Subscribe to news. Money from the sun Manufacturing solar panels as a business

Production of solar panels: relevance of the business + what are solar panels + advantages of installing solar panels + production technology + necessary raw materials and equipment + organizational aspects of starting a business + start-up capital and business profitability + overview of creating a mini-production for the production of solar panels.

Production of solar panels- this is undoubtedly innovative look business, especially in Russia. Although in other countries, for example, in Turkey, Spain and Germany, alternative methods of generating electricity are in demand, and therefore the production of such panels is no longer new for them.

Of course, opening such a business in Russia is somewhat risky, since people are still wary of such innovations. But, given the fact that this business niche is still free from competitors, and solar panels are indeed a very promising way to generate electricity, the launch of such an enterprise can be called a profitable investment.

In this review, we will tell you how to organize the production of such batteries, where it is better to do it, how much you will need to invest to succeed in this area entrepreneurial activity.

Is it rational to establish the production of solar panels in Russia?

Whether such production will become in demand in the country can be debated for a long time. After all, on the one hand, this is really very promising direction, which may eventually completely replace the way we are used to receiving electricity.

But, on the other hand, solar panels will be more in demand in sunny regions, since the Sun is the main component of this alternative method of generating electricity.

If we consider the production of solar panels purely as a type of business, then, of course, this area of ​​business activity is very, very profitable.

Several factors contribute to this:

  • The market for the production of solar panels in Russia remains one of the most “empty”, which indicates the absence of competitors on the way to building a business.
  • Oil and gas reserves are not endless in any case, and it is high time for people to think about alternative ways receiving electricity.
  • It's not just the decline in natural resources that's fueling the strong demand for solar panels. People are also stimulated by high prices for public utilities, the costs of which can be significantly reduced by resorting to the use of solar energy.

In addition to the above factors, solar panels also have a wide range of applications, making them suitable for use in a variety of areas.

The most popular directions in this regard are the following:

  • Battery charge various equipment– portable electronics.
  • Production of electric vehicles.
  • Providing residential buildings with electricity, which can be used for heating and lighting.

Of course most in demand Batteries are used to supply electricity to homes, so in this article we will look at the organization of battery production for these purposes.

In any case, the production of solar panels is a very popular niche, which in Russia will become much more popular in a few years. And trying your hand at this business now is the most suitable time due to the fact that you will not meet too many competitors on your way.

What are solar panels and how are they produced?

If we talk in simple words, a solar battery is an installation that is capable of converting solar energy into electric current used to supply energy to residential buildings.

To understand in general terms what a solar battery looks like and how its mechanism works, just look at the picture:

Solar panels are alternative sources of electricity, like water and wind power plants, which were used by our ancestors to generate electricity.

Today, these batteries are considered the most economical way to provide electricity to residential buildings, since their installation and installation are not as expensive as other devices, and moreover, the resulting electricity cannot be used immediately.

Since the battery transforms the solar energy “in excess,” modern technologies make it possible to store it in special batteries and use it at a time when solar activity is minimal, that is, in the evening or at night.

In order to install a solar battery and receive energy, you don’t even have to live in the sunniest place in the country. New developments make it possible to use installations even in those climate zones where there is much less sun.

And solar panels themselves, as a source of electricity, have many advantages, the main of which are the following:

  1. Solar energy is the safest and cleanest energy.
  2. You can also install a solar battery. On average, battery installation will cost up to 50 thousand rubles. Moreover, this includes not only the initial set itself, but also the installation of the battery.
  3. In order to install the device, you do not need to change anything in the existing engineering networks, because such installations can be easily installed into existing networks.
  4. Solar panels have a very long service life and do not require constant quality control or repairs.
  5. Batteries can be mounted on almost any building, which means that it is suitable this method obtaining energy for both large cities and small towns.

In short, solar panels are a really workable option that will not only help you obtain clean energy, but will also significantly reduce your utility bills.

The only thing worth paying attention to is the actual scope of application of solar panels.

The fact is that many people confuse the concept of solar panels and collectors, the purpose of which is completely different. If solar panels are a device for generating electricity, then a collector is a device for receiving thermal energy from the Sun, which is directed to other needs, such as, say, heating and water heating.

Collectors have a slightly different appearance and principle of operation, so these two terms cannot be confused.

Since we have understood the very concept of solar panels, we can move directly to the process of their production.

And here it is important to immediately note that for a future businessman there are two main ways along which he can develop this business:

  • The first method consists of a full production cycle, that is, “from A to Z” - from the manufacture of components to their assembly into full-fledged batteries.
  • The second method involves purchasing ready-made materials and assembling batteries from them.

Each method has the right to exist, as well as its pros and cons.

For example, by producing all the batteries yourself, including their components, you can be confident in the quality of the final product. Also, due to this, you can significantly reduce the cost of each battery. But organizing such production will require significant investments, which is the main disadvantage of this method.

As for the second option, it will cost you less, but the cost of production due to purchased materials will be much higher.

To analyze both options in detail, we will first consider the entire production cycle, as well as the way it is organized to start a business.

At the end, we will also give an example of organizing a mini-production, when all the spare parts have already been purchased, and all you need to do is learn how to assemble, install and sell them.

Solar Cell Manufacturing Technology: A Step-by-Step Guide

To make solar panels, you first need to understand what the technology for making them looks like, and what stages you will have to deal with.

So, in order to produce a finished solar battery from purchased raw materials, you will need to carry out the following actions:

  1. Cut the silicon wafers and clean them for further processing.
  2. Etch the surface of silicon wafers and structure it.
  3. Apply phosphorus to the plate and then burn it.
  4. Metallize the surface.
  5. Dry the silicon wafers.
  6. Connect the electrical contacts on the front side of the plate.
  7. Align the plates.
  8. Frame the plates with aluminum frames.
  9. Test the finished installation.

As a result, we get a solar battery that looks like this:

What is needed to organize production: what raw materials and equipment should I buy?

Due to the fact that we are analyzing the production of solar panels from scratch, it is worth noting right away that to start a business you will need a lot of things: both raw materials and equipment.

In addition, it is important to take into account that the production of such batteries is a very knowledge-intensive process, so it is better to search for and purchase the necessary components by first consulting with an experienced physicist or electromechanic, who will ultimately help set up the production process.

By the way, finding a suitable specialist, just like everyone else necessary materials, will not be so easy, since such production has not yet been established in Russia. It is better to look for all the necessary elements and even specialists abroad.

On average, purchasing only raw materials will cost you about 100 thousand rubles, but purchasing it only, of course, is not enough. We also need equipment that will make it possible to produce batteries.

Since we are talking about a large-scale enterprise with a full production cycle, this means purchasing an automated line for creating batteries, which will ensure the production of the highest quality products.

The entire production line will consist of a fairly large number of machines, which are much more rational to buy from one supplier.

And there are a number of reasons for this:

  • Firstly, when purchasing a whole range of components, you can get a certain percentage of the discount.
  • Secondly, often such equipment suppliers will not only sell it to you, but will also help with installation and further operation.

And remember that the production of solar panels in Russia has not yet been established, so you will most likely have to buy equipment abroad.

The cost of the production line will differ depending on the country of origin, and can range from 500 thousand rubles. up to 10 million rubles

EquipmentPurposeCost, rub.)Sample
Total: 1,348,000 rubles
Laser cutting machineFor cutting cells of different sizes using a fiber laserFrom 190 thousand
LaminatorFor laminating solar modules with an organic substance to protect them from exposure environment From 650 thousand
Framing machineFor gluing tape edges and framing solar modulesFrom 315 thousand
Glass cleaning machineFor cleaning and drying glassFrom 126 thousand
Table for moving elementsFor moving batteries using aluminum guidesFrom 12 thousand
High voltage testing machineTo test the module for suitabilityFrom 55 thousand

Ultimately, if we take average prices for equipment as an example, the minimum set will cost you 1.3 million rubles.

But, in addition to the production line, you will also need to purchase hand tool and equipment (batteries, inverters) for battery installation. As a result, the total cost of the equipment will be about 1.5 million rubles.

In addition to the costs of equipment and the purchase of raw materials, you will also have other expenses for various organizational issues, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Finding premises, recruiting personnel and other subtleties of organizing a business for the production of solar panels

Any business in the field of production certainly begins not with the purchase of the necessary equipment, but with the preparation and legalization of its activities, in other words, registration.

You also need to find a suitable premises and hire staff, which is also important, so we will consider each of the aspects of the organization in as much detail as possible.

1. Registration of an enterprise.

If you are planning to start a business in the field of production, and at the same time, you plan to produce solar panels “from scratch,” then an LLC will be more suitable for registering you as an entrepreneur.

To begin the registration procedure, you will need to collect a certain list of documents and submit it to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the business.

This list will include:

  • Application on form P11001.
  • The founder’s decision to create an enterprise (if there is one founder) or the minutes of the meeting of participants (if there are several founders).
  • LLC Charter.

Before you submit your documents, you will be required to pay the state fee, which today is 4 thousand rubles. The receipt for payment is included in the list of mandatory documents.

But you’ll have to spend more than just paying the receipt when registering a business.

You will also have other expenses:

  • Opening a bank account – 2 thousand rubles.
  • Production of a seal – 1 thousand rubles.
  • Payment of authorized capital – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Payment for notary services – 1 thousand rubles.

In total, for the legal registration of business activities you will need to spend about 15-18 thousand rubles.

Also, do not forget about the mandatory receipt of permits from the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services after completing the registration procedure.

And one more important detail - when filling out the application, you will need to indicate your activity code according to OKVED. In this case it is numbered 27.20.3.

2. Finding and equipping premises for production.

Since a full cycle of battery production is planned, the selected premises must be sufficient to accommodate all the necessary equipment, as well as allocate two small warehouses: for storing components and for preparing finished batteries for installation.

On average, the area of ​​the room must be at least 300 sq.m., otherwise it will be impossible to manufacture solar panels due to lack of space.

Having chosen a suitable room, you need to take care of its repair, which is very important in such a production situation, because we are talking about creating very precise and fragile parts.

The room must have:

  • Ventilation system.
  • Water supply.
  • Heating.
  • Power supply.
  • Installed disinfection units.

Without all this, neither the fire service nor the sanitary and epidemiological service will give you the necessary permits to start production.

3. Selection of employees and organization of delivery and installation.

Due to the fact that almost the entire solar panel production process will be automated, you will need to hire a small staff of employees.

In total, the number of employees will be about 6-8 people, of whom you will need to hire:

  • 1 specialist physicist-electromechanics.
  • 2 workshop workers.
  • 2 workers for installation.
  • 1 driver.
  • 1 sales manager.
  • 1 marketer.

At first, you can perform the duties of a director and accountant yourself, this will allow you to have more control over production and understand the essence of your own business.

The most difficult thing in this situation will be to find a good specialist and workshop workers, because due to the fact that the production of solar panels in Russia is not yet very developed, there are few such specialists in the country.

As for the transportation and installation of batteries, it is best to hire a driver for this work with your own car or purchase at least one truck.

4. Marketing and search for sales channels for finished products.

At first, it is very important to have at least one marketer on your staff who will help with advertising and promotion of solar panels in the region of production.

Since solar panels are a necessary product, but not yet very familiar to people, you need to constantly tell and show that having solar panels on your roof is much more profitable than paying a lot of money for utilities.

  • print leaflets,
  • let's make announcements
  • create a website that will be filled useful information, and which will demonstrate examples of already completed solar panels with their subsequent installation.

You can cooperate with both large enterprises and individuals. It all depends on how in demand your products are in the region.

How much start-up capital will be required to start producing solar panels, and when will the business start making a profit?

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:2,277,000 rubles
1. Registration of business activities.17 thousand
2. Rent of premises (including rent for some time in advance).350 thousand
3. Purchase of raw materials and components.100 thousand
4. Purchase of equipment.1,500 thousand
5. Payment of workers.250 thousand
6. Financing the marketing plan.45 thousand
7. Current expenses.15 thousand

It turns out that to launch an enterprise for the production of solar panels in Russia, you will need an impressive amount that exceeds 2 million rubles.

But don’t think that such investments will take too long to pay off. On average, such production can begin to make a profit after 1.5 – 2 years.

It turns out that for each installed battery you will receive a net profit about 10-15 thousand rubles. And taking into account the fact that you will produce and install from 5 to 10 such batteries per month, your net monthly profit will be from 75 thousand rubles.

Business profitability at proper organization will be at least 100%.

But, in any case, 2 million rubles. – this is a lot of money, which not everyone can invest. Is it possible to open a similar production, but at lower costs?

Production of solar panels. How it works?

Installation diagram. Advantages and disadvantages.

Mini-production of solar panels: advantages, disadvantages and method of organization

Mini-production for the production of solar panels, first of all, involves organizing the enterprise in such a way that ready-made components for batteries will be purchased. Of these, you, as an entrepreneur, will only have to organize the process of assembly, transportation and installation.

This method is much more economical than the option of producing from scratch, since in this case you will not have to spend money on raw materials, equipment, a large staff and registration of a legal entity.

But the cost of panels with this method will increase significantly, since buying ready-made components is more expensive than producing them yourself.

As a result, we can say that this method will be most appropriate in two cases:

  1. When you do not have enough start-up capital to start a large-scale production.
  2. When there are absolutely no competitors in your region who are ready to offer batteries at a price much lower than yours.

Having decided on the advantages and disadvantages, we move on to the main question - how to organize a mini-production?

So, to start such a small business, you do not need to register an LLC first. In this case, registering an individual entrepreneur will be sufficient.

Registering an individual entrepreneur is much simpler and costs much less, which will also allow you to save a lot.

To apply for registration with the Federal Tax Service, you will only need basic documents:

  • Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  • Russian citizen passport.
  • TIN code.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Application for transition to a simplified taxation system.

The cost of state duty for such an operation is 800 rubles. But in addition to this amount, you will also have to pay for opening a bank account (2 thousand rubles) and making a seal (up to 1 thousand rubles)

Total state registration will cost you only 3-4 thousand rubles.

Now let's talk about the premises, the purchase of components and equipment for mini-production.

You don’t need a large premises to start an enterprise - it’s enough to rent an area of ​​100 square meters. m., where you will allocate a room for battery assembly, a warehouse for components, and also organize a small exhibition hall for visitors.

In principle, with a small volume of orders, even your own spacious garage may be suitable for you. But do not forget that the requirements for the premises will also be high, because you still have to do high-precision work.

It is better to order components for battery production abroad from direct suppliers. Although you can search in Russia. The main thing is that the quality of the materials is at a high level, and at the same time they do not cost exorbitant money.

As for equipment, automated lines will not be needed with this method of organizing production. Actually, because of this, large areas will not be needed.

The basic equipment you will need is only simple tools:

EquipmentQuantityCost, rub.)Sample
Total: 52,000 rubles
Drill2 10 thousand
Screwdriver2 6 thousand
Set of tools2 10 thousand

Since there is less work to be done than with a full production cycle, and it is easier to manage such a mini-enterprise, you can hire only 3-5 people as a permanent staff.

Namely, we are talking about the following personnel:

  • 2 people will assemble the goods.
  • 2 people will install the batteries.
  • 1 person will be a driver (preferably with his own car).

At first, you can hire only three workers, and then hire a couple more people.

In a small production, you can perform the functions of a manager, accountant and marketer yourself.

Wherein marketing plan will remain the same. Your main consumer is a private individual, so you need to constantly inform him about your product by creating a website and advertising in newspapers, TV and radio.

Now let’s calculate how much cheaper this method of mini-production will cost:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneur – 3 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of premises – 100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of components – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​52 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees – 75 thousand rubles.
  • Website development and other marketing services – 55 thousand rubles.
  • In-line costs – 25 thousand rubles.

In total, the starting investment for launching a small enterprise will be 360 ​​thousand rubles. , which represents a much smaller amount compared to the organization production capacity"from scratch".

Considering that the selling price and cost of batteries with this method will increase slightly, the net profit may be slightly lower. But due to much smaller investments and with constant flow clients (at least 5 people per month), you will be able to recoup your enterprise after just a year of work on the market.

So, we have analyzed two main ways of organizing a business in the manufacture of installations for generating electricity from solar energy.

In conclusion, let us remind you that the production of solar panels in Russia is still a completely free niche, and by occupying it now, you will be able to get good returns in the future, as the demand for alternative methods of generating energy will increase every year.

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Country life is a great opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city and get closer to nature untouched by civilization. However, modern man, in addition to the pristine beauty of nature, clean and fresh air, needs comfort. And for this, the country house must be provided with electricity, drinking water and heating.

Having resolved the issue with power supply, the owner of a country house automatically solves two other issues, because if electricity is available, you can run your own artesian well and install an electric fireplace or more efficient heating equipment in the house ( infrared heaters, oil convectors, etc.).

A few words about solar panels

From a structural point of view, a solar panel (module) consists of thin silicon plates located on a plane and securely fixed, which convert the light energy of the Sun into electrical energy. For greater reliability and safety, the surface of the silicon wafers of solar panels is protected with transparent tempered glass.

There are two main types of solar modules on the market today:

Polycrystalline, which have an efficiency of up to 18%;

Monocrystalline. They have the highest efficiency to date - up to 22%.

The cost of batteries made from monocrystalline cells is slightly higher per unit of power, since their production uses silicon of a higher purity. However, this difference is insignificant - about 10%.

The main parameters of a solar panel - voltage and power - do not depend on the type of elements used, so the final choice remains with the buyer. By the way, today polycrystalline solar cells occupy a leading position in the world in terms of production volume.

Studying the market

Before starting any business, you need to carefully study the demand. This is especially important for solar energy, because the efficiency of their operation also depends on the characteristics of the region, namely the number of sunny days per year. In a word, equipment that has proven itself well in Krasnodar or Crimea will work with much less efficiency in the unfavorable latitude of St. Petersburg.

Be that as it may, you need to enter this market now, experts say, when it is just beginning to take shape. Although the demand for installation of solar panels in the regions is not so great now, there is almost no competition.

What do you need to start a solar panel installation business?

To enter this market you need minimal cash and high professional skills. A license for this type of activity is not required.

Each project has its own characteristics, so battery parameters are determined individually, based on specific conditions and tasks. The equipment is purchased at the customer’s expense, so there are no large investments This business is not required.

A starting ticket for this business will cost an entrepreneur 150-200 thousand rubles - these funds will be used to purchase special equipment for setting up systems, as well as professional tool for installation.

At the initial stage, according to experts, it is logical to combine the business of installing solar panels with proven and working entrepreneurship in related areas, for example, related to the installation of electrical systems and other equipment.

Business in the production of solar batteries- enough new format entrepreneurship for Russians. He belongs to the number innovative ideas, but in a short time of its use, people who started working in this area managed to open their own successful business.

This business format is risky, since there are no standard work models; the entrepreneur will have to develop them independently. You can use the experience of your Western colleagues, because solar panels have been actively used abroad for a long time not only in industrial areas, but also in everyday life.

On Russian market There are no more than 10 companies producing such panels, so the level of competition is very low. If a novice businessman wants to start a business in this area, then he needs to bring his idea to life before other entrepreneurs appear.

The production of solar panels as a business is not an easy task, requiring special skills and knowledge of manufacturing technology. Difficulties may also arise at the stage of promoting your business - it is not entirely clear which sales channels are the most in demand.

But opening such a business will not require large investments - 300,000 rubles will be enough to organize a mini-production, launch advertising and establish trade channels.

If an entrepreneur opens a company for the production of solar panels from scratch, then he needs to clearly understand what these devices are and how they will be useful to the consumer. This will allow you to determine the circle of main clients with whom you will have to work in the future.

A solar battery is a special device that literally “collects” the energy of the sun’s rays. This energy can be used for the following purposes:

  • heating of premises (houses, industrial and industrial buildings, rural farms);
  • heating water;
  • obtaining electricity for lighting;
  • operation of ventilation systems;
  • operation of technical devices.

A solar collector with an area of ​​1 m2 is capable of heating 100 liters of water in just 1 hour.

Citizens may wonder why solar energy is needed when they can use more conventional systems by contacting their house management. Of course, a solar battery is not used to provide energy to an ordinary apartment. But in a country house or dacha, such a collector can significantly reduce the cost of carrying out the necessary communications. Plus, while using the battery, you will not have to pay for energy, but in a normal situation you will need to pay monthly bills for electricity, gas, and hot water.

The advantages of using solar energy include the following features:

  1. possibility of using accumulated energy;
  2. minimal battery maintenance (every year you only need to check the performance of the device so that it converts energy as efficiently as possible);
  3. silent operation (will ensure maximum comfort of living in the house, which, for example, is impossible when using a water heating installation);
  4. constant improvement of the technologies used makes it possible to increase the efficiency of solar installations and reduce the costs of their production;
  5. absolute harmlessness to humans (batteries do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere).

All this gives a clear answer whether the production and use of solar panels is profitable or not.

Where to start production?

If an entrepreneur has not encountered the production of solar panels before, he will probably wonder where to start. own business? Before starting your own business, it is necessary to conduct a thorough market analysis. Moreover, it is necessary to study the situation not in the country as a whole, but in a specific region. In some cities, solar energy is already being actively used, and they also have suppliers of the necessary equipment. If there are too many competitors in the industry, it makes sense to try to implement your idea in another region.

The use of solar panels is not advisable in all regions of the country. Northern cities do not use this technology, since the sun shines in them for too short a period of time. Open own production solar collectors make sense in the southern regions of the country with a warm climate.

Features of the sphere

Working in the field of solar panel production is attractive to budding businessmen not only because of low competition. It also has other positive features:

  • possibility of opening with relatively small investments;
  • simplicity and accessibility of solar collector manufacturing technology;
  • development opportunities (including through constant improvement of technologies in the field of solar energy);
  • a large number of potential consumers services.

Of course, there will be some difficulties that cannot be avoided. For example, not many Russians know about all the benefits and beneficial properties solar panels. Therefore, they will have to tell them about the benefits they receive on their own or by involving experienced marketers.

Solar panel production technology

Some entrepreneurs are hesitant to start working in this area, thinking that it is impossible or very difficult to master production technology on their own. Of course, it will be impossible to do without certain skills. But if a businessman is not at all familiar with the features of creating solar collectors, he can always turn to a consultant for help. For a certain fee, he will not only share the technology, but also help set up production. Finding such a specialist is not always easy. A person must have an excellent understanding of physics and electromechanics.

At the stage of establishing production, you will have to look for suppliers of raw materials. And this is also not an easy task. To create panels you will need:

  • silicon (its monocrystalline or polycrystalline modification is used);
  • aluminum frames;
  • polypropylene;
  • polycarbonate;
  • wires;
  • electricity converters.

There are several production technologies. But novice entrepreneurs usually use the silicon method, since it is considered the most accessible and studied.

If an entrepreneur does not want to create batteries from scratch, but only plans to assemble the structure, then it will be enough to find a supplier of ready-made parts. For example, they can be imported from China. This option will require a minimum investment, since equipment for the manufacture of panels is not required. And even though in this case the payback will be quick due to the low volume of investments, but the profitability will significantly decrease due to the high cost of finished parts.

Purchase of necessary equipment

After studying the production technology, you will need to purchase everything necessary equipment. Manufacturing must be fully automated if an entrepreneur wants to sell truly high-quality, strong and durable products. Mechanization of all processes will reduce the cost of panels several times than if finished parts were purchased from suppliers in bulk.

The “handicraft” production method with the purchase of finished parts does not require specialized equipment. An electric drill, a jigsaw, a level and a saw will be enough.

But a full-cycle enterprise must have its own production line. To run it you will need the following equipment:

  • laser cutting machine;
  • laminator;
  • framing machine;
  • cleaning equipment (processes plates);
  • special inspection tables;
  • automatic machines for checking the operation of panels.

But opening full-scale production will require more significant costs. You can buy a fully equipped production line in Asian countries for at least 5,000,000 rubles. And the whole plant will cost 2 times more. In Russia, it is almost impossible to purchase the necessary equipment, since domestic manufacturers almost never produce the appropriate machines.

If the cost of the equipment does not include commissioning, then you will need to pay for it separately, which will further increase the volume of the initial investment.

Beginning entrepreneurs will not be able to open such an expensive enterprise, so they can make battery parts manually or purchase them in advance.

With large-scale production, it is impossible to do without our own cars to deliver finished products to the client and transport workers. Rent vehicle in this case it will be less profitable.

Finding suitable premises

If you are planning a small production of batteries from finished parts, then it is not necessary to rent a separate room - your own garage will be enough. When organizing an entire production line, it will not be possible to do without a specialized workshop. Moreover, funds for repairs will be added to the additional initial costs - otherwise it will not be possible to follow the production technology.

To manufacture solar panels, the room must be equipped with ventilation, heating, electricity and water supply. You will also have to purchase specialized equipment for disinfection - high-precision equipment is produced in clean conditions. The workshop area must be at least 300 m2.


For the full functioning of the enterprise, the following specialists may be required:

  • engineer (you can use one-time consultant services);
  • sales managers (will work with the customer base, promote the product);
  • installers;
  • drivers.

An engineer and driver may not be required if the enterprise is small. But the work of the manager and the installer needs to be divided, since one person will not be able to cope with his tasks equally well.

All employees must have knowledge and experience working with high-tech equipment. Competent and qualified installers are the key to the quality of the work done. Active sales managers - ensuring a sufficient flow of customers.

Registration of production

Even opening a small-scale production of solar panels will require registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. This will allow customers to ensure the reliability of the transaction and receive a guarantee of free service.

It is better to choose UTII as a taxation system; individual entrepreneurs can also choose the simplified tax system. Additionally, it is better to apply for state social insurance.

Promotion and sales

Since solar panels are a new product on the Russian market, their sale will have to be given Special attention. It will be necessary to independently inform the population about the benefits of using panels. They will also have to become familiar with the technologies used and the features of using devices.

It is better to promote such products in a targeted manner. For example, posting leaflets in modern villages. Sales managers can call clients, invite them to free consultation or come on your own. Additionally, it is worth spending money on placing advertisements in local newspapers, on thematic and regional forums.

Financial indicators

To open production you will need at least 300,000 rubles. But to organize a full-fledged production line, much more serious investments are needed - about 6,000,000 rubles. It is very difficult for an entrepreneur to find such an amount. Banks are very reluctant to give large loans. The only way out of this situation is to attract investors.

The cost of a large solar panel starts from 20,000 rubles. The markup on the finished product can be about 10,000 - 20,000 rubles. Additionally, the client pays for installing the battery - about another 30,000 rubles. It turns out that you can earn at least 40,000 rubles from each buyer.

Of course, finding clients at the initial stage will not be easy. But with development, the number of people willing to use a solar battery will increase tenfold. And the entrepreneur will only have to make a profit, improve production and expand the scale of work.

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Humanity is striving to switch to alternative sources of electrical supply that will help keep the environment clean and reduce energy production costs. Production is a modern industrial method. includes receivers sunlight, batteries, control devices, inverters and other devices designed for specific functions.

The solar battery is the main element from which the accumulation of rays begins. In the modern world, there are many pitfalls for the consumer when choosing a panel, since the industry offers a large number of products united under one name.

Silicon solar cells

These products are popular among modern consumers. Their production is based on silicon. Its reserves in the depths are widespread, and production is relatively inexpensive. Silicon cells compare favorably with their level of performance compared to other solar batteries.

Types of elements

The following types of silicon are produced:

  • monocrystalline;
  • polycrystalline;
  • amorphous.

The above forms of devices differ in how the silicon atoms are arranged in the crystal. The main difference between the elements is the different indicator of light energy conversion, which for the first two types is approximately at the same level and exceeds the values ​​for devices made of amorphous silicon.

Today's industry offers several models of solar light catchers. The difference between them is what equipment is used for the production of solar panels. Manufacturing technology and the type of starting material play a role.

Monocrystalline type

These elements consist of silicone cells bonded together. According to the method of the scientist Czochralski, absolutely pure silicon is produced, from which single crystals are made. The next process is cutting the frozen and hardened semi-finished product into plates with a thickness of 250 to 300 microns. Thin layers are saturated with a metal mesh of electrodes. Despite the high cost of production, such elements are used quite widely due to high rate transformations (17-22%).

Manufacturing of polycrystalline elements

Polycrystalline solar cells consist of the fact that the molten silicon mass is gradually cooled. Production does not require expensive equipment, therefore, the cost of obtaining silicon is reduced. Polycrystalline solar storage devices have a lower efficiency factor (11-18%), in contrast to monocrystalline ones. This is explained by the fact that during the cooling process, the silicon mass is saturated with tiny granular bubbles, which leads to additional refraction of the rays.

Amorphous silicon elements

The products are classified as a special type, since their belonging to the silicon type comes from the name of the material used, and the production of solar cells is carried out using film device technology. During the manufacturing process, the crystal gives way to silicon hydrogen or silicone, a thin layer of which covers the substrate. Batteries have the lowest efficiency value, down to only 6%. The elements, despite their significant drawbacks, have a number of undeniable advantages that give them the right to stand alongside the above-mentioned types:

  • the absorption value of optics is two dozen times higher than that of monocrystalline and polycrystalline storage devices;
  • has a minimum layer thickness of only 1 micron;
  • cloudy weather does not affect the work of converting light, unlike other types;
  • Due to its high flexural strength, it can be used in difficult places without problems.

The three types of solar converters described above are complemented by hybrid products made from materials with dual properties. Such characteristics are achieved if trace elements or nanoparticles are included in amorphous silicon. The resulting material is similar to polycrystalline silicon, but differs favorably from it by new technical indicators.

Raw materials for the production of film-type solar cells from CdTe

The choice of material is dictated by the need to reduce manufacturing costs and increase technical performance. The most commonly used light-absorbing material is cadmium telluride. In the 70s of the last century, CdTe was considered the main contender for space use; in modern industry it has found wide application in solar energy.

This material is classified as a cumulative poison, so debate continues on the issue of its harmfulness. Research by scientists has established the fact that the level of harmful substances entering the atmosphere is acceptable and does not harm the environment. The efficiency level is only 11%, but the cost of converted electricity from such elements is 20-30% lower than from silicon-type devices.

Ray accumulators made of selenium, copper and indium

The semiconductors in the device are copper, selenium and indium; sometimes it is possible to replace the latter with gallium. This is explained by the high demand for indium for the production of flat-panel monitors. Therefore, this substitution option was chosen, since the materials have similar properties. But for the efficiency indicator, replacement plays a significant role, production solar battery without gallium increases the efficiency of the device by 14%.

Polymer-based solar collectors

These elements are classified as young technologies, as they have recently appeared on the market. Organic semiconductors absorb light to convert it into electrical energy. Fullerenes of the carbon group, polyphenylene, copper phthalocyanine, etc. are used for production. As a result, thin (100 nm) and flexible films are obtained, which in operation give an efficiency coefficient of 5-7%. The value is small, but the production of flexible solar panels has several positive aspects:

  • large amounts of money are not spent on manufacturing;
  • the ability to install flexible batteries in bends where elasticity is of primary importance;
  • comparative ease and accessibility of installation;
  • flexible batteries do not provide harmful effects on the environment.

Chemical etching during production

The most expensive solar cell is a multicrystalline or monocrystalline silicon wafer. For maximum efficiency, pseudo-square shapes are cut; the same shape allows the plates to be tightly packed in the future module. After the cutting process, microscopic layers of damaged surface remain on the surface, which are removed using etching and texturing to improve the reception of incident rays.

The surface processed in this way is a chaotically located micropyramid, reflecting from the edge of which the light hits the side surfaces of other protrusions. The procedure of loosening the texture reduces the reflectivity of the material by approximately 25%. During the etching process, a series of acid and alkaline treatments are used, but it is unacceptable to greatly reduce the layer thickness, since the plate cannot withstand the following treatments.

Semiconductors in solar cells

Solar cell manufacturing technology assumes that the basic concept of solid-state electronics is the p-n junction. If you combine n-type electronic conductivity and p-type hole conductivity in one plate, then a p-n junction appears at the point of contact. Main physical property With this definition, it becomes possible to serve as a barrier and allow electricity to pass in one direction. It is this effect that allows for proper operation of solar cells.

As a result of phosphorus diffusion, an n-type layer is formed at the ends of the plate, which is located at the surface of the element at a depth of only 0.5 microns. The production of a solar battery involves shallow penetration of carriers of opposite signs, which arise under the influence of light. Their path to the zone of influence of the pn junction must be short, otherwise they can cancel each other when they meet, without generating any amount of electricity.

Use of plasma-chemical etching

The design of the solar battery includes a front surface with an installed grid for collecting current and a back side that is a continuous contact. During the diffusion phenomenon, an electrical short circuit occurs between two planes and is transmitted to the end.

To remove the short circuit, equipment for solar panels is used, which allows this to be done using plasma-chemical, chemical etching or mechanically, laser. The method of plasma-chemical exposure is often used. Etching is performed simultaneously on a stack of silicon wafers stacked together. The outcome of the process depends on the duration of treatment, the composition of the product, the size of the squares of material, the direction of the ion flow jets and other factors.

Application of anti-reflective coating

By applying a texture to the surface of the element, reflection is reduced to 11%. This means that a tenth of the rays are simply reflected from the surface and do not take part in the formation of electricity. In order to reduce such losses, a coating with deep penetration of light pulses is applied to the front side of the element, which does not reflect them back. Scientists, taking into account the laws of optics, determine the composition and thickness of the layer, so the production and installation of solar panels with such a coating reduces reflection to 2%.

Contact metallization on the front side

The surface of the element is designed to absorb the largest number radiation, it is this requirement that determines the dimensional and specifications applied metal mesh. When choosing a face design, engineers are addressing two opposing issues. A reduction in optical losses occurs with thinner lines and their location at a greater distance from one another. The production of a solar battery with an increased grid size leads to the fact that some of the charges do not have time to reach contact and are lost.

Therefore, scientists have standardized the value of the distance and line thickness for each metal. Strips that are too thin open up space on the surface of the element to absorb rays, but do not conduct much current. Modern methods Metallization applications consist of screen printing. As a material, silver-containing paste is most justified. Due to its use, the efficiency of the element increases by 15-17%.

Metallization on the back of the device

Metal is applied to the back of the device according to two schemes, each of which performs own work. Aluminum is sprayed in a continuous thin layer over the entire surface, except for individual holes, and the holes are filled with silver-containing paste, which plays a contact role. The solid aluminum layer serves as a kind of mirror device on the back side for free charges that can get lost in broken crystalline lattice bonds. With this coating, solar panels operate 2% more powerfully. Consumer reviews say that such elements are more durable and are not so dependent on cloudy weather.

Making solar panels with your own hands

Not everyone can order and install solar power sources at home, since their cost today is quite high. Therefore, many craftsmen and craftsmen are mastering the production of solar panels at home.

You can purchase photocell kits for self-assembly on the Internet at various sites. Their cost depends on the number of plates used and power. For example, low-power kits, from 63 to 76 W with 36 plates, cost 2350-2560 rubles. respectively. Here they also purchase working items rejected from production lines for some reason.

When choosing the type of photoelectric converter, take into account the fact that polycrystalline elements are more resistant to cloudy weather and work more efficiently than monocrystalline ones, but have a shorter service life. Monocrystalline ones have higher efficiency in sunny weather, and they will last much longer.

To organize the production of solar panels at home, you need to calculate the total load of all devices that will be powered by the future converter and determine the power of the device. This determines the number of photocells, while taking into account the angle of inclination of the panel. Some craftsmen provide for the possibility of changing the position of the accumulation plane depending on the height of the solstice, and in winter - on the thickness of the fallen snow.

For the manufacture of the body they use various materials. Most often, aluminum or stainless steel corners are installed, plywood, chipboard, etc. are used. The transparent part is made of organic or ordinary glass. There are photocells on sale with already soldered conductors; it is preferable to buy these, as the assembly task is simplified. The plates do not stack one on top of the other - the bottom ones can develop microcracks. Solder and flux are pre-applied. It is more convenient to solder the elements by placing them directly on the working side. At the end, the outer plates are welded to the busbars (wider conductors), after which the “minus” and “plus” are output.

After the work is done, the panel is tested and sealed. Foreign craftsmen use compounds for this, but for our craftsmen they are quite expensive. Homemade converters are sealed with silicone, and the back side is coated with acrylic-based varnish.

In conclusion, it should be said that the reviews from the masters who have done this are always positive. Once having spent money on the manufacture and installation of a converter, the family very quickly pays for it and begins to save money using free energy.

Business idea: Production and installation of solar panels

Initial investment: 400 tr.
Monthly profit: 270 tr.
Payback period: 2 months.

The business idea of ​​producing, selling and installing solar panels is quite new in our country. Therefore, competition will be minimal. Our business plan will help you competently organize all stages of entrepreneurship. In addition, this direction has great prospects in the future, because it is an almost inexhaustible source of energy that can be easily used in everyday life.

If you are going to open a company for the production or installation of solar collectors, register the business. Submit documents to the tax office for registration individual entrepreneur, application for payment of taxes and application for national insurance.

How it works?

Foreign countries have been successfully using the business idea of ​​solar collectors for a long time.

This energy is used as an environmentally friendly and safe fuel. The batteries can be mounted on any building, and after their expiration date they can be easily replaced with new ones. Collectors are installed in special blocks, and the blocks are installed in systems according to customer dimensions.

The principle of operation of a battery is to convert sunlight into electric current. The resulting energy is used either to directly supply electricity to electrical appliances, or is simply stored in batteries for use when needed.

Spain, Turkey and the Mediterranean countries use this electricity generation system the most. Russia is just beginning to use solar energy and does not yet have political support. Although any solar roof or other surface can generate electricity, and therefore profit.

Solar energy is used for free:

Room heating;
- heating water;
- ventilation units;
- lighting systems.

An illustrative example: in 1 hour of absorption of sunlight, a collector (2 sq. m. in size) will heat 2,000 liters of water to 70 ° C or heat a room with an area of ​​1,200 sq. m. m. This is enough for a private house.

Batteries designed to produce energy all year round, consist of a pump, a timer and a distribution tank.

Competition in the market

Before starting a business, be sure to research the competition. Despite the fact that such batteries are new for Russia, factories for their production have already been opened. They are located in Moscow, Krasnodar, Bryansk and Zelenograd.

Informing the population is a very important stage in the formation of a business. Most of the population of our country simply does not know about these technologies and the benefits of their use.

Order advertising leaflets, hire sales managers. Report necessary information before potential clients, expand their knowledge in this area, point out the advantages of installing a solar panel. It’s better to entrust this work to marketers.

How to set up production

Selection of raw materials

For raw materials, use poly- and monocrystalline silicon. The plates made from it are fragile, so they need additional protection. But they are much cheaper. You can also use CdTe, GaAs or amorphous silicon. The type of substrate determines the battery's ability to bend, be sealed, or be shock-resistant.

To make one collector (area 2 sq.m.) you will need:

Cellular polypropylene (2 sq. m.);
- cellular polycarbonate (2 sq. m.);
- aluminum frames (6 linear meters);
- converter electric current(220 V);
- insulated wire (6 m).

Technological process

The production of one collector takes about 6 hours. For one helium-based product (the most cost-effective) you need:

Prepare silicon (clean, rinse);
- create the surface structure of the plate;
- etching the plate;
- apply phosphorus, burn;
- insulate, remove excess layers;
- apply an anti-reflective layer;
- apply a metal layer;
- dry;
- bring out the contacts to the battery;
- align the plate;
- test the finished product.


Production has its own subtleties. You need people who know a lot about this. Even if you are a specialist yourself, you should still hire:

An engineer who knows the basics of physics and electromechanics;
- sales manager;
- 2 workers for installation;
- driver (if necessary).

Include a hiring clause in your business plan for installing solar panels. Calculate the payment of salaries, taxes and fees. Also, don't forget about transportation. Buy a car, because trips to clients with all the equipment will be frequent.

Initial investment and payback

The business plan for solar panels is based on the scale of production that you plan. If we take the average business in this area as an example, then starting investments will be as follows:

Purchase of materials – 10,000 – 40,000 rubles;
- rent of premises – 15,000 rubles;
- salaries to employees - about 80,000 rubles;
- marketing services – 1,500 – 2,000 rubles;
- production costs – 40,000 rubles.

Market cost of batteries and installation:

Solar collector (2 sq. m.) – 15,000 – 17,000 rubles;
- solar battery (250 – 320 Watt) – 12,000 – 20,000 rubles;
- complete battery system – 30,000 – 80,000 rubles. ;
- installation for hot water supply – 50,000 rubles;
- installation of a water heater with heat exchangers – 30,000 – 60,000 rubles.

For installation, feel free to charge 100% of the cost of the system.

Business profitability – 150%.

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