Kikimora tasks for children. Scenario of the matinee "Kikimora visiting the guys" material (middle group) on the topic. The scenario of the game program for younger students

Holiday script

"Kikimora's New Year's tricks"

senior group

To the music, children enter the hall, stand around the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Tell me guys

What kind of holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly:

We are meeting…

Children:New Year!

And again, as nature tells us,

The past year is leaving the planet.

He is in a hurry to replace the new year.

And the New Year's holiday opens!

The merry hall shines today,

It sparkles with many lights.

On a noisy New Year's holiday

Welcome guests!

Christmas tree, we were waiting for you

Many, many days, nights!

We counted for a moment

To see soon!

How the needles sparkle

Winter miracle - silver,

How I wrapped your branches

Santa Claus with a snowball!

Like an invisible hand

Someone decorated the Christmas tree

And like Cinderella from a fairy tale

Turned into a queen!

Happy New Year!

With a song, with a Christmas tree, with a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys!

Presenter: Oh yes tree! Just a miracle!

So elegant and beautiful!

And what is this Christmas tree worth,

Are the lights not lit?

Come on, let's say: "One, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!"

/repeat several times, no lights come on/

Presenter: Yes, these are miracles! The beautiful Christmas tree asks us to light her lights in a different way.

Well, guys, let's fulfill the request of the Christmas tree - beauties!

They pulled the ears down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

1,2,3,4,5 - we begin to conjure,

They pulled the nose down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

/repeat with parents, lights are lit/

Children perform a round dance song "Herringbone beauty"

After the round dance, they sit down in their places.

Presenter: Our children were looking forward to this holiday, because the New Year is the most favorite holiday of all children.

And now it is time to listen to the verses they have prepared.


Presenter: Now sit down quickly.

On this good New Year

Of course, you will be surprised -

A fairy tale will come to visit us.

Child: Imagine, guys, that we are now in the forest.

Here is a winter meadow, here is a Christmas tree in the snow,

Yes, that's it guys.

The tree is sad.

Scene "Herringbone"

Yolochka comes out, sighs

Herringbone: I want to tell you

How boring it is to be here.

All my girlfriends

In Christmas toys.

Dancing next to the kids ...

And I'm alone in the forest. ( crying)

Leading. What to do, how to be, how to cheer the Christmas tree?

The hedgehog boy runs, stops near the Christmas tree and strokes it, calms it down.

Hedgehog: How is that, this is bad.

We have to come up with something.

Take a quick look:

I'm prickly, just like you.

And my needles

Just like a Christmas tree.

Let's sing and dance

Happy New Year's Eve!

Leading. It looks like the snow is creaking

Is anyone else joining us?

A girl squirrel runs, stops near them

Squirrel: Hop-hop-hop,

From bitch to bitch

Yes, white snow.

Hello, hedgehog, my friend!

Hedgehog: Hello, neighbor squirrel,

Jump to us rather from a branch,

You see: the forest tree

It's boring to be here alone.

Gather the forest people

Let's celebrate the New Year together.

presenter. Here comes the snow again

Is anyone else joining us?

A teddy bear appears

Leading. Teddy bear, well, well!

I don't understand anything!

Bear cub. Although we have strict rules,

Mom and dad are sleeping in a den,

I won't disturb them

I'm going to celebrate the holiday.

I'm in a hurry to the hedgehog,

I'll take a break here a little.

How can I fail,

I really want to sleep

(stretches, yawns, squats down, palms under the cheek)

Leading. What to do, how to be

How can we wake up Mishka?

(wakes up Mishka)

Misha, Bear, look

Bunny ahead!

The hare comes out

Hare: Hello Misha, it's just

I hurried to you now.

On a visit to the forest tree

We gathered in a crowd.

Bear cub. Well then I won't sleep

Let's decorate the tree.

Where can we get toys?

Chanterelle runs out with a basket

Fox. Just here.

I brought them now.

(shows toys)

There are crackers, confetti,

Beads, rain and balls.

There will be a Christmas tree for a miracle

And elegant and beautiful.

The fox gives the Christmas tree a basket of toys.

Fox. Gathered, friends, we are together

The holiday will be until the morning.

Let's sing and have fun

Don't be bored, kids!

Hare. Play leapfrog and hide and seek,

In cat and mouse, catch-up.

We'll make fireworks

This holiday is the best!

Christmas tree. Thank you my friends! Now I'll be smart!

Leading. Our fairy tale ended and now from all sides

There was applause, everyone went to bow.

Animals walk around the Christmas tree in a round dance, then bow, sit on chairs

Presenter: Guys, we have an elegant beautiful Christmas tree, but for some reason there is no Snow Maiden for a long time.

Probably, she cannot get to our kindergarten, there is so much snow!

And I know who can help us, I know snowmen.

Hey, snowmen, hurry up, come out here boldly!

You take your shoulder blades, rake the snow from the paths!

The boys perform the dance "Snowmen" (with shoulder blades)

Presenter: It seemed to me guys that the tree was swaying,

Someone is coming to us here, to celebrate the New Year with us

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Presenter: Hello, dear Snow Maiden, how glad we are to see you visiting us.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello children! (children answer)

Hello guests! (guests answer)

I came to you from a winter fairy tale,

And the blizzard made me an outfit.

My friends are a blizzard and frost,

And the snowy wind is the big brother.

Happy New Year everyone,

I wish you health, joy!

Children come out:

Hello. Snow Maiden, dear shy!
You brought us New Year again.
Let only good things be remembered in it,
Let the evil go away.

2. Hello, Snow Maiden, the sun is clear!
Again I came to the holiday at the Christmas tree,
Eye blue and a beautiful smile
Brought to us along with gifts.

3. It became noisy and fun at the Christmas tree,
Together we lead round dances,
We are a New Year's bright song
Here we will sing together with the Snow Maiden.

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree, sing the song "At the Snow Maiden, at ours."

Presenter: We are very glad to see you, Snegurochka, look at our beautiful Christmas tree.

Child: A tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

She has needles in winter in silver,

She has icicles knocking on the cones,

The snow coat lies on the shoulders!

invited to visit,

The children decorated the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Your Christmas tree is marvelous and elegant and beautiful to everyone,

Well, the beads danced more cheerfully on it!

Girls perform the dance "beads-beauties"

Presenter: Snow Maiden, but there is still no Santa Claus,

it's time for us to call him.

Snow Maiden: And that's right. Grandfather Frost, ay, do you hear me calling you!

Music sounds, Kikimora appears in the hall, dances.

Stops near the Christmas tree.

Kikimora: What else is sticking out here?!

/grabs a branch/

Oh oh oh! Vicious, prickly, harmful! Like me!

Presenter: That's it, in the New Year we were waiting for Santa Claus, and for some reason Kikimora came to us.

Kikimora, for starters, we should say hello! You see, we have an audience here!

/points at children and guests/

Kikimora: I don't see any donut!

Snow Maiden: Yes, not a donut, but the public!

Kikimora: That's what I would have said right away! Well, hello, girls - skewers and boys - stumps. Why are you sitting near a tree?

Snow Maiden: We have gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desired, most joyful holiday!

Kikimora (enthusiastically): Holiday! New Year! With songs?

Snow Maiden: With songs!

Kikimora. With dancing?

Snow Maiden: With dancing!

Kikimora. With gifts?

Snow Maiden: With gifts!

Kikimora. I want gifts too!

Snow Maiden: And our children also want to receive gifts from Santa Claus. What is a holiday without it?

kikimora(grabs his heart) For me, it's just a splinter in my heart,

What are you all waiting for only Santa Claus!

You're not waiting for me, are you? (children: No!)

/runs around the tree/

Ah, do you want New Years? Gifts? Are you waiting for Santa Claus?


But in vain! After all, you don’t invite me, kind and good Kikimora, every year? ... That's right, you kick me out! ... And what are you giving me gifts? ... That's right, you don’t give! Do you think I will tolerate it?! Netushki! / wagging his finger/ I'll conjure this for you! / scratching the back of his head, thinking) Wow! I can’t even wait to show you what I can conjure / rubs hands/.

Presenter: Kikimore do not believe, children!

Do not listen to these stories!

The holiday will continue

To celebrate the New Year with you.

Kikimora: Quiet, quiet, scream!

Let me sleep, just a little.

I - Kikimora - melancholy, I'll sit here for now!

/ sits on the chair of the music director,

freely tucking one leg under him, spinning on it /

Moderator (in disbelief): Are we on holiday or what?

We can't live without music!

Kikimora: Well, what do I care?

I turned the one that was sitting here into a rattle,

/pulls out and shakes his finger at a large maracas, which is designed to look like a musical director/

To make no noise!

/ gets up, shows everyone /

Presenter (takes a maracas from Kikimora, looks at it herself, shows it to everyone).

What is this? After all, it's scary!

This is our Albina Rustamovna!

Kikimora: She is a beauty! She!

And I'm not scared anymore!

/takes the maracas from the Host's hands/

Until cheerful music sounds, I, Kikimore - Tosca, have nothing to be afraid of! And everything will be quiet! And everything will be calm, like in my swamp! And Santa Claus will not come to you! You won't get any gifts!

/yawns, flops down on a chair, puts his hands and head on the keys, “falls asleep”, snores/

Host (angrily): Well, I do not! Do not be this! Now we will arrange such fun that Kikimore never dreamed of! /lowering his voice, addresses the children/

We just have to outsmart her guys! Because Kikimora guards the music center and the piano, and without them there will be no music ... And we will not be able to disenchant our “Albina Rustamovna”. Let's try to outsmart Kikimora? (Yes!) Only you help me!

/deliberately refers to Kikimore/

Hey Kikimora! Go on, put our guys to sleep, otherwise they are really tired, tired, poor!

Kikimora (enthusiastically).

That's right! Here is the thing! And then they sang, they danced!

/walks around the hall, makes passes with his hands/

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word! Don't lie on the edge! Sleep! Sleep! /to parents/ Why don't you sleep?! Spa-a-at everyone! / the children “fall asleep”, putting their heads on the neighbor’s shoulder, Kikimora rejoices, rubs her hands, sits on a chair near the Christmas tree and also “falls asleep”. The host carefully approaches the piano, plays /

Muses. Supervisor: Thank you, friends! You have disenchanted me!

Let's continue the holiday, have fun, dance!

Kikimora (closes her ears).

Well, I'll show you! Well, I'll take revenge on you! I will steal gifts from Santa Claus for you!

Runs out of the room

Presenter: Well, Kikimora, well, she scared us. Grandfather Frost was here, he did not let her play pranks like that! Snow Maiden, let's call grandfather again.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is a prankster

Come to the holiday soon!

You guys help, call Santa Claus with me!

The children are called Santa Claus.

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes in.

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello guests!

I wish you success, health and strength!

To you guys, I was in a hurry!

Even on the road to the ravine failed.

But it looks like he showed up just in time!

Snow Maiden: We were waiting for you, Santa Claus! Kikimora came to us and wanted to spoil our holiday, but they managed to outwit her!

Father Frost: Kikimora, well, get me it!

Do not be afraid, children, but rather get into a round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance "Oh, the best of all!"

Father Frost: And now, my friends, I will turn you!

You help me with a staff, and the guys have fun!

Game at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus "Magic Staff"

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, and our guys can also do transformations.

Children: One-two, turn around, (Santa Claus turns around)

And turn into a dancer!

Father Frost: I can't resist, my legs are asking to dance! Well, Snow Maiden, let's dance!

Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. After dancing, they sit on chairs.

Father Frost: Oh, and I danced! Tired!

Presenter: Let's sit down and rest!

And we'll read you poetry!

Reading poems for Santa Claus

Presenter: Grandpa, you liked our poems. (Yes!)

And look, something our guests are bored,

For a long time their legs did not dance.

Child: Come on, guests, come out and dance with us merrily!

Children perform a dance with the audience "Heel - toe."

Father Frost and Snow Maiden praise children and parents.

Presenter / asks children /:

Did Santa Claus play with children?

Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Did you sing songs?

Did you make the kids laugh?

What did Grandpa forget?

Children. Present!

Father Frost: Santa Claus walked through the forest

I brought you gifts, my friends.

The blizzard howled, the snow circled,

I dropped gifts...

Ice, snowflakes,

Icicles, snow!

Come back to this hall

My magic bag!

/the bag enters to the music/

Presenter: Look, kids

The bag is coming to us here!

Snow Maiden: And under the bright fabric for children - gifts!

/ Santa Claus opens the bag - there Kikimora chews candy /

Presenter: Look, guys, Kikimora ate all the sweets!

Kikimora: Yes! Ate!

Santa Claus (surprised): Something is wrong here ... She could not eat all the sweets!

Kikimora: But I could, it was very tasty!

Father Frost: / menacingly Kikimore / And I'll take my staff, but now I'll knock!

I'll freeze you, tell me, where are the gifts?

Kikimora: Oh, don't freeze me, Grandpa Frost!

All I, all I understood!

I behaved badly.

I will stop cheating.

And please forgive me!

After all, today is the New Year!

He brings good things with him!

Father Frost: I'm angry with you! /to children/ You decide: sorry, friends!

/ children answer: Sorry /

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we forgive Kikimora, we will forgive, only let her return the gifts for the guys!

Kikimora: Yes, you know where I hid something, I forgot!

Presenter: How did you forget?

Kikimora: Santa Claus maybe

Will music help us?

If it sounds loud -

Your bag is right next to you!

Father Frost: Well, I'll try to search

And you will help me!

/begins to play softly new year music, gradually adding sound. Santa Claus, together with Kikimora, approach the children, then the parents and, finally, the Christmas tree /

Kikimora: Santa Claus! Hooray!

I found your bag!

Loud music sounds

Your bag is right next to you!

/take out a bag from under the Christmas tree/

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, help me untie the bag!

Snow Maiden: So the knot ... Uh-huh!

I can't untie!

Presenter: Come on, let's all clap together!

Let's stomp our feet!

The knots are all untied and we got gifts!

/ Santa Claus distributes gifts, the Snow Maiden gives him gifts /

Father Frost: We didn’t forget anyone, did we receive all the gifts?

And now it's time to go, goodbye, kids!

The Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and Kikimora once again congratulate everyone on the New Year,

say goodbye, leave.

The presenter says that the holiday is over, the children leave the hall

To the music, the children leave the room.

- Hello, girls and boys. Hello those who have freckles and those who don't. Hello everyone!

- Dear friends! I congratulate you on the occasion. What? How is it, how? With holidays. I hope you've been looking forward to the call for this big change. And so he rang. Holidays started. Hooray!

I know that you want to take a break from training sessions to be among friends. And that's why we offer to take part in the show - program. « Summer red, sing louder "

But first, we need to get to know each other. My name is - - and what is your name, we will find out now.

1. Say your name in chorus.

- I hear. Marina, Seryozha, Lena and many other guys have gathered in our hall today, with whom you can have a good rest and play. And we will start today with a wonderful game "That's it."

How are you? "Like this!" (show with hands), etc.

The game is played 3 times and each time faster.

You run funny ball

Quickly on the hands

Who has a funny ball -

To the site to us

3. Passing the ball from hand to hand. Music is playing and whoever has the ball after it stops, he enters the court.

There is one less nest scattered around the room than there are participants. The task of the participants is circling around the nests while the music is playing, and when it ends, take one of the nests. The participant who did not take the nest is eliminated, so until the victory of one of the participants.

Need chalk different color draw several curved intersecting lines on the asphalt. Invite participants to come to the lines. Then the children pull out folded notes from the forest basket. They unfold them and read how they need to move along the paths: backwards, squatting, crawling, jumping on one leg. On command, everyone quickly rushes to the finish line.

The players are divided into two teams. Teams choose drivers who move away from the teams and do not peep until the team members take off one shoe and throw it into one pile. Then, at the command of the leader, they begin to shoe their friends - who is faster.

Teams continue to compete with each other. For this, the participants are given buckets, one per team, than mortars, and one broom. One leg must be inserted into the bucket and taken by the handle, and brooms are taken in the second - they “flew” to the finish line and back. Participants change - who is faster.

8. Grasshopper Relay

2 teams compete in jumping with the ball between the knees.

It is necessary to prepare various flowers in advance. Participants are blindfolded and asked to guess the name of the flower by smell.

All participants are divided into groups of 5-6 people. The teams are given sheets of drawing paper A 1 and felt-tip pens. The task is to come up with the best slogan for the summer, write it on paper and design the poster. Everyone should draw in turn.

The driver is blindfolded. The rest of the participants spin it around themselves and say in unison:

Panas, Panas, what are you standing on?

Catch the flies, but not us!

Participants run around and clap their hands. The task of "Panas" is to catch someone from playing participants. The one who was caught by the driver becomes "Panas". The game is repeated.

- Summer is a great time. These are games, a river, hiking. But we must not forget that you need to help around the house, for example, mom ...

12. The game "French dishwasher".

Scenario game program for summer
Summer is red, sing louder! The holiday has come. Which? Of course, holidays. I hope you've been looking forward to the call for this big change. And so he rang. Holidays started. Hooray!


The scenario of the game program for younger students

Material Description: Scenario game program. Can be performed on an unfamiliar audience. Development can be useful for teachers primary school, teachers organizers, parents.

- involvement of children in the game action;

– organization of leisure activities;

– creation of conditions for self-assertion.

Equipment: Balloons, sports equipment, tape recorder.

Music "where childhood goes"

Leading. Dear children, today we invite everyone on a journey through the "Planet of Childhood". On this planet, you need to be able to fantasize, laugh and not be upset, play and have fun in general, have a great time.

First you need to get to know

Game on acquaintance "Say the name" whose name I now call - he will carry out the task.

Tanya raised her hands.

Oli, Vicki squealed.

Nastya, Lights waved,

Natasha clapped her hands

Misha, Sasha and Seryozha whistled,

And the Marinas all sat down,

Ksyusha, Dasha meowed together,

Maxims grunted a little.

Nikita, Danil and Anton - shout "Oi"

Lena, Julia and Andryusha - shout "Ai"

Who I didn't say

And today she was silent

Like one family

Let's shout "I" together!

(stand in a circle, pass the ball and wish each other a happy journey)

Leading. Now we will pass the ball in a circle with these words

You fly balloon

Quickly, quickly on the hands,

Who has the ball left?

He wishes everyone a happy journey.

Leading. Now I want to get to know you better.

The game "who loves to sing and play"(children answer questions)

Who likes to sing, play?

Who skips lessons?

Who lives by schedule?

Do we exercise in the morning?

Who takes care of the clothes?

Does he put it under the bed?

Who among you does not like boredom?

Who is the master of all trades here?

Who keeps things in order?

Tears and books and notebooks?

Who helps mom at home?

And who is chasing the loafer?

Who does not offend friends?

Chasing cats by the tails?

Who loves kissel?

Who loves to swim?

Who would like to become a pilot?

Be a good driver?

Fly from bed to floor?

Which one of you, say out loud

Catching flies in class?

Which one of you is so good

Sunbathing went in galoshes?

Who loves cake and candy?

And who are hot cutlets?

Who loves apples and pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Leading. Now that we have met and learned a lot of interesting things about each other, we can go on a trip, but before that we will prepare the balloons on which we will fly. Divide into two teams, and show jumping is announced.

COMPETITION "FUN FRIENDS" relay race 5 people

Behind a certain amount of time to draw a funny face on a balloon. (1-eye, 2-nose, 3-mouth, 4-eyebrows, 5-ears.)

3.4 all crouched, (squatting)

And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"

Upheaval in the air

Stop at the island of the most resourceful.

On a signal, the participants throw the ball up and try to keep it, chasing only with their noses. The one who keeps the ball in the air the longest wins.

On a signal, you need to throw the balloon as high as possible.

And now, on my signal, you need to throw the ball forward. Whose ball will fly farthest.

2 participants and 2 seconds are invited - they will count the blows inflicted on the opponent. Participants must not leave the boundaries of the ring.

COMPETITION "RUNNING WITH BALLS" choose the fastest team.

Keep the ball on the racket, run to the skittles, come back.

3.4 all crouched, (squatting)

5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)

Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)

And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"

Upheaval in the air

Stop at the island of unusual animals. There are many strange and unusual animals on this island, I suggest you settle new residents here.

Long balloons are given, you need to make a figure of an animal or a bird out of a balloon and come up with an interesting name for them.

One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)

3.4 all crouched, (squatting)

5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)

Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)

And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"

Upheaval in the air

Stop on the island "Topotushkino". On this island live children who stomp the loudest. Do you want to compete with them? The boys stomp, the girls stomp, and now they're all together. Well done!


Two participants from each team receive a balloon, you need to put the balloon on the floor and stomp on it, who will burst the balloon faster.

One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)

3.4 all crouched, (squatting)

5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)

Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)

And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"

Upheaval in the air

Stop at African Island. Many wild little monkeys live on this island. Say hello to them.

Relay race between teams, hold the ball between the legs and jump to the skittles, run back and pass the ball to the next one.

One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)

3.4 all crouched, (squatting)

5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)

Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)

And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"

Upheaval in the air

Stop at Fairytale Island. Guys, guess who lives on this island? Fairy tale characters are correct, and which ones we will now find out.

1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)

2. Who of their fairy-tale heroes was very fond of the saying "One head is good, but three is better." (Dragon)

3. Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who got her nickname because of her headdress. (Little Red Riding Hood)

4. Which character was very fond of shoes and how was he called for this? (Puss in Boots)

One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)

3.4 all crouched, (squatting)

5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)

Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)

And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"

Upheaval in the air

Stop on the island "Dance"

A dance marathon between teams is announced, who will dance whom.

Summing up the results of the game program.

Leading. Have fun do not be sad and take your time from the planet of childhood. After all, childhood will never come back to you. Be children as long as possible.

Game program script for junior schoolchildren
The game is a journey through the Planet of childhood for the younger school age A game program with elements of a sports relay race. Scenario of the game "Journey through the Planet of Childhood" for primary school age.


Game program “Hello, red summer!”

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Secondary school with. anucino

teacher of the highest qualification

Game program "Hello, red summer!"

Target: creation of a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of cognitive, musical and motor activities.

Tasks: clarify the idea of ​​​​summer, of summer natural phenomena;

expand knowledge, develop attention, ingenuity, the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space, develop dexterity and speed;

cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

- Guess the riddle and you will find out what will be discussed at our holiday.

sun, greenery and heat.

- Hello children! Today we gathered to play and have fun, because now summer is a fun and joyful time. During the summer we must rest and gain strength.

1. We celebrate the holiday of summer,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

2. Birds will arrive for the holiday

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

Will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

3. Buzz around the dragonfly,

Smile poppies, roses.

And the tulip will dress -

In the brightest sundress.

4. We celebrate the holiday of summer

Festival of the sun, festival of light

Sun, sun, brighter gray -

The holiday will be more fun.

Children sing the song "In the summer meadow"

Guys, summer is here! The most favorite time of the year for children and adults. But what is summer?

That's a lot of light!

This is a field, this is a forest,

It's a lot of wonders.

It's clouds in the sky

It's a fast river

These are bright flowers

Sky blue.

This is a hundred roads in the world

For childish fast legs.

- Guys, why do you like summer?

(you can swim, sunbathe, spend more time outdoors, pick mushrooms)

How many wonderful opportunities summer gives us! Let's get up in a round dance and meet the summer joyfully and amicably.

Round dance "Wider circle" words by V. Viktorov, music by D. Lvov

Do you know how to solve riddles?

sun, greenery and heat. (Summer)

And mumbles, and sings, lulls? (Rain)

The arc is beautiful, colorful,

Appear, then fade. (Rainbow)

Two petals only.

Carved along the edges!

He sits and flies away.

If anyone does not guess

Mom will tell you:

“Yes, it is. (Butterfly)

(The children form a circle. The leader becomes in the center of the circle. The ball lies at his feet. The leader performs various movements. The leader repeats them. Suddenly, the leader calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball to him. The one whose name was called catches the ball, the rest scatter. The child who catches the ball becomes the leader)

7. Mobile game "Sun and rain"

Children walk and dance to cheerful music. Entertainment participants to the music run away and hiding under an umbrella. The leader can hold the umbrella. As soon as

the music subsides, the children quickly hide under an umbrella, whoever does not have time either sings or reads a poem, etc.

8 .Relay "One rain, two rain"

Children are divided into 2 teams. and 2 teams line up in columns, at a distance of about 10 m. Near the first participants (one team on the left, and the second team on the right) are hoops with raindrops scattered in them - multi-colored plastic balls. At the signal of the Sun: “One - two - three! Collect the raindrops!" children take turns taking one ball at a time, run to the bucket, put the ball into it and return to their team, stand at the end of the column. Cheerful music plays during the relay. The winning team deserves the applause of the entertainment participants.

We have a lot of fun

We clap our hands:

Clap, clap, clap, I take you for...

(names one part of the body, and takes on another, but the children must complete the task correctly)

10. The game "Jumping - not jumping"

The facilitator names animals or objects that "jump or don't jump." If the presenter named the object that is jumping (ball), then everyone jumps, if not, then they do not jump. The facilitator starts slowly, then the listing of items speeds up.

11. "Music Auction"

Songs are sung about summer, flowers, trees, etc.

12. The game "Fish, animals, birds"

Children become in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball. The host throws the ball to one of the participants and says: “The Beast.” The one who catches the ball must quickly name the animal and throw the ball back to the leader. The one who does not answer or takes a long time with the answer is out.

13. Performed "Sunny song"

14. A child reads a poem

Summer means lots of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

It's a thousand wonders!

It's clouds in the sky

It's a fast river

These are bright flowers

This is the blue of heights

This is a hundred roads in the world,

For baby feet!

And in our yard chickens walked,

We saw peas in the garden.

Stand up, children, we will play in a circle

The game "Chickens" is being played. Children stand in a circle and recite the poem in chorus, clapping their hands.

And in our yard chickens walked,

We saw peas in the garden.

The driver walks around the circle. At the word “saw,” the children quickly join hands, and the driver must have time to enter the circle.

Well, our journey has ended. But you have three whole summer months ahead of you.

Summer, summer, beauty!

Kids love summer

Summer sun and mushrooms

Warm summer rains

In summer, motley meadows.

In conclusion, “Song of Summer” sounds

Physical education at school and at home. Rostov, Phoenix, 2001

Pedagogical Council, №1, 2004

Outdoor games. Baryshnikova T., 1998

Equipment: balls, skipping ropes, phonograms.

Game program Hello, red summer!
Download: game program "hello, red summer!".


Game scenario entertainment program for children "I wish summer were with me for a whole year"

Purpose of the event: introduction children with new games for them, development emotional sphere , imagination, attention, speech children; constructive communication skills.

Music "Song of Summer" V. Shainsky

Leading: Guys, today I invite you to visit Summer to have fun and interesting time, chat with each other, play.

Leading: Tell us about yourself, how good are you? This is the name of our first game. I will ask questions, and you can do I agree or not. Just be careful.

That's how good we are here. Let's shake hands with the neighbor on the right, let's shake hands with the neighbor on the left.

So much light! So much sun!

So much greenery all around!

And warmth came to our house.

And there's so much light around

Smells like spruce and pine.

And not only with me but also with all my friends. Guys, do you know how to make friends?

Dance "Dance of little ducks"

Leading: Oh, guys, look, the duckling got lost! Now we will see how you Princesses can calm the little duckling. To do this, you must remember all the affectionate words that you know.

A game "Sweet Nothing"

Leading: Guess, guys, my summer riddles.

Well, which one of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes?

In the morning the beads sparkled,

All the grass was tangled up,

And let's go look for them in the afternoon,

We are looking, we are looking - we will not find.

Behind the brilliance Crack,

Behind the crackle - Shine.

A fire arrow flies.

No one will catch her:

Neither king nor queen

Not a red girl.

What a marvelous beauty!

Showed up on the way.

Do not enter them

Weaved a hammock in the corner.

Flying over the lawn

Pat over a flower -

He will share the honey.

Above the flower flutters, dances

Waving a patterned fan.

Oh, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing.

Everyone, I think, will know

If he visits the field,

This little blue flower

On a green fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track.

Ah don't touch me:

I'll burn it without fire!

We cry without him

And when it appears, we hide from it.

I am woven from the heat

I carry warmth with me

I warm the rivers

And love for it

Leading: Guys, have you ever seen a centipede dancing? A long caterpillar with only 2 arms and 40 legs? Let's stand one after another with a rope, put our hands on the waist of the one in front and become a fun dancing centipede ourselves.

To cheerful music, children dance, repeating simple movements after the leader.

Leading: The next game is called “Boys and Girls”. It is necessary to complete the poetic lines according to their meaning, and for this we say “boys” or “girls” loudly.

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Weaving, of course, only ...

Bolts, screws, gears

Find it in your pocket...

Skates on the ice drew arrows.

Hockey is played only...

Silk, lace and fingers in rings.

They chat for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

With all measure strength

Don't always be alone...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

Of course, only….

With kids junior group p / and "Sun and Rain"

Sorry, it's time for us to part!

To remember the bright holiday -

I will give you gifts!

It's not a toy at all

Not a car, not a cracker.

Just a jar inside...

Cheerful music sounds, educators blow bubbles.

Leading: Guys, I brought you colorful crayons. Let's draw summer. And in parting, I give you sweets and a lot fun music. Goodbye.

Entertainment scenario "So that everyone has good mood, you need to follow the rules traffic!" “For everyone to have a good mood, you need to follow the rules of the road!” (Scenario of entertainment according to traffic rules in the senior, preparatory.

"It was evening, there was nothing". Entertainment with children using folk games Program tasks: Educational: To teach to understand and memorize nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs To teach children to pronounce tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

"Holiday-outrageous." Scenario of the entertainment program for April Fool's Day HOLIDAY - DISCOUNT (Baba Yaga sits with the guests. Children run into the hall with painted faces) Presenter: Congratulations on the holiday.

Information for parents. Prevention safe behavior in case of fire “So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble” PREVENTION OF SAFE BEHAVIOR IN FIRE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS: “So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble” Now our time is on ours.

Synopsis of the sports and entertainment program "Merry Summer" Purpose. Attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment, contribute to creating an atmosphere of joy and fun. Educational.

Scenario of the educational and entertainment program “All works are good” The purpose of the event: expanding the horizons of children about professions, fostering a sense of responsibility for the chosen business, creating a positive one.

Scenario of a game entertainment program for children “I wish that summer was with me for a whole year”
Scenario of a game entertainment program for children “I wish that summer was with me for a whole year”


Scenario of the summer competition program for junior schoolchildren

Scenario of the competitive game program "Summer is a wonderful time"

Description of work: Given entertainment event is intended to help educators, primary school teachers, teachers of additional education for leisure activities after school hours. The program is designed for children of primary school age. It takes place in the form of a team game. The event includes competitions, games, riddles, sports. Held on sports ground or in the hall.

Target: Make the rest of children active, informative and useful.

- to systematize the children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature that occur in summer;

- to form elementary ideas about nature, man and society in their interaction;

- develop cognitive processes, attentiveness, observation and curiosity;

- cultivate respect for nature during hikes and walks in the forest.

- “nuts” made of paper (12 pieces), with letters written on the back for the names of the teams: “compass”, “bonfire”;

- "garbage" - crumpled papers, newspapers and two garbage bags;

- cards with the inscriptions "10 km" (3 pieces), "5 km" (3 pieces), "3 km" (15 pieces);

- costumes for Kikimor;

- musical support of the program.

Methodological techniques: game plot, theatricalization, the principle of competition and competitiveness, contests, sports, summing up

Event progress

Presenter 1: Dear guys, here begins a wonderful time - summer! Do not count all the joys of summer: swimming, mushrooms, fishing, hiking ... How much summer gives!

Lead 2: Who is talking about summer? Are you dear? Excuse me, but, in my opinion, what you just said is complete nonsense, nonsense!

Host 2: Well, to put it mildly, you, dear, turned out to be not entirely accurate and omitted one important detail ...

Presenter 1: And what is this detail?

Lead 2: But what ... Is swimming, fishing, mushrooms - in itself a pleasure? You can swim all year round in the bath and pool, buy mushrooms and fish in the store, and you can walk up the stairs from the first floor to the second ...

Presenter 1: Well, it's so boring ... And in the summer in the forest, by the river - all the same for some reason is not at all boring. And it’s even very fun ... And you don’t know what’s the matter? And you, my dear friends, don't you know either? Then you will have to read a poem for you. Maybe it will give you a clue.

(The host reads the poem without finishing the last word, forcing the guys to guess it and finish it)

Summer is a wonderful time

The kids are screaming… (Hurrah!)

We have rivers and forests

They give in the summer ... (miracles)

Who did the miracle

Summer into a fairy tale ... (turned)?

Who made the whole world like this:

Voiced, joyful ... (colored)?

The whole earth became a circle

Bright, colorful ... (carpet).

Where under the dome of heaven

Lush green ... (forest),

And flowers are blooming all around

Among the ears by the river

And greet the guys

What a pleasure to run

On chamomile ... (meadows)!

Here on the mirror of the river

And around are gentle, clean,

White lilies ... (flowers).

Like sunbeams

The bees are flying merrily

On honey ... (aroma).

To the world of goodness and beauty

Presenter 1: Dear Guys! You understand that summer is an exciting time. It's hiking time. Would you like to go hiking?

Lead 2: But did you have time to prepare for the trip? Do you know what scary situations you can get into? Do you know how to cook camping porridge? Do you know how to get rid of annoying mosquitoes?

Presenter 1: In order for all of us to become seasoned tourists, and not some poor fellows, let's play. And to make it more fun, we will arrange a competition. There will be two teams on the way. The path along the forest paths is difficult, many dangers await you guys. And the strongest team will be the first to go this way.

Lead 2: Here is the first surprise: in front of you is a swampy swamp, which can only be overcome by bumps, jumping from one to another one by one (there are "bumps" on the way - circles made of cardboard).

And on the other side of the swamp, you see, unusual bushes. They are all hung with hazelnuts, and a letter is written on each nut. You, having overcome the swamp, must pick one nut from the bush from the side of your team. When the last nut is picked, you will make a word from the letters written on the nuts. This word is the name of your team. So let's get started!

Lead 2: The guys put down the names of the teams. (Reads words composed of letters) The first team is “Compass”. The second team is "Bonfire".

Presenter 1: Welcome to the forest, dear travelers. But these guys seem to have managed early, so they went farther ahead.

(Music sounds. The team that completed the task faster is given a sign with the inscription "10 km", and the other team - "5 km")

Two kikimoras appear, one is forest, the other is swamp.

Forest kikimora: What's the hum?

Swamp kikimora: You, a forest kikimora, are only bothered by din, but what does a swamp feel like to me? For a whole hour they jumped from bump to bump, the whole swamp was shaking. And someone instead of a bump jumped right on his head.

Listen, they're going on a hike!

Soon they will appear in your forest, you'll see then!

Forest kikimora: I won't let uninvited guests in! How would you turn them back?

Swamp kikimora: Oh, yes, it's time for us to spit! These are unfortunate tourists, some jerks. They don't know anything, they don't know anything. Yes, if we are still here with our intrigues ...

(Kikimors dance and sing to the motive of Leonid Utyosov's hit “Well, girlfriend, faithful, you, old woman, ancient”)

We Kikimors are funny, insidious,

We are the mistresses of our domains.

We are skilled pests, experienced,

And we will not let any tourists into the forest!

You are a faithful friend.

You are a bad old woman

Stand up as before.

- I'm so long.

Zlyuka two yards,

Better hide in the bush! (kikimoras are hiding)

Presenter 1: Did you see? You have to be careful in the forest! Aren't you afraid? Then go!

Lead 2: Eh, you don't have enough legs - only two. But I have a centipede in the forest. So she has so many legs. You will never lead her astray. Do you want me to turn you into centipedes for a while? Very simple! Both teams line up in columns, bend over, and stretch the right yarka back, but putting it between your legs. And with your left hand, grab the hand of the player in front of you. And now forward, all together, along the indicated route, bypassing the “stumps and decks” (pins placed on the way). The centipede, having overcome its path first, takes the “10 km” card, the second - the “5 km” card.

(Teams overcome the second test, the results of the competition are summed up, cards are awarded)

Forest kikimora: See how it went!

Swamp kikimora: That's bad luck, managed to go all the way!

Forest kikimora: Nothing! There is a lake ahead. Stupid, as soon as they see him, they will rush into the water. It's hot! They won't be able to check the bottom. And the lake is deep! You and I will dive into the very depths of someone and drag them in, boo-boo and there is no little man ...

Presenter 1: Guys, did you hear what the kikimoras were whispering about? But we will be smarter - we will not climb into an unfamiliar body of water! Let the kikimors sit and wait for us in the water as long as they like. And here it is!

(The second presenter marks with chalk “the shore of the lake” - a circle. Kikimors inside the circle)

Presenter 1: Let's tease the kikimore - we will dance by the lake, and not a foot into it!

Kikimory: Look, they gathered to dance. And come on: how we jump out of the lake and whoever turns out to be aloof from the others, how we grab it!

(Children move along the shore to the music. At the end of the music, they quickly grab each other in threes. Those who do not have time to grab three kikimoras are dragged into the lake, that is, inside the circle)

Lead 2: Guys, we need to save those who are in the water.

Kikimory: guess our riddles!

4 riddle contest

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house -

You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

Sitting next to us

Looks with black eyes.

Black, sweet, small

And all the guys are nice. (Blueberry)

In the forest under the Christmas tree, baby

Only a hat and a leg. (mushroom)

Baby boy in bone clothes. (nut)

He is with you and with me

Went through forest paths

Friend walking behind

On belts with fasteners (backpack)

Small in stature, but daring,

Jumped away from me.

Though he is always inflated -

It's never boring with him. (ball)

You walk - lies ahead,

You look around - running home. (road)

Presenter 1: And our road led us into the forest to a clearing. You can relax, just the right place for a halt.

Swamp kikimora: And we will ruin this place for you.

Forest kikimora: I walked around the forest here, gathered up what their brother threw in the forest. So we'll put everything here, let them think that this is the work of these "pretty kids." Then they won't be allowed into the woods anymore. (they scatter garbage on the site - crumpled newspapers or papers)

Presenter 1: Here is the place of rest! Yes, how messed up! Who ruined the clearing, do you know kikimoras?

(Kikimors point to children)

Presenter 1: Why, it was not they who threw all this in the forest, but the tourists. Rather grief - tourists! They may be fine - they don't need to be cleaned. But nature - grief.

Presenter 1: What do we do now? To go further, to look for a place?

Lead 2: We need to help nature, and she will thank us. The field needs to be tidied up.

(Two people from each team are invited, they are blindfolded. They must collect garbage, blindfolded)

Presenter 1: Whichever team collects the most trash will win the competition.

(The rest of the guys answer the questions of the second presenter and get extra kilometers for the correct answers for their team)

Lead 2: Guys, why can't you throw garbage in the forest?

- Where should a real tourist put all this garbage?

Why can't plastic waste be burned?

- How to prevent a fire in the forest?

Host 2: That's right, the fire should be made only in the place intended for this and not left unextinguished.

Presenter 1: And on the fire you can bake delicious potatoes! And our next Hot Potato contest!

6 contest "Hot potato"

The participants of the game become in a circle - with their backs inward. They pass a tennis ball to each other. Get rid of it as quickly as possible. This is the "hot potato"! On the whistle, the player in the hands, which turns out to be a potato, is out of the game. The circle is getting smaller. The game continues until one winning player remains. The winner brings his team additional "kilometers".

Presenter 1: And now let's check how many kilometers each team covered.

(The results of the competitions are summed up. The winners are awarded with sweet prizes.)

Presenter 1: Now guys, you can go on a real hike. Just don't forget our tips!

Kikimory: Or we'll show you where the crayfish hibernate!

Host 2: No, our guys will never become victims of your intrigues, because now they are real tourists! Happy roads, guys!

Summer scenario competitive program for younger students
Scenario of the competitive game program “Summer is a wonderful time” Author: Antonova Olga Alekseevna, primary school teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 3, Yuryev-Polsky, Vladimir region Description of work: This entertaining event

MBDOU "Insarsky kindergarten"Sun"

"Kikimora visiting the guys"

Prepared and hosted:

Middle group teacher

Balueva N.A.


Children enter the hall to the music, dance a common dance to the song “Song about Spring” (words and music: Alexei Voinov)

Spring begins not with flowers,
There are so many reasons for this.
Spring begins with warm words,
From the sparkle of eyes and smiles of men.
And then the streams will ring,
And the snowdrop will bloom in the forest,
And then the rooks scream
And the bird cherry snow sweeps.

Our lovely women
Believe - we open spring for you!
Smile and warm up
The warmth of your tender eyes!

Children read poetry

Tsyganova D.

Let the sun shine gently

Let the birds sing today

About the most wonderful thing in the world

I'm talking about my mother!

Kurdyukova M.

To our mothers on spring day

Hello spring itself.

Sound of streams and birdsong

She gives for the holiday.

The sun shines brighter for us

On the glorious holiday of our mothers!

Frolov D.

How beautiful mothers are

On this sunny day!

Let them be proud of us

Mom, here I am, your son!

Petrova V.

Here I am, your daughter,

Look how grown up

And more recently,

She was a tiny little one!

The song "Mom is my sun"

Ruzaeva D.

Mom was busy for a long time, everything is business, business.

Mom was so tired during the day, she lay down on the couch.

I won't touch her, I'll just stand by her.

Let her sleep a little, I'll sing a song to her.

Yaschenko K.

We will grow up a little - we will also be mothers
We will learn to sew, knit, cook, wash ourselves,
And while we're growing up
We play mother and daughter!

Dance with puppets

(Kikimora runs into the hall to the music)

Kikimora. Oh, what is going on here? All elegant and beautiful.

Leading. We have a holiday here, we congratulate our mothers and grandmothers. Excuse me, but who are you?

Kikimora. Hey, great, guys!

Didn't you recognize me?

I am a forest kikimora,

Wow, what a catchy!

What, gathered for the holiday?
Did you comb your hair? Braided?

I congratulate all women!

Leading . Thank you, dear Kikimora, for congratulations, stay with us. Today is your holiday too. You are so beautiful, and how many bows are on you.

Kikimora. (scratches the back of his head.) Well, a lot, a lot. Here! Look! Although I am Kikimora, I follow fashion. Look what beautiful bows I have. (shows a bow around his neck and counts).

Here are my wonderful bows! Oh how I love them...

Leading. Wait, Kikimora, today is Women's Day, and love must be confessed to mothers, grandmothers, girls and all women in general.

Stretch the fur, harmonica,

Oh, play, play!

Mom, listen to the truth,

And don't talk!

Funny ditties for you!

Tot. Our dear mothers,

Congratulations on Women's Day.

We will dance for you now

And we'll sing ditties.

Zagorodnov R. The sun will only wake up in the morning

Already mom is at the stove

Cooked breakfast for everyone

So that both you and me grow!

Fedotova K. The family only ate

Mom takes the vacuum cleaner

Won't even sit in a chair

Until it's all gone!

Frolov D . Here the apartment sparkled,

Lunch is coming

Mom sighed heavily

Relax, no more minutes!

Ruzaeva D. Mom washes, I dance

Mom cooks, I sing

I'm in household chores, mom

I will help you a lot!

Together. Let's say thank you to mom

For such hard work

But children like us are cheerful,

They just won't find


A day of joy and beauty!

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

Paevsky R.

Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,

I found it.

I'll take the snowdrop to my mother,

Even if it didn't bloom.

And me with a flower so gently

Mom hugged me

That my snowdrop opened

From her warmth.

Dance of flowers. (to the music "Early in the morning I wake up from your eyes")

Kikimora: What good fellows! What talented children grow up with their mothers.

And you know how to help your mothers.

Leading. Certainly. Our guys help mom clean the house.

Kikimora. Do you know how to help your mother clean up?Something is unbelievable.

presenter . Now we will show you.

Attraction "Notice the ball in the goal."

Kikimora. Well done guys, now I see how you can help your moms.

Leading. On this festive day of spring, warm words are heard not only to our mothers, but also to the mothers of your fathers and mothers. And who are these mothers of your mothers and fathers? Well, of course - these are your grandmothers!

Let's congratulate our kind, affectionate and wise grandmothers.

Fokin N. We not only congratulate mothers,

Congratulations to our grandmothers.

And we wish them good health

Today is also their holiday.

Zagorodnov R. Our grandmothers, how can we forget

How can you not feel sorry for them, not love them.

Our grandmothers rise a little light,

They escort us to the garden, prepare dinner.

Paevsky R. I have a Grandmother,

She bakes pancakes

Knit warm socks

Knows fairy tales and poems!

I love my grandmother

I'll give her a song!

Song "Glorious Grandmother"

Leading. And now we will see how well our grandmothers know how to tie bows, have they forgotten how it is done.

Game "Tie a bow."

A long rope is tied with ribbons. Grandmothers from both sides begin to tie bows, the winner is the one who reaches the middle ahead.

Kikimora: Ah, what beautiful bows the grandmothers tied. Our grandmothers are priceless, guys, do you agree with me?

Leading. We looked at the workshop of grandmothers. But our mothers can recognize their daughters by bows even with their eyes closed.

Kikimora: With closed eyes? Can't be!

Leading. And you look for yourself.

The game "Find your daughter by the bow."

(Kikimora crouches, puts his head up.)

Everyone sits on chairs

Kikimora: Well done moms!

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing

The breeze does not appease

Put on new shoes

Let's run to meet Spring.

Playful, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings

Sing along, don't yawn

Come out, dancers!

Dance "Factory Girls"

Leading. Let it snow again

Yes, the frost is still naughty,

March climbed on the threshold

And spring looks out the window.

Spring has a lot of work

Rays help her:

Together they drive along the roads

Talking streams.

Song "Spring"

Leading. Well done boys! You danced and sang marvelously, very amicably and beautifully!

And now let's remember the fairy tales in which mothers are mentioned. And there are many such stories. Do the kids remember them? Do their mothers and grandmothers remember them?

Game "Fairytale Mom"

1. In what fairy tale did a mother send her daughter to her grandmother with a basket of pies? (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. What kind of mother sang a song to her children under the door to be allowed into the house? (Goat to seven kids)

3. In what fairy tale did the mother say in a rough voice: “Who ate from my cup? " (Three Bears)

4. In what fairy tale did mom and dad, leaving home, tell their daughter to look after their little brother? (Swan geese)

5. In what fairy tale did the princess give birth to a hero to the king-father? (The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Pushkin)

6. In what fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to the store for bagels? (Flower-seven-flower)

7. In what fairy tale did the mother look for a nanny for her child to sing him a lullaby? (The Tale of the Silly Mouse, Marshak)

Leading. Now it's time to say goodbye

And for moms now we have another surprise with us.

Yaschenko K.

Mom's heart - a crystal bowl

Forever full of care and affection,

Mom's heart is beating faster

It is necessary that it does not break for a century ...

Moiseeva S.

Dear Mom,

My darling!

Strongly with all my heart

I love you!

Fedotova K.

I love my dear mother very much

I will sing this song about her,

I will hug my mother tightly

And I won't give it to anyone!

The song "Mom is my star" (F.K., Ya.K., K.M., M.S.)

Leading. And so our holiday came to an end...

Kikimora: Wait! Wait... I also want to congratulate everyone and do something nice for you! I have a magic box. If you put something into it and say magic words, then a miracle will happen. Let's try! Will you give me some bows?

Presenter: Well, of course we will!

kikimora : Then put them to me here in a magic box.

A trick is carried out with a box with a double bottom.

Kikimora collects several bows from children and puts them in a box.

Then he invites the children to stomp, clap, blow on the box.

Bows "turn" into gifts for children.

Leading. Our dear mothers

We are ending our holiday

Happiness, joy, health

We sincerely wish you!

Kikimora. Thank you mom for the beauty

Thank you moms for your kindness

For the fact that you have such babies,

For the fact that they do not have a soul in you.

Leading. And now the guys invite you to the group to give gifts.

We bring to your attention competitions that can be easily organized at home when friends come to visit your children.

for speed

First, the contestants are invited to "discover" a new planet
- inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then
- "populate" this planet with inhabitants:
quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens.
Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

"Pass the Orange"
This is a very famous game. And who has not played - try it, it's very interesting!

The guys line up and pass an orange or an apple, but not with their hands, but with their chin.
Whoever drops the orange is out, and the game starts from the beginning. And so on until there is only one winner left.

collect postcard
Each table is given an envelope containing beautiful card cut into various geometric shapes.
The task is to collect a postcard. (You can "restore" a picture-landscape, a portrait of the writer). 10 minutes

"We all sang songs"
The host reads the definition to the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.

- a song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);

- a song about a sky-colored vehicle ("Blue Carriage");

- a song that bad weather conditions cannot spoil the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);

- a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbaths ("I'm lying in the sun")

- a song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");

- a song about how fun it is to march with the team ("It's fun to walk together");

- a song about a small creature resembling a certain vegetable in color (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).

Competition "Caution does not hurt"

Up to 20 people can participate in the competition.
Participants must complete the leader's tasks in reverse. For example, if the leader says
that you need to raise your hands, you need to lower them.
The contestant who does what the leader says, rather than doing the opposite, is eliminated. Thus, the number of participants is gradually decreasing. The most attentive participant remains. Examples of leader's tasks:
raise your arms, jump, lean to the left, crouch, raise left hand, cross your arms, raise your head, bend forward. The number and options of tasks are selected individually.

Team game
This is a team game. It can be done for any holiday. You will need tablespoons and chocolate eggs according to the number of participants, 4 plates, 4 stools.

Stools are placed at the start and finish. A plate with chocolate eggs is placed on the first stool, and an empty plate is placed on the stool at the finish line.

The task of the participants, taking a spoon in their mouth, pick up an egg without the help of hands, bring it to the finish line, and then carefully put it on a plate and return back. If the egg fell, then the participant picks it up and takes it for himself, such an egg cannot be put on a plate!

The team with the most chocolate eggs on their plate wins.

After the game, chocolate eggs are distributed to the participants of the competition.

Kikimoras are known to feed on frogs and tadpoles. The role of the latter can be performed by cucumbers or sweets in the form of these amphibians. First, "make" a kikimore.
To do this, paint two children green and black, put on swamp-colored clothes and ruffle their hair properly.
They sit on chairs and portray a kikimor, blindfold another couple, give out a “treat” and wrap around themselves several times. Kikimoras begin to giggle, and the rest of the children echo them.
The task of the "breadwinners" is to blindly find the kikimore and feed them delicious. If kikimoras are successfully fed, they turn into "breadwinners". And their place is taken by the next couple.

(Within 5-15 minutes. Heroes help children pour tea or juice.)

After tea drinking, Kikimora walks around the hall and catches something in the air.

Goblin - Kikimora, what are you doing?

Kikimora - Hush, Goblin, I'm catching the idea.

Goblin - What thought?

Kikimora - Don't know yet, probably good. She flew through my head and flew out.

Goblin - What was it about?

Kikimora - This I have understood. About how it is better to spend the New Year's holiday, so that both the children will be happy and not a burden to us. There she scattered, do not catch.

Goblin - The guys will help us now.

Kikimora - Can they?

Goblin - These then-these can do everything.

Take the children to the center of the room.

Kikimora - Guys, try to jump high and catch all my thoughts.

The game is running.

(During the game block, assistants prepare the playground.)

Goblin - So we can't do anything. Your thoughts are invisible. We can't get hold of them.

Kikimora - The chest will help us now.

Do it, dear, so that my thoughts become visible.

Phonogram of a miracle. Soap bubbles are taken out of the chest.

Competition - Goblin with Kikimora blow bubbles, children catch them.

Goblin - Well done guys, take your seats.

Kikimora drives thoughts into her head with her hands, shakes her head. Soundtrack.

Kikimora - Here is another matter. We will now celebrate the New Year without Santa Claus, then we will get all the gifts.

Goblin - Like this?

Kikimora - And like this. We will light the Christmas tree, we will have a round dance, we will sing a song. What else do we have on the script (is reading) to give gifts. Easily.

Goblin - And Santa Claus is not needed at all for this, there is nothing for the old to stomp his feet in vain, but bother himself.

Kikimora - We organize our fun. New Year in Kikimora - does it sound?

Goblin - Yes!

Kikimora - And then everything is shu-shu, yes mu-shu, the dance of little ducklings ... Ugh, mortal boredom.

We have our own hit of the season - "Forest Airenby"


Take the kids to the center.The characters show dance moves.

Kikimora - They danced well, but they trampled a lot.

Goblin - Now we will collect more snow and bring beauty here.

Kikimora - Where are our magic snowflakes?

Take out air balloons white color with a snowflake pattern.

Kikimora - How big, but cold, no matter how you freeze your hands.

Goblin - And we will throw them higher into the sky.

The game is a ball in the air.

(While the music is playing, not a single ball should fall to the floor.)

Kikimora - Well done. Take your seats. Now, chest, it's your turn to work. Get me gifts from the bins.

Box - This miracle is not simple. I can't do it without the help of Santa Claus.

Kikimora - Here are those on! We've arrived. This old wizard will come and give all the gifts to the children, we will get nothing.

Goblin - Before his arrival must be in time.

Kikimora - Don't worry, Leshik, we can handle it ourselves. It is not for nothing that I have been studying various wisdoms at witchcraft courses for 300 years. We will be our own Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

kikimora- (to Leshem) I appoint you Santa Claus. Here's your hat. (Snegurochkina) Me, the Snow Maiden, a staff. (to children)

Do we guys look like Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

(looks at each other)

Kikimora - That's right, it should be the other way around. You have a staff, and I have a hat. And now?

Kikimora - What would you understand. We, most importantly, need to light the Christmas tree. Without her magical light, not a single New Year's miracle happens.

(with kids) One two Three

Shine Christmas tree!

Kikimora - Did not work out.

Goblin - I know why - the tree is defective.

Kikimora - Exactly. Chest, dear, help me out. We need a Christmas tree, a small, pretty one.

L - No, big and green.

(arguing and showing with hands)

Box - You first decide on a desire.

Kikimora - The children will help us. Do you know what trees are?

Then listen carefully and answer our questions with yes or no.

Song game. (heroes perform)

She grew up in the forest

And she was freezing cold.

Now she came to us for the holiday,

All in lights and stars.

We have fun in the New Year

We meet the Christmas tree

And the beauty of the forest

We decorate together.

Are there stars on the tree? - Yes!

Are there boots on the Christmas tree? - No!

Are there garlands on the tree? - Yes!

Now please give me an answer.

Are there pillows on the tree? - No!

She wears garlands and toys

merrily glitter,

Cones and crackers

The guys are happy.

Tinsel shiny

Friendly with the Christmas tree

The stars are real

They look at you.

Chorus: Answer very honestly, as always

Are there lights on the tree? - Yes!

Now please give me an answer.

Are there slippers on the Christmas tree? - No!

Answer very honestly, as always.

Is there a ball on the tree? - Yes!

Now please give me an answer.

Is there a broom on the tree? - No!

Box - Now it is clear.

Phonogram of a miracle, takes out 2 Christmas trees from the chest.

Kikimora - Again, the chest scrambled. Guys, what are these Christmas trees missing?

(children's answers)

Goblin - That's right, jewelry. (looks into the chest). So here they are (takes out jewelry).

Kikimora - Guys, can you help us decorate the Christmas tree?

Then get up in 2 teams. Here are the Christmas trees for you, and here Christmas decorations. Each child can hang only one toy on the Christmas tree.