How to create your own logo in photoshop. How to make a logo? Creating a logo in Photoshop, step by step tutorial. Goals of creating a vector variety

Last time we found out that it turns out that in Photoshop you can make, albeit with a little sophistication, a business card. This time we will find out that Photoshop is capable of making a completely working and suitable Logo for the customer.

Is the logo a vector or a raster?

The mass of customers under the logo means nothing more than a picture that they can see on their computer. The main problem begins when the customer, having admired the logo on his monitor, decides to use it. For example, print a large poster the size of a house. I remember just such a poster once posted on the Delfi website. Or make a glowing sign for your store. Or print calendars with a big beautiful logo, hot, from under the paws of an expensive designer.

The fact is, logos are made in vector. Of course, this was not always the case. In my grandmother's time, artists and illustrators drew logos on huge canvases. In modern computer world raster logo is a dead logo. It can only be reduced if it is large or printed as is. Vector logo - mathematical information about the contours of the logo. It can be easily enlarged for printing on any surface, it can be loaded into AutoCAD, into a special machine for cutting paper, into a machine for sawing shapes out of material.

Any big company in the modern world has a brand book and a logo promotion strategy. That is, a series of logo positioning rules adopted within companies. What should it be? What can be done with it. Where it can be printed in color, where it can be printed stylized, where it can be printed in black and white. Some companies allow styling, some do not. But anyway, the logo starts with a simple black and white vector shape. Then comes form style, then comes styling.

I agree that some companies that do not go beyond the web space may never need a vector logo, since their logo will not leave the banners and headers of the website. However, when entering the printing industry and the real world, a vector is inevitable.

Create a logo in Photoshop

In this Photoshop logo tutorial, I'm using my old AQ logo that I made for a friend. I remember we agreed on barter, I gave him a logo and design for the CMS, he gave me the site engine and layout. However, after I did my part, it seemed like a great idea to him to disappear and not answer, instead of saying “Sorry, there is no time to do the layout.” This logo is a series of simple oval egg-shaped objects. Photoshop presents us with a number of very meager tools for working with vector paths. Fortunately, these meager tools are enough to make 60% of existing logos, if not more. I will start with creating shapes, I will link to other tutorials that will help you create my logo, and of course at the end of the tutorial everyone will be able to download my PSD file with all layers.

Draw the basic shapes

Choose a tool Ellipse Tool and draw a regular ellipse. Required option on the settings panel shape layer. And if you don't know what that is, check out my article on Shape Layer, Path and Fill Pixels modes. In short, this option creates vector paths as a vector mask with a fill layer. And this is how the vector is displayed in Photoshop.

Choose another tool Direct Selection Tool, it selects specific vector points and can change the direction of their guides. Click on the ellipse. Then select the two middle points, top and bottom. To select 2 points at once, press SHIFT. Once the 2 points are selected, drag them back so that the ellipse takes on an egg shape. The first form is ready.

How to fill with color? Find the oval layer in the layers panel Layers. Click on the fill icon, in the window that appears, select a color.

Duplicate the resulting egg. Layer > Duplicate Layer. Select it in the layers panel and transform Edit > Free transform. If you don't understand what's going on, read my article Transforming Photoshop with Free Transform. In short, Free Transform allows you to change the shape of anything, to almost anything. Just click SHIFT to reshape proportionally, and drag the edge of the frame to decrease. Fill the shape with a light blue color.

Duplicate the egg again, use again Edit > Free transform, but this time just squeeze the egg vertically. Then select Direct Selection Tool, select the middle points again, and change the length of the guides for each point. This will decrease the angle of inclination between the points. Congratulations, we have recreated the egg shape. And this is the first step towards creating a logo in Photoshop. Let's move on to letters. This egg needs to be filled with white.

Draw letters in Photoshop

Select the very first egg and duplicate the layer. Place it on the very top and use Edit > Free transform to reduce its size to the size of a letter that will fit inside the egg. Don't turn off free transform, pull the middle anchors to expand the egg vertically.

Duplicate this egg again Layer > Duplicate Layer, select the tool again Free Transform and reduce this layer by holding SHIFT on the keyboard so that the reduction is uniform. Fill the resulting shape with white and if necessary, and it will most likely appear, transform it again vertically and horizontally to get a visually uniform outline of the letter, instead of tapering at the edges.

Again duplicate the blue egg from the letter Q and move it to the left side. This will be the base for the letter. A. First, turn it to the other side Edit > Transform Path > Horizontal and compress it horizontally to give it a more compact shape and use Direct Selection Tool to change the shape pointwise, for example, increase the angle of the oval by lengthening the guides along the edges.

Duplicate this oval again, reduce the size, fill it with white, compress it vertically if necessary, so that the outline of the letter A turned out to be even.

It remains to draw part of the letter Q. Choose a tool Rectangle Tool and draw a small rectangle. Fill it with white and place it under the letter Q. Duplicate and scale it down with Free Transform, then place above letters Q. Our logo in Photoshop is nearing completion.

How to Create a Complex Vector Shape in Photoshop

And now attention. So far we have been playing in circles. Now it will be something more difficult. At least for my fingers to describe it all. For reasons I don't understand, the vector in Photoshop is considered the most difficult topic. I'm sure the most difficult topic in Photoshop it is Animation and 3D, but not vector. If you don’t understand at all, my articles Why Photoshop needs a vector, Vector drawing tools in Photoshop and Vector primitives in Photoshop will help you, but most of all, to understand the following processes, my article Add, Subtract and Intersect will help you, since these are the modes we will use the rest of the time.

Select on the layers the outer blue oval from the letter A. Now select a tool Path Selection Tool and click on the oval. The oval will be highlighted. And on the layers, you will see that your vector mask is highlighted. This is because we are now working inside the vector mask of this layer. Further warning, do not use the tool MoveTool, it manages the layers. Use only Path Selection Tool, which looks like a black arrow, but does not control the entire layer, but only the vector path in the mask.

Select tool Path Selection Tool oval, then Edit > Copy And Edit > Paste. Visually, nothing happened, but we copied the path and now there are two of them on the mask. The second contour is not visible, as it is located in the same place as the first one. This is easy to fix. Click on the outline Path Selection Tool and drag it. Then use free transform to deform the contour. I quite seriously changed the shape of the oval, using not only free transform but also Edit > transform Path > Warp

Repeat the whole operation. Select the second path with the tool Path Selection Tool, click SHIFT. On cursor Path Selection Tool plus will appear. Now move the path and it will copy. And this is the second way to duplicate the contours. B this time I again used the transformation through Warp to further bend the oval.

Now select the tool Rectangle Tool. Visually, nothing has changed. But refer to the settings panel Rectangle Tool. Most likely there is an option Create Shape New Layer. Taking advantage Rectangle Tool you'll just create another layer with a new vector mask. And we don't want that. We only want to draw on one layer. Switch in the settings panel to the option Add to Shape Area (+) This setting adds vector paths to already created vector masks. It remains only to select the correct vector mask on the desired vector layer. Draw 2 rectangles.

It remains to assemble a normal figure from all this mountain, and for this we will use the modes Add, Subtract, Exclude and Intersect. Setting - Subtract turns a vector shape into a "cutting" vector shape. As in the letter 0, there are 2 contours. But one is external, filling, and the second, smaller, is cutting out. Here and select tool Path Selection Tool large rectangle and oval, and switch in the settings to Subtract from Shape Area (-)

Select a tool for precision Rectangle Tool, in settings put Subtract from Shape Area (-) and cut another piece off the letter A. Then choose a tool Direct Selection Tool, click on the top corner of the narrow rectangle, select the vector point and drag it down. The figure took on meaning. And if everything is correct, you have just learned how to make a logo in Photoshop from scratch.

Merging vector layers

We merge in a slightly different sense. I'm not going to rasterize the layers we painstakingly rendered in vector. But look what happens on the workspace. What are our vector shapes? For the most part, this is a bunch of ovals that, overlapping each other, create the appearance of complex shapes. But in fact, we have only one complex figure, the letter A. We see Q, but just because the white oval is on top of the blue oval, and the tail of the Q intersects the main egg, it looks like the egg is interrupted at that point to allow the tail of the Q to go outside, but in fact the white rectangle visually covers the egg.

On the one hand, this will do, but on the other hand, each of these shapes, when saved to PDF, will create a mask with a bitmap fill, which will be embedded inside. We will get a whole bunch of layers, the masks of which will overlap each other. Such a file will weigh more, and it is impossible to understand the chaos of layers, so I suggest creating only 3 complex shapes, instead of 104 simple ones.

Let's start with a letter A, which is already complicated, but the white oval on top still exists as a second layer covering part of the letter A. Select tool MoveTool the mask of the white oval above the letter A. Then select the vector counter tool Path Selection Tool. copy it Edit > Copy. Now click on the layer mask of the letter A do Edit > Paste copied path. We have embedded an outline in the mask of the letter A, it remains to ask him correct settings and these settings are Subtract from Shape Area (-) Now you can safely remove the unnecessary oval above, you have a complex figure. When you are sure that you will no longer change the contours, select with the tool Path Selection Tool all letter outlines A and merge them by pressing the button Combine on the settings panel.

Do the same with the letter Q. Select the white tail and white oval and copy the outlines inside the main blue outline from the letter Q. Change their settings to Subtract from Shape Area (-) Then copy the visible part of the tail as well. And I would merge the letters A And Q, since they are not designed to be separate from each other. In the course of such work, there may be a situation when you have an adding contour and a hiding one inside one mask. And the hiding one will overlap the adding one. Here's what's really going on. The cutting contour is cut out adding because it is higher in the hierarchy. In fact, all these contours are not on the same plane. Of course, in Photoshop there are no "Layers" of paths, they cannot be controlled as in Illustrator. All we can do is cut out the path and copy it back. Then it will appear above all other contours.

Do the same work with the contours of a large egg to end up with only 2 layers - an outer dark blue stripe and an inner light blue one. And I think we just drew the logo in vector using Photoshop. It remains only to save it in the format PSD, EPS or PDF.

Logo printing

When it comes to logo printing, colors are important. Work in color mode CMYK,Image > Mode > CMYK which you can read about in detail in my article CMYK Color Mode, to learn how to prepare graphics for printing, read the article Preparing for printing in 10 minutes. If you are sure that the logo is created primarily for Web content, I would still advise you to achieve the most vivid colors in CMYK, and then translate the logo into RGB for use on the web. In this case, you will be sure that the logo will look the same both in print and on the Internet. And I hope that now you will be able to create a logo that is quite professional in technical terms.

Every self-respecting modern company cares about its image, so it creates and subsequently maintains conditions aimed at continuous improvement image, which helps to attract a large number clients.

The most important part of the image is the logo, viewing which the client forms his initial idea of ​​the company. A logo is a unique image, consisting of drawings, textual information, or both of these components.

You can create a company logo and business card using the capabilities of the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor. Creating a simple version is a completely uncomplicated and fun creative process, but true professionals know the secrets of how to make a logo in Photoshop so that it can be used even when printing large posters.

Creating a simple company logo is within the power of anyone who masters the basics of working with the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor and learns the recommendations of real pros on how to create a logo in Photoshop.

Varieties of logos

Before starting to create a logo, it is important to clarify what it should be, what variety it should belong to. Graphic designers distinguish three types of them.

The first is to create a simple version, accompanied by only certain textual information. Most often, the name of the company is taken as a basis and the letters are beautifully drawn. Professionals consider this variety as the easiest to create, but at the same time quite strict. Of course, the inscription must be accompanied by creativity, otherwise it will hardly be possible to attract the attention of consumers.

The second variety is graphic images, drawings, which can be created using specific objects, as well as absolute abstraction. It is only important that the graphic option allows the client to independently understand what activities the organization represented by such a logo will carry out.

The third variety includes mixed logos that successfully combine textual information and a graphic image. This view is the most difficult, because it is important not only to connect two graphic elements, but to combine them beautifully. Graphic designers with sufficient practical experience, still prefer the mixed type, since it is he who allows maximum creativity.

The process of creating a simple variant

If a beginner Graphic Designer wants to improve his skills in working with Adobe Photoshop, it is useful for him to study the information on how to make a logo in Photoshop.

Initially, you should launch the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor itself, then create a new document. The program will ask you to specify the requirements for this document. The user must specify the width and height of the logo in pixels, as well as the pixel resolution of the graphic object.

Now that the document has been created, you should open the Text tool and use it to write any words using different font options, choosing the best option.

The finished text cannot just be left alone, it is best to subject it to creative modification. In particular, with the help of various effects, the text can be accompanied by a shadow, additional volume, highlighting. You can also change the size of the letters, their direction, the angle of inclination.

Creating a graphic element in Photoshop is also easy. On the menu bar you can find tools that allow you to easily draw a circle, rectangle, polygon.

If you really want the figure to have unusual shapes, you should find the “Transform” item in the “Editing” menu, clicking on which additional tools appear that allow you to change the external outlines of the previously selected figure.

After the graphic element has taken the desired shape, you can direct the action to change the style. By clicking on the "Layer Style" menu, a dialog box will open in which the "Shadows" and "Embossments" items are alternately selected, in which various parameters are set at your own discretion. The good news is that the dialog box has a built-in preview option so you can make adjustments right away.

A mixed logo is obtained by superimposing textual information on a graphic image. In the end, it remains only to save the result by choosing the correct extension. Experts recommend using the PNG extension.

Having carried out the creation of a logo at least once with your own hands, it will become absolutely clear how to make logos in Photoshop, so in the future such skills will only be honed, and the level of skill will increase.

Basics of creating a complex logo

Having learned how to create simple variants, the user can continue to improve their practical skills by moving on to creating complex logos, which include animated and vector varieties.

Goals of creating a vector variety

The use of simple shapes, fonts allows you to create a raster logo that will look quite successful on a monitor. It can be embedded on the company's website, print business cards.

However, frustration can arise as soon as a company wants to use this logo for printing huge posters, calendars, glowing signboards. In this case, it is necessary to enlarge the finished image, but on the first attempt to do this, the user will immediately notice a clear loss in quality.

A vector logo is a complex mathematical information about the outlines of an image. Using a vector logo, the image can be enlarged to any size.

In this regard, if you want to become a professional graphic designer, you should know how to draw a logo in Photoshop, accompanying it with a vector image.

Creating an Animated Variety

Depending on the purpose for which the logo is created, the graphic designer can decide which variety to give preference to. In particular, if the logo is planned to be placed in the header of the site, it is best to give preference to an animated variety that can maximize the attention of visitors.

Before you start the animation process, you should create a simple logo, the text of which should be on a separate layer.

By clicking on such a layer, the designer must go to the "Window" menu section, then find the "Workspace" submenu, and then click on the "3D" item. Having done such simple actions correctly, the layer with text information will instantly turn into a 3D object.

Now on the 3D panel that appears, find the layer with text information, click on it to make changes to its properties. In particular, you should change the extrusion depth parameters and uncheck the boxes for the shadow parameters.

On the timeline panel, find and click the "Create Video Timeline" item. After that, all existing layers will be displayed as separate video layers.

Calling the properties of the first layer, select the parameter "Position of the 3D Scene", then start the stopwatch and use the blue pointer to determine the duration of the animation.

Next, on the 3D panel, go to the "Scene" layer, there make changes to the coordinates of the Y axis, setting the full angle parameter (360 degrees). After such an adjustment, you can make sure that the image begins to rotate.

So, the creation of a logo is within the power of everyone who is able to show patience, perseverance, perseverance, and is also focused on constant creative process. You can become a popular web designer only if you learn how to create logos of various levels of complexity, satisfying the needs of consumers.

The logo is one of the important components of the company's brand; it must be memorable and original, i.e. different from the logos of competitors' companies. A quality logo is a logo that performs a number of important functions, which include uniqueness, individuality, identification and communication. In order to make a high-quality company logo, you need to know the basic principles of logo design.

Since in this lesson I will consider the process of developing a logo in Photoshop, the basics of development will not be affected, since the topic is quite large and requires special attention. If you want to know in detail the basic principles of logo design, you can read the article "Basics of creating a logo".

Professionally, logos are developed in vector format, respectively, not in Photoshop, which is a raster editor, but in vector editors such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc. Unlike raster, vector format is easily scalable, i.e. logo in vector format can be printed on a surface of any size, without loss of quality.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a beautiful logo without the ability to draw by hand, in fact, everything is quite simple. As an example, let's make a logo for a travel company.

1. We create a new document, I usually set the canvas size to 1024x1024px, this size is suitable for printing the logo on business cards and small brochures in the future, and in this size it will not be difficult to convert it to vector format if necessary.

2. I will make a round logo, so using the "Ellipse" tool in the left panel of the program I will draw a circle in the center. To get a circle, not an oval, you need to hold down the "Shift" key while drawing.

I drew the circle in yellow, as I plan to depict on the logo a caravan going along the dunes, Egyptian pyramids and an airplane. The logo itself will symbolize the sun.

3. Now we find on the Internet some suitable picture with a caravan and a plane in the right angles, after which we cut out the caravan and the plane from the found images for further placement in the logo composition. You can immediately find images in png format that are already cut out from the background, I found the image of the plane in the angle I needed and in png format. The image of the caravan in png could not be found, so I will cut it out from the found image.

Since the caravan is shown on a plain background, it can be easily cut out with the magic eraser tool rather than the hassle of cutting out with a pen. In the left panel of the program, select the "magic eraser" tool and left-click on the areas of the background that you want to remove.

After removing the main background with the "magic eraser", I will remove the background of the ground on which the caravan is moving with the help of a simple eraser, just erase the unwanted parts.

As you can see, I just erased the unnecessary background with an eraser and roughly cut out the legs of the camels. There is no need to try too hard, since the feet themselves will not be visible on the logo. It is also better to erase small details that are also not needed, for example, camel hairs or hanging ropes. It is necessary to achieve a simple figure, the simpler the better, the main thing is that when looking at it it is immediately clear that this is a camel, not a cow.

After that, select "Lasso" in the left toolbar and circle the cut caravan with it, then take the "Move" tool located at the very top in the left menu panel and with it, while holding the left mouse button, drag the image of the caravan onto the canvas with the logo.

4. Now select the layer with the caravan in the layers panel by clicking on it with the left mouse button and in the top menu select "Image" - "Correction" - "Levels", or press the key combination Ctrl + L. Next, in the level settings window that appears, drag the middle slider to extreme right value.

This way we darkened the image of the caravan and made it completely black.

5. Next, in the top menu, select "Editing" - "Free Transform", or the combination of the keys Ctrl + T and holding the Shift key with the mouse, resize the image to the desired one and place it in the right place.

We do the same with other objects, in this case with the plane, cut it out if it is not cut from the layer, darken it with the help of levels and place it in the right place on the logo.

6. Now I will cut off a little the base of the logo - a circle symbolizing the sun, so that the logo is more interesting and has an unusual shape. To do this, in the left menu bar, I will take the "Pen" tool and with it I will draw the following shape in order to cut it out later.

I depicted a wave, while connecting the points of the lines from below. Next, click on the selected part with the right mouse button and select "Select Area".

In the settings window that appears, set the "feather radius" to "0" (zero), if there is a different value, and simply press "OK".

After that, the area outlined by the curve will stand out and it can be deleted.

In order to delete the selected area of ​​the circle, you must first rasterize this figure. To do this, select the layer with the shape in the layers panel, right-click on it and select "Rasterize layer" in the menu that opens.

After that, just press the "Delete" key and the selected part of the circle will be deleted. Further, without removing the selection, also in the layers panel, select the layer with the caravan by clicking on it with the left mouse button and pressing "Delete" to delete unnecessary parts of the legs along the contour of the cut out area of ​​the circle.

After that, press the key combination Ctrl + D to turn off the selection selection.

7. Now you can embellish the logo by applying a gradient to the sun, as well as colors to the plane and caravan. Set the colors for the gradient in the left panel, to do this, click on each of them with the left mouse button and select the desired color in the palette that opens. Let's make the gradient transition from light orange to dark orange.

Next, in the layers panel, right-click on the layer with the sun and in the menu that appears, select "Overlay options" and in the settings window that opens, turn on the "gradient overlay" by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Then, in the tab that opens, set the gradient.

We set the angle to 90 degrees, the linear style and select the colors we set earlier. To select your colors, you need to click on the gradient with the left mouse button and in the "Gradient Editor" window that opens, select your gradient, which will be displayed in the upper left corner.

8. Next, paint the figures of the plane and the caravan, for this, by right-clicking on the layer with the caravan, select "Overlay Options", as in the previous step and only now instead of "Overlay Goadient" we will select "Overlay Color" and set the desired color, I chose white . In the same way, we set the color of the plane and as a result we get a prettier logo.

9. At the last moment, we will finish the pyramids in the background and write the name of the company under the logo image. I'll draw the pyramids with the pen tool. As with the selection in step #6, I'll take the pen tool, create a new layer in the layers panel and draw a pyramid on it with the pen. I will create the layer for the pyramid above the sun layer, but below the plane and caravan layers so that the pyramid is in the background.

And then, everything is the same as before - I click on the pyramid with the right mouse button, select "Select area ..", in the settings the feather radius should be equal to zero and click "OK". After that, using the fill tool, fill the area with the desired color. Thus, we draw the pyramids in the background, you can draw one, then just copy it and reduce it a little.

Well, we write the name of the company under the logo image, choosing the necessary font and its color, combined with the logo image itself. The result is such a logo for a travel company.

If you want to translate the logo into vector format, then there is a link to the lesson on this topic at the beginning of this article. Well, as usual, you can download all the images in this lesson and the source in the right column above.

A logo is one of your brand's most valuable assets and should not be neglected. Why is it so important to create a truly high-quality logo that most accurately reflects the essence of your business? The answer is simple: it will provide recognition for the company, and a good reputation will accelerate the growth of brand popularity. Use the logo everywhere: on the company website, signage, product packaging, stationery, clothing, banners, business cards, etc. This way you can establish an emotional and visual connection with your target audience and stand out from the competition.

Often, people who are just starting their own business or launching business projects face the same problem - the need to create a professional, quality brand on a limited budget. In this case, you have 2 options for creating a logo: use an online logo generator, for example, or try creating a design in Photoshop.

Benefits of Using Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a confident leader among programs for creating graphic images. It is a multifunctional graphic editor in which you can edit photos, add various visual effects and create graphics. It should be noted that Photoshop (cs 5, cs 6 and others) is considered quite a complex program used by professionals in the field of cinematography, animation and photography, because it offers a wide variety of tools for creating unique design elements, incl. logo.

Well, if you are a confident Photoshop user, then the benefits of creating a logo yourself are enough. First, you can experiment and end up with a unique logo or icon.

Secondly, by drawing logos in PSD format yourself, you have full control over the whole process, edit and make changes yourself, do not waste time. In addition, creating a logo in Photoshop is absolutely free.

But there are also disadvantages here. For example, if you are absolutely not good at drawing or don't know the basic rules of graphic design, combinations of colors and fonts, etc., it will be difficult for you to create a great logo that will work for you and help your business become memorable and recognizable in a positive way. .

Another downside to using Photoshop can be the lengthy logo design process. The duration of creating a logo in Photoshop depends on your requirements, skills and the result you want to get in the end. First, think over your logo, make a few sketches with a regular pencil in your diary. And if you are at a loss and do not know where to start, then you should draw inspiration from cinema, comics, nature, photography, etc. After all, all this inspires real professionals to create new directions in logo design.

If Photoshop is the tool with which you want to create a logo, then this article will come in handy. We've put together some helpful videos that you can try out on your own, even if you don't have the necessary skills. You can check out the video tutorials below.

By following all the instructions in the video, you can get such an emblem that you will not be ashamed to put on Business Cards and advertising products, as well as to place on the Internet (website, etc.).

You can find a selection of beautiful fonts for Photoshop.

A selection of video tutorials on how to create a logo in Photoshop

Let's finally watch some video tutorials on logo design that can make you a designer even with minimal Photoshop experience and practice. Look at each link to get the best step by step guides on designing logos in Photoshop and find the option that suits you best.

1. How to make a logo in Photoshop.

This is a very simple video tutorial on creating a logo. You'll learn how to make a logo in Photoshop using the program's simple tools, even if you don't know how to draw or have never used a photo editor. The result will need a little more work to give it a complete look. But perfect for a beginner!

2. How to make a simple logo in Photoshop.

If you know absolutely nothing about creating logos, this guide will become your indispensable assistant. Video tutorial showing how to quickly and easily make a personal or corporate logo for website, company, social networks in photoshop.

3. Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create Your Own Fantasy-Action, Video Game Logo.
(Photoshop tutorial: how to create your own video game logo).

The younger generation loves everything bold and unusual. Looking for a unique emblem for your new video game? This guide will show you how to create a dynamic logo like this one.

4. Photoshop | Logo Design Tutorial | Galaxy logo.

Really nice logo? This video details how this simple, but at the same time beautiful and original logo was created.

5. How to create a metal logo in Photoshop.

These videos will show you how to create a metal logo. Enough interesting idea definitely worth a try.

6. How to create a logo for construction company photoshop.

Dreaming of an original logo that no one else will have? Then take a look at this guide. Here you will find everything you need to know and you can create your own masterpiece in just a couple of minutes!

7. How to make a vector skull logo in Photoshop.

With Photoshop, creating a simple yet stylish skull logo is a lot easier than it sounds. Learn how to make this and other memorable emblems in Photoshop and use them to create a pirate logo, for example:

8. Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop Tutorial.
(Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop Tutorial).

In the fashion and style industry, PSD hipster logos are especially popular. It can be especially relevant for owners of a clothing store. If you need such a logo, then you simply cannot do without this guide:

9. How to make a hipster logo in Photoshop.

Another step by step video to teach you how to make hipster emblems in Photoshop. Soon you will be able to make such logos with your eyes closed!

10. How to create a minimalistic and professional logo.

This is a great guide for those who dream of a simple, concise emblem without an abundance of text and images. This will take you less time than you think!

11. How to make a logo in Photoshop. Photo logo.

This video shows the full cycle of transforming a photo into a finished logo.

12. Video tutorial: How to make 3D text, logo.

13. Leafy Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial.
(How to make an eco-themed logo).

In this tutorial for Adobe Photoshop, you'll learn how to convey ideas such as sustainability and sustainability through a logo. environment. The "green" theme will be appropriate for both logos and other graphic images.

14. How to create a logo in Photoshop in 5 minutes.

A universal instruction that describes in detail how to quickly and easily make a corporate logo for a website, company, or your personal logo in Photoshop.

15. These tutorials will teach you how to apply beautiful effects to your logo text. Don't be afraid to experiment with fonts and colors!

16. How to create a retro logo.

A logo is much more than just a corporate image. It should reflect not only what your company does, but also its history, values ​​and mission.

17. Secrets of creating a first-class logo. Beginner's Guide.
(How to Make Logo in Photoshop PSD - Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners - Basic Idea).

This guide covers the entire process of creating a PSD logo from the first to the last step. We advise users to open Photoshop and follow each step in the video. You will see, this is much more effective than just reading the text.

Well, if Photoshop still didn’t work out, try making your logo in , this option will be the most convenient and profitable. You can also create a logo online and then download it and tweak it a little in Photoshop if the result is not to your liking.

What are the advantages of Logaster?

First, the site is very easy to use. All you need to do is enter your business name, type of activity, and then select the best option out of dozens.

Secondly, such a logo maker saves you a lot of time, effort and nerves. Consider a situation where you have just started your business and you urgently need a logo. You can contact the designer, he will ask you to give him a few days to make the first sketches. You will also take the time to explain exactly what you want to receive on calls, emails etc. And not the fact that you will be satisfied. Likewise with Photoshop. If you are not familiar with it, then it is better to save time and create a logo in an online generator in just a few minutes!

And thirdly, you do not need to have any special skills to create a logo online. This can be one of the main advantages of the constructor if you do not know how to work in Photoshop or another graphic editor. In , for example, you can edit the logo as you like: change icons, colors, font, arrangement of elements. The small logo can be downloaded absolutely free of charge.

Do you share our opinion about the importance of the brand?

If yes, then do not put off creating a logo for later. After all, just a few clicks will separate you from the new sign and all branded products developed in the Logaster online service.

Photoshop is a powerful tool for creating, professionally processing and converting raster and vector images. Due to the complexity of the interface and the abundance of unnecessary options for a simple user, the program cannot be named. However, to create unique logos Photoshop is indispensable; how to make your logo in a few minutes - let's try to figure it out.

Preparation of materials

I should warn you right away: Photoshop is not very suitable for creating vector elements, which are then planned to be used in a logo. So, if the user wants to add author's swirls, complex geometric shapes or contours to his emblem, it is better to make them in CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator or similar - and then import them into Photoshop.

If you want to draw your logo based on existing elements, vector (freely scalable) or raster (having finite parameters: size and resolution), these materials should also be prepared in advance: download from the relevant sites, if necessary, crop the image in Photoshop and so Further.

Advice: all "raw" materials, from images to fonts, are recommended to be saved to a shared folder, and upon completion of work with the logo, archived rather than sent to the "Basket"; then, if necessary, the user can quickly return to editing and add or change individual details.

At the same time, it is not necessary to use third-party programs to improve photo quality: Photoshop has excellent functionality and, if the main work is done in it, it can easily replace all other options.

Creating a Canvas

Great! The concept of the logo has been thought out, the source materials have been prepared, which means that you can get to work. The whole process for a novice user will take from fifteen to twenty minutes to several hours; it all depends on the skills you have and the complexity of the emblem. Making a logo will be more difficult than - but with careful following of the instructions, any goal is achievable, including this one.

To make a canvas in Photoshop (a blank on which all other elements will be placed), you will need:

  • Run the program and expand the File menu in the top bar with a mouse click.
  • Select the "Create" option.

  • In the new window - determine the size of the canvas. It is not worth setting too small values: if the logo will be used not only on a website on the Internet, but also as a full-fledged merchandising element, you will need good quality Pictures. In the first drop-down menu at the top, it is recommended to switch the units of measurement to pixels - the universal units of design and printing.

  • And in the value fields - set the smallest parameter (height or width) to at least 1500 pixels. It is possible and more; in addition, if the shape of the logo has not yet been fully thought out, it would be wiser to use a square rather than a stretched up or sideways canvas field - this form gives more opportunities for making adjustments as you work.

  • In the second drop-down list - select pixels per inch as the logo resolution unit.

  • And set the corresponding value in the field located on the right. It must be at least 300 dpi for placement on the Internet and on electronic documents, 600 dpi - for printing on handouts and from 1200 dpi - for full-scale printing. Otherwise, when using the bitmap version of the emblem, the image will come out blurry; and recalculating the “vector” every time is a waste of time and effort.

  • Next, select a color palette. It all depends on the concept of the logo. If it is black and white, the user is more than enough "Greyscale"; if color - RGB (easier processed by third-party editors and printers) or CMYK (a fuller palette, but if the selection is wrong, it gives dull colors). The best option for a user who wants to make a simple full-color logo, it will be RGB.

  • It is not recommended to use a white, black or any other color background as a background for a logo that is planned to be made in Photoshop: in the future, there may be problems with its removal. Expand the drop-down list and scroll down.

  • And select the "Transparent background" option - as a result, outside the created logo there will be nothing but "emptiness".

  • But as a color profile, you can use any of the upper suggested values; if the user plans to export the logo from Photoshop to another editor or print it on a printer without post-processing, the parameters must be selected in accordance with the capabilities of the “receiving party”.

  • The last item can be left unchanged - in order to draw an emblem in Photoshop, it is not needed. Now it remains to click on the "Create" button.

  • And admire the blank canvas in the center of the screen.

  • To make it more convenient to draw on it, it is recommended to select the option "Show in full screen" in the "View" menu.

  • Or adjust the scale manually in the lower left corner of the Photoshop window.

Important: an experienced user already presenting the sizes of the canvases, instead of manual setting use one of the blanks offered by the program - do not forget to check other important parameters: resolution, color profile, and so on.

Adding a frame

Most logos created in Photoshop and other graphic editors are framed: oval, square, polygonal, free-form, and so on. Of course, no one forces the user to add outer borders if they are not needed; however, this way the emblem looks much neater and more attractive.

To add a logo frame:

  • Right-click on the rectangle icon in the left sidebar.

  • Select from the context menu that opens desired shape frame - let it be an ellipse.

  • In the drop-down list on the top panel, set the "Shape" parameter.

  • Next - define a color in the "Fill" field - from the available options, including gradient ones.

  • Or, by clicking on the multi-color icon on the right, use the sliders to set your own own version, most suitable for the logo created in Photoshop.

  • In the "Stroke" field - choose whether the outline of the newly created shape should be present on the canvas. Four options are available to the user: no outline, solid, gradient and dashed stroke.

  • On the example of a gradient, the contour adjustment process is as follows.

  • After choosing the format and color scheme of the gradient, the user sets the thickness of the line using the slider.

  • And selects its type: solid, dashed or dotted.

  • After the figure is drawn, the user will see all the working information in the panel on the right; most of the parameters accidentally changed during the setup can be adjusted here as well.

  • You can undo any erroneous action using the "Step back" option in the "Edit" menu.

  • If, on the other hand, the user only wants an outline, select the No Fill option for the shape being created.

  • And make sure that a properly colored outline appears on the canvas.

  • To change the size of the frame, you can manually adjust the values ​​​​in the same panel on the right - or expand the "Edit" menu, select the "Free Transform" option.

  • And manually transform the contour by dragging the fiducial points.

  • Even more options (in particular, to deform the contour as you wish) the user who is going to draw a logo in Photoshop will find in the "Transform" submenu.

  • As soon as the frame acquires the necessary form, you can proceed to the next step - adding graphic elements.

Import elements

To add a bitmap image to the logo in Photoshop (for example, in PNG, BMP, JPEG or GIF format), you must:

  • Select the "Open" option from the "File" menu.

  • Specify the path to the file in the "Explorer".

  • Agree to process the color profile of the picture - or, which in most cases is enough, check the "Leave unchanged" option.

  • The drawing will open in a separate tab in Photoshop. What to do with it further, we will tell in the next section.

If the image is vector (AI,CDR,SVG, etc.), you will need:

  • Open it as described above.

  • And in the new window, select the conversion options: resolution, size, and so on.

Important: as a rule, vector elements opened in Photoshop look a little more faded than raster counterparts. You should not be afraid of this: the reason is not in the worst quality, but in the intermediate processing methods used by the program.

Outline drawing and other transformations

To convert a "solid" graphic element into an elegant transparent outline, suitable for overlaying a logo, you should:

  • Call the "Quick Selection" tool on the left panel (to get to the context menu, you need to right-click).

  • "Paint" with the mouse, holding the left button, the entire figure. To add separately standing block, you need to hold down and hold the Shift key during the process; to remove an erroneously selected fragment - Alt.

  • Right-click on the selected element and select the "Stroke" option from the menu that opens.

  • In the new window, specify the preferred width and color of the outline.

  • In the new generations of Photoshop, the user who is going to draw a logo will have to select a shade in a separate window using the slider and cursor. When finished, click "OK".

  • And make sure that only the frame remains of the graphic element - it can be used as an independent design component.

  • To get rid of the flickering around the figure, which is unpleasant for the eye, it is enough to select the "Cancel" option in the "Select" menu.

To fill one or more elements, you need to:

  • Select them, as described earlier, and select the appropriate option in the left panel.

  • Select the appropriate color from the palette on the right.

  • And sequentially click the left mouse button on each figure until they are all colored as needed.

  • Each component can be repainted in the same way as many times as desired. When finished, to make the elements more aesthetic, it does not hurt to draw a border around them. Before the next step, you can remove the existing selection or leave it as it is - it will not affect further manipulations.

To create an outline around a graphic element, the user must:

  • Open the "Layers" menu and select the "Stroke" option in the "Layer Style" nested list.

  • Place a checkmark in the "Perform Stroke" checkbox.

  • Define the outline color in the right panel.

  • And its thickness.

  • Great! Now it remains to remove the selection from the layers and proceed to the next step.

Important: similarly, you can process hand-made, found in a printed publication and obtained in other ways design elements - they need to be scanned into any convenient format and opened in Photoshop in accordance with the above algorithm.

Combining elements

The easiest way to transfer shapes from separate tabs to the logo canvas that you plan to create in Photoshop is to select them with the mouse pointer and drag. Now you need:

  • Using the "Free Transform" option, fit the size of each component to the workpiece.

  • At the same time, all previously created elements remain in force.

  • Using other features of Photoshop (rotation, deformation, and so on), place the details in the planned order.

Important: While transferring effects in Photoshop shouldn't be a problem, in some cases it may be necessary to first resize the shape before reapplying the transformations.

Creating Text Blocks

To add text to the logo, you should:

  • Click on the “T” icon located in the left panel.

  • Decide on the font style.

  • Height.

  • And, less importantly, alignment.

  • Type text.

  • And drag it by holding the left mouse button to the desired location. Most likely, the block will at least slightly not correspond to the required size. To fix the situation, the easiest way is to use the already familiar option "Free deformation".

  • It should be noted that in this case the proportions of the inscription as a whole will change - so if the user had to "compress" the text, it will visually become a little higher.

  • The inscription can be edited at any time - just double-click on the corresponding text layer in the lower right corner of the Photoshop window.

Very often you want to fit text to a curved line. There are two ways to complete the task. According to the first user:

  • Converts the inscription to a bitmap object (Rasterize Text Layer option in the Text menu).

  • Using the "Deform" function from the "Transform" nested list, distort the inscription so that it fits into the frame.

The method is not so bad, but the user is guaranteed to violate the proportions of the font; to avoid trouble, you will need:

  • Proceed to the creation of the figure, as described earlier.

  • Select the "Contour" option for it.

  • Draw the path that the text should follow.

  • Select the "Create Text" option, move the cursor over the newly created line and, as soon as a curved line appears above it, start typing the text.

  • With a high degree of probability, the inscription will be incorrectly deployed or located in the wrong place where it was planned. The user should find and select the Path Selection tool.

  • And drag the text to the correct position.

  • Each new block can be edited in exactly the same order; perhaps, in order to give the text a more aesthetic appearance, the user will have to add a font to Photoshop - the program contains too few Russian-language options.


In the most general terms, the creation of the emblem in the logo is completed. Now we need to save the result. Whatever plans the user builds, be sure to create a PSD file that allows further editing:

  • By selecting the "Save As" option from the "File" menu, the owner of the computer.

  • Specifies the name of the emblem that I just made in Photoshop and selects the specified format.

  • Now it remains to select “Maximum Compatibility” so that the logo opens with equal ease even in older versions of Photoshop.

  • The recommended format is PNG.

  • To speed up the process - refuse compression, and in order to improve the output quality of the picture - refuse interlacing.

In this case, the logo will be saved on the hard drive with the initial size. A user seeking fine-tuning should:

  • Select the "Export As" option from the "File" menu.

  • Specify new parameters in the window that appears.

  • And click on the "Export All" button, and then specify the save directory.

Important: since the logo was created on a transparent canvas, some elements may not be visible when viewed on substrates of a certain color; to get rid of this feature PNG format, save the logo as a JPEG/JPG or GIF.

Summing up

To make a logo in Photoshop, you need to prepare the source materials in advance and think over the concept. Next - create a canvas, draw the elements and combine them into a single composition. Upon completion, the user must save the result - in the original PSD format and any of the raster ones, such as PNG.