Copy machine operator job description. Copier operator. Job description of the operator of copiers

Job description23
copier and copying equipment operator

Moscow 2015-01-03


1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the operator of copiers and copying equipment.

1.2. The decision on appointment and dismissal is made
CEO on submission immediate supervisor .

1.3. A person who has average professional education and at least one year of relevant work experience .

1.4. The operator of copying and multiplying equipment in his activities is guided by:

– current regulatory and technical documents on the issues of the work performed;

charter of the organization , local regulations organizations ;

- this job description.

1.5. The operator of copying and multiplying equipment must know:

- legislative and regulations concerning implementation
copying and duplicating works;

- methods for performing copying and duplicating work;

- norms and prices for the performance of copying and duplicating work;

– types of copying and multiplying electrographic machines;

- the principle of operation and rules for the operation of copiers and duplicating machines;

– rules for establishing copying mode;

- types of materials used in copying and duplicating work, their properties and specifications;

– rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

1.6. The operator of copying and multiplying equipment is subject to direct
leader .

1.7. During the absence of the operator of copying and multiplying equipment (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in in due course.


The operator of copying and multiplying equipment is obliged:

2.1. Carry out copying and duplicating work on copiers and duplicating
electrographic devices and machines of various systems and designs.

2.2. Copy original onto paper or plate.

2.3. Set the mode of copying, enlarging copies, reproducing them from plates or films.

2.4. Check copy quality.

2.5. Collate and align the printed sheets with the original, staple the set on
wire sewing machine.

2.6. Prepare equipment and materials for work.

2.7. Adjust equipment during operation, clean it.

2.8. Maintain established documentation for accounting of manufactured products .

The operator of copying and multiplying equipment has the right:

3.1. Get familiar with design solutions guides relating to his activities.

3.2. Make proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

3.3. Within its competence, report to the immediate supervisor about the shortcomings identified in the process of execution official duties and make suggestions for their elimination.

3.4. Claim from guides assistance in the performance of their duties
duties and rights.

3.5. Request through the immediate supervisor information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.


The operator of copying and multiplying equipment is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties,
provided for in this job description, to the extent determined by the current labor law Russian Federation.

4.2. For violations committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The job description is reviewed, changed and supplemented as
need, but at least once every five years .

5.2. All employees covered by this instruction are familiarized with the order on making changes (additions) to the job description and put their signatures.

Copier and duplicator operator

2-3 digits

Characteristics of works. Copying an original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs. Setting the copy mode, enlarging copies, reproducing them from plate or film, checking copy quality. Disassembly and alignment of printed sheets with the original, stitching the set on a wire stitcher. Preparation of equipment and materials for work, adjustment of equipment during operation and its cleaning. Maintaining established documentation.

3rd category - when performing copy work on a color copy supercomplex.

Cinematography control panel operator

3-4 digits

Characteristics of works. Control from the operator's console of a wide-film and narrow-film cinema installation in the process of showing films. Control over the level of sound reproduction and establish the required level using the volume control. Projection quality control in the process of showing films and signaling to the cinema equipment about demonstration defects. Record keeping of film screening quality. Performance of works provided for projectionists of the second category. If necessary, help the ushers in filling the cinema hall with spectators.

Characteristics of works. Control from the operator's console of a panoramic large-format cinema installation in the process of showing films. Testing of all equipment and equipment of a large-format, panoramic cinema installation before the start of the cinema. Control over the quality of projection and sound reproduction, determination of the reasons for the disruption of the normal operation of the cinema installation. Cinematographic connection. Carrying out preventive inspection and current repair of the control panel. Coordination of the work of projectionists in the control room. Record keeping of film screening quality. If necessary, perform the work provided for projectionists of the first category.

Telecommunications operator

2-4 digits

Characteristics of works.

A. Receiving, processing, sending and issuing ordinary, registered, government and international correspondence, adding registered correspondence to documents; control of the delivery of correspondence and periodicals; registration of undistributed postal items; sale of postage stamps (stamps, envelopes, postcards); charging machines with postage stamps; accepting subscriptions to periodicals; issuance of correspondence and telegrams addressed on demand; acceptance of payment for the provision of long-distance telephone calls on credit; acceptance of a subscription fee, accrual, execution and accounting in subscriber cards (personal accounts) of a subscription fee for a telephone, radio broadcasting points, acceptance of payment for electricity, acceptance of applications on these issues from subscribers and giving them information; accounting, grouping and systematization of documents in the production archives of communication enterprises, making inquiries; changes to guidelines and manuals; receiving, sending, accounting, conducting mutual settlements on postal packaging; accounting for volumetric and qualitative indicators; reception and issuance of inventory, linen, accounting and storage of them; accounting of working time and fulfillment of production norms by employees; connection and disconnection of telephone subscribers on switches; maintaining a log of damage claims.

B. Receiving, processing, sending and issuing parcels, valuable letters and valuable parcels; acceptance and issuance of money transfers; payment of pensions and benefits; receiving and processing orders for long-distance telephone calls; receiving and transmitting telegrams by telegraph or telephone; maintenance of a radio node of low power; acceptance of applications and issuance of work orders for the elimination of damage to equipment and machinery; registration of postal and cash transactions using machines of various systems; acceptance of documents for the payment of pensions from departments of social security; checking, processing and sending them to the post office; transferring money from transfers and trading proceeds to settlement accounts trade organizations in the State Bank; receiving, processing, sending and issuing international insurance mail; issuing money transfers, pension orders and money to postmen to pay for money transfers and pensions at home; registration of documents for insurance and parcel mail in communication enterprises; receiving, processing, sending, accompanying and receiving insurance mail with over-limit cash balances and cash reinforcements; accounting and storage of money and other valuables in the storerooms of communication enterprises with the performance of operations for receiving and issuing money and other valuables; exchange of mail with mail cars, steamships, airplanes and vehicles; control of accepted, received for payment and paid transfers; control of payment of pensions and allowances, control and registration of transfer reports received from reporting communication enterprises for sending to data collection, preparation and transmission points (PSPD) and Translation Control Bureau (BKP) or information and computer centers (IVC), control of pension reporting, sent to the center for accrual and payment of pensions or benefits or to the district (city) department of social security; quality control of acceptance, processing, registration, delivery of postal items and execution of documents for insurance postal items in communication enterprises; control over the processing and dispatch of government and international mail; control of travel documents in communication enterprises; translation of addresses of international postal items, reception and registration of complaints about the work of communication bodies; execution of correspondence on resolving complaints and applications of clients relating to all types of communication, execution of official correspondence.

Maintenance of cards and personal accounts of subscribers; issuing and sending invoices to clients for communication services provided on credit, as well as to enterprises for non-advance payments for telephones and communication services; monitoring the timely receipt of income, including non-advance settlements with the clientele for communication services; control over the accrual of the advance, warning the subscriber about the end of the advance; processing of bank documents; reconciliation of income receipts with cash desks and post offices; giving information to subscribers; archiving, primary accounting of documents; processing orders for the installation and rearrangement of telephones.

When working at the point of collection, preparation and transmission of data (PSPD):

acceptance and dispatch of insurance bags in accordance with postal rules; control over the receipt of punched tapes, the correctness of their execution and the completeness of receipt; accounting of received information; control and correction of information; accounting for defective information and sending requests for faulty information; sending defective information to the communication center for re-creation; drawing up notices f.30-KM in cases of violation of the quality of work by communication enterprises; storage of perforated tape in accordance with the instructions; sending controlled information to the BKP (IVC) according to the deadlines and its accounting; correction of information after processing it on a computer; accounting of defective information due to failures of electronic complexes and equipment of PDPD for transmission to the service Maintenance the necessary information.

B. Drawing up diagrams and lists of delivery sites, participation in establishing their boundaries, compiling sorting tables; maintaining a filing cabinet with delivery cards; sorting postal items and periodicals by delivery sites, issuing postal items and periodicals to postmen in the prescribed manner; acceptance from postmen of undelivered postal items and seals, sums of money for delivered additional paid correspondence, postal items with cash on delivery, etc. and their execution.

Organization of the work of postmen in communication enterprises and at delivery sites with various delivery methods, taking into account the fulfillment of standards and delivery deadlines, as well as the full load of postmen's working hours; performance of production operations in the organization of motorized delivery and enlarged delivery post offices; instructing postmen and monitoring their work; identification and elimination of the reasons causing complaints about the delivery of postal items and periodicals; monitoring the condition of subscriber cabinets, strong points and mailboxes, as well as ensuring the improvement of all supply areas of the post office (house numbering, lighting of entrances, subscriber cabinets, strong points, etc.); receiving and processing redirects to periodicals; accounting for the load, the fulfillment of deadlines, the quality of work and working hours of postmen; assisting postmen in mastering advanced methods and techniques of work.

2nd category - class III operator, engaged in the performance of the work listed in paragraph "; A" ;. Performing the work listed in paragraph ";B";, if the enterprise, post office has up to 5 delivery sites.

Exchange of coins in call centers equipped with long-distance pay phones (MTA) and GTS telephone booths.

When working in the BKP (IVC), which control transfer operations: opening, checking attachments, sealing and sending bags (boxes, capsules) with transfer reporting, control of transfers to the BKP without the use of counting and summing machines.

When working on water mail routes: receiving mail at the starting point, escorting and exchanging mail along the way, delivery at the final point and processing, sorting written correspondence; performing the duties of a senior worker on water postal lines without sorting written correspondence;

3rd category - class II operator, engaged in the performance of the work listed in paragraphs "; A"; and ";B";, except for work performed in PDAP using electronic devices to control and transmit information.

Performing the work listed in paragraph ";B";, if the enterprise, post office has from 6 to 10 delivery sites.

When working in the BKP (IVC), which control transfer operations using counting and summing machines in the amount of knowledge of the work of two production sites, the creation of information using Onega electronic machines;.

When working on water mail routes: performing the duties of a senior worker with sorting written correspondence.

When working in mail transportation departments (post offices, PZHDP): mail exchange with mail cars, steamships, aircraft and vehicles; drawing up orders for trips of traveling crews of mail cars and recording working hours in the presence of up to 50 crews; control of travel documents, making changes and corrections to the sorting manual and mail forwarding plans; reception and issuance of postage signs, manuals and weapons to traveling brigades.

When working at the site (base) of conditional values: receiving and mailing signs of postage and other conditional values, paperwork.

When working on letter sorting machines: processing of written correspondence on letter sorting machines up to 150 directions.

When working in newspaper and magazine expeditions of post offices, PZHDP and OPP, located in the capitals of the republics (as part of the Russian Federation) and at points of decentralized printing of central newspapers, quality control of print forwarding.

When working on forwarding machines (stamping, address printing and printing and duplication): operation of forwarding machines; starting and stopping machines; adjustment of critical nodes and elimination of simple malfunctions; participation in the repair and testing of machines. Preparation of stencils and the necessary material;

4th category - operator of the 1st class, engaged in the performance of the work listed in paragraphs "; A"; and ";B";, provided that the performance of the work listed in paragraph ";B";, takes a total or certain types more than 50 percent of the working time.

Performing the work listed in paragraph ";B";, if the enterprise, post office has more than 10 delivery sites.

When working in the BKP (IVC), which carry out: control of transfer operations using counting and summing machines in the amount of knowledge of all areas of work, control over the completeness and correctness of creating information in the perforation section. When working in PDSS: control and transmission of information using electronic devices.

When working in mail transportation departments, post offices, PZhDP: drawing up travel orders for traveling teams of mail cars and recording working hours in the presence of more than 50 teams.

When working on letter sorting machines: processing of written correspondence on letter sorting machines over 150 directions.

When working at the site (base) of conditional values: operational accounting, control and storage of signs of postage and other conditional values.

Operator of electronic computers and computing machines

2-4 digits

Characteristics of works. Arithmetic processing of primary documents on computers of various types with printing of initial data and calculation results on paper tape and without it. Performing summation, taxation of indicators of single-line and multi-line documents. Calculation of percentages, percentages, operations with a constant, raising to a power, extracting a root, storing and accumulating numbers in memory registers. Conducting sorting, layout, selection, combining arrays of punched cards on computers according to reference and reference-grouping features. Performing decryption of information encoded in the form of punched holes on punched cards, transferring jammed punched cards for punching, visual control";to the world"; and ";for a puncture"; punched cards and lining them into a sortable array of technical media. Checking the correct operation of machines by special control methods and by skipping a package of punched cards punched according to the control scheme. External control of documents accepted for processing and their registration in the journal. Preparation of documents and technical media for transfer to the following operations technological process. Registration of the results of the work performed in accordance with the instructions.

Characteristics of works. Conducting the process of processing information on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Entering information into electronic computers (computers) from technical media and communication channels and outputting it from the machine. Transmission via communication channels of the calculated data received on the machines for subsequent operations. Processing of primary documents on computers of various types by summing up the indicators of summaries with folding and lining tables, calculations according to engineering and design calculations. Issuing invoices and compiling statements, tables, summaries, reports in a mechanized way, with the output of information on punched tape. Control of calculations, reconciliation of discrepancies according to the primary document. Preparing the machine for work, installing a control bus or flowchart for this job. Conducting punching, verification, duplication, reproduction and tabulation of punched cards. Reading and punching holes in the encoded information contained in punched cards, based on graphic marks. Checking the correctness of the transfer of information from primary documents to punched cards ";to the light"; and counting control and the correctness of punching incorrectly punched cards with the correction of the corresponding indicators and results in the tabulagram. Control of tabulagrams compiled in a mechanized way, by comparing their final data with control numbers; carrying out selective balancing with a mark on the margins of tabulagrams; recording the verified results of tabulagrams in the log of control numbers; design and release of verified tabulagrams. Machine setup according to simple circuits switching and independent implementation of simple recommunication. Installation of a throughput ruler, stops and tabulation plates for multiple passes of punched cards. Work with mathematical reference books, tables. Registration of the accompanying document and work order for the work performed.

Characteristics of works. Ensuring that the computational process is carried out in accordance with the work programs. Preparation of technical media on data preparation devices and their control. Recording, reading and rewriting information from one type of media to another. Computer monitoring. Establishing the causes of computer failures in the process of information processing. A record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in the operation of machines in the machine time log.

Inspector of hydraulic structures

3-4 digits

Characteristics of works. Inspection of dangerous places in canals, dams, dams and other similar hydraulic structures and elimination of minor damage. Maintenance of the fixed part of the irrigation and collector-drainage network of the hydrotechnical section with all hydraulic structures located on it, hydrometric and other devices. Observation of groundwater seepage in slopes, the appearance of landslides, the state of bank protection plantings. Procurement of flood protection materials and emergency stocks building materials. Protection of forest plantations for water management purposes. Caring for a horse, keeping a bicycle or motorcycle in good condition.

Characteristics of works. Visual inspection of slopes of approach channels, jet guides and protective dams, dams and other hydraulic structures and their equipment; determination of the volume of their erosion and destruction. Distribution and supply of water to households-water users. Control over the use of irrigation water. Drafting of acts and schematic sketches on the discovered destructions, on violators of water discipline of adjacent forest plantations and the transfer of acts to the district hydraulic engineer. Participation in the technical inspection of the irrigation network and facilities. Participation in the work on the current and emergency repairs of hydraulic structures located on the serviced site, as well as emergency and barrier gates, water outlets, siphons.


3-5 digits

Characteristics of works. Serving visitors in enterprises with simple and medium complexity of table setting and a simple assortment of dishes on prepaid vouchers, checks, coupons and for cash without issuing and presenting invoices to visitors or without issuing money on a cash register: diet canteens at sanatoriums, boarding houses, dispensaries, camp sites and rest homes. Reception of preliminary orders for hot dishes. Laying and preliminary table setting. Replacing tablecloths and napkins as they get dirty. Table cleaning. Delivery of used dishes, cutlery, table linen, cash, checks, coupons, unsold products and goods.

Characteristics of works. Servicing visitors in enterprises with complex table setting: restaurants, cafes, bars of the second and first categories with taking orders from visitors, processing and presenting invoices to them. Service in enterprises Catering, institutions, at home, factories on orders of organizations, individuals and groups of celebrations: weddings, anniversaries, friendly meetings, family dinners, evenings of rest, theme parties, balls, tastings of dishes of national cuisines and more. Assisting visitors in choosing food and drinks and serving them to the tables or in the room. Settlement with visitors according to the invoice.

Characteristics of works. Servicing visitors with a particularly complex table setting, reflecting national characteristics and thematic focus of enterprises:

country, national and themed restaurants, cafes, bars of the highest category and luxury. Serving ceremonies and official receptions, meetings, conferences, negotiations, congresses. Serving some specialty dishes and drinks with the final operations in full view of those who ordered these dishes. Serving wet hot wipes.

Hairdresser (hairdresser-fashion designer)

3-5 digits

Characteristics of works. Combing, cutting hair of adults and children. Styling and curling hair in accordance with the direction of fashion and features of the face. Curling hair on curlers, clips or tongs, chemically or electrically (permanent). Massage and shampooing, applying chemicals and solutions to the hair. Hair coloring in various colors and shades, their discoloration. Haircut and shave, taking into account the properties of the skin, applying compresses and facial massage. Performing work with overlays and wigs. Disinfection, cleaning and editing of tools.

High-quality performance of all types of work and services (complex hairstyles, haircuts, etc.).

Performing perm and hair coloring in various ways and increased complexity with face adjustment. When developing models of hairstyles and demonstrating them at competitions, the profession is called "hairdresser-fashion designer";.

Document Binder

2-4 digits

Characteristics of works. Binding documents by hand. Unpacking and sorting of cardboard, cutting to a format along the longitudinal line, blanking the spine from technical fabric. Selection of documents by numbers and format, colliding sheets, putting cardboard sheets on top and bottom, laying in a form. Drilling holes, stitching documents, sealing the spine. Preparation and labeling of the label on the spine and top cover. Knife sharpening.

Characteristics of works. Binding of ancient books, manuscripts and documents by hand. Carrying out simple restoration binding works: restoration of damaged calico or paper binding with an intact block; disinfection of the affected binding; strengthening-restoration of corners, edges, covers; preparation of a new binding for rare, valuable books; strengthening the old root.

Characteristics of works. Performing more complex bookbinding and restoration works: manufacturing various kinds endpapers (cap, glued, stitched, sewn); book block sewing various methods and ways; manufacture of leather paper. Restoration of leather-bound books: preparation of a lubricant to soften leather bindings; production of captal (braid) from fabric. Removal and restoration of individual elements of the binding under the guidance of an artist-restorer.

Tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession "Operator of copiers and duplicators" are required to determine the types of work, tariff rate and assignment of categories according to the Russian Federation.

Based on the specified characteristics of the work performed and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description is drawn up for the operator of copiers and duplicating machines, as well as personnel documents, including for interviewing and testing when applying for a job.

When compiling work (job) instructions, it is necessary to take into account general provisions and graduation recommendations, if the information is not enough, refer to the search for a profession through alphabetically.

1. Operator of copiers and duplicating machines 2nd category

Characteristics of works. Copying an original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs. Setting the copy mode, enlarging copies, reproducing them from plate or film, checking copy quality. Disassembly and alignment of printed sheets with the original, stitching the set on a wire stitcher. Preparation of equipment and materials for work, adjustment of equipment during operation and its cleaning. Maintaining established documentation.

Must know: types of copying and multiplying electrographic machines, the principle of operation and rules for their operation; rules for establishing copy mode; device and rules for the operation of sheet collating and wire stitching machines; documentation rules.

2. Operator of copiers and duplicating machines 3rd category

When performing copy work on a color copy supercomplex.

Job description of the operator of copying and multiplying machines

1. General Provisions

2. Job responsibilities

3. Rights

4. Responsibility

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the operator of copiers and duplicating machines.

2. A person with a secondary education is appointed to the position of an operator of copying and duplicating machines.

3. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines must know the types of copiers and duplicating electrographic machines, the principle of operation and the rules for their operation; rules for establishing copy mode; device and rules for the operation of sheet collating and wire stitching machines; documentation rules.

4. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the head of the institution (enterprise, organization) in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

5. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines is directly subordinate to the head of the structural unit.

2. Job responsibilities

Copying an original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs. Setting the copy mode, enlarging copies, reproducing them from plate or film, checking copy quality. Disassembly and alignment of printed sheets with the original, stitching the set on a wire stitcher. Preparation of equipment and materials for work, adjustment of equipment during operation and its cleaning. Maintaining established documentation.

3. Rights

The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right:

1. make suggestions to management on issues of organization and working conditions;

2. use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties;

3. pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

4. improve your skills.

The operator of copiers and duplicating machines uses all labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The operator of copiers and duplicators is responsible for:

1. implementation of the official duties assigned to him;

2. organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts on their activities;

\Typical job description for Operator of copiers and duplicators

Job description of the Operator of copiers and duplicators

Job title: Operator of copiers and duplicators
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines is directly subordinated to ..........................................
  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines follows instructions .............................................. .........

  • (instructions of these employees are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines replaces .............................................. ................................................
  • Replaces the operator of copiers and duplicating machines .............................................. ...................................
  • Recruitment and dismissal:
    The operator of copiers and duplicating machines is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • types of copiers and duplicating electrographic machines, the principle of operation and the rules for their operation
  • copy mode rules
  • device and operating rules for collating and wire stitching machines
  • documentation rules.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Copying an original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs.
  • Set copy mode.
  • Enlarge copies.
  • Reproduction of them from plates or films.
  • Checking the copy quality.
  • Disassembly and alignment of printed sheets according to the original.
  • Stitching the set on a wire stitching machine.
  • Preparation of equipment and materials for work.
  • Regulation of the equipment in the course of work.
  • Maintaining established documentation.
  • Equipment cleaning.
p. 1 Job description Operator of copiers and duplicators
p. 2 Job description Operator of copiers and duplicators

4. Rights

  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right to give instructions to employees subordinate to him, tasks on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right to control the fulfillment of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities and the activities of employees subordinate to it.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise's management regarding the activities of the Division.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicators has the right to propose for consideration by the manager proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The operator of copying and duplicating machines has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the proposal to encourage distinguished employees, to impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right to report to the manager on all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The operator of copiers and duplicating machines is responsible for improper performance or non-performance of his duties stipulated by this job description - to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicators is liable for violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or dismissal from the position, the Operator of copiers and duplicating machines is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person taking up this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The operator of copying and duplicating machines is liable for offenses committed in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of copying and duplicating machines is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicators is responsible for complying with the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation trade secret and confidential information.
  • The operator of copiers and duplicators is responsible for the implementation of internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural