Sam Carpenter Consistency in everything. Universal technology for increasing efficiency. The book “System in everything. Universal technology for increasing efficiency" Sam Carpenter

“SYSTEMICITY” is my favorite word lately.

When many years pass and you realize that you still don’t have time to live the way you did on your ideal day..

And priorities are constantly being pushed aside; there is not enough time for regular care of health and your body, for example, yoga and quality sleep.

And you work too much, but at the same time urgent things fill up all the time and there is not enough time for important things that can change everything in your life and make it the way you want to see it.

There’s also not enough time for your loved ones, for yourself, for things that are pleasant for yourself, for hobbies for your soul, and sometimes you just feel like you’re falling apart because you’re crammed with some kind of obligations and activities and don’t have time to breathe.

And there is no time to think about any strategy or optimization.

That’s when you realize that you still need to sharpen the ax, you need to change something.

For example, think about consistency, plans, putting things in order in life.

Bye best book what I read on this topic - “Systematics in everything. Universal technology for increasing efficiency" by Sam Carpenter. Highly recommend. You can buy it via this link and immediately download it in any format. Without delay.

Unfortunately, I didn’t do the exercises in it right away during the first reading, but then I felt how it slowly influenced me and I improved and optimized some processes in my life after reading it.

It describes a story when a man got out of great chaos and was very difficult situations with my life and business and gradually adjusted everything.

Book announcement:

“We often perceive the world incorrectly, as a chaotic jumble of random elements and interactions, but in fact everything consists of ordered systems, each of which can be improved.

This will reduce the level of stress, disorganization and will allow you to achieve results with less time. The author used the systematic approach described in the book in own business and was able to increase the company’s profit tenfold, reducing its working week from 80 to several hours.

This book will help you gain systems thinking and then apply it to your business.”

“I'm not exaggerating at all: this is one of the most useful business books in history. Should I not know? I make a living from reading books: teaching creative people around the world how to build profitable, sustainable, and fulfilling businesses. Here are three main questions I get asked all the time.

“Opening your own business is so difficult. Where to begin?"
“I work very hard, but I earn little. How can you improve your efficiency?
“I feel stressed and anxious all the time. How to run a business without going crazy?”

And join Stodnevka - this is the best environment for conscious changes in life for the better! I have been in Stodnevki for 4 years now and my life has changed significantly during this time in a variety of ways.

I could only regret that Stodnevka did not appear earlier. But I can be glad that I got ready and joined it immediately, without wasting time.

The answer to these questions is always the same: learn to look at everything systematically. Any business is initially a system: a set of processes that together are guaranteed to produce the desired result. The more you focus on improving your business systems, the better results you will get. Simple as two and two.

However, at the word “system” most people roll their eyes. We were taught to think that working algorithms, instructions, documentation, etc. are boring and bureaucratic. Nothing like this. This is what happens when you start improving your systems.

You earn more by working less.
You devote more strength and energy to performing the work to the highest quality.
You make far fewer mistakes.
You quickly and clearly correct mistakes.
You feel calmer, more collected and in control.

In most cases, complete business systems are the result of sober, rational and straightforward thinking. This is a skill that can be learned quickly. This is a method that can be used to correct any aspect of life.
When creating my own business, I constantly apply the ideas of the book “System in Everything.” As soon as the first edition came out, I began recommending it to my readers and clients. Glad you have this book in your hands. She will help you accept right decisions, have time to do more and enjoy the process.

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“Consistency in everything” Sam Carpenter “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”, Moscow 2014.

Conquering chaos

“Live to work or work to live?”

The dilemma of modern man

In the Soviet Union there was an extremely popular electronic game “Well, wait a minute!” The essence of the game was that the hero of the hit animated series Wolf was trying to catch eggs in a basket that were rolling down an inclined shelf from under the “irrepressible” hens. Gradually, the speed of movement and the frequency of “socks of eggs” increased. Unfortunately, this process had no system. The player switched the Wolf from one perch to another with incredible speed, but the ending was already a foregone conclusion. The game could not be won, but you could only hold out as long as you could, depending on your reaction. I would also like to add that, unlike modern computer games— there was no hacking code, additional “lives”, etc.

I came across the word systematic approach at the turn of the last century in one of the recruiting agencies. A young specialist, trying to show “the full breadth of her knowledge,” unexpectedly asked: “Do you have systems thinking?” “Of course!” I instantly reacted and immediately took the pen, believing that now, as if from a “cornucopia”, tricky tests/problems would rain down to confirm this competence. But how wrong I was! The girl simply put a “tick” in front of this question in the questionnaire " and moved on to the next interview! I believe that with the help of this specialist, the number of systemically minded people in Russia has increased significantly. :-)

Surely you are familiar with the type of employees whom I personally call “kings/queens of chaos.” These “specialists” turn their work into an endless tangled tangle that only they themselves can figure out. Work is not carried out according to the planned plan, but as problems arise in various areas of the work. After this, with feigned heroism they rush to “plug the gap,” raising such a fuss around the “problem” that it is simply impossible not to notice their activities! , set as an example, etc.

All modern books on business can be safely divided into two main groups - written by theorists and practitioners (there are, of course, exceptions in the form of subgroups - a practicing theorist or a theoretically “savvy” practitioner, but this is rare). Sam Carpenter clearly falls into the group of practitioners with a distinctly “do-it-yourself” approach. A man to whom, more than ten years ago, an insight “descended” that turned his whole life upside down. The idea of ​​the book is quite simple, and therefore relevant - instead of fighting the system, try to fit into its mechanism. The whole world, including business, is built on a systematic basis. If you were able to realize this and rearrange your actions/thoughts in accordance with systematic approach- the winnings will not take long to arrive.

Sam has been the owner of Centratel, an American telephone directory service, for many years. Building your own successful business formed the basis of the book. It all started with common truths that many businessmen either neglect or do not pay due attention to, namely: strategic goal, basic principles of work, methods of work. And here, attention, Sam Carpenter argues that the development of these documents should be carried out directly by the business owner, as opposed to the generally accepted concept of their development at the company’s strategic sessions. The statement is highly controversial, although the author provides a strong evidence base.

A systematic approach, in the author’s understanding, is the development of clear regulations (business processes) and strict adherence to them. Most of the book is devoted specifically to setting up regulatory activities, again using the example of Centratel. Here I still completely disagree with Sam; in my understanding, a systematic approach is a much broader option. But anyway, successful example introducing consistency into the company’s work deserves attention. Once again I return to the topic of “great” businessmen who fundamentally try to work contrary to the system and tenets of business. Perhaps this book will give them another good opportunity to think about the correctness of their own approach, and not only in business!

PS “There is no need to fight against the system - you should put it at your service”

Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

Sincerely, Kozulya Igor Ivanovich
Member of the Guild of Marketers.
Marketing expert, MBA.

We often perceive the world incorrectly as a chaotic jumble of random elements and interactions, but in fact everything consists of ordered systems, each of which can be improved. With this book, you can gain systems thinking and then apply it to your business.

There are no abstruse theories or mystics in the book. The author used his systematic approach, described in the book, in his business and was able to increase the company's profits tenfold, reducing the work week from 80 to 2 hours. He now runs an international consulting company and several other businesses and non-profit organizations.

Thanks to systems thinking and looking at business as a “system of systems,” you will be able to:

Achieve a good result for the entire business as a whole by analyzing internal systems and processes;

Increase profits, loyalty of your customers and independence of company employees;

Reduce the level of stress, disorganization and, as a result, reduce work time, spent on achieving results.

Introduction. The simplest solution

Any phenomenon must be explained simply, with minimal logical conclusions. You can even say: “Keep it simple, fool!” My wife Linda and I live in the suburbs of a busy mountain resort in the northwestern United States. We have a small but hospitable and bright house. Everything is practical: you immediately feel that people really live there. We did everything as we dreamed.

I'm sitting with a laptop at the dining room table. Outside the window there is pre-sunset silence. It's June. Majestic pine trees tower over the bright green lawn. Beautiful weather - another cloudless day in Central Oregon. The same thing happened yesterday. The same will happen tomorrow. Completely at peace, Linda sits at the table next to me and we talk. Meanwhile, my business is operating in the city - a telephone help service. It functions whether we think about it or not, providing us with more than just beautiful life. But it was not always so. For fifteen years, my business was a chaos of endless work, constant troubles, debt, health problems and damaged relationships.

Twelve years ago, I unexpectedly changed my perception of the world. Thus began my transition from a state of chaos to a state of peace. Now that I'm running my small business and the world around me, I no longer get bogged down in the small stuff. I watch them from the side. The numbers don’t lie: ten years ago I worked 100 hours a week, now I work only two hours, and my monthly income is significantly higher than it was for the whole year. I am healthy again: I go to the mountains, ride a bike and ski.

It’s no stretch to say that my life has become ten times more calm and free. Every day I feel like an athlete at the peak of his glory: full of energy, calm and efficient. I look at my life with skepticism because I have always been a bit careless. I have always had difficulty concentrating. I had no purpose, I was kicked out of college three times, I dabbled in alcohol and drugs, I moved easily from one relationship to another, and I was never happy with myself or my lifestyle. Until, at the age of fifty, an epiphany occurred. Now, when it comes to great things, I am focused and goal-oriented. However, sometimes I still get distracted when it comes to something that doesn’t seem vital to me (funny, but sometimes this happens!). But in what is essential to achieving my goals, I am determined and focused until I get the desired result. Linda, who came into my life immediately after the transition to a different perception of the world twelve years ago, says that I am the most persistent person in achieving my goals of everyone she has met.

It wasn't difficult at all once I changed my outlook. Having comprehended the deep reality, I learned to direct my efforts to get what I wanted. Did I have to work a lot? Yes, I worked really hard for a while, but compared to the nightmare old life the effort was not that great. The work brought me pleasure, especially when it produced results.

How I came to this point, and how you can come to the same point, is the central question of this book. My technique is intended for those who constantly have the following internal dialogue: “There are tasks that I must complete right now, and there is very little time for them. I'll work my ass off to get everything done and, as usual, I'll finish on time. But the results will be beyond decency, and my body and mind will work to the limit. I'm exhausted and stressed. There is too much chaos in my life, there is always not enough money. My world is far from what I would like it to be..."

If you own or manage a small business, work, study, or have a family life, this book is sure to grab your attention. Internal dialogue in the spirit of “I’m on edge” is common to everyone at any age. I'm not an outstanding person at all. I'm not particularly attractive, I don't have any polish, I don't have any special education. I have experienced the typical ups and downs, successes and failures. And like most, I worked hard. I understand that pragmatism comes with age, everyone learns through trial and error and we all learn lessons through hard work. And I am not at all afraid of facing rejection or suspicion of my theory. My life is limited by strict time frames, and I value it.

My life is being built and planned right now. Everything I do, both work and play, completely absorbs my attention. No, of course, not everything is clearly laid out for me (does this happen to anyone?), but I learned to control my life, achieved consistency and calm. Almost every day I wake up happy and full of energy

Endless confusion?

What do you have? How would you describe your typical day? A chaotic collection of accidents or a calm, logical sequence of events? Is your day chaotic or are you in control of it? Do you have enough money? Do you spend enough time with friends and family? Throughout your life, do you rush in an endless vicious circle or slowly and confidently climb to the top of the mountain? Are you getting what you want? If not, is it possible that the reason is self-organization?

There is no need to think that the answers to these questions can be right or wrong, good or bad. Do not give them theoretical, political or religious overtones. Answer automatically and, most importantly, simply. Take courage. If your life seems rather chaotic, I can assure you that you already have 100% of the resources needed to change this storyline.

The method of systems thinking is simple almost to the point of stupidity, but thanks to its ability to transform, it is perfect. That is why I chose the words of William Ockham as the epigraph to my book. The simplest solution is always the most correct. You will be able to understand my reasoning about typical events and scenarios, habits and goals, successes and failures, as well as common sense, because my methodology is based on life. It's about simple adjustments that add up to change your life.

But if, in your opinion, to achieve freedom and get the desired income, all you need is energy, clear thinking and endless enthusiasm, think about it. Before these the most important factors will lead you to your goal, certain structures should fall into place, mechanical processes. Independence and wealth will come only after all the mechanisms of the system are streamlined.

Should you do something? Yes, keep documentation. If you have subordinates or followers, explain your new vision to them. But in that case, you still spend a lot of time and work hard, right? Over a period of time, you spend some of your time and energy on things that will lead to freedom, prosperity and peace.

Think about running endlessly in a closed circle and gradually climbing up a mountain. You will have to make an effort anyway, but you want to move up. Instead of wasting valuable resources in tedious monotony (which is the most hard work, from which you give up), you will direct time and energy to a gradual rise, and your efforts will pay off handsomely.

We will also discuss the fact that most people, due to shortsightedness, “do not see the forest for the trees.” The recommendations given here are used by major successful companies, but are rarely used by small businesses. These principles are found in books on time management, business and spiritual literature, and works on popular psychology, but in this book they are brought together and form a technique suitable for everyone. It is based on a fundamental truth: the mechanics of life are the result of the work of its constituent systems.

And here's where the rub comes in. If this is true, then achieving goals does not require correcting the poor performance of unmanaged systems. It only distracts attention. To get what you want, you need to carefully analyze the deep level, look at the world systemically and develop those systems that will bring results. Hence the title of the book. The first step is understanding, or awakening, after which you will understand that your whole life consists of separate systems. Once you see them, it becomes logical to work on them. Then high results will not keep you waiting.

Conscious Focus

Everyone has their own individual systems that are 100% used. We know each of these processes by heart, they are perfected and work quickly and efficiently. We have perfected the ability to walk, drive a car, cook breakfast and play games. Why did we become specialists in these system processes? On the one hand, because they are simple. On the other hand, because at some point we consciously focused on the elements of these processes. We analyzed, tweaked, and practiced individual components until we could execute them with little effort or thought. But many people don't put in the effort to improve more. complex processes, such as career advancement, improving health and building personal relationships. They waste time and energy endlessly solving the same problems because they don't focus on the components.

So, to solve more complex problems that stump you, you need to channel the skills of perception, research and analysis that you already possess.

Systems thinking in general terms

Systems thinking is different from that of most people. You should not consider yourself an internal component of the system, shrouded in the whirlpool of daily events. Take a more advantageous position - look at events from the outside and from above. Everyday life consists of elements organized in a logical sequence. You are an outside observer who looks down on your world and analyzes the flow of daily events as if they were all material, physical objects. You see all the systems of your life separately, their components are simple and understandable. In everything you see a system: one thing leads to another, everything is constantly in motion.

Your job is to work on your own systems. This is exactly what you will do. One by one, you will take the systems apart, study them, and improve them. Over time, complexity and confusion will decrease, replaced by order, calm and self-confidence. You no longer have to rush through problems. There will be no more confusion. Looking at the work done from the outside, you will feel proud of what you have already completed. Without outside help, you created the life you always wanted.

For you I am a design engineer

I tried myself in many guises: surveyor, construction equipment operator, factory worker and trade union member, traveling salesman, technical advisor, hamburger boy, painter, cashier, foreman, design engineer, trencher, sales specialist, builder, watchman, journalist, speaker, book publisher, store owner retail, Laboratory Technician, Logger, Woodworker, Mechanic, Stock and Commodity Investor, Writer, Photographer, Telecom Entrepreneur, Real Estate Salesman, Kitchen Worker, Handyman, Company CEO and Business Owner. I am the founder and manager non-profit organization, which helps earthquake victims in northeast Pakistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and India (see In my own business, at Centratel (, I specialize in developing practical techniques in the field of telecommunications: collecting and processing information, making decisions based on it. My credo? I prefer to shake hands rather than hug.

Today, my main role in life is as a design engineer: someone who faces a problem, develops a solution, and then helps implement it in practice. I am a design engineer in all aspects of my life, including as a father, son, brother, husband and friend. Here's my day: after a good night's sleep, I get out of bed, take a shower, have a hearty breakfast and get down to business with excitement. Today I'm working with my team to create something tangible based on a design I sketched just yesterday. I'm wearing jeans, boots and a decent shirt. I am relaxed, and behind a slight smile hides my concentration on the task at hand.

Figuratively speaking, I pull the lever and press the buttons for the current day. Both my team and I are carefree, relaxed, energetic and efficient - we work quickly. The work gets busy and time flies. We achieve positive results by turning yesterday's sketch into the reality of the material world. We create something worthwhile. We are constantly improving things. I wish the same for you.

Non-holistic approach

Is it the holistic side of your personality that does not accept division and then studying each element separately? Perhaps you will say that everything is interconnected, that we are all one and it’s time for us to stop viewing ourselves as something separate from the world around us. You may believe that life is infinitely complex and beyond human understanding. Overall it's great. I myself tend to think this way in moments of relaxation and my head in the clouds. But in the material world, where we must physically exist, discard such thoughts and be prepared for the constant separation of systems and clean water mechanics.

Understand that you cannot put your life in order in one fell swoop. This cannot be done through holistic methods, despite their merits. Tuning any part of the aggregate requires working on each component sequentially, and this is definitely not a holistic approach.

I don't like the term holistic solution. I rather prefer a holistic result. This term suggests that each component of the system works as efficiently as possible and, as a result, the entire system does its job well. Taking your world apart in order to study and put each of them in order is more correct. You can look at the world from a holistic point of view even later, when you are not working on its elements. You still have enough time for this.

Changes in your life

Since this is not a detective novel and systems thinking is based on preparation, below is a brief description of how this method will affect you and what you will need.

First of all, developing systems thinking will affect you personally.

1. In the future, simple but fundamental changes will happen to you. Most likely, systems thinking will come suddenly: more likely as a result of a one-time complete insight, rather than a long and grueling learning experience. When systems thinking fully masters you, you will learn to distinguish between the human and mechanical systems that make up your world. Obvious, clear systems will be different. The hardest part is over.

2. There will be no turning back. You simply can't go back! This is a kind of warning: you cannot abandon systems thinking because of its obvious logic.

3. You will not accept unproven theories about reality. This is a matter of a clearer understanding of the workings of the mechanisms of the world. There are already too many facts around to delve into dubious theories. Deep down you will understand the validity of systems thinking because it is logical. And believe me, explaining your point of view to others, you will not look crazy.

4. You will face difficult challenges. Yes, interesting changes will happen to you, but this is not enough. At the beginning of your journey, you will find the boring work of creating documentation. It will help you clearly define your goals and move towards them effectively. This is an ideal investment (possibly the best investment of your life) because the end product will be a balanced personality, a lot of money and free time. (Critical but true: what is the only functional difference between a large successful business and a small business afloat? Documentation and operating methods.)

And here is the second part brief description- three stages of the process.

1. Separation, analysis and configuration of the system. At this stage, the definition, analysis and improvement of work, personal and behavioral systems occur. It includes both creating new systems from scratch and eliminating those that are holding back development.

2. Development of documentary justifications. Define and write down goals, principles, processes that will guide action and decision making for both you and those with whom you work. This is not the most pleasant task, but it is the basis for increasing efficiency, performing a one-time task that is overwhelming. But it won't take much time (and if you lead a team or department, you'll teach it to others too).

3. Constant maintenance of systems. Lubricate the mechanisms. It's simple. The positive results of using the technique will be a good motivation: you will see that the systems you created are actively working. You'll be happy to monitor them to ensure they continue to perform at their best.

Two important points

Firstly, to show new approach from different angles, at the end of most chapters I give real-life examples. Some are related to the topic of the chapter, others are not. Examples will remind you that looking at the world from a new angle is a mandatory element of this technique. The most advantageous position for systems thinking is to get out of the system of everyday mechanisms. Only with third-party observation can you correctly analyze and adjust the mechanisms so that they give the desired result.

Secondly, it is important to speak the same language. In this book, I use words and terms as they apply to systems thinking. And now, at the very beginning, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them: 99.9% of everything that surrounds us works well. Look around! Everything in the world strives for efficiency. All systems want to work perfectly, and 99.9% succeed.

Business. You don’t have to be in the office all the time to earn money.

Closed system. An independent technological unit, easily distinguishable in its environment.

Now I work only two hours a week instead of eighty. Yes, I am rich: I have achieved success entirely on my own. Mine small business I've been leading for 28 years, and this book tells the story of how I turned it from chaos into a machine that stimulates me and my employees.

Like twice is two

Any business is initially a system: a set of processes that together are guaranteed to produce the desired result. The more you focus on improving your business systems, the better results you get.

Circle of influence

A concept made popular by Stephen Covey is that the circle of influence demonstrates the level of control. Imagine your circle of influence. How big is it? If your circle is only thirty centimeters in diameter, you are unlikely to be able to stand in it.

Rigidity and flexibility

Require your employees to strictly follow all instructions, but remember: if something can be improved, it should be done right away. The method is like a rock - solid and unassailable until management decides to change it.

Automated accounting system

All actions are based on theory " automated system accounting". If something can be done immediately, do not delay. Like large retailers, we update the database and calculate profits at the time of transaction.

It's simple

Always keep your word. Provide high quality. Don't try to deceive yourself or others. Always start and finish work on time. Don't complain. Your job is to lead the caravan and leave the barking dogs behind.


Systematicity in everything. Unique technology to improve efficiency

Book Systematicity in everything answers questions such as: can the system help in business and if so, how? Is the business system itself?

Sam Carpenter - About the Author

Sam Carpenter CEO of Centratel, a national directory service for which he has worked for 28 years. Founder of a non-profit organization helping children in Pakistan affected by the massive 2005 earthquake. Has experience in journalism and publishing.

Consistency in everything - Book review

The basics - we begin to see the world in a new way

We all remember from school that a system is a collection of interacting elements. True, during our school years we hardly understood that it has a huge advantage: it helps us work many times less and accomplish many times more.

By following the system, you will notice how stress will gradually disappear from your life, and work will finally begin to bring pleasure. There's just one catch: you have to master the system. See it and learn to perceive it correctly.

The world is actually a very logically built system. To resist its laws means dooming yourself to suffering that could easily be avoided. To do this, we need to understand: everything that happens around us is a fait accompli. This is a given, and not entirely dependent on a person. Such a vision will help not only in business, but in any area of ​​life.

At the same time, no one asks you to turn into a machine and forget about the high. Having learned what principles drive environment, you can start working on the spiritual. This way you will find almost complete harmony, because you will take care of both the material and the moral, your inner world.

The system has a big advantage. It can and should be changed and improved. Stop thinking that the past plays a decisive role in your existence. What happened to you as a child is certainly important. But what's more important is whether you can cope with unpleasant memories and move forward with a positive mindset. For a person who wants to master a systematic approach, this should become the main rule.

Learn to separate systems. There are thousands of them, and every day you come across them, whether you like it or not. You need to be able to look at life from above, see yourself and what is happening around you in it.

The world will not change from endless complaints. You can think as much as you like that you are unlucky, but your neighbor is doing well. You can blame the government, the employer, the parents, the school - but what will change from this? Is it worth worrying about something that you yourself cannot change, such as the politics in the country?

It will be much more effective to focus on those levers that are within your personal control. Everything that happens is just a collection of interconnected processes in which you are a participant. Analyze which ones you can change and stop throwing accusations and complaints! Start improving your consciousness.

True freedom is possible, but it must be achieved. Serenity and momentary pleasures will not make you happy forever. Happiness can be achieved if you see the details and organize the space correctly. And, of course, do not give in to illusions.

If you work ten hours a day, seven days a week, then after a while (in a year or 15 years, it doesn’t matter) you will feel that you are reaching a dead end. The main reason for the failure of many business projects is their inefficiency. Cannot create good company, constantly experiencing stress and being in a state of nervous overstrain. Difficulties and problems undermine the manager and employees. And, by the way, the same thing happens to people in family life. External stimuli and everyday life begin to tire, and as a result, relationships turn into chaos.

Chaos is the enemy and the opposite of systematicity. And if your life is already similar to it, then the time has come to change everything. Especially if you understand that there is nothing to lose, because it definitely won’t get worse. When life seems to be going down the drain, stop and think about what you were doing wrong. Something you can easily give up and try a new strategy.

The decision to look at the situation from above, to rise above it, always helps to find a way out of the crisis. Take a look at your business that you think is about to fail. Your company is nothing more than a pattern of actions that are repeated from time to time. Each action has its own beginning and end. When one thing ends, a new one arises. Moreover, everything you do at work (and in your personal life) is absolutely predictable.

A great way to sort everything out is to keep records. Write down what may be related to your business, and first of all:

- goals,
– methods,
– the main principles of work.

Without documentation, you will not be able to move to the level of systems thinking, since it helps you see linear connections and hierarchy, and this is exactly what the system loves so much.

And also learn to deal with stress. If your health fails, how are you going to work? Your body is a system, and all you need now is:

– see yourself from the outside and think about what causes your health problems. Perhaps you sleep little or sit constantly, limiting physical activity. Nothing happens for nothing - rid your life of reasons feeling unwell;
– create a goal and stick to ways to achieve it. Outline what you will do whenever you feel depressed again;
– don’t give up on these actions – remember that the system can only be supported by systematic actions!

Don't forget to pay attention to personal connections. Be friendly, congratulate friends and family on holidays, give gifts, listen and tell interesting stories. Communication is an important component of business, and the more you work on yourself, the more clients and simply good people they will be drawn to you.

Systems thinking: Steve Jobs

The same documentation

We already know that writing down all the actions taken on the way to the goal is very useful. And not just useful, but necessary. Although, like everything useful, documentation seems to most to be a boring and time-consuming task. Yes, we are lying if we say that this is easy to do. You will need time and brainstorm, however, if you skip this step, you will not rise higher. Think about whether it’s worth learning to think systematically at all.

When the desire to procrastinate is greater than you, think not about how lazy you are to do boring things. Without unnecessary emotions, tell yourself that you simply must do them. Whether you like the task or not - at the moment it does not matter, it must be completed, and you must build on this.

Write down your goal and begin to develop principles that not only you, but also your subordinates will follow. Do not hurry. It's better to think things through rather than hastily drafting principles because you'll end up spending even more time redoing them.

Proceed also to the formulation of methods, each of which will correspond to a particular process of your activity. So, armed with these three documents, you can easily protect yourself from unnecessary stressful situations. More precisely, in any case, you will periodically feel that you have reached a dead end. But you have goals, methods and principles! This means that you know how to act - the manual has been drawn up, you need to re-read it again and move forward.
Be sure to define your life cycles. Roughly speaking, decide what hours are easier for you to work and when your productivity tends to zero. Everything is simple here. Listen to your body and try to meet your needs for rest and sleep. You should not burden yourself during periods of physical weakness - your lifestyle should be combined with work. It’s much worse when work adjusts to natural cycles.

Always rise above your circumstances. Take action and be objective in seeing the world. This will allow you to gain control over your life and make sure that you become happy man really. You can be the master of your destiny. And that's exactly why you need documents. Some starting points who will show the way in the darkness.
When emotions stop getting the better of you, you will act clearly and harmoniously. Problems will not be able to throw you off balance. Detachment will allow you to look at things logically and with a cool head. This is another advantage of the systematic approach.

Let's highlight the basic principles that you should remember:

- Opportunity for advancement up the career ladder. Development is a very important component, so do not deprive your employees of this opportunity. When a person, starting from the bottom, can reach the top, he automatically understands that he is capable of more. Promotion is a great incentive;
– when choosing actions that will help solve a problem, give preference to the most effective ones. Or, at least, strive to find the most successful way to convey the essence of a new approach based on systematicity. And for it to work, allow employees to draw up documents. Doing what you agree with and what you yourself have proposed is much more pleasant. And don't forget to make the methods logical. No one wants to participate in a senseless adventure if it does not have a drop of logic. And if you decide to reward people for timely adjustments and initiative, you can safely call yourself a good boss.

Tips that will bring you even closer to consistency

When you come to work, work. Do not use Odnoklassniki or the dating site. Do what you or are paid to do. Behave the same way at home. If you have crossed the threshold of an apartment, clear your brain of worries and worries. Stop yourself from thinking about work matters. Every task has its own time. Do not overshadow your rest with worries, and your work with thoughts about rest.

When creating documents, do not “hang” on any issue for too long. Being meticulous will only result in you wasting hours of valuable time. Everything you put into your documents should be effective and fairly simple. Therefore, forget for a moment about perfectionism and the desire to always do everything with five points. True, there are two exceptions - principles and, of course, purpose. When working through them, spare no effort. These two components of your success simply must be as accurate and ideal as possible.

Think about what mistakes (about five) you have made before. Remember the biggest and most annoying ones, those that entailed a number of other mistakes. Let's reveal a secret - they all happened only because you once decided to do nothing. For example, if you failed a session, it means you didn’t prepare for the exams. You were fired from your job because you did not fulfill the obligations required of you at the proper level. When you're lying at home, instead of going for a run, you choose. You give preference to one action and refuse another. In fact, even inaction is a passive action, but it does not lead to the result that you would like to achieve.

What to do about it? The answer is obvious. You are required to choose something that is related to the activity. In almost any situation, you will be right in choosing to be active. Don't put off until later what you can do perfectly right now. Did you want to go to the hairdresser? Go. Is there a book you bought a few months ago waiting on the shelf? Start reading. Did you promise to call a friend last week? Do it!

The problems that arise along your path should spur the desire to cope with the situation and take it into your own hands. If everything went smoothly in life, a person’s need to improve would disappear. Obstacles help us remember that it is time to think and do something new. So stop being afraid of them. Enjoy the opportunity to show yourself in the best light.

And also determine whether you have enough courage. It manifests itself in different ways and does not at all mean that you should walk along dark streets at night. We are talking about another phenomenon, the essence of which is easy to understand from examples. Do you, say, go to the gym on a precise schedule and without skipping? Can you stick to the diet prescribed by your doctor? Do you always come to work in a good mood, even if you got up on the wrong foot in the morning? It is all these seemingly small actions that create courage. Develop it and get rid of procrastination. Give up laziness and a lot of new opportunities await you.

Solve problems the moment they come. Don’t move them to tomorrow, otherwise the pile of unfulfilled tasks will sooner or later scare you with its size. The word “automation” would be very helpful here. It will help you shed the burden of postponed tasks and act, forgetting that you don’t want it at all.
Just tell yourself that from now on you will stop being a procrastinator. You don't need pressing deadlines. You do everything on time because it is right. Because this is how it should be done, and not otherwise. Deal with one problem and move on to solving others. This is a systematic view of life.

By accustoming yourself to this rhythm, you will be able to boast of unsurpassed self-discipline. Moreover, you will have a lot of time freed up. The main thing is to always use your head and not do reckless things! If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Remember this always when you want to quickly get rid of the matter.

Pay attention to those you work with. Hire good people and they will quickly turn into good employees. A hardworking person should be given a chance to show his abilities. Be sure to take into account the fact that best employees needed and Better conditions. Worthy wage, convenient office, creating conditions for efficient work. It is impossible to demand returns from people without providing something in return.

Thanks to an established system and developed documentation, people will want to stay at the enterprise. They will know exactly what to do in a given situation, and they will not be afraid to make mistakes. Which is logical - because you explain to them your position: the one who does nothing is not mistaken. And “doing nothing” is a direct path to a dead end.
Employees should not be afraid of you. Let us remind you that they cannot be deprived of the right to draw up the main documents of the company. Trust your people, delegate the process. However, do not diminish your importance. You are the director of the company, and you are responsible for it. Don't play around with democracy, maintain your authority.

However, we have not yet answered the question of how to find a person capable of developing the system together with the entire team. Let's start with the fact that he:

– is not late;
– before the interview, learns at least a minimum of information about the company, its goals and principles;
- impressive disciplined person;
– strives to improve and move up the career ladder;
– does not run from one place of work to another;
- good looking.

The list can be continued, but the essence is clear. Define your criteria and make sure the candidate meets each one. If you didn’t pass one point - alas, you will have to say goodbye. Cruel? Perhaps, but consistency requires clarity. Don't allow yourself any concessions. If you decide to hire a person who is suitable in all aspects, look for just such a candidate.

The entire team, all your employees must move towards one common result - to produce quality goods(or service). That’s why it’s so important that people think along the same principles and share the company’s goals. Without quality, you will lose customers. Not all, but most of them will go to competitors, which you obviously don’t want.

Promptly correct the situation if the client is dissatisfied with the service or product. It is much better for him to remember how you came out of the situation with dignity and solved his problem. This best option The opposite is where the buyer only remembers your inaction. Huge difference, isn't it? All this can easily be applied in friendly relationships. By showing respect and not forgetting about people, you already become a person with whom you want to communicate. And friends in this case are no better or worse than clients.

Organize yourself and your time. Do not store unnecessary items on the table; assign each item its place. Work on improving your internal atmosphere. Employees must communicate with each other; ringing silence cannot reign in the team. It’s easier to discuss issues than to hush them up and dialogue only with yourself. Stick to this rule. Spend time with the team, organize meetings, let them speak. This doesn't mean you have to chat all day long. Your main task is to maintain the golden mean so that communications do not interfere with work.

No one requires you to be in the office 24 hours a day. When you manage the system, it itself can maintain its state at the most comfortable level. An important rule: you must always be available. Keep your mobile phone nearby, check your email and Skype - in short, keep track of all the resources through which they may try to contact you. Don't leave your company to the mercy of fate. In the end, if the system is truly a system, no one will bother you about minor details.

Observe your activity peaks. Is it easier for you to concentrate in the morning or do all your main tasks closer to dinner? Try to get as much done as possible during your active period. This will pay off in your ability to relax during times of low energy.

Systematic approach from Synergy