5 tips from a psychologist for work after maternity leave. Going to work after maternity leave: rules for psychological and professional preparation. Should I increase my salary after maternity leave?

Photo Legion-Media.ru

2. If in plans - kindergarten, it would be a good idea to visit there in advance with your baby, introduce him to the teachers, join the group, and greet other children. Let the child know with whom he will communicate and where to spend his time in the future.

3. Start changing your established daily routine. You should teach your child to fall asleep and wake up without his mother. Let one of your relatives - for example, dad or grandmother - take care of the important process of laying it out. If your child has to go to kindergarten, arrange for him to be at home at the same time as in the kindergarten. The same goes for feeding schedules.

4. Give all the people who will be involved in the child's care a leaflet with emergency telephone numbers and all your own available numbers. At the same time, you shouldn’t call home every five minutes to make sure everything is okay.

A very common fear of a young mother when returning to work after maternity leave is to “run down” the house, depriving the child and the rest of the household of their usual comfort. Just decide for yourself that you will have to forget about perfectionism in household chores, and not a single child will be upset because the things in his closet are not laid out in perfect order, and the toys in the nursery are not arranged in a line. Try to plan your new rhythm of life so that you can find more time to communicate with your child, but at the same time so that devastation does not begin in your home.

1. Don’t leave unresolved questions “for later” everyday problems: when you leave for work, mountains of unironed linen, unpaid bills or items in need of repair should not accumulate in the house. Check the condition and replenish it; take inventory of essential items; replenish your stocks of vegetables and cereals that are stored for a long time. Make small homemade preparations - for example, dumplings or lecho, which will help you not spend a lot of time cooking at first.

2. Adopt the Fly lady system (“flying housewife”). Many women approach the “scientific” method of cleaning with skepticism, but in vain: it teaches rational use own time in the process of putting things in order. And think about devices that can save your precious time. Don’t think that they are all “unnecessary luxury items”: for example, the most inexpensive egg cooker or multicooker will prepare a simple but healthy hot breakfast for all household members instead, leaving you extra time to get ready for work.

3. And most importantly, don’t be shy to ask for help. Explain to your family that from now on you will not be able to devote much time to housework, and therefore responsibilities in the family will now be distributed in a new way. Involve your child more actively in helping - even a three-year-old child is quite capable of collecting his own scattered things or cubes with cars.

How painful your exit from maternity leave will be for your baby depends on many factors. Including how much you managed to accustom him to independent actions. It has been noticed that if a mother decides to return from maternity leave to work during the period when the child begins to develop symptoms, then this helps resolve the issue in a less traumatic way.

The laundry is washed by a machine, my husband takes on half the responsibilities after work, I get the children ready for kindergarten, he takes them, he cooks dinner, and at this time I walk with the children (or vice versa). From the first days, our household chores were divided between two people, somehow it’s not a burden, these are ordinary everyday affairs. And I will always find time for myself!

The baby, as it were, declares to the whole world “I am myself!”, and it is in your power to direct his new worldview in the right direction. “Of course, you can sit on the potty yourself and change clothes.” These are minimal skills, without which both the child and the working mother will have a hard time, and which must be instilled in advance. But even when returning home after a stressful working day, you can and should continue to hone these skills, and to do this you need to learn to “switch” yourself.

After finishing work, devote ten to fifteen minutes to yourself - for example, breathe some air on a bench in the park. Or, when you come home, lie down for a while and let yourself relax. Then proceed to evening activities, in which the child who misses you must certainly take part. Let him hang around while preparing dinner and doing a little cleaning.

No matter how tired you are, do not shorten your usual “evening rituals”: ​​the baby must be sure that he will definitely hear you comb his hair, kiss him and stroke his back.

Your weekend should also be filled emotionally: go with your child to the park, to the pool or to the playgrounds. Talk to him more, delving into every little detail of his “new” life. Play together, have fun, laugh, and then the positive emotions you receive will help both you and your baby survive the next “separation.” working week.

Maternity leave and parental leave radically change the life of a working woman. The legislation establishes certain protection measures for this category of persons, including special conditions labor. Managers, accountants, and human resources workers must keep these special conditions in mind in order to correctly resume labor Relations with an employee. In this publication N.V. Fimina, a lawyer, an expert on tax issues, summarizes and analyzes the provisions of the law regarding the release of a maternity leave worker to work. 1C methodologists explain how such relationships should be formalized in the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program.

How to apply for a return to work?

Current legislation provides for the following types of leave granted to a woman who has given birth to a child:

  • maternity leave (component, according to general rule, 140 calendar days);
  • child care leave up to 1.5 years;
  • maternity leave for children up to 3 years old.

Parental leave for a child up to 1.5 years old ends on the day the child turns one and a half years old. This is important to know for the purposes of calculating child care benefits. For example, a child was born on January 10, and on July 10 of the following year he turned one and a half years old.

Therefore, in July, the monthly benefit must be paid in 10 calendar days.

A similar position is presented on the website of the FSS of the Russian Federation

Parental leave for a child under 3 years of age ends on the child’s birthday, when he turns three years old. The employee must return to work the next working day. For example, if a child turned three years old on Saturday, March 10, 2012, then with a five-day work week with two days off (Saturday, Sunday), the employee must start work on March 12, 2012 (Monday).

Before maternity leave, the employee writes a statement addressed to the head of the organization, indicating the start date and end date of the leave, and personnel worker issues a leave order. Moreover, if an employee is granted leave to care for a child, she can either immediately request leave until the child reaches the age of three years, or take first leave for care until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years (see Fig. 1), and then once again write an application to extend the vacation (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

To apply for an extension of leave until the child reaches three years of age, you must click the button at the bottom of the screen To correct.

In the new, corrective document, the end date of the vacation and the end date of benefit payment should be changed to three years - see fig. 2.

You can immediately issue an order for a vacation of up to three years in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program, indicating the end dates of the entire vacation and benefit payment periods of up to one and a half and three years.

Pay attention to filling out the checkboxes on the order form. The right to apply the 2010 rules ceases in 2013.

In order for the earnings of previous policyholders to be taken into account in the calculation, you must not only check the appropriate box in the order form, but also enter certificates from previous policyholders in the menu Salary calculation by organization-No-shows-Certificates of other policyholders on earnings(see Fig. 3).

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Since the minimum benefit depends on whether the child was born first, you should indicate this by checking the appropriate box.

As a result of this order, information will be entered into Register of information - Planned accrual of employees of organizations. The program will generate records about the accrual of benefits, about parental leave without pay and about the termination of payment of the main accrual (for example, Payments based on salary) for the period of validity of the order.

If an employee returns to work after finishing maternity leave, no additional documents are required (a separate order to leave maternity leave is also not needed). During maternity leave, the employee retains her job, and as soon as the leave ends, she must begin her job duties as usual.

Sometimes an employee decides to go to work early. Most often we are talking about early termination of parental leave. For example, if she previously wrote an application for parental leave for a child up to 3 years old, and goes back to work after the child is two years old.

In this case, it is necessary to prepare two documents:

  • an employee’s application for early return to work;
  • manager’s order to return to work early (indicating the date of departure).

In the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" follows on the basis of the document Order for parental leave enter document Changing the terms of payment for parental leave(see Fig. 4).

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In this case, on the Planned accruals tab there will be an entry in the Register of Information - Planned accruals of employees of organizations about the resumption of payment of the main accrual (Payments based on salary, for example, starting from the date of change in the validity of the leave order (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

An employee's return to work early can be beneficial to the employer. For example, if the “maternity leaver” is a valuable qualified employee. However, in most cases, early termination of maternity leave becomes a headache for the employer.

Most often, an employee under a fixed-term employment contract is hired to take the place of a maternity leaver. When an employee leaves, his dismissal must be formalized under clause 2 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The “conscript” turns out to be the most unprotected of all participants in labor relations. It turns out that this employee, despite the well-known period of parental leave, does not know specific date the end of his employment contract, which means he cannot plan to search for vacancies for employment with another employer.

Therefore, the relevant question is whether it is possible to refuse an employee who wants to go to work before the end of maternity leave. There are two points of view on this matter.

Some experts believe that it is impossible to refuse an employee, since Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of a woman to use vacation, both in full and in part.

Others believe that since neither Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation nor other articles of the Labor Code contain provisions on the employer’s obligation to arrange early termination of leave at the request of an employee, this is not necessary.

Moreover, if, when concluding a fixed-term employment contract with an employee who was hired to replace a “maternity leaver,” the exact end date of the employment contract was indicated, corresponding to the end date of maternity leave, the employer may have problems. Formally, he cannot fire a conscript, even if the maternity leaver has already returned to work.

In our opinion, if an employer has received a woman’s application to return to work, he simply does not have the grounds provided by law to refuse her. That is, the first point of view is more reasonable.

Being on care leave is only a right, but not an obligation of the employee, and providing it is the obligation of the employer if there is an application from the employee. To prevent possible conflict situations when concluding a fixed-term employment contract with an employee hired to replace a “maternity leaver,” the wording “until the employee returns from maternity leave” should be used. The exact date It is better not to indicate the end of the vacation.

If in the program “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” in Setting up accounting parameters a regime has been established to control the number of rates according to the staffing table, do not forget to monitor the status of the flag when placing orders on parental leave Release the staffing rate for the vacation period.

What to do if an employee cannot go to work?

It happens that maternity leave has ended - the child is three years old - and the mother cannot go to work. For example, if we are talking about a single mother who did not receive a ticket to kindergarten, or if the child turns three years old, for example, in March, and he can go to kindergarten in September.

In this case, the woman turns to the employer with a request to delay her return to work. Is the employer obligated to comply with this request?

Let's figure it out in order. If a woman has received an application that essentially implies an extension of leave (the woman cannot go to work), the employer is not obliged to satisfy this application.

The legislation provides for the retention of an employee’s place of work and position specifically for the period of maternity leave and parental leave.

The employer can accommodate the woman halfway by giving her leave without pay for the period until the circumstances preventing her from returning to work are eliminated. However, it is important to understand that this is a right, not an obligation of the employer. The legislation establishes a closed list of cases when providing leave at one’s own expense is the responsibility of the organization (entrepreneur-employer). The situation in question is not on this list.

It’s another matter if a woman asks to be partially released from work, to establish a part-time working schedule for her (part-time or part-time work week).

When working part-time, the employee is paid in proportion to the time he worked or depending on the amount of work he performed. Part-time work does not entail any restrictions for employees in the duration of the annual basic paid leave, calculation of length of service and other labor rights.

Most often, establishing part-time work is the right of the employer. However, in some cases, the administration of the organization (entrepreneur-employer) is obliged to establish such a regime for an employee. This must be done as requested:

  • pregnant woman;
  • one of the parents (guardian, trustee) with a child under the age of 14 years (disabled child under the age of 18);
  • an employee who cares for a sick family member in accordance with a medical report.

Thus, the employee has the right to switch to part-time work after maternity leave.

The legislation also does not provide for minimum working hours during the week. Theoretically, an employee who worked 40 hours a week before maternity leave can ask the employer to reduce her work week by 39 hours. That means working only an hour a week. Naturally, with payment only in proportion to the time worked, if the employee has established time payment labor.

If an employee has received an application to establish a part-time working schedule, it is necessary to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract with her (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, it may be necessary to make changes to internal documents if they establish a list of employees for whom part-time working hours apply.

Let us remind you that if the part-time working regime is established by agreement between the employee and the employer on the basis of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then it is not necessary to send a notification about the establishment of the part-time working regime to the employment service. Similar explanations are contained in the letter of Rostrud dated May 17, 2011 No. 1329-6-1.

In the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program, the part-time mode is set when setting up Work schedule parameters.

It is necessary to set up a part-time work schedule in the document Personnel transfer of employees of organizations indicate that the employee works exactly according to this schedule.

What to do if it is impossible to provide the previous job?

While on maternity leave, the woman retains her place of work and position (Articles 114, 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, after leaving leave, the employee must return to the same position from which she went on leave.

If the previous job is not provided to her, we are talking about downtime due to the fault of the employer. Downtime caused by the employer's fault should be paid in an amount no less than 2/3 of the employee's average earnings (Part 1 of Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Late payment may incur interest, just like any other late payment of wages.

If an employee is simply not present at the workplace due to her own fault during paid downtime, the downtime period may not be paid. Of course, we are talking about a situation where an employee can come to work, but does not. In cases where an employee is not present at the workplace due to the fact that she does not have a pass, and she is not allowed into the office, we are talking about deprivation of the opportunity to work and the employee can obtain payment through the court.

It happens that an employee herself does not mind moving to another job after maternity leave. For example, to another office of the same organization, if it is located closer to her home, or to a job that provides a smaller range of duties and responsibilities, if she is not confident in her abilities.

In this case, the question arises of how to arrange the transfer - after the employee returns from maternity leave or during the vacation period.

There are no restrictions on transfers after leaving vacation. In this case, the legal requirements will be met. After maternity leave, the employee will return to her previous job, and then the transfer will be formalized by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

However, this option is not always suitable for the employer. Especially if before the maternity leave the employee was a financially responsible person. In this case, even with a short-term return to work that involves full-time financial liability(for example, to the position of cashier), we can talk about a change in the materially responsible person, which requires mandatory inventory.

Therefore, quite often practitioners are faced with the question: is it possible to arrange a transfer to another job during maternity leave (most often we are talking about parental leave).

Current labor legislation does not establish any restrictions on transfer to another job by agreement between the employee and the employer, executed during the employee’s absence from work, including during maternity leave.

Therefore, such a translation is possible.

You can perform such a personnel transfer in the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program. It is permissible to change the position and department of an employee. However, this will not change the amount of payment for the main accrual (for example, Salary) because it was stopped for the holiday period.

The only condition is that the transfer is allowed in the absence of contraindications for health reasons. If there are such contraindications, transfer to another job is impossible even with the consent of the employee (Part 4 of Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, we are talking, first of all, about employees with disabilities, since in other cases the employer may not have information about the presence of contraindications to work.

The absence of an employee from the workplace does not exempt the employer from complying with the transfer procedure provided for by law.

As a general rule, a transfer is possible only with the written consent of the employee (Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It can be expressed by him in a statement addressed to the employer, which will contain a request for a transfer to another job. The employee can also indicate her consent as a handwritten note on the transfer offer received from the employer.

To register Required documents, there is no need to interrupt maternity leave.

The employee only needs to drive up to the employer’s office at a time convenient for her.

The employee's written consent to the transfer is not enough. A transfer is always associated with a change in the working conditions specified in the employment contract concluded between the employer and employee. Therefore, when completing a transfer, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract.

Should I increase my salary after maternity leave?

It happens that while an employee was on maternity leave and parental leave, the organization increased salaries. In this case, the question arises whether the employer is obliged to establish a new salary for the “maternity leaver” after returning to work.

When it changes staffing table organization, the new salary established for the corresponding position must apply to all employees holding this position. Including employees on maternity or child care leave.

Therefore, if everyone’s salaries were increased, but those on maternity leave were not, we can talk about discrimination in the field of wages, which is prohibited by 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, failure to increase the salary of a woman on maternity leave will result in infringement of the rights of other workers. Let's explain what we mean. In some cases, employees are paid in the form of average earnings. For example, for vacations, when paying for time spent on a business trip, when paying compensation for unused vacation, related or not related to dismissal, etc.

Average earnings are calculated in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 No. 922, hereinafter Resolution No. 922 (see Table 1).

Table 1. Algorithm for calculating average earnings*


Calculation stages

A comment

Determination of earnings for the billing period

Billing period - 12 calendar months preceding the month in which the employee retains his average earnings.

The calculation does not take into account the periods and amounts provided for in paragraph 5 of the Regulations, approved. Resolution No. 922.

Indexation of the amount of earnings for the billing period, if there was an increase in salaries within the billing period or outside it

The accountant calculates the ratio of the new and old salary and this coefficient multiplies payments before increasing

Determining the amount of average daily (hourly) earnings

When calculating vacation pay and compensation for unused vacation (both related and not related to dismissal), the average daily earnings are determined. In this case, the rules established by paragraphs 10 and 11 of Decree No. 922 apply.

Determining the final amount of average earnings

This indicator depends on the number of working hours (days) during which the employee retains his average earnings

* Average earnings to pay for sick leave and other government benefits are calculated in a special manner.

As you can see, the second stage of the calculation includes indexation of earnings - the accountant takes into account the salary increase that could occur:

  • within the billing period (12 calendar months preceding the month of the start of the event with which the preservation of average earnings is associated);
  • after the end of the billing period and before the occurrence of an event that is associated with maintaining average earnings;
  • during the period of maintaining average earnings.

Indexation is carried out only in one case - if the increase affected all employees of the organization (branch, structural unit) (paragraph 1, clause 16 of Resolution No. 922).

Suppose there is a department where a “maternity maid” is registered. All employees received a 20% salary increase, but she did not. The head of the department wrote a vacation application, and the accountant calculates his vacation pay. If indexation is not carried out, the employee will receive much less as vacation pay than planned, and will make claims to the accounting department regarding incorrect calculations.

If indexation is carried out, vacation pay will be calculated in a larger amount than provided for by law.

The amount of vacation pay can be taken into account when calculating income tax, but with increased vacation pay, everything is not so clear. The list of labor costs established in Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is, of course, open, but, as follows from the article, expenses not provided for by law can be taken into account only if they are directly named in the labor or collective agreement.

By overestimating expenses, the accountant reduces the amount of income tax payable, which is fraught with the accrual of penalties and fines.

Therefore, you will have to choose - either raise the salary of the maternity leaver, just like the rest, or find arguments for other employees who will suffer some financial losses.

If a “maternity leaver” is in a management position, and her subordinates’ salaries have been increased, it is even more worthwhile to increase the salary. We are talking, for example, about a situation where the head of a department was on maternity leave, and the salaries of all employees of this department were increased. Then, after returning from maternity leave, the manager will work with a salary that is less than that of ordinary employees. Although the law does not establish mandatory relationships between the salaries of the head of a unit (department) and subordinates, this fact will certainly attract the attention of inspectors.

The fact is that when applying any remuneration system, the size of workers’ salaries should depend on the complexity, quality and quantity of work they perform, their qualifications and other factors. Therefore, if a decision is made not to increase the salary, the employer must take care of the justification established sizes salaries

As mentioned earlier, in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program there is no need to change the amount of the main planned accrual - the employee’s earnings while she is on vacation, because this accrual has been terminated for the period of vacation and the new salary, including as a result of the past indexation you can indicate to the employee after she returns to work. Moreover, one should not confuse the actual order to index the earnings of all employees and the reflection of this in the program.

How to provide leave after maternity leave?

Quite often, practitioners have a question about how to take into account the vacation experience of a maternity leaver, whether she has the right to leave for the period of absence from work in connection with child care.

To resolve this issue, you should remember which periods are included in the vacation period and which are not.

The length of service giving the right to leave includes:

  • actual work time;
  • time when the employee did not actually work, but in accordance with the law his place of work was retained (period of temporary disability, annual paid leave, holidays etc.);
  • forced absence time illegal dismissal or suspension from work and subsequent reinstatement to the previous job;
  • the time of suspension from work of an employee who did not undergo a medical examination through no fault of his own;
  • the time of unpaid leave provided at the request of an employee, not exceeding 14 calendar days in a working year;
  • other periods of time provided for by the labor (collective) agreement or local act of the organization.

Vacation experience does not include:

  • the time an employee is absent from work without good reason (including in cases provided for in Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • time of parental leave until the child reaches three years of age;
  • vacation time without pay exceeding 14 calendar days in a working year.

This procedure is provided for in Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the period of maternity leave is included in the vacation experience, but the period of parental leave is not.

When considering the issue of granting leave to a “maternity leave”, we will analyze three situations (see Table 2).

Table 2. Annual leave"maternity leaver"



Good afternoon, Blog Moms! Happy spring holiday! Here is my question, I hope for your answers.

My maternity leave is coming to an end, and now I’m going back to work in the summer. But in Lately I started to notice that just thinking about work made my teeth chatter.

We have an almost renewed team, and questions about how I will get along with new people drive me into panic, although before I had not noticed a fear of communication in myself and am happy to make contact. Will I have new ones? job responsibilities or I will work with the old ones - 1000 questions to my head. According to one of my colleagues, my position was removed and all my responsibilities were scattered among specialists. Or maybe I’ll go out and they’ll tell me that they no longer need my services...

Yes, more! We have management that doesn’t like to let staff go on sick leave, and I have two small children who get sick every now and then. When I ask my colleagues with whom I keep in touch how they cope without sick leave, they answer that their grandmothers help them out, but I don’t have such an opportunity. Grandmothers still work too.

Can someone give me some advice on how to deal with the fear of going to work? And in general, has anyone had such a situation or is it just me? Although I wasn’t a coward before.

If you also want to ask your question in the section and receive an answer from the collective “mother’s” mind, just send it to us by email [email protected]. We remind you that the column is published on Wednesdays.


hope (Nadezhda-krasa.ru)

12.03.2014, 11:26

As they say: “Fear has big eyes,” I know from myself that when you are afraid of the unknown, you tend to exaggerate everything. Maybe in reality everything will not be so bad, but until you try it, you won’t know. And it’s never too late to quit and change jobs.

12.03.2014, 11:07

Alena, I had to go to work to honor the old team, but the girl who worked in my place, a friend at that, was not very happy with me, and so many things came from here... But I had to work, so something urgently needed to be done. I already talked on my blog about how I gave my body a shake-up and took a dip in the plunge pool, and after that I was offered a promotion to a higher position, which I’m very happy about.

What do you recommend? Yes, to be honest, if possible, then in our time it is best to stay at home with the kids or devote yourself to making money on the Internet. And until you go to work, you won’t understand whether you are ready for it. After all, after maternity leave, a lot changes in a woman’s head.

12.03.2014, 11:17

Alena, as I understand you) In a month I will be leaving maternity leave, which has dragged on for 5 years. But my situation is a little different - I DO NOT WANT to return to my old job. Firstly, I went on maternity leave (and previously worked) in a completely different city, and now I live in a different one. So I just have to quit. But I don’t want to go out, because... While I want to work for myself (I do tutoring), I also want to try myself in a new business.
I can advise, if you really feel afraid, to change your field of activity, see what vacancies are available in other places. As a last resort, start freelancing. Without knowing what kind of job you have, it’s difficult to give any specific advice. But there is always a way out!))

    12.03.2014, 12:33

    Thanks for the advice, I work in the field wholesale sales. It's good to have an alternative profession! But before I went on maternity leave, I liked my job and, what is also important, it was highly paid. I can say that I was always listed among the leading specialists. But, as they say, the team has completely renewed itself and now I don’t know if I can find with them mutual language. Yes, I’ve been on maternity leave almost since 2008, I have babies one after another (I only went to work for 6 months, then went on maternity leave again). Also, our bosses (according to “old-time” colleagues) obliged me to deduct from my salary in case of going on sick leave almost half of my salary, I’m afraid if they find out that I’m writing about this, I’ll be fired without trial. I don’t know what to do. Thank you very much to everyone who writes about making money on the Internet. I have studied this topic thoroughly and I can conclude that you can make money on the Internet only with the help of organized network marketing pyramids or if you have programming knowledge, layout designers, designers, and blogging enthusiasts do not count. As for “mother’s” earnings, they are so minimal, but I would like to reach my pre-maternity level. You also won’t earn much as a copywriter if you are not a philologist and you don’t have a correctly delivered speech. Although I'll listen to others' opinions on this matter.

      12.03.2014, 11:28

      I am very familiar with your torment. When, after my first maternity leave, I had to decide where and how to go to work, I was also very afraid of it. And I didn’t want to - my soul wasn’t in it. Plus, we don’t have grandmothers who can help look after the children, and there’s no way to hire a nanny. And by that time I realized that it was impossible for me not to see a child all day, not to notice how he reads the first word or to miss the first time he sees a hedgehog. That's why I chose for myself remote work. I started making engineering drawings to order, without getting a formal job anywhere. As a result, as much as I did, I received as much. I worked in my own way, mostly at night. And she had time to pick up her son from the kindergarten, take a walk with him, play and exercise. When my daughter was born, even such work became temporarily impossible for me: my worries increased. Even when she went to the garden, it didn’t get any easier - we get sick more than we go there. But even here I’m trying to find a parallel activity for myself - blogging and writing paid projects has become a small financial help for me and gives me a feeling of personal fulfillment.
      I can’t even imagine how I would now manage to spin and with official work and with my family - the youngest gets sick once a month, the eldest has just finally reached the age when he can be left alone at home for the whole day. Plus a schoolchild, this is even worse than a kindergarten child. At least they can be fed and taken for a walk in the kindergarten. And from the first grade, children are left to their own devices - they come home at 12-14, and who will look after them until the end of the working day? Plus school holidays four times a year, for which they don’t give vacation at work (((
      Therefore, for me, earning extra money at home is the only thing possible variant work.
      On the other hand, I have a lot of friends who work in an office with two children and are completely happy. Apparently, this is not only a matter of financial capabilities and personal circumstances, but also of temperament.
      So the only thing I can advise here is to listen to yourself - if you feel that bad, then don’t go to work. Of course, if the husband agrees to take on the double burden of providing for the family. Or find another one that better suits your current circumstances. Moreover, with children everything changes so quickly: if now the baby requires your full attention, then in 10 years you will have so much free time that you yourself will be looking for something to do with it :)

        12.03.2014, 12:54

        Thank you, Tavika! Our story with sick leave is identical! I'm afraid management will quickly get bored of mine sick leave. As for school, I’m also worried in advance; we can’t really go to kindergarten, although, as my husband says, problems need to be solved as they arise.
        But here’s one more thing, lately I’ve started to notice that I want to break out of 4 walls, I want to be with people, I want a change in my type of activity, but I would like to combine all this without interrupting my direct responsibility as a MOTHER. I still can’t figure out how to combine this. Quitting is the simplest solution. I will think and look for solutions :) Thank you

            12.03.2014, 11:44

            I went to work in the office when the eldest was 4.5, and the youngest was 1.5. But I only worked 4 hours a day in the morning. And at that time, dad was with the children, who, on the contrary, came to the office later. Children are at home and grandmothers in other cities. But even with such a gentle regime, I was tired... A year later, I agreed that I would work from home. Thank God, being a programmer makes it easy to do this. Now I get up early 4-5 am and work until 9-10. I don’t want to go to the office: I want more children, I want to spend time with them, raise them, teach them, develop them.

            12.03.2014, 11:53

            Hello, Alena! You are great for declaring your fear openly, without convincing yourself that you are not afraid of anything. Realizing your fear is the first step to defeating it.
            Your fear is completely justified, it has a basis, so you don’t need to drive it away, you need to work with it.
            Write down on a piece of paper everything that you are afraid of in connection with starting a new job. Some points are frightening with the unknown - try to clarify them (talk with colleagues, with your boss).
            After that, weigh the pros and cons again. What is real in your fears and what is made up. I worked in budgetary institutions, I took sick leave, but the bosses didn’t like it very much, I was worried. And in private companies it’s even worse. So it’s not fear, it’s knowledge of the realities of life.
            They advise you correctly - think about alternatives. Working with two children all day is too much work, and both the children, the husband, and you yourself will suffer. Think you still have time. If you decide to come out here, take the time to stop by work first and chat with new colleagues to reduce the stress of going to work. Alena, good luck to you! On my blogs, I take questions and, if possible, answer them as a psychologist.
            Alena, and goodbye. When you make a decision, be sure to take the time to have a positive attitude: “I’m going to a great job! Everything is fine! All goes to good! I cope with my responsibilities successfully! I have excellent relationships with my colleagues!”

              12.03.2014, 12:45

              Thank you Natalya for your kind words! A positive attitude is half the success. I push away all the “Buts”, “Ifs” and “how will it be....”, I hope that everything will turn out well. An alternative is of course good, I have already thought about this issue. But in our commercial times, high income and " convenient work“is not the same thing, you have to sacrifice something. Or income, having lost Good work, or precious time with family, all the time disappearing in the office. I will definitely look at your blog for advice. Sometimes it seems that I am so strong, and sometimes I tremble from such a small thing, which a couple of years ago I would have simply passed by without making an emphasis. Coward!

              12.03.2014, 12:59

              I have three children:). Therefore, I returned from maternity leave three times to my previous job.
              To begin with, I would like to ask you what age the children are. And if the youngest is not three years old, then I simply don’t see the point of going to work early, especially if you are afraid of it.
              The second point is that before you return to work, I would advise you to discuss all the issues that concern you personally with your boss, and not with your co-workers (after all, it is not for them to resolve issues with your sick leave and other problems). And if you can’t come to an agreement with your boss, you still have time to find a new job.
              One more nuance: it is possible that your colleagues are simply intimidating you because for some reason they do not want you to return (perhaps they are paid extra for performing your duties and they do not want to lose additional earnings).
              And most importantly: if you are afraid of this particular group, then do not hide the problem behind your children. You can force yourself to go to work only if you need money, but you don’t know how to earn money in any other way (namely, “you don’t know how”, not “you haven’t tried”). In all other cases, you may also need to “grow up” a little, like your children, in order to be able to break away from them and from home life.
              I left my job when my third child was one and a half years old. This was a deliberate decision and now I work part-time as a copywriter, sitting at home: it’s convenient for me, since the youngest will go to kindergarten only in the summer, and the middle son is just studying in the first grade, where he still needs to be looked after. Whether I will go back to work later, I haven’t decided yet.

                12.03.2014, 15:55

                Thank you Svetlana! The question is posed a little differently! The point is not that I am “afraid” of work, but that a lot of time has passed from the start of my first maternity leave to the end of the second. If you put everything together, I left in 2008 (first I had sick leave for pregnancy, then maternity leave with my first child. Now the eldest is 5 years old. When the first baby, 1.7, found out about her second pregnancy and went on maternity leave again. Now the youngest is 2 years old 9 month and I'm leaving soon. I worked in the field active sales. business does not stand still, everything around changes. More qualified specialists are appearing, but I’m stuck in 2008 (maybe I’m just thinking so). The question of whether I will work well with the team is probably paramount. “Commercial sharks” work in our structure, and if you are “not on top,” then the system automatically rejects you, that is, you are fired. Plus all my “mom” factors, which always “infuriate” any management. The question is not fear, but how to return to the previous regime, without harming your own family, because if you return to the previous regime, family “affairs” will have to be sacrificed.

                12.03.2014, 18:34

                Hello Alena! How I understand you, I have to go to work myself, the baby already goes to kindergarten, but he gets sick a lot and often. We generally have a routine: a week in the garden, a month and a half at home. Grandmothers, like yours, are not around. At work, the responsibilities have changed in many ways, the team has been updated. In general, there are also a lot of questions in my head. For myself, for several months now I have been taking the next steps towards returning. I actively communicate with old work colleagues, ask about news at work, not just to gossip, but to understand how much everything has changed. Before the New Year, I went to work to talk with management, who reassured me in many ways, the boss told me about my responsibilities, who I would work closely with, his attitude towards my possible sick leave... I am also deciding this issue for myself - we are looking for a period of illness. “grandmother” - a woman acquaintance who can sit with the child until he recovers completely. Unfortunately, this is the only way out for us. And to be honest, I feel a little more confident when I understand that I’m not alone. Many girls in the comments to your question describe their situations when they themselves were on the verge of a choice and made it!!! You just need to make up your mind. If you return to work, I can also advise you to communicate with colleagues who love their work and have a positive attitude towards everything. Good luck to you and good health to the kids!!!

                  12.03.2014, 18:34

                  Oh, how I was afraid to go to work!!! I wasn’t even afraid, but rather couldn’t imagine working from 9 to 18, far from my child.
                  I immediately understood that I would be leaving my old job, since it was no longer possible to travel 3 hours each way with traffic jams, so I tried to find a job near home. I searched without much desire or enthusiasm, because I simply didn’t want to, and I couldn’t even imagine that I would take my daughter to kindergarten for the whole day. As Tanya correctly wrote above, I didn’t want to miss all her most important discoveries and become a mother who comes home from work and collapses and has no time for games and fun time. And I know very well what a working mother is! When you are left to your own devices all day, as classes end quickly. Of course, it’s also useful to learn how to cook in first grade, but being a child with your mother is much more pleasant.
                  Therefore, after maternity leave, I quit and never went anywhere, but opened an individual entrepreneur and took up what became really interesting to me. Now I work from home, I am always near my daughter and I love it. And my husband likes it) Yes, this is an unstable income, this is not the level of salary (if compared with pre-maternity life), but the child is under my supervision, I am happy with what I do!
                  Regarding the new team - this is definitely not a problem! Over the course of my life, I have changed dozens of teams (this includes several schools and an institute and many jobs). Therefore, I would say that this is an incentive to show them all what you are capable of! The new team, like new job— it’s always a challenge, first of all to yourself! Therefore, if you have the desire, you will quickly catch up. And I don’t think much has changed in wholesale sales techniques, your clients are only now with other specialists, but new ones are waiting for you!!!

                  12.03.2014, 19:21

                  Once again I’ll say “how I understand you!”))) I have to go to work in a week, today I went and wrote a leave application. We have even bigger problems with the kindergarten; we went to the state kindergarten for the last time yesterday (we suffered for 1.5 weeks with nervous vomiting and screaming). Let's try to start going to a private one and see how it goes. It’s very sad for me to lose my profession, and it’s a pity to give my son away for the whole day (for now we’ll only have half a day for 2 months). And my bosses have changed, and there will be big changes in the team, and of course no one will be happy about a mother and child returning from maternity leave, who needs to go to daycare for the child on time (we don’t have grandmothers either). However, we are all human and have the right to work and rest, so I will try, and then time will put everything back on track)))

                  12.03.2014, 20:37

                  And I understand)) But I can’t advise anything, because I unexpectedly managed to extend my maternity leave for another 3 years))) And it’s scary to even think about what will happen after this time. How will I look for a job, how will I get out after such a long break... One thing I know for sure is that you need to set yourself up for the positive and overcome fear. After all, staying at home all the time is wrong. We women are especially bored by society, the team, work, development...

                  12.03.2014, 21:16

                  I understand you very much...Not only are you tormented by the fact that the child suddenly finds it unclear where and with whom, how he will adapt there, how he will be treated, but also in his place, because of himself, sheer anxiety and torment... But if you have no other options with work, then you will still have to dive into an ice hole... And see what happens. Unfortunately, I don't see any other options. After all, mom’s earnings on the Internet are really cheap. and about copywriters - I’m not a bad SEO copywriter, but in order to find those who want to buy your articles, you first need to work long and hard for three kopecks... I calculated that it turns out a good article - that’s 5-6 hours of work... and I’ll get paid It’s good if it’s 100 (!!!) rubles. These are the prices on freelance sites. Or rather, proposals. I’m not ready to puff for a year or two for such pennies in search of worthy clients =((Although I like writing.

Returning from maternity leave is stressful for almost any mother. Women are worried that they have lost their skills and will not be able to meet the new requirements of the employer; they will not fit into new team and in general they will become bad mothers for their children if they are separated from them every day.

But fears can and must be overcome, otherwise self-doubt and guilt over the “abandoned baby” will cross out your future prospects and everything you worked on before going on maternity leave. Social psychologist and women's coach Nailya Birarova told why fears appear and how to overcome them.

Fear of public opinion

Housewife friends have been on maternity leave with their children for three years now and enjoy their status, not even thinking about sending their kids to kindergarten. Over a cup of tea, they heatedly discuss the scoundrel neighbor who went to work and left the child with the grandmother, and you listen to these conversations and blush - after all, you also planned to “end” the maternity leave. And then you put off this moment, not because you are internally not ready to return to work, but because you are afraid of judgment and sidelong glances.


Fear of public opinion is associated with low self-esteem and the inner critic that begins in us in childhood. As a rule, one of the parents, grandparents or kindergarten teachers offended, humiliated and criticized the child, and made many comments to him. When a person grows up but does not work on himself, the inner critic in his subconscious continues to tell him that he is doing everything wrong. A public opinion it simply reflects what we already have inside us. We broadcast our insecurities and low self-esteem, and people who try to make comments from the outside sense our inner state. When a woman loves herself, feels confident and accepts herself, no matter what she is, then everything that is told to her from the outside passes by. It is, of course, easier for such a woman to relate to public opinion.


But if a person who is no better than you criticizes, then by reprimanding you, he will most often try to assert himself at your expense. Don't stroke his EGO and don't take his words personally.

Don’t be upset if your going to work is criticized by mothers who are on maternity leave until the very end. Don't be afraid to become a less-than-perfect parent, because we all make mistakes. There are simply no ideal people. And if others begin to put pressure on you, this must be stopped immediately. Don’t be afraid to say: “Thanks for the advice, but I’ll figure it out myself.”

Fear that there won't be enough time

No one promised that after the birth of a baby, life would become easy and carefree. On the contrary, this joyful event entails changes and temporary inconveniences, which lead to the point that tired and exhausted mothers want to “run out the window” and “disappear into the sunset.” And if you add a full 8-hour working day to motherhood and household chores, then the day clearly needs to be longer. And how can you manage everything?


You need to work on time management and fully allocate your time after work so that it is not wasted. You can schedule everything by the hour: 5 minutes to load the washing machine, 20 minutes to wash the dishes, an hour and a half to prepare dinner, etc. From experience I can say that when you prescribe this, then automatically everything is done on time.

And if equality reigns in your family, then you can entrust some of the household responsibilities to your husband: together you can do it much faster.

Fear of leaving your comfort zone

Often, going to work is not connected with a woman’s desire to develop on the career ladder, but with the need additional income. In such cases, she experiences an ardent protest, since she is literally torn out of the regime to which she is already accustomed.

In such cases, it is better to trust the Universe and remember the simple truth: “Everything that is not done is for the better.” Plus, learn to negotiate with yourself, because this will have a beneficial effect on your personal growth.

Getting out of your comfort zone is always a way out new level. Set yourself in a positive mood and repeat: “What is happening to me at this stage is correct and is for my benefit. I am moving towards my accomplishments, achievements and positive and good results.”


Fear of not fitting into a new team

You have practically not communicated with strangers for more than a year; your only and devoted interlocutors were your baby, relatives and friends. At some point in time, you even catch yourself thinking that you cannot call back an unfamiliar number - yes, this happens, and there is nothing special about it. Psychologists call this phenomenon social anxiety. It goes away as soon as you start actively communicating with different people.

To join any team, it’s enough to be positive yourself, love people, shine, smile and not come to work with a sad face,” says Nailya. - Like attracts like. If you are positive towards a person, then he will be positive towards you too. You can make up for the lack of social life by reading. When a person is well-read, his speech is rich and enriched.

Fear of not living up to your boss's expectations

After you left, the manager raised the plan, introduced a million innovations and completely changed business tactics - in a word, you will have to learn all over again. And you're in a rush own fear grab your pen and start writing your resignation letter. Stop, take a deep breath and exhale.

During maternity leave, you did not lose your previous skills, but, on the contrary, acquired others. You have learned to communicate with the most demanding, uncompromising and capricious boss in the world - your child. This means you can handle other tasks easily. And for this, as the psychologist says, it is enough to live your fear.


Try to see the picture and accept it. For example, fear of not meeting management's expectations. To overcome it, you first need to live it.

Imagine how you come to work, go into your boss’s office and say hello to him. Imagine every detail, living this situation as it could presumably turn out. The boss gave you probation at three days, but you failed and lost your job. Frustrated, you pack your things, say goodbye to your colleagues and go to the nearest cafe to drink a cup of coffee. And then you make plans for the future: what will you tell your husband, how will you feel the next day, etc. As a result, you will discover that life does not stop there and there are many options for the development of events ahead.

According to the expert, this method can help overcome any fear, the main thing is to allow yourself to feel it.

Are you afraid of leaving maternity leave?

First, let's figure out what maternity leave is and what it is eaten with. By Labor Code RF (Articles 255 and 256), the entire period, which we simply call “decree,” consists of two parts.

  • The first is maternity leave. Provided for a period of 140 to 194 days, depending on the course of pregnancy. In fact, this is an analogue of sick leave.
  • The second is parental leave for up to three years. Moreover, benefits are accrued up to one and a half years, but after one and a half years they are not accrued. This leave can be used not only by the mother, but also by the father and grandparents of the child (if they actually care for the child).

You you can go to work any day, notifying the employer in advance with a corresponding statement, and not wait until the child turns three years old.

And you obliged go to work the day after you celebrate your child’s third birthday. From this day the vacation ends, no-show workplace will be considered absenteeism.

Can you be fired?

Someone is afraid to go to work because they don’t want to be separated from their child. And someone is worried that on the first day after maternity leave they will receive work book in your arms.

An employer cannot fire you during maternity leave until the organization itself is liquidated.

If you went to work earlier and your child is not yet three years old, you are also relatively safe. According to Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer can terminate employment relations with you on its own initiative if the organization is being liquidated or if you have grossly violated labor discipline.

But when the child has grown to three years old, the employer will hire you at least the next day (exceptions are single parents, breadwinners of large families and parents of disabled children).

Only women who have entered into a fixed-term contract need to worry employment contract. If it has ended, you may receive a notice of termination. The employer is obliged to extend the term of the contract only for the duration of pregnancy, but not for the period of maternity leave.

How to get to work and stay there

From the manager’s point of view, the situation with the mother who came after maternity leave is ambiguous. An employee who worked in the desired position for three years got used to it and showed himself to be a the best side, and the employee, after a long break, still needs to restore her qualifications and get into the working rhythm. New position According to the law, it is impossible to give it to a “maternity leaver”; the mother returns to the same job from which she went on vacation. In addition, everyone is afraid that young mothers will more often disappear on sick leave and ask for time off to attend matinees.

What does this mean? That you will have to get to your workplace in advance and talk with your boss, and not wait until the end of your vacation.

Indicate your desire to return to work and defense, talk about the conditions under which you will start working again. Perhaps after such a conversation you will draw conclusions whether it’s worth getting your office suit out of the closet or whether it’s time to look for a new place.

Find out what has changed in the workplace while you were away. Who came to the team, which of the old people stayed in their place, who received a promotion. Ask how the organization is doing: is it planning to expand, enter new markets, or, conversely, is there a period of austerity ahead on everything.

Read professional literature. This is useful in order not to miss important information and to keep the brain functioning in working mode.

Look for professional communities, watch videos. This way you can keep your finger on the pulse of your field.

How to prepare for the new regime

If after your child’s third birthday you take him to kindergarten for the first time, and you cheerfully run to work, everything will be bad, really. A week after the abrupt start of the new regime, a disaster awaits you: the house is a mess, the child is upset, you are squeezed like lemon, you are unhappy at work. Prepare your body and family for changes before they hit you.

Solve the issue with the kindergarten and nanny in advance. The child will need to get used to the new environment and routine. In 99.9% of cases, morning tears await you. Prepare your child for new circumstances and devote some time to him in the evenings.

Get up earlier. If you used to get ready for work, say, in 15 minutes, but you can get your child ready in 30 minutes, then the formula for calculating the time will be: (15 + 30) × 2. And this is also the minimum margin. You will always have something going on that might cause you to be late. Because the law of meanness works without interruption.

Distribute responsibilities. Parental leave usually includes taking care of the house. Now you won't have enough time to do everything at once. Ask for help and distribute responsibilities among family members so you don't go crazy with the workload.

Put off new tasks for later. If new mode It’s hard, no one even thinks about additional activity. But sometimes women experience a frantic surge of strength. Finally, there is so much to do! There is a desire to visit all the exhibitions, go to training or courses every day foreign language. Especially if you were completely focused on motherhood.

The body's resources are not infinite, you will fly and flutter for a couple of months, and then you will be so tired that you will not even have the strength to do what is necessary.

In this situation, the principle “if you drive more quietly, you will keep going” is revealed in all its glory. Do you want to move mountains? Roll up, but gradually. First, learn to distribute time between home and work, and when you feel that there is a lot of energy left, look for a use for it.

How to behave at work

After a long break, going back to work feels like entering another world. You will be afraid and worried about the quality of your work and your knowledge. Try to calm down. You return to the same place of work you left. You have already started working in this organization once. And nothing terrible will happen to you.

Ask questions and don't be afraid to show that you don't know something. It’s better to ask and do it right than to redo it later. And the more questions you ask, the faster you will catch up with your colleagues.

Learn to remain silent about personal things. Everyone talks about what worries them, and you will worry about the child.

I remind you. To the question “How are you?” you need to answer: “Thank you, good! What about you?". And don’t tell us how you really are doing.

Don't tell your details family life every colleague, not everyone is interested in hearing when your child took his first steps (to be honest, almost no one is interested in this).

Follow the dress code. Even if the company has casual clothing, a business look will help you get in the mood.

What to do if there is no one to leave your child with?

The reality is that not everyone is lucky enough to have kindergarten even by the age of three. Sometimes there is no one to leave the child with, or a ticket to a preschool institution will appear in a few months, but you need to go to work. Unfortunately, there are few options in this situation:

  • Look for a nanny.
  • Negotiate with the employer about the possibility of remote work.
  • Write an application for unpaid leave for the required time.

You can start working before the end of your maternity leave on a part-time basis. Of course, you need to agree on the issue with the employer.

You will only have to rely on good relations with your superiors and your value to the company. So all the tips given above are quite suitable in your case.

And we won’t go to work!

What to do if you are not going to work? Typically, women who were on maternity leave are concerned about the exact opposite question. Therefore, those who decided for some reason to postpone hard work find themselves left behind.

How to part with work correctly? Try to maintain warm relationships at work. What if you decide to return?

The most professional solution would be to announce your intention in advance so that the employer can prepare and find a replacement for the employee. Or didn’t kick out the one who already works in your place.

Deliver the news personally. On the one hand, everything with us is entirely paper-based, and by law you can communicate with the employer exclusively with the help of statements and “”. Moreover, you are required to notify your decision to leave your position in writing. But it is humanly important that a conversation be attached to the letter and application. A personal conversation is not always possible (for example, you have moved or you have no one to leave your child with), but at least call.

Count your payments. If you decide to quit after maternity leave, make sure that you are paid all compensation if you did not go on leave before going on maternity leave. Moreover, the first part of the maternity leave (maternity leave) is included in the vacation period, the rest are not.

Banish the feeling of guilt. If it seems to you that you are letting someone down with your decision, that the work cannot be done without you, it seems to you. While you were on maternity leave, everything functioned without your presence; your dismissal will not destroy the organization.