Labor productivity at the enterprise. Basic methods for calculating labor productivity. Historical assessment of labor productivity dynamics

To find out how effectively personnel are used in work, you will need to analyze labor productivity. The category under consideration is economic, expresses the fruitfulness and efficiency of the work of the organization’s employees regarding the production of goods.

What it is?

The labor intensity in the calculation for one product is represented by the total amount of time spent on its production. Based on this, labor efficiency is defined as the amount of product produced by a company employee per calculated unit of time.

Also, the definition of this concept is the time spent by a person on the production of one product. Production characteristics is compiled after analyzing the concept under consideration.

Sample of filling out production characteristics

Indicators are calculated for individual employees and for the entire organization. Production and production of products at individual employee locations and areas where products are manufactured must be measured in kind.

The volume of products manufactured over a certain period of time is taken into account. An example is the number of printed publications that were sorted by one person in an hour, the number of certificates issued per day by an employee, etc.

Dimensions relative to output at individual worker locations are often subject to standardization. A separate planned task or production norm is developed for the employee.

Methods for measuring labor efficiency

The productivity of employees involved in servicing various communications media can be characterized through production. This is because they are involved in adjustments and troubleshooting.

The work of such employees often involves performing duties at the workplace. Determine the required labor intensity, namely the amount of time spent on eliminating damage.

If we are talking about an enterprise that provides communication services, then the labor productivity of all employees is characterized through average output indicators. In general, it will not be possible to calculate production in kind for such a company. This is related to the provision various services and works, in connection with which the measurement is made in money.

Labor efficiency analysis

The volume of products sold by an enterprise providing communication services is reflected in the profit received. Therefore, when calculating the productivity of the entire company, sales revenue is used.

Labor efficiency is influenced by:

What is it measured in and what does it show?

Productivity is defined as a measure of the efficiency and fruitfulness of work activity. The category under consideration is expressed in two indicators. It is determined by the labor intensity of one product and the output of one person.

Production refers to the amount of product produced by a person over a specific period of time. For example, if a mechanic processes 50 parts in 5 hours of work, then the efficiency is calculated by dividing 50/5 and equals 10 parts per hour.

Types of labor intensity

Labor intensity is the time period spent on the production of one product. If an employee processes 10 parts in one hour, then the labor intensity is determined by dividing 60/10 and it turns out that one part takes 6 minutes of working time.

Labor productivity is determined through these concepts. It is understood as the number of products created in a single period of time, or the time spent on creating one product.

The company is staffed not only by blue-collar workers who directly create products; there are also employees, technicians, engineers, and support workers.

Labor Productivity Measurement

The listed persons do not independently produce the product, but create the conditions for its production and productive operation of the enterprise. When determining the productive level in the company as a whole, the labor of the listed employees is subject to accounting.

The concept of productivity is used as a generalizing characteristic of the company's production level. In practice, the expression of output in monetary terms is widely used. Using this indicator, it is possible to calculate the efficiency of the country as a whole, in the industry, and in an individual company.

The organization employs 200 people, with a total production volume of 400,000 rubles. Output for one person is calculated by dividing 400,000/200.

Output must be measured in physical form, which are pieces, meters, liters and other quantities. Indicators related to natural are applicable in organizations producing products homogeneous type. An example is stone mining, brick production, etc.

Improvement of production and its growth are mainly associated with increased productivity. A number of factors influence increased productivity levels.

First of all, it reflects the development of scientific and technical progress. Progression in the technical field affects the reduction of labor costs for the production of one product. Refers to a situation where old equipment is replaced with new equipment, improving the production sector.

The physical and emotional burden of work also affects productivity, so when new automated technologies are introduced into the work process, it is possible to significantly increase the level of production.


On average, production per month or per year in a company is calculated using the formula:

Calculation of average annual or average monthly output

To make the calculation, you first need to determine the indicators used in the formula. An indicator of product production over a period of time or labor intensity can be used. Production relative to one product over a time period is calculated as follows:

Calculation of average output of one product

Indicators regarding labor intensity are subject to calculation:

Calculation of labor costs per unit of production

The method used to calculate performance is then defined:

  • cost;
  • natural;
  • labor.

The natural method is applicable to determining the amount of output and products produced by the organization. Measurements are made in quantities, meters, cubes and other quantities.

The company employs 100 workers. 100,000 products are produced in one month. The output per employee is equal to one thousand products (at the rate of 100,000/100).

The labor method is associated with measurement in standard hours. This type of method is not used in small and medium-sized businesses, as it is not entirely convenient.

The working process

The production process is associated with the organization of the employees' working day. For optimization, management constantly takes measures aimed at improving the working conditions of subordinates.

The begining of the work day

The mornings of employees of any company begin with the fact that they wake up. Then there is a meal, a shower, a choice of a suit to wear and a direction to the workplace.

The human brain is designed in such a way that in the sequence of performing the listed actions, it prepares the person for work.

This suggests that it is necessary to establish a schedule for completing work duties, which ensures success in production.

Often the working day starts at 09:00 and ends at 18:00, however, this schedule is not mandatory, and each employer has the right to apply his own.

In addition to setting the time for work, you need to remember to communicate with customers, thereby proving the professionalism and organization of workers. Clients are given Special attention, their wishes are subject to consideration.

Eliminating extraneous sounds

Often, while performing work functions, a person listens to music. However, it has been proven that such sounds can distract the employee’s attention and, as a result, reduce efficiency.

For this reason, the employer is taking measures to eliminate unnecessary sounds during the labor process. The person himself may claim that music is not distracting, but in reality this is not the case.

Organization of work space

When a person performs labor functions at home, all you have to do is sit down at your computer and start working. If an employee has a permanent place in the company where he works, then to improve productivity this place should be properly organized and optimized if possible.

Blocking sites that distract you from work

Upon arrival to work, the employee must block all sites and places that can distract from the performance of functions. Access to sites that are not used for work can be blocked or not opened during the work process.

Average hourly and average annual output

The average annual or monthly output for an organization is calculated using the formula:

Average annual or average monthly output

When calculating average output per hour or per day, the formula is used:

Average daily or average hourly efficiency

An increase in productivity provides the opportunity to perform additional volumes of work or create additional quantities of products with the same number of workers. The number of employees may also be reduced.

Currently the main source economic development is an increase in productivity.

This is due to the fact that the scale of production has increased and the need for services and goods has increased.

States apply an economic law related to productivity. The law speaks of a strict movement forward; it is said that labor efficiency increases due to the gradual movement of society forward.

The growth is associated with the modernization of equipment and an increase in the organization’s technical equipment. If technology is involved in production, then human costs are correspondingly reduced. Due to this phenomenon, products become cheaper as production costs fall.

Productivity growth in an organization is associated with:

  • productivity gain measured as a percentage;
  • savings made by increasing the category in question;
  • an increase in the number of products released due to increased productivity.

In organizations, efficiency is in the process of constant growth, which is associated with gaining more experience and increasing technical and technological potential.

When a company plans for future performance, it plans to increase productivity. Indicators of economic significance are calculated by which this growth can be characterized.

The higher the worker's productivity, the better the work productivity.

Under labor productivity economic literature is understood efficiency of human labor- this is an actual calculation of how much a particular employee is capable of producing in a specific period of time a certain amount of consumer goods.

Or vice versa, how much time he will spend on processing a specific volume of goods. Labor productivity can be calculated using formulas.

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What is labor productivity?

Before we begin to define productivity, we must define what living labor is.

Living labor- this is work that expends energy, which is measured in calories. The division of living labor is carried out into two categories: this physical work and mental work.

However, material labor, that is, labor produced in any thing, product or service, is a completely different matter, because this type of work is labor already accomplished once before.

Every working person works in order to produce certain benefits for himself or those around him: these may include material products, or some types of services - the essence remains the same.

The main role in assessing the quality of this work is played by the so-called “productivity”, so first of all you should decide and understand: why you need to try constantly improve productivity your work?

PT is one of the main criteria by which the effectiveness of the labor activity of enterprise employees is assessed.

The higher the PT indicators, and accordingly, the higher the production of a unit of manufactured goods per unit of time, the better performance at the enterprise, and, accordingly, less expenses are spent per unit of result, and revenue grows.

For example, the cost of electricity in the building, rental of premises for production and other related costs. And of course, an increase in the labor productivity coefficient should reduce expenses by a certain percentage.

Workers, like management, are interested in increasing labor productivity, since with a decrease in monthly labor costs, the number of employees can increase.

When measuring the level of work performed by employees, the indicator is used labor productivity (LP).

PT itself is an indicator reflecting the overall performance of any work activity, which displays data on the productivity of production activities for the production of any products during a specific period of time, after calculating which we receive a complete picture of the productivity of workers for a given time period (this can be a full year, month, day, one shift, hours, minutes and etc.).

You should also take into account the term “output”. This definition is called amount of labor produced by one worker. Using this indicator, a wide variety of types of labor activity are measured: it can be the production of material goods, the provision of services, and the sale of goods.

Formula PT is as follows: the volume of labor activity performed over a certain period of time must be divided by the number of workers.

How to determine labor productivity:


P here means labor productivity, ABOUT is the amount of work for a specific time period, and H is the number of employees, respectively.

Also, not only the indicator of labor productivity is often used, but common performance indicator. When deriving this indicator, in addition to labor costs, other types of resources are calculated: working capital, fixed capital, land.

This indicator characterizes the average volume of production per unit of all resources spent in production and sales. Output produced in units. labor spent is considered the most universal and most suitable indicator for most situations.

Watch the video on labor productivity in Russia:

What characterizes PT?

Speaking about the productivity of labor input in the creation of material wealth, labor productivity is determined by the size of the product produced per unit of labor time, or the waste of labor capabilities per unit. products. In other words: the more material goods per unit. time the employee produces, the more PT will be accordingly.

There are two methods for measuring PT:

  1. performance individual, or (living) labor;
  2. performance general(total) labor.

The first of them is determined time costs in a specific production, in one of this organizations, and the second - temporary costs of materialized labor, which was carried out in any production processes and remained in the form of material goods and production elements that are consumed at this enterprise in the work process.

With gradual development technical aspects work processes and improvement of the scientific and technical field of production, the percentage of costs for social labor increases, due to the fact that the need for the purchase of ever new equipment for workers, new means of production, etc. also increases.

And yet, speaking globally, then the cost of both individual and social labor per unit of material will steadily decrease. This is the essence of increasing the productivity of social labor.

General index

The way labor achievements change when changing from one time period to another is fully shown performance index. This indicator has vital importance for overall performance assessment.

Productivity is affected not only by internal problems (lack of equipment, workplace problems, etc.), but also by external factors. Lack of investment is one of the most common such problems.

Important indicators

The level of labor productivity is characterized by such principles as production and labor intensity.

The first is a direct indicator, and the second is an inverse indicator.

Output produced in units. labor spent is considered the most universal and most suitable indicator for most situations.

The average descriptive number of employees or absolutely all employees of the company do differences between normal hourly and normal daily output, as well as indicators of normal output per 1 descriptive employee of the enterprise or person somehow connected with the creation of this product.

  • Regular hourly output is determined by dividing the number of products produced over a given period of time by the number of hours actually worked during a given period of time.
  • Daily output is determined by dividing the number of products produced during a given time period by the number of man-days worked during a given period. Man-days worked include both purely working periods and breaks, including downtime. For this reason, the size of a typical daily output depends on the average output and the actual length of the working day.
  • Average monthly (three months, one year) output is calculated by dividing the products produced during the time period under study by the descriptive number of workers (or employees of the enterprise).

These indicators are interconnected:

  1. Average daily output = average hourly output * normal day length;
  2. Average monthly output per worker = average daily output* usual length of the month;
  3. Average monthly output per employee = average monthly output * share of employees in the total percentage of employees.

Exactly the same mutual connection exists between dynamics indicators specified levels.

Output measurement(W) produced per unit. time is carried out by the ratio of all production (q) and labor time expenditure (T):

(t) creating a unit of production is equal to the time spent on one product:

Calculation methods


Let's sort it out main types of calculation of PT, and first of all this is the calculation of cost performance.

Let's say you are the owner of a restaurant complex fast food. Your aim - find out the PT of one of the workshops of one of your restaurants, which prepares bacon sandwiches.

Let's imagine that this establishment has twenty cooks, all of whom are preparing fresh bacon sandwiches. Over the course of an entire shift, all cooks manage to prepare one hundred thousand rubles worth of fresh produce.

Thus, in order to evaluate the performance of one employee, we need one hundred thousand rubles divided among 20 employees (cooks). We establish that on average one worker prepares, on average, one work shift, bacon sandwiches worth five thousand rubles.

If you want to know PT per employee per hour(under the initial condition that there will be eight hours in one shift), you will need to divide five thousand by eight hours, after which you will find out that in one hour one employee makes products worth 600 rubles.

This is the formula for calculating cost labor productivity:


The calculation of PT is made not only in monetary form. In addition to this method, there are other options available. One of these is natural method. It can be used in cases where your business produces a single or limited type of product.

Productivity with this method is measured either in meters, or in tons, or in pieces per unit of time.

Let's return to the already familiar example of a sandwich shop. Let's say that the menu of this establishment contains only one dish - bacon sandwiches. In this case PT is calculated as sandwiches produced/hour.

Let's say that the twenty cooks mentioned earlier prepare a thousand sandwiches in one shift. In this case, dividing a thousand portions into twenty workers, we determine that One worker creates fifty bacon sandwiches in one shift.. In one labor hour During his shift (8 hours), one cook creates 6.25 units of product.

Formula for the natural method of calculating PT:

Conditionally natural

This method can be used in cases where An enterprise creates the same type of product, but the product differs from each other. In such a situation, according to calculations, you should consider all produced goods as certain conventional units.

For example, in a plant producing steel fasteners in one work shift, thirty workers produce: one hundred and twenty nails, thirty bolts and forty screws. If you want to calculate the overall production productivity, then you will need to use the metal product conversion factor.

It should take one thousand grams to make one hundred and twenty nails. iron, for thirty bolts - five hundred grams, and for forty screws - one thousand five hundred grams. Thus, summing up all finished metal products in their original form (iron): one thousand grams + five hundred grams + one thousand five hundred grams = three thousand grams of metal product.

The denominator in this case is the number of products produced in conventional units.


Labor method is based on measuring the dimensions of manufactured products To calculate which one should use the technical labor intensity. To correctly calculate PT, you will need the size of the produced product in units. labor time divided by full working time.

To fully understand the situation, Let's look at a simple and clear example: Let's say that two kitchen workers prepared thirty items, assuming that it takes twenty-five minutes to prepare a single sandwich, as well as forty items. It takes fifteen minutes to make one sandwich.

Let's start calculating PT: the size of all prepared products of the enterprise is multiplied by the time of preparation of one single sandwich (30*25+40*15), after which all this is divided into a specific time period (you can choose yourself).

In this case, we are interested in data for one working hour, so we get the following picture: (30*25+40)*15)/(2*8*60)=11850/960= 12.3 items/hour.

One of the most important advantages of this method of calculating PT is the possibility of using it in the calculation all types of labor and services. However, if you want to use this method, you will need to know the cooking time per unit for all types of work, which is quite difficult for most.

The concept of labor intensity means waste of labor time to create a single unit of product.


T - means labor intensity, PB - working time, and KP - number of products.

Example: a couple of diner employees can prepare a thousand sandwiches in three days. Labor intensity in man-hours (assuming that the shift is eight hours) will be equal to 2x3x8=46.

A more complex example: 7 employees made ten special pies for a holiday in five days. Calculation in progress total and specific labor intensity in man-hours. 7x5x8=280 man-hours – full labor intensity.

We will divide the already identified 280 man-hours into ten pies; 280/10 = 28 man-hours are needed to prepare a single holiday pie.

Using labor intensity as a measurement indicator will allow increase the level of accuracy in labor productivity calculations. You can also track the inverse relationship between labor intensity and PT. As the level of labor intensity decreases, productivity “increases” – and in the opposite direction.

Level of labor mechanization

Progress is developing by leaps and bounds, and while it is moving forward, the degree of automation of labor is also increasing, which has a beneficial effect on increasing labor productivity.

The more a person uses automated labor, the greater his ability to carry out material labor, and also the more Living human labor is used less.

Workers of mechanized or automated labor are those who realize their own work activity with the support of automated devices, robots and other machines.

What is formula for the level of labor mechanization: Let's try to understand using an old example. For example, innovative equipment was brought to our sandwich restaurant and we decided to conduct an experiment.

Now Some products are produced using a conveyor and robotic devices, the other part is cut and prepared by chefs in the old fashioned way by hand. In order to prepare sandwiches manually, eighty company employees were invited to the project, and twenty were invited to prepare food using an automated apparatus.

Necessary find out the level of mechanization of the entire enterprise. Provided that in total thirty workers were sent to prepare the sandwiches. Ten of them are mechanical workers, providing equipment with work. In this case, we divide one hundred by twenty, multiply by 100%. 20/100*100% = 20% automated labor.

The formula looks like this:


There are many formulas for finding labor productivity in one form or another. Let's look at some of them.

Balance calculation

When calculating PT indicators, information from the enterprise’s balance sheet can be used.

How is PT calculated on this balance: PT=(V*(1–Kp))/(T*N)


  • V– the size of all products that were produced at the enterprise on the balance sheet (transferred in line 2130);
  • KP- coefficient;
  • T– labor costs of a single worker;
  • N– number of employees, average for the list.

Productivity growth

The growth of PT depends on a large number external factors.

How to calculate the rate of acceleration of PT growth:

Tp = (P1/P2)*100%

  • Tp- rates of growth;
  • P1– indicator at the end of the period;
  • P2– indicator at the very beginning of the period.

Before carrying out the corresponding calculation, it is necessary to conduct a full check at the enterprise. Production and labor intensity will help characterize how staff actually work, and in accordance with the data received, specialists will make predictions about the future of the organization.

Growth Rate Calculation

The change in PT for a specific time period in terms of output (B) or labor intensity (T) can be determined using these formulas:

PT=(Wo/Wb)×100 or PT=(Tb/To)×100

  • According to this formula Bo And Bb- this is the production of a product both in the reporting and in the base time periods in specific measuring systems;
  • That And TB- this is the labor intensity of products in the reporting base periods (standard hours and man-hours).

PT index

  • Q0, Q1– this is the exact size of the production or production of the base and reporting time period, in constant prices or constant standards;
  • T0, T1– the exact number of employees of the enterprise, or employees of the same period;
  • W0, W1– output per 1 employee, employee of the specified period.

Average performance

The calculation of the average PT is carried out to calculate a large number of items produced. goods of varying labor intensity:

Av = ΣQi * Ki


  • Avg is the average PT;
  • Qi – quantity of each type of goods produced;
  • Ki is the labor intensity coefficient of any of the variants of this same product.

PT level

PT = [(Tr o -Tr b)/Tr b ]x100%.

PT = [(V o -V b)/V b ]x100%

  • В о – production output in the reporting period;
  • B – production output in the base period;
  • T r o – labor intensity of products in the reporting period;
  • Тр b – labor intensity of products in the base period;
  • PT - labor productivity index as a percentage.


ΔPT=[E h /(H r -E h)]*100%

  • E h – planned personnel savings;
  • H r – the number of workers (employees involved in the production process).

PT of one worker



Increasing labor productivity among workers is logical and natural measure, which is achieved with the competent implementation of new technologies and maintaining order in your production. Without such measures, any organization will inevitably face stagnation and then decline.

Timely data analysis will allow you to see labor productivity statistics and take timely measures to improve production.

Labor productivity is characterized as one of the basic indicators that reflect the real performance of the company’s personnel.

Being a relative indicator, labor productivity allows you to compare the efficiency of different groups of employees in the production process and plan numerical values ​​for subsequent periods.

Labor productivity concept

Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor costs per unit of time. For example, it shows how many products a worker will produce in an hour.

At an enterprise, productivity is determined through two basic indicators:

  • production;
  • labor intensity.

They are the most appropriate when assessing the degree of efficiency of labor costs per unit of time. Increased productivity leads to increased production and wage savings.

Calculation algorithm

In essence, labor productivity reflects the ratio of the volume of goods produced and/or sold to the number of employees.

Indicators of the number of employees are based on payroll data. Each employee is counted only once per working day.

Labor costs and time spent on the production of products are also taken into account in the reporting documentation.


Indicators of labor productivity at an enterprise include output, labor intensity and labor productivity index.

Output(B) determines the volume of production per unit of paid working time by one payroll employee. The indicator can be found depending on two factors - time spent and the average number of employees.



Labor intensity(Tr) expresses the amount of labor required by one worker to produce a unit of product. The labor intensity indicator is the inverse of the output indicator.

Calculation depending on the time spent:


Calculation depending on the average number of personnel:


  • B – output;
  • Tr – labor intensity;
  • Q – production volume in natural units (pieces);
  • T – the cost of paid working time for the production of this product;
  • H – average number of personnel.

There is a more detailed way to calculate performance:

PT = (Q*(1 – K p)) / (T 1 * H),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • K p – downtime ratio;
  • T 1 – employee labor costs.

If it is necessary to calculate the labor productivity of one employee, then the value of the average number of employees will be equal to one. Annual output per employee not only characterizes the performance of an individual, but also allows you to draw up a plan for the next period.

When calculating output, hours worked do not include downtime.

The volume of products sold can be expressed in any units - pieces, monetary or labor units.

Formula for calculating labor productivity

Based on the calculation of performance indicators of employees at the enterprise, it is calculated labor productivity index.

This indicator reflects the rate of productivity growth and is found as follows:

by production: ΔPT= [(V o - V b)/V b ]*100%

by labor intensity: ΔPT=[(Tr o - Tr b)/Tr b ]*100%

  • where В о – production output in the reporting period;
  • B – production output in the base period;
  • T r o – labor intensity of products in the reporting period;
  • Тр b – labor intensity of products in the base period;
  • PT - labor productivity index as a percentage.

The change in productivity can be found through the planned savings in personnel using the following formula:

ΔPT=[E h /(H r -E h)]*100%,

  • where E h – planned personnel savings;
  • H r – the number of workers (employees involved in the production process).

Index average labor productivity necessary in the case of a large number of manufactured products with different labor intensity.

Formula for calculating average labor productivity:

Vsr=ΣQ i *K i,

  • where Avr – average labor productivity;
  • Q i is the volume of each type of product produced;
  • K i is the labor intensity coefficient of each type of product produced.

For determining given coefficient the position with minimal labor intensity is highlighted. It is equal to one.

To find coefficients for other types of products, the labor intensity of each is divided by the minimum labor intensity.

For calculation labor productivity per employee the following formula is used:

PT = (Q*(1 – K p)) / T 1.

To calculate labor productivity indicators, enterprise balance sheet data is used, in particular, the volume of products produced. This indicator is reflected in the second section of the documentation in line 2130.

The formula for calculating labor productivity by balance is as follows:

PT = (line 2130*(1 – K p)) / (T 1 *H).


The calculated indicators allow for a comprehensive analysis of labor productivity at the enterprise.

Output and labor intensity evaluate the actual work of personnel; based on the results of the analysis, it is possible to identify resources for development and productivity growth, as well as for saving working time and reducing the number of employees.

The performance index reflects the change in performance in the current period compared to the previous one. It is extremely important for assessing performance.

The level of productivity depends not only on the competence and ability of workers, but also on the level of material equipment, financial flows and other factors.

In general, labor productivity needs to be constantly improved. This can be achieved through the introduction of new equipment, employee training and competent organization of production.

Video - how you can use new technologies to increase productivity:

Discussion (12)

    How to calculate average number workers in the planning year if labor productivity increased by 9%. The number of workers in the reporting year was 280 people and the cost commercial products in the reporting year 650 billion rubles?

    Two teams of workers process the same type of parts. The daily production of parts by individual workers is characterized by the following data

    Worker number (1st team) Daily output of worker 1st team, pcs. Worker number (2nd team) Daily output of worker 2nd team, pcs.

    Determine the average daily number of parts processed by one worker of each team and in total for two teams. Do you need a solution, can you help?

    Hope. Try to focus on determining labor productivity not as it was drummed into us in institutions, but according to K. Marx: “Labor productivity is the minimum cost of living labor with a maximum production of product” and understand why we in the Union had giant workshops and an exorbitant number of workers, and capitalists automated lines and a minimum of workers in the production of equal volumes of product.

    Labor productivity and its growth in any enterprise is the basis for the growth of the wage fund and, accordingly, the growth of wages for specific employees.

    Labor productivity indicators are very important for proper business management. With the help of them, not only the efficiency of using labor is analyzed, but also the level of mechanization and automation of labor. There will be no productivity with ancient tools and equipment.

    Large companies usually bother with such calculations, where there is an economist, or even a whole economic department. For small businesses, in practice everything is simpler. For example: I know what minimum income I should have for a month so as not to go into negative territory. Anything higher is already my profit. My personal opinion, no matter how much or how you count, there will be no more money. Work better, sell more - and there will be something to count.

    As I understand it, a person is taken into account only as labor force and the cost of this labor. But various force majeure situations are not included in the formula. As usual, in the absence of people, overall productivity should not drop in any way, that is, the remaining workers must do all the work of the absent workers. In general, workers have many shortcomings; they need to pay bonuses, taxes, vacations and much more. Therefore, the installation of robots and machines is an ideal option for production.

    Knowledge of theory is, of course, good... But in reality, I was faced with the fact that not a single business plan has yet ended as positively as planned... Well, at least for me. There is always an action of some indefinite force that confuses all the cards. In any case, one thing is clear - if there is a sales market, and a good market that will not let you down and will pay for goods (or services) on time, then you can build a business... If the sales market is not established, at least count it. My business is based on sales of parts and accessories. There are no problems with suppliers - they are always ready to supply goods - both immediately and on order, but there are not always customers in the required quantity, since these are not essential products. Plus competition.))) Plus periodic crises...))) How to calculate all this?

    In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. When I was studying economics at the university, we were literally forced to learn indicators of labor productivity, so that it would jump off our teeth. But we didn’t really strive for this. But now I have to admit that it’s in vain. After I was lucky enough to open my own workshop for sewing and repairing clothes, I just came across such important indicators labor productivity, such as output and labor intensity. There were a lot of orders, there were 2 workers. There were difficulties with the task of orders, so I had to plan the work, calculate these indicators in order to get the result I needed, i.e. so that my workers complete at least 2 orders a day, working 8 hours. We also had to motivate employees to improve the speed and quality of work. For example, for every 3 completed orders for sewing products, give bonuses, then the speed of work will increase. This is all I have been able to do for now, but I am sure that there are other ways that can help in this case and at the moment I am looking for ways to solve this problem.

    In fact, there is a huge pile of all kinds of calculations and you can count them endlessly. But I always go from the opposite. From the result that I need. If I want to receive, say, 1,000 rubles of profit per day from a retail outlet, then the goods must be sold for 9,000 rubles; if on average per hour (from experience) the seller sells for 700 rubles, then I have to work 11,000/700 = 12.9 hours. Actually from 8 am to 9 pm. To reduce this time, you come up with different “promotions” and increase hourly revenue, as a result, for me, the seller’s productivity can amount to up to 100 rubles in revenue per hour. I’m working on her promotion.

Labor productivity can easily be called one of the main indicators of the profitability of any business. It is the labor productivity indicator that clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the labor costs of an employee or group of employees for a specific time period. That is why an increase in this indicator is directly proportional to a decrease in associated costs due to a reduction in associated costs.

Basic terms and calculation rules

Any business is built on obtaining benefits. Regardless of whether we are talking about a large production or a small individual entrepreneur, where all labor collective- this is the only director of the individual entrepreneur, the ultimate goal of any commercial organization is to benefit. By calculating labor productivity, you can clearly see the level of production of certain types of work (both goods and services) produced by an individual worker or group of workers for a conventionally taken period of time (hour, shift, week, month, year).

Output is a quantitative indicator of work as a result of the activities of one employee. For example, we are talking about a snack bar where visitors are offered donuts. One person works per shift. The number of donuts that an employee makes per working day is 200 pieces. This value is an indicator of the output of a particular employee for one work shift.

The concept of output refers to the total volume of products produced for a specifically specified paid period of working time carried out by one employee. The term labor intensity refers to the amount of labor expended by one employee used to produce one unit. finished products(or provision of services). To calculate productivity taking into account production and labor intensity factors, it is customary to use the following formulas:

PT = (Q*(1 – Kp)) / (Tr1*H), Where

PT– labor productivity

Q– quantitative volume of manufactured products.

KP– downtime ratio.

Tr1– labor intensity per worker.

H– average number of personnel.

In this case, labor intensity is calculated using two options:

  1. Based on time spent Tr = T/Q, Where T- time costs, and for Q– the volume of production is taken in a conventional unit designation.
  2. Based on average quantitative indicator employees involved in the production process Tr = H/Q, Where H denotes the number of employees, and under Q The volume of finished products is also understood.

Taking into account production, the following formula is used:

PT = [(Wo - Wb)/Wb]*100%, as a result of which you can get a percentage performance indicator, In And Wb– production of products in the reporting and base periods, respectively.

Generalized data can be obtained more in a simple way, calculating the general types of productivity without taking into account factors such as labor intensity and output. In this case, simple algorithms are used, according to the required indicators. There are several basic types of labor productivity:

  1. Natural performance.
  2. Cost.
  3. Labor productivity.
  4. Conditionally natural.

To calculate natural productivity, a simple formula is used:

PTn = Number of products produced over a conditional time period/number of employees.

Returning to the donut shop, using this formula, we calculate natural labor productivity. For example, a diner has two employees making donuts in shifts. As mentioned above, one makes 200 pieces per shift, the second makes 180. In a month consisting of 30 days, the total amount of donuts produced is 5,700 pieces. Labor productivity in physical terms per month will be 2850.

When calculating cost indicators, use the following formula:

Pts = total volume of work result in monetary equivalent for a separate period of time () / number of employees for the same period.

Returning to donuts, it is easy to calculate the cost performance by plugging in the appropriate values. Approximately, you can set the cost of one donut at 10 rubles. Therefore, over 30 calendar days, the total monetary volume of products produced is equal to 57,000. Dividing this figure by two available workers, we ultimately obtain an indicator of the cost output of the snack bar for a certain period.

The calculation of conditionally natural productivity is carried out in cases where similar products with some differences are produced. In this case, to calculate the required indicator, use the formula:

PTun = production in conventional units for a separate period of time/total number of employees.

This method The calculation is suitable for firms and enterprises engaged in the manufacture of any products that have any signs of homogeneity, but at the same time are different. In this case, the consumption of materials at the output can be taken as a conventional unit for substitution into the formula.

And this is what the formula for calculating labor productivity will look like:

PTt=(op*vi1)/vr, where under PTt is understood as the required calculated indicator, under op- the total volume of production, which should be multiplied by time - vi1, spent on the production of 1 unit of finished product. The result obtained is divided by a given time period, abbreviated vr, which can be considered any time interval from an hour to a year.

Another calculation method is to calculate labor productivity using a balance sheet. To do this, the entire volume of work performed, indicated in the balance sheet, is divided by the average number of personnel, also taken from the reporting. The result obtained will be the actual productivity, reflecting the activities of the entire production or a specific company.

To improve performance indicators production process of an organization or enterprise, such a calculation on the existing balance sheet should be carried out by any manager in order to fully monitor performance and improve net profit and profitability indicators.

What is labor productivity - video

To visually examine this issue, it is recommended to watch a video that describes in detail what labor productivity is and what economic processes this indicator affects:

To summarize, we can say that the feasibility of a particular business as a whole depends on the productivity indicator. When the value is low, it is sufficient to replace any of the denominators used in the calculations to increase the overall efficiency of the entire production process without an intensive increase in associated costs.

The effectiveness of the use of personnel in the company's work is characterized by labor productivity indicators.

Labor productivity is an economic category that expresses the degree of feasibility and fruitfulness of the activities of employees of an enterprise in the production of spiritual and material goods.

Labor productivity is determined by the amount of time spent by an employee on producing a unit of production (or on performing a certain job) or by the amount of products (volume of work) produced by an employee for a certain unit of time (shift, hour, year, quarter).

Labor productivity is determined through a system of indicators of labor intensity and output.


Output (W) is the actual productivity of labor; in economics it is understood as the quotient of dividing the volume of work performed (output) by the number of employees (labor costs).

W = q / T

Labor intensity

Labor intensity (t) is determined by dividing labor costs (number of employees) by the volume of work (products produced). Labor intensity indicators characterize labor costs per unit of production (work performed), and output indicators characterize the volume of work performed (products received) per unit of strength.

t = T/q

Where q is the volume of products produced, T is the cost of working time.

Basic labor productivity coefficients are calculated both separately and on average for the organization.

The production of products and output at individual work sites and places involved in the production of products are always determined in physical terms, in the volume of units produced.

For example, the volume of certificates issued on average by a telephone operator at the STS help desk per hour, the volume of written correspondence sorted by one sorter per hour. At individual workplaces, the volume of production, as a rule, is standardized - each employee is assigned a separate planned task or a specific production rate.

Maintenance employee productivity various means Communications are quite difficult to characterize by production indicators, since they are engaged in adjusting and eliminating damage, and their work activity often only involves staying at their workplace. Therefore, at this stage it is important to measure labor intensity indicators, that is, the amount of time spent, for example, on eliminating communication interference.

The volume of labor productivity in a communications organization is determined by the average output. However, in a communications company it is generally impossible to find out the output in physical terms, since the company carries out various types of services and work, so the output is determined in monetary terms - the total volume of products sold by the company will be reflected in the revenue received, therefore, when calculating labor productivity in general, the indicator is used sales revenue.

The formula for calculating labor productivity is as follows:

PT = O/H

Where O is the amount of work per unit of time, PT is labor productivity and N is the number of employees.

  • Before making calculations, decide on the indicators by which the calculation will be carried out: product output or labor intensity.
  • Choose the method by which the volume of labor productivity will be calculated: labor, natural or cost. The natural method is used to calculate the exact volume of output and products produced (in quantity, weight, cubic or square meters).

Examples of calculating labor productivity

Consider the following examples:

  1. A company employing 50 workers produced 50,000 nails in a month. The output of one worker will be: 1000 pieces of nails/person (50,000 divided by 50).
  2. The company, which employs 50 workers, produces about 30,000 window frames per week. Under such conditions, production will be calculated as follows: 30,000/50 = 600 window frames (one worker produces per week).

With the labor method, the quantity of products is determined in standard hours, it is not suitable for medium or small businesses, it is used mainly large companies. For example, a turner turns 0.5 bushings per minute of his shift. In the cost methodology, value expressions are taken as the basis.

Let's give an example: two factories produce products worth 1,000,000 rubles in one day. One factory employs 10 people, another – 40. Calculation: 1,000,000/50 = 20,000 rubles (one factory employee produces products for this amount).

When making calculations, take into account that the volume of labor productivity is a variable value that depends not only on the employees, but also on the manager (owner) of the company: what better conditions labor in the enterprise, the higher and more reliable will be the motivation of employees and their productivity.

Correctly calculating labor productivity for an enterprise is very important, since the work schedule and staffing table employees, as well as the cost of products (services), the costs of their production and the final profit of the company.

Labor productivity in accounting

Not only an enterprise economist, but also an accountant can calculate labor productivity. The labor productivity indicator can also be determined by indirect indicators reflected in the balance sheet. To do this you need to use the following formula:

PT = Vwr / emergency

Where PE is the number of personnel, PT is labor productivity, V vr is the volume of work performed, which is indicated in the balance sheet.

An increase in labor productivity in 100% of cases means a reduction in costs and an increase in the profitability of the company, and also indicates that the company has a competent manager. Productivity growth should not be short-term and sudden, for example, due to a sharp increase in the workload of employees, but gradual and smooth. Labor productivity is directly related to the cost of goods (products, services) - the higher the productivity, the lower the cost and vice versa.

Factors influencing labor productivity

Labor productivity indicators change under the influence of various factors, which may be internal or external to the company.

The following can be distinguished external factors:

  • Political: by decision of the state, capital is accumulated in the hands of a certain circle of high-ranking officials, which leads to a massive reluctance of the people to work.
  • Natural: in difficult climatic conditions (heat, fog, humidity, cold), overall labor productivity is significantly reduced.
  • General economic: tax and credit policy, quota and license systems, freedom of entrepreneurial activity.

TO internal factors relate:

  • Application of modern achievements of science and technology in production.
  • Changes in the structure and volume of production.
  • Improving the organization and stimulation of employee work.
  • Modernization of production organization and management in the company.

How to increase productivity

To improve performance, when it comes to production, the management of the enterprise needs to:

  • Implement automated lines.
  • Don't regret financial resources for a new one software and training your employees to use the latest technologies.
  • Optimize logistics, since if an employee spends most of his working time standing idle and waiting, then his work efficiency will be low.

Proper employee motivation also plays a big role - an employee who has four shifts a week and no additional motivation will produce fewer parts per hour than an employee who has two shifts and additional bonuses from the company:

  • Additional medical insurance policy.
  • Holiday bonuses.
  • Reduced pool membership.

Labor productivity is very difficult to calculate in the activities of managers who are not involved in direct sales or workers who are employed in the field of service, maintenance or recruiting. To make the work of such employees more effective, it is necessary to use methods of non-material motivation. For example:

  • Employees attend free training on effective communications and team building.
  • Praise and recognition of work.
  • Competitions, competitions.
  • Motivational meetings.
  • Discounts on services.
  • Congratulations on significant dates.
  • Informing other employees about the achievements of their colleagues.
  • Incentive travel.

Video: how to calculate labor productivity

In order to analyze and predict the productivity of an enterprise, the following indicators are used:

  • Private: display the time costs for the production of a unit of production or show how many goods of a particular type in physical terms are produced for a certain unit of time.
  • Generalizing: average daily, average annual, average hourly output of products (goods) per employee. These indicators are calculated by dividing the volume of production in rubles or in standard hours by the total number of employees or the entire industrial production personnel of the company.
  • Auxiliary: give an idea of ​​the employee’s time spent on performing a unit of work or the total amount of work performed per unit of time.