How much profit does the payment terminal bring? Payment terminal as a business that brings in millions. How to install a payment terminal in a store? Business plan for a network of payment terminals. How a payment acceptance terminal works: nuances and features

Today's market electronic services is developing at a colossal pace. We no longer stand in long lines to pay utility bills or top up our mobile phone balance.

All this can be done easily and simply using payment terminals. Thanks to them, we stopped asking many questions, the solution of which required us to waste time. In this material we will tell you in detail about the history of the appearance of these wonderful devices, how big money is made from them and, finally, how to start a terminal business yourself. So, first things first.

Payment terminal as a business

At the dawn of the emergence of payment machines in Russia in 2006, the profit from them averaged 300 billion rubles, but after another 3 years these figures exceeded 700 billion. In neighboring Kazakhstan, terminals for accepting payments began their development around the same time.

In 2008, about 13,000 payment acceptance points were actively operating there. By the way, today their number has exceeded 30,000. And now the most important thing.

According to experts this type payment has enormous potential. There is an opinion that the market is saturated to only 50% of its real potential. This opens up great opportunities for the organization own business in this domain.

However, there are many skeptics who claim the opposite. According to them, certain parts of the market are already oversaturated with such machines. In addition, there is the concept of the population “getting used to” various innovations. And if a few years ago consumers shied away from strange cars, today everything is exactly the opposite. They have become very popular and, most importantly, are in great demand, which again confirms the relevance of organizing your own network of such machines.

What do you need to start a business?

What do you need to install a payment terminal? Businessmen and entrepreneurs can organize their own company in the instant payments market. To do this you need to purchase everything necessary equipment, connect to payment systems and choose a suitable place to rent. You will have your percentage of each transaction performed by your clients.

Commissions pay for rent and equipment costs and bring tangible income to the owners. Of course, you are already puzzled by the question of how much profit one payment terminal brings. And you probably already thought that this was a penny. In fact, substantial commissions were passed through the terminals before a serious conflict occurred between the owners of the terminals and the well-known company Kcell. The essence of the showdown concerned the restrictions on the commission that was charged when making payments.

According to the position of terminal operators, after this restriction was introduced, their income fell by a third. And this, by the way, is natural, since the company’s turnover, which brought such confusion to the market, is estimated at 30 to 50% of the total number of all electronic payments made. According to the well-known QIWI service, operators make good money in this business cellular communications, their share in total turnover sometimes reaches 75%. And yet, with the right and rational approach, this type of business can turn out to be very, very profitable.

Experts in this area note that in the next 5 years such payments will become the most popular, both in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as in a number of other CIS countries. Why? It's simple.

Such a business is beneficial to absolutely everyone. Just think: the payer gets the opportunity to instantly make a payment (and without interrupting his own affairs, somewhere in a supermarket), the provider “makes money” on the connection, and the owner of the terminal withdraws his interest.

Everyone is happy and comfortable. Therefore, the number of instant payment points is expected to increase in the near future. Installing payment terminals is truly a comprehensively profitable and promising business! He has a great future.

How to install your terminal?

So, we have already decided that this business has all the prerequisites for development, that the niche has not yet been filled, that it is still possible to enter the market and start your own business.
Now let's look at how to install your own payment terminal. In order to start accepting instant payments, you need to:

1. Register as a legal entity.

2. Select the location where the payment terminal will be installed. It is very important. It is imperative that the area be crowded. One of the best places is the entrance to the hypermarket.

Don't forget the main thing - the more people pass by, the more money you can collect. However, the amount of rent will also not be small.

3. Invest in terminals.

4. Choose the right payment systems for the payment terminals with which you will work, sign the appropriate agreement and open a specific account. They act as an intermediary between the owner of the payment terminal and organizations. The more partners payment systems can service, the correspondingly greater range of varied payments you will be able to provide to clients.

Now let's look at the names of payment acceptance points.

Self-service terminal. As the name suggests, it is designed to allow customers to make all necessary payments themselves. The information provided on the monitor is structured. Also, for the convenience of users, all types of payments are divided into thematic groups. All this allows the client to quickly and without any “problems” carry out all operations.

POS terminal. The name can be literally translated as “point of sale.” It is a compact, autonomous type terminal, the design of which allows it to successfully operate both from the network and from the built-in battery. This type of equipment is usually installed at checkout counters in various stores. POS terminal is great Additional income owners retail outlets.

Payment point. This system is convenient for those who do not want to invest a lot of money in the business. It is compact and its equipment is inexpensive. The point can be organized only with the help of a laptop and, of course, software. As we have already noted, such a solution will cost the owner much less than all of the above. In this case, the payment point can be expanded (or, if necessary, collapsed) in the shortest possible time.

And now a few words about investments

The main advantage of the business discussed in our material is, of course, the insignificant labor costs required for its organization and subsequent work.

The cost depends both on the device model and on the availability of various additional features this type of equipment. This, in fact, is where the main investments are limited. If you don’t even have these financial resources, you may not buy the equipment, but rent a payment terminal. In this case, you will need to enter into an appropriate agreement with its owner. This practice, like any other, has its pros and cons.

In general, the payback of this type of business is such that it is better and more correct to purchase once good equipment and after 5-6 months, start calculating your net profit, rather than renting a payment terminal and wasting additional money on its repair (which is possible) and on paying commissions to its owner.

More is better

In order to start earning really big money, you need to organize not just two or three terminals, but develop a whole network of instant payment systems. Only in this case will the payment terminal as a business begin to bring in good money.

And if things don’t work out in one place, then profits from other places can cover costs and expenses and quickly recoup your investment. Experts in this business say that for successful start you must have at least three terminals (however, their opponents often mention the number 10). For Russia, we have no information about the exact amount of finance to fully start a business.

Let's take an average amount as an example: for these purposes, approximately 200,000 rubles are needed. This amount includes the cost of equipment and initial financial resources necessary for turnover. With such investments, there is a high probability that the payment terminal as a business will become very, very successful for you, regardless of whether you start it in Moscow or, for example, in Almaty. Have a good start!


How does the payment terminal work? Who serves it? In order to maintain the equipment in working order and ensure its normal operation, a small staff is required. So, for example, a company with 8 terminals can be managed by only 1 person, but if you have 5 or more employees, then you will be able to successfully manage a company servicing several dozen instant payment points.

The advantages of such a business are that in order to engage in it, you do not need to have huge warehouse premises, rack your brains over logistics, or deal with various paperwork with clients (for which you need to maintain a staff of lawyers).

Payment terminal The good thing about business is that your task here is only
in order to correctly place your equipment (here it is important to maintain a balance between the “crowding” of the place and a more or less acceptable rent) and monitor the collection process and the proper operation of the terminals.

By the way, before starting this interesting and very profitable business, it is worth considering one point in detail. To successfully start any business, you simply need to have a business plan; a payment terminal is no exception. What does it mean?

You definitely need to think about it rough plan work of each of your points. You must understand that if one of them is not able to raise the funds necessary for the payback of the entire enterprise at first, the others will be able to do this.

It is also important to have a well-thought-out strategy for developing your business overall. For example, this month you start working with three points. After two months, you connect three more devices to your network. By the end of the year, you should have a network with more than a dozen terminals in operation.

How much should you invest right away?

You will immediately need to spend a decent amount on purchasing equipment. We have already told you about its cost earlier. It is worth adding to the above that the most expensive devices may be those intended for installation on the streets. This is not at all surprising. As you understand, they must withstand constant exposure to various precipitation and atmospheric conditions.

Therefore, the equipment is manufactured with an increased level of strength. Such devices, unlike “greenhouse” devices designed for indoor use, can cost up to $9,000. Therefore, weigh everything several times before deciding to purchase. It may be more profitable for you to negotiate with the store administration about the location of your point than to install it, albeit for less rent, on the street (but investing money in more expensive devices).

Let us remind you that there are also free solutions. These include software for servicing cash registers. In this scenario for building a business, you simply won’t need to buy terminals.

Monthly expenses

First of all, this is the rent. Its cost depends on many factors: the city, the size of the store and its traffic, your individual approach and ability to negotiate. You can install a payment terminal at a price that is favorable to you if you describe in vivid colors all the advantages of this point directly for the customers of this store. The management of any shopping pavilion or hypermarket will be interested in providing its customers with maximum service.

Systematic replenishment of a specific account - its size depends on the number of your instant payment points at a specific dealer. At the same time, as soon as you have made the necessary payment for the service, it is immediately debited from a special account of the owner of the payment acceptance point and sent to the wallet of the provider of this service. By the way, only thanks to this is “immediate” payment ensured.

Payment for Internet traffic (GPRS). It varies depending on the city and country where you are going to set up your business. However, even at maximum load it does not go beyond $30-50.

It is also necessary to highlight various deductions in a separate article. These include taxes, collection services, the work of technical personnel and the labor of hired employees.

How much profit does one payment terminal bring?

So, gradually, we got closer to the answer to one of the most interesting questions. Depending on your service provider (provider, telecom operator), commissions can range from 0.2% to 7% of the payment amount. Not bad, right? There is also a special additional commission. As a rule, it can be collected by the terminal owner from his clients. The amount is not fixed. It may be charged as a percentage of the payment made.


Now let's talk about when you can achieve net profit. Knowing how much the equipment costs, what the rent for its location is, as well as other costs, you can roughly calculate when payment machines will start working in profit. For example, 3 terminals can pay for themselves in 4 months of operation. But this is provided that there is sufficient crowding and traffic flow of the place. If this is not the case, then the payment terminal as a business will be less successful.

You can justify your investment in 8 months. But again, it all depends on what point it is. If we talk about the specific profit from it, then according to information from Kazakh businessmen, it is approximately 35 thousand tenge. OSMP gives approximately the same figure. In their opinion, the instant payment market is currently experiencing rapid growth. This is why terminals for accepting payments pay for themselves on average within a year.

A spoon of tar

However, despite the popularity of this service among the population, business payment terminals in Lately I lowered my speed a bit. Experts say that just a couple of years ago, profits were significantly higher than they are today. Today, the owners of instant payment points are content with the profit that would not have satisfied them at the dawn of this field of activity.

This business (payment terminals) due to the emergence of fierce competition, not entirely adequate policies mobile operators lost almost 50% in profit. However, this does not mean that you should not invest in such a business. Of course, now is not the “dawn” of terminals, and you will no longer be the first, but you can still conquer a certain niche. The most important thing is not to sit idly by, but to constantly act and find unexpected moves. In this case, such a business (payment terminals) will work for you!

As in any business, in order to compete and at the same time constantly expand your network, it is important to work all the time. But what exactly needs to be done to ensure that your network of terminals brings you profit? And the payment terminal as a business was constantly growing? Special attention Focus on a few main points:

Increasing the number of your points and installing payment terminals should occur constantly if the necessary funds are available.

You should constantly increase the number of your partners for whose benefit you will accept payments. This is the point that may depend not only on you, but also on the payment system you choose. Here it would be more correct to monitor the activity of this system and, if it does not expand the number of its partners for a long time, simply change it to a more successful one.

Constantly monitoring how passable the points are. One of the common failures in this market is precisely due to the fact that the entrepreneur chooses the wrong place to place the equipment. If profits have dropped sharply for a long period of time, then it is better to close the point or move it to a more profitable location. Installing payment terminals in a public place will ensure the success of the entire business.

Work on the quality of the service provided. It is quite possible that this point cannot be attributed directly to expanding your network, but in reality it can have a very serious impact.


Let's summarize. Before starting a business in the field of instant payment, realistically assess your financial capabilities. Then write a business plan. Keep in mind that force majeure is possible, so set aside some amount for unforeseen events. Next, purchase equipment.

If your budget is small, then abandon street terminals in favor of those that are located only indoors. Now recruit staff and determine the most crowded, but at the same time not very expensive places to locate your points. You already know how to install a payment terminal in a store. It is necessary to negotiate with the management of the supermarket and agree on the cost. When all the contracts are signed and your “network” is in place, start tracking your profitability and making your profit!

Despite the fact that this niche cannot be called new, there are still loopholes for successfully entering the instant payment market, which means you can earn your million in this simple and interesting business! The most important thing is not to lose heart or give up under any circumstances. Even if your business does not immediately produce the desired result, do not despair and try to find new points for your equipment.

It is possible that new stores will allow you to earn good money. Also constantly expand your business contacts. Perhaps one of the new partners will be able to give you a valuable idea that you can bring to life, or will recommend terminals good quality at affordable prices.

According to market research, payment terminals representing the vending business are quite stable in terms of risks. From 80 to 90% of entrepreneurs succeed or do not go bankrupt in this area, while in other areas the success rate is from 50 to 60%.

Those wishing to start a business with payment terminals may find this direction attractive due to the low entry level. Knowing how much a used terminal costs, you can plan to start a network of 20-30 units. Then, having made a profit, buy new ones, replace old ones and develop. Everything looks quite accessible. Some believe that one device will be enough, because there is information on the Internet about income of up to 100 thousand rubles. per month per car. In reality, everything is much more complicated; the terminal will not provide profit to a business. You need to enter the market with at least a hundred cars, even with used cars for 20 thousand rubles. you will need about 2 million rubles. There are other costs, and considerable ones.

Conducting the business became very complicated with the adoption of the law “On transactions with signs of cashing out...”, which came into force on September 1, 2015. Since that moment, some schemes that brought additional profit to the owners have been destroyed, gross income has fallen, net earnings have decreased and now there is a decrease in interest . The owners of the vending business select another niche for themselves, sell off the equipment and begin to engage in a new type of business.

General characteristics of the payment terminal

A payment terminal is a device through which citizens make money transfers for various purposes. A commission is deducted from the completed payment in favor of the business owner. It is this commission that makes up the gross profit.

The terminal device includes:

  • metal case with anti-vandal protection;
  • fiscal device that prints a check;
  • monitor and touchpad;
  • bill acceptor;
  • simple computer;
  • GPRS modem or GSM version.

The device can be equipped with a watchdog timer and an uninterruptible power supply at the request of the owner.

According to the concept, payment acceptance terminals are divided into types:

  1. For indoors.
  2. For the street.
  3. Portable.

The latter type is used for limited tasks; the structural difference between the others lies in the degree of anti-vandal strengthening of the panel and glass. The cost of the cars is approximately equal to:

  • the sample for the room is made taking into account design solutions;
  • In an outdoor terminal, the protection is more expensive, but the housing does not have a decorative panel, since this part is either not visible on the wall-mounted version or is not provided.

A simplified plan for a payment terminal business includes finding a place for equipment, concluding a lease agreement, purchasing terminals, and connecting to the payment network.

Installation of a payment terminal in an office building

Location and rental

According to the documents, the payment terminal occupies 1 m2, the rental cost for it ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles per month. The data is relevant for a city with a population of 300 thousand inhabitants. The exception is large shopping centers and metro areas; at these points, rent is charged between 5 and 10 thousand rubles.

This is very expensive for a payment device:

  • in competitive places, payments cost 5%, and the daily turnover is 6-7 thousand, that is, gross income is 350 rubles per day;
  • such a machine earns 10-11 thousand per month, from these funds you need to pay up to 10 thousand in rent, part of the money will be spent on maintenance;
  • Places that seem strong at first glance either bring in little or work to zero.

Here the question arises - what is the benefit for the owner of payment terminals in such conditions? Indeed, this is not profitable for the tenant, so the “bread spots” are constantly left by some tenants and taken by others.

The most profitable location of terminals is stores in the “close to home” format, it is here that the rent averages 1 thousand rubles per month, the monthly turnover is about 120 thousand rubles, the interest rate is most often 10%. The device earns 10-11 thousand rubles per month in gross profit. The difficulty is that all working places are occupied. Old market players who plan to continue enter into contracts with points under construction before launch, so such a stable network can only be bought when and if they want to sell it.

Payment terminals as a business

You can find out how much a terminal for paying for cellular communications costs on the suppliers’ website:

  • new devices - from 80 to 220 thousand rubles;
  • The largest range of supply is concentrated around 90 thousand.

New payment terminal mobile communications works just as well as the old one; to start a business you can always find machines for 15-20 thousand rubles.

To connect, you can choose different service providers - large DELTA, CYBERPLAT or the most common QIWI. Promoted systems have an impressive list of services, widespread recognition, stable functionality and payment processing speed.

The vending company makes an advance payment to the balance of the payment system, and it is from this that customer payments are transferred. The amount should cover the turnover of the terminal network for 2-3 days. Otherwise, a situation may occur when a person deposited money on the phone, but it did not arrive immediately, or even after an hour or two. They may arrive after a few hours or within a day. Accordingly, a citizen who does not receive the service on time will bypass the “bad” cellular payment terminal.

How a payment acceptance terminal works: nuances and features

Whatever system a business owner chooses, he must be prepared to work for it for free. What is this?

Many people know about the existence of payments without commission or with a minimum commission. Thus, transfers through a terminal for accepting payments into the QIWI system are limited to a maximum of 3% for amounts up to 500 rubles. and interest-free payment for amounts over 500 rubles. That is, part of the amount that ends up inside the payment terminal represents a non-profitable turnover for which the business owner makes a payment from own funds. This was facilitated by the already mentioned law of 2015. The essence of the innovation is as follows:

  1. Before the law was adopted, business owners used payment terminals to deposit money directly into the payment system, and some even participated in gray schemes. As a result, by sending 100 thousand to the account, they received a bonus of up to 10 thousand.
  2. Now these schemes are excluded from the financial life of Russia, and business owners are required to deposit funds into the payment system through a special account, which is abbreviated as 408. For this “transshipment point” you need to make deductions in the amount of 1.5% of the amount.

It turns out that if transfers that are “empty” in terms of interest are made into a payment terminal, the businessman will pay 1.5% from his own profit.

other expenses

A company doing business rents an office with utility rooms. At a minimum you need to have 3 rooms. One is a standard office, the second contains a warehouse for spare parts and terminals purchased “on occasion.” The third is a workshop.

Service business staff represented by 3 employees:

  1. One person in the office - he does paperwork and administrative work and monitors the network. The data is received using special software, so it is always known which terminals have stopped working and what error is being broadcast.
  2. Two people service the business at payment terminals; their task includes collection and error correction.

Contrary to the popular belief that one engineer is enough for supervision, two are needed.
Terminals break down every day, most often they stop because they “chewed” a bill, but this happens in different areas of the city. And if several stopped in one part of the city, the same thing happened in another part - one person cannot fix everything at once. And downtime of the terminal is not only a loss of current profit, but also a loss regular customers. People find other convenient machines and stop using the usual one, even when it is in working order.

Breakdowns and components

Acts of vandalism occur regularly and are aimed primarily at street machines, and somewhat less often at machines installed indoors. The components are very expensive. Touch glass for a street model costs from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. This is more than the monthly profit of a good point.

Attacks are more common in summer period, and the robbers are not embarrassed by the risk of loot of 5-10 thousand, which they most often fail to seize. In most cases, would-be robbers are caught and sent to justice, but this does not help the business owner; he has to invest in purchasing spare parts and repairs.
Insurance organizations shy away from insuring businesses or agree to such insurance payments that companies with payment terminals are not interested.

Taxes and point zero

A simplified tax scheme is applied, in which up to 15% of profit is paid. The calculation is made as “income” minus “expenses”, the remainder represents the taxable base.
Another simplified option with payment of 6% of turnover in this business with an average margin of 7.5% of turnover and a mandatory deduction of 1.5% for using a special account is unprofitable. The organization usually does not employ an accountant and uses the services of an audit firm.

Current costs for the presented scheme - rent, office, salary, taxes, components and gasoline - are about 300 thousand rubles monthly. Now it becomes clear that from 30 to 40 machines with a good profit will only recoup the costs. Therefore, out of 100 terminals located in good locations, 60 units will generate income, due to which the business will develop.

Some people think that one device will be enough. In reality, everything is much more complicated. You need to enter the market with at least a hundred cars.

Payment terminals have become a part of the lives of modern people. They can be found in educational institutions, shopping centers, on the street, that is, in all public places. Many businessmen earn good money from such devices. In this article, we will look at reviews from owners about payment terminals as a business and figure out how profitable this line of business is for beginning entrepreneurs.

What are payment devices used for?

These machines are designed to accept various payments.

With their help you can pay:

  • Cellular communications;
  • Cable TV;
  • Public utilities:
  • Internet and more.

Such a device operates independently, without operator participation. The payment apparatus consists of the following elements:

  • Modem that accepts payments;
  • Bill acceptor;
  • Screen;
  • Printer for printing receipts.

Using this device, the subscriber can quickly pay bills anywhere in the city.

Buy or rent?

There are different ways to organize a business on your own payment terminal. For example, the owner of a chain of stores can install such devices at each outlet. The new service will attract buyers, which will increase sales. In addition, he will be able to receive additional income from payments. Since the device will be placed in its own space, you will not have to pay rent for its installation. Collection and maintenance of payment terminals can be performed by a senior salesperson or store administrator.

If you are interested in a payment terminal as a business, in order for it to generate decent income, you need to create an entire system of instant payments. Experts believe that for a successful start, you should purchase at least 10 devices. Entrepreneurs who do not have large start-up capital on hand to purchase equipment can rent the equipment. Over time, when the business begins to generate good profits, you can purchase the equipment as your own.


Before installing a payment terminal, you must officially register your activity. First of all, you need to open an LLC in order to be able to enter into agreements with operators of vending payment systems. In addition, it is necessary to register with the tax office to avoid any problems from regulatory authorities in the future.

Business Features

Let's figure out how the business with payment terminals works. Its success is ensured by various factors. First of all, it is competition. In addition, the location of the equipment plays an important role in this matter. Another factor worth noting is wear and tear. If you install the device in a public place, for example, in a shopping center, it will be used more often. Accordingly, the device will fail faster.

The next factor is the average bill. For example, you have chosen a place with high traffic, but here the device is used mainly to make payments for the apartment. Since the interest on rent is too low, you will make little profit. On the other hand, on minimum payments in some educational institution you can get 30–40% income.

If you cannot decide where to install the payment terminal, ready business will become the most the best option to start. In this case, you will receive a payment terminal installed in a good location and completely ready for use.

We offer step-by-step instructions for those who are interested in how to start a business using payment terminals:

  • Find an equipment supplier and order devices from them. Experienced entrepreneurs who have been working in this field for a long time recommend buying second-hand equipment at the start. Thanks to this, you can save a lot and open more outlets. Before purchasing equipment, read consumer reviews of specific models. Thanks to this, you can avoid problems in the future;
  • Choosing a location. So that your business brings good income, you need to choose the right place to install the equipment. In this matter, you should be guided by cross-country ability. The more people pass by, the better;
  • Installation and configuration. After you choose a location and sign a lease agreement, you can begin installing the equipment. You can do this work yourself, following the instructions, or seek help from professionals.

Payment terminal operation diagram

Financial part

When drawing up a business plan for payment terminals, you must first calculate all costs. First of all, this is rent. The amount of monthly payments largely depends on the ability to negotiate with the owners of the premises, as well as on an individual approach. If you can convince the management of a shopping center or hypermarket that installing a payment device will help them attract more customers, they will offer you the minimum rent. In addition, you need to find out how much the payment terminal costs and what payment system you will connect it to.

Initial costs:

  • Purchase and connection of equipment – ​​2.4-9 thousand dollars;
  • Monthly expenses:
  • Rent of space for the device – 4–8 thousand rubles;
  • Internet fee – 600–900 rubles;
  • Deductions to the bank – 0.1–0.15% of turnover;
  • Maintenance – 4 thousand rubles;
  • Collection – 2 thousand rubles;
  • Income tax.

Now let’s try to determine how much profit the payment terminal brings:

  • Remuneration from the service provider – 1–3%;
  • The fee for using the device, which is charged to customers, is 3–5%.

One machine accepts approximately 150 payments per day. The average bill is 150 rubles. In this case monthly income is approximately 30 thousand rubles per month. If you subtract maintenance costs, you will get a net profit of approximately 18 thousand rubles. With average returns, your initial investment will pay off in about 5-6 months. In areas with high traffic, payback periods are significantly reduced.

They bring in a good income. They can be installed next to payment terminals to generate additional income.

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To ensure a good profit you need to work hard and constantly expand your network.

Pay special attention to the following points:

  • Part of the profit should be invested in the purchase and installation of new equipment;
  • Search for new partners. In this matter, success largely depends on the chosen payment system. If it does not attract new partners, look for a more successful operator;
  • Constantly monitor the traffic flow of points where payment devices are installed. Many entrepreneurs suffer losses because they chose the wrong place to install their equipment. If you see that the device is not profitable, move it to another, more crowded place;
  • Constantly improve the quality of service. Thanks to this, you can increase the profitability of the enterprise.


Now you know how to make money on payment terminals. This is a fairly attractive and promising source of income. It's perfect for those interested in . According to analysts, the payment terminal market will show positive dynamics for a long time, since it is not completely saturated, so you can safely enter this business.

Payment terminals have long become an integral part of the interior shopping centers, underground passages, train stations, airports and other crowded places. The payment terminal business has been growing rapidly over the past decade. In 2015, the total volume of payments exceeded 1.2 trillion. rubles The profit from this type of business amounted to more than 25 billion rubles. Payment terminals as a business are especially interesting because it does not require large investments or permits to start, and it is accessible to small groups of people and even individuals. Earning $1000-1500 per month is possible even in small cities and small network sizes.

What do you need to start a business on payment terminals?

Register as individual entrepreneur. If you are not starting a business alone, then any form of doing business is suitable - LLC, OJSC, etc.

You should carefully consider the choice of OKVED code (business classification code). Your contributions to social funds depend on this code. Most often it is recommended to use code 72.60 - other activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology.

Purchase 1-5 payment terminals (they are also called touch kiosks). The price for new equipment is in the range of 80-160 thousand rubles. Used devices will cost about half as much. You can also lease a new terminal for 1-2 years (the initial payment is usually 30% of its cost).

Make a deposit in a bank. Approximate minimum amount deposit for the operation of one kiosk is 40-150 thousand rubles. This is the amount you will be able to receive payments for. Once this amount has been exhausted, client payment will not be possible until you replenish the deposit from funds contributed by payers.

Conclude a lease agreement to install the terminal. The cost of such a contract depends very much on the location. In large cities, the cost of rent in crowded places reaches 8,000 rubles per month. But even in big cities you can find places with high traffic and rental costs of 1000-2000 rubles. per month.

Select a payment system and connect the terminal to it. The most common are E-PORT, DELTA, OSMP and CYBERPLAT. Open a special account.

How much can you earn in business using payment terminals?

Earnings in this type of business very much depend on the location of the “point” and can reach 30-40 thousand rubles. on one terminal. Income grows as the number of “points” increases, since the poor location of some is easily compensated by the income of others. The mobility of this business allows you to quickly change the location of “points” and minimize losses from failures.

Read also: Vending machines as a business

Let's consider typical situations(amounts are rounded, indicated in rubles).

Situation one

  1. Average starting investments(the cost of one terminal is 120,000 rubles and a deposit of 200,000 rubles) and three points in places with average traffic (medium-sized supermarket).
  2. The average payment is 300 rubles. (the average in Russia is 270 rubles, but has a tendency to increase).
  3. Number of payers per day – 30.
  4. Commission -5%.
  5. Working days per month – 30.

Total turnover per month is 810,000. Income of the owner of payment terminals is 40,500.

  1. Rental price - 7500.
  2. Additional expenses (printer paper, communication fees, insurance, etc.) - 5000.
  3. Additional income (remuneration from the payment system for making payments, advertising, etc.) - 4000.
  4. Taxes - 2500.

Net profit from business at the payment terminal per month is 29,500 rubles. With the cost of new equipment being 120,000 rubles. the payback period will be about one year.

Situation two

  1. Average starting investment (the cost of one terminal is 120,000 rubles and a deposit of 300,000 rubles) and three points in places with high traffic (a large supermarket or a train station).
  2. The average payment is 300.
  3. Number of payers per day – 60.
  4. Commission - 5%.
  5. Days of work per month - 30

Total turnover per month is 1,620,000. Income of the owner of payment terminals is 81,000.

  1. Rental cost: 15,000.
  2. Additional expenses (printer paper, communication fees, insurance, etc.) - 8000.
  3. Additional income (remuneration from the payment system for making payments, advertising, etc.) - 8000.
  4. Taxes - 4000.

Net profit from business on payment terminals per month is 62,000 rubles. With the cost of new equipment being 120,000 rubles. the payback period will be less than six months.

Advantages of business on payment terminals.

In addition to small initial investments, a payment terminal as a business is interesting because it is mobile and, as a rule, does not require systematic Maintenance and the involvement of support staff. A network of 3-7 installations can be maintained independently. The income from this type of business is quite stable and is not seasonal.

An idea from an “experienced businessman”: “I live in the suburbs. At the end of 2014, I installed a payment acceptance terminal near the gate of my house. I entered the coordinates of all public utilities in our area and set a commission for payment of housing and communal services at 2% (for mobile communications and the Internet 6%). It's very convenient for old people. Now my income is more than 10 thousand per month. At the same time, more than half of the payment for housing and communal services. Not God knows what, but enough for gasoline. I don’t sweat and count my money.”

"Pitfalls" in business at payment terminals.

You should be very careful when choosing where to install the equipment. As a rule, there are already such devices in crowded places. See how many clients one “point” serves per hour. It is good to take measurements at different times of the day. If possible, estimate the average payment amount. The same should be done if there are no payment terminals in the location you choose (check a similar point). Evaluate the quality of mobile communications in your chosen location. Inquire about the rental price. The easiest way is to install the stand on the street, but taking into account the climatic conditions of Russia and the danger of vandalism, such a solution is rarely successful. The installation of equipment in student dormitories and universities is considered quite successful. Youth is target group business on payment terminals. If possible, you should avoid installing a terminal next to the equipment of large banks, since payers, as a rule, prefer to pay to “their bank.”