The funeral of Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev. Khrunichev Center. the first general director of the State Scientific and Practical Center A.I. Kiselev. Kiselev Anatoly Ivanovich

Anatoly Kiselev

Photo by Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev"

June 9, 2017 - The ex-general director of the Khrunichev Center Anatoly Kiselev, who led the enterprise from 1975 to 2001, died in Moscow at the age of 80, a source in the rocket and space industry told TASS.

Anatoly Ivanovich died tonight in a Moscow hospital," the source said.

The Khrunichev Center confirmed the information about the death of Kiselyov. "The company is organizing funerals," the press service said.

Information about the date and place of the funeral will be known later, they specified there.

The message of the Directorate for Communications of the Space Center quotes the words of the general designer of launch vehicles and ground-based space infrastructure, the first deputy general director of the Khrunichev Center Alexander Medvedev: "The departure of Anatoly Ivanovich is a heavy loss for all of us. We mourn and condole with the family, associates, friends."

Under his direct supervision, the first elements of the ISS, the Zarya and Zvezda modules, were designed and manufactured, heavy (Proton-M) and light (Rokot) rockets were tested, and the development and testing of the Breeze-M upper stages began. "and "Breeze-KM", the universal space platform "Yakhta", the creation of the Angara missile system has begun. He was directly involved in the first launch of the Proton rocket in 1965, the creation and launch of the first space orbital station"Salyut", putting on combat duty intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Anatoly Kiselev was born in Moscow in 1938, graduated from a technical school, then the Russian State University of Technology named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI). He worked at the Khrunichev machine-building plant as an engineer, head of a laboratory, deputy head of a shop, deputy director of a plant (since 1968).

In February 1975, at the age of 37, he was appointed director of the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant. In 1993, on his initiative, the Khrunichev Plant and the Salyut Design Bureau were merged into a single State Space Research and Production Center. From 1993 to 2001, Kiselev was the general director of the Khrunichev Center.

Kiselev - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering and the Tsiolkovsky Academy of Cosmonautics, Honorary Doctor of Engineering Sciences from Kingston University (UK).

Born April 29, 1938 in Moscow. Father - Kiselev Ivan Semenovich (1909-1995). Mother - Kiseleva (Zosimova) Evdokia Ivanovna (1915-1992). Wife - Kiseleva (Sorokina) Tatyana Ivanovna (born in 1938), process engineer. Daughter - Glazkova (Kiselyova) Inessa Anatolyevna (born in 1963), director of the Earth monitoring program of the M.V. Khrunichev. Son - Kiselev Valery Anatolyevich (born in 1973), aerospace engineer of the M.V. Khrunichev. Granddaughter - Daria (born in 2000); grandson - Alexander (born in 2003).

Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev is one of the few Soviet production commanders who manage huge enterprises, the destinies of tens of thousands of people, who in the troubled times of "democratization" could turn the human, production, engineering potential accumulated under socialism for the benefit of growing

and his country and those people who built combat intercontinental strategic missile systems, orbital space stations and spaceships.

Almost half a century of work experience Anatoly Kiseleva is associated with the same metropolitan enterprise named after M.V. Khrunichev. Plant this hall

lived even before the revolution, they built cars there at first, and then - the planes of the great designers Tupolev, Petlyakov, Ilyushin, Myasishchev, who played a huge role in the years of the first five-year plans, in the Great Patriotic war and in the post-war period.

Shortly after the launch of the first artificial satellites

s of the Earth, the plant became a rocket and space plant. So, in the personal fate of Anatoly Ivanovich, the aviation beginning and the space continuation were closely intertwined.

A.I. Kiselev headed the M.V. Khrunichev, and in 1993 he headed the State Space Agency, created on his initiative.

Scientific Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev, which included the Khrunichev plant itself, the Salyut Design Bureau (Myasishchev, Chelomey) and a number of other organizations.

The State Rocket and Space Corporation was created, capable of solving any problems in a complex: projects, drawings, technical

ology, manufacture of rockets, orbital space stations, their launch and flight control. A corporation capable of competing on the international market with the largest firms in the USA and Europe, which was proven in practice in subsequent years.

State Space Center named after M.V. Khrunichev literally

in a few years he won great prestige on the international space market for his work on the Mir station, its modules, and especially for the creation of the International Space Station.

Of course, no one is born a director. But after all, a certain guiding star has highlighted among hundreds of talented people

roizvodstvennikov, managers of Kiselyov, in order to lead him along a unique rocket-space trajectory.

Anatoly Kiselev was born and raised in Fili, in the former workers' settlement named after Kastanaev. With their father and mother - working people, laborers, sister and brother, they lived in the same room on a two-story building.

wow wooden barracks.

I studied at school number 590, which is on Kastanaevskaya street. It started like this. On the first of September, early in the morning, all the older children gathered together for school. Someone asked me (I was not 7 years old): “Why are you not going? Come with us!" So I went - without a briefcase, notebooks and pens. Me

put at the end of the line, the last one, where there was a sign "1A". They came to the class, the teacher began to read the names from the magazine. Then she asked who she didn't name. I stood up and said my first and last name. She wrote it down in a journal. Thus began my first lesson. The teacher's name was Nina Aleksandrovna Olsufieva.

She became my first class teacher. In the evening my parents came home and I told them that I had gone to school. They gave me money, and the next day I bought myself notebooks, a pen, and pencils. started school life... The class teacher in the senior classes was Vera Vasilievna Weinberg, whom I

I remember with great gratitude.

The post-war insatiable childhood introduced Anatoly to sports, he played football, bandy, basketball, volleyball. In those days, the guys chased balls in every yard. Becoming a little older, Kiselev preferred volleyball, from the eighth grade he played for sports

ivny club "Fili". Sport helped to get stronger physically, taught the rules of the collective game, brought up the ability to appreciate victories and endure the bitterness of defeats.

Many years later, having become the director of the plant, Kiselev did not forget the path to the gym, continued to play to keep fit, for health and

swarming with friends from his first team: Vladimir Starshinin, Garik Marr, Evgeny Uvarov, Alexander Gusev, Vladimir Frolov, Mikhail Lakhuaru, Evgeny Avdeev. All of them are pupils of coach Alexei Mikhalev and workers of the Khrunichev plant.

After graduating from Anat High School

Oliy Kiselev entered the vocational school at the Khrunichev plant. He studied well and played volleyball with no less success, entered the youth team of the Labor Reserves society, participated in all-Union sports and athletics games along with excellent masters A. Pushkin, A. Banov, D. Voskoboynikov - the latter later

was recognized as the best striker in the world. Then Anatoly Kiselev was invited to the Moscow Trud team, which was coached by the captain of the USSR national team Vladimir Ivanovich Shchagin. Then - to the team of masters of CSKA. It would seem that life has quite clearly outlined the contours of the near future. However…

It's time to do

first serious choice. I was 19 years old, and I had already entered the evening department of the MATI Institute. I had to decide - either big sport, with its constant training camps and championships, which was so tempting for a young guy, or studying at an aviation institute. I made an "aviation" choice...

Late 1956

2009, vocational school graduate electrician Anatoly Kiselev was assigned to the Filevka aircraft plant in the holy of holies - the final assembly workshop for aircraft, where aircraft are born, and this cannot leave anyone indifferent. Here, on the territory of plant No. 23, in accordance with the government decree

Signed by Stalin, OKB-23 was organized under the leadership of the outstanding aircraft designer Vladimir Mikhailovich Myasishchev. The team of designers was given the most difficult task - to develop strategic jet bombers capable of delivering atomic bombs overseas, and the plant deployed

to start the serial production of new Myasishchev aircraft.

The design bureau and the plant coped with the task brilliantly. As for Kiselyov and the hundreds of young workers who regularly replenished staffing enterprises, this time has become for them a time of involvement in the most important state secrets, which

It left a certain imprint on the lifestyle and behavior of young aircraft builders.

An inquisitive young man who touched the most complicated super-secret technique, it became obvious that he needed to study further. Moreover, the plant in every possible way supported the desire of the younger generation to get higher education(at s

there was an evening branch of MATI in the avode). Already after the second year, evening students who showed themselves well in the shops were, as a rule, appointed to engineering positions. In a word, electrician Anatoly Kiselev ended up at the preparatory courses of the Moscow Aviation Technology Institute. And here e

I had one more life choice to make.

I've been lucky in my life, I'm probably the most happy man! At the preparatory courses, I met Tatyana Sorokina, we entered the institute together. In 1960 we got married. She is an amazing person! It is difficult to assess her human feat

g, to “tolerate” me with my explosive character for so many years. She devoted herself almost entirely to her family and children. To be honest, if it were not for her, I would never have become the person I have become.

Oh, how difficult it is for newlyweds to find that equilibrium state, which also contributes to the strengthening of family

uh, and professional growth. The Kiselev couple succeeded in full. At first they had nowhere to live. Tatyana's parents "made room" and gave the young one of two rooms in a communal apartment opposite the factory entrance. The son-in-law of the Sorokins turned out to be “noble” - a coat, a suit, one pair of boots for summer and winter, carried

how many shirts - the whole wardrobe. Anatoly was already working as a technologist, he received 88 rubles a month, Tatyana worked in the laboratory, checked electrical appliances. In 1963, the Kiselyovs had a daughter named Inessa. The young mother worked and raised her daughter.

Working as an electrician and learning to

and in the evening branch of MATI, I had to spend a long time in electric trains on the way to the city of Zhukovsky. It was necessary to get up early in order not to miss the train, which was waiting for the factory bus at the Otdykh station. Returning from Zhukovsky, I had to skip the first lecture. Classes for

ended at 21:00. It's good that I lived near the institute. And early in the morning I had to go to Zhukovsky again ...

He studied well, there were never "tails". Harder than others were given English language and descriptive geometry. With serious training loads, he managed to earn extra money as a coach of men's teams

sports club "Fili" in volleyball - he received 25 rubles for this, which was a significant increase in the salary of 88 rubles. True, I had to sacrifice Sundays, since the games for the championship of Moscow took place just on the weekend. In my second year, I was appointed as a process engineer.

It needs a short

e explanation. Process Engineer Kiselev worked at the plant with fuel tanks, assembling and testing the in-flight refueling system for bombers. The center of gravity of all work on the refinement and testing of new aircraft has moved to the Moscow region, to the airfield of the Flight Research Institute (LII) in the mountains

ode Zhukovsky, where aerospace salons are now held. At the LII airfield, OKB-23 and the plant deployed their flight research bases.

Soon an event occurred that was tragic for aviation and fateful for the rocket and space industry. Myasishchevskoe OKB-23 was closed and transferred to the control of the General

designer V.N. Chelomey from Reutov near Moscow. The plant was ordered to curtail aviation production, for a short time they were forced to build MI helicopters, and then they were completely and completely redesigned for missiles. (More details about the most important events of those years are described in the article published in

the same edition of the material on the Khrunichev Space Center - book 2, section "Golden Fund".)

It is better not to try to put yourself in the place of those designers, engineers and workers, including Kiselev, who connected their lives with aviation and became in an instant ... rocket scientists. Their opinions, of course,

who didn’t ask, but since the “party said”, then ...

On the basis of the aviation OKB-23, branch No. 1 of the Chelomeev OKB-52 was formed, where missiles and combat missile systems were created, more precisely, the first silo-based strategic intercontinental missiles UR-100 and UR-200.

Anatoly Kiselev, graduated

by that time, the evening department of MATI, he had already worked as a test engineer at the Control and Test Station (CIS), was engaged in testing the tank emptying system, then he was appointed head of the laboratory for testing missile control systems. It was then that Kiselev first appeared at the Ba

ikonur. In 1965, he witnessed and participated in the first launch of the Proton launch vehicle.

At the same time, Fili was developing the RS-10 combat missile system with the UR-100 missile, the legendary "hundred", the ancestor of a whole generation of combat missiles. New missile system with unique characteristics

in June 1967, the government adopted it, although they started putting it on combat duty earlier.

The deployment of silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles has begun. I was assigned technical manager from the manufacturer when setting up for

military duty of the first regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces. It was near Chita. I had to work 18 hours a day, and sometimes two or three days without sleep. It was very difficult, pressured secrecy. Military officers practically did not know the technique, so they had to debug the interaction

vie combat crews and industry. Nevertheless, we completed the task: on November 21, 1966, the regiment took up combat duty. At the Khrunichev plant, as the parent enterprise, they created a service for putting missiles on combat duty and a service for warranty supervision and routine maintenance ...

on Fili

daughter grew up. In the meantime, dad disappeared on long business trips associated with the not entirely clear phrase "combat duty", which was only spoken in a whisper. Kiselev "dangled" through the cities and villages of a huge country, the physical and moral loads were colossal. Rescued a good spo

hot hardening.

It's time to take care of tolerable housing. Constant business trips helped the Kiselevs save money to buy a two-room cooperative apartment. True, and debts have done a lot.

All the chores of raising a daughter, and then a son, all the worries around the house regularly fell on

and the reliable "head of the rear" of the family - Tatyana Ivanovna. This family was never offended in terms of friends, and on the days of Kiselev's rare visits to Moscow in the house where they professed the parental principle "everything that is in the refrigerator is on the table!" it was always full of people.

9 years. He is appointed deputy director of the plant for operation. Such a rather strange job title was invented because of secrecy. In fact, Anatoly Ivanovich was responsible for putting strategic missiles manufactured at the plant on combat duty, preparing for testing new types

military products and a heavy rocket "Proton" at the Baikonur cosmodrome. Such a service in the Salyut Design Bureau was headed by Yuri Vasilievich Dyachenko, and after his death, Dmitry Alekseevich Polukhin, later the General Designer of the Salyut Design Bureau.

This is how Kiselyov, a man of erudition, enterprising and energetic

oh, stepped on the level already industry leader.

In early November 1970, I flew to Moscow from Baikonur. Plant Director Mikhail Ivanovich Ryzhykh told how our enterprise has been working on the first DOS for several months - a long-term orbital station - on the basis of already built buildings

mustache of the Almaz military station. Assembly is underway at Fili, and electrical tests will be carried out at the “royal” company in Podlipki. The director said: “Everything outside the gates of our plant, we subordinate to you, you will“ drag ”the station from Podlipki to start-up! ..

To delve into the technical features of the station, in its own way

different history of its appearance turned out to be by no means an easy task for the engineer Kiselev. Everything had to be learned on the go. However, the purely human aspect of the upcoming work turned out to be much more difficult: Anatoly Kiselev did not know anyone at the “royal” company! He was engaged in military products and "Protons", so

that the paths of the Filevtsy and the “Korolevtsy” practically did not intersect. TsKBEM, as OKB-1 was then called, included the Plant of Experimental Engineering. As a rule, it was always easier for the factory workers to get along with each other, so at that moment the director of ZEM, Viktor Mikhailovich Kl, helped Kiselev a lot.

yucharev and Chief Engineer Vakhtang Dmitrievich Vachnadze ... Of the developers, he especially remembered Evgeny Vasilyevich Shabarov, one of the deputies of the chief designer. According to Kiselev, he learned a lot from Shabarov.

The leading designer of the station in Podlipki was Yuri Pavlovich Semenov, and his batch

tutor - Valery Viktorovich Ryumin. Subsequently, Semenov became an academician, head of the current RSC Energia, and Ryumin became a cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Tests of the station at KIS in Podlipki went around the clock. Kiselev left home at six o'clock in the morning, and returned far

midnight. The work was carried out under very strict control of the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of Ministers, and there is nothing to say about the native Ministry of General Engineering. Apparently, it was then that industry leaders and "curators" from policymakers noticed a young, energetic deputy director of ZIKh, who understands how

in technology as well as technological processes, and able to find a common language with both designers and factory workers.

All work on testing the station in Podlipki and preparing for launch at Baikonur took about five months - according to current estimates, such work would take two to three years. Veterans

The Khrunichev Center is remembered that there has never been such a friendly work of all project participants, even during the creation of the Mir orbital complex.

The world's first orbital station, Salyut, was launched into orbit by a Proton rocket on April 19, 1971. The State Commission discussed for a long time how

to name the station. Before taking the launch vehicle to the start, A.I. Kiselev together with V.V. Pallo (lead designer) called the painter at night and said: “Write on board - “Dawn”!” In the morning, members of the State Commission came to the assembly and testing building, looked and ... approved. However, when the station was already in orbit, someone

I remembered that the first Chinese satellite was called Zarya, so at the post-launch meeting, the State Commission transferred a different name to TASS - Salyut.

In 1971, Kiselev participated in flight tests of the UR-100M complex and re-equipment of combat missile systems on duty. Fantast

The work on the creation of the UR-100K complex turned out to be logical in terms of voltage. In less than a year and a half, from August 1969 to March 1971, 30 launches of UR-100K missiles were carried out, which became one of the most advanced models of military weapons.

When strategic missiles are placed on combat duty, no

managed, alas, without major troubles.

Once I arrived late in the evening from one of the combat facilities. Just arrived home, they called from the factory and asked to urgently come to the director. Mikhail Ivanovich, without any preamble, ordered to fly out in the morning together with the Commander-in-Chief of the Missile Forces, Marshal K

Rylov to one of the divisions, where our rocket exploded in the mine. Thank God, there were no casualties. We sorted it out for a long time, and yet we managed to find out the picture and the cause of the incident. He returned home on the same plane with Minister S.A. Afanasiev. At Sheremetyevo I got off the plane and went with my suitcase to the exit.

one. Suddenly the "Seagull" stopped and Afanasyev asked: "Don't you have a car?" No, I say. “Sit down…” It was under these circumstances that I first got the opportunity to talk with Sergei Alexandrovich, who played a decisive role in my life. I was very lucky that in the future I had a chance to

many years of working under his leadership...

During the flight design tests of the Proton rocket, there were often troubles and very large ones. Three accidents in a row were due to Voronezh second-stage engines, and all of Eastern Siberia was left without television. For the next launch, we flew to the "Bike

onur" together with Afanasyev and the chief designer of engines Konopatov. The situation is extremely acute, and we, of course, were not in the mood for jokes. And then Sergei Alexandrovich asked me: “Did you take warm underwear?” I replied: “Why? At Baikonur - plus thirty heat. Sergei Alexandrovich then said: “We can

"Baikonur" to go to Kolyma. Fortunately, the launch went well, and the tension was relieved ... "

S.A. Afanasiev unmistakably guessed in the deputy director of the Khrunichev Plant exactly the person who could independently find solutions to seemingly insoluble problems. Indeed, at

At that time, Anatoly Ivanovich had an amazing ability to see the prospects for development, he knew how to take reasonable risks, convince people and achieve the fulfillment of his plans.

On February 10, 1972, Kiselev received a high promotion - he was appointed deputy head of the First Main Directorate

I am the Ministry of General Machinery for production. The Glavk included the design bureaus of the great Chelomey, Utkin, Makeev, Reshetnev, the country's largest rocket and space plants: the native plant named after Khrunichev, Yuzhmash in Dnepropetrovsk, the Omsk Aviation Plant, Zlatoust, Krasnoyarsk, Orenburg machine builder

nye factories are the color of the industry.

It is hard to imagine how extensive the worries of the new employee have become. central office how much his responsibility has increased. A certain despondency of the first weeks of ministerial, and therefore bureaucratic work quickly passed, because he was given a rare opportunity

to study in detail all aspects of the matter already at the level of the country as a whole, to comprehend the wisdom of extensive intersectoral cooperation, to get to know the leading developers and manufacturers of missiles and spaceships, characters, views, relationships of industry leaders ...

Here is a characteristic touch of the "hardware" career

Ra Kiselev. In April 1972, the minister, together with his deputy Khokhlov and the chief dispatcher of the ministry, Fedchenko, was preparing for a collegium to sum up the results of the first quarter. And then Afanasiev asked his subordinates, lined with papers: “Where is the young deputy. Chief of the Main Directorate for Production? (This

From the episode two years later, B.Ya. himself told Kiselev. Fedchenko.) Great was the astonishment of those assembled when they saw Kiselyov, who came to the minister empty-handed! No folder, no briefcase, no rolls of papers… They began to “torture” him (and he worked at IOM for one month). That's when the industry leaders and

ate not only in the phenomenal memory of Kiselyov, but also in the ability to present all the figures, dates, facts, “bottlenecks” and their assessments in a concise, concentrated form, and most importantly, in a certain system of goals.

Three years flew by like one day: on constant business trips, long-haul flights, sleepless

x nights. No, he did not complain about the hardships of such a life, because he believed that someone should do this work. Yes, and at home everything went fine: the son Valery was born. Inessa studied well. He never doubted the reliability of his “rear”.

Another important observation was made by Kiselev from his trips around the

factories and design bureaus: people are forging the missile shield of the Motherland and building orbital stations, but they live poorly. So he sometimes had to engage in heated skirmishes with regional authorities, who, behind successes in space, sometimes forgot about housing construction, clinics, boarding houses, stadiums, pioneer camps

I. But I must say that the largest IOM directors have always been involved in social infrastructure.

In his ministerial "armchair" Kiselev settled in firmly, there was already talk of his appointment as head of the central office or deputy minister. Unfortunately, by that time, the director of the ZIKh, Mikhail Ivanovich Ry

his health became quite bad, so that the ministry was already looking for a replacement for him. Minister Afanasiev did not like to make serious decisions on the go, he tried to get the opinion of one, another, third ... As a result, he suggested that Kiselev return to the plant, but already in the position of director.

In the ministry to me

I was lucky to go through an excellent school, after which nothing was scary anymore. In my heart I have always remained a production worker, not an official. After the proposal of the minister, and his decision was then not enough, I was summoned to the Central Committee of the party to the head of the defense department, I.D. Serbin. He looked at me,

asked two or three questions, got up from the table and said: “Appointed? Go, work and don’t look back!..” That’s all parting words…

In February 1975, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, on the proposal of the Minister of General Engineering S.A. Afanasyev and with the consent of the Central Committee of the CPSU appointed Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev director of Mashinos

construction plant named after M.V. Khrunichev.

By that time, the plant was producing combat intercontinental ballistic missiles, building space launch vehicles "Proton", manned orbital stations "Almaz", transport supply ships (TKS), worked out reusable return

the VA apparatus taken from orbit, were engaged in modifications of the DOS-17K Salyut ... The plant was practically a pilot plant in the rocket and space industry. Experimental work accounted for 80 percent of the total activity.

The factory staff was 24,000 people! It's hard to put yourself in your place

a century endowed with such ambitious tasks and responsibilities.

At the time of his appointment as director, Kiselev was not yet thirty-seven years old. In three years of ministerial work, he managed to travel to all enterprises of the industry new director Ziha got invaluable material for comparison and anal

isa. Therefore, the first thing he did was to develop new program reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the plant. The Council of Ministers of the USSR quickly approved its program, and over the next 10 years, a second plant was actually built at Fili.

"The blacksmith of his own happiness" Kiselev began with

the construction of a forge and a galvanizing shop, the reconstruction of a foundry - that is, from the shops where the most difficult and harmful working conditions have developed. The next step, as natural as it was painful, was the renewal of the aging "command staff" of the enterprise.

New design developments

boots, high demands on accuracy, new materials required changing the old established approaches. It was necessary to take a step to a new technological level, to introduce machine tools with program control, machining centers, computer equipment in workshops, to train technologists-programmers, to improve

culture of production, improve the organization and working conditions. And most importantly - to create a young team of competent like-minded people.

The director also had to learn. A separate section of the reconstruction and re-equipment plan was the social sphere, the construction of housing for kindergartens and recreation centers. Were built on

Nsionat with treatment in Jurmala. Almost completed boarding house in Gagra. Unfortunately, later they ended up abroad ... Only boarding houses in Evpatoria and in the Moscow region were saved - with medical bases, excellent medicine.

On the implementation of the plan for technical re-equipment and reconstruction of A.I. Kisel

ev reported to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, which was led by M.S. Gorbachev.

Speaking about capital construction, technical re-equipment, development of the plant, one cannot but say how much effort and energy Minister Afanasyev and one of his deputies V.N. invested in these matters. Soshin.

For each enterprise S.A

Afanasiev kept notes and, when he arrived, he began with the issues that had been discussed at the previous meeting. God forbid if the order was not fulfilled! But if he promised to solve something, there was no doubt about the final result.

Soon the construction of "building 160" was completed, and finally laid down

closed production of Proton launch vehicles. An assembly-assembly shop was placed in the building, and today the bodies of launch vehicles and all modules of space stations are assembled there. Following, as if along a chain, is the final assembly shop No. 22. They close the rocket and space production line Control test

AT station (CIS), where electrical checks were and are being carried out and flight modes are simulated. Then the “product” is dismantled, painted, loaded in blocks onto railway platforms and sent to Tyura-Tam, to Baikonur, and there they are reassembled and tested again.

In the sphere of their immediate

The new director of the plant included the modernization of the technical and launch complexes on the left flank of the cosmodrome.

ZIKH was gaining momentum. In 1975, the government adopted the RS-18 combat missile system with UR-100N missiles. The plant, meanwhile, was preparing for the production of a new rocket

s UR-1000NUTTH with improved characteristics.

By 1975, the Proton-K launch vehicle had already launched 46 times.

On December 22, 1975, Proton-K launched the Raduga satellite relay into geostationary orbit. unified system satellite communications. Ten months later, the satellite relay "Ekran" took off with

systems of direct television broadcasting.

At the end of 1978, another Horizon relay was launched. In total, eight launches took place that year. The result of the year was summed up by the government: the three-stage Proton-K launch vehicle, together with the technical and launch complexes, was put into serial operation.

The director of a plant like ours, he is both a director and a designer! If I am not able to speak with the chief designer in his language, then I am not a director, and we must understand each other perfectly. And if I return the drawings, I must explain why I did it.

The factory was walking

technological revolution. Products changed rapidly, every year they put into production something new and new.

This is crazy work!

By the way, about the technology and responsibility of the General Designer and General Director. As a rule, when creating the latest models of aviation rocket and space

oh technology, the name of the General Designer is always heard, and they undeservedly forget about manufacturing plants, chief technologists, technologists, developers of equipment that provides the specified performance characteristics and quality.

It is not for nothing that when releasing a car into flight or approving warranty periods, the form for the product is signed

There are two - the General Designer and the Director of the plant. Behind each of them are teams and personal responsibility.

Not only the quality of the product depends on the technologists, but also, importantly, the cost of the product. For example, they determine what material utilization rate a product has.

(what percentage goes to shavings). And the cost and quality of the product are the main parameters in the competitive struggle both under socialism and in a market economy.

On June 22, 1976, another Chelomeevskaya manned orbital station (OPS) "Almaz" was launched, which was called "Salyut-5" in the open press. She

worked 441 days and received two crews, the third failed to dock its Soyuz with the station. On December 19, 1981, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR closed all work on the Almaz complex. The story was picked up five years later. On April 12, 1986, the Military Industrial Commission resumed work

for Almazy, KB Salyut and ZIKh were to develop and produce spacecraft for radar survey and Earth observation.

With the cover of the “diamond” theme, work on the transport ship TKS, or 11F72, was forced in Fili. It took off on July 17, 1977 under the name Kosmos-929. Backlog of TCS

ov were used as transport ships for the second-generation orbital stations Salyut-6 and Salyut-7.

The Salyut-4 DOS was also flying when the decision to create the Salyut-6 was made. The drawings, according to "tradition", were produced by the Salyut design bureau, and ZIKh, as always, became the manufacturer.

The novelty of the problem was that

o the station was supposed to have a second docking port. This made it possible to refuel the station with fuel, change crews during constant piloting, dock Soyuz and Progress at the same time, and opened up the possibility of spacewalks for unforeseen repair operations. This volume

I eat development and manufacturing parent organization"Energy". In practice, it was necessary to make a station completely different from Salyut-4 with a new layout scheme, a new transition compartment and transition chamber, with a third solar battery, with a new interior of the station, with external steps and

handrails. In addition, the astronauts had to be taken care of (color television, a folding shower, improved sleeping accommodations, a space dining room, and much, much more).

On September 29, 1977, the Salyut-6 station was successfully launched. For five years at the orbital complex, he constantly found

from two to five astronauts. Five main expeditions and 11 so-called visiting expeditions flew to the station, nine of them were international.

Launched on April 25, 1981, the Cosmos-1267 TCS docked in June with the sixth Salyut. So for the first time it was possible to form a system of mass

th in 40 tons! The reentry vehicle VA separated from the TCS and landed with great accuracy. TKS turned out to be the basis of orbital complexes of the very near future.

The Salyut-7 station was launched into orbit on April 19, 1982. Filevsky designers took into account about half a thousand comments and suggestions on the previous

him "Salute". Four main crews and five visiting expeditions worked at the station.

Kiselev participated in all launches and, of course, was responsible for the Proton and the stations.

... History, sooner or later, puts everything in its place. Yes, the Khrunichevites had to part with their old idea - send

to put astronauts into orbit on "their carrier" and on "their" ship. Leaving, and not of their own free will, the delivery manned ships to the "royal" company, Fili found use for all the unique "reserve", design and technological, for the Almaz OPS and ships of the TKS type.

In the first half during

In the 1970s, Fili began to create a multi-purpose permanent orbital complex "Mir". The parent company for the Mir complex, as well as for the Salyuts, was appointed the royal firm NPO Energia.

NPO Energia initially laid the modular basis for its “building up” on

beat. It's like in a children's "constructor": they put on one "basic" cube, hook one, another, third, until some fantastic construction is obtained. So it happened with Mir.

The idea of ​​the complex, although it was great, but, to be honest, at first it seemed somehow unrealistic. Incidentally, even in

the leadership of the country had a lot of disagreements about the creation of the "Mir". Dmitry Alekseevich Polukhin, the head of the Salyut design bureau, and I understood that our enterprises were taking on the most difficult task. Take at least the base unit with six (!) docking nodes. We worked closely with the NGO "Ene

rgy." To be honest, they often argued to the point of hoarseness, and the ministry often removed shavings from everyone. However, only such a joint work of the three leading companies and gave its results.

When the base block of the Mir station was almost assembled, it turned out that it was heavier by a ton. Showdown has begun

- from the original data. I got a call from General Designer V.P. Glushko and said that he would come with a solution to the problem. He came and offered to replace all the fixing steel bolts at the Mir station with titanium ones. I still don't know who suggested this crazy idea to him.

I asked him to go to the workshop and

you can see. After inspection, he refused his offer. I had to remove part of the scientific equipment from the base module and deliver it into orbit in the Kvant-2 and Kristall modules.

Another case. Yu.P. Semenov proposed to change all the antenna mechanisms that were already made. I am very respectful

Yu Yu.P. Semenov as a person, a talented designer, selflessly devoted to the cause, who devoted his whole life to manned space exploration. How could I refuse his request? But how to meet the deadlines controlled by the minister and the Central Committee of the CPSU. Yu.P. Semenov, who developed

difficult relationship with V.P. Glushko. In the end, together, on the operational and technical leadership, a way out was nevertheless found. I had to overcome technical difficulties due to a number of non-standard solutions.

Twenty years of experience in operating long-term orbital stations of the Salyut family

He taught the teams of the Royal Design Bureau-1, the Filevsky Design Bureau and the Khrunichev Plant. Gradually, step by step, the onboard systems changed, and the body of the stations itself changed. Developers and manufacturers have revised and tightened almost all requirements for the creation of orbital manned stations, space

ships and launch vehicles of the Proton and Soyuz types. The “look” of the stations itself underwent significant changes.

On March 29, 1984, at the stage of assembling the base block of the Mir complex, the new Minister O.D. Baklanov created the operational and technical management of all work, headed by the director of ZIKh A.I. Key

mudflow. His deputies were General Designer of Design Bureau "Salyut" D.A. Polukhin, Chief Designer Yu.P. Semenov - NPO Energia, and the director of the Experimental Machine Building Plant from the same NPO Energia V.A. Borisenko.

The appointment of Kiselev, albeit for a short time, as the "commander" of the

ectants and developers was not accidental: the plant named after Khrunichev and, first of all, its director, were responsible for the timing of the production of the station. The task was complicated by the fact that the launch was to be carried out by the XXVII Party Congress. In addition, the final assembly of the flight copy of the base unit of the station was preceded by

production of ten of its earthly "brothers" - bench analogues of the station for all types of tests. So ZIKh again had to work in the long-familiar "mobilization mode".

On February 20, 1986, Proton-K successfully launched the Mir base unit into orbit. Thus was laid the foundation for

research in space of a multi-purpose manned complex of a modular type. On April 12, 1987, the first Kvant module became part of the complex, and in December 1989, the Kvant-2 module. June 10, 1990 - module "Crystal". This is what the Filevtsy “managed” to do under Soviet rule. Then followed the module "Spectrum

”, a docking compartment for American shuttles, and finally, the Nature module. In the final configuration of seven modules, the complex weighed 131 tons.

28 long-term expeditions and 16 visiting expeditions of cosmonauts and astronauts from 13 countries worked on Mir. During operation, the complex is constantly

it was equipped with additional truss structures, solar panels, scientific equipment, repair equipment ... Fifteen years of the history of Mir is a unique event that has entered the annals of world engineering. On March 23, 2001, the Mir complex, after 15 years of operation, ceased to exist.

existence. This dramatic operation was watched with bated breath by the entire planet.

The Mir complex brought Russia to a technical level inaccessible to other countries. A unique program was developed, more than 5,000 scientific experiments were carried out. The whole world applauded the Russian-American program

mmme "Mir - Shuttle". Well, how did the government react to this achievement? No way. Didn't notice. For 15 years of operation of the Mir station, the Khrunichev Space Center has not received a penny. In Soviet times, there were prizes, awards. It didn't take a million to mark the creation of the Mir station.

rdov. We had to support people. That is why, seeing such an attitude to the matter, young people do not go into the space industry. We ourselves cut the branch on which we sit.

There was a lot of talk about the flooding of the Mir station. The discussions continue to this day. Let's look at this question from a technical point of view. First

The station's initial warranty period was three years. The station has existed for 15 years. To maintain it, after the first three years, a program was developed every year that included studies of the hull, electrical connectors, cable network, solar panels, thermal control systems, etc.

Some samples were brought to the ground, they were additionally tested in laboratories, and with positive results, the warranty period was extended for a year, after which the next program was drawn up, and so on annually. Take, for example, the so-called "kolobok", consisting of 5 docking nodes. openwork

I am an aluminum alloy construction, designed originally for a certain amount of docking of 20-ton modules for 3 years. It was necessary to conduct tests on the ground and then issue a conclusion.

For the last 3-4 years of Mir's work, such work has not been carried out due to lack of funding.

b. At the same time, one could hear the statements of the astronauts that everything was fine on board. They could impress the townsfolk or individual deputies of the State Duma and be used for political games. We did not have the right to extend the warranty, no matter how hard we were pressed. I sign for guarantees

There are not deputies and officials, but we are several specific individuals who are responsible for their duties, without exaggeration, with their heads.

In the early 1990s, an event occurred that had enormous consequences for the aerospace industry. The Soviet Union ceased to exist. Followed

and these cataclysms did not pass, of course, Filey. Both at the Khrunichev plant and at the Salyut Design Bureau, which on December 28, 1991 received the status of an independent State Enterprise of the RSFSR, if they were given a salary, it did not correspond to either the class of work or the level of responsibility with its

implementation. Meanwhile, the Filevka RS-18 missile systems were on combat duty, and the Almaz-1 unmanned space station (the last station in the Chelomeevsky Almaz series) was operating in orbit. But the main thing is that the manned complex "Mir" worked in orbit and regularly received astronauts ...

All this vast "economy" needed constant monitoring, as well as the technical and launch complexes at Baikonur. And at that time, something unimaginable was happening at the cosmodrome!

The age-old Russian question “what to do?” became dominant in the native Fatherland in the early 90s. Kud

and go? For what purposes?

Conversion projects in the field of ecology (a water treatment plant operating at Baikonur), healthcare (a pressure chamber designed and manufactured at Fili, certified in Europe; the Supertherm apparatus for treating patients with hyperthermia), or emergency situations

(after Chernobyl, the Filyovites created six specialized robots) were made at the highest technical level and had no analogues in the world. And yet, it was not the product, the release of which would allow not only the reconstruction of the plant and the search for new technologies, but also simply, for example

to feed 25,000 people and their families. But in the early 1990s, Fili rocket and space production reached a level unattainable for many aerospace countries. Each orbital station, any of its modules became a kind of stepping stones to the design and technological

superiority. Take, for example, the so-called reentry vehicle (VA) - a three-seat manned spacecraft, moreover, reusable, or transport supply ships (TSS) - twenty-ton multifunctional orbital stations. Nothing like this could be done on the planet. Not to mention rocket-n

master of "Proton" ...

When all Filyov military products immediately fell under the knife in the framework of international treaties on the reduction of strategic offensive arms, a reasonable proposal was born: to use the reduced military rocket technology for solving scientific and technical problems, as well as in

commercial purposes, that is, turn the combat UR-100 into a space rocket with the sonorous name Rokot.

The state entrusted the task of such a conversion to the Khrunichev plant. The government took note that the financing of all works (state by definition), including construction

The plant (read: A.I. Kiselev) takes over the operation of the launch complex at the Plesetsk cosmodrome, attracting funds from Russian and foreign investors.

In these emergency conditions, director A.I. Kiselev set the task for his team very clearly and harshly: to enter the international market

space services, to win its place in commercial space in the shortest possible time, for the first time in the history of the country to make space programs cost-effective, self-sufficient.

A.I. Kiselev obtained from the government consent not only to the conversion of SS-19 combat missiles, but also to the conclusion of a contract

and with the American company Motorola for three commercial launches of satellites of the Iridium communication system. He received the opportunity to use the proceeds from these launches, as well as the right to create a joint venture with the American corporation Lockheed to conduct marketing operations.

He knows that this government decision was preceded by trips of the Filyovites to the USA, numerous preliminary negotiations, meetings of A.I. Kiseleva with the closest aides to the President of the United States, in which Andrey Afanasyevich Kokoshin helped a lot, at that time - Deputy Director of the Institute for the USA and Canada A

academy of sciences. In America, the Russian director was frankly told: until you take a serious American company as a partner and start “unfastening” it for marketing in which you don’t understand anything yet, your business will not work, it’s just that you with “bouquets” of your missiles in your hands no one and never

the market won't open...

So in January 1993, a joint venture LHE (Lockheed - Khrunichev - Energia) was formed and a contract was signed with Motorola in the amount of about $ 200 million for three launches of Protons to launch 21 communications satellites of the Iridium system into orbit.

For the plant named after Khr

Unicheva, as, indeed, for the entire rocket and space industry, it was the first international commercial contract.

To get into the world space market, one had to learn how to trade, fight competitors, solve many issues that were absolutely not characteristic of a top secret for a long time.

and many years of business. More than one week was spent by the director of the machine-building plant A.I. Kiselev together with the general designer D.A. Polukhin and his closest associates in heated discussions, until a “scheme” was born not just for “survival”, but for the preservation and development of their enterprises and,

perhaps the entire industry.

Realizing the futility of the government's promises to finance the conversion, we began looking for ways to enter the international rocket and space market. For this it was necessary to change organizational forms, teach people, learn yourself. It was necessary to create a structure that

would allow to solve the whole range of tasks, from design to flight control, understand marketing, know world prices and trade their products. It was necessary to unite with the Salyut Design Bureau into a single complex. I prepared a draft decree of the President of Russia and began to get through to it.

At the beginning of summer 199

For 3 years, Yeltsin invited several directors of large enterprises to a dacha in Ogarevo, where in a relaxed atmosphere he asked to speak, including on issues of entering the international market. There were no assistants, the president himself wrote down questions and proposals. He started with me. I reported my

considerations and at the end said that I had a draft decree on this issue with me. He asked that the project be handed over to his assistant, and a week later, after completing the legal formalities and receiving required visas the order was signed...

I would like to say a special word about the first meeting with B.N. Yeltsin. I

was on vacation in the Moscow region. I got a call from Minister O.D. Baklanov and said that today in the afternoon B.N. Yeltsin, at that time - the first secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee, will visit the Salyut design bureau, and asked me to be present. The meeting went well, although a lot of things were said about us.

rhytics. It was about 9 pm when we said goodbye at the gate. Boris Nikolaevich asked D.A. Polukhin, why the Clinical Hospital does not have its own clinic. And to this day I don’t know why Polukhin answered then that Kiselev was not giving the land. Boris Nikolaevich asked: “Is this the director of the Khrunichev plant?” “Yes,” I heard

answer. B.N. Yeltsin asked me: "Why?". In order not to frame Polukhin (I heard about this land for the first time), he answered: “Who distributes land in our time?” A short dialogue followed. "What are you going to do with this land?" I say: “We will build a hotel” (a business hotel was built on this site

b "Proton"). "For what?" I explain that up to 200 specialists from other cities come to us to test orbital stations, ships, but there is nowhere to live. “And if I give you land in another place, will it be dealt with?” - says Boris Nikolaevich and holds out his hand. I had no choice but to extend my

Yu. Then he says: “Maybe we can go to your place?” The time was 10 pm. Over the years, my factory assistants and I were accustomed to all sorts of twists and turns, received almost all members of the Politburo, including General Secretary M.S. Gorbachev.

Our meeting ended at 2 am. Especially B.N. Yeltsi

I was not interested in the plant's social program. He, in particular, asked the question: "What is required for this program to be solved in this five-year period?" I answered - 30 thousand square meters. meters of living space for the initial resettlement of people in order to demolish 5-storey buildings and build modern neighborhoods in their place. wop

grew was resolved positively. And had a sequel a few years later.

When B.N. Yeltsin was already the President of Russia, once I asked him and Y. Skokov (at that time - Secretary of the Security Council) to come "without retinue", together. The issue was serious. After his consideration, when they said goodbye, Bor

Is Nikolaevich recalled: “When I was secretary of the City Party Committee, we agreed to demolish five-story buildings and build modern houses in their place. I say: "Done" - "It can't be!" - "Let's go, I'll show you." The two got into the car and drove off. Boris Nikolaevich was convinced of the correctness of my words and said: “With such

you can deal with people!”

Once I happened to help Yeltsin in one of his difficult moments. There were elections to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. The Central Committee of the CPSU actually forbade providing Boris Nikolayevich with premises for meetings with voters. Despite this, I propose to use the Yard for this purpose.

Center of Culture named after Gorbunov. The day after the meeting, my "turntable" was "red" from calls. They promised to expel me from the party and put me in jail, but in the end everything ended well.

On June 7, 1993, President Yeltsin ordered the formation of the State Space Scientific and Production

water center named after M.V. Khrunichev on the basis of the plant and KB "Salyut" and appointed him General Director Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev. So A.I. Kiselev became the only General Director in Russia appointed by the first person of the state. On January 9, 1994, the Governor, signed by the chairman, came out

the government of Russia Chernomyrdin the provision on the new Khrunichev Space Center. Thus, the government has brought to its logical conclusion the formation of a rocket and space company in Russia in the modern sense of the term. For the Filyovites, the “status quo” was actually legalized.

In the composition but

The first Center included the Rocket and Space Plant (as the ZIKh began to be called), the Salyut Design Bureau, a newly formed plant that brought together all units that provide installation, assembly, testing of all products at the cosmodromes, and, if necessary, refinement, refueling and joint with military testers sending p

various objects into space, and a number of other enterprises.

Of the variety of tasks that had to be done, Kiselev identified several main ones. Of course, even with a sharp decline in government orders for the manufacture of rockets and space modules, it was necessary to maintain the rocket and space profile of the enterprise.

tiya, in other words, "save face." Second: prevent production from stopping. Third: to load the design bureaus and factories with work and “keep”, by all means, the salary, moreover, higher than in the industry as a whole. And finally, the most important thing is to ensure the active entry of products to the international market, where Ros

no one was especially expecting this, and many were afraid, or rather they were afraid. Already in 1993-94, the Khrunichevites managed to conclude several major contracts with the Inmarsat organization, the European Community for Satellite Systems, Panamsat, Loral, Hughes ...

"Bottleneck" for the implementation of Kiselev's plans

and his colleagues became a cosmodrome.

The infrastructure of the Baikonur cosmodrome, after its transfer to Kazakhstan, was almost completely destroyed. There was no heat, no water. Of the four launches of the Protons, only one worked, the second was in overhaul for 12 years, in the assembly and test building the temperature

Imoi was about five degrees Celsius. Rockets and satellites were prepared in quilted jackets, not white coats. And all this needs to be shown to foreign customers. It is clear that after such a show it was possible to put an end to commercial launches and lose a real opportunity to earn foreign exchange, and therefore raise

on the feet of hundreds of design bureaus and plants of the industry - our colleagues in cooperation.

The first visit of the Americans to Baikonur shocked them. In the cottage where they stayed, and it was an "elite" cottage, there was no hot water at all, and the cold flowed so much that it was not something to drink - it was impossible to wash. absent

simple telephone communication, not to mention cellular. When they began to work out the issues of preparing American satellites for launch, it turned out that they require rooms with a cleanliness higher than in the operating room, the frequency electrical energy should not be 50 hertz, but 60, and hundreds more transportation issues

Gas stations, interaction of specialists during the launch… It was necessary to build hotels, provide food according to the European model, in particular, organize a buffet, which was almost exotic for Baikonur.

As soon as money began to flow under the contracts, work was immediately launched

s for all objects. Two years later, Baikonur, or rather, its left wing, was unrecognizable.

The Khrunichev Space Center developed and built a plant for the purification of drinking water, which began to meet European and American standards, reconstructed hotels, turning them into four stars

daughter hotels, created at Baikonur cellular communication, introduced European television, reanimated the Yubileiny airfield, where Buran used to land, reconstructed buildings, ensuring the necessary cleanliness and all energy requirements, completed the overhaul of the second launch for Proton

a", carried out the reconstruction of the assembly and test building 92-50, which today is in no way inferior to world standards. It prepares for the launch of rockets, satellites, upper stages. In a word, Kiselev first of all invested the credit funds received against future profits in the cosmodrome!

The commercial

operation of Proton-K launch vehicles. On April 9, 1996, Proton launched a three-ton Astra-1F satellite into geostationary orbit, manufactured by the American company Hughes by order of the European Community for Satellite Systems (SES).

This launch of Astra solved the issue of Russia's entry into the global space market.

ical services. On September 6, the communication satellite Inmarsat-3, manufactured by Lockheed Martin, went to the geostationary station, the next year - Telstar-5, Iridiums, Panamsat-5 ...

Meanwhile, at Fili, the plant was preparing the next modules of the Mir complex for launch, and at the Salyut design bureau they were already thinking about the principle

fundamentally new upper stages and on the second modernization of the already once modernized Proton. Moreover, they designed a launch vehicle of the 21st century, called the Angara.

In August 1994, the Khrunichev Center became the winner in the competition for the creation of the space rocket complex "Angar".

A". The experience of designing and manufacturing heavy launch vehicles, the technical equipment of the center, and the financial position of the enterprise, which was tolerable in those foggy times, had an effect. The victory in the competition secured the status of the leader of the Russian rocket and space industry for the Filyovites. And not only: is she

once again, in fact, confirmed how talented the manager was the head of the center, Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev.

According to its characteristics, the Angara modular-type carrier should surpass all existing missiles of this class. It is designed to bring spacecraft to low, medium, high circles.

New and elliptical orbits, including geostationary orbits, as well as "outbound" trajectories to the planets of the solar system. The highlight of the project is that a "family" of carriers is being created on the basis of a single Universal Missile Module (URM) of the first stage. One module is a carrier

what class, three modules - medium-class missiles, five modules - a heavy carrier ...

The creation of heavy-class missiles oriented to the 21st century took place in the conditions of fierce competition between Russia and the United States and European countries. 16 European countries allocated more than 8 billion dollars for the creation of Ariane-5. govern

The US government provided 1 billion each to Boeing and Lockheed for the creation of the Delta-4 and Atlas-5 rockets. We, despite the Presidential Decree “to consider the Angara complex a task of national importance,” received only a few million rubles from the RCA and the Moscow Region. So enter into competition with such means

Nevertheless, we decided to act with an open visor. As a result, the Khrunichev Space Center managed to solve the main problem - to make the rocket modular. Neither Boeing nor Lockheed could do it.

I want to say a big thank you to the chief designer of "Start" V

P. Biryukov - he transferred part of the work on the rocket directly to the launch complex. I especially want to thank General Designer B.I. Katorgin for the creation of the latest RD-191 engine. Thanks to the commonwealth with them and our other colleagues in cooperation, it is possible to solve problems of any complexity.

It took two years to develop the Angara rocket. Now it is actually being made in the workshops of the Khrunichev Space Center. Unfortunately, as always, one has to deal with shortcomings in funding. Thus, the Ministry of Defense only in 2003 began construction of the launch complex

On January 6, 1995, the President of Russia signed a corresponding decree, and on August 26, a decree of the government of the Russian Federation “On measures to ensure the creation of the Angara space rocket complex” was issued. The task was set as follows: to begin flight design tests in 2005 at the 1st State

the official test cosmodrome of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Plesetsk cosmodrome).

On August 15, 1995, in Moscow, Anatoly Kiselev, General Director of the Khrunichev Center, and Doug Stone, Vice President of the American Boeing Corporation, signed a contract worth $190 million.

arov for the development and manufacture of the functional cargo block (FGB) "Zarya" - the first element of the International Space Station (ISS).

In such large projects as the International Space Station, it is very difficult for the one who goes first. Everyone looks at him with special predilection. IN

in this case, “all” are the ISS member countries. It is symbolic and historically true that the first 20-ton module was the Russian Zarya module, developed, manufactured by the Khrunichev Space Center and sent into orbit from Baikonur by the Proton rocket - also the brainchild of our Center.


Khrunichev Center, which has 30 years of experience in creating orbital stations and space modules - from the first Salyut station, the Almaz station, the Mir complex and its modules Kvant, Kvant-2, Kristall, "Spectrum", "Nature" - once again showed the whole world the possibilities of the Russian space industry

And. The Khrunichev Center fulfilled the contract on the ISS not only in terms of time, but also in all points of the requirements of our main partners - the American side.

The participation of Russia as an equal partner of the United States, European countries, Japan and Canada in the ISS project has become public recognition many years of experience created

research and operation of manned spacecraft and orbital complexes. Abroad, they were aware that without Russia, and specifically without the Khrunichev Space Center, it would take them decades and many billions of dollars to deploy the ISS. The “luggage” accumulated in Fili is not available

all the countries participating in the project, taken together. In a word, among all Russian firms, the chances of occupying a more or less significant niche in the global market for commercial launches were, perhaps, only among the Filyovites. commercial activity"Khrunichev" allowed to restore many destroyed inside Russia

and in the near "abroad" cooperation ties and provide employment for approximately 120 thousand workers in the rocket and space industry. Filevskaya documentation served as the basis for the creation of the ISS.

On February 4, 1998, the flight product of the FGB Zarya was delivered to site 254 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. November 11 Gener

Yury Koptev, General Director of Rosaviakosmos, and Anatoly Kiselev, General Director of the Khrunichev Center, approved the Zarya launch readiness certificate and sent it to NASA the same day.

November 20, 1998 arrived. The cosmodrome has not seen such an unprecedented confluence of "seeing off" people for a long time. Alone

x only journalists from all over the world came a few hundred. At 09:40 Moscow time, the rocket left the launch pad. After 9 minutes 48 seconds, Zarya, the key module of the ISS, was already in the reference orbit.

When Zarya was launched at the observation post of site 97 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome

An unprecedented number of people gathered. Almost all directors of space agencies from Europe, the USA, Canada, Japan, India, China and other countries were present at the launch. The launch was filmed by almost all the major television companies in the world. It was the premiere of the Khrunichev Space Center - prepared

The Proton rocket was about to launch, and with it the first Zarya module of the International Space Station, from which the construction of the entire station in orbit was to begin.

The tension of all participants in the event is difficult to convey in words. About my own condition and excitement, it’s not worth talking about at all.

followed by an announcement over the speakerphone "There is a separation of the spacecraft", then - "There is the opening of the antennas of the spacecraft." The report is over. General shouting, jubilation. We descend from the observation post. Valery Ryumin, USSR pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Elena Kondakova

Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, wife of Ryumin, take out the stocked bottle, shout: “Anatoly, come to us!”

Suddenly, at this time, a mobile phone rings. My deputy calls and says: "Not everything is going smoothly, there are questions." I immediately get into the car and drive to the steppe. The stress is crazy.

A line of cars passes by, everyone rushing to the press conference. I'm dialing a number in Golitsyno. Viktor Petrovich Romishevsky picks up the phone. He is always on duty at the most important launches. We recognize each other by voice. It confirms the launch into orbit with high precision, opening antennas and says h

then when the station passes the last measuring point on the territory of Russia, “the earth does not see the board” (expert jargon), and that you need to wait for the next turn. And this is in 90 minutes!

Urgently going to the club, look for Yu.N. Koptev to delay the press conference. I enter the hall, and Yuri Nikolaevich and about

steel leaders are already sitting on the presidium. I sit down on the edge, the press conference begins. I am waiting for my speech, I think that now I will have to say that there are questions, that not everything is going so smoothly. Fortunately, literally before my speech, my deputy Alexander Viktorovich Lebedev enters the hall and so far

calls me two thumbs - both up. Everything is in order with the Zorya, a failure on the ground ... This is how heart attacks happen.

The result of that enchanting action is obvious: the Russian cosmonautics, no matter what financial and political difficulties have been plaguing it in recent years, once again proved that it is capable of carrying out

carry out the most complex technical projects.

On December 4, 1998, an American "shuttle" was launched with the American transitional block "Unity" ("Unity"), which on December 7 was docked with the Russian "Dawn". And after less than 20 months, Zarya, as an active vehicle, docked with a service vehicle.

odulem "Zvezda", also from Fili.

This is how the first international space station of the 21st century was launched.

Meanwhile, A.I. Kiselev and his colleagues had to fully experience the fierce competition. For example, on October 30, 1997, news came from French Guiana from the Kourou spaceport

on the successful launch of the European heavy-class missile "Ariane-5". Europe has spent more than eight billion dollars on the rocket. Jacques-Marie Luton, chairman of the European consortium Arianespace, promised at the same time that by the year 2000 the payload for launching into geostationary orbits would reach seven

tons, and by 2003 - eight tons ...

One got the impression that the Proton could only have one advantage: its record-breaking reliability. Moreover, there has already been a certain decrease in demand for launches on the market: more and more new carriers entered the arena, and the customer had the opportunity

ability to choose.

First of all, Ariane-5 could compete with the overhauled Proton with new upper stages. Only here are the billions of dollars for which the European rocket was created, Kiselev had nowhere to take. Needed another " brainstorm» his commands. As a result

ate from the "Proton-K" was only ... configuration, with the exception of the head fairing. The entire filling of Proton-M turned out to be new. The most important stage of the second modernization of the "Proton" is the creation of "its own" upper stage "Breeze-M".

The last decade of the twentieth century at the Khrunichev Space Center

alos with a big plus sign. The science-intensive high-tech enterprise has proved its right to be a leader - and, without exaggeration, world progress. This undoubted fact is primarily associated with the name of Kiselyov.

Socialist Labor (1990), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1978), holder of two orders of Lenin (1983 and 1990), orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1975), "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (1996), laureate of the Russian government award in the field of science and technology (1996), doctor of technical sciences

auc. Kingston University in the UK elected him an honorary doctorate in engineering. NASA USA honored with its highest honor.

And everything went well for the children, for example, daughter Inessa is now the director of one of the major international programs of the Khrunichev Center.

Man lives not only

rockets and orbital stations. My favorite hobby is mushroom hunting. I like to get up very early, before dawn, to arrive at the place first. When you walk alone, you can slowly admire the mushrooms, look around, decide where exactly to go - success depends on this.

Most love

my place is Seliger, the pearl of Russia. I have been going there for about 30 years, I find my bearings very easily, I know reserved places from where you will definitely come with a full basket. Usually on such trips I am accompanied by my friends - Isaak Matveyevich Lipkin ( former director experimental plant named after Myasishchev), head

ny hunter Oleg Shapaev or huntsman Yuri Kondratiev.

I love fishing, especially winter. For the sake of one perch or bream, I am ready to spend half a day on the ice with my friend, an avid fisherman Nikolai Myasnikov. After fishing, it’s good to sit in a Russian bathhouse and then drink a glass or two. In Moscow we go to the bathhouse

about Sundays, in the evening - Lipkin, Myasnikov and I. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Nikolai prepares a bath with fir oil, brews wonderful tea.

Hunting has a special place in my life. Of course, now I no longer run through the swamps, and in winter for hares - not that age. But how good it is to sit on

yshke in autumn before sunset, listen to the birds, in winter admire the fabulous forest. In the spring I still go to wood grouse, but more - just admire the forest waking up after winter. I stopped shooting elk, deer, bear - it's a pity ...

I am especially grateful to the director of the Seliger hunting estate N.P. P

Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician Russian Academy Cosmonautics named after E.K. Tsiolkovsky, Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics

In the brilliant table of ranks of designers and organizers of the rocket and space industry, along with S.P. Korolev, S.A. Afanasiev, V.N. Chelomey, M.K. Yangel figure of Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev looks very, very weighty. Here and mass production the legendary Proton-M + Breeze-M, the production and launch of the Salyut family of stations, the Almaz manned orbital complex, the Mir orbital complex, the Zarya international space station, the Rokot missile system, the beginning of the development of the missile system "Angara", etc. Finally, the creation of our own State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev.

Born April 29, 1938 in Moscow. Father - Kiselyov Ivan Semyonovich (1909-1995). Mother - Kiseleva (Zosimova) Evdokia Ivanovna (1915–1992). Wife - Kiseleva (Sorokina) Tatyana Ivanovna (born in 1938), engineer. Daughter - Glazkova (Kiselyova) Inessa Anatolyevna (born in 1963), Deputy General Director of the M.V. Khrunichev. Son - Kiselev Valery Anatolyevich (born in 1973), aerospace engineer. Grandchildren: Daria, Maria, Vasilisa, Alexander.

Anatoly Kiselyov was born and raised in Fili, in a former workers' settlement. With their father and mother, working people, laborers, as well as with their sister and brother, they lived in the same room of a two-story wooden barracks on Kastanaevskaya Street. The post-war insatiable childhood introduced Anatoly to sports, he played football, bandy, basketball, volleyball. After graduating from high school, Anatoly Kiselev entered the vocational school at the Khrunichev plant.

At the end of 1956, a vocational school graduate, electrician Anatoly Kiselev, was assigned to the Filyov aircraft plant in the holy of holies - the final aircraft assembly shop. Here, on the territory of plant No. 23, in accordance with a government decree signed by Stalin, OKB-23 was organized under the leadership of the outstanding aircraft designer Vladimir Mikhailovich Myasishchev.

The team of designers was assigned the most difficult task - to develop strategic jet bombers capable of delivering atomic bombs overseas, and to launch the serial production of new Myasishchev aircraft for the plant.

Soon an event occurred that was tragic for aviation and fateful for the rocket and space industry. Myasishchevskoye OKB-23 was transferred to the control of General Designer V.N. Chelomey from Reutov near Moscow. On the basis of the aviation OKB-23, branch No. 1 of the Chelomeev OKB-52 was formed, where missiles and combat missile systems were created, more precisely, the first strategic silo-based intercontinental missiles UR-200 and UR-100. Anatoly Kiselyov, who by that time had graduated from the evening department of MATI, was already working as a test engineer at the Control and Testing Station (KIS), was engaged in testing the tank emptying system, then he was appointed head of the laboratory for testing missile control systems. It was then that Kiselev first appeared at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In 1965, he took part in the first launch of the Proton launch vehicle. At the same time, a combat missile system was being developed in Fili with the UR-100 missile - the legendary "hundred", the ancestor of a whole generation of combat missiles.

The deployment of silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles has begun. A.I. Kiselyov was appointed technical manager from the manufacturer when putting the 8K84 missiles of the first silo-based regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces on combat duty. It was near Chita. I had to work 18 hours a day, and sometimes two or three days without sleep. Nevertheless, the task was completed: the regiment took up combat duty on November 21, 1966.

In February 1968, Kiselyov, who was in his 30th year, was appointed deputy director of the plant for operation.

In November 1970, by order of director A.I. Kiselev was appointed head of work from the plant named after M.V. Khrunichev for testing and preparation for launch at the Baikonur Cosmodrome of the world's first orbital station Salyut.

In 1971, Kiselyov participated in the flight tests of the UR-100M complex and the re-equipment of combat missile systems on duty. The work on the creation of the UR-100K complex turned out to be fantastic in terms of voltage.

In less than a year and a half, from August 1969 to March 1971, 30 launches of UR-100K missiles were carried out, which became one of the most advanced models of military weapons.

On February 10, 1972, Kiselyov received a high promotion - he was appointed deputy head of the First Main Directorate of the Minobshchemash for Production. The Glavk included the design bureaus of the great V.N. Chelomeya, V.F. Utkina, V.P. Makeeva, M.F. Reshetnev, the country's largest rocket and space plants: Khrunichev's native plant, Yuzhmash in Dnepropetrovsk, Omsk Aviation Plant, Zlatoust, Krasnoyarsk, Orenburg machine-building plants - the color of the industry.

In his ministerial "chair" Anatoly Kiselyov got used to it firmly, there was already talk of his appointment as head of the head office or deputy minister. Unfortunately, by that time, the director of the Khrunichev plant, Mikhail Ivanovich Ryzhykh, had become very ill in health, so the ministry was already looking for a replacement for him. As a result, the legendary Minister of General Mechanical Engineering S.A. Afanasiev suggested A.I. Kiselyov to return to the plant, but already in the position of director.

In February 1975, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, with the consent of the Central Committee of the CPSU, appointed Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselyov as director of the M.V. Khrunichev.

By that time, the plant produced combat intercontinental ballistic missiles, produced Proton space launch vehicles, Almaz manned orbital stations, transport supply ships (TKS), worked out a reusable VA vehicle returned from orbit, and were engaged in modifications of the DOS-17K Salyut "...

The plant was practically a pilot plant for the rocket and space industry. Experimental work accounted for up to 80% of the total volume of the plant's activities.

The staff of the plant was 24 thousand people! At the time of his appointment as director, Kiselyov was not yet 37 years old. First of all, he set about developing a new program for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the plant. The Council of Ministers of the USSR quickly approved his program, and over the next 10 years, in fact, the second plant was built in Fili. On the implementation of the plan for technical re-equipment and reconstruction of A.I. Kiselev reported to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, which was led by M.S. Gorbachev.

Plant named after M.V. Khrunichev was gaining momentum. In 1975, the Soviet government adopted the SS-19 combat missile system with UR-100N missiles. The plant, meanwhile, was preparing for the production of a new UR-1000NUTTH missile with improved performance. Launches of the Proton-K heavy rocket continued. By 1975, Proton-K had already launched 46 times.

On June 22, 1976, another Chelomeevskaya manned orbital station (OPS) "Almaz" was launched, which was called "Salyut-5" in the open press. She worked for 441 days and accepted two crews, the third failed to dock her Soyuz with the station.

On December 19, 1981, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR closed all work on the Almaz complex. The story was continued 5 years later.

On April 12, 1986, the Military-Industrial Commission resumed work on Almazy - Design Bureau Salyut and the plant named after M.V. Khrunichev was to develop and release spacecraft for radar survey and Earth observation. With the cover of the "diamond" theme in Fili, work was accelerated on the transport ship TKS, or 11F72. It took off on July 17, 1977 under the name Kosmos-929. The backlog of TCSs was used as transport ships for the second-generation orbital stations Salyut-6 and Salyut-7. The Salyut-4 DOS was also flying when the decision to create the Salyut-6 was made. According to the "tradition", the drawings were produced by the Salyut design bureau, and, as always, the plant named after M.V. Khrunichev.

Launched on April 25, 1981, the Kosmos-1267 transport supply ship docked with the sixth Salyut in June. So for the first time it was possible to form a system weighing 40 tons in orbit! The reentry vehicle (VA) separated from the TCS and landed with great accuracy. TKS turned out to be the basis of orbital complexes of the very near future.

The Salyut-7 station was launched into orbit on April 19, 1982. Filyov's designers took into account about 500 comments and suggestions on the previous Salyut. Four main crews and five visiting expeditions worked at the station. Kiselev participated in all launches and, of course, was responsible for the Proton and stations.

In the first half of the 1980s, in Fili, they began to create a multi-purpose permanent orbital complex "Mir". The parent company for the Mir complex, as well as for the Salyuts, was appointed the royal firm NPO Energia. NPO Energia initially laid the modular basis for its “building up” in orbit.

On March 29, 1984, at the stage of assembling the base block of the Mir complex, the new Minister O.D. Baklanov created the operational and technical management of all work, headed by the director of the plant named after M.V. Khrunicheva A.I. Kiselyov. His deputies were General Designer of Design Bureau "Salyut" D.A. Polukhin, chief designer direction Yu.P. Semenov - NPO Energia, and the director of the Experimental Machine Building Plant from the same NPO Energia V.A. Borisenko.

On February 20, 1986, Proton-K successfully launched the Mir base unit into orbit. Thus, the foundation was laid for the creation in space of a multi-purpose manned complex of a modular type.

On April 12, 1987, the first Kvant module was included in the complex, in December 1989 - the Kvant-2 module. June 10, 1990 - Kristall module. The Filyovites managed to do this under Soviet rule. Then followed the Spektr module, the docking bay for American shuttles, and finally the Priroda module. In the final configuration of seven modules, the complex weighed 131 tons.

28 long-term expeditions and 16 visiting expeditions of cosmonauts and astronauts from 13 countries worked on Mir.

15 years of Mir's history is a unique event that entered the annals of world engineering. On March 23, 2001, the Mir complex ceased to exist after 15 years of operation. This dramatic operation was watched with bated breath by the entire planet.

In the early 1990s, an event occurred that had enormous consequences for the aerospace industry. The Soviet Union collapsed. The cataclysms that followed did not, of course, bypass Philaeus. Both at the Khrunichev plant and at the Salyut Design Bureau, which on December 28, 1991 received the status of an independent State Enterprise of the RSFSR, if they were given a salary, it did not correspond to either the class of work or the level of responsibility during execution.

Meanwhile, the Filyov SS-19 missile systems were on alert, and the Almaz-1 unmanned space station (the last station in the Chelomeev Almaz series) was operating in orbit. But the main thing is that the manned complex "Mir" worked in orbit and regularly received cosmonauts ... All this vast "economy" needed constant monitoring, as well as

and behind the technical and launch complexes at Baikonur.

In these emergency conditions, director A.I. Kiselev set the task for his team very clearly and firmly: to enter the international market of space services, to win its place in commercial space in the shortest possible time, to make space programs cost-effective, self-sufficient for the first time in the history of the country.

A.I. Kiselev obtained from the government consent not only to the conversion of SS-19 combat missiles, but also to the conclusion of a contract with the American company Motorola for three commercial launches of Iridium communication satellites. He received the opportunity to use the proceeds from these launches, as well as the right to create a joint venture with the American corporation Lockheed to conduct marketing operations.

In January 1993, a joint venture LHE (Lockheed - Khrunichev - Energia) was formed, and a contract was signed with Motorola for about $ 200 million for three Proton launches to put 21 Iridium communications satellites into orbit. For the Khrunichev plant, as well as for the entire rocket and space industry, this was the first international commercial contract.

Realizing the futility of the government's promises to finance the conversion, A.I. Kiselev and his colleagues began to look for ways to enter the international rocket and space market. To do this, it was necessary to change organizational forms, to teach people, to learn by ourselves. It was necessary to create such a structure that would allow solving the whole range of tasks from design to flight control, understand marketing, know world prices and trade their products. It was necessary to unite with the Salyut Design Bureau into a single complex.

A.I. Kiselev prepared a draft decree of the President of Russia and began to make his way to it.

At the beginning of the summer of 1993, B.N. Yeltsin invited the directors of several large enterprises to a dacha in Ogaryovo, where in a relaxed atmosphere he asked to speak, including on issues of entering the international market. There were no assistants, the president himself wrote down questions and proposals. He started with A.I. Kiseleva. Anatoly Ivanovich reported his thoughts and at the end said that he had a draft decree on this issue with him.

June 7, 1993 President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin ordered the formation of the State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev on the basis of the plant and KB "Salyut" and appointed Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselyov as General Director. So A.I. Kiselev became the only general director in Russia appointed by the first person of the state. January 9, 1994, signed by the Chairman of the Government of Russia V.S. Chernomyrdin the provision on the new Khrunichev Space Center. Thus, the government brought to its logical conclusion the process of formation in Russia of a state-owned rocket and space company in the modern sense of the term. For the Filyovites, the "status quo" was actually legalized.

Of the variety of tasks that had to be done, Anatoly Ivanovich identified several main ones. Of course, even with a sharp decline in state orders for the manufacture of rockets and space modules, it was necessary to maintain the rocket and space profile of the enterprise, in other words, "save face." Second: prevent production from stopping. Third: to load design bureaus and factories with work and “keep” wages at all costs, and higher than in the industry as a whole. And finally, the most important thing is to ensure the active entry of products to the international market, where no one expected Russia in particular, and many feared, or rather, were afraid.

Already in 1993-1994, the Khrunichevites managed to conclude several major contracts with the Inmarsat organization, the European Community for Satellite Systems, Panamsat, Loral, Hughes ...

A "bottleneck" for the implementation of the plans of A.I. Kiselyov and his colleagues became a cosmodrome. The infrastructure of Baikonur after its transfer to Kazakhstan was almost completely destroyed. The Khrunichev Space Center developed and built a plant for the purification of drinking water, which began to meet European and American standards, reconstructed hotels, turning them into 4-star hotels, created cellular communications in Baikonur, introduced European television, reanimated the Yubileiny airfield, to which "Buran" once landed, reconstructed the buildings, providing the necessary cleanliness and all energy requirements, completed the overhaul of the second launch for the "Proton", reconstructed the assembly and test building 92-50, which is in no way inferior to world standards. In it, in the 21st century, rockets, satellites, upper stages are being prepared for launch. In a word, A.I. Kiselyov first of all invested the credit funds received against future profits in the cosmodrome.

The commercial operation of Proton-K launch vehicles has begun. On April 9, 1996, Proton launched a three-ton Astra-1F satellite into geostationary orbit, manufactured by the American company Hughes by order of the European Community for Satellite Systems (SES). This launch of "Astra" solved the issue of Russia's entry into the world market of space services. And on September 6, the communication satellite Inmarsat-3, manufactured by Lockheed Martin, went to the geostationary station, the next year - Telstar-5, Iridiums, Panamsat-5 ...

In August 1994, the Khrunichev Center became the winner in the competition for the creation of the Angara space rocket complex. The victory in the competition secured the status of the leader of the Russian rocket and space industry for the Filyovites.

The creation of heavy-class missiles oriented to the 21st century took place in the conditions of fierce competition between Russia and the United States and European countries. Sixteen European countries allocated more than $8 billion for the creation of Ariane-5. The US government provided $1 billion each to Boeing and Lockheed to build the Delta-4 and Atlas-5 missiles. Kiselev and Co., despite the decree of the President of the country "to consider the Angara complex a task of national importance", received only a few million rubles from the RCA and the Moscow Region. So join the competition with such means!

Nevertheless, A.I. Kiselyov decided to act with an open visor. As a result, the Khrunichev Space Center managed to solve the main problem - to make the rocket modular. Neither Boeing nor Lockheed could do it.

August 15, 1995 in Moscow CEO Khrunichev Center Anatoly Kiselev and Vice President of the American Boeing Corporation Doug Stone signed a $190 million contract for the development and manufacture of the functional cargo block (FGB) Zarya, the first element of the International Space Station (ISS).

Russia's participation as an equal partner of the United States, European countries, Japan and Canada in the ISS project has become a public recognition of many years of experience in the creation and operation of manned spacecraft and orbital complexes. Abroad, they were aware that without Russia, and specifically without the Khrunichev Space Center, it would take them decades and many billions of dollars to deploy the ISS. The “baggage” accumulated in Fili was not available to all the countries participating in the project, taken together.

The commercial activities of the Khrunichev Center made it possible to restore many cooperative ties that had been destroyed within Russia and in the near abroad and provide employment for approximately 120,000 workers in the rocket and space industry. Filevskaya documentation served as the basis for the creation of the ISS.

On February 4, 1998, the flight product of the FGB Zarya was delivered to site 254 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. On November 11 of the same year, Director General of Rosaviakosmos Yuri Koptev and Director General of the Khrunichev Center Anatoly Kiselev approved the Zarya launch readiness certificate and sent it to NASA the same day.

November 20, 1998 arrived. At 09:40 Moscow time, the rocket left the launch pad. After 9 minutes 48 seconds, Zarya, the key module of the ISS, was already in the reference orbit. The result of that enchanting action is obvious: the Russian cosmonautics, no matter what financial and political difficulties have been plaguing it in recent years, once again proved that it is capable of implementing the most complex technical projects.

On December 4, 1998, an American "shuttle" was launched with the American transitional block "Unity" ("Unity"), which on December 7 was docked with the Russian "Dawn".

And after less than 20 months, Zarya, as an active vehicle, docked with the Zvezda service module, also from Filey. This is how the first international space station of the 21st century was launched. Meanwhile, there has already been a certain decrease in demand for launches on the market: more and more new carriers entered the arena, and the customer had the opportunity to choose.

First of all, Ariane-5 could compete with the overhauled Proton with new upper stages. Only here are the billions of dollars for which the European rocket was created, Kiselev had nowhere to take. It took another "brainstorming" of his team. As a result, only the configuration remained from Proton-K, with the exception of the head fairing. The entire filling of Proton-M turned out to be new. The most important stage of the second modernization of Proton is the creation of its own upper stage Breeze-M. It was created in the shortest possible time, which allowed Proton-M to compete with Europe and the USA.

The last decade of the twentieth century at the Khrunichev Space Center turned out to be with a big plus sign. A science-intensive, high-tech enterprise has proved its right to be a leader - and without exaggeration - of world progress. This undeniable fact is primarily associated with the name of Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselyov.

April 29, 1998 Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselyov celebrated his 60th birthday. By his jubilee, he is a Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree, two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Kingston University in the UK elected him an honorary doctorate in engineering. NASA USA honored with its highest honor.

On May 18 and October 22, 2000 A.I. Kiselyov sent to President V.V. Putin's statement with a request to release him from his post for health reasons, briefly informed about what had been done, about promising programs - new rockets and spacecraft, about the reconstruction of cosmodromes. He recalled that the employees of the enterprise are provided with jobs and salaries, that the Khrunichev State Scientific and Practical Center is still building residential buildings and provides its employees with apartments free of charge, that they reconstructed the clinic, having purchased everything they needed abroad, that they built two boarding houses and a sports complex in 2000 ...

The Kremlin was silent for eight months. In January 2001 A.I. Kiselev achieved a personal meeting with President V.V. Putin, and this meeting dotted the “i”: on February 7, by presidential decree, Alexander Alekseevich Medvedev was appointed general director of the Khrunichev Center, who, back in 1995, A.I. Kiselev appointed his first deputy.

In 2003, the International United Biographical Center recognized Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselyov as the "Man of the Century", and in 2009 he published a book - A.I. Kiselev "Life dedicated to the creation of rockets, orbital stations, spacecraft".

In 2009 A.I. Kiselev was awarded the Order of Honor, later the Order of Friendship. He is an academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

Anatoly Ivanovich's favorite hobby was mushroom hunting. He loved fishing, especially winter fishing: “I’m ready to spend half a day on the ice for the sake of one perch or bream.” Hunting occupied a special place in his life. But the most important thing is the family, grandchildren, whom A.I. Kiselev paid a lot of attention.

The first general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GKNPTs named after M.V. Khrunichev" Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev passed away. He died on June 9, 2017 at the age of 80. His whole life was devoted to the Khrunichev Center and the production of products of national importance.

Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselyov was born on April 29, 1938 in Moscow into a working-class family. After graduating from high school No. 590 in Fili, he entered the Vocational School No. 2. In 1956, he began working as an electrician at an aircraft factory (later the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant). On the job in 1964 he graduated from the evening department of the Moscow Aviation Technology Institute (MATI). He worked as a process engineer, test engineer, then - head of the laboratory of the control and testing station, deputy head of the shop.

In 1968 he became the deputy director of the plant. From 1972 to February 1975 he was deputy head of the 1st Main Directorate of the Ministry of General Engineering.

In February 1975, at the age of 37, Anatoly Ivanovich assumed the position of director of the M.V. Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant.

In 1993, on his initiative, the M.V. Khrunichev and KB "Salyut" in a single State space research and production center. M. V. Khrunichev (Khrunichev Center).

From 1993 to 2001 Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev was the General Director of the Khrunichev Center, then until 2014 - Advisor to the General Director.

From 1993 to January 2002, Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev was a member of the board of directors of the Russian-American joint venture Lockheed-Khrunichev (since 1994 - International Launch Services).

Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev - Hero of Socialist Labor (1990), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1978), laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (1996). Awarded two orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd class; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Engineering Academy and the Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Honorary Doctorate in Engineering from Kingston University (UK). Laureate of the gold medal named after V.F. Utkin.

For more than a quarter of a century, Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev headed the Khrunichev Center. His memory will forever be in our hearts.

Alexander Medvedev, general designer of launch vehicles and ground space infrastructure, first deputy general director of the Khrunichev Center: "Thanks to Anatoly Ivanovich, the Khrunichev Space Center was created almost a quarter of a century ago. All my work experience, almost 60 years, all my soul Anatoly Ivanovich devoted his strength and energy to his native enterprise in Fili. The plant, and then the Center, is his life and destiny. He was directly involved in the first launch of the Proton launch vehicle in 1965, in the creation and launch of the first Salyut space orbital station. under the direct supervision of Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev, the first elements of the ISS were designed and manufactured, the heavy Proton-M and light Rokot launch vehicles were tested, the development and testing of the Briz-M upper stages began " and "Breeze-KM", the universal space platform "Yakhta", the creation of the RSC "Angara" has begun, the "Telecomsvyaz" network has been deployed. Anatoly Ivanovich possessed not only the worthy qualities of an outstanding leader, but also the rare qualities of a caring mentor, a devoted friend ... The departure of Anatoly Ivanovich is a heavy loss for all of us. We mourn and condole with the family, comrades-in-arms, friends ... ".

Kiselev Anatoly Ivanovich

(04/29/1938 [Moscow])

April 29 marks the 70th anniversary of Anatoly Kiselev, one of the founders of the country's rocket and space industry. For more than half a century, Kiselev's professional activity has been associated with the plant named after M.V. Khrunichev - now the State Space Research and Production Center. Kiselev, in 1975-2001. leading it leading enterprise world space industry, - one of those who created the history and glory of the rocket and space complex of the Soviet Union and Russia.

Half a century with space (Izvestia newspaper)

In 1956, Anatoly Kiselev was accepted to the aircraft plant N 23 in Fili. At this enterprise, founded in 1916 for the production of Russo-Balt cars, in 1923 the production of the first Soviet aviation equipment was launched. Many well-known rocket designers - A.M. Isaev, V.P. Makeev, B.E. Chertok. In 1951, the famous design bureau of V.M. Myasishchev, who was engaged in the design of strategic bombers. So a recent graduate of a technical school, Kiselev, began working as an electrician on Myasishchev's planes.

In the early 1960s, the USSR created the new kind Armed Forces - Strategic Rocket Forces. Kiselev, who by that time had already graduated from the Aviation Institute, participated in the testing of the first combat missiles at Baikonur, and then in putting the first regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces near Chita on combat duty.

"I had to work 16-18 hours a day, and sometimes two or three days without sleep. It was very difficult, secrecy pressed. The officers knew the technique only theoretically. They were familiar with individual systems, and in the "rocket-start" complex" were not knowledgeable: as always, there was not enough time for their training, and there were no technical classes then, so we had to debug interaction on the go.The task, however, was completed on time: the first regiment of missiles took up combat duty on November 21, 1966 year," Anatoly Ivanovich recalls.

At the age of 29, Kiselev headed the operation of the first Proton heavy strategic missiles, becoming deputy director of his native plant, participated in testing the first Zarya orbital station, which, while still in space, was renamed Salyut.

And in 1975, after two years of work at the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering, the 37-year-old specialist was entrusted with the post of head of the M.V. Khrunichev.

“The factory buildings were built at the dawn of industrialization and required a radical reconstruction. Many of the premises were simply unsuitable for the production of high-quality products. It was especially difficult with the energy sector,” Kiselev describes the state of the enterprise entrusted to him. In the winter of 1975/76 the plant was practically on the verge of shutdown, about 70% of the equipment was physically and morally obsolete.

At the initiative of the new director, a 10-year plan for the technical re-equipment of the plant was developed. Practically in 1976-1990. the second plant was built, without stopping the existing production and stopping the development work. Own production made it possible to produce unique equipment for contractors that produced the materials necessary for reconstruction. For such a barter at that time it was possible to go to court, fortunately, the rearmament project was successfully implemented, moreover, even before the "perestroika". Presidents and kings were taken here, showing the scope of work and the greatness of domestic space technology.

In the late 1970s, the plant was developing the Almaz second-generation orbital station. Then, for the first time in the USSR, the Khrunichevites created a reusable manned reentry vehicle. In total, about 50 such devices were manufactured at the plant for testing, some of them flew three times. But politics intervened in the creation of Almaz, and at the stage when ground and flight tests were practically over.

“The Secretary of the Central Committee, the then Minister of Defense Ustinov, instead of taking the best that was done by us and at the Chelomey design bureau, closed all work on the Almaz complex in December 1981,” recalls Kiselev. “But our developments, of course, in a modified and improved form, they were used in the Salyut, Mir and ISS (International Space Station) programs. The ideology and methodology for their creation will most likely still be in demand in the Martian and lunar programs."

In the mid-1980s, the development of the Mir orbital complex began at the plant, the project then seemed like a fantasy. Once, when the base unit was already assembled, the antenna mechanisms did not pass the ground test, to solve the problem, the designer of NPO Energia, Academician Yu.P. Semyonov proposed to replace all the mechanisms that had already been made.

“I have great respect for Yuri Pavlovich as a talented designer, selflessly devoted to the cause,” says Kiselev. “How could I refuse his request? But how to meet the deadlines that the minister and the Central Committee of the CPSU controlled, and the work had to be completed by the next congress of the CPSU? .. Ultimately, a way out was found through a number of non-standard solutions."

This strengthened the reputation of the Khrunichev plant, which was able to find non-standard technical solutions. “If I am not able to speak with the chief designer in his language, then I am not a director, we must understand each other perfectly,” Kiselev believes.

In the early 1990s, hard times came for the plant: the 24,000th enterprise was left without orders. Kiselev, as the head of a unique production, had to make a fundamental saving decision in a situation where many enterprises of the military-industrial complex switched to the production of non-core products, lived by renting out space.

Through the efforts of Kiselev, in 1993, on the basis of the plant and the Salyut design bureau, the State Space Research and Production Center (GKNPTs) named after M.V. Khrunichev, and Kiselev by order of President B.N. Yeltsin was appointed its general director.

First of all, it was decided to train the employees of the Khrunichev center to work "in a market way" - to trade, explore, fight competitors and turn them into allies. For a million dollars from the sale to the Japanese of the model of the Mir station, many specialists then underwent internships abroad.

To enter the international space market in 1993, after complex and tense negotiations with the Americans, a joint venture, International Launch Systems (ILS), was established. It gave the "Khrunichevites" the opportunity to earn money by launching telecommunications devices for foreign customers using the Proton launch vehicle.

The participation of Russia as an equal partner of the USA, Japan, Canada, European countries in the ISS project has become a public recognition of the experience of the enterprise. Foreign partners, as experts now believe, were aware that all the countries participating in the project, taken together, did not have the experience accumulated by the Khrunichevites.

The Baikonur cosmodrome remained a problematic place in the implementation of the plans of the Khrunichev center. The infrastructure of the cosmodrome after its transfer to Kazakhstan was almost completely destroyed. For example, in the assembly and testing complex, the temperature in winter was about 5 degrees Celsius, so the specialists worked in quilted jackets, and not in white coats, and this was taken into account by foreign clients.

Kiselev first of all invested the received credit funds of the enterprise in Baikonur. The Khrunichev Center reanimated the Yubileiny airfield, completed the overhaul of the second launch for the Proton, reconstructed the assembly and test building, developed and built a drinking water treatment plant, provided cellular communications, television, reconstructed hotels, turning them into 4-star hotels .

The first sign was the commercial launch of Astra 1F for Luxembourg. New orders began to arrive - which means that there was work for 24 thousand "Khrunichevites". This, in turn, gave impetus to the revival of cooperative ties with 130 related design bureaus and factories in Russia and neighboring countries, which employ almost 120,000 specialists.

The company survived thanks to the market instrument, and not the lease of space, while part of the earnings was directed to social sphere. In 1993-2000 three residential buildings were built, apartments in which the workers of the center received free of charge. The Khrunichev Center did not sell, but modernized its boarding houses, put into operation two sports complexes. And all this for their own profit, not from the state budget.

Working in market conditions does not provide an opportunity for a pause. The new heavy Ariane-5 rocket was already flying in Europe, while the development of the Atlas-5 and Delta-4 rockets was nearing completion in the United States. The Khrunichev Center, in order not to remain on the sidelines of space, modernized the Proton-K rocket, developed a new upper stage Breeze M. For the launch of Proton-M, the technical and launch positions at Baikonur were converted.

To expand cooperation with European partners, a joint Russian-German enterprise "Eurockot" was created. It provides services for launching spacecraft from the Plesetsk cosmodrome on the Rokot launch vehicle. This missile was re-equipped by the "Khrunichevites" from the combat strategic missile SS-19. Again, the creation of this enterprise made it possible to attract investments for the modernization of the technical and residential infrastructure of Plesetsk.

Among the innovations of the Khrunichev center is the so-called "cassette" method of launching satellites. On the Rokot rocket in 2003, eight satellites of Canada, the Czech Republic, the USA, Japan, Denmark and Russia were put into orbit by one launch.

Together with his colleagues, Doctor of Technical Sciences Kiselev is proud of the fact that he managed to solve the problem, which is still beyond the reach of the Boeing and Lockheed Martin corporations - to create a family of missiles of different classes on a modular basis. The unification of the basic element is not only a definite win in the competition with foreign competitors, but also an increase in quality and a reduction in cost.

In 2001, General Director Kiselev decided to leave his post. For seven years he has been an adviser at his native enterprise, where he has worked for half a century.

"Empire of Kiselev", as the M.V. Khrunichev's partners and "allied partners", lives and develops. Every year, the company receives 7-9 commercial applications for launches. Now the team is passionate about working on a project to create a new-generation Angara missile system, which should solve the problem of Russia's independent access to space.

In 2006, the State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev celebrated his 90th birthday. The president's congratulations to the staff of the center on the anniversary said: "The enterprise has grown into one of the largest aerospace corporations in the world, which occupies a leading position among manufacturers of both serial and unique samples of aviation and rocket and space technology." And Anatoly Kiselev, who devoted his whole life to space, played a significant role in this.


Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev was born on April 29, 1938 in Moscow into a working-class family. Began labor activity in 1956 at the aviation plant N 23 in Fili, which produced strategic bombers. On the job he graduated from the evening department of the Moscow Aviation Technical Institute (MATI). In 1968, he was appointed deputy director of the plant named after M.V. Khrunichev. In 1972-1975. worked as deputy head of the 1st Main Directorate of the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR. In 1975, he became the general director of the plant named after M.V. Khrunichev.

In 1993, through the efforts of Kiselev, the plant and the Salyut design bureau were merged into the State Space Research and Production Center (GKNPTs) and he headed the new enterprise. Since 2001 - Advisor to the General Director of the M.V. Khrunichev.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honorary Doctor of Engineering Sciences from Kingston University (Great Britain) Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize and the Prize of the Russian Government in the field of science and technology. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Projects implemented by the M.V. Khrunichev under the leadership of Anatoly Kiselev

Launch vehicle "Proton K"

Strategic intercontinental missile "Stiletto" (SS-19)

Long-term orbital station Salyut N 4, 5, 6, 7

Orbital manned station-complex "Almaz" as part of the orbital station

Orbital complex "Mir"

"Pole" - an experimental 80-ton spacecraft

Development, manufacture and launch of the Zarya functional cargo block - the base module of the International Space Station (ISS)

Zvezda - service module, the basis of the Russian segment of the ISS

Development and start of flight design tests of the Proton M launch vehicle with the Briz-M upper stage

· Missile complex"Rokot" with upper stage "Breeze-KM"

Oxygen-hydrogen unit 12KRB (manufactured as the third stage of the Indian GSLV launch vehicle)

· Winning the tender and the beginning of the development of the Angara rocket and space complex (a family of light, medium and heavy class carriers based on universal rocket modules)

· Beginning of development of small remote sensing satellites ("Monitor-E") for communication ("Dialogue") based on the unified platform "Yakhta".