Women's professions at the factory. List of popular professions for girls. What are women's professions?

The capital of Russia is a place where many of our compatriots strive to get a job. It’s easier for men to find vacancies: in Moscow, loaders, builders, and plumbers are constantly needed. But women can also solve the issue of employment there.

Jobs for women

There are jobs for women in Moscow, and it’s not for nothing that 50% of all job seekers going there are representatives of the fair half of humanity. Employers offer them the following vacancies:

  • accountant;
  • nurse;
  • cleaning woman;
  • seamstress;
  • teacher

While studying vacancies for women in Moscow, experts found that they are often offered the position of security guard. Ladies security guards are valued for their qualities such as attentiveness and patience.

Searching for work on the Internet

Latest vacancies for women in Moscow can be found on this portal. To make your search easier, set the appropriate filters. It is very easy to understand the search system of this site. Also post your resume online. Describe your positive qualities in it and specify what kind of education and work experience you have.

You can find work for women by studying many vacancies from direct employers who immediately inform about the necessary requirements for applicants.

Age limit

When looking for a job in Moscow, keep in mind that the heads of many companies set certain age restrictions for applicants. Thus, companies opening vacancies for women for highly paid positions (manager, head of department, etc.) are interested in applicants aged 23 to 40 years. Older people can work in the trade and service sector without any problems.

Preparing for telephone conversations with potential employers

In Moscow, there is a lot of competition among female applicants. Therefore, when searching for a job, carefully consider your every action. To quickly resolve the issue of employment, you will need to not only constantly study vacancies for women and prepare a resume, but also rehearse telephone conversations with potential superiors. Choose the right intonation and manner of speech to put your interlocutor at ease and not cause negative emotions in him.


Prepare thoroughly for your upcoming interview. Make a list of possible questions your employer will ask you, and then think about your answer to each one. There is no need to show fear during the interview. Behave confidently, but not arrogantly, look the person in the eyes. 90% of success in an interview depends on the first two minutes of conversation with the employer. Don't forget about this and do everything to make a good impression of you.

When interviewing, avoid making negative statements about your previous boss and colleagues. If you are asked why you left your position, say that you saw no prospects for career growth and could not fully realize themselves.

Even though modern society strives for gender equality, it is still very far from complete harmony. This is especially noticeable in the labor market, where there is a clear division into male and female women's professions. In general, this is not surprising, because ladies are not always able to master difficult or dangerous professions, since they have less endurance and strength.

But at the same time, there are also purely female professions. Some of them were mastered by the fair sex in the very distant past, while others appeared recently. But both of them are best suited for ladies, as they allow you to fully unleash your potential.

From time immemorial

The woman was always responsible for the comfort in the house, cooking, cleaning, and looking after the children. That is why many women's professions are based on these skills. A striking example of this are maids, waitresses, cooks, and teachers.

It should be noted that nannies are very popular now, because many parents do not have enough time to raise a child. True, the demands on nannies increase every year. Moms and dads want to see a vigilant overseer and a qualified teacher in one person and are willing to pay well for these services.

Another ancient profession is seamstress. And if a woman has mastered this specialty at the proper level, then find Good work will not be difficult. And having a higher education will allow you to get a job as a foreman or technologist, which promises a large salary and the opportunity to manage staff.

Where to realize your creative talent?

The female mind is more adapted to creative thinking. Thanks to this, girls are actively pushing men out of areas where the skills of creating new images and implementing creative ideas are needed. It should also be noted that now there is a huge demand for such female professions. The list of these specialties is headed by designer, writer and actor.

Designers are different: some create new costumes, others arrange the interior, and others decorate parks and suburban areas. All of them are creators, capable of bringing to life even the most incredible ideas, for which they receive good fees.

In great demand in recent years Writers began to use it. The reason for this is the fact that texts have become needed not only by printed publications, but also World Wide Web. Therefore, having imagination and knowing grammar, you can safely go in search of a promising job.

Acting has always been held in high esteem. If we talk about a purely female direction, then talk show hosts, dancers and models are considered the most successful.

Love for mathematics

In the modern world, many successful professions are closely related to analytical thinking. And although men are by nature more inclined towards these specialties, ladies are not going to give in to them.

Analytical women's professions. List of the five most popular specialties:

  1. Accountant. Everyone knows that mostly women are hired for this position. The reason for this is their pedantry and love of order. The beauty of this job is that, having necessary knowledge and experience, you can get a good position in a large company.
  2. IT specialist. More and more women are striving to get a place in this field, because it is the future. And although at the moment there are fewer girls here than men, soon everything may change dramatically.
  3. Marketer. According to recent studies, women are better at monitoring the market and are also more likely to predict the success of a transaction.
  4. PR specialist. Nowadays, almost every company has a position of public relations specialist. They prefer to invite women to it, since they have more developed intuition.
  5. Chemist. In the era of new discoveries, such specialists are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, finding a job for a female chemist will not be difficult. The main thing is to follow all the innovations and constantly deepen your knowledge.

To replace men

But girls do not always choose female professions. There are many cases where representatives of the fairer sex became specialists in male-dominated industries. For example, there is information about women who have chosen the profession of truck driver, pilot, welder, builder, and even blacksmith.

Women's military professions are also popular now. Many ladies graduate from military schools, after which they go to serve in the police or regular troops. It is also not uncommon to find a woman who has become a field doctor.

Women in big business

Recently, men began to be crowded into big business. Increasingly, women, instead of working for someone else, decide to open their own business. For some, this may be a small sewing workshop, which fully corresponds to women’s nature; for others, it may be the construction of houses. And it cannot be said that women cope with leadership tasks worse than men; even moreover, the fair half of humanity has much more drive and determination.

But be that as it may, when choosing a profession, you should remember one thing: work should bring pleasure. After all, without love there is no dedication, therefore, there is no incentive to move forward.

The driver's profession is considered traditionally male. It is unlikely that you will see a woman driving a minibus or her boss’s personal car. Women are also rare. However, if we consider trolleybuses, then, on the contrary, the overwhelming number of drivers there are female. Young ladies also appear among taxi drivers. In some cities there are special female taxi services, consisting exclusively of beautiful ladies.

The beauty industry is a women's territory

It's hard to imagine a man doing a manicure or plucking his eyebrows. Men are not demanding appearance and often sincerely do not understand why they spend so much time in beauty salons. In addition, often a nail extension artist is also a good friend with whom it’s so nice to chat for an hour or two.

However, with light hand Sergei Zverev, Russian men have penetrated into Russia, and many masters create real masterpieces of female images.

Famous Russian male hairdressers are Alexander Todchuk, Alexander Utkin, Andrey Drykin.

Hard work is not for women

Traditionally, the fair sex does not engage in work that requires the use of significant physical strength. Surely, you have never met a female plumber, loader, turner, or... These professions are quite difficult for the fragile female body. However, specialists from Employment Centers claim that even in such truly masculine professions you can meet representatives of the fair sex, but very few of them - about 1% of all workers.

Teacher - a job for lovely ladies

Probably the only “mustachioed nanny” of his kind was and will remain Kesha Chetvergov, the main character of the film of the same name. The mission and nannies are almost always performed by women. This is quite understandable, because it is with the woman-mother that the child’s first life impressions are associated. In addition, the fair sex is more patient and generally gets along better with children.
Interestingly, by law in Japan the number of male teachers must be at least 25%.

Programmer - only men get along with technology

Despite the spread information technologies, traditionally only men work as system administrators. The Internet has already created an anecdotal image of a typical guy with a beard, an eternal mug of coffee in his hand and wearing a knitted sweater with deer. However, women are already approaching this specialty.

Professions for girls

Girls today work on an equal basis with men and they have no less opportunities to build a career. And statistics even report that Russia is one of the first places in the number of women in leadership positions and is even ahead of America in this regard, surprisingly. Any profession is available to women, with rare exceptions. But not so long ago, a woman could only be a housewife; working for a salary was considered not a very suitable occupation for a respectable girl. The professions of an artist, teacher or stenographer were practically the only ones available to women; women were not hired for “male” positions (engineering, medical and many others). Fortunately, everything has changed since then and now there are many specialties for girls.

When choosing a profession for girls, the list from which will be selected future profession, must take into account what professions are in demand on the labor market. Among the most popular professions among girls are economist, secretary-assistant, accountant, sales manager, human resources specialist, designer, cosmetologist. All these professions are in high demand, and there are many vacancies for them. The majority of women work in these positions; it is rare to see a male secretary.

List highly paid professions for girls

The highest paid professions for girls are in the field of finance, IT technology, and management. Professions in the field of beauty and health, fashion and style also pay well. Many girls dream of show business, but it should be borne in mind that not everyone will be able to advance and reach the level of the highest fees.

List of the most interesting professions for girls

There are many specialties for original and unusual women, not standard, but very interesting. These are, for example, a journalist, a mountaineer, a geologist, a flight attendant, a guide, and a dolphin trainer. Here the scope for imagination is limitless and no matter how surprising and unexpected this or that activity may sometimes seem, it nevertheless exists. You can almost always choose a job that suits your liking and abilities. Even, perhaps, unusual, but fascinating and interesting.

The best professions for girls

In the general diversity of professions for women, the list of the best cannot be determined precisely, because for every woman the best profession is the one that she loves.

The most popular professions for girls

For many years, among the most popular professions “for girls” are secretary and accountant. Also very popular are the so-called eternal professions such as teacher and doctor. Technical and engineering specialties are gaining momentum. And, of course, what is traditionally feminine is fashion and beauty; most girls work here too.

List of creative professions for girls

What could be more natural for a woman than creativity. The types of professions for girls related to creativity are very diverse and multifaceted. This is an interior designer, a landscape designer, a handicraft master, a fashion designer, a choreographer, an architect and many, many others.

What profession is better for a girl to choose?

When choosing, it is better to consider current professions for girls. Look, compare, think about whether it will be easy to get a job in your specialty after graduating from a university or college, estimate whether your abilities will allow you to achieve the desired career heights in a particular field. But, in any case, the decisive factor should still be a simple factor - whether you like your activity.

Fashion in professions changes frequently. At one time, lawyers and economists were very popular, then there was a shortage of technical personnel and they began to become fashionable. Professions of the future for girls are professions related to the field of information computer technology. But we shouldn’t forget those who will always be needed, doctors, teachers.

List of military specialties for girls. Professions and specialties in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for girls.

Even in such seemingly non-female areas of activity as military affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, women have a place. And in Lately The popularity of military service among women has never been higher. The example of Israel inspires many ladies to serve their native country in this field. Many women get contract jobs in the army and successfully work and receive ranks.

List of professions prohibited for women

This list includes mainly heavy professions related to manual labor. There are many such jobs in steelmaking, mining, and chemical processing plants. Female miners do not exist in nature, because no one will hire a woman for this work.

  • In the modern world, women join the military forces of the country for various reasons. First of all, it is patriotism. Modern Joan of Arc also wants to serve for the good of the Motherland.

  • You can learn a lot, but the most successful thing is to learn what will be in demand. Find out about the most popular professions for girls and decide on the direction of study and further work.

  • Women have long won the opportunity to earn their own living. A long time ago, parents no longer had the urgent need to marry off their daughters from a young age, so that they would have someone to support them and take care of them. Women are self-sufficient and many of them earn even more than men.

  • Society believes that humanitarian professions are more suitable for girls than technical ones or those related to the exact sciences. Let’s not discuss now how true this statement is, because people are all different and among girls there are those who have a penchant for technology, mathematics or biology.

  • We are accustomed to the fact that the strong in spirit are men, that the bravest ones are always male, but if we are talking about protecting an entrepreneur, deputy or other person, then we can often find female bodyguards among the defenders.

  • Astronaut - this profession has long been not only for men. What does history know about women cosmonauts in Russia and the world? How many Russian women cosmonauts have already been in space? Let's find out!

  • Being an engineer was once fashionable. The girls sought to master this profession in order to benefit their country in the most responsible and difficult area. Over time, engineering professions for girls have somewhat lost their popularity and lost ground to the onslaught of fashionable professions, but now being an engineer is becoming fashionable again.

  • When it comes to interesting professions for girls, the list can be very long. You can talk and write on this topic endlessly, because there are a lot of professions in the world, and all of them are interesting in one way or another. There are also such exotic activities that cause surprise that it is called a profession.

  • Every girl, reaching the final grades of school, thinks, where should I go to study? Which professions are suitable for girls, and which ones are clearly not for them?

  • What professions are there for girls? Before you think about it, the thought arises - are there special professions for women? There is no clear answer to this question.

  • All works are good, choose according to your taste! This is what the classic thought. It’s hard to argue with him, but still, not all jobs are equally good for everyone; everyone has their own list of “good”, suitable jobs. The choice of profession for a girl is always determined by a lot of factors.

  • The beautiful half of humanity is increasingly mastering seemingly purely male professions. Few would have thought that one day auto mechanic courses for women would be in no less demand than hairdressing or cutting and sewing courses.

  • Once upon a time, it was indecent for women to earn money. The best profession for a woman was considered to be the absence of a profession as such. This does not mean that the girls could not do anything. Girls were raised to become wives; this was considered the only possible and respected option for organizing their lives.

  • Fashion changes every day; today one professional direction is in fashion, tomorrow another. The same applies to fashionable professions for girls.

All people are individual and have different preferences in clothing, food, entertainment and, of course, in choosing a job. This criterion depends on talent in any field, personal qualities and desire to achieve heights in the career ladder. That is why choosing the best professions for girls is quite difficult. We have prepared a list of in-demand, popular and highly paid specialties that will appeal to many women. You can also check out interesting business ideas for women.


The designer is very creative profession, which implies several various directions(florist, artist, fashion designer, interior designer, etc.). This way of earning money will be the best for girls who have a sense of style, good imagination, and love to draw and create something with their own hands. And in the future it will be possible to open, for example, your own interior design studio.

The profession of a lawyer is one of the humanitarian professions and for many years remains one of the most popular for women of all ages. 2019 was no exception to the rule! Indeed, female lawyers earn good money and their specialty is very prestigious. The only thing is that recently, due to the oversupply of “personnel”, finding a job is becoming more and more difficult.

This is one of the best romantic professions that more and more young girls dream of. There should not be any particular difficulties with training. The advantages include high wages, the opportunity to travel for free in Russia and abroad, early retirement. This type of work is suitable for brave ladies who are not afraid of changes in life and can easily endure frequent separations from their family. By the way, according to men, flight attendants are the most attractive profession for women.

Hairdresser/makeup artist/manicurist

Work related to beauty industry. To become a hairdresser, makeup artist or manicurist higher education is not required, and special courses can be completed after 9th grade at school. These are purely female best professions that almost every woman can try. These specialties are well paid and quite simple.

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Another creative specialty, which includes the professions of an actress, singer, director, model, etc. The work is certainly interesting, but it requires certain skills and talent. Only in this case is self-realization and high fees possible. Education, of course, is desirable, but the world knows hundreds of cases where girls without professional training became real “stars” of show business.

An interesting profession with a good salary for girls who also consider themselves creative individuals. Special education is not necessary to earn money, but it is better to complete special courses. This kind of work can safely be called a hobby that brings in a good income. The best option for women who have the time and means to develop own business. For example, many good photographers strive for the future open your own photo studio.

Managers of tourism, purchasing, sales, personnel selection - all this is quite simple, prestigious and always in demand! Women managers earn good money, work in comfortable conditions, and with the proper zeal, can receive a serious promotion in a short period of time. This good profession, which however requires higher education, stress resistance and perseverance.

Who among us did not play “hospital” as a child and dreamed of becoming a famous doctor? Working as a doctor attracts hundreds of thousands of people around the world. This is a noble, serious and extremely prestigious position that simply inspires admiration. That's why it should definitely be on our list the best professions.

There is an opinion that an accountant is main man in any enterprise, besides this profession has long become purely feminine. A pleasant nuance is the fact that it is not necessary to obtain a higher education to get a job; it is enough to take special courses. It is better to choose a profession for girls after 11th grade and with a mathematical mind. For those who do not want to work permanently for one company, work will do outsourcing accountant.

Finally, we suggest you watch an interesting video about the best professions for women:

We have introduced you to the list of the best professions for girls in 2019 according to the Lady Business website. Of course, choosing a specialty is a purely individual matter, and not all jobs that are suitable for women are represented in the rating. The main thing is that the chosen position brings pleasure and material well-being.