School education 33 rf bars web. Automated information system (AIS) “bars. education - e-school. Login

E-education is an integral part modern system education in general.

Today, an increasing part of the country's educational institutions are switching to the use of electronic journals and diaries that can replace previously used paper documents.

At its core electronic diary, like electronic journal are analogues of the corresponding paper media. However, they are able to expand and simplify the work of the latter.

One of the projects in the system e-education began to use BARS 33 web education, which can be found in more detail on the corresponding resource in Internet.

To get more information about the BARS Group itself, as well as its projects, industry solutions, technologies and more, just click on the appropriate link located in the lower left corner of the site.

In order to go to the BARS 33 electronic diary, you will need to specify a login and password, which you should contact your educational institution for.

You can also log into the BARS 33 electronic diary through unified system identification and authentication (ESIA). To do this, you need to specify a mobile phone or address Email and login password informational portal education systems. It should be noted that only persons who have reached the age of 14 can enter the electronic diary through the ESIA.

If, upon entering the electronic diary, it turned out that the password was lost, you can use the corresponding link to restore it. When you go through it, you will need to enter the email address specified during registration, to which a new password will be sent.

Access to the electronic diary allows you to obtain information about the progress of a particular student, as well as their attendance at classes. It also contains the class schedule and homework assignments. In addition, teachers can leave notes for parents with useful information regarding student progress.

Electronic diary BARS 33 - school.education33.rf

AIS Education - automated Information system, which allows to carry out an integrated approach in the process of automating a number of tasks that appear before educational institutions in the course of their educational activities.

AIS education was created by order of the Ministry of Education of the subject Russian Federation— Republic of Bashkortostan.

This system allows you to solve a number of problems by introducing the latest technologies V educational process making information about it more open, accessible and operational. All this is possible thanks to the availability of services such as an electronic grade book, an electronic student diary, automated accounting for school meals, as well as monitoring attendance and migration of students from one educational institution to another, accounting for the auditor fund.

AIS Education is a system that can facilitate access to information related to the educational process for all its participants: both the students themselves and their parents, as well as teachers and the administration of the educational institution. All that is required to enter the system, including an electronic diary, is a login and password previously received by the participants in this system.


If, when trying to log in, it turned out that the password was incorrect or lost, use the link "Forgot your password?", Then enter your login and click "Restore". Then try logging in again.

Password recovery

AIS education electronic diary entrance, thanks to the introduction of a login and password, protects the information contained in the system from outsiders.

It is also important to be able to log into AIS education (including an electronic diary) from any device with Internet access, this will allow you to receive necessary information at any time convenient for you. If necessary, you can also use the SMS-informing service. Links to tariffs and the corresponding agreement are provided at the bottom of the page.

  • pdf format (archive)
  • doc format

The user guide (for teachers) can be downloaded from:

  • pdf format (archive)
  • doc format

View user manuals on our website:

for parents and students in full screen

for teachers full screen


  1. Maintaining an electronic journal and diary takes place in accordance with federal law N210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", according to which the transfer must be completed by January 1, 2014 electronic services, including the diary, electronic form(i.e. through a special website on the Internet).
  2. The introduction of an electronic diary, especially at the initial stage, also provides for keeping a diary and a journal in paper form. At the same time, keeping a diary in paper form can be organized in different ways: both by putting marks in the diary manually, and pasting printouts of information about grades into the diary
  3. Access to the electronic diary is carried out on the website located on the Internet at the following address:
    System "BARS- e-school»
  4. If parents do not have a computer with Internet access, they must inform the class teacher in writing - about the impossibility of receiving the electronic diary service. In this case, it should be ensured that the parent and the student are informed about the learning outcomes at least once a week using a printout of the results that are pasted into the diary or entered there manually. Please note: information about the progress of students whose parents have declared that it is impossible to receive the electronic diary service will still be entered into the system.
  5. Every parent and student may have questions:

    What personal data about the parent and student will be processed in the electronic diary system?- To provide an electronic diary service, only the full name of the student and parent, the date of birth of the student and the class in which he studies are required.

  6. The system is hosted on the Internet. To what extent will personal data be protected? Who is responsible for this? Its developers are responsible for protecting the electronic diary system from “hacking” attempts, however, both parents and students should remember that the login and password used to enter the system cannot be disclosed. Also, it cannot be lost - otherwise you will have to turn to class teacher or another school employee who is responsible for accessing the electronic journal. The parent should remember: if he told his username and password to his child, then the child will be able to change the password himself and not tell his parent.
  7. How are usernames and passwords issued to students to enter the system? Class teachers, head teachers and parents should jointly decide the question, starting from which grade it is necessary to issue logins and passwords to students, and how to issue a login and password to a student.

- This modern approach to the educational system, which simplifies the interaction with documents for teachers, parents and their children. This site will allow you to keep abreast of student progress, keep an electronic journal for teachers, and communicate with each other.

Electronic journals and diaries on the BARS website

The site has a concise and colorful interface. There are no extra tabs that complicate perception. On home page presented only advertising banners With useful information for teachers and parents, as well as a panel that provides access to Personal Area.

Registration on the site is possible through the Unified Identification and Authentication System or due to the presence of a login and password. Only persons over 14 years of age can enter your personal account. This is how the entrance to the site through the ESIA looks like.

modern education has many innovative approaches. Sites of this kind allow you to control the entire educational process, having access to electronic documentation. This is much easier than paper diaries and electronic journals.

Bars education 33 RF - school magazine. It will be useful for both teachers and parents. In our article we will talk in detail about this system and its features.

Unlike kindergarten, at school it is necessary to monitor the progress of the child. But now parents do not have enough time for this. How to be in such a situation?

Modern technology has made the whole process easier. Now you don't have to look great amount notebooks and a diary, you can use the electronic service.

Thanks to this system, you can collect all the information in one place. Parents just need to enter the portal and study the parameters. Simplicity and availability of data is the main advantage for users from Vladimir.

Education 33 RF - AIS electronic diary

What electronic diary Bars 33 provides opportunities for parents?

  • You can track your current progress.
  • Study all relevant data.
  • View posted ratings.
  • Learn homework.
  • View notes from teachers.
  • Find out about the absence of the child in the classroom.
  • Study schedules.

One of the key features is viewing grades. Teachers fill the database after class. Marks appear in the diary of each student after uploading the data to the system. Parents can easily get acquainted with them.

You can also control school attendance on the portal. If the child was absent from class, then you will definitely know about it. "H" icons will appear in the system, which indicate non-attendance of classes without prior notice to teachers.

Viewing homework can be an advantage. The child will no longer be able to deceive you about the work done. You can ask him to show the prepared task and control the fulfillment of the teacher's requirements.

For students

What features will be useful for students?

  1. View the posted marks.
  2. Studying homework.
  3. View schedule.
  4. You can see which days you were absent from classes and challenge the erroneously set "H".

Viewing the schedule is one of the popular features of Bars Education 33 RF electronic magazine. In some periods it is unstable at school, you have to wait for compilation and write it down every day. But now the students can log into the system, the schedule for tomorrow will be posted in it.

It will also be useful to view homework. Forgot to write it down in class? You can visit the AIS personal account and study the data. The advantages of the system can hardly be overestimated.

School education 33 RF - electronic journal

What are the advantages of the system for educational institutions?

  • A convenient reporting tool is provided.
  • All data can be entered into the database.
  • It is convenient to store information.
  • Provided access for parents and students.
  • You can train teachers to work with the system very quickly. School education 33 Bars electronic magazine is easy to learn.
  • The system works stably and is available at any time.
  • You can be sure that your data is safe.
  • The possibility of hacking the system is excluded.
  • A complex scheme of distribution of rights has been created. The level of access depends on the status of the user.
  • Data is quickly updated after upload.

Thanks to the electronic journal, schools can keep records in a convenient and understandable way. The system is simple, several tabs have been created to distribute information and functions. After connecting, it is enough to conduct a short briefing for teachers, they will quickly master the new tool.

This technology is the future. Many schools now keep paper class registers to back up information. But after the rollback of the system and its verification, educational institutions will completely switch to electronic versions.

School education 33 bars - electronic journal: personal account

Initially, you will need to register an electronic journal in Web Education 33 bars. To do this, the head of the educational institution or the responsible person enters the system website. He fills out an application and sends it for consideration.

The request is carefully studied by experts. They connect the school, help with the development of the system. In the future, accounts are created for teachers with certain access rights.

At the last stage, accounts for parents and students are formed on web education. Login information can be obtained directly from educational institution. You need to contact the class teacher or responsible person.

AIS education 33 RF electronic diary - entrance for parents

To enter the site you need:

  • Go to https://xn--80atdl2c.xn--33-6kcadhwnl3cfdx.xn--p1ai/auth/login-page.
  • Specify credentials.
  • Click on the button for authorization.

Parents and students can link their account to ESIA. Registration on the State Services portal is available from the age of 14. After linking the account, the login will occur according to the following scheme:

  1. You need to go to the site https://xn--80atdl2c.xn--33-6kcadhwnl3cfdx.xn--p1ai/auth/login-page.
  2. Click on the button with ESIA.
  3. Enter your phone number and password.
  4. After authorization in the State Services, access to the electronic diary is provided.

System advantages

So, what kind of Bars education 33 RF electronic magazine in the Vladimir region has the advantages?

  • It is available at any time.
  • The data is updated promptly.
  • Parents can quickly get the information they need.
  • All data is provided in an accessible form.
  • The system has a high level of security.
  • You can protect information from third-party access and modification.
  • The system stores a lot of useful data.
  • If you wish, you can log in not only from a computer, but also from a mobile.
  • Parents can comfortably control the learning process of the child.
  • Academic performance increases, the number of absences without a good reason decreases.

Password recovery

Forgot your password? The portal provides a recovery system. This will require:

  1. Go on the website.
  2. Find the item "Forgot password" and click on it.
  3. An email entry form will appear.
  4. Recovery instructions will be sent to the specified mailbox.
  5. After the operation is completed, you will be able to access the system again.

If you do not have internet access

Are you unable to use the Internet to monitor your child's progress? Then you should personally contact the class teacher and ask him to provide printouts from the service.

The teacher will prepare paper copies and put them in the student's regular diary. It is important that the child deliver the printout home, so you will have to check this moment yourself.

Even if you don't have a computer, you can try using your mobile phone. Required:

  • Connect your smartphone to the Internet.
  • Log in to the system portal.
  • Log in to it.
  • Study the child's diary.

The site may not be well adapted to mobile devices. This fact causes little difficulty in interacting with the portal. But if necessary, it is quite possible to use it on a smartphone or tablet, the system is quite flexible and simple.