Product quality indicators. Reliability and durability of residential buildings

When assessing the quality of building materials, their properties must be fully taken into account. According to there is a system of quality indicators, which includes: indicators of purpose, reliability and durability, ergonomic indicators, etc.

Destination indicators. These indicators characterize the beneficial effect of using the product for its intended purpose and determine the scope of its application. IN general view target indicators include strength(compressive and tensile strength, stiffness, crack resistance, impact strength, seismic resistance), as well as thermophysical indicators And resistance to external influences(frost resistance, moisture resistance, resistance to solar radiation, heat resistance, fire resistance, thermal conductivity, water resistance, sound insulation, light transmittance, etc.).

The range of designation indicators required for quality assessment is regulated by a system of standards and provides the following designation indicators for stone wall materials: compressive and bending strength limits, water absorption, release humidity, frost resistance, linear shrinkage. Considering that the materials are intended to work in the enclosing wall structure and must have high thermal resistance, the standard includes one of the most important indicators - the thermal conductivity of the wall material

When assessing the level of product quality, purpose indicators are often used in conjunction with other types of indicators. The indicators of reliability and durability are most closely related to the purpose indicators.

Also included in this group are constructiveness indicators characterize the degree of technical perfection and progressiveness of a material, product or design. For building products, the indicators of constructability are the geometric shape and dimensions, and standardized tolerances. In relation to materials, composition and structure characteristics are used as indicators of constructability. For example, for cement, a characteristic is used based on the content of the main minerals of clinker; concrete mixtures are characterized by the type and ratio of raw materials, etc.

Indicators of reliability and durability. These indicators characterize the reliability and durability properties of materials, products or construction projects. In relation to the product manufacturing process, reliability is also noteworthy. technological equipment, used in the production of products and technology in general.

Reliability indicators characterize the degree to which a product performs its functions during a given service life in certain conditions external environment while maintaining its properties, subject to compliance with the operating rules. The property of reliability is laid down at the stage of product development, ensured at the stage of its production and maintained at the stage of operation.

The problem of reliability of building structures and systems is becoming increasingly important due to the increase in the number of floors of buildings, the increase in the number of prefabricated elements and the number of joints, and the desire to make structures as light and thin as possible.

Reliability- a complex property of a product, which in general consists of particular properties: durability, reliability, maintainability and storability.

Reliability call the property of an object to continuously maintain an operational state for some time or some operating time. Basically, reliability is considered in relation to the operating mode of an object, but sometimes it is necessary to evaluate the reliability during its storage and transportation) Reliability indicators include the probability of failure-free operation, mean time to failure, time to failure, failure rate, etc.

Time to failure is the duration or volume of operation of an object from the beginning of its operation until the occurrence of the first failure. It is measured in units of time (when the product operates continuously) or in cycles when the product operates at intervals. Time to failure is used to characterize reliability single product. To assess the reliability of a group (batch) of products, indicators should be used that reflect changes in product properties, taking into account their statistical variability. Such indicators are mean time to failure, gamma-percentage time to failure and failure rate, etc.

Average time to failure reflects the mathematical expectation of time to first failure. Gamma-percentage time to failure characterizes the operating time during which an object’s failure does not occur with probability y, expressed as a percentage. To quantify the reliability of non-repairable products, the failure rate indicator is used. Failure rate is the probability of failure of a non-repairable product per unit time. In the simplest case, the failure rate is inversely proportional to the mean time between failures.

The probability of failure-free operation characterizes the probability that an object will not fail within a given operating time. By the time i, counting from the start of operation of the object, the probability of its trouble-free operation is determined by the formula P(t)= 1-F(t), Where F(t) - time-to-failure distribution function, and is expressed as a certain number from zero to one or as a percentage

Under d eternity implies the property of an object to maintain operability to its limit state with the necessary breaks for repairs. The limit state is determined by the destruction of the object, safety requirements or economic considerations.

To assess the durability of building products, indicators are used that make it possible to predict the service life of products. First of all, this is a period that characterizes the calendar duration of operation of the product before transition to the limit state. There is also a distinction between the assigned service life, which reflects the calendar duration of operation of the product, upon reaching which its intended use must be discontinued, and the average service life, i.e. the mathematical expectation of the service life.

Maintainability - a property of a product that characterizes its adaptability to restore an operational state as a result of preventing, identifying and eliminating failures. Indicators of maintainability are the average time to restore a working condition, which expresses the mathematical expectation of the restoration time, as well as the probability of restoration, i.e. the probability that the time to restore the operational state of the object will not exceed the specified one. Repairability applies only to repairable products, systems and elements.

Storability characterizes the properties of an object to maintain specified values ​​of reliability, durability and maintainability during and after the storage and transportation period established technical documentation. Storability is quantified by the time of storage and transportation before failure occurs. Storability can also be expressed by a decrease in the reliability indicator during subsequent operation of the product.

Construction practice shows that products can lose reliability not only during operation, but also during storage or transportation. Therefore, persistence is often presented in the form of two components: one of them manifests itself during the storage period, and the other during the use of the object after storage.

Manufacturability indicators. This group includes indicators characterizing the effectiveness of design and technological solutions, which should be aimed at achieving high labor productivity with minimal costs of materials, fuel and energy for the manufacture and repair of products

Manufacturability of products is characterized by the degree of use of standard technological processes, the most rational starting materials and products of centralized production, the best provision of consumers with spare parts and materials, which leads to an increase in labor productivity in the manufacture of products and a reduction in the costs of production and operation of products. The main indicators of the manufacturability of industrial products include the coefficient of prefabricated (blocked) products and the coefficient of use of rational materials, as well as specific indicators of the labor intensity of production, material and energy intensity of products.

Assembly factor(block character) of a product characterizes the ease of installation of the product and represents the proportion of structural elements included in the specified blocks in the total number of elements of the entire product) In relation to building products (systems), the prefabrication coefficient expresses the proportion of prefabricated elements in the total number of components of the product (system):

Where N Sat - number of prefabricated elements in the product; N- total number of elements.

The higher the value of the prefabrication coefficient, the higher the manufacturability of the product.

Sustainable materials utilization rate determined in cases where it is advisable for technical and economic reasons to use certain effective materials (aluminum alloys, polymers) in the design of the product Construction Materials etc.). Material utilization rate:


Where M and- total weight of the product; M um - the total mass of effective material in the product.

For light, effective materials, due to their low density, the utilization coefficient will have an underestimated value, therefore, for such materials, it is necessary to enter volumes rather than masses into the expression. As the rate of use of sustainable materials increases, the level of product quality increases.

It is convenient to characterize the manufacturability of products by indicators of labor and material intensity. Labor intensity of production is determined by the amount of time spent on manufacturing a unit of product, and is expressed for industrial products in standard hours. Specific labor intensity is defined as the ratio of the total labor intensity of production T to the main product parameter IN:

q t =T/B,(2.3)

Specific material consumption - mass or volume ratio finished products M to its main parameter IN:

q m =M/B(2.4.)

When determining specific labor intensity and specific material intensity, indicators of the product’s purpose (strength, density, etc.) are taken as the main parameter. The technical policy at the enterprise should be aimed at reducing the specific labor intensity, material intensity and energy intensity of products; the level of quality increases.

Ergonomic indicators. Ergonomic quality indicators are used to determine whether a product meets ergonomic requirements. Ergonomics studies the interaction in the “person - environment - product” system. These indicators cover the entire area of ​​factors affecting the working person and the product in use. For example, when studying a workplace, one should take into account not only the working posture of a Person and his movements, breathing, thinking, but also the dimensions of the seat, parameters of tools, means of transmitting information, etc.

Ergonomic indicators are divided into hygienic, anthropometric, physiological and psychological.

The level of ergonomic indicators is determined by ergonomist experts using a developed special rating scale in points.

Hygienic indicators characterize the product’s compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and recommendations. These indicators are used to assess the compliance of a product with the hygienic conditions of human life and performance when interacting with the product. The group of hygienic indicators includes illumination, temperature, humidity and pressure, magnetic and electric field strength, levels of dust, radiation, toxicity, noise and vibration, overload (acceleration).

The influence of hygienic indicators is determined by measuring and assessing the intensity of individual factors and comparing the obtained data with standard ones. For example, when assessing the level of vibration, it is necessary to compare the existing level of vibration of process equipment (vibrating platforms, deep, surface and mounted vibrators) with the maximum permissible according to the standards. The degree of harmfulness of vibration is assessed by the limiting values ​​of vibration velocity and vibration amplitude depending on frequency.

Anthropometric indicators characterize products that are in direct contact with humans, control elements, industrial furniture, clothing and footwear. The group of anthropometric indicators includes indicators of compliance of the product design with the size and shape of the human body and its individual parts that come into contact with the product; an indicator of compliance of the product design with the distribution of human mass.

Physiological and psychophysiological indicators characterize the compliance of the product with the physiological properties of a person and the functioning of his sense organs. This includes the following indicators: compliance of the product design with the speed and strength capabilities of a person; compliance of the size, shape, brightness, contrast, color of the product and spatial position of the object of observation with the visual psychophysiological capabilities of a person; compliance of the design of the product containing the source of information with the auditory psychophysiological capabilities of a person; compliance of the product and its elements with the relative capabilities of a person.

Psychological indicators characterize the product’s compliance with the psychological characteristics of a person”, which are reflected in engineering and psychological requirements, the requirements of labor psychology and general psychology. The psychological group includes indicators of the product’s compliance with the capabilities of perceiving and processing information and the product’s compliance with fixed and newly formed human skills (taking into account the ease and speed of their formation) when using the product.

When assessing product quality using ergonomic indicators, it is necessary to identify elements in industrial products that affect human performance, productivity and fatigue.

Indicators of standardization and unification. These include indicators characterizing the degree of saturation of the product with standardized and unified parts. When developing new products, it is necessary to strive not only to reduce the number of original components, but also to reduce the number of standardized and unified parts, since otherwise equal conditions The quality of a product is higher, the fewer components it contains. For uniformity in calculating indicators of standardization and unification, the component parts of a product are usually divided into standardized, unified and original. Parts of a product manufactured according to state, republican or industry standards are considered standardized. Unified parts include parts of the product manufactured according to the standards of the enterprise, as well as those received by it in finished form as component parts (from those in serial production). Original components are components designed specifically for this product.

The most important indicators standardization and unification are applicability coefficients and repeatability coefficients.

Applicability factor characterizes the degree of saturation of the product with standardized and unified components. There is a distinction between the applicability coefficient based on standard sizes and the applicability coefficient based on the component parts of the product. For example, the applicability factor by standard size:


Where N rev- the total number of standard sizes of the component parts of the product, N rev =N st +N y +N o;

N st, N y And N about- number of standard sizes of standardized, unified and original components.

In addition, it is possible to determine applicability coefficients only by standardized or only by unified components. The higher the values ​​of the applicability coefficients, the higher, other things being equal, the level of product quality.

Repeatability factor characterizes the degree of unification of the components in the product and can be expressed in two forms - as a dimensionless number or as a percentage:

, (2.6)

where is the number of components in the product.

The degree of applicability of standard components can also be expressed using a cost coefficient equal to the ratio of the cost of standardized components to the cost of the product as a whole. The cost coefficient can also be classified as a group of economic indicators.

Economic indicators reflect the costs of development, manufacturing and operation of products, as well as economic efficiency operation. Using economic indicators, the maintainability of products, their manufacturability, the level of standardization and unification, and patent purity are assessed. Economic indicators are also taken into account when compiling integral indicators of product quality.

Aesthetic indicators of product quality. Aesthetic indicators characterize information expressiveness, rationality of form, integrity of composition, perfection of production execution and stability presentation products .

Indicators of information expressiveness characterize the degree of reflection in the form of the product of aesthetic ideas and cultural norms that have developed in society, which are manifested:

In the originality of the form elements that distinguish this product from other similar products (originality of form);

In the continuity of the signs of form, characterizing the stability of the means and techniques of artistic expression characteristic of the defined period of time (style correspondence);

In signs appearance products that reveal temporarily established aesthetic tastes and preferences (conformity to fashion).

Indicators of rationality of form characterize the compliance of the form with the objective conditions of manufacture and operation of the product, as well as the adequacy of the reflection in it of the functional and constructive essence of the product. The rationality of the form is:

Compliance of the shape of the product with its purpose, design solution, features of manufacturing technology and materials used (an indicator of functional and structural conditionality);

Taking into account in the form of the product the methods and characteristics of human actions with the product (an indicator of ergonomic conditionality).

Composition integrity indicators characterize the harmonious unity of parts and the whole product, the organic relationship of the elements of the product’s form and its consistency with other products. The integrity of the composition determines the effectiveness of the use of technical and artistic means in creating a single compositional solution.

Indicators of perfection of manufacturing of form elements and surfaces are characterized by:

The cleanliness of the surfaces of the contours (an indicator of the cleanliness of the contours);

The thoroughness of coating and surface finishing (an indicator of the thoroughness of coatings and finishing);

Clarity of the image of brand names, signs, inscriptions, drawings, symbols, information materials, etc. (an indicator of the clarity of execution of signs and accompanying documentation).

Indicators of stability of presentation are as follows: resistance to damage to elements of the product’s appearance; color retention, etc.

The values ​​of aesthetic quality indicators of products are assessed using the expert method by a commission consisting of qualified specialists in the field of artistic construction and design. The expert commission evaluates the selected aesthetic indicators in points and determines the weight coefficient of each indicator. Based on the obtained values ​​of individual indicators and their weight coefficients, a generalized aesthetic indicator is calculated using the formula:

Where K i - assessment of a single i-ro aesthetic indicator in points;

m i- weight coefficient i-th indicator,

P- the number of individual aesthetic indicators taken into account.


Let, on the basis of the performed aesthetic and design analysis, experts determine the ratings and weighting coefficients of individual aesthetic indicators. It is required to find a general indicator of the aesthetics of a product. The initial data and calculation results are given in table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

Initial data for calculation

No. Single indicator Grade Weight factor m i m i× K i
Originality 1,0 0,05 0,05
Style matching 0,8 0,02 0,016
Fashionable 0,5 0,03 0,015
Functional-constructive conditioning 1,0 0,25 0,25
Ergonomic conditionality 0,5 0,18 0,09
Color and decorativeness 1,0 0,04 0,04
Cleanliness of contours 0,9 0,10 0,09
Careful coating and finishing 1,0 0,12 0,12
Clarity of branding and accompanying documentation 0,7 0,08 0,056
Resistance to damage 0,8 0,13 0,104

Let's find the aesthetics indicator using formula (2.7)

The obtained result indicates that the aesthetic level of quality of the evaluated product does not meet modern requirements.

Patent and legal indicators. Patent legal indicators are primarily indicators of patent protection and patent purity. To calculate the values ​​of patent-legal indicators, depending on the complexity of the product, all its components are divided into groups taking into account their weight.

Two indicators of product patent protection are used: patent protection in the country and abroad.

Product patent protection indicator within the country it is calculated as follows:


where is the number of significance groups;

The weight coefficient of the component parts of the product protected by patents or copyright certificates of the country;

The number of components of the product protected by patents or copyright certificates of the country;

The total number of components of the product.

Patent protection indicator domestic product patents abroad is determined by the formula:


where is a coefficient depending on the number of countries in which patents were obtained for the export of products;

Weight factor of product components protected by foreign patents;

Number of product components protected by patents abroad.

Overall indicator of product patent protection, represents the sum


Index patent purity expresses the legal possibility of selling a product both domestically and abroad. The indicator is simplified to calculate using the formula:


where is the number of component parts of the product (by significance groups) that are covered by patents in a given country.

Taking into account the division of the component parts of the product into particularly important, main and auxiliary patent protection indicator determined by the formula:


where is the individual weight coefficient of particularly important components;

The number of particularly important components in the product;

The weighting coefficient of parts protected by patents in Russia or in the countries of intended export; -th group;

The number of components of a product in a group that are covered by patents issued in the country of intended sale;

Number of significance groups.

Environmental indicators. An urgent problem today has become the dangerous impact on nature for people in the process of their life. Various objects used in labor processes become material carriers of dangerous and harmful factors for nature and humans. Such objects include: means of labor (machines, equipment and other technical products); objects and products of labor; technologies, natural and climatic conditions, etc.

Environmental indicators characterize the level of harmful effects on environment during the operation of the product. When justifying the need to take into account environmental indicators to assess the quality of a product, an analysis of its operation is carried out in order to identify possible harmful chemical, mechanical, light, sound, biological, radiation and other effects on the natural environment. When such impacts on nature are identified, the corresponding environmental indicators are included in the list of indicators accepted for assessing the quality level of the product.

The environmental performance of technology can be divided into three main groups:

indicators related to use material resources nature,

indicators related to the use of natural energy resources;

indicators related to environmental pollution.

TO first The group of indicators includes: resource intensity of product manufacturing, indicators of consumption of irreplaceable material resources during operation, during repairs and disposal of products after their physical wear and tear.

Co. second This group includes indicators of the consumption of natural energy resources at all stages and phases of the product life cycle.

Third group of indicators includes parameters various types environmental pollution and damage from this pollution at various stages of the product life cycle - from production and operation to the disposal of used products.

When determining environmental quality indicators new technology find the relative values ​​of actual values, for example, concentrations of harmful substances or levels of harmful (mechanical, physical and other) effects on the natural environment to their maximum permissible values. In this case, the following conditions must be met:


where C 1, WITH 2 , WITH 3 - concentrations of relevant harmful substances;

MPC 1 , maximum permissible concentration 2 , MPC n - maximum permissible concentrations of relevant harmful substances.

When assessing the level of quality of technical products taking into account environmental indicators, they proceed from the requirements and specific standards for environmental protection.

An industrial product, the operation of which leads to a violation of established environmental requirements and environmental protection standards, cannot be classified as a product that exceeds the world level or corresponds to it, regardless of whether other quality indicators correspond to such an assessment.

Safety indicators. This group of product quality indicators characterizes safety service personnel, passengers - for Vehicle, as well as surrounding people during operation, storage and disposal of technical products.

Safety - This is a state of working conditions in which danger is excluded with a certain probability, i.e. the possibility of damage (injury, injury) or deterioration (occupational diseases) of human health.

The following can be taken as safety indicators:

The likelihood of a person working safely for a certain period of time;

Safety factor;

A qualitative indicator of safety may be the availability of personal protective equipment, seat belts, etc.

The quality level of the product is assessed taking into account safety indicators and their standards.

When assessing safety, it is initially determined X st - degree of harmfulness (danger) of an unfavorable factor and (or) severity of work with a technical product. Degree of harm X st are assessed in points in accordance with standards.

However, many harmful and dangerous factors do not always affect a person during his work. In this case, the established indicators of the degree of harmfulness of factors are adjusted according to the formula:

Where X st- degree of harmfulness (danger) of the factor,

T - the ratio of the time of action of this factor to the duration of the work shift.

If the duration of any negative factor is more than 90% of the duration of the work shift, then it T= 1.

In a number of cases, the degree of safety of technical products is assessed by safety factors K b.

Safety factor K b is determined by the ratio of the number of safety indicators (requirements) N b corresponding regulatory and technical documentation on occupational safety with the product being evaluated, to the total number of safety indicators nomenclature N about related to this product:

If the safety factor is less than one, then it is necessary to carry out management and technical measures to bring the product to a normatively safe state.

What is the security level U b The product is quantified as the ratio of the safety factors of the evaluated and base samples:

However, a more accurate assessment of the safety level of a product can be carried out by differential or complex method taking into account all individual safety indicators and their significance.

Depending on the nature of the assessment tasks being solved, indicators can be classified according to various criteria (Fig. 1.2).

The most widely used indicators in assessing the quality of industrial and technical products are grouped by characteristic properties.

Purpose indicators characterize the properties of a product, determining the main functions for which it is intended to perform, and determine the scope of its application.

They are divided into the following categories:

  • indicators of functional and technical efficiency— machine productivity, fabric strength, etc.;
  • constructive indicators - overall dimensions, coefficients of assembly and interchangeability, etc.;
  • indicators of composition and structure - percentage, concentration, etc.

Rice. 1.2. Classification of product quality indicators

Product quality indicators by characterized properties

Indicators characterized by the following properties:

  • Reliability - the property of a product to continuously maintain operability for some time or some operating time, expressed in the probability of failure-free operation, average time to failure, failure rate.
  • Maintainability- a property of a product, which consists in its adaptability to preventing and detecting the causes of failures, damage and eliminating their consequences by carrying out repairs and Maintenance. Single indicators of maintainability are probability of restoration to a working state, average recovery time.
  • Recoverability The product is characterized by the average recovery time to a given value of the quality indicator and the level of recovery.
  • Storability - the property of products to maintain a serviceable and functional state suitable for consumption during and after storage and transportation. Single indicators of shelf life can be the average shelf life and the assigned shelf life.
  • Durability - the property of a product to maintain operability until a limit state occurs with an established system of maintenance and repairs. Single indicators of durability are the average resource, the average service life.

Efficiency indicators determine the perfection of a product by the level of material, fuel and energy costs and labor resources for its production and operation. This is first of all:

  • cost price;
  • purchase price;
  • consumption price;
  • profitability, etc.

indicators characterize the system “person - product - environment of use” and take into account a complex of human properties such as:

  • hygienic;
  • anthropometric;
  • physiological;
  • psychological.

indicators characterize:

  • informational and artistic expressiveness of the product;
  • rationality of form;
  • integrity of the composition.

Indicators are related to such properties of the product design that determine its adaptability to achieving optimal costs in production, operation and restoration of specified values ​​of quality indicators. They are decisive for efficiency indicators. Single indicators of manufacturability include:

  • specific labor intensity;
  • material consumption;
  • energy intensity of product manufacturing and operation;
  • duration of the maintenance and repair cycle, etc.

Indicators of standardization and unification characterize the saturation of the product with standard, unified and original components, which are the parts, assemblies, assemblies, kits and complexes included in it. This group of indicators includes the following coefficients:

  • applicability;
  • repeatability;
  • unification of a product or group of products.

Patent and legal indicators characterize the degree of patent purity of technical solutions used in the product, which determines its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

indicators determine the level harmful effects on the environment during operation or consumption of the product. These include:

  • content of harmful impurities released into the environment;
  • the likelihood of the release of harmful particles, gases and radiation, the level of which should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration.

Indicators characterize the features of the product that determine the safety of humans and other objects during its use. They must reflect the requirements for measures and means of human protection in an emergency situation that is not authorized and not provided for by the operating rules in a possible danger zone.

Product quality indicators by the number of characterized properties

The indicator by which a decision is made to evaluate product quality is called defining. The properties taken into account by the defining indicator can be characterized by single, complex (generalizing) and (or) integral indicators, which relate to the classification criterion of product quality indicators according to the number of characterized properties.

Single indicators characterize one property of a product, constituting its quality in relation to certain conditions of creation, operation and consumption.

Complex (generalizing) indicators are an average value that takes into account quantitative estimates of the main properties of products and their weight coefficients.

Integral indicators reflect the ratio of the beneficial effect of operation and the costs of purchasing and operating products.

The optimal value of a product quality indicator is one at which the greatest beneficial effect from the operation (consumption) of a product is achieved at a given cost of its creation and operation (consumption).

Similar quality indicators are determined for consumer goods, but they must take into account the specific purpose and use of these items.

In world practice, in order to assess the degree of superiority of products, it is used gradation (class, grade)- a category or grade assigned to products that have the same functional application, but different quality requirements.

With numerical designation upper class Usually the number 1 is assigned, and when designated by the number of any characters, such as asterisks, usually the lower class has a smaller number of such characters.

According to Federal law RF “On the protection of consumer rights”:

  • for durable goods, the manufacturer is obliged to establish life time;
  • for food, medicine, goods household chemicals -best before date.

These two indicators establish periods after which the product poses a danger to the life, health and property of the consumer or becomes unsuitable for its intended use.

Features of assessing the quality of industrial and technical products and consumer goods are reflected in industry standard and technical documentation, which regulates the choice, methods of their calculation and scope of application.

Quality - Reliability - Safety (QSS) - as components of system management. Quality

In conditions of open market relations, the priorities and emphasis that determine the efficiency of activities and the image of enterprises change fundamentally. Today it is impossible to consider and evaluate their activities without taking into account the issues of ensuring professional, industrial and environmental safety. The ability to compete increasingly depends on the quality of services provided, culture and work discipline, and the reliability of the enterprise.

Taking this into account, modern enterprise policy should be focused not only on individual components (safety, quality, reliability), but also at the same time on their comprehensive solution. Only if a policy is implemented that is adequate to modern requirements, an enterprise can count on success and has a chance to consolidate its position in the market field.

With this in mind, today key categories systems corporate governance When characterizing any enterprise, organization, company, the concepts become “quality of services and products”, “reliability of the functioning of processes and enterprises”, “human (personnel) safety”. These categories are so closely related to each other that it is practically difficult to indicate which of them is primary: either quality and reliability are necessary categories and conditions of safety, or vice versa - safety and reliability are indicators (properties) of quality that form it.

All of them are important both from the point of view of social, economic significance, business success, and for the formation of the internal and external image of the enterprise as a reliable, professional and environmentally safe, socially responsible partner that provides high quality services provided. And if previously these concepts were considered independently of one another, now these categories should be considered in conjunction. This is the peculiarity and this is the complexity and systematic approach to implementation production activities at the enterprise at the present stage.


What do safety and quality, between quality and reliability have in common? After all, the quality problem did not appear today; it has existed for a long time and exists quite independently. Intensive solutions to qualitative problems occurred in the 80s of the last century. In the 70-80s in the USSR there was even such a thing as a “struggle” for quality; one of the five-year plans (“five-year plan for quality”) was dedicated to this struggle, “quality days” were held, thousands of enterprises had comprehensive product quality management systems and etc.

Currently, all over the world, quality in the broadest sense is gaining an increasingly stronger position in all areas of business activity. This is confirmed by the fact that the ISO 9000 series of standards, as the most famous, are the fundamental basis for management systems in other areas of activity and are being implemented in 157 member countries of the international organization for standardization.

What is the difference between today’s “struggle” for quality and the previous one? What and how do these concepts manifest themselves in practice?

Since the time when this work was actively carried out at domestic enterprises, and it undoubtedly produced positive results, quite a lot of time has passed, much of it has already been forgotten and lost, but at the same time much has taken on more advanced forms, new approaches have appeared. After all, the concept of quality then and now are significantly different.

Today, quality means, first of all, compliance with standards, reliability, the needs of all stakeholders, including customer satisfaction, and a number of other aspects related to labor activity. If previously we were talking about product quality and product quality management systems, today we are talking about total (universal) quality management in English terminology - Total Quality Management (TQM), which includes the quality of labor products, the quality of processes, activities, management, and finally , quality of the company (enterprise).

And of course, the quality category is a key component of professional, industrial and environmental safety, because The ideology of ensuring security is closely related to the ideology of creating high-quality services and products. Moreover, modern concept Safety management is essentially based on the principles of quality management.

Therefore, in the context of this topic, the concept of quality is not considered in general, but in relation to safety, moreover, as a necessary condition for safety. This is due to the fact that the categories that form quality are also safety categories. For example, these include: advanced (advanced, safe) technology, strict attitude to established rules, work culture and discipline, commitment and mutual responsibility in relationships with partners and the enterprise’s own employees, etc.

On the other hand, it is known that reliability also manifests itself as a certain property or quality that an object possesses and belongs to the category of security. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the concepts of reliable and safe are translated into English language in one word “Safe”.

What does the introduction of these categories entail, what are the essence and initial principles on which the work of enterprises in this direction should be based?

First of all, it is envisaged to continue the work that was carried out in each of these areas, to use the developments and principles on which it was built earlier, as well as the experience of the latest international practice and international standards.

Here are just a few of these principles.

First principle of quality

A systematic approach to occupational safety management and the quality of social and production processes: the creation of an integrated system to achieve target objectives in the most effective way, organization of interrelation and interaction of subjects and objects of management, distribution of roles and responsibilities of personnel, continuous improvement of the system based on an assessment of the actual state and subsequent adjustment of actions; mutually beneficial and mutually responsible relationships with partners and employees.

The application of this principle usually boils down to the following: open communication, exchange of information and plans for the future, creation of joint development activities, recognition of improvements and achievements of partners; Among the benefits of this approach are an increase in profit opportunities for partners and the creation of prerequisites for safe production works and processes.

Second principle of quality

The common and main link of the system, which combines the triune concepts (quality, reliability and safety), is the person, his managing, organizing and performing role.

According to TQM, the personnel of an enterprise or company are of the highest value and for these reasons, the participation of workers of all categories in their activities is a necessary condition effective functioning of the system. Therefore, the second principle, as noted earlier, is to involve people in management processes and adequate execution, the use of their abilities and potential in relation to the tasks, goals and interests of the enterprise, which is expressed in people’s understanding of the importance of their personal role participation in solving problems, acceptance they are responsible for these problems and possible ways to solve them.

Like any other, the NSC management system will function effectively under certain conditions. These include the following.

The first condition successful action system, as mentioned earlier, is the involvement of all personnel in the processes of functioning of the enterprise (management, organization, execution). Everyone should do this: every person, every service in their area, whose joint actions form the general policy of the enterprise. At the same time, for each entity, the responsibilities, powers and procedure for their interaction must be clearly defined by the relevant regulatory documents.

However, it is important that this is handled professionally in every workplace. Therefore, personnel must master the systematic methods that form the management of the enterprise, and for this they must be trained. That is, training and professional competence are the second necessary condition.

Third principle of quality

In order to attract staff not only to participate in this process, but also to improve it, people need to be motivated, using a variety of forms for this purpose, moreover, to create the prerequisites for their self-motivation. The system of equalizing compensation, where everyone receives the same little, is being replaced by economic incentives for individual contribution to the overall result.

And one last thing. Persons responsible for the functioning of the system and persons exercising control must be appointed. And here an important role belongs to the labor protection service, because in essence, these are the functions that must be carried out by specialists of this service. In this regard, it seems appropriate to include staffing tables, at least in large enterprises (associations, companies) performing high-risk work or processes, position

specialist (engineer, manager) in system management labor protection, in job responsibilities which will (should) include the practical implementation of an integrated safety management system, documenting processes, organizing the effective functioning of the System, monitoring its functioning, introducing risk management methods, and implementing the leadership aspirations of the enterprise in the field of occupational safety.

IN modern conditions an important incentive for implementation innovative technologies and solutions for them successful implementation is the economic side of the issue. Otherwise, what does this ultimately give the company from a business point of view? Unfortunately, not everything is easy quantification, especially since the concepts of safety, quality and reliability are not only and not so much economic categories as social ones.

Due to the unsatisfactory state of labor protection, most able-bodied people, often young people, become disabled and die; due to poor quality, demand for products decreases, delivery times are violated, partners leave, no one will invest in unreliable enterprises to update equipment and technology, which means the enterprise is doomed to failure.

Conversely, an enterprise that is reliable in all respects, provides high culture and quality of processes, services and products, guaranteeing safety, becomes attractive to investors and partners, which means the possibility of introducing advanced technologies, improving working conditions, increasing production volumes, growth of material and social benefits for workers, social stability and comfort in work collective, ultimately, is the key to success, and this is already a lot.

World practice shows that companies that have adopted and implemented such an approach in management systems, which in most cases is part of the entire philosophy of total quality management (TQM), achieve especially high performance efficiency.

Given this, what challenges do enterprise managers face?

The main task is to form among personnel an ideology that is adequate to the requirements the latest system management, the key factors of which include safety, quality, and reliability. All forms of psychological influence, education, training, and propaganda should be aimed at this.


The most important technical quality characteristic is reliability. Reliability is assessed by probabilistic characteristics based on statistical processing of experimental data.

Basic concepts, terms and their definitions characterizing the reliability of equipment and, in particular, mechanical engineering products are given in GOST 27.002-89.

Reliability- the property of a product to maintain, within a specified time limit, the values ​​of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform the required functions in given modes and conditions of use, maintenance, repairs, storage, transportation and other actions.

Product reliability is a complex property that may include: reliability, durability, maintainability, storability, etc.

Reliability- the property of a product to continuously maintain operability for a given time or operating time under certain operating conditions.

Operating state- the state of the product in which it is capable of performing specified functions, while maintaining acceptable values ​​of all basic parameters established by regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) and (or) design documentation.

Durability- the ability of a product to maintain operability over time, with the necessary breaks for maintenance and repair, up to its limiting state specified in the technical documentation.

Durability is determined by the occurrence of events such as damage or failure.

Damage- an event consisting of a malfunction of the product.

Refusal- an event that results in a complete or partial loss of functionality of the product.

Working condition- a state in which the product meets all the requirements of regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

Faulty condition- a condition in which the product does not satisfy at least one of the requirements of regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

A faulty product may still be functional. For example, a decrease in the density of the electrolyte in batteries or damage to the lining of the car means a faulty condition, but such a car is operational. An inoperative product is also faulty.

Operating time- duration (measured, for example, in hours or cycles) or volume of work of the product (measured, for example, in tons, kilometers, cubic meters, etc. units).

Resource- the total operating time of the product from the start of its operation or its resumption after repair until the transition to the limit state.

Limit state- the state of the product in which its further operation (use) is unacceptable due to safety requirements or is impractical for economic reasons. The limit state occurs as a result of resource exhaustion or in an emergency situation.

Life time- calendar duration of operation of products or its resumption after repair from the beginning of its use until the onset of the limit state

Inoperative state- a condition of a product in which it is not able to normally perform at least one of the specified functions.

The transfer of a product from a faulty or inoperable state to a serviceable or operational state occurs as a result of restoration.

Recovery- the process of detecting and eliminating failure (damage) of a product in order to restore its functionality (troubleshooting).

The main way to restore functionality is repair.

Maintainability- a property of a product, which consists in its adaptability to maintaining and restoring an operational state by detecting and eliminating defects and malfunctions through technical diagnostics, maintenance and repair.

Storability- the property of products to continuously maintain the values ​​of established indicators of its quality within specified limits during long-term storage and transportation

Shelf life- calendar duration of storage and (or) transportation of the product under specified conditions, during and after which serviceability is maintained, as well as the values ​​of indicators of reliability, durability and maintainability within the limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation for this object.


Rice. 1. Product state diagram

reliability constantly changes during the operation of a technical product and at the same time characterizes its condition. The diagram for changing the states of the operating product is shown below (Fig. 1).

To quantitatively characterize each of the product reliability properties, single indicators such as time to failure and time between failures, time between failures, service life, service life, shelf life, and recovery time are used. The values ​​of these quantities are obtained from test or operational data.

Complex reliability indicators, as well as the availability factor, technical utilization factor and operational readiness factor, are calculated based on the given single indicators. The range of reliability indicators is given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Approximate nomenclature of reliability indicators

Reliability property

Indicator name


Single indicators


Probability of failure-free operation Average time to failure

Mean time between failures

Average time between failures Failure rate

Failure flow of a restored product

Average failure rate

Probability of failures


Average resource

Gamma Percentage Resource Assigned Resource

Installed resource

Average service life

Gamma percentage life Assigned life Fixed time services


Average recovery time Probability of recovery Repair complexity factor


Average shelf life

Gamma percentage shelf life

Assigned shelf life Established shelf life

Generalized indicators

Set of properties

Availability factor Technical utilization factor

Operational readiness ratio

Indicators characterizing reliability

Probability of failure-free operation of an individual product is assessed as:

Where T - time from start of work to failure;

t - time for which the probability of failure-free operation is determined.

Magnitude T may be greater than, less than or equal to t. Therefore,

The probability of failure-free operation is a statistical and relative indicator of maintaining the operability of serially produced products of the same type, expressing the probability that, within a given operating time, product failure does not occur. To establish the probability of failure-free operation of serial products, use the formula for the average statistical value:

Where N- number of observed products (or elements);

N o- number of failed products over time t;

N R- number of functional products at the end of time t testing or operation.

The probability of failure-free operation is one of the most significant characteristics of product reliability, since it covers all factors affecting reliability. To calculate the probability of failure-free operation, data accumulated through observations of operation during operation or during special tests is used. The more products are observed or tested for reliability, the more accurately the probability of failure-free operation of other similar products is determined.

Since trouble-free operation and failure are mutually opposite events, then the assessment probability of failure(Q(t)) determined by the formula:

Calculation average time to failure (or average time between failures) based on the results of observations is determined by the formula:

Where N o - number of elements or products subjected to observations or tests;

T i - uptime i th element (product).

Statistical assessment of the mean time between failures calculated as the ratio of the total operating time for the period of testing or operation of products under consideration to the total number of failures of these products for the same period of time:

Statistical assessment of the average time between failures calculated as the ratio of the total operating time of a product between failures for the period of testing or operation under consideration to the number of failures of this (their) object(s) for the same period:

Where T - number of failures over time t.

Durability indicators

The statistical estimate of the average resource is:

Where T R i - resource i-th object;

N- number of products delivered for testing or commissioning.

Gamma percentage resource expresses the operating time during which a product with a given probability γ percent does not reach the limit state. Gamma percentage life is the main calculation indicator, for example, for bearings and other products. A significant advantage of this indicator is the possibility of its determination before the completion of testing of all samples. In most cases for various products use the criterion of 90% resource.

Assigned resource - the total operating time, upon reaching which the use of the product for its intended purpose must be stopped, regardless of its technical condition.

P odestablished resource is understood as a technically justified or specified value of resource provided by the design, technology and operating conditions, within which the product should not reach the limit state.

Statistical assessment average service life determined by the formula:


Where T sl i - life time i-th product.

Gamma percentage life represents the calendar duration of operation during which the product does not reach the limit state with probability , expressed as a percentage. To calculate it, use the relation

Appointed date services- the total calendar duration of operation, upon reaching which the use of the product for its intended purpose must be stopped, regardless of its technical condition.

Underspecified service life understand the technically and economically justified service life provided by design, technology and operation, within which the product should not reach its limit state.

The main reason for the decrease in the durability of a product is the wear of its parts.

If the child begins to get up and move more actively, then it’s time to limit access to some cabinets and drawers for his safety.

In principle, we were not going to choose, because... IKEA locks inspired the greatest confidence. But the presence of 2 large chests of drawers (and that’s already 11 drawers) and besides them 12 other important and dangerous doors forced us to take a closer look and evaluate other cheaper analogues. We sampled different manufacturers and almost all of them had to be replaced with IKEA ones.

About the advantages (and no disadvantages other than cost were found)

They have been serving for a year without any complaints. Sticks to any surface. The main thing is to degrease it before gluing it.

There is an adjustment for different doors in terms of the width of the lock - we installed it on a cabinet in the bathroom,

where the distance is small, and on the drawer under the crib, where the maximum length of the lock was required. Adjustable by cutting the tape. The truth is already irrevocable))

The lock is quite difficult to open. With long nails, I think it’s more difficult; with small nails, opening and closing takes seconds. The main thing is to get used to it. Well, of course, a child can’t do it at all. Unlike other locks we've tried.

The color is only white. We were more than satisfied with this, because... in the room everything is mostly bright, but where things don’t match is not scary for us - safety comes first.