How to open a forge and make money from it? How to start a blacksmith business? Blacksmithing business

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The business of artistic forging has become quite widespread in our country, primarily due to the “cheap” start. You can open your own mini-enterprise with an amount of 1.0-1.5 million rubles. The main investment at the first stage is the purchase of equipment and materials for forging. After this, all that remains is to find a “handy” blacksmith and you can start forging money...

Due to the low entrance ticket the market for artistic forging has gone haywire a large number of small firms and “handicraft industries”. Garage production does not interfere much with large manufacturers and is mainly active only during the construction season. The products of such manufacturers are not of high quality, so the demand for their products is maintained only by low prices. Most of the products here are made by hand, so the result largely depends on the physical strength of the master and his dexterity. Meanwhile, about 60% of all orders are carried out by large firms, most often equipped with high-performance equipment. Their main clients are rich, solvent people.

What orders are most often made?

Orders are very different. The trend of the last few seasons is fireplace sets: poker, scoop, tongs. Classic products that are traditionally ordered are fences, canopies, canopies, window grilles, gates, monuments, gazebos, railings, benches and flower stands.

What you need for a successful business

According to experts, to open successful business It is necessary to have either extensive experience or appropriate education in the field of blacksmithing. Or better yet, both. Before starting the case, it’s a good idea to study the relevant literature, for example, Fedotov’s book “Metal”. Study drawings, diagrams, drawings, metal processing techniques. Then, if finances and time allow, you should receive a special education. The best of the best, real blacksmithing professionals are trained at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. Baron A. L. Stieglitz.

You don't have to start with large investments. Blacksmithing for the most part is based on the enthusiasm and efforts of the organizer. An example of this is Sergey Shevchenko, an aspiring businessman from Omsk. The entrepreneur needed not much more than 300 thousand rubles to start fulfilling orders. “Having received a grant from the regional administration in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, I bought gas and electric welding, a special table for work, and with the remaining amount I purchased a tool for bending metal,” says the blacksmith. Such a set of equipment fits freely in “garage” conditions, on an area of ​​15-20 m2.

How much money do you need to start a business like artistic forging?

Of course, if we talk about a serious matter, completely different investments will be required. At least 300 thousand rubles will be spent just on preparing the production site. For production 200 sq. m of finished forged products per month, you will need to rent a room of 60 - 80 sq. m. m. Plus, some area (15-25 sq.m.) is allocated for storage space, where finished products and raw materials for production are stored. It is desirable that the room has high electrical power(the equipment consumes up to 7 kW), was connected to a water supply and had good supply and exhaust ventilation. Renting such an area, depending on the region, will cost from 70 thousand rubles per month.

What equipment is best to choose for the production of artistic forging?

The next investment is the purchase of equipment. Experts advise purchasing only professional forging equipment. You will need machines: for bending, twisting, shaping, cutting, forming and straightening rolled metal. In addition, you need a welding machine, a straightener, an anvil, one or two welding stations for assembling products, a cutting machine, an angle grinder for cleaning weld seams, a compressor with a spray gun for painting finished forged products, as well as a workbench with a vice. The total investment in such a set of equipment will be no less than 1.5 million rubles.

In order not to waste money on the delivery of raw materials and supplies, it is advisable to acquire a personal by truck. Boo. a Gazelle van will cost 150 - 250 thousand rubles. It can also be used for delivery, if necessary. finished products to the customer.

The total investment in the business will ultimately amount to at least 2 million rubles. No one can say the exact payback period for such investments - everything is very individual and largely depends on the organization of the business. You can make a profit after just six months of work. Average return on investment in blacksmithing ranges from two to three years.


Now about the employees. You will need to employ at least three workers: a welder and a couple of mechanics. Physically, one cannot handle everything manufacturing process, and you also need to accept orders, pay suppliers, ship products, do accounting, etc. Finding qualified personnel is not easy, and most likely a person will have to complete their education on their own or be sent to appropriate courses. Wages are set as salary plus a percentage of the volume of manufactured products.

Financial calculation

The main materials in artistic forging are rolled metal (square or circle 14x14) and paint (such as Akrem metal). The price of rolled metal is on average 24 rubles/kg. The cost of paint is approximately 60 rubles/kg. For 1 square m2, 18 kg of rolled metal (415 rubles) and 0.15 kg of paint (9 rubles) are required.

In addition, when calculating the cost of goods, you should take into account material costs per 1 m2: electrodes - 10 rubles. (or argon + additive), abrasive wheels - 8 rubles. and propane gas - about 5 rubles. Electricity costs per shift are about 35 rubles. The wages for three craftsmen are 200 rubles, based on 1 m2 of finished product. About 20% or 100 rubles are overhead costs.

The total production cost of one square meter is about 800 rubles. The average selling price of forged products such as “houndstooth” or faceted lance is 3,000 rubles per 1 sq. m. Thus, profit per sq. m. m is equal to: 3000 (selling price) - 800 (cost) = 2200 rubles. By producing at least 100 m2 of forged gratings per month, you can make a profit of 220,000 rubles.

This calculation shows that one machine worth 350,000 rubles pays for itself upon the sale of 170 sq. m. forged products. If you produce at least 50 sq.m. every month. m., then the machine will pay for itself in 3.5 months.

Video about artistic forging:

It is difficult to find a person who has not used a knife. This is a common and deservedly revered household item. Steady demand for it is guaranteed for many decades to come. We are talking now about an ordinary kitchen knife. What if this knife is not a product of stamping (most often Chinese), but forged in a real forge by a real blacksmith? And this blacksmith is you?

Magazine especially for you Reconomica interviewed a man who was able to turn his passion for forging into profitable business for the production of expensive blades. So, Artem, to the studio!

Forging as a business. Where to start and what equipment to buy

Hello everyone! My name is Artem, and today I want to talk about this method of earning money as free forging (in this particular case -). Actually, I’ve been doing forging for a very long time, but I started making blades about two years ago. And for everyone who wants to try themselves in this business, I want to give basic recommendations.

Strike while the iron is hot!

What you will need to do first is to resolve the issue of equipping your forge. It is worth immediately clarifying that by forging in this case we mean forging using the traditional method. Bending rolled steel on various machines, which is now also called “forging,” does not belong to the described category of work (besides this, it requires completely different equipment).

Choosing a forge

So, the first thing that will need to be purchased or manufactured is bugle. If we are talking about forging small products (in this example, we will consider the production of knives), then the forge will also be quite small. Which type of forge to choose based on the type of fuel is a personal matter for everyone.

I’ll note right away that a coal-fired forge is the easiest to make, and if you have a certain amount of metal, a welding machine (and the ability to work with it), you can actually make it for free.

There are many different diagrams of this device on the Internet, so there is no point in presenting them here. A finished coal (as well as a gas) forge costs about 10,000 rub.. We will take this amount into account (there are also induction forges, but full-size models cost about 40,000, and are not good for health. Small ones, sold on Ali for 4,500, are not suitable for heating more or less large workpieces - they are very small).

The second thing you need is, of course, anvil. Unfortunately, talking about some kind of choice of this tool in modern conditions It’s not worth it - there are practically none of them on sale, Soviet ones are quite rare, they are wanted and found. Therefore, you will have to take the one you can find.

I will only note the following important facts: if it is possible to take a heavier anvil, then you need to take a heavier one - 100, 150, 300... kg. The nominal weight of an anvil, suitable for most forging work performed without the use of a sledgehammer (only with a handbrake), is 25 kg. In principle, it is sufficient for our purposes. Of course, you can take a smaller anvil, but it will not always be convenient.

The next aspect of choice, no less important than weight, is the material. Preference (especially for forging blades) should be given exclusively to steel anvils or cast iron anvils with a welded steel face (working surface). This is important for two reasons: firstly, work on a steel anvil goes faster, and the technique itself is somewhat different from forging on a cast iron one; secondly, a cast iron anvil is less durable and more fragile, and the face sag significantly during prolonged use, after which the anvil is only suitable for rough work, but not for forging blades - getting a straight blade on it is extremely problematic.

You can determine the material in the following ways: by the sound of a hammer blow and using a steel ball. Both of them are quite simple. The sound made by a steel anvil is always loud, while the impact on cast iron is very dull.

As for the ball, when going to purchase an anvil (for example, found in an ad), you should take with you a large ball from a bearing (1.5-2 cm in diameter). If you throw it from a sufficient height onto an anvil, then by its bounce you can judge the material of her face. The ball bounces very high from hardened steel, and a little less from non-hardened steel. If the anvil is cast iron, then the ball will have virtually no rebound, a maximum of 1-2 of its diameters.

Now about the cost. A new Chinese-made anvil costs around 9.000 rubles (steel 50 pounds/25 kg, heavier - more expensive). You can find them via the Internet on websites that supply tools for production. When choosing, you should again pay attention to the material (or check with the manager). Must be specified Cast steel (cast steel), not Cast iron (cast iron). As practice shows, these inscriptions are true. Anvils made in the USSR cost about 5,000 rubles per 50 kg, 10,000 per 100 kg (sometimes a little higher). For our calculations, let's take the cost of a new anvil from China, since it is not always possible to find a Soviet one with an unkilled face, at least not immediately.

Hand and mechanic tools - minimum set

The third, no less important tool is vice. Ideally, you should purchase a forge vice (aka chair vice). But you can only find them by chance or order used Soviet ones (although they are also rarely found on sale). New chair vices, although sometimes found in online stores, cost tens of thousands (“branded”), there are simply no budget ones. Therefore, I’ll search and search again (I’ll say right away that if you want, you can find them in two or three months, maybe even faster, I’m only speaking for myself). If you can’t find it, but you want to start already, then instead of them you can use an ordinary metalworker’s vice, preferably a large one. But, it should be remembered that a blacksmith's vice is steel, and a mechanic's vice is cast iron, and it is absolutely forbidden to hit them with a hammer, much less a sledgehammer. Used vices, both bench and blacksmith's, of medium size cost about 5.000 rub. (more is more expensive).

Now about hand tools. In fact, you can do everything yourself, but for starters (you don’t have the skills yet) you can buy it. Good sets are often found on the Internet; you won’t have any problems finding them (just search for buy blacksmith tools). They cost, on average, about 10.000 rub. (includes a hammer, various pliers, chisels, etc. They are enough for most tasks). However, you can buy a hammer in a store - it will be cheaper, the main thing is that the weight is at least 1 kg.

The last thing left is electric tool. Of course, it is optional, but sawing off a piece of hardened workpiece with a hacksaw is still a pleasure, so first of all you will need to buy grinder. Costs (normal) approx. 4.000 rub. If it is possible to take a more expensive branded one, with a speed controller, etc. - very good.

The second most important power tool is welding. Normal inverter Chinese production now costs about 7.000 rubles There are also cheaper ones, but everyone decides for themselves what to buy.

Plus all this will be needed emery(near 5.000 rub.) and belt sanding machine(for finishing slopes/processing wood on the handle) – approx. 15.000 rubles

The forge is the heart of the forge.

Thus, to more or less fully equip the forge, you will need to invest (nominally) 65.000 rubles It’s worth noting right away that this does not include the forge room, but in fact it is not mandatory. You can also work outdoors or make a light canopy from non-combustible materials.

Materials and fuel for forging - where to get them

The main material used for the manufacture of blades is carbon steel (high-carbon or tool steel). Of course, you can buy it, but it won’t be cheap at all, and it’s not always possible to order it.

Therefore, the main material for the manufacture of knives and other tools is, in fact, secondary raw materials: old springs, worn files, broken chisels, etc.

Thus, I can say with confidence that with the proper ability to look for what you need and attentiveness, cost of materials for blacksmithing (regarding the manufacture of blades) - 0 rub.. The same applies to the cost of wood for handles - many fruit trees look no worse on the finished product than bars of exotic wood, which cost a lot (and it’s worth starting with them).

Now about fuel. If the forge is coal, then you will have to purchase coal - stone or wood. The second one fits best, so let's focus on it. Three large bags (which is exactly what is needed for forging and heat treating a normal blade) cost about 350 rub.

Knife making is not only an interesting hobby, but also a profitable business!

How many blades can be made per day directly depends on the skills available, so to begin with, we will think that you can make 1 blade per day - we will count at the minimum. Plus one more day for making the handle, assembling and finishing sharpening the blade. Total 1 knife in two days, 15 knives per month. The nominal value of forged knives is now approx. 2.000 rub. (I haven’t seen less, mostly more, but let’s take, again, the possible minimum).

We consider the business plan of the forge

We make calculations (subtracting the cost of fuel and assuming that our material is free): 15*2000-15*350=24750, that is, almost 25,000 rubles per month.

If additional costs arise, say, expensive wood for the handle is purchased, then the cost of the finished knife will increase by this amount, which means that the final income will not change in any way. If it turns out that there is no free material for blades at all (although finding it is not a problem), then we will subtract 400 rubles (this is exactly how much a new good workpiece costs on average), we get 25000-15*400= 19000 rubles Plus, we will subtract the same amount (the cost of the purchased tree).

As a result we get 13.000 rubles

Thus, the income in 13.000 - minimal, if we make 1 knife in two days, sell them at the lowest price and pay for all materials. In practice, you should pay attention to the figure given above - 25.000 (after all, as already mentioned, there are no problems with the materials, you just have to search a little). Plus, we took the lowest selling price, in practice it is higher.

This blade will easily find a buyer.

Thus, taking into account the cost of the necessary equipment 65,000 and an income of 25,000 ( minimum), the whole thing will pay off in 2.5 months from the start.

Sales: where, to whom and how to sell handmade blades and knives?

As for selling, there are several options:

  • with the help of online trading platforms and flea markets, of which there are now a huge number;
  • on thematic sites (for example, hunting topics);
  • sell on the market (in the provinces there are no problems with this - people sell anything, as in big cities - I don’t know).

In addition, you can find a person who will take at the minimum price and sell at a higher price (for example, sellers of Chinese knives almost never refuse cooperation, moreover, perhaps this is one of the best methods - there are no problems with mail, as with online - sales, and knives are bought very quickly: in a weekend it’s possible to sell everything that was made in a week).

Well, and finally, you can create your own online store dedicated only to your products - many blacksmiths have already followed this path, and if the products are really of high quality, then this is one of the best options.

Profit of 25,000 rubles per month is not the limit

In practice, these amounts certainly diverge, as does the cost of the knives themselves. In the first months after I started doing this business, I managed to sell two or three knives a month (mostly acquaintances/friends bought them). I sold it, of course, inexpensively, and managed to earn 3-5 thousand rubles. per month. Now things are going much better, and we manage to sell 10-20 thousand rubles a month, sometimes less, sometimes more. In general, there are no problems with demand; some people even order in advance.

Some consider blacksmithing to be very difficult and think that you can become a blacksmith only by graduating from a special educational institution. But in reality everything is much simpler. In order to learn blacksmithing, it is enough to have desire and physical strength, and a diploma is not at all necessary. True, going to work as a blacksmith is unprofitable and not promising, since your earnings in this case will be only 20% of the profit received by the enterprise.

Business organization

The best option is to open your own forge. You can locate your enterprise in some workshop at a factory or in a small production premises. The area of ​​the room must be at least 10 square meters. m, in this case you will not have to redevelop it. The only thing that will need to be done is to build a chimney for the forge. You can't do without this at the forge. Once you find a suitable premises, you need to purchase everything necessary tools and equipment.

Investments in the organization of this business relatively small - from 10 to 40 thousand dollars. To rent a workshop you will need to pay about 200 rubles per month per sq. m. m of area, which, in principle, is not so much, but the bulk of the funds required to organize a forge will be spent on the purchase of equipment (we will discuss which ones further).

You can choose individual entrepreneur registration as an organizational and legal form, of course, if you do not plan to fulfill orders for legal entities. In this case, it is necessary to organize an LLC. Special attention requires approval of the premises by the fire service, since work with open fire is expected.

Arranging a room for a forge

A forge business plan is a document according to which the project will be implemented. If we talk about the requirements for the premises for this type of activity, then first of all it should be noted that it should be spacious and bright. The ceiling height should be at least three to four meters with a total area of ​​40 square meters. m.

The main equipment of a forge is a one- or two-fire forge. It is necessary to equip a chimney for it. An anvil is installed at a distance of one and a half or two meters from the forge, and a vice is placed a little further from it. Along with the forge structure, it is necessary to install boxes for water, which is needed for hardening or cooling the tool.

The blacksmith tool should be in a convenient place. You can hang it on the wall or equip a special stand for it. Drilling machines, steel movable goats, lever shears, a pneumatic hammer - all this will help the master create high-quality blacksmith products.

Forge equipment

Forging equipment can be divided into basic and additional. The main equipment is, for example, a vice, of which there should be several of different sizes. The anvil is the main thrust tool. Her weight, on average, is one hundred kilograms. High carbon steel is mainly used to make anvils. There are one-horned and two-horned anvils. The forge is another important component of the forge. This tool is needed for heat treatment metal

In addition to the basic equipment, you will also need hand tool: sledgehammers, hammers, chisels and so on. A business plan for a forge must necessarily include a complete list of necessary equipment and tools. You also need a welding machine in the forge. It should be noted that the costs of staffing the enterprise will be significant. And more specifically:

  • small and large vices - 5 and 15 thousand rubles apiece, respectively (you will need two or three of them of different sizes);
  • anvil - 50-60 thousand rubles;
  • forge - 40 thousand rubles (however, to save money, you can make it yourself).

Hand tools are inexpensive and are available on the market in a wide range, so there will be no problems here.

Blacksmithing as a business is impossible without a spray gun for painting workpieces. Today there is a wide range of forging equipment on the market. Therefore, there should not be any special difficulties in acquiring it.

Making stained glass

The forge as a business is a very promising and profitable enterprise, especially if you combine metal forging and stained glass making. In this case, you need to supplement the equipment set with glass cutters and a stove. It doesn't matter what kind of glass you use to make your products. It can be both Chinese and domestic.


When developing a business plan for a forge, do not forget about the requirements for employees. The minimum staff of such an enterprise should consist of two people: a chief foreman and his assistant. It is also advisable to hire a qualified welding specialist who will assemble the finished products.

Finding good blacksmiths is not easy; this is the main problem of this type of activity. In serious forges, in addition to workers, there is also an artist on staff who creates sketches of future products. He also designs all the decorative elements.

A business plan for a forge should be carefully thought out and reflect the purpose of your project and the type of products being manufactured. It should include information about the requirements for the premises, the number of workers, the type of ventilation, production capacity and other important points. The production technology of the products should also be considered in a separate section.

Sales of blacksmith products

The forge business plan should include a section that will define possible options sales of finished products. It should be noted that problems in this regard should not arise, since artistic forging is valued and is in considerable demand. There are practically no serious competitors in this market; very few companies are engaged in hot forging.

13.01.2018 3275

Looking for a cost-effective franchise in an established industry? Are you looking at franchises of cafes, car washes and clothing stores? Know that these markets are extremely competitive, and achieving success in them is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. You have the opportunity to earn a decent profit in a niche that has not yet been fully developed. We will give you the most detailed instructions, developed based on our 16 years of experience in the forging industry. Remember that you can make a business out of any idea, but it is much easier to achieve this with the support of the Azhurstal company!

The blacksmith's workshop is profitable business with great potential!

What is the profit level of the blacksmith shop?

To give you an idea of ​​the income of a forge shop, we provide you with statistics on the volume of products that can be produced on a particular machine, and taking these indicators into account, the profit of the forge shop.

Each artistic forging machine has its own task. Some machines create elements for subsequent assembly, other machines make appearance products more attractive. Elements produced on different machines and combined into one product make forged products more refined and more profitable. By purchasing a set of machines, you will increase your income by expanding the range of products and increasing the profitability of the final product.

Option “Start!”

If it is important for you to start a business with minimal investment, then the artistic forging machine “AZHUR-1M” will help you organize full-fledged production. It belongs to professional forging equipment and allows you to produce almost all the elements most often used in artistic forging. We recommend considering the configuration of machine No. 1, costing 239,440 rubles. with an additional set of rollers for preparing a profile pipe for RUB 13,920. An example of the products that you can make is shown in the figure below.

Below are averaged data on the cost of products and the profit of a forge workshop using the Azhur-1M machine.

Profitability of the blacksmith shop for the “Start!” option.

Cost per sq. m. rub.

Sales volume for the month sq. m.

Window grill

Stair railing

From the profit received without overhead costs, we will subtract the costs of maintaining the forge workshop: electricity, workshop rent, transportation costs, advertising, taxes.

Many entrepreneurs who are successful in blacksmithing today organized their first workshops in garages (modification of the machine for 220 V allows this). By doing this, they kept business costs to a minimum. The production of forged products for them was initially additional income, but then grew into a profitable business.

The affordable price of Azhur-1M and the ability to produce a variety of products make the machine an ideal choice for starting a business.

Option “Professional!”

To extract maximum profit It is advisable to organize production using a complex of machines. Some machines will mass produce products, others will give the workpieces a noble, expensive look. The pieces put together will look rich and sell well. We recommend considering the following machine configurations:

Machine "Azhur - 1M" in configuration No. 2 for 337,890 rubles with additional equipment in the amount of 31,690 rubles, which will allow the production of the entire range of forged products. Our specialists will help you select equipment.

Machine "Azhur -2" in the basic configuration for 288,640 rubles. with additional equipment in the amount of 56,870 rubles, which will cover all the needs of the forge workshop for invoicing.

Horizontal hydraulic press "Azhur - 3M" worth 368,500 rubles and molds worth 32,890 rubles, allowing the production of large quantities of identical forged products.

Rolling and forming machine "Azhur-4" in the basic configuration for 431,200 rubles, intended for the production of decorative twisted pipes.

Cutting machine "OS - 7" for 78,100 rubles, which will allow you to quickly prepare workpieces for production.

Total: investment in equipment for a professional blacksmith workshop will amount to 1,625,780 rubles.

Examples of products that you can make are shown in Figure 2.

Below are averaged data on the cost of products and the profit of a blacksmith shop.

Profitability of the blacksmith shop for the “Professional!” option.

Cost per sq. m. rub.

Price finished product per sq.m. rub.

Sales volume for the month sq. m.

Profit without overhead costs RUB.

Window grill

Stair railing

Swings and bridges

652000 (1304000)

* Prices in parentheses are for products made from solid rolled metal.

From the profit received without overhead costs, we subtract the costs of maintaining the blacksmith shop: wage, electricity, workshop rental, transportation costs, advertising, taxes.

Blacksmithing is promising for the following reasons:

  1. Demand. The demand for the services of blacksmith workshops is growing - due to the growing demand for artistic forging among municipal organizations and individuals. City administrations are striving to improve the areas with wrought-iron benches, lanterns, fences and much more. Residents decorate private houses with openwork gates, balconies and staircases. All this provides orders to blacksmith workshops.
  2. Profitability. The opportunity to earn money by fulfilling exclusive orders of forged products: gates, fences, wickets, window bars, fences of the most various types and appointments, doors, canopies and canopies, bridges and stairs, barbecues and gazebos, forged furniture, hangers and much more. Another source of income for the workshop can be the manufacture and sale of standard forged products to nearby stores. To increase your income, you can organize the retail sale of forged elements produced on your equipment to blacksmiths.
  3. This niche is not oversaturated. There are few players in the market (competitors) compared to other types of business (car washes, catering establishments, tire fitting, etc.)
  4. Inexpensive entry into business. To open a blacksmith shop, you will need a small sum of money from 357,274 rubles (for the exact calculation, see the “Minimum Investment” table below).
  5. Creative self-expression. Blacksmithing allows a lot of imagination, and if you like to create something new, then this business will contribute to your creativity. Successful art products will be in demand among buyers, which will allow you to make money on your calling.
  6. Simplicity of business processes. Opening a workshop does not require complex and unnecessarily costly operations. All you need is to rent a working space, purchase necessary equipment and materials, advertise and continue to accept and fulfill orders.
  7. A full-fledged forging production can be deployed even in a garage. This is especially true at first, when there is no money for a workshop, but there is a great desire to earn money.

Stages of opening a blacksmith shop

Company registration

To create any business, it must be registered. Exist various options registration entrepreneurial activity. You can open an LLC (Limited Liability Company), CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company), OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company) or become individual entrepreneur(IP).

Purchasing the necessary equipment

The choice of equipment is a very important and responsible process. The success of your business will depend on how high-quality equipment you purchase. You need to choose a reliable supplier who can provide a long warranty for the equipment you purchased, provide you with spare parts if necessary, and advise on any issues that arise. It is important that your supplier regularly develops and offers you new equipment so that you can produce great amount a wide variety of products.

Energy costs must also be taken into account. Equipment should be selected taking into account energy costs, because the price of the product consists of energy resources and production losses.

“Start” option

If you need to start a business with minimal investment, then the Azhur-1M machine is suitable. He produces almost all elements often used in artistic forging. We recommend considering the configuration of machine No. 1 costing 239,440 rubles with an additional set of rollers for a profile pipe for 13,920 rubles. You can see the income level for this option in the table “Profitability of a blacksmith’s workshop for the “Start!” option”, which is located above.

“Professional” option

If you set a goal to extract maximum benefit already at the initial stage, it would be advisable to use a set of machines. Some machines will produce products, others will refine them. This will include “Azhur-1M” (in configuration No. 2) for 337,890 rubles with additional equipment worth 31,690 rubles. Using the Azhur-2 machine in the basic configuration for 288,640 with additional equipment in the amount of 56,870 rubles will allow you to cover all the needs of the forge workshop. A horizontal hydraulic press "Azhur - 3M" worth 368,500 rubles and molds worth 32,890 rubles will allow you to produce large quantities of identical forged products. The rolling and forming machine "Azhur - 4" in the basic configuration for 431,200 rubles will allow you to produce decorative twisted pipes. And the cutting machine “OS-7” for 78,100 will allow you to quickly produce blanks for production. The additionally purchased Azhur-6 machines and the Azhur-7 hydraulic press will increase the range of manufactured products and increase the profitability of the business. You can see the income level for this option in the table “Profitability of a blacksmith’s workshop for the “Professional!” option”, which is located above.

In addition to machines and equipment, regardless of the scale of your business, you will also need:

  • Welding machine – from 10,000 rubles
  • Spray gun from 1500 rubles
  • Bulgarian - from 3500 rubles
  • Air compressor for spray gun and forge - from 18,000 rubles
  • Vise – from 5000 rubles
  • Hammers – from 294 rubles
  • Pliers with rounded flat jaws – from 177 rubles
  • Pliers with rounded cylindrical jaws – from 147 rubles
  • A set of workwear – from 500 rubles
  • Welding mask – from 206 rubles

Requirements for the premises of a blacksmith workshop

A special modification of the machines for operation from a regular network with a voltage of 220V allows you to work in any room. To open a blacksmith shop based on Azhur brand machines, you will need a room measuring 10 by 8 meters. We recommend placing the machines as follows:

Machine "Azhur-1". Next to the machine we have a forge included in the package, a gas cylinder with propane, and a compressor for supplying compressed air to the forge.

The Azhur-2 machine must be positioned so that when rolling large workpieces measuring 3 or 6 meters, the gap between adjacent machines is at least three meters. Otherwise the machines will interfere with each other.

The same conditions must be observed when installing the Azhur-4 machine.

Machines "Azhur-3" and "OS-7".

Assembly table measuring 2 by 3 meters.

Rack for metal 3 meters long.

Shelving for finished items.

Welding machine.

Painting room 3 by 3 meters.

Renting a workshop will cost you about 200 rubles per month per sq.m. It is better to rent a room on a temporary basis. But you should not agree on too short a time frame. You still need to reach stable production volumes. A hasty move can result in large expenses for the transportation of heavy equipment. If you have the opportunity to invest money, buy the premises and spend money on equipping them. Remember, the lease must be properly formalized legally.

Organizing the purchase of materials for work

To purchase metal, you need to find a supplier of quality raw materials and carry out standing orders him. This will help you receive permanent discounts for wholesale purchases, which will reduce the cost of products and increase your profits. As for the raw materials, which are steel billets made of low-carbon steel (ST-3), you can buy them at any metal depot. Metal profile - square, round timber, strip, sheet and profile pipe.

The production must have at least 100 kg of common metal, the rest of the metal must be taken to order.


“Start” option

If you plan to run your own business, then all the work will largely fall on you. If the volume of work is large, you can hire contractors to help carry out labor-intensive work.

“Professional” option

If you want to organize a larger-scale production of seven machines, then you will need to hire at least 4 people: (two welders and two mechanics). One of them should be able to paint forged products. If necessary, you can find a contractor who will paint the products at a professional level.

Employees who work in the workshop can go to install forged products.

In serious forges, in addition to working performers, there is also an artist-designer on staff who creates sketches of future products. He also designs all the decorative elements.

Minimum investment

Government duty

800 rubles

Basic equipment

239,440 rubles (“Azhur-1M in configuration No. 1”)

13920 rubles (additional set of rollers for profile pipe)

Welding machine

from 10,000 rubles

Spray gun

from 1500 rubles


from 3500 rubles

Air compressor for spray gun and forge

from 18,000 rubles

from 5000 rubles

from 294 rubles

Pliers with rounded flat jaws

from 177 rubles

Pliers with rounded cylindrical jaws

from 147 rubles

Workwear set

from 500 rubles

Welding mask

from 206 rubles

Ton of metal (St3)

from 40,790 rubles

Room rental (80m2)

from 16,000 rubles (per month)

Cash register (KKM)

from 7000 rubles

Total amount:

from 357274 rubles

Organization of product sales

Before you start a blacksmithing business, you need to seriously think about what you will produce. When choosing the products that you will produce, it is necessary to take into account such factors as: your commitment to certain types of products, ease of manufacture, whether your equipment can produce the products that you want to produce, how much effort and time it will take, what will be circulation and profit from your products.

Since any potential buyer is interested in seeing the range and understanding the quality of your work, over time you will need to make a portfolio of your work, but first you can use our promotional materials as an example.

We will provide you with a selection of photographs of products that all blacksmiths start with; perhaps among these options there are convenient solutions just for you:

  • gates, fences and gates;
  • window grilles;
  • fencing of various types and purposes;
  • doors;
  • canopies and awnings;
  • bridges and stairs;
  • barbecues and gazebos;
  • furniture and interior (tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, hangers, etc.). Especially relevant for cafes;
  • fireplaces, etc.

All work that you perform to order must be photographed against a beautiful background. These photos will be needed for your portfolio.

Creation of forged products according to client's order.

Creating designer products involves the following stages:

  1. Meeting of the designer with the customer. At this stage, the designer must provide the future buyer with a portfolio of completed work so that he can evaluate the quality of the work and professionalism. During communication with the customer, the designer’s tasks include familiarizing him with the style and color solutions for forged products and the full package of services provided. If the customer likes the information received and decides to cooperate, we will need to discuss financial questions and other details related to the stages of the work and conclude an Agreement.
  2. After concluding the contract, it is important to draw up technical specifications. This stage is characterized by active collaboration between the designer and the customer. The future buyer is determined in the choice of style, and the designer fills out a form with all the wishes (functional and style preferences) of the customer for the work. The technical specification must include measurements (visit by a surveyor) of the ordered object, its image and the customer’s questionnaire.
  3. The designer must develop a sketch in accordance with the technical specifications and transfer it to specialists for production.
  4. After transferring the sketch to production specialists, he needs to control the work process at all stages. Visit the design object once or several times a week, make the necessary changes on time, change Decoration Materials at the request of the customer and resolve other issues related to changes in the project. Check the dimensions of the product and its compliance with the ordered specifications.

Trade products through your store

A regular store with good traffic can also be made a point of sale (for example, to attract your target audience a construction trade complex would be suitable).

Selling through intermediaries

To do this, you need to agree with the owner of the point so that you can sell your services through him, and he, in turn, receives a certain percentage of the sale. Provide the seller with the necessary advertising materials (catalogues, leaflets, business cards), and it is even possible to put up ready-made products for sale. This way, you can sell your products and receive orders through an intermediary.

If you have time and financial resources, then you can create your own website. You don't have to pay a lot of money for this. You can create a website on a free platform. The most popular platforms are: Ucoz, Wix.

Organization of receiving money for orders

There are several ways to organize the receipt of money from a client for an order:

  1. To the current account of an individual entrepreneur or electronic money;
  2. In cash;
  3. To the personal account of an individual.

If you accept cash payment, you will need to purchase cash machine(KKM). When paying with plastic cards - POS terminal. Accepting card payments from the site, since July 2017, also requires a cash register. In July 2018, a cash register will also be needed for those who accept payments by electronic money and other means of payment.

Organization of the process of transferring an order for production and creation of a product

The process of transferring an order to production is carried out through the creation of the necessary drawings and sketches for the forge employees. The working project is the creation of forged products and drawing up estimates. The quality of execution of the order and the accuracy of the deadlines within which it will be implemented depend on how well the drawings and sketches are worked out. When performing work, it is important to follow exactly technical specifications and monitor the work of employees at every stage of product creation, checking the product’s compliance with the developed sketches.

Organization of delivery of the finished product to the client and provision of additional services

When the product has already been completed, it is necessary to notify the customer that the product is ready. Next, depending on which delivery method the customer has chosen, it is necessary to deliver the finished product. At first, your clients will be residents of your region. This means that you can carry out the transfer in two ways: pickup or delivery over short distances. The main thing to remember is that the delivery employees are the faces of the blacksmith shop, who should leave a good impression of you. You will not have another chance to impress the customer and make him a regular customer.

Organization of after-sales work with the client

After making a purchase from you, it is important to ask your client to leave a review about you. Good reviews can have a positive impact on your reputation and bring you new customers. It is necessary to ask the client whether he is satisfied with the product and service in general. After all, your sales depend on it. It is also important to ask your customer to subscribe to the newsletter, join the group in order to always be aware of the affairs of your workshop (to know about discounts, sweepstakes, new products and much more), and recommend you to their friends. If you do everything right, your business will work for you. Your customers will recommend you to their friends and acquaintances, and thus, thanks to word of mouth, many will know about you.

The blacksmith business seems like something long forgotten, but a good blacksmith is still worth his weight in gold, and forged products are valued as works of art. It makes no sense to advise a random person to open a forge, but if you have mastered the craft, consider working for yourself.

The blacksmith business is quite a rare business and professionals take it on. If you have sufficient knowledge and decide to open a forge, start by completing the documents:

  • registration of a legal entity;
  • permission from the local administration, sanitary and epidemiological station and fire department.

After completing the formalities, you can buy equipment and engage in personnel selection.

How to choose a room

The best option for premises is a free forge. Many enterprises are abandoning ancillary production, and it will be easier for you to settle in a suitable location. If you have not found a ready-made site, select another suitable premises at the enterprise and rent it. It is convenient to work at an enterprise, since it is quite possible that production will be able to overload you with work. Over time, if things go well, you will be able to build your own workshop and expand your business.

Enter into a lease agreement for a period sufficient to achieve stable production volumes. A rental that is too short will lead to forced relocation, which means problems with transporting bulky equipment and extra costs. If it allows financial condition, you can buy space and invest money in equipment. The lease must be formalized legally.


There are seasonal features in the work of the forge:

  • In the warm season, people mainly order cold forging - gratings, gates, fences, etc.
  • From late autumn to early spring, hot forging is busy - interior items and things based on original sketches.

In order for an enterprise to function without interruption, it requires appropriate equipment and craftsmen who can perform different types works The staff should have diverse specialists:

  • blacksmith for cold and hot forging;
  • a highly qualified welder who can produce complex seams;
  • painter for preparing products for painting and creating specified effects, for example, aging.

Before starting work, you need to outline your job requirements to employees. Technological process must be strictly adhered to at all stages. It is advisable to carry out a range of work from creating sketches and coordinating them with the customer, completing drawings to forging, assembly, painting and installation of finished products.

The artist making the sketches must be able to satisfy the customer's wishes for style. There will be much more orders if craftsmen can combine metal, glass, wood or stone fragments in one product. Finding and attracting highly professional craftsmen to work in your forge is not an easy task, but the success of the entire enterprise directly depends on the composition of the team. If at the beginning of your work you can be content with fulfilling orders using template forms, then in the future you will need artists who can generate creative ideas.

Forge equipment

Choose your equipment responsibly, because your income will largely depend on its quality. In addition to the main equipment, auxiliary equipment will be required. The center of the forge is a pneumatic hammer, which is used to pull the metal and give it the required shape. You also need to select a high-quality heating furnace to bring the steel to a temperature suitable for forging - 1,100-1,500 degrees. Another must-have device is a bending circle to create a pattern. The hot metal is held with pliers, and they must be functional and comfortable. Take care of protective equipment: canvas gloves (2 pairs per week), a canvas apron (1-2 per year), earplugs or a mask with headphones and a visor. In the process of manufacturing complex products, small parts are connected welding seam. You need a welding machine, electrodes and a welding helmet. The parts are brought to perfection on a grinding machine, and for its operation a compressed air generator is required.

Care should be taken when choosing raw materials. There are many types and grades of steel, mainly alloyed reinforcing bars. The quality of the product depends on the grade of steel. Without understanding how steel behaves when heated, to what temperature it needs to be brought, or whether scale forms, you cannot be sure of the result of the work. We recommend the golden mean - steel 35ХС.

Don't forget about energy costs. The equipment must be correctly arranged and connected. The most difficult parts are to correctly place the hammer and heating furnace, since they will require a lot of communications. Select equipment taking into account energy costs, because the price of the product is formed mainly from energy resources and losses during production

How much does the equipment cost?

We will not take into account the costs of installing equipment, since prices in different regions vary significantly.

Basic equipment costs approximately:

  • pneumatic hammer – $4,500;
  • heating furnace – $10,000;
  • arching circle – $1,375;
  • sharpening machine – $30.9;
  • welding machine – $121.9;
  • air compressor – $261.7.

Supporting materials:

  • hammers (4 pcs.) – $5;
  • pliers with rounded flat jaws – $3;
  • pliers with rounded cylindrical jaws – $2.5;
  • electrodes – $2.4;
  • canvas mittens – $0.5;
  • canvas apron – $1;
  • ear protection with visor – $55;
  • welding mask – $3.5.

Total: $16,362.4

Financial questions

To start, you need $20,000-$40,000, depending on your plans and capabilities. A room of 100-200 sq. m. can be rented long-term.

If you make 500 small-volume items, your income will be about $18,000, but this will require 1 ton of metal. Find a reliable supplier of quality raw materials and try to establish constant contact with him - this is important. Firstly, you will always be confident in the quality and uninterrupted supply, and, secondly, regular customers can count on discounts when concluding a contract.

Develop a business plan for a period equal to the payback period plus one year. In the business plan, reflect the purpose for which the business is being created and what products you will produce. In terms of production and sales of finished products, reflect quarterly the real volume and costs, sales revenue. When filling out the section “Requirements for organizing production,” indicate the area of ​​the forge, the number of workers, production capacity, and type of ventilation. Highlight technological scheme production.

A separate section should be devoted to equipment, indicating its names and costs. Calculate the price of raw materials. These are your main costs when organizing a forge. When calculating profit, indicate how much profit you expect to receive per year of operation.

If you want to attract investor funds or loans to organize a business, describe in detail the flow of finances. When developing a business plan, keep in mind that production depends on the season.

Enterprise advertising

The easiest way to advertise your services is on your own website. You will be able to post photos of products, which will attract potential clients. Additionally, you can order advertising in the media and print flyers. Be sure to have a portfolio with best works and popular products so that customers can get an idea of ​​your capabilities.

You must show that you can make exclusive items, such as spiral staircases, chandeliers, table legs, candle holders, fireplace sets, etc. Wealthy people often prefer to decorate their homes with original and well-crafted items, and you must demonstrate your commitment fulfill complex orders.

“Talking” signs with forging elements work well - such things are memorable and attract attention to the enterprise.

Sales organization

Today, the demand for forged products is high, and artistic forging is especially popular. At the same time, few enterprises use hot forging, which means that competition in the market is low, and problems with sales should not arise. Your main trump card should be high quality work, then good fame will be the best advertisement. The blacksmith business is worth the expense and effort if you approach the matter thoroughly and think through all the details.