Is it easy to choose a profession? How to choose the right future profession to your liking if you don’t know what you want to be? Mistake number four: people take you there only because of connections or how to test your talents

Good day everyone! Those who have been reading me for a long time know that I mainly write on accounting topics.

But sometimes we really want to diversify our work with ordinary situations from life.

So, my mother worked as an estimator, and from childhood she wanted me to follow her path, but it turned out the other way around.

We had a very good class teacher, and starting from the 9th grade, she invited her friends from different professions to the class to chat.

And one day an accountant from a large road company came to us. She was a confident, competent and also very beautiful woman; she talked about her profession with such passion that I was involuntarily inspired by her example. And later she became an accountant.

Thinking about this today, I realized how important it is to understand already during your school years about who you want to be. This article contains a little material about what to pay attention to when helping your child decide. And at the very end there is a very interesting test. Out of curiosity, even adults can take it.

Everyone Have a good day, the end of the week is approaching, I hope everything is going according to plan for you!

How to choose the right future profession

How to help your child choose a profession. When to start?

It is necessary to help a child choose a profession even before their parents are born. Why? Because a parent must be prepared in every possible way. And how good it is when, at a young age, a schoolchild can choose a profession to his liking.

In particular, you need to achieve an understanding: my child is not me. The child is different. He looks like me, but he's different. Firstly, it carries a slightly different set of genes, and secondly, it grows in a different era.

We need to study this other one. How to study it? But you need to keep a diary, make notes in which you record the child’s actions, words, and activities.

Second. You need to give your child as much as possible to try in life.

Don’t drive a car at 8 years old, God forbid, it’s dangerous for others, but give him the opportunity to communicate with the world of simple and complex things. Especially the natural world: horses, cows, sheep, bees, fishing, etc.

If a child has never tried to sew on a button, or bake a cake, or nail a nail, paint a wall, or take a photograph, he will not fully understand the world.

If parents are more concerned about the safety of the child’s clothes and do not allow him to touch the frog with his hands, for example, these are bad parents, they think about themselves, and not about the child. What does this have to do with choosing a profession?


When choosing a profession, it is necessary to proceed from the attractiveness of the object of labor and the attractiveness of the actions performed with this object. For example, the object can be a number, and the actions can be analysis and construction of a structure. And what kind of profession could this be?

Programmer, financier. And if a love of technology intervenes, then a design engineer, developer.

In the lower grades, it is impossible to understand what profession is in store for a person, but you can observe and record how a person reacts to certain stimuli, objects, and what actions he likes to perform with them.

All this must be written down. That's all. And don’t sleep yourself, but observe everything and don’t deny the child anything educational, go to museums and watch movies together.

And also discuss the world and what is happening in the world with your child. And also support your child with praise when he is interested in at least something, even if this something seems like a mere trifle to you. Don’t say: when you grow up, you’ll know.


Don't stop doing what you are already doing. In addition, with an iron will to teach a child to work. Both mental and physical.

In any profession, it is the hard worker who survives. Play sports and exercise. The healthy survive in any profession.

Start showing professions in order to decide on your future profession. I know families where children from the age of four are sent to modeling school.

It's your choice, but I think it spoils children. Children become more interested in how they look rather than in the complex and interesting world in which they live. They become narcissistic individuals.


If you, Parents of schoolchildren, have done everything as it should in past years, you already clearly understand how your child communicates, what his level of aspirations is, what his interests are built around, what his strengths are, what his weaknesses are, what actions he likes to perform .


How to choose a profession for schoolchildren

Today's schoolchildren have to decide on choosing a profession very early. After the 9th grade, you need to decide whether to continue studying at school or go to get a profession at a college (college, technical school). And the senior classes in many schools are already specialized.

The question of choosing a profession, however, is very difficult.

All factors must be taken into account:

  • abilities, personal qualities, and limitations of the child;
  • inclinations and interests;
  • requirements various professions to the individual;
  • demand for professions in the labor market;
  • opportunities for obtaining education in a given profession (including the financial capabilities of the family).

Only at the intersection of all these factors can an informed and correct choice be made.

It is very important that this choice is the child’s personal choice. Only then, no matter what it is, the child will be responsible for it.

How can parents help?

1. Information

Parents, as adults, have experience professional activity and objective information about many professions and the state of the labor market.

In addition, you can help your child search for information that interests him - books, searching on the Internet, introducing the teenager to representatives of professions that interest him, searching for good tests for career guidance and career consultants.

2. “Professional auditions”

A very important mechanism vocational guidance- “trying out” the profession on yourself. Sometimes this opportunity is provided by certain circles and sections.

For example, the editorial office of a youth newspaper for a potential journalist. Sometimes it is possible to get a high school student a job in a field of interest to him in the lowest position during the holidays.

Coming up with a “professional test” option and implementing it is often only possible for an adult.

3. Discussion

A serious, thoughtful conversation about choosing a profession can yield a lot. In a conversation, it is important to understand together with the child what criteria he used to choose this or that profession, how he imagines it, what prospects he sees for development in it.

It will be very valuable if you can discuss alternatives with your teenager: “Where else could you realize your abilities?”, “What other professions would suit you?”

Often teenagers become fixated on one profession that is popular, dismissing many other suitable options.

It is very useful in such conversations to allow your son or daughter to dream a little, pushing aside various “I won’t succeed”, “I can’t get into such a university”, “they don’t earn much in this profession”, and so on.

Only having clearly realized your desires and inclinations, you need to take the next step - to analyze the possibilities.

If your child cannot decide, the help of a psychologist-vocational consultant will be useful. Special tests, career guidance games, consultations - all this can help you make the right choice! Evgenia Lepeshova, psychologist


Test on how to choose a profession you like

Test using Klimov's method. Choice of profession.

A variant of the career guidance test. For each person, due to his individual qualities, certain professions are suitable.

You can determine your aptitude for a type of activity and choose a profession by passing a test.

Test instructions:

1) take a blank sheet of paper and make five columns:

  • I - “man - nature”,
  • II - “man - technology”,
  • III - “man is a sign system”,
  • IV - “man is an artistic image”,
  • V - “person - person”;

2) read the statements in order, and if you agree with them, then with a “+” sign, write the number indicated in brackets in the corresponding column on your sheet (the column number is indicated in Roman numerals).

If you do not agree, then write down the number with a “-” sign. For example: “I can willingly and for a long time make something, repair something” (II-1).

If you do not agree with this statement, then write down “-1” in column II (“man - technology”). If you cannot answer definitely, then do not write down the number at all;

3) having answered 30 statements in this way, calculate the sums of the written numbers (taking into account the “pros” and “cons”) in each of the columns.

The largest positive amounts will be in the columns corresponding to the types of professions that are most suitable for you, the smallest (and even more negative amounts) will be in the unsuitable professions.

The maximum number of points in each column is 8.

Test material

  • I easily meet new people (V-1).
  • I can willingly make and repair something for a long time (II-1).
  • I like to go to museums, theaters, and art exhibitions (IV-1).
  • I willingly and constantly monitor and care for plants and animals (I-1).
  • I can count things willingly and for a long time, solve problems, and draw (III-1).
  • I willingly help other people care for animals and plants (I-1).
  • I like to spend time with my younger ones when I need to keep them busy, get them excited about something, or help them with something (V-1).
  • I usually make few mistakes in written work (III-1).
  • What I do with my own hands usually attracts the interest of my comrades or other people (II-2).
  • Even strangers believe that I have aptitude for a certain area of ​​art (IV-2).
  • I enjoy reading about flora and fauna (I-1).
  • I actively participate in amateur performances (IV-1).
  • I willingly read about the design of mechanisms, machines, instruments (II-1).
  • I willingly solve crosswords, puzzles, rebuses, and difficult problems (III-2).
  • I easily resolve disagreements between friends or other people (V-2).
  • People think I have a knack for working with technology (II-2).
  • The results of my artistic creativity even strangers approve (IV-2).
  • People think I have a knack for working with plants or animals (I-2).
  • I am usually able to express my thoughts in writing in detail and clearly for others (III-2).
  • I almost never quarrel with anyone (V-1).
  • The results of my technical creativity are approved by strangers (II-1).
  • I learn foreign languages ​​without much difficulty (III-1).
  • I often happen to help even strangers (V-2).
  • I can practice music, drawing, reading books, etc. for a long time. (IV-1).
  • I can influence the development of plants and animals (I-2).
  • I like to understand the structure of mechanisms and devices (II-1).
  • I usually manage to persuade people to my point of view (V-1).
  • I like to observe plants or animals (I-1).
  • I willingly read popular science, critical literature, and journalism (III-1).
  • I try to understand the secrets of craftsmanship and try my hand at painting, music, etc. (IV-1).

Brief description of types of professions:

I. “Man-nature”.

If you love working in the garden, vegetable garden, caring for plants and animals, or love the subject of biology, then check out professions like “man-nature”


The subject of labor for representatives of most professions such as “man-nature” are:

  • animals, conditions of their growth and life;
  • plants and their growing conditions.
  • study, research, analyze the state and living conditions of plants or animals (agronomist, microbiologist, livestock specialist, hydrobiologist, agrochemist, phytopathologist);
  • grow plants, care for animals (forester, field grower, florist, vegetable grower, poultry farmer, livestock breeder, gardener, beekeeper);
  • carry out the prevention of plant and animal diseases (veterinarian, quarantine service doctor).

Psychological requirements of the “man-nature” professions:

  • developed imagination, visual-figurative thinking, good visual memory, observation, the ability to anticipate and evaluate changing natural factors;
  • since the results of activities are revealed after quite a long time, the specialist must have patience, perseverance, and must be ready to work outside of teams, sometimes in difficult weather conditions, in mud, etc.

II. "Man-Technology".

If you like laboratory works in physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, if you make models, understand household appliances, if you want to create, operate or repair machines, mechanisms, devices, machine tools, then familiarize yourself with the professions of “human technology”.

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions such as “technical people” are:

  • technical objects (machines, mechanisms);
  • materials, types of energy.

Specialists in this field have to perform the following activities:

  • creation, installation, assembly technical devices(specialists design, construct technical systems, devices, develop processes for their manufacture. Machines, mechanisms, devices are assembled from individual units and parts, they are regulated and adjusted);
  • operation of technical devices (specialists operate machines, operate vehicles, and operate automatic systems);
  • repair of technical devices (specialists identify and recognize faults technical systems, devices, mechanisms, repair, regulate, adjust them).

Psychological requirements of the “human-technical” professions:

  • good coordination of movements;
  • accurate visual, auditory, vibrational and kinesthetic perception;
  • developed technical and creative thinking and imagination;
  • ability to switch and concentrate attention;
  • observation.

III. “Man as a sign system.”

If you like to perform calculations, drawings, diagrams, keep card indexes, systematize various information, if you want to do programming, economics or statistics, etc., then get acquainted with professions like “person - sign system”.

Most professions of this type are associated with information processing.

The subject of work for representatives of most professions of the “human sign system” type are:

  • texts in native or foreign languages ​​(editor, proofreader, typist, clerk, telegraph operator, typesetter);
  • numbers, formulas, tables (programmer, machine operator, economist, accountant, statistician);
  • drawings, diagrams, maps (designer, process engineer, draftsman, copyist, navigator, surveyor);
  • sound signals (radio operator, stenographer, telephone operator, sound engineer).

Psychological requirements of professions “person-sign system”:

  • good operational and mechanical memory;
  • the ability to concentrate attention on abstract (symbolic) material for a long time;
  • good distribution and switching of attention;
  • accuracy of perception, the ability to see what is behind the symbols;
  • perseverance, patience;
  • logical thinking.

IV. "Man as an artistic image."

The subject of work for representatives of most professions of the “human sign system” type is:

  • artistic image, methods of its construction.

Specialists in this field have to perform the following activities:

  • creation, design of works of art (writer, artist, composer, fashion designer, architect, sculptor, journalist, choreographer);
  • reproduction, production of various products according to a model (jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor, cabinetmaker);
  • reproduction of works of art in mass production (porcelain painter, stone and crystal polisher, painter, printer).

Psychological requirements of the professions “person-artistic image”:

  • artistic ability;
  • developed visual perception;
  • observation, visual memory;
  • visual-figurative thinking;
  • creative imagination;
  • knowledge of the psychological laws of emotional influence on people.

V. "Man-man."

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions of the “person-to-person” type is:

  • People.

Specialists in this field have to perform the following activities:

Psychological requirements of human-to-human professions:

  • desire to communicate, the ability to easily make contact with strangers;
  • sustainable well-being when working with people;
  • friendliness, responsiveness;
  • excerpt;
  • ability to restrain emotions;
  • the ability to analyze the behavior of others and one’s own, to understand the intentions and mood of other people, the ability to understand the relationships between people, the ability to resolve disagreements between them, organize their interaction;
  • the ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another person, the ability to listen, to take into account the opinion of another person;
  • ability to master speech, facial expressions, gestures;
  • developed speech, ability to find mutual language with different people;
  • ability to convince people;
  • accuracy, punctuality, composure;
  • knowledge of human psychology.

Classification of professions


Professions: Nanny, speech pathologist, teacher, counselor, methodologist, teacher, trainer, doctor, policeman, lawyer, prosecutor, judge, legal consultant, administrator trading floor, guide-translator, cultural organizer, tour guide, bartender, flight attendant, barman, cloakroom attendant, maid, cashier, savings bank controller, waiter, hairdresser, cook, atelier receptionist, salesman, conductor, order taker, registrar, Social worker, telephone operator, doorman, site foreman, workshop, secretary, entrepreneur, small business organizer, manager, journalist, correspondent, psychologist, investigator, sociologist


Professions: Electrical machine tester, cable fitter, machinists, electric motor wrapper, electric machine assembler, instrumentation and automation mechanic, heat treater of wires and cables, electrician, electrician, electromechanic, engineer, assembler, process operator, microcircuit assembler, mechanics, radio circuit engineer, radio topology engineer , telecommunications engineer, operator, well driller, rig installer, gas welder, gas cutter, mechanic, pipe layer, fitter, concrete worker, blaster, mason, roofer, painter, finisher, carpenter, glazier, carpenter, plasterer, grinder, tinsmith, metal and alloy foundry worker, lost wax modeler, planer, thermal operator, machine and manual molder, automatic and semi-automatic machine operator, machine tool and instrumentation operator, turner, milling machine operator, moulder, wagon inspector, railway track technician, electrical technician, driver, sailor, motorist-steering officer , marine electrician, navigator, aircraft mechanic, aviation technician, flight radio operator, mechanical technician, flight engineer, pilot, knitter, shoemaker, watchmaker, seamstress


Professions: Agronomist, vegetable sorter, juice processor, vegetable grower, landscaper, operator for cleaning, drying, bottling grain, gardener, seed grower, botanist, geobotanist, plant physiologist, veterinary assistant, fur farmer, rabbit breeder, operator livestock complexes, machine milking operator, feed shop operator, poultry farm operator, game warden, beekeeper, fish farmer, horse trainer, shepherd, hydrobiologist, trainer, livestock specialist, zoo engineer, zoologist, entomologist, ichthyologist, biochemist, virologist, geneticist, microbiologist, physiologist, cytologist, ecologist, embryologist, forester, gardener, adjuster of agricultural machines and tractors, tractor driver, irrigation foreman, agrometeorologist, climatologist, meteorologist, fish farmer, hydrologist, ichthyologist, oceanologist, blaster, surveyor, surveyor, topographical technician, botanical geographer, geomorphologist, mountaineer engineer, physical geographer, flour production operator, roller operator, batcher operator, grain loading machine operator, dough maker, baker, semi-finished pasta press operator, production line operator automatic line, master of whole milk and fermented milk products, master buttermaker, master cheesemaker, food production operator, sausage molder, sausage fryer, sausage cooker, sausage smoker, biosynthesis preparations fermentation operator, neutralization operator, yeast cultivation operator, microbiological technician production, process engineer

Man-sign system

Professions: Librarian, clerk, proofreader, typist, typesetter, passport specialist, postman, radio operator, stenographer, archivist, bibliographer, orientalist, historian, linguist, notary, patent specialist, translator, philosopher, bank employee, stencil and board maker, cashier, laboratory assistant, telecom operator, printer, timekeeper, taxi operator, accountant, sales agent securities, astronomer, auditor, broker, accountant, mathematician, metrologist, tax inspector, pharmacist, statistician, standardizer, pharmacist, physicist, financial inspector, chemist, economist, aerial surveyor, flaw detectorist, traffic controller, draftsman, navigator, cartographer, designer, surveyor , computer operator, computer technician, software engineer, automated control system process engineer, mathematician-programmer, WEB-site programmer

Art Man

Professions: Artist, vocalist, conductor, art critic, film critic, director, composer, accompanist, musician, musician-teacher, painter, decorator, painter, modeler, architect, designer, restorer, sculptor, embroiderer, engraver, cutter, confectioner, cosmetologist, culinary specialist, lace maker, hairdresser, tailor, furrier, potter, glass blower, stained glass artist, wood carver, jeweler, enameller, printer, typesetter, photographer, retoucher, fashion designer

Having a profitable and, most importantly, favorite job is a rarity these days. This article is intended not only for school graduates who have not yet decided on who to enroll in after graduating from school. It will also be useful for already mature people who, unfortunately, did not know what profession to choose and this crossed out their lives. But this is not true, everything can be fixed, you just have to want it.

It's no secret that education in Ukraine and Russia is not at the highest level now. Because of this, it has lost its former value. This is due to the fact that universities and academies accept everyone. The lack of competition and the constant reduction of scholarships completely discourage students from studying. That’s why now there are no specialists coming out, and it’s very difficult to find a job in their specialty. There are also cases when a person with higher education works at some dirty and unrewarding job. This phenomenon is very common. And this is one of the main problems of both states.

In this article we will tell you about what profession to choose, what specialties are most in demand in Ukraine and Russia, and we will also offer you a small and interesting test for your career guidance.

So, let's start with how to choose a profession.

Start only from own desires. Don't listen to anyone about this. Often parents impose their opinion on us, saying that they know better what is right for you. But that's not true. Try to explain to them that you yourself have the right to make a choice, because your future directly depends on it. The main thing is to go towards your dream and do everything possible to realize your plans. Even if your loved ones don’t believe in you, try to achieve something and prove to them that they were very wrong and underestimated you.

The situation is more complicated if you don't know what exactly you want. And this is a fairly common occurrence. If this is your case, then you should rely on your mindset (humanitarian or analytical) and what professions will be relevant in the near future.

To do this, we have selected for you a rating of the most popular specialties. In Ukraine it is:
  1. IT technology engineer, programmer. Fortunately or unfortunately this profession is valued in Ukraine more than teachers and doctors. Having settled in successful company(and they will take you hand and foot, if you are a worthy specialist, you will receive a fairly high salary. If this is interesting to you, go for it.
  2. Sales Manager. Level wages depends only on the company you work for. It cannot be said that managers receive pennies. The profession is very relevant in our time.
  3. Economist. Nobody argues that the economy is one of the main components of a prosperous country. Therefore, good economists will not be left without work.
  4. Biotechnologist, technologist, nanotechnologist- Very current profession in Ukraine in modern times. If you prove yourself well, you will be hired immediately for the position.
  5. Lawyer. This is almost always a win-win. If it doesn’t work out for you to work for a company, you can open a private office at any time. It is a mistake to think that it is almost impossible to find a job in this field, because lawyers are now on every corner. They are on every corner, but there are very few that are really worthwhile.
  6. Translator. Knowledge of languages ​​has never bothered anyone. A good specialist in this field will easily find his workplace even without experience.
  7. Dentist- a very profitable profession. If you prove yourself well, then there will be no end to clients.
  8. Service industry worker. It is in vain that society is skeptical about these professions. In big cities, working as a waiter, you can earn much more wages than, for example, teachers in educational institutions. Of course, the work is difficult, but it does not require higher education. If you handle your responsibilities well, you can rise to the rank of administrator, and then open your own restaurant or hotel business.
IN Russian Federation most current professions:
  1. IT technology engineer, programmer.
  2. Nanotechnologists, biotechnologists, technologists.
  3. Sales managers.
  4. Service specialists.
  5. Lawyers.
  6. Economists.
  7. Translators.
  8. Security specialists environment(ecologists).

As you can see, in both countries the professions are very similar in terms of demand. We hope this information will help you in the future.

Test: How to choose a profession?

Now let’s move on to a small test called: “How to choose a profession?” Answer the questions honestly and calculate your points. At the end of the test you will be able to find out the result. Remember that there are no true or false answers in this test. All questions are structured in such a way as to better understand which profession will suit you best. So, let's answer the questions.

  1. How do you feel about work that is directly related to strict control of something?

a) very boring, it’s definitely not for me;

b) I don’t know;

c) great, this is what I need.

  1. Should my future profession be related to finance, not creativity?

b) I don’t know;

  1. I don’t care how long it takes me to get to work:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I'm constantly taking risks:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I don't like chaos and disorder:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I like to read something educational, for example about the latest scientific discoveries and achievements:

b) I don’t know;

  1. If I make some notes on a piece of paper, it doesn’t look neat and it’s unlikely that anyone except me will understand what I wrote:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I clearly know how to manage my money, and I don’t spend it all at once:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I prefer creative clutter in the house:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I like the work, which consists of strictly following the algorithm of actions:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I can call myself a perfectionist (I love it when everything is perfect):

b) I don’t know;

  1. I don’t like putting anything in order:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I prefer working on a computer:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I think first, weigh the pros and cons, and only then act:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I prefer to work with tables, charts and graphs:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I like to play chess or similar games where you have to think ahead:

b) I don’t know;

  1. When I study foreign language, then I understand the grammar first, and do not improve lexicon and I try to understand by ear:

b) I don’t know;

  1. If any problem arises, then first I try to figure out its source and eradicate it:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I have everything planned out in advance, I keep a diary:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I like to watch the news on TV and keep up to date with everything that is happening in the world:

b) I don’t know;

  1. My profession must first of all be profitable:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I do important work at the last moment:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I can leave unfinished work if I'm tired of it:

b) I don’t know;

  1. “Measure seven times, cut once” - this is about me:

b) I don’t know;

  1. If something doesn’t work out for me, I immediately freak out and abandon my work:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I always know what I will do tomorrow:

b) I don’t know;

  1. After the holiday, I put off cleaning the apartment until tomorrow:

b) I don’t know;

  1. I take care of my health:

b) I don’t know;

  1. If I take something off the shelf, I make sure to put it back in its place:

b) I don’t know;

  1. The ideal profession is not one that is profitable, but one that brings pleasure:

b) I don’t know;

Now use the table to calculate your points:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 2
Answer 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Answer 3 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 0
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
2 0 0 2 2 2 2 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2

Now the most interesting part - the results:

  • 49-60 points. Working with numbers, drawings and documentation is your calling. For example: accountant, programmer, archivist, economist, cartographer and others.
  • 37-48 points. You like everything to be clear and correct. Best professions: programmer, statistician, mathematician, demographer, etc.
  • 25-36 points. You are patient and diligent. To you work will do related to texts. For example, editor, proofreader, etc.
  • 13-24 points. You are a very creative person, but at the same time very responsible. Professions that suit you: lawyer, journalist, psychologist, advertising and art worker.
  • 0-12 points. You are not interested hard work with numbers and signs. But at the same time, you are a good philosopher. You will never do anything you don’t want to do, which is why it will be difficult for you in terms of employment. The best thing for such a person is to work for himself.
1 267 0 Hello, today we will talk about how to decide on a profession. Work plays a central role in most people's lives. Getting up on an alarm clock, traveling, eight hours of hard work, returning home - only forty hours a week, and for some, more. So that this time is not hard labor, does not bring only headaches and does not seem to be wasted aimlessly, it is very important to choose the right profession.

Where to start: basic mistakes

It doesn’t matter why you decided that you need to start looking for a profession you like. Perhaps you are sixteen, just finishing school and need to figure out what you want to do with your life. Perhaps you are thirty and you realized that you no longer want to work in a job you hate, but want to find something that will bring you joy.

The main mistakes that await you remain similar:

  • Lack of initiative. Perhaps you just don't know what you want to be. You do not have any obvious inclinations or hobbies that could be turned into business. And instead of looking, you tell yourself that you will go somewhere easier, listen to your mother, or go with a friend. All this may end with the fact that in three years you look around and realize that you don’t like your university or college, that you are sick of practice and you actually want something completely different.

The first step is not to let it get to this point, find out what suits you, make an effort.

  • Diffidence. "I won't do it." "I'm too stupid for this." “At my age it’s too late to start.” “They won’t hire me to work anywhere.” Fear is the enemy that prevents you from finding what you love. If you follow his lead, you will work until old age in a position with stable income and feel out of place.

Believing in yourself is the second step you need on the path to your dream job.

  • Following advice. Choosing a profession for a teenager is complicated by the fact that everyone around him knows better who he should be. Lawyer. Economist. Mathematician. Programmer. Someone who will make a lot of money. Other people's opinions will affect you even if you are an adult, although to a lesser extent. To follow the lead of others means to live a life that is not your own.

The third step is to stop listening to people and listen to yourself.

Taking these three steps means avoiding mistakes that make many people feel unhappy, unclaimed, and out of place.

But, of course, they are not enough to decide on the choice of profession. You need to sit down, take a piece of paper and think.

How to continue: what criteria are important?

To determine “your” profession, you need to act consistently and methodically:

  • Your expectations.
    Make a list of your expectations from your future profession. Each person may have their own criteria. For example:
    - Wage level.
    — Promising career growth.
    -Prospects for quick employment after graduation.
    — Opportunities for realizing personal potential in this position.
    — Stability in the labor market.
    — Bonuses (early retirement, additional allowances, the opportunity to organize your own business, etc.).
  • Decide on assets.
    First of all, think - what do you already have?
    - Maybe you know that you have a clear inclination towards something?
    — Maybe you have a diploma in additional education, which you did for the soul?
    — Maybe you have a hobby that you can turn into your life’s work?
    Even if you only have a couple of assets - for example, the ability to remain calm in conflict situations and a beautiful smile - you can start with them, figuring out what you can do with their help. Maybe you want to work at a hotel reception, where you need to be charming and politely solve guests' problems? Maybe the vacancy of a manager who should manage the work of the team is suitable for you? Maybe with your calm conflict resolution you will be useful at the information desk at the airport or even?

You can benefit from any, even the most insignificant, advantages. The main thing is not to limit yourself to the professions you know, but to broaden your horizons as much as possible and don’t be shy about choosing something exotic.

  • Decide on motivation.
    You have found your assets, you have figured out what professions you can apply them to. The next step is to understand which profession will be most interesting to you.
    — Think - do you want to be a manager, work in a hotel, a travel agency, or an airport?
    —Where will you be comfortable?
    —Where will you feel in demand?

The industry that generates the most enthusiasm is the answer at this stage.

  • Decide on material.
    You have chosen a field of activity for which you are suitable and which will interest you. It remains to be decided whether it will satisfy your materialistic needs.
    — Are the salaries of specialists in this industry sufficient?
    — Are they in demand on the labor market?
    — Is there an educational institution that you can enroll in in a way that would be convenient for you?
    At this stage, you need to be flexible and weigh the pros and cons. For example, employees at a travel agency are paid less than you would like to receive, but they are in demand and from time to time they are sent on business trips abroad, which is very attractive to you. You need to figure out whether business trips and pleasure from work will compensate for some lack of funds? If not, you need to go back a step earlier. If yes, a solution has been found.

Of course, the answer you get on paper does not guarantee that you will definitely be happy. But it gives direction, a reason for reflection and the opportunity to take concrete steps.

However, it is also possible that you sit over a piece of paper and realize with horror that your inclinations and interests will not help you in life. For example, you are fond of collecting puzzles and have a reserved character. All you can take from this is that you shouldn't work with people, which, of course, gives food for thought, but does not really help determine a specific profession.

What is important to remember?

  1. Work is not a hobby. If you have been interested in figure skating, hockey, football, embroidery, etc. since the age of five, but have not achieved great heights in these activities, this does not mean that you need to continue doing this in adulthood. Evaluate the prospects, salary and standard of living that this specialization will give you. If you are satisfied with everything, then great - continue doing what you love. If not, look at other professions.
  2. Prospects. If you already have a list of professions that you are inclined towards, evaluate them in terms of prospects. Will they be in demand by the time they graduate from university or not?
  3. Time. The sooner you think about choosing a profession, the better. It’s better to start doing this in 8th grade. After all, over the next 3 years you can change your mind several times or confidently say “I’ve decided!”, “This suits me!” In addition, you need to decide now on the choice of exams that you will take for the Unified State Exam.
  4. Always have a backup plan. Make a rating of related or desirable professions, this will make it easier for you if something doesn’t go according to plan at the last moment.

Anyway, the next step is use of practical techniques , which vary depending on whether you have identified your dream job or not.

Methods for determining profession

If you can’t figure it out and decide, you can resort to more complex options.

  • Go to a career counselor. Psychology has long been studying the principles by which a person should choose a profession. Methods and tests have been developed that allow you to determine your aptitudes and the most suitable areas. A professional psychologist will conduct the test, evaluate the results and discuss them with you. As a result, you will not get one hundred percent certainty, but you will have food for thought that you can cling to and build on when choosing a profession.
  • Consult with friends and acquaintances. Of course, you shouldn’t let anyone decide for you - but perhaps among your loved ones there will be interesting ideas about what your future profession should be. From the outside they may know better. Plus, you don't have to listen, and here listen it will be useful.
  • Take the tests yourself. If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, you can find tests on the Internet and look at the results yourself. The main thing is to do several tests and not fall for the tricks of scammers who may require you to send an SMS to a specific number in order to get a result.

To get started, you can take a simple test to determine the area of ​​activity that is closest to your personality and character.

How to decide on a profession for a teenager - a method for choosing the ideal profession.

Besides, you can try. Often people rush around, not understanding what to do, how to decide on a profession - nothing comes to their mind. Get a job as an intern, work where you don’t need a completed education, look at the initial stages of your career - as a result, you will have a much better understanding of what exactly you want, and what you don’t want to see in your life under any circumstances.


If your school has an assigned sponsor who offers an internship in the summer, don’t miss the opportunity, try it, look “into the kitchen” from the inside.

If the school hosts on-site career guidance events, also do not miss the opportunity to learn something new, do not shirk. Perhaps from a 5-hour lecture you will hear those 2 cherished sentences that will change your life forever!

Very often we are limited by our social circle and it is difficult for us to appreciate all the possibilities of this world. Get out of your comfort zone and take action.

How to make sure the outcome of your thoughts is correct

If you looked at your sheet and realized that a couple of professions seem to suit you, this is not a reason to urgently enroll in the appropriate educational institution. First you need to make sure that the decision was not made under the influence of circumstances or by mistake. You can:

  • Read something about the profession. There are two options - you can read blogs of specialists who have already studied and are working, or you can read specialized literature. Both will help you get a clearer picture of what you'll have to do. Perhaps, after reading the veterinarian's diary, you will change your mind about doing so, since your expectations are about nice work with animals you will crash into reality, where you can be bitten, where an inadequate owner can yell at you and where you will have to take sleeping injections.

How to choose the right profession?

According to the All-Russian Research Institute of Vocational Technical Education, about 40% of 1st year vocational school students are not satisfied with their chosen profession, and 40-60% of senior university students do not want to work in their chosen specialty. Research shows that only 10% of students adequately assess their capabilities.
And some more numbers:
. 25% of students choose a profession on the advice of friends;
. 17% on the advice of parents;
. 9% are guided by random factors (for example, territorial proximity educational institution);
. 10% of students choose a profession under the influence of the media;
. the rest are guided by interest in the content of the work.

According to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory, there are more than 50 thousand professions in the world. There are more than 7 thousand of them in Russia. This means that about 43 thousand professions do not yet exist in Russia. This may be due to climatic, socio-economic conditions, or a lack of demand for some type of activity, or simply this or that area has not yet become relevant for us.

The period of work activity in a person’s life is limited, and therefore it’s somehow offensive to spend 8 hours of your life every day on something you don’t like. In this regard, the question arises professional self-determination. The question is relevant not only for those who graduate from school, but also for adults who suddenly realized that they are not doing what they wanted, but what happened. How to choose a professional path and minimize possible mistakes and disappointments?

What prevents us from making the right choice?

1. Ignorance of the world of professions - existing and relevant in the future

Existing professions are sometimes assessed based on the knowledge that Aunt Klava’s son works in a bank, and Marpetrovna’s son works as an engineer at a factory. At the same time, it does not matter that Aunt Klava’s son is not the owner of the bank, but simply an accountant. Accountants are always thought of as literally sitting on bags of money and turning over millions for their own benefit. And the psychologist is perceived as a walking x-ray of human souls. Hence the very common jokes about “you’re a doctor”, “you’re a translator”, “you’re a manager”, etc. Thus, it turns out that most people do not know the specifics of some professions and have an exclusively superficial understanding of their content. As for promising professions, the time when everyone was eager to become economists and lawyers is gone forever. There are more than enough representatives of these professions today. The labor market in Russia today requires specialists in the following areas:

. In the field of marketing and management The main demand is for sellers, marketers, logistics and advertising specialists.
. In the field information technologies we need system administrators, 1C programmers, specialists involved in the development of Internet sites (web programming, web design), search engine optimization specialists responsible for website promotion, content managers responsible for website content.
. In the field of economics Credit experts, financial analysts, accountants are required.
. Construction professions, hotel service and tourism were and remain in demand, especially with the organization of the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014, the FIFA World Cup in 2018, as well as the development of the tourism and recreation industry in Russia.
. Also among technical professions There is a high demand for engineers and process engineers.
. According to analysts, in five years some of the most in-demand professions will be ecologist, chemist and specialist in the field of innovative technologies.

2. Ignorance of the rules for choosing professions

An incorrect understanding of the nature of activity leads to a choice that does not correspond to a person’s inclinations, abilities and character traits. A profession can be chosen based on ideas about it as romantic ( geologist, actor), intelligent ( doctor, engineer, scientist), fashionable ( designer, lawyer, manager), monetary ( broker, sailor, plastic surgeon) or on the basis that several generations of the family have already been involved in it.

Rules for choosing a profession

You should identify in which areas of activity there is a need today, communicate with successful representatives of this profession who have been engaged in it for more than one year. This will allow you to see the perspective for the next 2-3 years.

Find out which institutions provide training in these specialties. It is better to choose public educational institutions with a name, collect the maximum number of reviews about them, read the training programs and look at the teaching staff.

Find an opportunity to practically try your hand at this environment, at least as an intern or as a freelancer.

Assess the real possibility of employment, look at the latest research on job search sites or vacancies in large organizations, as well as the demand for this profession in various regions of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Do not succumb to the indirect or direct influence of friends, because They have their own idea of ​​what you need, and it may be very different from yours. In addition, even close people tend to project their negative experiences. If Uncle Vasya went into trade in the 90s after working as an engineer, then he is unlikely to be of the opinion that an engineer is a wonderful profession. It is important to remember that any person’s attitude towards a profession consists of many factors.

3. Ignorance of oneself - in terms of health, one’s abilities, personal qualities, goals and tastes

Often those who can't stand it tend to become lawyers. hard work, absolutely emotionally deaf people study to become psychologists, and individuals with profound chronic illnesses dream of geological expeditions. Therefore, before choosing a future field of activity, listen to yourself and evaluate your capabilities.

The main thing to remember is that work is attractive only when it meets an internal response, and therefore corresponds to our inclinations. Often an activity can be liked by its results, benefits, recognition in society, social status and other benefits that it provides. But genuine inclination always means a disposition towards the process of activity itself, when work is not just a means of achieving some goals, but in itself becomes attractive and serves as a source of inspiration.



For any person choice of profession means a lot. Some say: “Yes, this is just a job, a way to make money.” “But no,” psychologists unanimously answer, both ours, Russian and Western. People often don’t realize how important it is choose a profession you like. Not only the state of our pockets, but also our souls and health depend on work. It has been proven that career directly depends on whether a person is satisfied with his activities or not. So in what you don't like to do promotion almost impossible.

Mistakes when choosing a profession:

1. Searching for a job or educational institution “for the company”, according to the principle “where will they take you”, “I won’t go anywhere else.” If you don’t believe in yourself from a young age, then what will happen in twenty years?

2. Focus on the external attractiveness of the profession. First, the labor market, like any market, is volatile. What is popular today will not necessarily be in demand tomorrow (be sure to read the article - “ The most highly paid professions "). Secondly, achieve success in life and it’s very difficult in a profession if it doesn’t match your talents and inclinations.

3. One of the main mistakes when choosing a profession is yielding to the pressure of parents and relatives who are trying to realize their dreams through their children. You can only listen to their opinion, because the choice of profession is your personal matter, no one will live your own life for you.

4. Refusal of a profession to which one’s “heart lies” due to its apparent lack of seriousness. All professions are important. Mikhail Weller has a story about a man who, as a child, dreamed of being a janitor. So, what is next? After graduating from school, he entered, as his parents insisted, a university, spent his entire life working at a job that did not interest him at all, and only after retiring did he become a janitor - and finally found happiness. Both a simple worker and a specialist with a higher education are equally respected, if they are both professionals in their field.

5. Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession. Behind the ease with which an actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work. And journalists do not always appear on television programs - more often they sift through a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before preparing a 10-minute message, which, moreover, will be voiced by another (TV announcer).

6. Transferring the attitude towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself. When choosing a profession, you must take into account, first of all, the characteristics of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or don’t like the person who is engaged in this type of activity. Many people make the mistake of trying to become an idol - an athlete, a politician, a journalist, an artist.

7. Ignorance or underestimation of some of your physical characteristics and shortcomings is a serious mistake when choosing a profession. With a bad heart, the path to becoming a pilot is closed. Professions of a chemist or hairdresser are contraindicated for allergy sufferers. It is unwise to dream of a job that could worsen your health.

If you approach the question correctly finding your calling, then you will work easily and naturally, and over time professional burnout syndrome you are not in danger. So, what profession to choose, firstly, you need to clearly understand what you want, what your desires, goals, dreams are. It’s yours, not your friends, relatives, parents. On a piece of paper, write a list of everything you have dreamed of doing and who you want to become. Don’t forget about the astronaut, traveler, etc. Don’t think that these are stupid fantasies, analyze in what area they can be realized at least partially.

Make a list of those moments in your life when you felt an extraordinary sense of satisfaction from the work you did. Remember that people like to do what they are good at. Think about what areas of activity this could be used in. Ask yourself two questions: What ties your desires and interests together? What makes you truly happy?

Choose a profession you like Career guidance tests can also help. There are many types of career guidance tests. There are American, European, and Russian methods of professional guidance, the difference of which lies in the emphasis placed on the area and purpose of studying human capabilities. The most common method of career guidance in Russia is that of Academician E.A. Klimov, in which professions are differentiated into five areas: communication, sign system, nature, technology, artistic image.”

Career guidance tests are based on the principle of self-assessment of the test taker’s capabilities to realize various types activity, as well as assessing one’s emotional attitude towards this activity. Testing allows you to identify the most interesting area of ​​activity for the client: the test taker is asked to evaluate his emotions when performing any work (positive, neutral, negative). In addition, many testing methods allow one to correlate the level of professional preferences with the level of responsibility, education, etc. expected from the job.

Career guidance tests are available in almost all popular collections. psychological tests, so you can easily go through them at home on your own, but it’s still better to do it during a consultation with a psychologist. It will help you draw the most correct conclusions based on the test results and, ultimately, decide on your choice of profession. Each psychologist, as a rule, selects an individual battery of tests with which he constantly works, and which, from his point of view, gives the optimal result. These can be both projective techniques and questionnaires. But the most important thing when conducting career guidance is a personal conversation with a psychologist, since tests are only a tool for identifying certain knowledge and skills, as well as contradictions between a person’s expectations and his real capabilities.

In any case, you should not treat your choice of profession as something unchangeable that will determine your destiny once and for all. There is a long life ahead, in which there will certainly be room for advanced training, and the development of related specialties, or even radical change type of activity.

« Start doing what you likeand you will never have to work a day in your life" Confucius

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