Error when logging into the electronic diary. How to enter the electronic diary. What is a dot in a diary

Electronic diary schoolboy is an online service of the State Services website that displays data on the progress of each individual student. Here you can view not only grades, but also missed lessons, as well as teachers' comments on grades. In order to get a better idea of ​​the situation at school, data on the child's behavior for each past week is provided. Parents have access to the diary only of their child, and can also sign it using electronic signature.

For each class separately, an electronic journal is created, to which not only parents and students have access, but also all teachers, leading subjects, the class teacher and the director of the educational institution. In the electronic journal, teachers can perform the following actions:

  • rate lessons and comment on them;
  • mark school absenteeism by children;
  • submit homework;
  • make announcements to parents and students;
  • to correspond with the student's parents.

For each subject, the average score and the number of gaps are calculated, which allows you to quickly view the data of interest.

Who can apply for the service

Parents of students (legal representatives), students, proxies.
Important! Each student must have their own registration on the portal to enter a personal electronic diary.

Documents required to receive the service

  • Request (statement)
  • Birth certificate of a minor student (in case of applying for the service of a parent)
  • A document confirming the right of a legal representative who is not a parent (document issued by guardianship and guardianship authorities)
  • Identity document

Service cost

You can apply for access to the electronic diary by contacting educational institution personally or through an official representative. The term of the service is 15 minutes.

Important! The electronic diary of a student through the State Services completely free of charge displays complete information about the student's progress. Do not go to other sites and pay money for it. Services on school portal are provided without charging money, because an agreement is previously concluded with each parent that determines the procedure and conditions for the free provision of the service.

Terms of service provision

Constantly throughout the school year.

Terms of service provision

  • Service completion time: 3 working days. days
  • The term during which the application for the provision of services must be registered: 15 min.
  • Maximum waiting time in the queue when applying for the service in person: 15 min.

How to enter the electronic diary through the State Services

To log into the electronic diary, you need to go to the city services portal using the link and log in with your username and password.

Or on the website of the State Services

Next, you will see a form to create an account. Login and password can be requested from the class teacher of your school. It is enough to enter these data only once, after which the portal will automatically remember and save them in the Unified Personal Account. Then click on the green button "Go to the diary".

This video clearly shows how to enter the student's electronic diary:

Additional services

In addition to the services described above, the following features can be obtained on the State Services portal:

  • progress table. For each student, a table is created, which is formed from the grades that he received for the quarter. Absences and final grades for each period of study are also noted here. Recently connected additional function calculation of the average score, which allows high school students to focus on the passing scores in universities. Here you can see which of the teachers gave any grade, as well as a remark or comment on the score. The function is available not only to teachers, but also to parents, as well as students. It became possible to track progress throughout the entire quarter;
  • progress chart. You can track progress not only by grades, but also in graphical form. The graph makes it possible to vary comparisons according to different criteria and categories;
  • lesson schedule not only for students, but also for teachers;
  • call schedule;
  • personal data of each registered user of the school portal;
  • chat communication within the school.

Refusal to provide a service

The reason for refusing to receive the electronic diary service may be an incorrectly completed application form. If you inaccurately indicated your first name, last name or patronymic, then you should fill out a new form again, because otherwise you will not be able to open an electronic diary on the State Services portal.

If a teacher comes to the department, then he must provide a journal of the class that he wants to access in in electronic format. Only if this requirement is met, the teacher will be able to open an electronic journal through the State Services.

The applicant may be denied access to the Electronic Diary for the following reasons:

  1. the request was submitted by a person who is not related to the circle of applicants;
  2. the person about whom the applicant requests information on current academic performance and attendance is not a student of this educational organization;
  3. the documents submitted by the applicant do not meet the established requirements;
  4. the documents submitted by the applicant contain conflicting information;
  5. the applicant's statement about the refusal to receive the service.

How can a parent enter the electronic diary?

1. Register on the website by entering your credentials (login and password), mobile phone, address Email, SNILS (if available).
2. Select the section "Services" - "Education" - "General secondary" - "Electronic diary of a student".
3. Enter the "Electronic diary of a student".
4. If you failed to enter the diary, it is possible that your data in your personal account does not match the data available at the school. Talk to class teacher and send up-to-date data
5. After entering the correct data at the school, you will have access to the diary.

How can a student enter the electronic diary?

1. Register on, indicating your full name, e-mail, mobile phone, SNILS (if available).
2. Select the service "Electronic diary of a student".
3. The data in the personal account and the data in the school must match. If it was not possible to enter the diary, you need to contact the class teacher and transfer the current data.
4. After entering the correct data at school, you will have access to the diary.

What do you need to enter the diary?

To access the electronic diary, you need to check in your Personal Account whether the required fields are filled in to gain access to the electronic diary: E-mail, mobile phone number and SNILS (if any). To enter the diary, go to the portal and click the "Login" button. Enter your username and password. Read more about entering the diary in the instructions.

Contact the class teacher and give him the contact details indicated in the Personal Account (e-mail or mobile phone number).

What to do with the error "Unfortunately, there is not enough data to access the electronic diary"?

Contact the class teacher and give him the information specified in the Personal Account (e-mail or mobile phone number). If this error occurs in a child, then it is necessary to transfer the data from the child's Personal Account on to the class teacher.

What should I do if I receive an error "Application cannot be submitted"?

To gain access to the diary, please fill in the missing information in the Personal Account: SNILS, phone number, e-mail address (the parameter that needs to be filled in is displayed) and try again to enter the electronic diary.

Grades in the diary

How can I find out for what and when an assessment was made?

When you hover the mouse cursor over a cell with an estimate in the diary, a tooltip is displayed that contains the name of the control form and the time it was set.

What are the priorities for grades for different assignments when calculating the grade for midterm assessment?

The points earned for the test or control work are of great importance.
Classwork grades and whiteboard responses are considered less significant. The results of homework do not have much weight at all, since when they are done, the child has the opportunity to use additional materials and outside help.

What is a dot in a diary?

A dot indicates a debt to complete the work or the need to retake. It can also serve as a reminder of the work that is planned in the future. When setting the “point” mark, the teacher independently sets the validity period, after which the point either turns into an assessment or disappears. At the end of the attestation period, the point automatically turns into an assessment, if it was put down, or disappears.

What is a dot next to an estimate?

Several grades can be set in the diary and next to them there can be a mark - “point”. When you hover your mouse over this mark, the name of the type of work for which it was set will be displayed - for example, an oral answer. This means that the teacher has noted the debt for the answer on the topic and indicates the intention to ask the student again or do the work again.

How is the grade for the intermediate certification determined?

Add up all the grades for homework and calculate the total score. In the same way, calculate the average grade for classwork. If the results of class and homework are the same, we can assume that this is an objective assessment of the student's knowledge. If the score for classwork is higher or lower than for homework, it should be considered as a priority. Calculate and evaluate the overall result of examinations. If it matches the homework and/or classwork mark, it should be considered a quarter total. If scores for test papers higher or lower, priority is given to test scores.

Diary Features

How to find out the mode of stay of the child?

The directory "Regulations of stay" includes: a schedule of calls, a schedule of extracurricular activities, a schedule for children's associations (additional education), a mode of physical activity, a diet, a mode of walking.
In the list of these classes, breaks and dynamic pauses are separately distinguished, designed for students to relax and move from office to office. In the breaks, the name of the meal break can be additionally indicated - breakfast or lunch.

How to control the weight of textbooks in a child's briefcase?

In order to get acquainted with the contents of the student's backpack for each day of the school week, you need to go to the "Diary" section through the "Diary" main menu item. To the right of the name of the week is the icon "Student's Briefcase" and the weight of the content planned for each subject teacher is indicated.

With the help of a special service "Event Feed", parents and students have access to a general list of events planned in the education system of the city of Moscow. The block contains information such as the date of the event, short description, venue, type of event (competition, olympiad, conference, seminar), academic subject with which the event is associated. You can also contact the organizers via chat or private messaging.

How can I contact technical support if I have questions?

To contact the service technical support OEJD, click on the link "Ask them to us" in the lower left corner of the page. An application form will appear in front of you. Select the type of appeal in it from the drop-down list. Enter your email address, phone number, subject and message text in the appropriate fields and click the "Submit message" button. In the near future, you will receive an e-mail with the number and status of the application. After your issue is resolved, you will receive a notification about the change in the status of the request and the text of the response from technical support.

Child attending lessons

How do I create an absenteeism notice?

Select the "Absence Notification" section located in the "Diary" item of the main menu of the Electronic Diary. To add a period of absence of a child, you must click on the date in the calendar and select the period of absence. The parent himself indicates the reason for the absence and, if necessary, can add a comment to the notification. After filling in all the required fields, do not forget to click on the "Create on the selected range" button.

How can I get information about the attendance of lessons and classes?

A parent can get information about the attendance of lessons and classes through the "Notice of Absence" item, the "Diary" section of the main menu of the system. Also, non-attendance marks are displayed in the "Diary" section on the diary pages in the "Grades" column. If a student misses a class, the student will see an “n” mark instead of a grade. When you hover over a date in the calendar, a window appears with detailed information about which lessons were missed.

Learning process

What is a learning profile?

Orientation (profile) of education - the orientation of the educational program to specific areas of knowledge and (or) types of activities, which determines its subject-thematic content, the prevailing types learning activities student and requirements for the results of mastering the educational program. Profile training is introduced from the 10th grade.

How to find out what profile a child is studying?

You can find out the profile on which the training course takes place by selecting the "Curriculum" section in the "Diary" tab. A new window will display information about the student's curriculum. When you select a curriculum, a description opens, in which the name will be indicated in the section in the "profile".

How do I view homework and assignments for self-study?

View homework and assignments for independent work the parent can through the "Homework" item, the "Diary" section of the main menu of the system. Choose a subject for which you want to study homework and assignments for independent work. Next, you need to determine the period for which all homework assignments will be displayed. If necessary, you can choose to display mandatory and/or voluntary assignments.

How do I check when a self-study assignment was posted?

In the electronic diary, when you select the menu item "Diary" - "Homework", a description of all tasks opens with the time and date of the last edition.

Save it or you'll forget:

The State Services Portal was created in such a way that you can register on it only after receiving a passport. However, at the same time, parents can register their children with a doctor through the portal, apply for them to obtain a passport or residence permit. The range of services that are available to parents is quite large, but there are also specific ones among them. For example, viewing an electronic diary of progress.

An electronic academic diary is an analogue of a regular school diary. Only it is filled with special care. Here you can see:

  • Schedule of classes for the week;
  • Subject grades with teachers' comments;
  • Teachers' comments on the student's behavior and performance;
  • Sign the diary using an electronic signature as confirmation of familiarization with the information.

With the help of this tool, it becomes much easier to track student progress. And parents can learn about all significant events directly, and not through the child.

Please note that this system is currently only valid for Moscow, as well as a limited number of other regions, since in most regions there is no technical possibility to transfer everything online.

It is also worth noting that the electronic diary is only access to the grades of your child. There is such a system as Electronic journal”, where you can see information on the grades and passes of the entire class. In both cases, the data in the diary is filled in by the teachers.

Where can I get the username and password to enter the diary?

The login and password for the electronic diary of progress must be provided by the class teacher or another teacher who deals with organizational issues. Information is provided only to the legal representative of the student at his personal request.

Previously, the opportunity to get a login and password to enter was also available on the State Services portal. To date, you can find the way in which the service was provided, however, its end result will not be the login and password from the student's diary, but the registration of the diary itself, which is impossible without authorization data.

How to register?

You can register to gain access to a student's progress on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow First of all, you need to log in to your personal account. If the parent does not yet have an account on this resource, it is worth creating one.

After the user clicks the "Register" button, a form opens in front of him to fill out:

  • Email;
  • Login (any combination of the user's choice, but this is not a required field);
  • Password;
  • Phone number;

Security question and answer to it to ensure security when restoring access.

Registration confirmation ends with the introduction of a code that comes in the form of SMS to the phone number. In the future, you will need to fill in the settings and other data that will provide more convenient work with the site.

  • Education / Popular in the section;

  • Next, click on the "Get Service" button

Here you will need to fill in the registration data. Login and password allow you to create one account. This means that if a parent has 2 or more children who attend the school, you will need to register for viewing by the number of children and registration data.

First of all, "New Account" is selected, after which the parent needs to give it a name. It is entirely left to the discretion of the guardians. Below are the login and password fields.

Many schools duplicate the name of the login and password. This is a digital designation, where a combination of numbers is made in a certain way for each child. That is, for students of the same class, the first digits of the login will be the same.

After entering the registration data, you should click "Continue" and almost immediately "Finish". This completes the access procedure and the parent will be granted access to the electronic diary.

Please note that changing the login and password from the electronic diary will lead to the need to create another student account. Since after changing the data, the old record becomes inaccessible.

How to enter the electronic diary through the State Services?

On the State Services portal itself, there is no way to view the progress of schoolchildren. However, you can go through the branches:

  • Service catalog;

Schools by region that are connected to the electronic diary system will be listed here. However, information about grades will not be here, but there will be information on where to look for the electronic diary form. In most cases, this is the official website of the mayor of Moscow. However, there may be other resources.

Please note that for users who have an account on the portal, they can enter the website of the Mayor of Moscow without registering on the resource, but using the login and password from the Gosuslug portal.

You can view information on assessments in real time. The diary also offers two-way communication between the teacher and the parent in the form of online correspondence.


Development information technologies made life much easier for my fellow countrymen. Now you don’t have to stand in queues to visit a doctor, you don’t need to go to the post office or other institutions to pay for services, etc. Moreover, it has become easier for parents to live: their child will not be able to hide negative ratings and the given homework, simply by smearing the corresponding entries with a stroke or tearing out the “extra” sheets. After all, if you go into an electronic diary in public services, you can find all the information that one way or another could be interesting to dads and moms. What is the essence of this service, how to get there? The answers to these and other interesting questions regarding the electronic diary can be found further in the article.

Electronic diary of a student: the essence of the project

Due to the high employment of modern parents, they do not have time to visit school in order to verify the child's progress, find out homework, or about the presence of claims and complaints from teachers about bad behavior, rare attendance, etc. New project The state helps to solve all these problems. It is enough for fathers and mothers to have a device with an Internet connection to open a student's electronic diary at public services and thereby monitor the progress of their child. Moreover, this service is provided completely free of charge.

When deciding to use such a convenient service, parents should do 3 main points:

  • Register in public services (if this has not yet been done before);
  • Get data (login and password) to enter the electronic diary;
  • Go directly to the page you need.

All of these steps are described in more detail below.

Registration on the portal

Public services are quite a convenient service. After all, thanks to him, you can significantly reduce the time spent on visiting the relevant authorities. So, thanks to this site, you can apply for:

  • Putting the child in line in kindergarten;
  • marriage registration;
  • Registration of allowances, payments;
  • Issuance of passports (citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign);
  • Pay fines, taxes and more.

And, therefore, the presence of a registered page on the state portal will not interfere with any citizen of the Russian Federation.

So, registration for public services is carried out according to the following main steps:

  1. Enter the site. To do this, go to the following link:
  2. Then in the window that opens, find the section "Entering the State Services". It is on the right side of the page.

Click on register.

  1. A new window will open where you need to enter your data: last name and first name, mobile phone number or email address.

  1. After entering the data, click on "Register". As a result, a window will open to confirm the phone number or email address (depending on what was entered earlier). Confirm new account.
  2. In the page that appears, set a password and confirm it by re-typing. Click on "Finish".

  1. A window will open where you will need to enter all your data. Namely, the user's full name, gender and date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, passport details and SNILS number. Click on "Save".
  2. After that, the entered passport data and the SNILS number will be checked for accuracy by the relevant authorities. In the meantime, the user can fill in other items as desired. For example, information about your home address, driver's license numbers, medical policies, vehicle etc.

In such a very simple way, an account for public services appeared. If desired, it can be confirmed by contacting the post office with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This will give more benefits to the user: he will be able to perform even more functions.

Obtaining a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary

In this case, there are 2 solutions:

  • Address this question to the class teacher of the student;
  • Get data through the State Services.

In some cases, obtaining credentials in order to enter the electronic diary in public services is available in both ways, in others - only through a teacher or a portal.

If the first option does not hide anything complicated, then the second one will have to tinker a little. To help in this matter, it would be correct to present the following statement:

  • Go to the already familiar portal by presentation public services by entering your identification information.
  • In the window that appears, enter "electronic diary" in the search field. Click on search.

  • In the search results, find the service provided by the department of the required area. As an example, a proposal from an institution of the city of Moscow will be considered. Here it is referred to as the "Electronic Diary of a Schoolchild (MRKO)".

  • Go to the service by clicking on "Getting access to the student's electronic diary (MRKO)".

  • A window will open indicating the methods of obtaining the service, its cost, terms of provision, grounds for refusal, results of work and contact details of the organization providing the services.
  • As you can see, there are two ways to get this service: in person and via the Internet.

  • And the result of the service will be the provision of a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary. Moreover, the period for consideration of the application is 3 working days.

How to register a student's electronic diary in public services

There is no specific link to enter the Student's Electronic Diary for all regions. Each region/territory/republic has developed its own services to provide such services. As an example, the city of Moscow will again be considered. In order to enter the electronic diary in public services, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Entering in the field of any search engine information of the following type "Electronic diary Moscow (or any other city of interest)". As a rule, the necessary site will be displayed on the first line. For Moscow, the site link is: .
  2. When you go to the address provided, the fields for entering the State Services portal will open (an example of obtaining them was presented above in the "registration on the portal" section).

  1. Here you can also log in by clicking on "Login using". This link is at the very bottom of the page.
  2. When you click it, a window will appear with fields for entering a login and password. You need to fill them out and click on "Login".
  3. A new page will appear where you need to enter login and password data to enter the Electronic Diary itself (you can get them, as mentioned above, by asking the class teacher or using the public services portal).

  1. Fill in all the required data, click on "go to the diary". In such a simple way, you can open the electronic diary of a student in public services.

Getting access to the electronic diary is very simple. It is enough to register on the website and enter some personal data.

How to get access to the electronic diary?

Access to the electronic diary of a Moscow student has undergone significant changes since September 1, 2017. Updates and improvements to the electronic diary and journal system (EZhD) made it possible to enter personal accounts for parents and students through the website of the Mayor of Moscow.

If you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain access, first of all, register on the website

For parents

The electronic diary of a student is one of the many services available to users of the portal. To use them you need:

If personal information is entered correctly through the portal, the father or mother of the child receives a “direct connection” to the educational system, and the procedure for entering the electronic diary takes place automatically. To enter the diary, you just need to select the appropriate service in the site menu and you will be taken to the page of the site

For the student

The Moscow Register of Education Quality (MRKO) provides for the registration of a personal account for each participant educational process. That is, an application for access to an electronic diary is made on behalf of the father or mother and each student.

To access the electronic diary of a child's MRKO, you will need:

  1. Go to the website of the public service of Moscow.
  2. Create an account for your child. To successfully register a new user, your student must have a valid e-mail and mobile phone number.
  3. Submit your child's information to educational institution. Make sure that the information on the website and at the school match.

Add trusted person

In some cases, it is required that someone other than the parents can obtain information about the student. For example, a nanny or a tutor. To do this, they must be added to the list of trusted persons (DL), following the instructions:

Send data to school

To gain access to electronic system Education in Moscow, parents will be required to transfer personal data to the school. The list of required information includes:

  • passport data (full name);
  • SNILS number;
  • phone number;
  • E-mail address.

Access problems and errors

Sometimes users have problems and errors accessing the electronic diary. Most often they are associated with incorrect data entered during registration or transferred to an educational institution.

If you failed to enter the diary, you need to check all the data and make the necessary adjustments on the site or contact the teacher and correct the information available at the school.

How to restore access?

Sometimes users are faced with a login problem and are tormented by the question of why there is no access to their personal account.

If you cannot enter Personal Area on the website and use the "electronic diary" service because you forgot your login data, solving the problem is simple:

Mobile apps for login

To constantly monitor the progress of your child at school, you can use mobile applications for android (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc.) Anyone can download the selected application via PlayMarket or AppStore using the link - . For example, the latest version of the Moscow Public Services application is available for download completely free of charge.

The Internet has made life much easier. Many different services are now available, including electronic diaries and journals, which make parenting and teaching easier. Today thanks to world wide web you can easily get acquainted with the progress of your child, notify students about the event, etc. But sometimes users complain - I can’t enter the diary. What is it connected with? How to fix the problem and where to turn?

The login error occurs for some reason. To understand how to fix the problem, you need to consider the main criteria for which a parent cannot log in:

  1. Incorrect credentials were entered when trying to sign in. Check the login with the password, you may not have taken into account the case of letters.
  2. You are not a registered user. Please contact your class teacher for a username and password. You will not be able to register on your own.
  3. Some users incorrectly indicate the data, confusing the number 0 with the letter O.
  4. The temporary password has expired. In this case, you need to contact the teacher. You will be given a new code, which must be changed to your password.
  5. If you cannot remember the correct login and password or you are not sure of their correctness, then you can go through the recovery procedure. The system will prompt you to send new information to email or mobile.
  6. The service has experienced a technical failure. Wait a while, technical support specialists will definitely fix the problem in the near future.

Electronic diaries have a fairly simple interface and do not require special knowledge to use. Any parent can easily cope with its development. When wondering why I can’t enter the electronic diary, pay attention to the correctness of entering the login data. Mistakes in providing this information are a common cause. It's possible you should just restore it.

I can't access the diary through the State Services

Public services is a public service that allows users to perform many operations, including making an appointment with a doctor, processing any documents, paying for services, etc. An electronic diary is another useful option available on the state portal. In order for a parent to be able to log in through public services, he must have:

  1. Registration on the portal itself.
  2. Have a login with a password required for authorization in the diary. You can get it at the school where the child is studying.
  3. Confirm the processing of the entered information.

To start using the electronic diary, the user must provide the following:

  • passport of the parent or other representative of the student;
  • birth certificate;
  • a special application required for the provision of services.

To log in, you need to select another authorization method on the main resource of the electronic diary that was provided by the school - through the State Services. The site will redirect you to another page where it should indicate necessary information. Then you need to go to the services section and select the one you are interested in. Then follow the instructions. Authorization can be obtained not only by the parent, but also by the student.

The user may be denied registration if he filled out the application incorrectly. Please check the information provided carefully. Problems with access through the State Services are mainly related to this problem.

Also, if you can’t enter the electronic diary in this way, then it is possible state portal suffered technical problems. Don't worry, try logging into the resource on a regular site.

I can't log into the diary, the username or password does not match

Basically, the reason lies in the error made when trying to authorize. Do not forget that the password is case sensitive, it must be entered exactly as indicated - uppercase or lowercase letters, language, numbers. Some parents indicate Russian in place of the English letter O, or vice versa.

What to do if you can not enter the electronic diary

Parsing the question, I can’t enter the diary, let’s consider how we can solve the problem. Are you sure that the data entered correctly during authorization? You should contact your teacher. Remember - you will not be able to register again. The service saves data and will not allow you to create a new account.

But some diaries allow you to perform a recovery procedure. You need to click the appropriate "Forgot password" button, then the service will offer several options. Choose the best one and follow the instructions of the system.

If the problem is related to the site, then wait a bit, it will be fixed. You can write to technical support and clarify about the problem.