How to open a gym business plan. Ready-made fitness club business plan. Stages of opening a fitness club

The fitness trend is doing its job: yoga centers, dance studios and gyms are very popular. This is facilitated by the holding of the Olympics in Sochi, a ban on the sale of alcohol after 22:00, a ban on smoking tobacco products in in public places. The idea of ​​creating a gym is no longer new, but the demand for maintenance conditions for a healthy lifestyle is now extremely high, which means that now it will not be too difficult to attract visitors.

The gym is a room with exercise equipment and equipment, in which everyone can work out for a fee. In cities with a population of up to 4 million people, up to 170 such establishments are open. Gyms are common in both large and small cities.

This business is attractive primarily because it does not require impressive sums to invest to open it, while thanks to the growing trend towards a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve constant flow clients who want to get in shape.

The amount of initial investment is 1,562,000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached for the fourth month of work.

Payback period: 11 months.

Average net profit: 177 003 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

It should be understood that gyms are divided into several types:

  • Stand-alone fitness centers offering visitors a wide range of services: SPA, fitness equipment, group and individual classes, swimming pool. Such centers are focused on the widest possible range of consumers who want to receive several options for services at once.
  • Gyms in existing dance studios, fitness clubs, shopping malls. This type is attractive because your business will already have a certain stream of warm customers who may be interested in your services. In this case, you rent a place in a working studio where you have your equipment.
  • Gyms in office centers or detached buildings. This is the most budget option, as it does not require high rent and is quite located in a small area.

In this business plan, we will consider the third option for organizing a business, in which we will rent a room of 230 sq. m for the organization of a fitness space, the hall will be designed for the simultaneous presence of no more than 35 people. What services will the gym provide?

  • Subscription to visit the hall for a period of 1 month (price 2,000 rubles);
  • Subscription to visit the hall for a period of 6 months (price 9,000 rubles);
  • Subscription to visit the hall for a period of 12 months (price 15,000 rubles);
  • One-time visit to the hall (800 rubles);
  • Individual training (1,500 rubles per hour).

In addition, the gym will have a locker room with bathrooms, as well as showers and a sauna, where visitors can relax after a hard workout. This format allows serving a narrow target audience of athletes who are focused on results. Business has a seasonal feature: the highest demand for services is observed in the spring, while a decline should be expected in summer periods when the majority is not up to sports, and many leave the city for a summer residence or to other countries. The hall is open from 10:00-22:00 daily.

3. Description of the market

The target audience of the gym can be segmented as follows:

  • Professional athletes. Such people appreciate comfort, low workload of the hall, high-quality equipment. Athletes spend a long time in the gym, train to build muscle mass;
  • Businessmen who go to the gym to keep fit do not have a large number time for training, they use the services of professional trainers and buy comprehensive services;
  • People who want to lose weight for the summer. Their influx is noticed in the spring, often they take subscriptions for 6 months, because they know that they will interrupt training in the summer. Some of them buy the services of trainers, some do it on their own;
  • People who visit the hall for medical reasons. Such a layer of clients is scrupulous about choosing a gym, carefully consults with trainers, and studies all contraindications. These people do not save on health, buy additional services;
  • Students who prefer to play sports after classes. This audience group is not numerous and spends a lot of time in the hall.

Since ours has average prices for the market, it is logical to assume that the target audience will be people with an average and above average income.

SWOT- project analysis

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Consider the main stages of opening.

Registration with government agencies

The best choice for registration gym will be registered as an individual entrepreneur, because the tax burden in this case will be much lower.

OKVED codes that are suitable for opening a gym:

  1. OKVED 93.11. - "Activity of sports facilities";
  2. OKVED 85.51 - "Individual lessons with coaches and teachers";
  3. OKVED 93.13 - "Activity of fitness centers."

It is best to stop at the taxation of the simplified tax system 6% (of income). In addition, you will need to obtain a document from Rospotrebnadzor, having concluded an agreement with it for the maintenance of air conditioners and fans, a bilateral agreement for the maintenance of the Housing Office, a bilateral agreement for the maintenance and disposal of light bulbs, and a document for a sports institution.

It is also worth taking care of employees: each of them must have medical books, relevant certificates and diplomas proving the right to teach fitness and work as instructors.

In order for the gym to start functioning, you must first obtain permission to work from the fire department, sanitary and epidemiological services, as well as the local property management authority.

Search for premises and repair

Room requirements:

  • Good ventilation;
  • The temperature regime at which the hall will be from +17 to +19 degrees. In the locker room - from +21 to +26 degrees;
  • Humidity should be within 40% -60%. If these figures are lower, you will have to install a humidifier.

Also, according to the norms, the gym should not contradict the instructions prescribed in SNiP 2.04-05-91; SNiP; SNiP 11-12-77; SNiP 23-05-95; SNiP 2.04.01-85.

The area of ​​the hall is at least 150 sq. m., because it needs to accommodate a common room, showers, a sauna, locker rooms, a hall for meeting guests. The cost per square meter varies from 400 to 900 rubles, since we are talking about renting a large area. An important role in choosing a place is played by its cross-country ability: if you open a hall in a remote area, potential customers may not find you. At the same time, it is not necessary to open in the center, the fitness room can successfully function in a residential area, as long as it is easy to find. Also, most likely you will need to repair the premises, allocate 200,000 rubles for this purpose.

We rent a room with an area of ​​230 sq.m., 160 of which will be allocated to the hall, 70 sq.m. - hall, locker rooms, sauna.

Purchase of the necessary inventory and equipment

To open a gym, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

Name Quantity Price per piece total amount
Strength training equipment
Set of rods 20-65 kg1 60 000 60 000
Set of chrome dumbbells from 2 to 16 kg in increments of 1-2 kg, 12 pairs1 40 000 40 000
Expander1 10 000 10 000
Horizontal bar 3 in 14 4 000 16 000
Universal bench3 15 000 45 000
Hamstring trainer1 43 000 43 000
Butterfly1 75 000 75 000
Biceps-triceps machine1 53 000 53 000
Vertical bench press2 32 000 64 000
Back extension machine1 32 000 32 000
Vertical pull machine1 18 000 18 000
Link arm trainer1 25 000 25 000
Sitting Chest Press Machine1 28 000 28 000
Exercise machine vertical and horizontal traction1 60 000 60 000

569 000
Cardio equipment
Exercise bike APPLEGATE E32 A2 33 000 66 000
Elliptical trainer APPLEGATE E32 A2 44 200 88 400
Treadmill CARBON T706 HRC3 45 500 136 500

290 900
Hall equipment
Cash machine1 15 000 15 000
Receptionist1 10 000 10 000
Sofa1 20 000 20 000
Coffee table1 5 000 5 000
Chair1 7 000 7 000
Closet1 10 000 10 000

67 000
Equipment for locker rooms, saunas
Locker room wardrobe30 2 000 60 000
Bench6 1 000 6 000
shower room10 16 000 160 000
Complete sauna1 130 000 130 000

356 000
Staff inventory
Microwave1 10 000 10 000
Kettle1 5 000 5 000

15 000
Total amount:


Personnel search

Even a small gym will require at least the following staff:

  • director;
  • trainer (4 people);
  • administrator (2 people);
  • marketer;
  • cleaning woman;
  • accountant.

Each employee is required to have a valid medical book. The search can be done using familiar, specialized sports portals, social networks. The demand for work in fitness centers is quite high, so it should not be difficult to find staff.

6. Organizational structure

First you need to find two administrators who work in shifts. They will receive visitors, answer incoming calls, advise clients, accept payments, check the condition of equipment, showers and changing rooms, monitor the availability of water and household supplies. The administrator's work schedule is 2/2 from 10:00 to 22:00. You should find employees in a good physical form, friendly, responsible and disciplined, because the attitude to your hall will depend on their work. The salary of the administrator is 20,000 rubles. per month.

Also, the gym needs trainers (instructors) who will deal with clients on an individual basis. The coach gets wages+ percentage of each sold individual training (50%). The trainer must have an appropriate certificate confirming his knowledge and experience in this area, because he will draw up nutrition and training programs, which directly affects the health of the client.

After the collapse of the USSR, gyms were privatized. In the "dashing" 90s, there was a cult of strength in fashion, and young people wanted to be like Hollywood "strong men". However, many entrepreneurs "didn't get it."

IN last years The sports business is experiencing a “renaissance” as unhealthy eating has created too many “weighted people” who need a gym to lose weight. Especially if money allows. You can capitalize on this aspiration, but in order to successfully bring the idea to life, you need a competent gym business plan.

Market analysis and target audience

Now is the time to open the gym for athletes. Numerous publications about the need for regular exercise work to the benefit of this entrepreneurship. About a quarter of the population suffers from obesity. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, only 5% fat people excess weight is caused by a malfunction in the endocrine system. The rest - overeating and lack of exercise.

If a middle-aged man has a waist circumference greater than 102 cm, he needs to go to the gym 3 times a week. This advice also applies to women with a waist of more than 88 cm. In addition, a third of children and adolescents are overweight. According to conservative estimates, about 33 million people in Russia need regular sports training. Meanwhile, the current halls have " throughput» 12 million people.

Gym services

The main motivation of people visiting the gym for sports is the fight against excess weight, and with sparing loads for the heart. They need competent instructors who are able to provide first aid. The task of trainers is to create balanced individual programs.

  • walking or running on a treadmill;
  • "riding" on an exercise bike;
  • "rowing" in place;
  • exercises for the abs;
  • strength training exercises;
  • hitting a punching bag;
  • pull-ups and other exercises on the "Swedish wall";
  • playing mini football, volleyball and badminton.

How much does it cost to open a gym

To understand how to open your own gym, you need to make a plan and solve a number of tasks, the most difficult of which is the selection of premises.

room for the hall

In 45% of cases, sports centers are closed due to insufficient transport or walking distance, as well as due to street noise and unhealthy environmental conditions.

“There is no place to park a car, you have to go through a marginal area, just a terrible place, there is a car artery nearby” - these are the reasons why people refused to visit the advertised halls.

Even if the place for the hall is chosen well and there are visitors, claims can be made by government agencies - primarily regarding compliance with sanitary standards and rules of SP on "sports facilities".

It is recommended to have two halls - 30 sq. meters and 100 sq. meters. The first one is for "jocks". The second one is for ordinary people who "fight" with hypodynamia. Do not forget that many come because of the complex of excess weight. Next to athletes, they may experience mental discomfort. Before the opening of the hall, you will need a place for the reception - 10-15 sq. meters, 2 locker rooms of 20 sq. meters, 2 showers, associated with locker rooms of 10 sq. meters, an office for staff - 7-15 square meters. meters.

Renting a complex of necessary premises will cost 200,000 rubles a month. At the same time, repairs in the hall, even in the style of minimalism, can cost a million rubles.


The staff in the hall plays a critical role in the success of a business. Instructors must develop a special relationship of trust with the clientele. The TV show "Weighted People" shows how important it is for a coach to be both a commander and a friend.

"If fat man sees a mocking look, most likely he will not come again, - says Irina Kashina, the owner of a successful fitness room, - I urge my assistants to participate with interest in the training of the wards. Once, a man from a very prestigious club came to us only because he heard the instructor's chuckle behind him. Later it turned out that the man works as a top manager of the largest bank.”

As a reference book for sports instructors, Kashina recommends The Health Fitness Instructor's Guide by Edward T. Hawley, B. Don Franke.

Opening a gym in Moscow requires hiring:

  • director (they may be the owner) - salary of 70 thousand rubles;
  • instructors in the hall in the amount of 4 people with salaries of 40 thousand rubles;
  • a receptionist (who is also an accountant) with a salary of 30 thousand rubles;
  • security guards in the amount of 2 people with salaries of 25 thousand rubles;
  • master of cleanliness (cleaning lady) with a salary of 20 thousand rubles.

In total, according to the business plan, the payroll fund, excluding mandatory taxes, will amount to 330 thousand rubles per month.

Equipment in the hall

The equipment is selected depending on the area of ​​the room. On the one hand, there should be free access to the simulators, on the other hand, “voids” are fraught with financial losses. As a rule, the data sheets say how many square meters. meters is recommended for the projectile. It is important to consider a place for a bench where the client can relax and put his personal belongings (towel, bathrobe, bag).

The open source Sweet Home 3D interior modeling software will help you place the equipment in the hall. You can also use the "Matrix Scheduler" - by the way, there is a version in Russian. Visualization in 3D reduces the risk of error and ensures the selection of the optimal set of simulators.

“Some simulator sellers provide 3D modeling as a bonus,” says Irina Kashina. - As for the types of simulators, most in demand use treadmills and shells to strengthen the press. That is, what quickly brings the figure in order.

The cost of simulators in the hall is 100 sq. meters can reach 300 thousand - 400 thousand rubles.

Advertising and marketing

Betting on young people who are interested in bodybuilding and powerlifting is hardly the right strategy, since this clientele has low incomes. For them, a small already finished hall 30 sq. meters in the low-cost price segment. That is, with a subscription cost of 15,000 rubles per year.

"Bodybuilders" will come to the club if there is a bench for bench press, horizontal bars, parallel bars, barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells in the room. And if you also install a butterfly simulator to train the muscles of the chest, then success is guaranteed. True, the profitability of "low-cost" is minimal and balances on the verge of cost. Therefore, it makes no sense to "puzzle" over expensive advertising.

Another thing is the opening of a gym for wealthy athletes who are ready to pay several hundred rubles for an hourly workout. Here, emphasis should be placed on health-improving fitness and weight loss programs.

“People no longer “peck” at a bright poster or a beautiful signboard for advertising a gym,” says Kashina. In her opinion, it is important to rely on "special training methods" or on the "school of a famous coach." Such a PR campaign costs up to three hundred thousand rubles, but the money invested justifies itself.

General start-up investments for the opening of a sports hall

As a rule, a sports center plan with calculations can only have framework restrictions on terms and investments. All businessmen give different numbers - even despite the fact that everyone has a “middle” (medium) format. It is inferior to "business +" mainly in terms of design. Although the range of services is the same.

That is, the amount of initial investment when opening a gym can be different: from 100 thousand rubles for the “low-cost” format located “in the basement” to 2-3 million rubles for a gym claiming the status of a premium institution. Here are the results of the survey and the investment plan in the table:

Amount of investment

payback gym

Hall area

Owner's Estimated Income


100-200 thousand rubles

30 sq. meters

20-40 thousand rubles per month

800 thousand rubles

100 - 150 sq. meters

80-120 thousand rubles per month

Up to 3 million rubles

200-300 sq. meters

250 thousand rubles per month

How to open a gym competently: a step-by-step plan

When opening a sports hall, an entrepreneur needs to act like this:

  1. Select format. Even if the business is built from scratch, you need to find at least 2 professional instructors and agree with them in advance.
  2. Find an appropriate room, evaluate transport and walking accessibility. It would be nice to know if there were gyms nearby and why they went broke.
  3. Develop a detailed business plan for the simulator with calculations. It is important to consider the likelihood that promotion will take a long time.
  4. Register as an individual entrepreneur, collect the necessary documents.
  5. Perform three-dimensional modeling using the Sweet Home 3D or Matrix Planner programs, draw up a list of equipment, furniture and accessories, and make a purchase.
  6. Hire staff.
  7. Organize an advertising campaign in crowded places of youth and office workers. It would be nice to have an agreement with medical centers so that they send overweight people for physical education for a fee.

After that, organize the opening of the hall and wait for the break-even point to be reached.


A business can fail due to an unsuccessful choice of premises. The second risk is losing the competition to an entrepreneur who is strong enough on his feet to weather the tough times.

As a rule, prestigious commercial centers are opened by former athletes with financial support, or business ladies who have been fond of fitness for a long time. Anna Vernikova, the owner of the fitness room, said that the money was given by the sponsor and in general she has been going to the prestigious fitness center for 10 years. According to her observations, there are many like her in this case. Even with a lack of customers, nothing terrible will happen if there is sponsorship money.

The promotion period can stretch for a year, during which it is necessary to pay rent and maintain staff.

It is clear that it will be difficult to withstand competition with small starting opportunities and without any patronage from the “powerful ones”, unless you choose a “low-cost” hall as a format, and then try to expand to the “middle”. In any case, long promotion is a serious threat.

Creating a business+ class gym is a very risky undertaking. And the low-cost hall works stably even in crises, however, it brings low incomes to the owner. As for the "middle", it is characterized by a long period of promotion, followed by high stability.

If in the 90s entrepreneurs popularized bodybuilding, today they are trying to make money on the fight against excess weight. And many succeed - however, with the support of competent instructors and with sufficient investment.

Exercising in the gym, as part of a healthy lifestyle, is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising. To visit the gym, you do not need to look at the weather outside the window, you can just take a sports uniform and go to training.We are also interested in how to open a gym from scratch. Therefore, we will consider this business in more detail.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start your business, you need to have a ready-made gym business plan. It should include the main types of expenses. For example:

  • the cost of renting premises from 20 to 50 thousand rubles / month;
  • staff wages 80 thousand rubles / month;
  • funds for advertising 10-20 thousand rubles / month;
  • capital for the purchase of simulators 200-300 thousand rubles;
  • current expenses. This may include unexpected costs, for example, to repair a broken pipe or other unforeseen expenses of 10-15 thousand rubles / month;
  • payment of utility bills 15-25 thousand rubles / month
  • payment of taxes and fees depending on the form of ownership.

Accordingly, the minimum expenses will be 135 thousand rubles / month, plus money for the purchase of simulators and the payment of taxes.Since in the example considered, our operating expenses are 135 thousand rubles / month, respectively, with a subscription price of 1.5 thousand rubles, we need to attract 90 people in order to break even. To make a profit, customers, of course, must be more. After all, we need not only to cover the costs, but also to make a profit and recoup the money spent on equipment. It is worth considering a good strategy to attract more customers.

Premises selection

When choosing a room for your future gym, you need to proceed from the correct ratio of price and location. It is not necessary to have premises in the city center to run a successful business. It is enough that it is located in places of high traffic of people. This may be near metro stations or near a university. Opening a gym in a residential area will also be quite successful, as it is convenient for people to go to workouts close to home.

The size of the future hall should be at least 100 square meters. m. With a smaller area, it will be difficult to provide for the availability of all the necessary facilities - locker rooms, showers, toilets and a normal-sized training room. In general, when determining the area of ​​​​the future premises, one should proceed from the considerations that a minimum of 2 sq.m is required for each potential client. Actually, it should be understood that with a room size of 100 sq.m, 50 people can comfortably stay in it, 200 sq.m - 100 people. Therefore, when choosing a room, you need to take into account the number of desired customers.

The main training rooms should be well ventilated to avoid stuffiness and high humidity. The presence of air conditioning is also very desirable, otherwise in the summer the flow of customers will be greatly reduced.

Showers are required in the gym. Actually, the lack of showers is a significant minus that can play a fatal role. After all, some attend training before work, and just after playing sports, you need to put yourself in order.

We select a room

Pay attention to the condition of the room. It might need renovation. This may result in additional costs. Then this money will also need to be taken into account when calculating the starting capital.The money invested in repairs can be quite substantial. In order to repair a room of 150 sq.m, with a toilet and two showers, a minimum of 100-150 thousand rubles will be required. This is provided that you do not have to change the wiring and communications.

Collection of necessary documentation

First you need to select and register legal form his future business in the tax. At first it will be easier and easier to register as individual entrepreneur. This will help to avoid additional costs for accounting and make it possible to use a simplified taxation scheme.

When registering, you must specify the codes of the all-Russian classifier of species economic activity(OKVED), for the services that you will provide. Here is the list of codes:

  • physical culture and health-improving activity 93.04;
  • other sports activities 92.62;
  • activity of sports facilities 92.61.

The only thing to remember is that if you expand the range of services in the future (for example, add a children's room), then you should indicate this in advance.Then we get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. This will require the availability of medical documents from employees, a contract for the maintenance of the premises, a passport for a sports facility and a production control plan (PPC).

Equipment selection

To equip the hall with the necessary simulators, you need to carefully consider their number so that it is possible to work out all muscle groups. It is also worth considering that our estimated number of clients can be engaged at the same time. The list of equipment below is designed for a 100 sq. m.

Equipped gym room

Minimum number of trainers:

  • horizontal bench 3-4 pieces;
  • press simulator 2-3 pcs.;
  • bench with a leg machine and a barbell rack 2-3 pieces;
  • leg press simulator 2-3 pcs.;
  • simulator for the development of chest muscles 1-2 pcs.;
  • Smith machine 1-2 pieces;
  • treadmill 1-2 pieces;
  • various barbells, dumbbells, discs and many other little things.

Dumbbells and discs for barbells should be several pieces of different weights, so that it is easy for clients to train with the right weight.The above set is the minimum. If the area of ​​​​the premises and funds allow you to purchase more equipment, then you should buy:

  • emphasis for the press;
  • traction of the upper block;
  • hyperextension;
  • t-simulator;
  • crossover.

When purchasing simulators, you should look at good manufacturers. Perhaps, to save money, it is worth buying not new, but already used units. This will allow you to buy high-class equipment with significant savings.

In general, gym equipment should be reliable and durable - these are the main selection criteria.

Customer acquisition

To attract as many customers as possible, you need to conduct an advertising campaign.You can hire students to distribute flyers in public places (at the entrance to shopping centers, supermarkets and subways) and stick information sheets on poles and a notice board near your hall.

Distribution of leaflets

Develop loyalty programs for regular customers. Expandrange of services and training programs to reach a wider population. Design special programs for women and teenagers. This will increase the number of potential visitors.


When selecting staff, you need to remember that a good team is the key to your successful business.When choosing coaches, you can communicate with physical education teachers from nearby schools. Their workload and salary is low and it is possible to hire a good specialist for a moderate fee. It is also worth considering candidates for the position with experience in coaching in sports schools and sections.

Pay attention that your employees, especially trainers, do not have bad habits. Gym employees drinking or smoking on the porch is a negative image of your business.

In principle, for a small gym, it will be enough to hire two coaches who will work in shifts. It would be nice, of course, to have a cleaning lady and an administrator, but, in principle, an administrator can combine these two positions. The minimum number of staff is five people.

Benefits of the sports business

The segment of this business is still quite free and there is an opportunity to avoid high competition. Therefore, it is worth considering the gym as a business. The payback period for such a business is from one to one and a half years. What's enough small investment makes it very attractive.With the right strategy to attract customers and the right choice of location, you can achieve high profitability and a good level of income.

In contact with

There is no doubt that the demand for fitness culture among the population is growing. Therefore, it would be a good idea to create a business in this industry. Having made a conscious choice, the main thing is to correctly create a fitness club from scratch, with its step-by-step implementation.

Running a gym is very interesting and profitable enterprise. This is much more than a desire to help other people realize their weight goals, you can also maintain your weight and stay in shape forever. We presented finished sample fitness club business plan with calculations, object description, payback and other indicators.

It is appropriate to say that the project can be a bit capital intensive as you will have to purchase all the valuable and vital fitness equipment that will help your business. You will also need to hire the best instructors who can help people achieve their goals fairly quickly and systematically.

The training business is gaining more ground in Lately as it was in the 20th century. People are now more aware of the immeasurable benefits they get when they enroll in a gym. It is now obvious to a lot of people that they can stay healthy, improve their lifestyle and live longer if they exercise regularly.

Statistics show that the number of people who visit fitness clubs is constantly growing, and the fact that the gym is now closer to residential areas makes this possible. In addition, with an increase in the flow of trainees, the income of the sports complex increases.

Some people don't sign up for fitness clubs because they don't have the money to buy some basic equipment. But because exercising regularly requires discipline, and that's part of what they want to get when they exercise under the guidance of an instructor.

Next Factor the emergence of gyms - an increase in the number of people with obesity. Being obese is a risk to one's health, which is why people with this problem, who really want to stay healthy, go to the gyms that are near them.

There is also a category of people who visit fitness centers for other reasons. Some sign up to the gym mainly to control weight through proper training, while others head to the gym to train and build their biceps (muscles), for cardio sessions, etc.

Researchers, engineers, health and fitness professionals are always improvising and inventing fitness equipment that can help people and athletes in the gym achieve their goals. While gym equipment can be expensive, the truth is that most of it lasts a long time if used properly. In addition to the fact that the acquisition of any equipment for is an investment that is worth the time.

A business plan for a fitness club requires sufficient cash to equip the gym to meet the standard expected by exercisers. Recently, the fitness industry is not going to go out of fashion, and the number of people who sign up for workouts will continue to grow, and this, of course, will transfer more money for the owner of the enterprise.

The trend in the fitness industry is that if a fitness club is located in a residential area or in a place where people can easily access without much stress, chances are that the gym will enjoy high patronage.

As in others business companies are looking for ways to increase their market share:

  • They go to make deals with universities and also offer home services.
  • They also offer pro bono services for a certain period of time, and then gradually introduce fees. This conversion is very beneficial for some loyal members.

When compiling a business plan for a fitness club from scratch, it is necessary to take into account that as gyms grow, it is necessary to develop new proposals or install new facilities that will help attract more people. Not surprisingly, some fitness centers now have juice bars in their establishment to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. In other words, it is very important that fitness clubs continue to improvise if they want to grow their business and generate targeted revenues.

The target market for a fitness club crosses people from different walks of life. The fact that people sign up for fitness clubs for various reasons makes marketing interesting for businesses.

The target market for gyms and fitness centers can be divided into three groups:

  • First group- These are people who strive to maintain weight through proper training under the guidance of a qualified instructor.
  • Another group of people these are those who are interested in building their biceps (bodybuilding).
  • Third group of people- those who just want to sign up for cardio sessions under the supervision of a qualified trainer. These sessions are a combination of light weights, treadmills, and bikes.
  • corporate managers.
  • Business people.
  • Housewives.
  • Athletes and athletes.
  • Pupils.
  • Students.
  • People of different ages.

Competitive advantage

It suits that our fitness club is located in the city center in a densely populated residential area. This will obviously give us an edge over our competitors. We also have a team of highly trained professionals who will work with all of our clients to achieve their goals or enroll in our gym. Finally, our membership package is one of the best, anyone who lives in the city can get it - it's cheap and affordable.

We will continue to work hard to ensure continuous improvement of our facility and delivery service. In fact, for, our services will be unparalleled.

Marketing plan

Our marketing strategies will be aimed at achieving specific goals that support strategic goals organizations. The truth is that everything we do will be aimed at creating new distribution channels, increasing sales and increasing market share. We will use improved services and opportunities to win new customers and retain old members.

Our marketing strategies will be aligned across the entire marketing mix and we will consider product improvement, promotion and price. As part of the sports club business plan, for our sales and marketing strategies, we will focus on promoting our gym to attract people to enroll and become members of our gym.

Our unique trade offer is that we are well positioned and people can easily access our facility, our prices are affordable and we have a complete package for families.

Parts of the fitness club and sales strategies we will be adopting:

  • Opening a fitness club with a big party.
  • Advertising in daily newspapers, local TV stations and local radio station.
  • Promotion through our official website and all available social media platforms.
  • Continuously improve the performance of our brands.
  • Use the services of experts to make our brands the first choice for people.
  • To provide a consistent customer experience to all of our members; making our first impression positive for those who used our fitness club for the first time.
  • Use attractive hand bills to create awareness as well as referrals to our fitness club.
  • Adopt a direct marketing approach for courier mail.
  • Place our advertising banners in strategic places.
  • Create a loyalty plan that will allow us to reward our loyal members, especially those who are registered as a family.
  • Also to participate in road shows in the area to raise awareness of our fitness club.

The opening of a small gym will cost a fairly reasonable amount - 1.1 million rubles. Naturally, this will be an establishment of an average level with a minimum of additional services, but with almost endless possibilities for further “upgrade” and expansion. A loan for the above amount will be given to a conscientious businessman in any large bank at reasonable interest rates.

The business of opening a gym, an example of which is described here, is registered in the form of an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system (STS). The tax rate in this system is 15% (income minus expenses), and the process of filling out tax returns is as simple as possible. During the procedure for registering a gym, in the classifier of types of activity, you need to select the following OKVED codes, How:

  • 93.12 "Activity of sports clubs".
  • 93.13 "Activity of fitness centers".
  • 93.19 "Other activities in the field of sports."

The standard set of services that can be provided in a relatively small gym is as follows:

  • One-time self-study.
  • Systematic self-study on a pre-purchased subscription.
  • One-time classes under the supervision of a qualified instructor.
  • Systematic lessons on individual program under the supervision of a qualified instructor (trainer).

As the business develops, it will be possible to significantly expand the range of services. For example, hire a sports masseur and organize a massage parlor. Also, some "advanced" gyms have a sauna for clients to recover from hard workouts. In any case, monitoring wishes and needs target audience sooner or later will tell you in which direction it is better to develop your gym.

How much to invest in opening

The initial financial costs in organizing a gym can be divided into the following items:

The main item of initial expenses at the stage of opening a gym will be the purchase of sports equipment and inventory. Their cost "eats" almost 50% of the initial investment. This is quite reasonable, since the attractiveness of the gym for potential clients. Also Special attention it is worth paying attention to the design and repair of the premises, the purchase of high-quality furniture, which will also cost a pretty penny. The amounts of the remaining initial investments are calculated at a minimum, since these costs are not of paramount importance.

Marketing plan

Marketing plan focused on the "promotion" of the gym in small town, is quite simple to implement and includes the following steps:

  • Placement of advertising modules in printed editions of the city.
  • Some advertising banners, calling for a healthy lifestyle and unobtrusively offering to visit your gym.
  • Creation of a bright one-page site with the necessary information content.
  • Development of a system of subscriptions and discount cards for regular customers.

The bulk of customers, whatever one may say, will be provided by a non-powerful advertising campaign, and the usual "gypsy mail" - satisfied customers will quickly provide a good advertising effect through their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

The income of the gym will depend on the number of subscriptions sold, the number of one-time visits by clients, as well as on the additional services provided. With a normal level of competition, in a city with a population of 300 to 500 thousand people, attendance at the gym will be in the region of 150 people per day. Accordingly, the daily income will be about 15,000 rubles, or, on average, 100 rubles per client (including those who use subscriptions). It is easy to calculate that the monthly "dirty" income of the owner of the gym will be about 375 thousand rubles.

Production plan

The optimal total area of ​​the gym and related facilities should be about 200 square meters. meters. This area is designed for one-time classes of 50-70 people. To save on rent, you can rent a semi-basement in a residential area of ​​​​the city and equip it in accordance with the concept of a gym. You need to divide the usable area into the following "zones":

  • Directly the hall for classes - 130 sq. meters.
  • Two locker rooms (men's and women's) - 15 "squares" each.
  • Reception area - 10 sq. meters.
  • Bathrooms and showers with a total area of ​​20 sq. meters.
  • Utility room for inventory storage - 10 sq. meters.

Naturally, all the rules fire safety and SanPiN norms in the gym must be strictly observed (including the installation of fire alarms). The evacuation plan in the event of an emergency should be placed in a visible, well-lit place.

The optimal schedule for the gym looks like this:

  • Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Saturday - from 09:00 to 18:00.
  • Sunday is a day off.

Hiring qualified personnel should be given increased attention: trainers and instructors must have the appropriate education, certificates and permits. It is categorically not recommended to hire “self-taught” people from the street, because due to improperly organized training, the health of customers and the reputation of the institution can be seriously affected.

Below is a list of personnel that is necessary for the full functioning of the gym:

Job title Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Administrator 1 25 000 25 000 300 000
2 Secretary at the reception 2 15 000 30 000 360 000
3 Fitness instructor 4 20 000 80 000 960 000
4 Accountant 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
5 Cleaning woman 2 10 000 20 000 240 000
TOTAL 175 000 2 100 000

The following table lists the equipment that needs to be purchased for the gym, as well as indicative list"small" inventory (prices are valid at the beginning of 2017).

Name Quantity Price, rub.) Amount (rub.)
Standard treadmill 3 40 000 120 000
Bicycle trainer 6 15 000 90 000
Complex for strength exercises 2 40 000 80 000
Complex for gymnastic exercises 3 30 000 90 000
Various sports equipment (dumbbells, barbells, gymnastic balls, etc.) 20 000
Drinking water coolers 2 5000 10 000
TOTAL 500 000

Calculations of income and expenses

This part of the business plan is devoted to the calculation of financial costs and profits from the functioning of the gym. The first table shows the main items of operating expenses that the owner of this business will face.

The profitability of a gym in a provincial city is calculated in the following table:

The above calculations show that the net annual profit from the work of the gym after paying taxes to the state treasury will be about 800 thousand rubles. The gym will bring its owner about 60-70 thousand rubles of net income per month - the amount is not astronomical, but quite decent, given the specifics of running this business in a small town. Accordingly, the profitability of the gym will be about 22%, and investments in its opening will pay off in a maximum of a year and a half.

Possible risks

Like other types of business, the organization of a gym is associated with some risks, Negative influence which, however, is minimized due to competent preliminary planning and work to meet the current needs of the target audience. The most likely types of risk include the following:

  • The fall in the standard of living of the population and, as a result, a decrease in its interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Insufficient attention of the regional authorities to the activities to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle.
  • The emergence of competitors with a more "advanced" material and technical base and a developed system for attracting customers.
  • Lack of qualified sports instructors to work with visitors to the gym.

The above risks are not critical, and they are easy to predict at an early stage of development of this type of business. In any case, an astute entrepreneur will find those ways of developing his business that will lead him to success and provide a decent profit.