Volunteer organizations of the world how to get there. Volunteer programs abroad. How to go abroad as a volunteer

Any trip abroad is a wonderful way to make new acquaintances, expand your horizons and even learn English. Many people can travel abroad for free in 2019. Volunteer work, corporate trips abroad - all this allows you to travel completely free of charge.

To travel abroad for free, you need to visit volunteer centers and leave an application there. Before submitting it, each candidate must fill out an application form. Usually it contains standard questions: full name, age, place of birth, place of education, status in society.

Considerable attention is paid to the personal qualities of volunteers: friendliness, sociability and desire to work. After submitting your application, you must wait for a response. There are many volunteer programs, but I strive to participate in each of them great amount people, and very few places are given out.

Popular volunteer programs

It is recommended that you carefully study the terms and conditions of the selected program. Some only offer free room and board, but the volunteer must pay for the tickets. There are also promotions that provide for full payment of all travel expenses, then you can travel abroad absolutely free.

The most popular volunteer programs of 2019 include:

Study and work programs

Study and work - these words do not sound tempting at all. However, in reality this is one of the best ways enjoy the fullness of life and expand your horizons abroad. Language courses, which are organized several times a year for residents of some countries, are very popular. Over a period of time, a group of people is recruited and sent abroad to improve knowledge. Typically standard courses last three months.

Many people know about these promotions. They represent short trips, a social package, an opportunity to make new acquaintances, relax at sea and even earn money. Of course, this work will not improve the tourist’s qualifications as a specialist in a certain field, but an interesting vacation and improvement of intercultural communication experience are guaranteed.


An internship is another way to travel abroad for free. Typically, young people from 23 to 20 years old are sent for internships. higher education. Most large American companies look for employees abroad, provide them with training and internships, and then offer them to get a job and stay abroad forever.

To get an internship at one of these companies, you need to decide on the field of activity in which you can work. Then, on the Internet or in advertisements, it is recommended to view relevant and recent posts. The last step is to write a letter to the director or organizer of the program.

Standard conditions for courses and internships include payment for accommodation, travel, meals, ticket costs, consular fees, and visa processing. Companies may pay “bonuses” to particularly diligent and hardworking people during their internship. These are small bonuses, but they provide significant assistance to a person.

Trainings and seminars

A corporate event abroad is a trip of an entire team of employees from a certain company abroad to participate in a seminar or conference. This is one of the methods of international cooperation that allows the exchange of information, new knowledge, developments and technologies. Such trips abroad will allow you to meet famous people.

The contacts and acquaintances made in this informal environment can have a positive impact on career growth in the future.

You can leave and participate in trainings only if such an opportunity has been presented to your company. You can also add your own company to the list of candidates for participation in the seminar. Then you need to wait for a response from the organizer.

Such events take a little time. Mostly they take from three days to two weeks. During this period, several days are devoted to conferences, discussion and solution of important problems.

Conducting training

The rest of the time can be spent relaxing at sea, sightseeing and taking part in excursions.
Organizers of trainings or seminars cover all expenses related to travel, accommodation and meals for participants.

Lotteries and drawings

Not everyone can travel abroad on their own. To visit foreign countries for free, you can participate in lotteries or drawings in 2019 and try to win. This is one of the available options. As a rule, each program defines the conditions for participation.

The lottery involves a random selection of participants. There is no questionnaire to fill out before participation. You will need to answer the questions only after the lottery, if you manage to win. Winners are determined by random method, most often special programs are used for this.

Popular lotteries include.

Some people have the misconception that this card allows you to travel to the USA for free. In fact, this is a lottery that is very popular all over the world and allows you to legally stay in the country.

This action was approved by the US Congress and has legal status. Once a year, 50,000 people from all those who submitted applications are identified using a computer.

People from all over the world can participate in this lottery. Knowledge of language, education, age does not matter. However, this program also has one caveat - if more than fifty thousand immigrants have left for the United States from any country over the past five years, then it cannot participate in the drawing.

Participation in the lottery is absolutely free. The application is submitted online. This takes a few minutes, but obtaining a Green Card takes one or even a year and a half. It gives you the opportunity to legally reside and work in the United States.

Of course, this is not a free trip for entertainment purposes, but it will save you money and give you the opportunity to work there legally. For many, the Green Card becomes a lucky ticket to new life and opportunity forever.

Typical American street

Volunteering as a type of activity has been known since ancient times. It is not aimed at obtaining material benefits and focuses on providing assistance to those who need it. Law Russian Federation defines volunteers as individuals who carry out free of charge charitable activities. Volunteering is developed throughout the world; there are many programs that cover a wide range of tasks. Russians and residents of the CIS countries often participate in volunteer programs not only to provide voluntary assistance to those who need it, but also with the goal of going abroad, traveling and seeing the world.

Volunteering: benefits not only for people, but also for yourself

If we do not take into account the moral factor (voluntary help has always indicated a person with the highest the best side), then participation in a volunteer program is a very successful and cheap way to travel abroad. This is also an opportunity to make new friends, deepen your knowledge of a foreign language and express yourself in a socially important cause.

The first step is to visit the volunteer center. It is necessary to leave an application for participation in a specific project. Together with her, you need to fill out a form in which you indicate all your personal data. You also need to undergo a short interview with the center’s staff, during which they will try to find out the purpose of the person’s participation in the volunteer program. A big plus for a candidate will be friendliness, a selfless attitude towards responsibilities, communication skills and a desire to work. The fact is that in many volunteer programs the number of vacancies is small, and the number of candidates is simply off the charts. Knowledge of one of the common foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, German or French) will be a big plus.

Is it possible to emigrate through volunteering?

Participation in a volunteer program can be considered as a method of immigration, since participants in international humanitarian missions have the right to obtain resident status of the country in which they are engaged in volunteer activities. As a rule, a residence permit is issued for the period of stay in a given mission on the basis official letter from her leadership to the country's immigration service. If the volunteer subsequently wants to stay in this state, then the period of temporary resident status while working in the mission will be counted in the naturalization process.

As a way to move to another country, participation in a volunteer program is ideal for young people who have not yet accumulated sufficient funds and professional experience to emigrate in another way. This point also includes the fact that some countries are extremely closed to foreigners. And it is much easier for a volunteer to get there if he is part of a volunteer organization accredited in these states.

Paid and free volunteer programs abroad

Programs can be paid or free. Paid ones require the volunteer to purchase tickets and pay for certain administrative services when preparing documents, while only food and accommodation are free. The second type of volunteer programs assumes that all expenses are borne entirely by the organizer, and the volunteer travels abroad absolutely free of charge.

The most popular volunteer programs abroad in 2019

"Turtle Teams" is a volunteer program whose main task is to save sea turtles and other endangered inhabitants of the deep sea. Participation in the program (Turtle Teams is its English name) requires that the volunteer must be familiar with diving and have certain scuba diving skills and experience. Small groups of volunteers of this program are scattered across many countries of the world that are washed by seas and oceans.

Conservation Volunteers - conservation program environment. It operates in Australia. The scope of activity of voluntary conservationists is the Australian coast, national parks of the Green Continent, as well as support for ecotourism. A British version of this volunteer program has recently been created.

"Volunteer Helpers" is a program for volunteers who help people around the world with housekeeping, hotel business, during the construction of social premises. The main supplier of orders in this case is the international Help Exchange. A special feature of this program is the need to enter into preliminary agreements with hosts around the world so that they can prepare to receive volunteers.

“Volunteers in Sudan” is the name most often given to the well-known international program Sudan Volunteer Programme. If the applicant is fluent in English, then the road to Sudan is open to him, where volunteers work who teach English to children and students of this exotic African country, and also strive to establish positive interethnic and cultural communication between the residents of Sudan, where the issue of national hatred has been acute for many years in a row .

The accommodation conditions, of course, are not the most favorable, but you won’t have to walk far after work: you can sleep peacefully at school or university. Project participants only pay for the air ticket; other costs are covered. Newly appointed teachers receive a small monthly stipend.

Marina Eroshkinahttp://hochutur.ru/book/export/html/84

Volunteer programs 2019 in Russia

In Russia, the volunteer movement is only at the stage of active development, therefore there are not many programs for participation. If in countries Western Europe and the United States, the most popular projects are related to charity, rescuing rare animals and helping the disadvantaged; for Russians, programs related to numerous domestic reserves are of greatest interest.

In 2019, anyone can take part in the following volunteer projects:

  1. Nature Park "Volcanoes of Kamchatka" The program for volunteers lasts from June to October 2019. The responsibilities of program participants will include developing tourist trails and routes, conducting educational activities and working with visitors. The project organizers will be especially happy to have volunteers who can take photos and videos at a professional level.

    To participate in this program, you must undergo training on safety precautions and rules of conduct in the protected area. In addition, the volunteer must be an adult and have health insurance.

  2. “Baikal Project” This volunteer program is organized in the format of a reality show from July to September 2019. Participants will recreate the Great Tea Route project on Lake Baikal and clear garbage from tourist sites. All actions of volunteers will be recorded on camera, and at the end of the shift, each volunteer will receive a memorable film about their participation in the project.

    Preference will be given to applicants who have good physical abilities (the program includes a lot of trekking), have experience in landscape design, or are willing to learn something new.

  3. National Park "Yugyd-Va" One of the largest natural reserves in the world, the "Yugyd Va" park, located in Komi, organizes a special program for volunteers from all over the world from July to September. The responsibilities of project participants will include cleaning tourist sites, collecting and separating garbage, building gazebos, installing information stands, and conducting excursion tours.

    When accepting an application, preference is given to organized groups (minimum 2 volunteers), persons who know how to use gardening tools with construction skills. Possession of terrain navigation skills will be an advantage.

    For volunteers who have professional photography and video shooting skills, a special tour of the reserve will be organized, related to the creation of educational materials and information resources.

  4. Muravyovsky Park Muravyovsky Park attracts volunteers from all over the world throughout the year. The park requires the help of volunteers in cleaning and clearing the park area of ​​debris and pollution, caring for rare animals and birds, and clearing firebreaks of leaves and dead wood. In addition, the park needs volunteers who are fluent in English and French. Their task will be to translate the park's advertising materials into foreign languages ​​in order to attract tourists from all over the world.

    The park administration offers about a dozen different programs. When studying them, you need to pay attention to the requirements for candidates. Some will require a good knowledge of the biology and physiology of animals and birds.

Video: how to become a participant in a volunteer program abroad and go as a volunteer

“Appalachian Helpers” is a volunteer activity in the area of ​​the mountains of the same name in America, where a large area from Georgia to Maine requires special care. Volunteers’ responsibilities include working as rangers, environmental assistance, building the necessary supporting infrastructure, and planting trees.

UN Volunteers provides assistance in emergency situations in countries that have experienced a natural or environmental disaster. To participate in this program, you must have at least basic skills in providing assistance to victims during natural disasters, and experience working in relevant organizations in the countries of your citizenship is welcome. This program is one of the most popular, since many earthquakes, floods and other manifestations of natural disasters occur in the world every year.

Willingness to work in remote and not the most comfortable places at the UN is always welcome. As it turns out, there are not so few exotic lovers and altruists who want to help starving children in Africa. But not everyone clearly understands the realities of everyday life and work in, say, the Central African Republic, South Sudan or other hot spots.

Nastya Krasilnikovahttp://www.the-village.ru/village/people/howtobe/142605-sotrudnik-oon

“Universal Volunteer” (Peace Corps) is a program somewhat similar to work in Soviet student construction brigades. Its participants can work in any country in the world in the field of social construction, environmental protection, and provide assistance to healthcare employees of a certain state. It’s not for nothing that the volunteers of this program are called universal.

"Agritourists" (WWOOF) is an international volunteer program that provides the opportunity for volunteers from many countries to work in agriculture. Volunteers will be able to provide all possible assistance to farmers in depressed and environmentally problematic areas in 53 countries where this volunteer program is accredited.

EVS is the European Voluntary Service, which is an international project funded by the European Commission. It is very popular among young people in the CIS countries. Young people aged 18 to 30 are allowed to participate in EVS volunteer programs. As a rule, 90% of organizational costs are borne by the founder. Within of this project there is an opportunity to visit all countries European Union, as well as in many African countries, Latin America and Asia. Volunteer programs have a broad focus, from participation in cultural events and media support, to assistance in work government organizations countries cooperating with EVS.

There are also many different volunteer programs that are active all over the world. Their voluntary participants today include tens of thousands of residents from all continents of the planet.

For some, volunteering is an opportunity to travel for the benefit of themselves and others, for others it is an opportunity for self-realization, while others use participation in a volunteer program to move to another country.

Video: Volunteering in Europe

Conditions for applicants

For participants in international volunteer programs, there are several criteria that they must meet. First, the candidate must be an adult. This is an indispensable condition for participation in any international program. Secondly, he must know English at a basic level; knowledge of other languages ​​is also welcome. Thirdly, the volunteer should not have bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction) and not have an outstanding criminal record. For participants in humanitarian missions to provide assistance in emergencies and natural disasters, there are several more conditions for participation in the volunteer program: good health, first aid skills and psychological stability in stressful situations. It is necessary to have a valid passport and no obstacles to obtaining a visa to a specific country where you plan to engage in volunteer activities (for example, deportations in the recent past).

There is no official upper age limit for a volunteer. But as a rule, candidates over 30–32 years of age are rarely approved for participation in programs. This rule does not apply when participating in UN humanitarian missions, where specialized experience is often required.

How to go abroad as a volunteer

If you want to become a volunteer, you should select the program you are interested in, visit the appropriate website and register on it. The second option would be to go to the nearest volunteer center, the address of which is indicated on the program website. In both the first and second cases, you should register by filling out the proposed application form, and also leave your contact information. It is advisable to write a motivation letter in which you talk about the reasons that prompted you to participate in this volunteer program.

In any case, you should understand that the probability of refusal is high, since there are many candidates. At the same time, the volunteer organization is responsible for its participants, so they take the selection of candidates very seriously.

Upon receiving a positive response and after agreeing on all organizational issues (tickets, visas, time and method of departure, etc.), you should begin to pack your bags. We must remember that participation in many volunteer programs requires obtaining visas and purchasing tickets on your own. Therefore, it is important to have a sufficient amount both for these actions and for purchasing tickets home, which is important.

All information about future activities as part of a volunteer organization must be indicated in the contract concluded with the selected candidate. It has legal force, so violation of its terms can be challenged in court.

An official invitation from a volunteer organization includes a “green light” for applying for a visa on your own if you present it to the consulate of the country you plan to travel to. Also, many states issue free visas for volunteers.

It should be remembered that volunteering is a purely voluntary matter. Therefore, a volunteer can at any time refuse to carry out the mission assigned to him (although, in this case, the organization will have to reimburse the funds spent on him). In the same way, an organization that has accepted a volunteer into its ranks can part with him at its own discretion.

Pitfalls of volunteering

Even such a noble activity as volunteering has its pitfalls. You should know them so as not to get into trouble (at the same time - abroad and without money for a ticket home).

An extremely important point when choosing a volunteer program is its reliability.. It is advisable that one of your friends or acquaintances has already completed the volunteer journey as part of it and can thus confirm the reliability of the organization. There are cases when volunteers end up in labor slavery abroad, without the right or opportunity to return home. There are scammers operating in the CIS who, masquerading as official volunteer centers, actually supply free labor. Not falling for their bait is the volunteer’s primary task.

When concluding an agreement with a volunteer organization, you should check the correctness of the data entered into it. No penalties disciplinary action etc. cannot be provided for in a contract for a volunteer by definition. It is also advisable to check all travel documents before departure. The volunteer has the right to know everything necessary information about the type of future activity, the place and conditions where it will be carried out, as well as about all the potential risks with which it is associated.

The basic principle of a volunteer: do no harm. More precisely, do not harm either yourself or people. There are often cases when a person who came as a volunteer begins to engage in non-volunteer activities. This is harshly suppressed by the organization itself, and then the would-be volunteer goes home. Sometimes a person cannot, for some reason, fulfill the duties assigned to him. He does not get along with the team, cannot work, and is terrified of any risks. In this case, the person has every right to interrupt his volunteer activities and go home.

Volunteers often have to work in difficult natural and climatic conditions. In Africa, these can be multiple infectious diseases, in mountainous areas - the danger of earthquakes, mudflows and avalanches. When communicating with marine life, there is a chance of becoming a victim of their aggression. There are many risks, and you should understand this even before registering on the official website of the organization or going to the volunteer center.

Volunteering is a state of mind. Not everyone can become one. At the same time, we can talk about participation in international volunteer projects as a very effective and inexpensive way to move abroad. After all, yesterday’s volunteer can remain in the country he loves and one day become its citizen, since the naturalization process began precisely as part of a volunteer organization.

Probably everyone dreams of visiting the most interesting places on our planet: seeing elephants and kangaroos, breathing the air of the African savanna or conquering snowy peaks. And if the problem with expensive air travel can be solved by buying cheap tickets at a special price, then the costs of accommodation, food and entertainment cannot be avoided. Volunteering also gives young people from anywhere in the world the opportunity to travel abroad practically free of charge.

This method of travel is suitable for people who care global problems humanity: low literacy in African and Asian countries, poor ecology, extinction of wild animals. Although no one forces participants to do heavy lifting physical labor, certain duties will have to be performed regularly. Sometimes these are intellectual tasks, such as teaching children foreign languages, getting to know the culture of other nationalities, more often young people are engaged in arranging tourist routes, cleaning nature reserves, and helping birds and animals.

The second opportunity that volunteering abroad provides is to live for free for several weeks in another country. As a rule, the participant pays for their own travel, but all expenses for accommodation and meals are borne by the host. Foreign guests look at the country differently than tourists: communication with local residents, working with them allows you to see the life of the aborigines from the inside. Some programs place their participants with host families, while others provide them with separate housing.

Young people are attracted to volunteering abroad because it allows them to test their strength, get out of their comfort zone, and get a taste of independent life without excessive parental care.

Volunteering abroad automatically makes your resume more attractive to employers, especially when it comes to international organizations such as the UN or the Red Cross. Getting a scholarship at a foreign university or a sponsorship grant is also much easier for an applicant who has similar experience.

What are the requirements for those interested?

Without knowledge of the language, volunteering in foreign countries is impossible. For most programs, English will suffice, but German, Spanish or French may also be needed. There is no need to present a certificate, take grammar tests or write complex essays. It will be enough to show at the interview that the applicant understands the essence of the conversation and can clearly formulate his thoughts.

Foreign languages ​​are the key to volunteer opportunities

To successfully pass the selection, you need to demonstrate your personal qualities. Communication skills, openness, ability to work in a team, and stress resistance are highly valued. Those wishing to travel abroad for free must have a valid passport, medical insurance, a certificate from the place of study, sponsorship letter- All this will be needed to obtain a visa. In 2019, the chances of taking part in one of the projects are significantly higher for applicants with an open Schengen visa.

Volunteer programs are not available for teenagers, but there are special tent camps where children clean nature reserves or mark hiking trails.

Popular programs in Europe

The European Union supports the European Voluntary Service (EVS), so your best bet for free travel in this part of the world is to contact their branch for advice. For Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, trips to any European country are available, the most popular being Bulgaria, Poland, Germany and the Baltic states.

Those interested in hiking should take a look at HF ​​Holidays. This company annually recruits guides and tour guides who are willing to accompany tourist groups in Greece, Spain, and Bulgaria in exchange for accommodation and meals.

Peace corps is a project reminiscent of Soviet construction squads. Participants are engaged in restoring architectural monuments and equipping hiking trails.

Peace Corps - it’s rare that a person has not heard of this organization

Free volunteer programs in the USA, Africa, Asia and Australia

The VSO organization, which translates as “Voluntary Service Overseas,” is the equivalent of Peace Corps in the United States. Another opportunity to visit North America is the Appalachian Trail Conference, which invites everyone to the Appalachians. These mountains are located in two states at once, Maine and Georgia, and occupy more than 250 thousand acres of land. Aspiring engineers, builders, guides and ecologists are needed here.

Conservation Vomunteers is a way to visit Australia or New Zealand and participate in eco-tourism, promote the conservation of rare species of animals and plants. The registration fee will be about $100, at the expense of which the host party will accommodate and feed visitors.

For philology students, the experience of teaching English to schoolchildren in Sudan will be very interesting. This state is located in Africa and is considered one of the poorest on the planet. Volunteers live at the school or college where they teach and also take part in other public projects. There is even a small stipend paid here.

English lesson in a Sudanese school (teacher - volunteer)

Those who are attracted to the Himalayas will be interested in the Move Nepal program. For 2 weeks, foreigners learn the basics of the Nepali language, and then go to different parts of the country to help in schools, monasteries or hospitals. Guests are accommodated in the homes of local residents.

Projects all over the world

Turtle Teams brings together small groups of activists from around the world who are dedicated to saving endangered sea turtles. Experienced divers are invited to participate at any time; activists will be grateful for even one-day assistance. More information about them can be found on the official website.

The United Nations welcomes brave and courageous young people. Volunteers help in the most dangerous places on our planet: eliminating the consequences of earthquakes and man-made disasters, saving people from floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters.

Speaking about how to go abroad as a volunteer without the help of intermediaries, it is worth paying attention to online exchanges. On Helps Exchange, private entrepreneurs post advertisements for the help they need. Most often, this Agriculture, hotel business or construction. Sometimes the minimum wage is paid. Such volunteer work abroad is unlikely to make your resume more attractive to employers, but it will allow you to earn a little extra money.

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: from you voluntary work for the benefit of culture, ecology and development local communities, from Europe - food, shelter over your head and the opportunity to live for several months in a new country, testing your strength. All projects are relevant to you if you are between 18 and 30 and permanently reside in Belarus. Pay attention to the deadline, prepare a motivation letter and CV - and write to the sending organizations.

Have a party at your dream school


Grodek, Poland


01.10.2017 - 30.06.2018 (9 months)


School isn't all about boring lessons, at least in this complex. This school even has the title of “Dream School”! Here you will need to help organize school holidays and events, organize language courses for children (and they teach English, Russian and Belarusian here, so you shouldn’t have any special problems), come up with interest clubs, talk about cultures different countries- can you come up with your own for the kids? own project. In general, if you are not afraid of children and teenagers, you like to communicate and you want to organize cool events - this is a great chance to level up.

Grodek is a small town of 6,000 inhabitants not far from Bialystok, so this is an excellent option for those who are afraid of missing their native Belarusian expanses. Grodek is adjacent to the Knyszynska Pushcha (it is also called the “younger sister of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha”). The Pushcha Landscape Park is the second largest in Poland, so you will definitely have somewhere to walk and breathe fresh air.

How to go: send your application form, CV and motivation letter to [email protected] Fialta").

For inspiration: .

Participate in art therapy


Mysliborice, Czech Republic


02/01/2018 - 08/31/2018 (7 months)


A project for people with truly big hearts: here you will do better life elderly people, children and people with disabilities in a Czech village. This includes walking, reading, socializing and being accompanied in daily activities. You will also need to come up with and conduct joint events for children and the elderly, help organize cultural and seasonal holidays for local residents (there is a chance to organize real Belarusian Kolyada and Kupalya!) and conduct classes for the development of fine motor skills - this could be drawing, sewing, work with a tree. Your own ideas for art therapy are welcome! By the way, volunteers from as many as 7 countries (Spain, Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria, Latvia, Belarus) will participate in this project, so you have a great chance to find friends all over the world. Mysliborice has its own Baroque castle, and 15 kilometers away is Trebic with attractions from the list World Heritage UNESCO.

How to go: send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] (sending organization - “Fialta”).

For inspiration: .

Save nature


Brno, Czech Republic


01.11.2017 - 31.10.2018


Do you love nature and can't wait to go to the forest or mountains? Then here’s a project for you: a year in the most experienced environmental organization in the Czech Republic. From spring to autumn you will go to volunteer events and camps to protect nature (you will need, for example, to clear an old garden, plant trees or mow a mountain meadow so that weeds do not interfere with the growth of rare orchids), and in winter you will help organize cultural events in local schools and youth centers in and others. By the way, in addition to nature conservation, this organization is also involved in the preservation of cultural heritage, so you can get involved in the restoration of some castle (fortunately, there are a huge number of them in the Czech Republic). The organization will also appreciate your photo and video shooting skills.

How to go: Send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] (sending organization - “Fialta”).

For inspiration: .

Play with children


Krakow, Poland


01.10.2017 - 30.06.2018


Songs, games, excursions - if you didn’t have enough of your own happy childhood, you can make up for it in kindergarten. You will help teachers conduct classes in theater, gymnastics, music, dance and foreign languages, accompany children on excursions to museums and parks (at the same time you will get acquainted with the history of Poland), help children draw, glue, make crafts - in general, the scope for creativity is enormous. You can also tell the whole world about your volunteering experience - here volunteers have their own blog.

How to go: send your CV and application to [email protected] (sending organization - “New Persons”).

For inspiration:

The small town of Marche-en-Famins, with 17,000 inhabitants, hosts several EMU projects. Our choice is a project at a youth center where you will help local teenagers become active citizens. To do this, the center conducts trainings, creative master classes, design and music courses, sports competitions and even their own concerts - and you have a chance to have a hand in all of this! By the way, in Belgium they are now looking for volunteers for several more projects in the same region: all descriptions

Someone said that volunteering is a way of life. There is a rational grain in this statement, since a person who wants to help the world to the best of his ability cannot live any other way.

A few years ago, it was believed that volunteering was only selfless help to those suffering around the world. Nobody disputes this truth. But today, working as a volunteer allows you not only to satisfy your desire to help someone who needs it, but also to have a pleasant time in an interesting environment.

A person who is interested in volunteer work must be prepared for the fact that this work is not paid and thus it will not be possible to improve his financial situation.

Volunteering is a way of life. Young people who decide to go to one of the developing countries and work there completely free of charge, work to gain experience, communicate, and, of course, to help.

However, volunteering is often the first step to a well-paid job. Because working sincerely, from the heart, a person has an excellent opportunity to prove himself from the best side.
In this regard, volunteer activities require the participation of teenagers who are over 17 years old.

It is important to remember that a potential volunteer who decides to go abroad pays all expenses independently.

Primary activity

Volunteer organizations, constantly in need of fresh strength in 2019, carry out activities related to:

  1. Restoration work.
  2. Environmental projects.
  3. Organization of cultural and educational events.
  4. Archaeological excavations.
  5. Fighting dangerous diseases.

Features of the programs

Today there are a variety of volunteer programs. In European countries, participants are mainly required to carry out restoration and construction and repair work. Anyone who wants to take an active part in the restoration of an ancient monastery or castle can always go to France or the Scandinavian countries.

Detailed map of the Scandinavian countries

A person who is a teacher by vocation and has an excellent command of English language, can go to third world countries to teach children or participate in organizing holidays for children and teenagers. A medical student who is not afraid of terrible African diseases can take part in the treatment of children and women in a hospital in Nepal.

Some volunteer programs are designed for creative and creative personalities. Thus, artists with pedagogical tact and love for children can go to Jamaica as an art teacher.

A person who is drawn to the theater will certainly be happy to visit Romania and plunge into working with local actors. Those who want to help journalism can go to Moldova.

Volunteering in the UK is mainly devoted to environmental issues. German volunteer organizations work with teenagers who have communication difficulties, as well as with disabled children.

How to become a volunteer to work abroad

In order to start your volunteer activities abroad, you need to contact the appropriate center. In 2019, in addition to various institutions that organize volunteer work abroad, you can contact the employer directly.

Volunteering is good because everyone has the opportunity to do what they like best and enjoy it. The only condition is that you have to work for free, and the work is sometimes completely hard labor, often associated with a risk to life.

Moreover, a person who wants to join the volunteer movement pays for the trip and the membership contribution on his own. There is also nice bonus. Thus, a person who is not afraid of the prospect of working completely for free has the right to rest organized by the employer.


A person interested in “how to become a volunteer” in Russia or abroad should know that:

  • first you need to decide on the program;
  • then you need to download and fill out a form, which you need to send by e-mail(the address is usually available on the website);
  • In the camp selection point, you need to indicate only one camp.


A person who is attracted to volunteering should remember the following:

  • the first days, like in any other workplace, are given for adaptation, so you should not judge yourself harshly and consider that the decision to try yourself in the volunteer field was reckless;
  • it is possible to overcome the language barrier only in a few weeks (this does not apply to people who are fluent in a foreign language);
  • The rules in the labor camp are the same for everyone.

What should a volunteer be like?

Volunteering abroad, as well as in Russia, has standard requirements to participants:

  1. Age - from eighteen years.
  2. Understanding the idea and meaning of volunteering is a must.
  3. Responsibility and independence.
  4. Friendliness and activity.
  5. The ability to make decisions even in a critical situation.
  6. Good health.
  7. Organized.