What should a locksmith know and be able to do? What does a mechanical assembly mechanic do? What are the disadvantages of being a repairman?

1.1. A 6th grade repairman is a worker and reports directly to ……… (name of position/profession of the manager)

1.2. To work as a 6th category repairman, a person who has mastered educational programs of secondary vocational education - programs for training skilled workers, basic vocational training programs - programs is accepted vocational training by professions of workers, retraining programs for workers, advanced training programs for workers.

1.3. Work performed by a 6th category repairman at a height of 1.3 m is not allowed.

1.4. A 6th category repairman must know:

1) documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing lower-skilled work, provided for by production (professional) instructions and (or) professional standard;

2) requirements for the layout and equipment of the workplace;

3) rules for reading drawings;

4) purpose, design of universal devices and rules for the use of plumbing and instrumentation;

5) the design and principles of operation of the serviced components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

6) basic technical data and characteristics of components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

7) technological sequence of operations during diagnostics and control technical condition units and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines of average complexity;

8) technological sequence of operations when performing:

Fastening works;

Adjustment work;

Lubrication works;

9) methods for diagnosing the performance characteristics of complex components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

10) methods of execution:

Fastening works;

Adjustment work;

Lubrication works;

11) rules and sequence of execution operations:

Disassembly and assembly assembly units complex components and mechanisms;

Replacement of complex components and mechanisms;

Adjustment of complex components and mechanisms;

Adjustments of complex components and mechanisms;

12) methods for diagnosing the technical condition of complex components and mechanisms;

13) special operational requirements for assembly units;

14) requirements for technical documentation of complex components and mechanisms;

15) rules for operating equipment, units and machines to maintain basic parameters and technical characteristics;

16) frequency and maintenance schedules for complex equipment, units and machines;

17) rules and procedure for preparing technical documentation for repair work during maintenance;

18) methods and means of quality control of work performed;

19) basic mechanical properties of processed materials;

20) typical defects during metalworking, the reasons for their occurrence and methods of prevention;

21) methods for eliminating defects during metalworking;

22) methods of dimensional processing of complex parts;

23) methods and sequence of fitting operations for metalworking of complex parts;

24) the main types and causes of defects during machining, methods of prevention and elimination;

25) signs symbol tolerances, qualities, roughness parameters, methods of basing workpieces;

26) general information about the system of tolerances and landings, grades and roughness parameters by grade;

27) principles of operation of grinding, table-drilling and sharpening machines;

28) technological process mechanical processing on grinding, table-top drilling and sharpening machines;

29) purpose, rules and conditions for the use of the most common clamping devices, measuring and cutting tools for machining parts on roughing, table-top drilling and sharpening machines;

30) types and purposes of hand and mechanized tools;

31) purpose, design and rules for using control and measuring instruments;

32) rules and sequence of measurements;

33) methods and means of quality control:

Mechanical processing;


34) labor protection requirements during the maintenance of complex equipment, units and machines;

35) labor protection requirements when performing:

Work on grinding, benchtop drilling and sharpening machines;

Locksmith work;

Installation and dismantling works;

36) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. A 6th category repairman must be able to:

1) perform work (operations, actions) at lower levels;

2) maintain the condition of the workplace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, fire, industrial and environmental safety, the rules for organizing the mechanic’s workplace when:



4) disconnect and de-energize complex components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

5) produce:

Visual inspection of wear of components and mechanisms;

Measurements using instrumentation;

Fastening works;

Adjustment work;

Lubrication works;

6) draw up technical documentation for repair work during maintenance;

7) draw up defective statements for the repair of complex equipment, units and machines;

8) prepare assembly units for installation and dismantling work;

9) disassemble and reassemble assembly units, replace complex components and mechanisms;

10) carry out adjustment and adjustment of complex components and mechanisms;

11) choose metalworking and mechanized tools and devices when performing installation and dismantling work, for metalworking of complex parts;

12) make simple devices for installation and dismantling work;

13) make measurements using control and measuring instruments;

14) determine inter-operational allowances and tolerances for inter-operational dimensions;

15) make markings in accordance with the required technological sequence;

16) carry out chopping, straightening, bending, cutting, filing, drilling, countersinking, countersinking, and deployment of complex parts in accordance with the required technological sequence;

17) perform scraping, sawing, fitting and fitting, lapping, finishing, polishing;

18) determine the dimensions of parts and assemblies using universal and specialized measuring instruments in accordance with technical documentation;

19) check the compliance of complex parts and assemblies and auxiliary materials with the requirements of technical documentation (maps);

20) install and secure parts and assemblies in clamping devices of various types;

21) select and prepare for work cutting and control and measuring tools depending on the material being processed;

22) establish the optimal processing mode in accordance with the technological map;

23) manage:

Peeling machine;

Tabletop drilling machine;

Sharpening machine;

24) carry out processing in accordance with the technological route;

25) control the quality of work performed when:

Metalworking of complex parts using control and measuring tools;

Maintenance of complex equipment, units and machines, installation and dismantling work;

Mechanical processing of parts using control and measuring tools;

26) carry out Maintenance complex equipment, units and machines in compliance with labor protection requirements;

27) do:

Work on grinding, benchtop drilling and sharpening machines in compliance with labor protection requirements;

Installation and dismantling work in compliance with labor protection requirements;

Metalworking in compliance with labor protection requirements;

28) ……… (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. The labor functions of a 6th category repairman are:

2.1.1. Maintenance and repair of complex parts, assemblies and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines:

1) maintenance of complex components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

2) installation and dismantling of complex components and mechanisms;

3) metalworking of complex parts;

4) mechanical processing of complex parts and assemblies.

2.1.2. Management of repairmen of lower qualifications (category).

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), a 6th category repairman:

1) goes to in the prescribed manner pre-shift (preventive) medical examination;

2) receives a production task;

3) if necessary, undergoes training on labor protection;

4) takes over the shift;

5) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, equipment, etc., personal protective equipment;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.2. In the process of work, a 6th category repairman:

1) performs the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work;

2) uses special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe techniques and methods of work;

4) complies with the rules of use technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely;

5) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies discovered during work;

6) complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ……… (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), a 6th category repairman performs the following duties within the framework of labor functions:

3.3.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.1.1 of these instructions:

2) analyzes the initial data ( technical documentation, unit, mechanism);

3) carries out diagnostics of the technical condition of complex components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

4) performs adjustments of complex components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

5) performs lubrication work;

6) determines violations in the operation of complex components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines;

3.3.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) carries out preparatory and final operations and operations to maintain the workplace;

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, components and mechanisms);

3) carries out diagnostics of the technical condition of complex components and mechanisms;

4) assembles and disassembles assembly units of complex components and mechanisms;

5) replaces complex components and mechanisms;

6) performs adjustments of complex components and mechanisms;

7) exercises control over the quality of work performed.

3.3.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) carries out preparatory and final operations and operations to maintain the workplace;

2) analyzes the source data (technical documentation, part);

3) performs dimensional processing of complex parts;

4) carries out fitting operations of metalworking of complex parts;

3.3.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) carries out preparatory and final operations and operations to maintain the workplace;

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, part, assembly) to conduct the technological process of machining complex parts and assemblies;

3) prepares the machine for machining complex parts and assemblies;

4) carries out the technological process of machining complex parts and assemblies;

5) exercises control over the quality of work performed.

3.3.5. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraph 2.1.2 of this instruction:

1) issues shift assignments to repairmen of lower qualifications (grade);

2) organizes and coordinates the work of repairmen of lower qualifications (category);

3) gives instructions and explanations on the performance of work to repairmen of lower qualifications (category);

4) carries out quality control of work performed by repairmen of lower qualifications (grade).

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the repairman:

1) puts devices and tools in proper condition and transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from workwear and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

3) submits established reports;

4) performs an inspection (self-examination);

5) hands over a shift;

6) ……… (other duties)

4. Rights

4.1. When performing his job functions and duties, a 6th category repairman has labor rights provided for by the agreement concluded with the employee employment contract, Internal rules labor regulations, local regulations, Labor Code Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4.2. ……… (other provisions on employee rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. A 6th category repairman is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction.

5.2. A 6th grade repairman carries financial liability for ensuring the safety of inventory items entrusted to him.

5.3. A 6th category repairman for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is subject to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

5.4. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This manual has been developed based on Professional standard" ", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 N 1164n, taking into account……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract).

The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy job description, kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).


To maintain the smooth operation of machines and mechanisms at enterprises in various industries, there is a repair service. The workers of this unit, repairmen, have narrow specialization, which is determined by the object of repair. Our specialists perform the following types of repairs: current, major and scheduled maintenance. Current repair is the replacement of individual parts that have failed. Overhaul involves the replacement of failed components and systems, that is, basic and main mechanisms. Scheduled preventive maintenance is a preventive check of the condition of components and systems of mechanisms.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Repairman is considered not very in demand, since there is a decline in interest in this profession on the labor market. Repairmen have lost their relevance among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

All statistics

Description of activity

The activity of a repairman is work using knowledge of the design and operating principles of the equipment being repaired, power plants, units and machines, properties of processed materials, anti-corrosion lubricants and oils, methods for restoring worn parts, adjustment and acceptance of units, devices and methods of using special devices and instrumentation.

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Repairman cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Repairman, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

How users rated this criterion:
All statistics

What education is needed

Initial professional education(vocational school, PU, ​​PL)

As the survey results show, it is not at all necessary to receive special education at a university or college to become Repairman...Required training Repairmen take place directly when applying for a job or at the workplace during probationary period. For work Repairman All that is required is desire, satisfactory health and the presence of personal qualities recommended for this profession.

How users rated this criterion:
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Job responsibilities

A repairman disassembles, repairs, assembles and tests complex components and mechanisms. Performs repairs, installation, dismantling. Performs testing, regulation, adjustment of complex equipment, units and machines, handover after repair. Engaged in the manufacture of complex devices for repair and installation. Prepares defect reports for repairs. Performs rigging work using lifting and transport mechanisms and special devices.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession Repairman involves primarily physical labor. Repairman must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

How users rated this criterion:
All statistics

Features of career growth

Career Opportunities

There are enough opportunities

The vast majority of representatives of the profession Repairman believe that they have enough opportunities for career advancement. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to occupy a leadership position in this area.

How users rated this criterion:

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Part No. 2 of Issue No. 2 of ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645)

Mechanical assembly mechanic

§ 87. Mechanical assembly mechanic, 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Assembly and adjustment simple knots and mechanisms. Metalworking and fitting of parts according to 12 - 14 qualifications. Assembly of units and mechanisms of medium complexity using special devices. Assembling parts for tack welding. Cutting blanks from rods and sheets using hand scissors and hacksaws. Chamfering. Drilling holes according to markings, jigs on a simple drilling machine, as well as pneumatic and electric machines. Thread cutting with taps and dies. Marking simple parts. Connecting parts and assemblies using soldering, adhesives, bolts and cold riveting. Testing of assembled components and mechanisms on stands and hydraulic pressure presses. Participation together with a more highly qualified mechanic in the assembly of complex units and machines with the fitting of parts, in the adjustment of gears with the installation of those specified in the drawing and technical specifications lateral and radial clearances.

Must know: technical specifications for assembled components and mechanisms, name and purpose of a simple working tool; name and marking of processed materials; system of tolerances and fits of assembled components and mechanisms; basic mechanical properties of processed metals; ways to eliminate deformations when heat treatment and welding; causes of corrosion and ways to combat it; purpose and rules of use of control and measuring instruments and the most common special and universal devices; purpose of lubricating fluids and methods of their use; rules for marking simple parts.

Work examples

1. Car - assembly of the steering wheel, hood, bracket and gearbox components.

2. Hydraulic shock absorbers - installation.

3. Rear headstocks of lathes - assembly.

4. Blocks on rolling and sliding bearings - assembly.

5. Friction rollers - installation.

6. Shut-off valves for air, oil and water - installation in place.

7. Textile machine spindles - running in.

8. Articulation forks - filing along the liner and bracket.

9. Air ducts of the main lines of passenger and freight cars of all types - assembly.

11. Parts and connections - hydraulic pressure test.

12. Flat parts - scraping rectangular open planes of mating fixed parts (brackets, racks, etc.) with an accuracy of two points on the surface of 1 square. cm.

13. Various parts - filing and fitting in place, drilling and reaming holes that do not require great precision.

14. Door locks, internal - fitting of parts and assembly.

15. Fasteners, loops, chains with free sizes (simple) - manufacturing.

16. Carriages of lathes - assembly.

17. Frames for turbines - assembly.

18. Bearing housings - assembly for boring.

19. Covers for instrument bodies (bronze, aluminum, cast iron) - marking, filing, drilling holes with a diameter of up to 25 mm.

20. Housing covers - fitting and installation on the machine.

21. Manually driven lifting winches with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons - assembly and testing.

22. Sliding clutches, cylindrical and worm gears - filing and fitting of keyways.

23. Knives of cutting units - editing.

24. Bends, tees for pipelines - hydraulic testing and assembly.

25. Hinges, hinges - marking, manufacturing, assembly and installation in place.

26. Children's drum stands musical instruments- assembly.

27. Single-row thrust ball bearings, single-row angular contact and radial needle bearings with cylindrical and twisted rollers with an outer diameter of up to 500 mm - assembly.

28. Spiral springs for engine valves - load test.

29. Springs, brushes with bases, levers, brush holders for electric machine traverses - assembly, riveting, soldering.

30. Tanks - testing with compressed air to maximum pressure.

31. Driver's seats - installation.

32. Upper and lower sliders of all-metal cars - assembly and fitting.

33. Transmission of the crane movement mechanism - assembly.

34. Oil, water and air filters - assembly.

35. Teapots, coffee pots, milk jugs - filing spouts.

36. Cast gears and racks of various modules - filing of teeth according to templates.

37. Detachable pulleys - assembly.

38. Prismatic, wedge, tangential keys up to 24 x 14 x 300 mm in size - filing.

39. Metal shelves - assembly.

40. Battery and tool boxes - assembly, gluing.

§ 88. Mechanical assembly mechanic, 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Metalworking and fitting of parts within 11 - 12 qualifications using universal tools. Assembly, adjustment and testing of units and mechanisms of average complexity and metalworking for 7 - 10 qualifications. Marking, scraping, grinding in parts and assemblies of medium complexity. Elementary calculations to determine tolerances, fits and taper. Pressing of parts on hydraulic and screw mechanical presses. Testing of assembled components and mechanisms on special installations. Elimination of defects discovered during assembly and testing of components and mechanisms. Adjustment of gears with installation of lateral and radial clearances specified in the drawing and technical specifications. Static and dynamic balancing of various parts of simple configurations on special balancing machines with spark disks, prisms and rollers. Soldering with various solders. Assembly of complex machines, units and machine tools under the guidance of a mechanic more than highly qualified. Control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor. Slinging and tying of loads for lifting and moving; installation and storage.

Must know: design and principle of operation of assembled units, mechanisms and machines, technical conditions for their assembly; mechanical properties of processed metals and the effect of heat treatment on them; types of rivet seams and welded joints and conditions for ensuring their strength; composition of high- and low-melting solders, fluxes, mordants and methods of their preparation; device of medium complexity control instruments and devices; rules for sharpening and finishing metalwork tools; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters; methods for marking parts of medium complexity.

Work examples

1. Cars - assembly of the cabin, body, rear axle.

2. Automatic barriers - filing the sector along the shaft.

3. Refrigeration units - installation on the outer wall.

4. Shock absorbers type AKM-400 and similar - complete final assembly.

5. Ship fittings of all types and sizes with manual drive, gears - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

6. Mechanical razor drums - assembly, checking the end and radial runout of the tooth.

7. Engine cylinder blocks internal combustion- cutting threads in holes within a given accuracy class and crimping with hydraulic pressure before final assembly.

8. Shafts - crimping of bushings, flywheels, couplings.

9. Crankshafts of internal combustion engines - manual cutting of threads in blind holes.

10. Valves of all diameters - valve grinding and hydraulic testing.

11. Fans, motors - assembly, adjustment.

12. Inserts, glasses, chairs, welds and other parts - cutting threads with a diameter of up to 2 mm and over 24 to 42 mm for passage and point-blank.

13. Air separators - general assembly.

14. Manual views of all types and sizes - assembly.

15. Cardan heads and rings - assembly, drilling in the jig followed by pinning.

16. Retractable doors - manufacturing.

17. Lock parts - manufacturing.

18. Internal combustion engines with power up to 73.6 kW (100 hp) - general assembly.

19. Discs of rotors, compressors, turbines - marking, metalworking.

20. Clutch discs, brake linings - assembly, gluing.

21. Car locks combined with halyards, vestibule doors of passenger cars - fitting of parts and assembly.

22. Manually operated throttle valves of all types and sizes - assembly and testing.

23. Gear teeth of the box of the motor vehicle and railcars - filing.

24. Heating chambers of diffusion furnaces, cooling systems of vacuum installations - assembly.

25. Towbar housings - installation of tubes with adjustment.

26. High pressure valves and shunting device - grinding in on seats.

27. Air and water valves and taps - grinding in.

28. Water metering columns with “Clinker” devices - assembly, testing, delivery.

29. Protective casings of complex designs - assembly.

30. Sheathing casings - manufacturing.

31. Piston rings - sawing out the lock and scraping.

32. Retaining rings - marking, drilling, fitting.

33. Compensators - assembly and testing.

34. Oil controllers - assembly and adjustment.

35. Gearboxes - assembly and testing.

36. Distribution boxes - complete production (without installation).

37. Block box bodies - manufacturing.

38. Housings and frames welded from various materials size 500 x 500 x 700 mm - assembly with tack, straightening.

39. Housings, brackets - scraping.

40. Compressor housings - assembly.

41. Cover bodies - fitting with scraping of grooves and wedges to them.

42. Instrument housings - installation of parts into the housing, fitting of covers with casings on locks, hinges, limiters.

43. Gas valves - grinding in conical surfaces.

44. Lifting winches with mechanical drive - assembly and testing.

45. Elevators - assembly.

46. ​​Traction mechanisms, manipulators, access hatch covers, stopper drives, anchor rope drives, small rudders drives - assembly, testing, delivery.

47. Bridges (made of rod) for fastening wires - manufacturing, installation.

48. Piston pumps - assembly and testing.

49. Shells - assembly with flanges.

50. Flexible supports - assembly, straightening.

51. Axles, tail rotors, springs and drivers in mechanical numbering devices - replacement.

52. Base, panels, slabs - filing, marking, drilling holes in different planes, threading.

53. Holes for ball bearings - finishing.

54. Packages of cast blades - assembly and fitting for welding.

55. Panels of complex design - manufacturing.

56. Rubber adapters - manufacturing.

57. Test plates - scraping.

58. Stands for single plates - assembly, adjustment.

59. Sliding bearings with a diameter of up to 300 mm - scraping.

60. Marine journal and thrust bearings - placement of liners in the bed of housings and covers without additional adjustment, checking the mating surfaces with a feeler gauge with an accuracy of 0.05 mm.

61. Single-row ball and radial bearings, spherical, double-row radial ball bearings with an outer diameter of over 500 mm - kitting and assembly.

62. Pistons - assembly with a connecting rod and fitting of the piston ring.

63. Drives to gearboxes, mills and augers - assembly.

64. Devices for removing coupling halves, bearing rings - assembly.

65. Corrugated gaskets - production according to drawing.

66. Copper gaskets with asbestos filler - manufacturing.

67. Frames and wings of snow plows - assembly for welding.

68. Gearboxes of anchor devices - assembly.

69. Turbine rotors and stators - set and installation of blades.

70. Sealed metal sleeves for fittings - assembly.

71. Shaped steel handles - marking and filing the contour according to the markings or template.

72. Steel levers - metalworking, assembly with bushings.

73. Bulkhead, conical, ventilation glasses, sensors with conical inserts, etc. - fitting of parts during manufacture, final assembly, adjustment and testing.

74. Beds of metal-cutting machines - scraping.

75. Racks of block mechanisms - filing.

76. Railing and awning racks, buttresses - fitting, assembly.

77. Metal chests for spare parts - manufacturing of parts and assembly.

78. Supports for lathes - assembly.

79. Machine operator’s tool cabinets - assembly.

80. Steering columns - assembly, delivery.

81. Cellular seals - manufacturing.

82. Rectangular flanges for air ducts and fittings for industrial ventilation systems - manufacturing.

83. Foundations for auxiliary mechanisms of small vessels - installation.

84. Chlorinators - assembly and testing.

85. Tanks and reservoirs - assembly for welding.

86. Piano and grand piano lid hinges - assembly.

87. High precision ball bearings - assembly and installation.

88. Connecting rods - scraping, pressing in bushings and assemblies.

89. Bevel gears - filing teeth by hand.

90. Combined gears - assembly with indicator testing.

91. Gears and racks of various modules - assembly of teeth in pairs to ensure the required clearance and contact.

92. Tires - production according to drawings.

93. Hoses with couplings without compression under pressure - assembly.

94. Hoses with wire binding, fastening with clamps for hydraulic testing from 15 - 30 kgf/sq. cm.

95. Augers and conveyors of medium complexity - assembly.

96. Single- and double-panel distribution boards of open and closed design - complete production and assembly without installation.

97. Ejectors with a capacity of up to 100 t/h - assembly from stamped halves for welding in fixtures, running with other parts and testing.

§ 89. Mechanical assembly mechanic of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Metalworking and fitting of large parts and complex assemblies according to 7 - 10 qualifications. Assembly, adjustment and testing of complex units, machines and machine tools. Lapping and scraping of mating surfaces of complex parts and assemblies. Cutting internal grooves, spline joints - involute and simple. Adjustment of interferences and gaps, centering of mounted parts, assemblies and assemblies. Installation of pipelines operating under air pressure and aggressive special products. Static and dynamic balancing of machine components and parts of complex configurations on special balancing machines. Elimination of defects discovered during assembly and testing of components, assemblies, and machines. Pressing of parts on hydraulic and screw mechanical presses. Participation in the installation and dismantling of test stands, in the assembly, adjustment and testing of complex experimental and unique machines under the guidance of a more highly qualified mechanic.

Must know: design, kinematic diagram and operating principle of assembled components of mechanisms and machine tools; technical specifications for installation, adjustment and acceptance of assembled units and machines; device, purpose and rules for using workers, control and measuring instruments, instruments and devices; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters; principles of interchangeability of parts and assemblies; methods for marking complex parts and assemblies; method of heat treatment and finishing of complex metalwork tools; methods for preventing and eliminating metal deformation and internal stresses during heat treatment and welding; fundamentals of mechanics and metal technology within the scope of the work performed.

2. Ship fittings - manual grinding and finishing of sealing surfaces.

3. Mixing drums with internal spirals - assembly.

4. Internal combustion cylinder blocks - scraping areas under the crankshaft bearing caps.

5. Propeller shafts with a diameter of up to 250 mm - scraping the cones and fitting the keyways to the caliber.

6. Gear shafts of auxiliary mechanisms - laying of shafts with fitting of bearings.

7. Support crowns - assembly.

8. Propellers for shafts - fitting the hub to the shaft taper and caliber.

9. Thrust bearing shells - assembly with a segment.

10. Marine bearing shells - scraping the connectors flush with the connectors of the housings and covers with an accuracy of 0.02 mm and ensuring the interchangeability of parts.

11. Stern tube bushings with rubber-metal liners for shafts with linings - assembly of liners according to caliber.

12. Bushings, pressures, levers in automatic numbering machines - replacement.

13. Drilling derricks - assembly of individual structures.

14. Hydraulic supports, hydraulic valves - assembly and final finishing.

15. Reel lifting hydraulic cylinders - assembly and testing.

16. Mushroom-shaped ventilation heads with manual drive of all sizes - assembly and testing.

17. Combs, crutches and internal cones in mechanical numbering devices - replacement.

18. Signal sensors, sensor drives - adjustment with installation on gate valves.

19. Internal combustion engines with power over 73.6 to 736 kW (100 to 1000 hp) - general assembly.

20. Complex parts - drilling holes in hard-to-reach places.

21. Parts with grooves and dovetail-shaped slots - metalworking.

22. Diesels - assembly and installation of connecting rod and piston group.

23. Friction discs with a diameter of up to 300 mm - grinding in with a tolerance for flatness and straightness within 0.01 mm.

24. Piano locks - assembly.

25. Rail-cutting grips for switch crossings, block mechanism cores, grips for a six-ton ​​steam crane, covers for turbogenerators - assembly.

26. Flaps with conical and worm gearing with a diameter of 150 to 250 mm - assembly.

27. Ship drain, intake and ventilation flaps with a nominal bore of 350 mm and above - fitting of the rubber seal, assembly, adjustment.

28. Diamond countersinks - cleaning base surfaces, opening diamonds.

29. Propeller shaft calibers and propellers- scraping and fitting the cone with dowels.

30. Frames for radio devices made of profile steel with the number of included parts up to 50 - assembly.

31. Kingstons with a nominal bore of over 275 mm, with a nominal pressure of up to 50 kgf/sq.m. cm - grinding in the plate and socket, assembly, testing, delivery.

32. Automatic valves (steam and water) - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

33. Quick-closing and steam valves, turbine boxes - bulkhead after bench tests.

34. High pressure valves, sealing rings - grinding in.

35. Safety, pressure reducing, drainage, bypass, non-return and non-return shut-off valves, boiler and safety valves, main and control 1st and 2nd pressure stages (up to 30 kgf/sq. cm) - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

36. Direct-flow remote valves with a drive - assembly, adjustment, delivery.

37. Wedges with a nominal bore of up to 875 mm - scraping and lapping of wedge surfaces, assembly, testing, delivery.

38. Columns for water metering ship steam boilers of complex systems with operating pressure over 25 kgf/sq.m. cm - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

39. Compressors and drying units (DB) with gas supply under pressure up to 230 kgf/sq.m. cm - installation on a stand, installation, testing according to a given program, dismantling, elimination of minor defects in the system.

40. Reverse boxes for motor locomotives and freight railcars - window scraping.

41. Central drive boxes - assembly.

42. Welded bodies and frames from various materials - assembly.

43. Housings and brackets - surface scraping at 2nd grade.

44. Cases and covers of complex configurations of large dimensions - metalworking with adjustment and installation of joints of locks and hinges.

45. Nozzle housings - assembly.

46. ​​Brackets for travel servomotors - assembly.

47. Gas-permeable covers with a drive - assembly and testing.

48. Sealing caps - assembly of rings.

49. Grinding wheels with a diameter of up to 750 mm - assembly, testing, balancing.

50. Labyrinths - installation and pressing.

51. Manipulators - scraping, lapping.

52. Paper and cardboard machines - assembly.

53. Hydraulic drive machines for flaps and other mechanisms - final assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

54. Main, auxiliary mechanisms and units - installation, alignment, installation using plastics.

55. Locking mechanisms - assembly and adjustment.

56. Mechanisms and fittings of remotely controlled ship and ship systems - testing.

57. Mechanisms - assembly and mechanical adjustment of 2nd grade.

58. Planetary mechanisms - assembly.

59. Hydraulic control bridge - assembly, adjustment.

60. Cam clutches - fit.

61. Trigger couplings - final processing after hardening.

63. Ship oil heaters - assembly.

64. Clips - assembly with impact segment.

65. Clips and shields - assembly with sealing plates.

66. Engine mounts - assembly.

67. Tape axle - metalworking and assembly.

68. Coolers, distillers, condensers - assembly.

69. Complex pipes - assembly, scraping and fitting.

70. Double cross switches - assembly.

71. Angular gear transmissions - assembly, adjustment to ensure the required clearance and contact spot.

72. Angular transmissions for clinkers and valves - assembly, adjustment, delivery.

73. Double cross switches - assembly.

74. Rudder blade with stock - scraping of cones and keyways, fitting, assembly, delivery.

75. Rudder blade and stock with a flange connection - scraping the flange planes, assembling the connection, aligning the center line, reaming the holes.

76. Pneumatic cylinders - assembly and adjustment.

77. Stands for paired plates - assembly.

78. Sliding bearings consisting of several parts - scraping.

79. Bearings with tapered holes - assembly.

80. Marine support, thrust and auxiliary bearings for shafts with a diameter of up to 300 mm - scraping of beds and liners.

81. Bearings (ball and roller) of all sizes, produced according to accuracy classes A, B and C - kitting and assembly.

82. Sliders of electric switch drives - cutting off corners, planes, chamfers and exits from the annular groove.

83. Hydraulic presses with a capacity of up to 3000 tons - assembly and installation.

84. Drives for ball mills - assembly and adjustment.

85. Springs - calibration and load testing with checking according to the table.

86. Gearboxes - assembly, adjustment, testing.

87. Worm gearboxes - scraping the worm gear.

88. Springs - assembly.

89. Rotors and stators of steam and gas turbines- assembly.

90. Levers in block mechanisms - fit according to the sector.

91. Feeders, rotary and flat-plate printing machines, semi-automatic machines for casting stereotypes - assembly.

92. Contact selsyns - installation and adjustment of traverses, dampers, installation of ball bearings, running in, adjustment of axial play, finishing, preliminary assembly, static balancing.

93. Separators - inserting rivets manually using a mechanism, inserting roller rings, loading with rollers.

94. Special pipe systems - scraping, polishing internal pipes.

95. Beds of large metalworking machines - scraping guides.

96. Machine tools - automatic wrapping, labeling, evaporating and vacuum devices, line cutting and stamping units - assembly.

97. Carts of motor platforms for tracklayers - marking and installation of jaws.

98. Band brakes with a gearbox - scraping the worm gear to ensure the contact spot, assembly.

99. Steam and gas turbines - fitting and installation of blades and assembly of thrust bearings.

100. Filter installations - assembly.

101. Under-hood devices for vacuum spraying installations - assembly of units.

102. Flushing devices for a water desalination plant - assembly.

103. Dual filters of complex designs - assembly, delivery.

104. Trunk of filling machines - assembly.

105. Refrigerators - assembly of units, door installation and testing.

106. Precision ball bearings (made according to special technical conditions) - assembly and installation.

107. Hoses with compression on a press for hydraulic testing with pressure up to 300 kgf/sq. cm - assembly.

108. Eccentrics, cams and counterweights of the turbogenerator regulator - filing according to templates.

109. Ejectors with a capacity of over 100 t/h - assembly from stamped halves for welding in fixtures, fitting with other parts and testing.

110. Electric blowers and turbo blowers - assembly.

§ 90. Mechanical assembly mechanic, 5th category

Characteristics of work. Metalworking and finishing of thermally untreated parts, products and assemblies of complex configuration at 6th grade and complex configuration at 7th grade. Assembly, adjustment and debugging of complex machines, instrumentation, consoles and devices, unique and precision units and machines, selection and assembly of large-sized and combined bearings. Testing of pressure vessels and deep vacuum testing. Taking the necessary diagrams and characteristics based on the test results and handing over the machines to the quality control department. Installation and dismantling of test stands. Checking complex unique and precision metal-cutting equipment for accuracy and compliance with technical specifications. Installation of pipelines operating under high air (gas) pressure and special products. Static and dynamic balancing of parts and assemblies of complex configuration.

Must know: design, purpose and operating principle of assembled complex mechanisms, instruments, units, machines and machines; technical conditions for adjustment, testing and delivery of assembled machine components and assemblies and their operational data; techniques for assembling and adjusting machines and test modes; measures to prevent deformation of parts; rules for checking machine tools for accuracy.

Work examples

1. Post and distribution devices of mechanical centralization - assembly and adjustment.

2. Shut-off and control equipment for high-pressure chemical production - disassembly, adjustment, grinding in, assembly.

3. Spool valves - grinding in and finishing of sealing surfaces.

4. Propeller and sternshafts - scraping the cones and fitting the keyways to the caliber.

5. Differential rollers of a special design - sawing the supporting planes perpendicular to the axis with a perpendicularity tolerance of 0.02 mm.

6. Propellers for shafts - fitting the hub to the shaft cone or caliber.

7. Liners - fitting and scraping in the turbine housing.

8. Air ducts of all types - control assembly and alignment.

9. Gyroscopes - preliminary and final assembly.

10. Internal combustion engines with power over 736 to 1472 kW (over 1000 to 2000 hp) - assembly, adjustment and adjustment.

11. Diffusers - fitting and pressing into the steam box and into the turbine housing.

12. Car retarders of all types - assembly, adjustment and maintenance in good condition.

13. Calibers of propeller shafts and propellers with two or more keyed connections, with the keys installed in any position relative to the grooves - scraping and fitting of a cone with keys.

14. Frames for radio devices made of profile steel with a number of incoming parts over 50 - assembly.

15. Frames and casing for turbines - manufacturing.

16. Carousels, leaks of vacuum installations - assembly.

17. Pulse valves and covers of all types and sizes - assembly.

18. Control valves, dual with a servomotor and with a dual lever system - assembly, adjustment.

19. Regulating valves of protective devices - assembly, adjustment.

20. Valves, clinkers and gate valves with planetary gear drive - assembly, adjustment, delivery.

21. Main shunting valves for all types of ships - assembly, adjustment.

22. Steam valves with remote control - assembly.

23. Clinkets with a separate wedge with a nominal bore over 875 mm - assembly, delivery.

24. Kingstons and valves with pneumatic and hydraulic drives - assembly, adjustment, delivery.

25. Compressors and drying units (DB) with gas supply under pressure over 230 kgf/sq.m. cm up to 400 kgf/sq. cm - installation (connection of bench devices, valves, sensors, etc.), identification and elimination of defects that arose during testing.

26. Complex metal structures: panels, rafts, slabs, etc. for non-standard experimental technological equipment - manufacturing.

27. Digital and letter wheels - replacement.

28. Piston rings of a six-ton ​​steam crane - filing.

29. Piston rings with a diameter of over 400 mm - fitting the lock.

30. Piston rings with a diameter of over 550 mm - scraping of the ends and fitting to the piston.

31. Housings for vacuum valves and pumps, chemical equipment installations - assembly.

32. Housings of main and central devices, consisting of sections - assembly and connection of sections to each other with processing of places for mechanisms.

33. Device housings are complex, made of various materials - assembly with the production of individual elements.

34. Grinding wheels with a diameter of over 750 mm - assembly, testing, balancing.

35. Covers - fit to the turbine housing.

36. Number lines in the numbering apparatus - adjustment and correction during assembly and repair.

37. Line of shafting of all types of vessels, except boats - mating, installation on a machine (stand), deployment of holes, fitting of bolts, assembly, delivery.

38. Intaglio printing machines - assembly.

39. Horizontal forging machines with a pressure force of up to 20 MN - general assembly.

40. Self-propelled agricultural machines - final assembly.

41. Mine-lifting machines with a bicylindrical drum - general assembly and adjustment with testing.

42. Ship auxiliary mechanisms - commissioning.

43. Lifting and anchor mechanisms - assembly, testing and delivery.

44. Mechanisms and fittings remote control ship and marine systems with electric, pneumatic and hydraulic servo drives - grinding in, assembly and adjustment.

45. Assembled threshing machines - testing, running-in and delivery.

46. ​​Steam hammers - assembly, testing of steam distribution spools and valves, piston stroke, control mechanisms.

47. Couplings and half-couplings of ship shafts - scraping the cone, cutting keyways according to caliber.

48. Elastic couplings of the main shafting - assembly, balancing.

49. Hardened guides with a triangular groove up to 340 mm long - grinding with a tolerance of +/- 0.01 - 0.02 for parallelism per 300 mm.

50. Gear pumps for various purposes and performance - assembly, testing, delivery.

51. Packages of hollow blades - assembly and fitting.

52. Rudder blade and stock with a flange connection - scraping the flange planes, assembling the connection, aligning the center line, reaming the holes, fitting keys, bolts and pins, delivery.

53. Rudder blade with stock - scraping of cones and keyways, fitting of keys, assembly, delivery.

54. Planes, cams - processing according to 1st class of accuracy with certification of dimensions.

55. Planes - scraping and adjusting borings for liners.

56. Pneumatic couplers type SPU-20, pneumatic impact wrenches type GPU-80 - assembly.

57. Compensator flange surfaces - scraping with an accuracy of at least 2 spots per square meter. cm.

58. Rolling and combined bearings - assembly.

59. Hydraulic presses with a force of over 30 to 100 MN - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

60. Control panels and other complex automatic stations - complete production and assembly (without installation).

61. Diamond rollers of complex profile - balancing.

62. Rotors - static and dynamic balancing.

63. Rotors, turbines - assembly, installation of thrust bearings.

64. Rotors - assembly of blades with bandage fastening.

65. Servomotors - interlock assembly.

66. Beds of longitudinal milling and other machines - installation on shoes with alignment to the water level and string with an optical device.

67. Beds of unique and precision machines - scraping of guides.

68. Precision lathes - scraping of carriage and support.

69. Screw-cutting lathes - testing the machine for power with adjustment and adjustment, testing for accuracy with adjustment, adjustment and correction of defects.

70. Experimental turbochargers, air and oxygen compressors - final assembly, adjustment and delivery.

71. Components, mechanisms, structures of large ships - installation using plastics.

72. Assemblies of impact pneumatic jacks - assembly, adjustment.

73. Complex units, units and machines of experimental designs - assembly and testing.

74. Complex units and assemblies of passenger cars upper class- assembly, adjustment, testing.

75. Gas turbine units - assembly.

76. Rudder shifting devices - assembly, adjustment, delivery.

77. Perforating device - final processing of incoming parts after hardening, centering the punches according to the dies, maintaining dimensions within tolerances of up to 0.01 mm.

78. Centrifuges - grinding in the shaft with the rotor and sealing rings, assembly, adjustment and testing.

79. Connecting rods and faucet regulators, water feed pump housings, jacks - assembly.

80. Gear assemblies - static and dynamic balancing.

81. Electric spiers, spier drive mechanisms - assembly.

82. Probe after hardening - pressed into the guide with a parallelism tolerance of +/- 0.01 per 120 mm of length.

83. Eccentrics - final metalworking after hardening with the removal of tables on a comparator.

84. Electric guns of blast furnaces - disassembly, assembly.

§ 91. Mechanical assembly mechanic, 6th category

Characteristics of work. Assembly, adjustment, testing and delivery in accordance with the technical specifications of complex and experimental, unique machines, machine tools, units and apparatus. Checking the correctness of their assembly by taking operational diagrams and characteristics. Installation of high pressure pipelines for any gases and liquids used. Elimination of detected defects. Calculation of gears, eccentrics and other curves and their verification. Construction of geometric figures. Participation in obtaining a passport for assembled and tested vehicles.

Must know: design, principle of operation of complex machines, machine tools, units and devices; methods of static and dynamic testing; methods for debugging and adjusting manufactured machines, instruments and other equipment, the principle of calculation and methods for checking eccentrics and other curves and gears; methods for calculating and constructing complex figures; rules for filling out passports for manufactured machines.

Work examples

1. Mechanical centralization devices, auto-barrier mechanisms, axial gearboxes of tracklayers - assembly and adjustment.

2. Unique numbering devices (on special orders) - assembly and adjustment.

3. Cylinder blocks of internal combustion engines - installation of piston, spool and camshafts with alignment of axial lines.

4. Crankshafts of machines and internal combustion engines - laying, alignment and checking with adjustment.

5. Crankshafts of steam engines of various types for large ships - fitting of keyways, calibration of crank journals with an accuracy of 0.03 mm.

6. Roller conveyor transmission shafts - assembly.

7. Gas turbine installations - adjustment.

8. Internal combustion engines with power over 147 kW (2000 hp) - assembly, adjustment, adjustment.

9. Valves with a solid double wedge of pressure levels II and III - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

10. Remote control bellows valves with disc springs - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

11. Non-circular gear wheels - metalworking, assembly with a bushing, final processing after hardening, installation.

12. Columns with parallels of steam engines and internal combustion engines - installation, alignment, alignment and adjustment.

13. Automatic compressor stations with gas supply under pressure of 400 kgf/sq.m. cm - installation on a test bench, installation (adjustment of fuel, oil equipment, starting system, valves, sensors, etc.), identification of defects in the system and elimination of them, calculation of all characteristics, delivery to the customer.

14. Octagonal compressors - manufacturing and assembly.

15. Conoids - installation on a device, final processing with removal of the allowance value according to the tables on the comparator.

16. Steering servomotor brackets - assembly.

17. Automatic lines, consisting of modular machines - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.

18. Lines of shafts of large ships with a diameter of welded shafts over 600 mm - installation on a stand, alignment, reaming of holes, fitting of bolts, assembly, delivery.

19. Working blades, guides, nozzles and diaphragms - fit for tightness at fastening points while maintaining passages according to technical specifications or drawings.

20. Horizontal forging machines with a force of over 20 MN - general assembly.

21. Steam engines - final assembly, testing and delivery.

22. Hydraulic steering machines and variable displacement pumps - assembly, installation, testing, delivery.

23. Main ship machinery - commissioning.

24. Disconnecting couplings - calculation and adjustment of mating parts.

25. Turbine connecting couplings (TVD, TSD, TND) - gearing fit.

26. Turbine cages, steam shields, diaphragms - fitting to the turbine housing.

27. Electrovacuum equipment (installations) with program control - assembly, adjustment, testing.

28. Samples of head experimental and experimental ship fittings: automatic, bellows, safety - experimental assembly, testing in the presence of a commission, bringing the design to its final form.

29. Sealing surfaces of bodies and covers of ship fittings with non-gasket connections, with a diameter of over 200 mm - grinding in and finishing of sealing planes.

30. Marine thrust bearings with a combined bansier system - final assembly, testing, delivery.

31. Hydraulic presses with a force of over 100 MN - assembly.

32. Complex devices, with differential clutches, with calculation of gearings - assembly, mechanical and electrical adjustment, testing and delivery.

33. Planetary and globoid gearboxes of more than two stages - assembly.

34. Precision metalworking machines - assembly, final check for accuracy, testing and delivery.

35. Unique metalworking machines with a hydrocopier - assembly, adjustment, testing and delivery.

36. Counters of temperature regulators, tables of welding installations, heads of welding installations, vacuum sensors, tables of coordinateographs, units for installations for the production of solid circuits - assembly and adjustment.

37. Cross-beams for the main lift of filling and casting cranes in open-hearth shops - assembly.

38. Tangential air pipelines, elliptical pipes, tangential connections - control and enlarged assembly.

39. Steam turbines - checking the gap between the blades, housing and rotor; diaphragm seals, stuffing box seals in thrust and support bearings.

40. Steam turbines - seating disks on the shaft, installation and balancing of rotors (static, dynamic), final assembly, testing, delivery.

41. Turbines with a gearbox and main thrust bearing - checking alignment when installed on a stand and on a ship.

§ 91a. Mechanical assembly mechanic, 7th category

(introduced by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645)

Characteristics of work. Assembly, regulation, testing and delivery in accordance with technical specifications of unique structures, shut-off valves, gas distribution installations, pumps, chambers, apparatus, boxes. Assembly and regulation of complex experimental units and machines. Identifying and eliminating defects, making proposals to change design documentation based on the results of assembly and testing of complex experimental units and machines. Registration of test results and delivery of products using electronic computers. Participation in the development of jigs and mandrels for precision manufacturing and assembly of complex experimental products. Carrying out precise measurements of complex parts using special coordinate machines, measuring heads, laser scanners, copying machines, and computer equipment. Ensuring the required cleanliness of processing of internal and external surfaces and welded joints. Surface polishing. Calculations and production of complex developments of devices made of heat-resistant, experimental steels and alloys.

Must know: rules for making sketches of parts and assembly units; rules for the use of electronic computer technology; ways to ensure accurate measurement of complex parts and clean surfaces; methods and techniques for performing assembly work that ensure the stability of products under climatic, mechanical and radiation influences.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Chambers, apparatus, boxes for chemical production during the processing of radioactive materials - manufacturing and testing.

2. Containers for storing and transporting radioactive materials and products - manufacturing and testing.

3. Pressure vessels, containers with technological solutions of radioactive materials - manufacturing and testing.

4. Stamps and molds - assembly, adjustment and testing.

1. Scope of activity

A mechanical assembly mechanic works in mechanical engineering and metalworking organizations in workshops where metalwork and metalwork and assembly work is carried out.

A mechanical assembly mechanic assembles machine tools, motors, turbines, tractors, cars and other equipment and mechanisms from individual parts.

The profession of mechanical assembly mechanic applies to both male and female persons, but in most cases, men work in this profession.

A mechanical assembly mechanic can work in related professions: instrumentation and automation mechanic, tool maker.

A mechanical assembly mechanic performs work in the following sequence:

  • with the help of manual and mechanized fitting and assembly tools, performs operations on fitting, connecting, fastening and adjusting products;
  • on special stands tests assembled or assembled components and assemblies, eliminates detected defects.

Types of jobs, Mechanical assembly work performed by a mechanic:

  • assembly, adjustment, testing and delivery in accordance with the technical conditions of complex and experimental, unique machines, machine tools, units and apparatus;
  • metalworking and fitting of parts, products, assemblies;
  • assembly of parts for tack welding;
  • cutting blanks from rods and sheets using hand scissors and hacksaws;
  • chamfering;
  • drilling holes according to markings, jigs on a drilling machine, as well as pneumatic and electric machines;
  • thread cutting with taps and dies;
  • connecting parts and assemblies by soldering, adhesives, bolts and cold riveting;
  • testing of assembled components and mechanisms on stands and hydraulic pressure presses;
  • elimination of defects discovered during assembly and testing of components and mechanisms;
  • marking, scraping, grinding in parts and assemblies of medium complexity;
  • basic calculations to determine tolerances, fits and taper;
  • pressing of parts on hydraulic and screw mechanical presses;
  • adjustment of gears with installation of lateral and radial clearances specified in the drawing and technical conditions;
  • soldering with various solders;
  • static and dynamic balancing of various parts on special balancing machines with spark disks, prisms and rollers;
  • assembly, adjustment and debugging of complex machines, instrumentation, consoles and devices, unique and precision units and machines, selection and assembly of large-sized and combined bearings;
  • checking complex unique and precision metal-cutting equipment for accuracy and compliance with technical specifications;
  • installation of pipelines operating under air pressure and aggressive special products;
  • elimination of defects discovered during assembly and testing of components, assemblies, and machines;
  • installation and dismantling of test stands;
  • taking the necessary diagrams and characteristics based on test results and handing over the machines to the quality control department;
  • testing of pressure vessels, as well as testing for deep vacuum;
  • control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor;
  • slinging and tying loads for lifting, moving, installation and storage;
  • participation in the registration of passports for assembled and tested vehicles.

The level of qualification of a mechanical assembly mechanic depends on the complexity of the work performed and is determined by the tariff category.

In accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS), issue 2, section "Mechanism and metalwork and assembly work", volume 2, a mechanic for mechanical assembly work can have 2-6 tariff categories.

Mechanical assembly mechanic must know:

  • design, purpose and principle of operation of assembled complex mechanisms, instruments, units, machines and machines;
  • technical conditions for adjustment, testing and delivery of assembled components of machines and assemblies and their operational data;
  • name and marking of processed materials;
  • basic information about tolerances and fits of assembled components and mechanisms;
  • basic mechanical properties of processed metals;
  • methods for eliminating deformations during heat treatment and welding;
  • causes of corrosion and ways to combat it;
  • purpose and rules for the use of control and measuring instruments and special and universal devices;
  • purpose of lubricating fluids and methods of their use;
  • types of rivet seams and welded joints and conditions for ensuring their strength;
  • composition of high- and low-melting solders, fluxes, mordants and methods of their preparation;
  • rules for sharpening and finishing metalwork tools;
  • tolerances and landings;
  • qualities and roughness parameters;
  • methods for marking parts and assemblies;
  • measures to prevent deformation of parts;
  • methods of static and dynamic testing;
  • methods for debugging and adjusting manufactured machines, instruments and other equipment, calculation principles and methods for checking eccentrics and other curves and gears;
  • techniques for assembling and adjusting machines and test modes;
  • rules for checking machine tools for accuracy;
  • rules for filling out passports for manufactured machines.

3. Workplace, tools and working conditions

The workplace of a mechanical assembly mechanic is an area within which there is a balancing machine with a spark disk, a drilling machine, stands and hydraulic pressure presses, and all auxiliary equipment and devices used in repairs.

Mechanical assembly mechanic has a permanent (stationary) workplace in the workshop of an industrial organization.

At the permanent workplace there are: a cabinet for storing spare parts, lifting and transport equipment.

The workplace is equipped with a mobile rack and other necessary means organizational equipment. In the process of work, a mechanical assembly mechanic uses the following cutting and assembly tools: hand scissors and hacksaws, pneumatic and electric machines, hand-held pneumatic tools, a file and a pneumatic chisel, taps, bench hammers, a set of wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, needle files, as well as test and measuring tools.

Working conditions are determined by a combination of factors influencing a person’s performance and health. The main factor determining the classification of working conditions as normal or harmful and severe is the stress at the workplace that the employee experiences during the work process.

at the workplace of a mechanic for mechanical assembly work are:

  • physical activity of moderate severity, caused primarily by the assembly of complex and experimental, unique machines, machine tools, units and apparatus;
  • uncomfortable forced working postures (working actions are often performed in a confined space);
  • presence of noise and vibration during equipment operation;
  • load on the hands during work;
  • presence of harmful toxic substances (solders, fluxes, mordants) in the air of the working area;
  • concentration of attention during work.

Mechanical assembly mechanics are granted additional leave, the duration of which depends on the type of work performed (when engaged in welding work in closed vessels, when working with hand pneumatic tools, when cleaning welds file and air chisel, etc.).

The profession of mechanical assembly mechanic is included in List No. 2, which gives the right to an old-age pension in connection with special working conditions, when performing individual species works (cladding the cabins of tractors, cars, etc. using bitumen, glue; work using harmful substances not lower than hazard class 3, etc.).

Special working conditions are confirmed by the results of workplace certification once every five years.

4. Forms of organization and remuneration

The form of labor organization for a mechanical assembly mechanic is individual or collective. With a collective form of labor organization, teams are created. Teams can be shift teams if all the workers of these teams work on the same shift, or through teams if they include workers working in different shifts.

The form of remuneration is time-based or piece-rate.

Remuneration system— time-bonus or piecework-bonus.

5. Working hours and opportunities for professional growth

Mechanical assembly mechanics can work in both single-shift and multi-shift operating modes.

Duration daily work(shift) is determined by the internal labor regulations or the shift schedule in the organization. The working hours are determined by the collective agreement, and where it is not concluded, it is established by the employer.

For workers engaged in work with harmful conditions labor, a reduced working time is established - no more than 35 hours per week.

The duration of the main (working) minimum vacation cannot be less than 21 calendar days.

Mechanical assembly mechanic is allowed to independent work after appropriate technical training, on-the-job training, testing of knowledge of the type of work performed and safety regulations.

The internship is carried out under the supervision and guidance of an experienced employee. The duration of the internship is set by the administration.

Upgrading the qualifications of a mechanic for mechanical assembly work to level 6 is possible at the place of work.

Having reached a high level of qualification (category), a mechanical assembly mechanic can supervise workers of lower qualifications and become a foreman.

6. Requirements for employee qualities

The main requirements for the physical condition of a mechanic for mechanical assembly work are:

  • good physical development; strength and endurance;
  • good functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • good mobility of arms, hands and fingers;
  • acute vision and normal hearing.

The labor activity of a mechanical assembly mechanic imposes a number of requirements on psychophysical qualities:

  • observation;
  • good eye;
  • increased attention to the smallest details, their differences, quick switching;
  • spatial imagination;
  • intelligence;
  • long-term memory;
  • psychological stability;
  • coordination of hand movements.

The following personality traits contribute to the successful work of a mechanical assembly mechanic:

  • accuracy;
  • accuracy;
  • discipline;
  • tolerance;
  • responsibility.

7. Interests, aptitudes and abilities

A person who has chosen the profession of a mechanical assembly mechanic must be interested in technology, physics, chemistry, geometry, drawing, and assembling various mechanisms. A penchant for physical labor combined with ingenuity. Ability for technical thinking.

8. Medical contraindications

Eye diseases.

Diseases of the central nervous system. Mental illnesses. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Impaired mobility of the arms, hands and fingers. Serious illnesses internal organs with frequent exacerbations.

Malignant tumors and blood diseases. Allergic diseases.

9. Requirements for basic education, forms of vocational (special) training and conditions for obtaining education

To obtain an initial rank in the profession of mechanical assembly mechanic, you must have a general basic or general secondary education.

Training in the profession of mechanical assembly mechanic can be completed:

  • in institutions providing vocational education, or providing vocational training, retraining, training in second (related) professions and advanced training of workers;
  • in organizations at the workplace in conditions of continuous professional training.

Admission to institutions providing vocational and technical education for educational specialties (professions) for which the number of applications submitted in the previous year exceeded the established admission target numbers may be carried out through entrance examinations Without medical contraindications and contraindications for work in the relevant educational specialty (profession). Entrance tests can be carried out in the form of: entrance examination, testing, selection based on the grades specified in the education document.

Vocational and technical education can be received in full-time (day and evening) form.

Professional training in an organization can be obtained directly at the workplace in the conditions of continuous professional training of personnel in blue-collar professions.

Duration of training:

  • in institutions providing vocational education - 10 months based on general secondary education, 2 years 10 months based on general basic education;
  • in an organization at the workplace - 5 months to obtain an initial rank.

More materials on this topic you can find in Human Resources section portal libraries.

The locksmith profession is predominantly male. To obtain it you do not need to have higher education, a secondary specialized education will be sufficient. Few enterprises, the work of which depends on the serviceability of production equipment, can do without technical specialists, in particular a mechanic for its repair.

This determines the advantages of this specialty: the availability is stable wages at the average level, or above it, constant demand in the labor market. In addition, by improving his qualifications, a mechanic can achieve a better position, initially increasing his ranks, and then becoming a manager.

List of duties performed

The nature of the tasks solved in the work process depends on the rank of the employee and his specialization. So in plumbing, the level of qualification is indicated by the assigned rank. It depends on the level of practical knowledge and experience. There are six of them in total, where the easiest tasks are performed by first-class repairmen. In some workshops that use pilot and experimental equipment, it is possible to assign 7th and 8th categories.

Such qualification as a rolling stock repairman deserves special attention. These specialists work not just with production equipment, machines and machines. A rolling stock repairman repairs cars and locomotives, as well as troubleshooting their parts and eliminating detected faults.

The tasks that are performed in the course of their work are somewhat different. professional activity repairmen of industrial equipment, machine tools and other things. Their activities are more narrowly focused, focused on servicing machines and mechanisms of a certain type.

Tasks solved by rolling stock repairers and requirements for them

Those candidates applying for the position of rolling stock mechanic must be physically resilient and have the following knowledge and skills.

  • A specialist must understand the general principle of the design and manufacture of cars and locomotives, as well as their individual parts.
  • It is necessary to have knowledge about the methods and methods of checking the serviceability of elements and parts of rolling stock.
  • It requires skills to restore parts that have been subjected to mechanical and physical wear.
  • The specialist must have knowledge of the purpose and characteristics of liquids intended for washing and lubricating components and assemblies.

Based on the required knowledge, it is possible to determine the nature of the work and the operations performed by the rolling stock repairman.

It is important that a worker involved in the maintenance and repair of locomotives and carriages and their elements must have good vision and hearing. And also have flexible hands. Such requirements are formed from the specifics of the work processes being performed.

Just like industrial equipment mechanics, rolling stock repairmen have a degree of qualification designated by the corresponding ranks.

Tasks solved by industrial equipment mechanics and requirements for them

The job responsibilities of a repairman involve performing such functions as installation and dismantling work, maintenance and repair of machine parts, their components and assemblies, and selection of spare parts required for this. Also, in the course of their professional activities, specialists at this level carry out processing and sharpening of necessary parts, and carrying out preventive maintenance.

Based on this list of operations performed in the work process, a list of requirements for candidates for the position of repairman is formed.

  • Knowledge of the manufacture and design of the equipment being serviced.
  • An understanding of basic kinetics and mechanics is required.
  • A specialist must have accuracy, patience and responsibility.
  • The employee must have skills in the selection of lubricating fluids, their purpose and characteristic properties.
  • The locksmith must have an understanding of general principles and methods of repairing equipment and its parts and be able to apply this knowledge in practice.

The qualifications of repairmen are confirmed by assigned ranks.

Operations performed by mechanics according to available categories

As the employee's qualifications increase, the complexity and responsibility of the processes performed increases. According to the unified tariff and qualification reference book (ECTS), a repairman has the following job responsibilities.

Add to list job responsibilities A mechanic of the 1st category includes operations on adjusting threaded connections, preparing parts and mechanisms for repairs, and cleaning them. As well as preparing metalwork tools for technical work: cleaning, sharpening and lubrication.

Worker 1st qualification category must have knowledge of the basics of the operations performed, the names of the tools used, types of lubricating fluids and their purpose.

Repairman 2nd category performs the functions of repair and maintenance of simple mechanisms, components and mechanisms. If it is necessary to carry out work with parts of medium complexity, it is carried out under the supervision of a more qualified employee. Allowed to perform work using electrical and pneumatic equipment.

Requirements for workers at this level include knowledge of the basic principles of prefabricated and disassembled operations of components and assemblies, the purpose and methods of using precision measuring instruments, physical properties materials used during the work.

Workers of the 3rd category perform operations on metalworking of parts, carrying out prefabricated and disassembled work on components and assemblies of medium complexity. As well as repair and testing work with various mechanisms and elements.

Due to the nature of the tasks performed, workers in this category are subject to requirements such as knowledge of the principles of the design and operation of the equipment being repaired. Also technologies for assembly and disassembly operations. The employee must know the physical properties of the materials being processed.

Responsibilities of a 4th category repairman equipment. This includes installation and dismantling work in the components and assemblies of these mechanisms, as well as commissioning work. A repairman of this qualification must draw up defect sheets for equipment. Professional responsibilities also include the manufacture of instruments for repair and installation work.

In accordance with this functionality, the repairman must know the structure and operating principle of the main devices for carrying out repair work, technology for the use of precision measuring instruments. The employee must be able to troubleshoot problems during repairs and maintenance. Have knowledge in the field of marking parts and skills in adjusting mechanisms.

Responsibilities of a 5th category repairman repair and maintenance of complex equipment and mechanisms under stressful and dense conditions. Installation and dismantling, as well as commissioning work for complex components and assemblies. Handover of equipment after necessary repair operations. Elimination of premature wear of equipment.

A locksmith of the 5th category must know and be able to, in addition to other basics of plumbing, technology for making adjustments and monitoring the correct installation of equipment. And also have the skills to conduct static and dynamic balancing tests. It is important that the employee can determine the presence of premature wear of equipment elements and eliminate it using reinforcements and the application of protective coatings.

Professional Responsibilities repairmen of the 6th and higher categories. At the same time, they apply to complex large-sized and experimental equipment. For example, a repairman of this skill level must be able to work with supercentrifuges, machines with program controlled, hydraulic and steam-hydraulic presses and others.

Seventh and eighth qualification category assigned only when working in those workshops that use unique and experimental equipment in their work.

According to the principle described above, as the operations performed become more complex, qualifications are assigned to rolling stock repairmen.

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