive, but it is also the most reliable and advanced. However, many enterprises successfully operate using cheaper Chinese analogues. The most affordable equipment for the production of dumplings is considered to be ours - domestic.

Ultimately, the choice of equipment depends on the preferences of the business owner and his financial capabilities.

Packing of dumplings

It is also worth studying the process of packing dumplings. Currently, three types of packaging can be distinguished: manual, automatic and semi-automatic. The manual packaging process is when the operator manually packs the dumplings into a plastic bag and seals the open part.

This method is still used by many small producers in provincial cities. And this justifies itself, because to purchase an automatic packaging line, an entrepreneur will have to shell out at least $20 thousand.

For small businesses, the way out of the situation is to purchase a semi-automatic line, the cost of which is just over $3 thousand.

How much money does it take to produce dumplings?

An important point when starting a business is the issue of supplying ingredients for the production of dumplings. These include premium flour, beef and pork meat, eggs, onions, pepper, herbs, salt, water.

According to some data, for the production of dumplings with a volume of 200 kg per day (4800 kg per month), monthly costs for raw materials will be at least 300 thousand rubles.


The most important cost item for a dumpling shop is labor costs. The less automated the production process is, the more workers are required. Therefore, even a small workshop for hand-making dumplings will require 10-15 people directly involved in the process of making dumplings.

Also, a small enterprise will need to hire a technologist, driver, sales managers, and loaders. Accountants and cleaners can be hired under contracts paid provision services (or outsourcing). Do not forget that each employee must have a health book with him in case of inspection.

Which taxation system to choose for a dumpling production workshop?

The organizational form of a workshop for the production of dumplings can be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship. The most favorable tax regime for such an enterprise is the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

Secrets of dumpling making

  • You can simply reduce the cost of dumplings produced by adding potatoes to the meat. The resulting meat is potato dumplings, the taste is no worse than pure meat dumplings, and the cost is the same.
  • You can reduce the cost of dumplings without losing quality by increasing the percentage of water content in the dough and minced meat. Technologically, it is possible to increase the percentage of water content in minced meat to 20%, while the taste of dumplings only becomes better.

How to start a business producing handmade dumplings

The production of handmade dumplings must begin simultaneously with registration as an individual entrepreneur or individual and at the same time establish markets for finished products. To begin with, you can organize it at home and involve relatives in helping.

After the first profit appears, you can think about renting premises or purchasing production space as your own.

If over 200 kilograms of dumplings are produced per day, then the minimum production area should be 50 square meters. The room is divided into separate sections:

  1. receiving meat and cutting it;
  2. dough preparation;
  3. production of dumplings;
  4. storage area.

In addition to the above, the premises must have a toilet room, as well as a special container for workers to wash their hands. It is mandatory to have a special disinfectant solution detailed instructions according to the rules for its use.

Which tax system to choose for registering a dumpling shop

When setting up production of hand-made dumplings, there is no need to open a legal entity. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur.

In this case, the most optimal solution would be to choose a simplified taxation system. You can also pay tax on both revenue received and profit. In the first case it is 6%, and in the second - 15%.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for a dumpling shop (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Cheese production business plan (13 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Pastry shop business plan (16 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Bakery business plan (22 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

How much money do you need to start a business?

To set up production of handmade dumplings, you need 250,000 rubles. This price only includes the purchase of equipment. Additional financial costs will be associated with the purchase of the necessary ingredients and transportation costs for their delivery, payment of labor and insurance premiums, tax and rent, additional costs.

What equipment to choose for manual production of dumplings

Despite the fact that dumplings are made by hand, you still cannot do without equipment. You will need to purchase:

  • apparatus for sifting flour;
  • dough sheeter;
  • equipment for kneading dough;
  • meat grinder;
  • mince mixer;
  • at least two refrigeration chambers.

This equipment is enough to produce up to 700 kilograms per day. When producing more than 1000 kg. In addition to the above-mentioned equipment, you will need to purchase a blast freezing chamber and a dumpling machine. With such volumes, there is a need for additional space.

Nowadays, many people are entertained by the idea of ​​opening own business. There are quite a lot of options. The main thing is that the work is profitable. One of the many types of private business is making dumplings at home.

Dumpling production is one of the most modern home businesses. It is especially popular in small towns, even taking into account the fact that the market is filled with this kind of product. The popularity of semi-finished products also lies in large assortment, for example, manti, dumplings, khinkali, etc. Such products are loved and consumed by almost everyone, since their main advantage is quick preparation.

Advantages of the dumpling business:

  • The desire to buy dumplings does not depend at all on the season.
  • The business pays off quite quickly when proper organization and management.
  • Quite a low volume of labor-intensive capital.
  • Significant savings due to the absence of the need to rent premises or hire workers at the initial stages.

All the necessary equipment (meat grinder, freezing chamber, etc.) can be found in any kitchen. The cooking technology is very simple and familiar to every housewife, and sometimes to the owner.

The big disadvantage of business is its high competitiveness. But if the products are made from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, then they will clearly be in the lead.

Required documents

The first batches often go to friends and acquaintances. They act as the most important tasters. But you won’t earn much money this way. You need to look for places of sale, and for this you need a package of required documents:

  • Documentation from Rospotrebnadzor and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  • Hygienic conclusion of the SES.
  • Recipe.

When expanding - building your own workshop - you will need to register with the tax service and register your activities. You can register or.

In this case, a report from the fire department will be required. You will also need:

  • Technical conditions that are registered and agreed upon (TU).
  • Label layout.
  • Technical instructions (TI).

If personnel are hired, they must have a health certificate.

Producing dumplings at home and selling them only to private individuals does not require the execution of various documents.

What equipment will you need?

To make dumplings in small batches at home, you can use the most common equipment. To make your work easier, you should purchase electric knife, flour sifter, electric meat grinder.

For work in the workshop, equipment is used on a larger scale:

  • Dough mixer.
  • Apparatus for rolling out raw materials.
  • Apparatus for kneading minced meat.
  • Automatic machine for forming dumplings.

Whatever the conditions in which products are manufactured, there must be freezers for storing goods and raw materials.

You can save on equipment if you hire workers, or better yet, involve relatives in the business. In addition, the product will be much better if it is made by hand. He is in great demand.

If necessary or desired, you can purchase a packaging machine. Please note that people trust products in transparent packaging more, as they can see their contents.

Required Ingredients

The good thing about dumplings is that they don’t require many ingredients to prepare them. Everything is very simple:

  • Water.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Eggs.
  • Seasonings.
  • Meat (beef, pork, chicken).

In order to make your product more enticing to customers, you can experiment with fillings. Mix different types of meat, and also use a variety of seasonings and spices.

You can purchase ingredients from supermarkets, shops or markets.

In order for dumplings to be in demand, the raw materials must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. Therefore, you should not use various trimmings and herbal supplements. It is advisable to purchase meat from supermarkets on the day it is delivered. Alternatively, you can enter into a meat purchase agreement with a livestock farm. In this case, the goods will always be fresh and in the quantity required.

When purchasing raw materials not in specialized stores, you must ask the supplier for quality certificates.

Detailed visual information about the work of the dumpling shop is given in the following video:

Sales of products

Sales is the first thing you need to think about before starting production. As for dumplings, there are quite a lot of them on the market, so you should carefully study the scope of their sale.

  • The first small batches can be sold to friends and acquaintances. If the product has received positive reviews, you can continue production, as it is tasty and quality product will be in demand.
  • You can try to sell the goods to small cafes, and if they are satisfied, establish continuous supplies with them.
  • It is also necessary to take into account large wholesale companies that supply semi-finished products and have a regular customer base. In this case, packaging will be needed.
  • A good option is to rent a trading stall at the market. Rumors about good products spread quickly through word of mouth, which allows you to avoid spending money on advertising.
  • Another way of implementation could be the sale of finished products. For example, delivery of hot lunches. Due to the rich assortment, such sales will be quite profitable.

When thinking about selling manufactured goods, you must not forget about vehicle. If you have a car, this will solve many issues.

Costs and business profitability

In order for the dumpling business to be profitable, before starting production it is necessary to draw up a business plan and calculate profitability.

When calculating profitability, you can see approximate amounts. Here, for example, is the calculation of raw materials for 800 kg of finished products:

  • Meat – 53 thousand rubles.
  • Onions – 900 rub.
  • Flour – 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • Salt and seasonings – 600 rub.
  • Eggs – 100 rub.

It follows that 56,100 rubles were spent on 800 kg of products. It turns out that the cost of 1 kg of finished goods is approximately 70 rubles, when its cost on the market is approximately 92 rubles. Net profit will be 22 rubles. In 24 working days the profit will increase to the amount about 442 thousand rubles. Operating expenses will need to be deducted from this amount.

The calculation was carried out taking into account the operation of equipment for making dumplings, the cost of which will be about 555 thousand rubles.

The costs will be significantly lower if you start manufacturing in small batches in your kitchen. When the product conquers the market and is in demand, you can expand production, rent premises, purchase equipment and hire personnel.

In order to reduce production costs, you can resort to the following tricks:

  • Add some potatoes to the meat, you will get potato-meat dumplings. The cost will remain the same and the taste will be wonderful.
  • Add a little water to the minced meat; this will not spoil the taste, but on the contrary, the product will turn out with a juicy filling.
  • Tell everyone you know about your business.
  • Place advertisements in free newspapers.
  • Post advertisements.
  • Provide information on the Internet.

Making dumplings is profitable and low expensive business, which anyone can open. The main thing is to decide on the sales market and organize the work correctly.

The dumpling business in our country is considered very profitable. Workshops for the production of such products pay for themselves literally in a year. After all, dumplings and dumplings are actually very popular goods and are more than in demand on the market. However, such a business will be profitable, of course, only if it is properly organized.

How to open a workshop: main stages

The production of dumplings as a business usually begins with the selection of a suitable premises. It must meet certain requirements and be divided into several zones. In one of the halls it will be necessary to install the actual equipment for the production of dumplings. The other should be allocated for a warehouse of ingredients and it is also desirable that in the rented or purchased premises there is a place for changing clothes for workers and accounting (or a technologist’s office).

Next, you can begin choosing equipment. The dumpling production workshop is usually equipped as standard. The nuances in the selection of equipment depend mainly only on the features of production: manual or automatic modeling. In the latter case, it is best to immediately purchase a ready-made complex line.

After the equipment has been purchased and installed, you can proceed to:

    business registration,

    recipe development,

You will also have to invite SES workers to the dumpling production workshop and obtain permission for this type of activity. Of course, attention should be paid to the question of where the raw materials will be supplied from, as well as to find markets.

Where to get meat and other products

Raw materials for preparing dumplings and dumplings are usually purchased:

    from Russian farmers;

    from large suppliers of imported products.

In the first case, meat, potatoes, cottage cheese, etc. are usually cheaper. However, Russian farmers for the most part do not have the opportunity to deliver products. And even more so in remote areas. Therefore, you will have to find such suppliers in close proximity to the locality where it is planned to open a workshop. And this, unfortunately, is not always possible.

Imported raw materials will cost more than domestic ones. But the list of services of its suppliers also includes delivery to the destination. Of course, for a fee. In addition, to avoid any problems later, such companies should check for quality certificates for the products supplied.

What might the sales markets be?

Of course, an entrepreneur who decides to open a dumpling shop can also organize his own canteen or even a retail outlet. However, this will require additional costs. Therefore, novice businessmen usually sell finished products through small shops or large retail chains. Thus, you can sell both “machine-made” and hand-made dumplings, the production of which is often even more profitable (they taste better).

The second implementation option, of course, is considered much more preferable. Through large network You can sell a lot more dumplings and dumplings. However, well-known trading companies They often charge bonuses of 20-25% for their sales services. Therefore, before concluding a contract with a large network, an entrepreneur will have to compare possible losses and profits. Sometimes it happens that the benefit from increased sales does not cover the cost of paying bonuses.

Equipment selection

We have found out which premises are suitable for opening a business such as the production of dumplings, dumplings, etc. It must have at least two departments - for the production itself and for the warehouse. If the dumplings will be made by hand, you need to purchase:

    flour sifter,

    dough mixer,

    automatic meat grinder,

    And a minced meat mixer (optional),


    tables, pallets, etc.

Complex conveyors

The dumpling production line includes all the equipment listed above, plus an additional machine for making dumplings and dumplings, a conveyor and a packaging machine. The cost of such conveyors may depend on the configuration, performance and brand. Basically it fluctuates between 10-15 thousand dollars. A separate apparatus for making dumplings can be purchased for 2,000 USD. e.

Of course, it is best to equip a dumpling production workshop with equipment produced by European manufacturers. However, even on much cheaper Chinese lines it is possible to produce very high-quality dumplings and dumplings. Sometimes budding entrepreneurs also purchase used equipment. The cost of such lines, of course, is much lower (depending on productivity from 15 to 700 thousand rubles).

Dough mixers

If an entrepreneur decides not to buy a ready-made line, but to assemble it himself from separate equipment, this machine is the first thing he needs to buy. Modern dough mixers can have different performance, design and cost. Of course, to produce dumplings you should buy a fairly powerful model designed for kneading hard dough. Very popular in the modern domestic market are, for example, devices of this type from the SIGMA, MT-12 “Torgmash” and “Prima” brands. The cost of such equipment can range from 50-200 thousand rubles. Thus, an MT-12 dough mixer, designed to produce 50 kg of dough per hour, costs about 60 thousand rubles. Such equipment may just be an ideal option for those who decide to open a mini-production of dumplings. For larger businesses, you should purchase more powerful equipment. For example, a dough mixer “Prima-40” for 130-400 thousand rubles.

Automatic meat grinders

The cost of this type of equipment also depends on the performance and brand. The price of Chinese meat grinders, which grind about 160 kg of minced meat per hour, fluctuates, for example, around 15-20 thousand rubles. Of course, you should only purchase this type of equipment that is equipped with an automatic safety device.

Dumpling making machine

This type of equipment can also vary in performance and cost. The operating principle of such machines is quite simple. The dough is fed into a special hopper, which then begins to move towards the outlet in the form of a continuous “sausage”. Under the action of a special pump, this tube is filled with minced meat. Then a forming drum with figured cutouts is rolled over the “sausage”.

With a capacity of 60 pieces per minute, it costs about 50 thousand rubles. There is also more expensive equipment of this type, producing 50-158 kg/h. In general, the price of dumpling machines fluctuates around 50-150 thousand rubles.

Refrigerators for dumplings

To freeze finished products, you can use any type of equipment. Refrigerators, chests, and cabinets are very suitable for this purpose. Most often, in workshops for the production of dumplings and dumplings, the first option is used. Depending on the volume, industrial freezers can cost between 40-80 thousand rubles.

Business registration

So, a machine for making dumplings, a dough mixer, a refrigerator and other equipment have been purchased. Now you need to start actually registering the enterprise. You can make dumplings by registering either as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC. The first option has the advantage that the owner of the workshop will not have to maintain virtually any documentation. Taxes individual entrepreneurs pay according to a simplified scheme. However, LLC is, in a certain sense, a much more preferable option. Such companies are considered more reputable, and therefore their owners have the opportunity to enter into serious and very profitable contracts for the sale of products.

You can officially register the production of dumplings as a business yourself. However, in this case you will have to spend a lot of time and nerves. Most new entrepreneurs prefer to do things a little differently. They simply delegate this work to specialists. Today there are many companies involved in registering new companies. By the way, they often provide outsourcing services. An entrepreneur who decides to use them will not have to hire an accountant.

What kind of staff will you need to hire?

If dumplings are supposed to be made by hand, then to organize a small workshop you will need to invite at least two cooks and one loader. You will also definitely have to hire a technologist. It is best if it is a person with experience. It is the responsibility of this specialist to monitor the quality of products. Nowadays, a novice entrepreneur will be able to occupy his niche in the market only if his dumplings and dumplings are quite tasty. After all, as you know, there is no shortage of such products on the shelves.

For a larger workshop, you will also need to hire a marketer and an accountant. The responsibilities of the first include searching for markets and purchasing raw materials. An accountant deals with reporting and taxes. And, of course, an entrepreneur definitely needs to hire a technician. After all, the workshop for the production of dumplings, like other food products, must always be clean.

Recipe development

The technology for producing dumplings on a small workshop scale looks like this:

    Raw materials are being prepared. The meat is defrosted and washed, the flour is sifted, etc.

    Mix eggs and whey for dough.

    Salt is added to the mass (sometimes other ingredients that improve the taste).

    The minced meat is prepared and the dough is kneaded at the same time.

    Dumplings are made.

    Finished products are frozen in chambers.

    Dumplings are packed in polyethylene.

Dumplings are made in approximately the same way. The recipe for the products of a workshop of this specialization may be different. So, dumplings are made from mixed minced meat, beef, pork, chicken, and lamb. The main thing is not to add soy to the filling. The buyer will quickly see through the fake - they will simply stop buying dumplings under the company’s brand.

As for dumplings, the most popular traditionally is, of course, a product of this type with potatoes (boiled or raw with added lard) and cottage cheese. Dumplings with mushroom filling also sell out quite well. Very often, a dumpling production workshop produces khinkali, manti and semi-finished cutlets.

How to run an advertising campaign

You can draw consumer attention to your products in different ways. This could be, for example, advertising audio or video clips, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, beautiful booklets. Many entrepreneurs also order advertising on packages. These products are used by a huge number of housewives, and therefore, your brand will definitely be noticed.

However, no matter how beautiful and expensive the advertising is, it is, of course, possible to gain a good reputation with customers only if you sell high-quality and tasty dumplings at a reasonable price. Typically, the consumer immediately notes such products and recommends them to friends and relatives. So take your business seriously and big profits are guaranteed.

Many of us remember those times when families sat down at the table on a day off and everyone made dumplings together, including the little ones. Home production reached several hundred. Looks like a family dumpling business.

Living in a village, I had a question about how I can make money in conditions of limited financial and material resources. Almost everyone has their own farm; selling production products is not profitable. It is not possible to take it to the city for sale, and the competition is too great.

Remembering the old Russian tradition of making dumplings in a huge number, I thought, why not try making dumplings as a business? But where to start? How to organize a business from scratch? Any business begins with planning and determining financial costs.

Therefore, first of all, I decided to prepare a business plan for the production of dumplings with calculations, anticipating possible expenses:

  1. Use of initial resources. What is more profitable - to use purchased minced meat, or to make it yourself, to make the product at home or to open a mini-workshop? Should I buy ready-made dough or mix my own?

If you use the services of suppliers, you will need constant availability Money exceeding income, for 100% prepayment for the goods.

Calculation of the cost of components per 10 kilograms:

Name of ingredientsFinished product sharePrice
Beef25% 450 rub.
Pork19% 390 rub.
Salt0,1% 1 rub.
Spices0,7% 9 rub.
Onion5% 25 rub.
Flour35% 55 rub.
Egg0,2% 6 rub.
Water15% 0
Total:100% 1026 rub.
  1. It is also necessary to take into account possible transportation costs. Upon delivery of raw materials wholesale buyers, you have to pay for delivery.
  2. Expenses for rent and maintenance of the premises (from 30 thousand rubles, utility bills - from 12 thousand rubles, Internet, communication services - 1 thousand rubles).
  3. The costs of purchasing, maintaining and maintaining equipment (unless, of course, you sculpt it by hand).
  1. Payment to staff. At the initial stage, you can get by with a staff of several people, attract relatives, but to expand production volumes you will have to take into account the numerical composition and the corresponding financial costs.
  1. Registration of business status - or legal entity. For rural areas registration is quite enough individual entrepreneurship with a simplified taxation system (from 10 thousand rubles).
  2. Marketing and advertising. The best and most inexpensive marketing move is to produce a product of excellent quality using natural products, at a reasonable price. But without violating the laws of profitability, so as not to work at a loss. Word about my delicious dumplings quickly spread throughout the village.

Having decided on the possible costs and the need to roll over funds in reserve, I added inevitable risks to my business plan:

  1. There is a lot of competition, you can only win with quality.
  2. A small assortment that satisfies the needs of minor target audience(Muslims do not eat dumplings with pork, Orthodox Christians do not eat meat products during Lent, vegetarians will prefer dumplings).
  3. Controlling authorities. All product certificates and production conditions must comply with SanPiN and relevant normative document. Otherwise, you may face penalties, including termination of activity.
  4. The most difficult thing is to establish sales lines. After all, selling to neighbors will not bring the planned profit. But the profitability of production primarily depends on this factor. Selling products in supermarkets promises deferred profits.

By the way, several interesting ideas for business in rural areas:

I have already mentioned that maintaining a production workshop will require significant costs. What to consider here:

  • square production premises(from 50 to 300 cm2), depending on the power of the equipment;
  • the amount of electricity, water, etc. consumed, including the use of a hood;
  • compliance of the premises with the requirements of the SES (zoning of the premises with appropriate rooms for production, storage, etc.).

It is advisable to use former canteens that meet the conditions as a workshop Food Industry. To minimize costs, it is beneficial to choose premises that do not require refurbishment, with low rent and convenient transport access.

Dumpling production technology

When opening a dumpling business, the question arose about choosing a product production technology. But as it turned out, this process is similar for both mini-production and large lines:

Prepare products
  1. Defrost the meat.
  2. Peel the onions.
  3. Disinfect the eggs.
  4. Sift the flour.
  5. Prepare the saline solution.
Knead the doughUse ingredients according to the accepted recipe
Prepare the minced meat
  1. Grind the meat and onions in a meat grinder.
  2. Mix the resulting mass using a mince mixer or by hand (15 minutes).
  3. Add spices and water and stir.
Forming dumplings
  1. Using a special production apparatus.
  2. Making handmade dumplings.
Freeze the finished productWithin 20 minutes after modeling, put the dumplings in the refrigerator.
Packaging goods for salePlace the dumplings in packaging material 0.5 or 1 kg, with mandatory indication of the production date and expiration date.

Equipment for making dumplings at home

A mini-workshop is, of course, good, but you will have to start a dumpling business from simpler conditions - at home. In this case, the costs are lower and the equipment is easier. Instead of industrial devices, it is enough to have:

  • meat grinder;
  • freezer;
  • table-top dumpling maker.

Everything is clear with the refrigerator and meat grinder. But what is a dumpling? This is a tabletop machine for producing 12-14 kg of dumplings per hour, costing 60-80 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of the dumpling business

Having calculated the options for the costs and profits of a home-made dumplings business, I decided to read the reviews of the owners of this type of business, hoping to learn useful information from them personal experience. Of course, there are pros and cons.

  1. Expect payback for this event no earlier than six months later.
  2. The difficulty for many entrepreneurs was calculating the cost of 1 kg of finished products when using various types minced meat. The most low price, for example, dumplings with pork, and high dumplings with beef.
  3. There must be backup options for selling the product to avoid losses.
  4. It is required to constantly improve, use new recipes - competition.
  1. The business is quite profitable, with 100% of the cost of 1 kg of product, half is spent on production, and the same amount is received as net profit.
  2. Small start-up capital, especially when starting a home business.
  3. There is an acute shortage in the market quality product Therefore, the use of natural products can lead to a leading position.
  4. There is great demand for this product.

The real experience of many entrepreneurs shows that with the right approach, it is quite easy to organize your own business for the production and sale of dumplings, even in rural areas. And having your own farm can turn out to be a big plus.