What to do as a private practicing lawyer. The end of the journey: how to find a promising job

A lawyer is a profession that is in great demand nowadays. Lawyers are needed not only in law firms and courtrooms, every factory, every office has its own lawyer. But at the same time, the labor market is literally oversaturated with “legal” personnel. Finding a job can be very difficult even for a lawyer with honors and work experience. How to become a valuable employee and a high-quality lawyer? What knowledge and skills are needed, and what difficulties may arise in the process of obtaining a profession and labor activity? All this is discussed in the material below.

One of important qualities that a lawyer must have is emotional stability, since the work of a lawyer involves constant mental stress and working with a huge number of people.

The specificity of domestic legislation lies in the huge number of daily changing legal frameworks. To be a successful and sought-after lawyer means to know about the latest updates in domestic and international legislation. The desire to constantly improve yourself is half the success on the path to the career of a successful and prosperous lawyer.

How difficult is the profession?

The legal profession has a lot of advantages - from the opportunity to be useful to society and people and interesting work to decent remuneration for their work and the right to use state guarantees given to every working lawyer.

However, this field of activity also has its cornerstones, because of which many young specialists stop their activities or even leave the profession.

  • The main disadvantage of the legal profession is huge competition in the labor market. The popularity of the profession led to the fact that the country's universities began to graduate more specialists than was necessary. As a result of this, now every more or less experienced lawyer will have to prove his professionalism throughout his entire career.

  • Studying the rules of law– another pitfall of the profession. The point is that with regulatory framework It’s not enough to familiarize yourself with or learn it (which is almost impossible). You need to truly master it, namely, be able to analyze the rules of law, having studied all the notes and references, and for this you need to have real talent.

  • Moral side. Work for public service obliges a lawyer to calmly make the most responsible decisions, which can sometimes radically change the lives of many people.

  • Moral side. When choosing the profession of a lawyer, a person must understand that now he is an example of decent behavior for the whole society. Any mistake or misconduct can cost your career and business reputation.

  • Some types legal activity(especially criminology) are associated primarily with risks to life and health.

  • Profession forever ties the lawyer to his home state. Immigration to another country becomes a very complex matter, since each country has its own legal framework and system (including legal activities). To work in another country, you will need a lot of time to study, as well as study the rules of law of a particular state.

Despite the many negative aspects of the profession, many still choose law. Every day the scope of activity of lawyers is expanding with the emergence of a new type of legal relationship. But the main attractive side of the profession is the protection of a person, his rights, as well as the restoration of justice.

Sometimes to really helpful advice well understood, you can “turn” it into harmful, mirroring its meaning and meaning. In addition, it sometimes helps to see the shortcomings in your work, and at the same time practice your wit.

On the eve of April Fool's Day (April 1), family lawyer, chairman of the Bar Association "Center for Legal Expertise", managing partner of the law firm "ENSO" Alexey Golovchenko and managing partner of the bar association "Muranov, Chernyakov and Partners" Alexander Muranov gave similar “harmful” advice to their colleagues. Of course, everything stated should be taken with irony and humor.

How can you be guaranteed to lose a case in court?

Forget that you have a court hearing, mix up the time. You are the main star at this event; they won’t start without you. Lose the power of attorney, do not prepare for the court hearing, impromptu is a lawyer’s best friend. While waiting for the court hearing, show your opponent’s lawyer “all your cards” - tell him what defense tactics you chose and what evidence you have. He will probably chicken out and give up.

Alexey Golovchenko:

In order to be guaranteed to lose a case in court, it is best to sue the state or the municipality. Ideally, you need to sue over violation of deadlines for payment of a government contract or over inflated amounts of taxes.

Don't forget to skip court dates regularly! Then the other side will do everything for you.

Alexander Muranov:

A lawyer must firmly believe that in court it is possible to be guaranteed to win a case only with the help of such tools as corruption or administrative resources.

Are there universal ways that a legal adviser or lawyer can use with a high probability of losing a client?

: Avoid communicating with the client after you have taken the money. Be rude to him, be rude when you meet him, scare him more often. Say that he demands too much from you for the pennies that you took from him for solving a very difficult problem. Let him know how lucky he is to work with such important bird, like you, constantly demand additional payment. Hide from him and don't answer his calls.

Alexey Golovchenko: Do not respond to customer requests or respond to calls or emails. It is strictly forbidden to agree with him on the position on the case and receive from him feedback. Do it yourself – clients like independent lawyers.

Alexander Muranov: As you know, the less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us.

If the client is a woman, then you need to demonstrate your affection to her as intrusively as possible.

If the woman herself is a lawyer, then the recipe, paradoxically, is the same: demonstrate to the client her experiences as persistently as possible.

How should you approach writing an article or organizing a seminar (webinar) on legal topics so that the author will certainly be ridiculed in a professional environment?

: Take the text of the speech at the seminar that you prepared two years ago, and feel free to go speak, because it’s not for nothing that they say “repetition is the mother of learning.” The fact that during this time the legislation has changed or the highest courts have taken a different position on the issues of the seminar does not concern you.

Alexey Golovchenko: It is necessary to begin the speech with the words: “we live in a rule of law state, in which there is a system of separation of powers and an independent judicial system.” Next, it’s worth talking about the fact that any citizen has a 100% guarantee to defend their rights and legitimate interests in a court.

Alexander Muranov: Propose the following as a topic: “The Constitution as a source of supreme legal force.”

The first job allows young lawyers to get accustomed to the profession and gain initial experience. How should a former student who has just left the university act so that he is not hired for a job in his specialty for a long time?

: During interviews, you should say that you are disappointed in the education you received and don’t understand why you went to study to become a lawyer, or even better, say that your mother forced you - HR managers will definitely note your honesty. Don’t forget to say that you understood little when you studied at the university, and in general you were a rare guest in classes. In the resume paragraphs about special skills, indicate: “I write all documents grammatically,” “I’m afraid to communicate with clients,” “I can’t work on a computer for health reasons.”

Alexey Golovchenko: A graduate should understand that he is a star. He will honor the company he goes to work for. A graduate always knows the solution to any problem better than anyone, because theoretical professors taught him what is right and what is wrong.

Alexander Muranov: To be honest, you have just left the university, feel a lack of knowledge and would like to continue your education at this place of work over the next two years, without applying for a scholarship. The chances of continuing your search will increase if you also honestly communicate that you will be coming to your potential management for consultations. By the way, in reality this is how everything happens: both training and mentoring from management. Everyone knows this, but everyone is prudently silent. But if someone honestly says this, they will most likely not hire him.

At the beginning of a career, professional mistakes are not excluded, and this is quite natural due to the lack of experience of yesterday’s student. But what is the best way for him to act in order to turn against himself new team and the leader?

: If you want to position yourself correctly in a team, teach everyone how to work correctly, show that only you know how to write this or that document or act in this or that situation. Call out the mistakes of your colleagues.

Alexey Golovchenko: It is best to show inflexibility in the first months of work - this will become your main advantage. Without a doubt, yesterday's student is a great professional in his field and has at least 30 kg of knowledge and experience behind him, as well as an education received at a prestigious university. In this regard, the advice of elders should not be taken into account. Lawyers who have worked for the company for several successful years simply do not understand what they are talking about.

Alexander Muranov: There are many possibilities. For example, referring to the desire to quickly become a good specialist, turn into a living reproach to everyone: that is, work 18 hours a day, hang over your workplace the slogan “We live in order to work, and do not work in order to live.” A month later, citing your busyness (everyone can’t help but see it), offer all your colleagues and managers a reduction in their salaries so that, thanks to this savings, you can hire two assistants. Another option: a week after starting work, pointing out that you have no experience, invite all team members and especially management to present you with a list of their mistakes once a week in order to learn from them faster. Self-criticism will not hurt them, and they will also benefit from the fact that you will learn faster and will not repeat such mistakes.

What should a practicing lawyer do (or not do) in order to move up the career ladder as slowly as possible?

: To do this you need to overcome only 5 steps:

  1. Lose cases in court more often;
  2. Make mistakes when drafting documents;
  3. Argue with clients;
  4. Don't be interested in changes in legislation;
  5. Learn to live a guide.

Alexey Golovchenko: There is no need to rush, all matters will be resolved on their own. There is no need to pay attention to lost processes - the main thing is not victory, but participation.

Alexander Muranov: If we are talking about a law firm, then everything is simple: immediately become a managing partner. There will be no further movement higher.

If inside some other organization, then everything is more complicated.

Firstly, you need to do everything to the best of your ability to be considered one of the best experts on such an issue as “doing nothing.” But it is modest to give up the palm to someone else, so that they fire him first, if that happens.

Secondly, you need to do nothing - so as not to destroy your reputation. But again, it is necessary to allow someone to get ahead in this regard.

Which " bad advice"Could you give on your own behalf?

: Keep your secret professional activity! Don't tell anyone that you are a lawyer. And forbid your relatives from talking about it.
Never consult anyone. Do not study judicial practice, changes in legislation, or take advanced training courses. Don't discuss your business with your colleagues.

Alexey Golovchenko: Work remotely from a distant sunny country (for example, Thailand) - this has an effective effect on building a career. And the best way to earn good money and develop is not to work at all.

Alexander Muranov: Always be assertive in giving legal advice to those who do not ask. And ask them to pay for the consultation. However, always shy away from giving legal advice to those who ask. And if you still decide to give, never take money for it, ask them to bring you magnets from your trips.

Another tip: always keep your promises to the client. But at the same time, never promise him anything.

This will not help you either when preparing your case or when working with clients. After all, the main thing for a good lawyer is knowledge of the fundamental principles of law and a vivid emotional speech, and other nuances do not matter.

Of course, in Russian legislation There are some changes made from time to time, but this should not confuse you if you are armed with strong theoretical knowledge.

So feel free to use it (if, of course, it makes sense at all) regulations that you once saved on your computer. As an option, you can safely take excerpts from legislation posted on any random sites and forums.

Sometimes in my practice I come across questions about how to become a lawyer, I want to become a lawyer, where to start, and so on. There is an opinion that to work as a lawyer you need to have a legal education. This is not true; anyone can become a lawyer on their own and at any age.

The main thing is to have a desire to study some area and be a decent person. Then you will be able to help people solve problems and quickly begin to gain fame in your circle as a competent specialist, albeit only in one area of ​​law.

What is needed for this, we will consider in this article.

And of course, having an education theoretically increases professional level lawyer, but I know many cases where education was of no use.

In other words, you don't have to have a law degree to become a lawyer. You can become a lawyer either at 35 or 65 years old; there are no age restrictions; on the contrary, life experience in court is welcome. Therefore, as far as education is concerned, it is not necessary to graduate from college; you can become a lawyer by studying the theory at home. well and practical lessons will be in court.

What does it mean to be a lawyer?

This means providing people with qualified assistance in protecting their rights, and receiving compensation for this.

There are many areas of civil litigation where ordinary people without education work. For example, real estate transactions, insurance cases, family relationships, and so on.

These are processes in which you simply need to perform a certain sequence of actions. If something doesn’t work out, you need to go back a step and go through the stage again. Most legal proceedings are structured according to this principle.

A lawyer differs from an “ordinary” person only in that he knows this sequence of actions and is familiar with the documents that may be required. Well, what’s stopping you from finding out? That's right, nothing.

One of the simplest, but at the same time money-making procedures in terms of earning money, is debt collection through the court.

Why is this procedure simple?

Firstly, as I already noted, this is an elementary sequence of actions. All you need to do is follow all the steps step by step, providing the necessary documents to the court.

Secondly, the very essence of the debt assumes that the plaintiff is already right. If someone is owed money, and you can prove it with documents, then roughly speaking, you can assume that the lawsuit has already been won. In addition, the judge is often always on the side of the truth, and if you suddenly feel that you are not sure about something, the judge himself will tell you what needs to be done and provided.

Thirdly, the documents that are needed to collect a debt are standard. For example, a demand for debt collection or a statement of claim. You can create these documents once “for yourself”, and subsequently only change the client data.

Why is this procedure monetary?

Many things can be returned through court. Prove an event, establish a fact, restore relationships, and so on, but all this refers to the so-called intangible benefits. These benefits cannot be touched and cannot be monetized right now. In case of debt collection, you return real money to the person, the most material assets, and naturally, people willingly pay for it.

We will definitely consider in the near future what kind of remuneration you can receive, what amount to ask for as payment, and what payment schemes are usually used by lawyers. We will also make articles about where and how to look for clients for collection, how to draw up a power of attorney for the court, or how to clarify a claim, stay tuned to the blog.

There are many areas in jurisprudence.

It is impossible to be a specialist in all areas of law, so lawyers usually specialize. They choose the narrow area that is most suitable for them, for example, support of real estate transactions or debt collection, and provide assistance primarily in this area. And clients come more often from similar areas.

This way you can become good lawyer independently, in a fairly quick time. Self-education is important here. Well, what could be more interesting and noble than helping people solve their problems.

What does it take to become a lawyer?

Lawyer from ordinary person distinguished by special knowledge. Every citizen, in fact, has the right to perform certain actions in court or law enforcement agencies. But the average citizen doesn’t know how!

He turns to a lawyer and he does them for him.

By the way, you can read the difference between a lawyer and a lawyer.

Also, in order to be confident in your actions when working, try studying our step-by-step guide to collecting a debt by receipt. This is a case that cannot be lost in court if they brought you a normal, real receipt. In the manual, we describe the entire collection process from the first step to the last. You can get benefits

Go through the process to gain first experience and solidify the theory.

If you have questions, write in the comments. Good luck!

Many people believe that a good lawyer must only have a good education. However, this is not the case!

Preparation for exams: what subjects need to be taken to become a lawyer

Every year, numerous universities graduate a whole stream of lawyers, but only a few of them become true professionals. From this article you will learn how to become a good lawyer.

The main quality of a good lawyer is activity and activity. Even if he is at least three times educated, without proper advertising of his services and extensive practice, it is difficult to prove to others that he is a real professional.

How to become legally literate

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Jurisprudence is a rather complex, but at the same time necessary, science. Having legal competence is not only useful, but also important for resolving many issues. Collect a package of documents yourself, go to court, register a company, enter into an inheritance, draw up an agreement and perform other legal actions independently without special knowledge is impossible.

Studying law on your own

Most modern people are misled by the idea that today it is enough to read articles from the Internet on legal topics and study codes in order to be your own lawyer. And this is fundamentally wrong. You don’t self-medicate, don’t study medicine on the Internet, but go to the doctor.

How to gain legal knowledge

The only way to become legally literate on your own is to take a law school curriculum and study it cover to cover. After this action, you will by no means become a lawyer, but you will have minimal legal knowledge.

What you need to know from jurisprudence

Why is this so? It’s simple, because lawyers learn not only codes and other laws. They begin their journey with historical disciplines, of which there are quite a few at the Faculty of Law, as they help to understand the state from the inside, that is, what it consists of and how we came to this within the historical context.

What you need to know to become a lawyer

The theory of state and law is the Bible for lawyers. Without knowing this science, it is impossible to apply any law correctly in practice. Next comes the discipline of law enforcement agencies, which reveals the essence of all legal government structures. Without knowing this science, you will 100% go with the wrong package of documents and to the wrong government agency.

In addition to legal disciplines, lawyers also study procedural sciences, which provide knowledge about the process of applying law. Also greater role related legal sciences, such as forensic medicine, criminology, judicial proceedings, legal ethics and so on.

Legal articles on the Internet

From the text written above, we can safely conclude that information from the Internet has legal force only in the professional hands of a lawyer or a legally competent person. Apply legal norm, taken out of context, without possessing a legal knowledge base, is like pointing a finger at the sky.

To solve legal issues you need to be a lawyer

Of course, if you have time resources and also want to devote a significant part of your life to legal science, then you have a direct path to a law school. If you do not have this opportunity, then you need to contact a lawyer to solve your legal problems.

Legal advice for resolving issues related to law is like a clinic for resolving issues related to health. You don’t decide to perform operations and procedures on your own after studying medical texts in global network. So don’t run to the courts and tax authorities on your own after reading dubious amendments to laws on the Internet, but entrust your question to a specialized lawyer.

What types of lawyers are there?

The most common names on everyone's lips are lawyer, notary and jurist. It is possible that he is also a legal adviser. But all these professions have their divisions. Both lawyers and legal advisers can be corporate, tax, family, land, general practice, social and so on.

There are also lawyers in criminal cases, civil cases, and related ones, and there are also very narrowly specialized ones, for example, a lawyer for cases involving theft, or a lawyer for crimes committed by minors.

Likewise, notaries are some who understand notarial agreements, while others certify packages of documents for registration legal entities, and still others even handle inheritance matters.

Which lawyer should you go to?

Whatever your question is, that’s what you need a lawyer for. A general practitioner or civil law attorney serves to direct you to the right specialist and provide general legal knowledge regarding your issue, which is extremely difficult to obtain from the Internet if you are not a lawyer.

Moreover, lawyers regularly use the services of their colleagues. Let’s say that if a tax lawyer has a question of a social nature, he goes for a consultation with a lawyer on social security law. And a criminal lawyer does not undertake to draw up his own marriage contract.

How to become a good lawyer?

Many people believe that a good lawyer must only have a good education. However, this is not the case! Every year, numerous universities graduate a whole stream of lawyers, but only a few of them become true professionals. From this article you will learn how to become a good lawyer.

What should a good lawyer know?

A lawyer must know everything regulations by heart. Good memory– this is the main thing that distinguishes a professional. Without looking at the documents, he should immediately see all possible ways out of the situation. And most importantly, a lawyer must move around in his environment and be aware of all the innovations and changes.

It is also useful to develop systems thinking and solve puzzles and logic problems more often. This will allow you to quickly respond to a rapidly changing reality.

For a lawyer, it is very important to have competent, well-spoken speech, which is simply impossible to achieve without a love of reading. A good lawyer reads classics and historical novels regularly - this both broadens his horizons and develops his speech.

Tips on how to become a good lawyer

Literacy in everything is an important trait for a lawyer. Such a person must know the law and justice, be able to behave in society and have good speech. To do this, you can even take a few public speaking lessons.

The main quality of a good lawyer is activity and activity.

How to become a lawyer

Even if he is at least three times educated, without proper advertising of his services and extensive practice, it is difficult to prove to others that he is a real professional.

That is why, from the very beginning of your career, it is important to consult and practice as much as possible, preferably collecting reviews and letters of recommendation from people. It is important to do the work responsibly so that it works and " word of mouth" This will allow you to actively expand your clientele, gain experience and grow in your chosen field of activity.

The legal profession has been and remains very attractive to many people. Some people dream about it from early youth, having watched enough films about investigators and lawyers, while others, over time, feel a lack of legal knowledge.

I graduated technical education and even worked for 6 years in her specialty: first as an engineer at a research institute, then as a technologist at a factory.

The difficult situation with the economy of our country has forced many people to look for a new field of activity. Fate brought me to a real estate agency. I started as a simple realtor-trainee and “grew up” to an administrator, essentially performing the duties of a lawyer.

Deeper legal knowledge has become vital. I thought about getting a second specialty.

Law school or faculty?

The legal profession is so in demand that it is taught not only in specialized institutions (legal), but also in separate faculties, for example, in pedagogical or construction institutes.

I do not agree with the opinion of those who talk about the “inferiority” of the law faculty in a non-specialized educational institution. Lawyers trading company or a metallurgical plant, in addition to codes, completely different industry knowledge is needed. If you have decided on the scope of your future legal knowledge, studying law at a specialized institute looks more logical.

The main questions that I needed to find a solution to were: where to get the strength, time and money?

Higher or secondary legal education?

The issue of full-time education was not even considered. Only in absentia! But a careful study of the available information showed a huge difference between higher and secondary vocational institutions in terms of training time and its cost. Fate gave me a meeting and a long-term acquaintance with a civil law teacher at a local technical school.

My friend convinced me that more “concise” information in the form of the absence of “extra” subjects, and the cost of training is three times less than at a university, are the undeniable advantages of a technical school.

So, it was decided to enroll in a law school in the correspondence department.

Admission procedure

Documents are currently, as before, accepted for both forms of study from June 2 to August 25. If there are still free places, the admission period is extended until December 25.

The introduction of the Unified State Exam freed modern applicants from entrance exams. But the surplus of submitted applications allows the technical school to hold a certificate competition.

You must provide:
- a document confirming previously acquired education. For full-time study, this will affect the duration of its completion;
— identity document;
- four photographs.

Additional documents may be required:
- for married ladies - a marriage certificate, if the names in the documents do not match;
— for foreigners - translation into Russian of educational documents and identification documents;
- beneficiaries (orphans, disabled people, refugees from Ukraine) - relevant supporting documents.

In 2011, a law was passed according to which a package of copies necessary documents can be sent by mail, including email. But before August 20, you must provide the original document about your education to the admissions committee.

Now the specialty is called “Law and Organization of Social Security”, future qualification- lawyer. I had a choice between civil and criminal law. I needed a civilian one.

The duration of study by correspondence, regardless of initial education, was and remains 2 years 10 months.

For those who have financial difficulties, loan programs are offered to pay for education.

Thorns and roses on the path of learning

The order for my enrollment was signed on November 1st. And in December the first session began. To get admission, you had to complete 7 tests! Per month!

But the desire to learn was so strong that I did it. And I gained experience in quickly gaining knowledge.

Believe it or not, I did all the tests and coursework myself and didn’t buy a single other person’s work. I needed knowledge, not “crusts.”

Many thanks to Google and Yandex! If you type the topic in the search bar test work, the search engine returns all documents that have at least some relation to it, starting with the latest. It remains to present the information found coherently. Changes in the law are ongoing. Actual information necessary for the student and is very favorably received by teachers.

The correspondence form of education provides for maximum student independence. A list of topics that need to be studied, training manuals and even textbooks is given. in electronic format. At the same time, several lectures that teachers give before exams are a very small part of the knowledge that is needed to successfully pass exams.

Date of publication of my manual on " Land law" lagged behind the current one by three years. With the help of my own experience and the Internet, I did everything completely differently from what the manual recommended. And she received an “excellent” rating!

Test work on labor law made in two copies: according to outdated methodological instructions and new information. The next one is “excellent”!

It is very difficult to read multi-page textbooks. There is no time, and sometimes no energy. A lot of unnecessary and outdated information. Bookstores offer “Cribs” and “Lecture Courses”. As for the first ones, these are bits of knowledge, which are also difficult to read due to the small font. But the lecture courses provided me with invaluable help: the information in them was presented briefly, to the point and normally formatted. I recommend!

Students of our technical school who did not want or could not study were mercilessly given “Fs” by teachers and expelled. By the end of the training there were so few of us left that the two groups were combined into one. Those who hoped to specialize in criminal law and civil law found themselves in the “same boat.” The specialization was called “economic and legal”. But we were offered a lot of interesting places for practice: the registry office, the BTI, the prosecutor's office, the bailiff service.

“I want to go to the registry office,” I told my supervisor. “Do you need it? - was the answer, “For several weeks they will download the full program for free.” I agreed with the arguments and completed my internship at my real estate agency.

By the way, the technical school issues special certificates indicating the dates that the correspondence student will take exams. The employer must release his employee for the session, and upon receiving positive assessments, also pay the average salary for the period of time specified in the certificate.

We're reaching the finish line

The last tests have been passed, practice and coursework have been defended. Last test - final state exams(IGE). Six items:
- Theory of Government and Rights;
— business law;
— civil law;
— civil process;
- criminal law;
- criminal process.

150 questions for each subject. Several options proposed by the ministry. And the fate chosen by the computer. This was the first stage, the theory. The second stage is practical, which included theoretical issues in civil and criminal procedure and the task in the form of ordinary paper examination papers.

All students who were able to get to the IGE received secondary school diplomas vocational education. I was awarded a “red”, or rather burgundy, diploma with honors.

What does it mean to be a lawyer?

In our time, anyone who has the desire and desire can obtain a legal education. cash. Of course, desire should include not only a dream, but also the enthusiasm to achieve it.

Those lawyers who want to be successful have to study for the rest of their professional lives.

What you need to know to become a lawyer

Some examples from legal practice in real estate:
— In 2014, the article stopped working Civil Code about acquisitive prescription. Now you need to prove the validity of the transaction.
— The privatization of dorm rooms is taking place out of court, it seems, only in Moscow.
“There will be enough work for lawyers for many more years to sort out the results of the all-Russian survey of land plots under apartment buildings and state definition cadastral value of real estate objects.

It is not difficult to obtain a law degree. It is difficult to find a “place in the sun” for a new specialist, as well as to constantly maintain one’s professional level at the proper level. Ignorance of some government regulations can ruin someone’s fate even in a civil process, not to mention a criminal one.

Only the person who knows for sure that jurisprudence is his calling will find the strength to become and be a successful lawyer. However, legal knowledge will never be superfluous!

Elena Ramenskaya

After birth, every person has certain rights and responsibilities. With each passing year, he will become more and more interested in how he needs to use them correctly. In this he will be helped by laws that allow, allow or do not allow a person to perform certain actions.

Why do laws exist?

Many people ask this question. But the answer turns out to be much simpler if you dig deeper into it. Laws exist to preserve order in society and in relationships between people. If we imagine that there are no laws, then confusion and anarchy would reign everywhere. And it’s hard to even imagine the consequences of such a development of events. Will help you know more about the nuances in the laws law firms, for example, the company YurExpert .

Laws can be:

  • physical;
  • ethical;
  • spiritual;
  • moral.

But each country may have different laws, and people are directly affected by them. A striking example would be the different laws in many states in America. Some have the death penalty for crimes, while others have abolished such severe punishment. But everywhere only one goal is pursued - the protection and safety of residents.

What does it take to become a lawyer and obtain the appropriate status?

They exist to control the activities of the country's citizens. These laws also help maintain law and order in society. They exist great amount. These include, for example, the protection of family rights, consumer rights, and nature conservation. A violator of such laws, it turns out, goes against the state itself. The goals pursued by laws are the most noble. But for them to work, every member of society must always adhere to them.

Statistics show that most of the Russian population is now legally illiterate. This gives rise to many negative situations, ranging from the arbitrariness of management at the enterprise, and ending with the use of “fists in action” in difficult life situations.

Children also need to know basic laws

At school there are many subjects that teach children the peculiarities of certain laws. Children are sometimes even asked to write an essay in which they explain why laws are needed. They mostly write about the rules traffic which they comply with. But the rules are the same as laws, although they establish certain standards of behavior on the roads, and not in the country. This helps to understand the basics of laws from an early age.

Many people do not want to live according to the laws established by someone. Some people would like to live by their own rules. This is what they think real freedom looks like. But she will not be able to truly satisfy all the whims of a person. It is much better to live in a society where there are boundaries, otherwise Humanity will descend to anarchy.

As the ABA Journal, the main publication of the American Bar Association, states, today the legal profession is not the most desirable for Americans. It lags far behind the top ten most popular, and is not even among the first fifty the best professions USA, giving way to the position of a manicurist, massage therapist or repairman.

High levels of stress, slow career advancement and other circumstances are making a career as a lawyer less and less attractive - over the course of a year, lawyers moved from 31st to 51st place on the list, despite the fact that there is a lot of money in the profession. Thus, in 2012, the average salary of an American lawyer was $113,530 per year (before taxes), and in the last two years the market has only been growing.

However, thousands of applicants still choose law schools. After their completion, the lucky ones get the desired job in the company. This is where the fun begins. How to become a real professional, move up the career ladder and not get lost among your colleagues? Former partner of one of the large American law firms, Foster Pepper PLLC, Grover Cleveland has published an entire book, Swimming Lessons For Baby-Sharks, in which he tells how a novice lawyer should behave in the company. Pravo.Ru provides the key points.

How to communicate with colleagues

1. Communicate with more experienced colleagues in the same way as with clients.

The task of a novice lawyer is to make the work of his more experienced colleagues easier.

What does a lawyer need to know and be able to do?

If a newcomer builds relationships with them in the same way as with clients, this will help not only build connections within the company, but also acquire valuable skills in working with clients. For starters, you can learn to anticipate the needs of your colleagues and independently find where help is needed, without waiting for it to be asked.

2. You have to earn a mentor

Typically, a novice lawyer in a company is supervised by more experienced employees. But if you want these people to really help you become stronger as a specialist, you will have to try. The best way encourage others to help you professional growth– demonstrate good results work and desire to learn. Chances are, if your potential teacher believes that you can make their life easier, they will be happy to teach you how to deal with difficult work. Helping your mentor in your career growth is another good strategy that will bear fruit.

3.Say yes more often

Even if you are overwhelmed with work, do not immediately refuse colleagues who come to you with a new task - next time they may find someone more accommodating. However, you shouldn’t take on everything at once, preferring quantity over quality. All you need is to learn how to bargain. Thank your colleague for deciding to entrust the work to you, tell him that you are already working on some projects, offer to start working on a new project within a few days - often, due to the time factor, the need to transfer the project to you disappears by itself. Find out what part of the work needs to be done right away and what can wait. However, if we are talking about a colleague with whom you plan to work closely in the future, gather your strength and try to get down to business without delay.

4.Don't talk

You may learn a lot of useful things by listening to office gossip, but you shouldn’t spread it yourself. Your words will definitely reach the person involved in the story and cause you trouble. You should also be careful with posts on social networks.

Those who like to chat are unlikely to inspire the trust of both colleagues and clients, but the ability to listen carefully and keep your mouth shut will only play into your hands.

How to communicate with clients

5.You should be seen, not heard

During meetings with clients, it is better to remain silent until you are asked about anything. At the initial stage of your career, your goal is to learn, and the best thing you can do is to carefully study the nuances of issues that interest the client, adopt the work methods of your colleagues and provide them with all possible assistance. Often, lawyers with little experience begin to tell the client in too much detail the details of resolving his issue, increasing their own worth. This is completely unnecessary and most likely will not help you gain everyone's respect.

You shouldn’t contradict your colleague in front of the client - all issues can be discussed face to face after the meeting.

6. Communicate according to the rules

Don't neglect formalities. In correspondence, assume that everything you write will go directly to the client. Most often, this does not happen, but it is unlikely that your colleagues will like to spend time correcting letters.

When composing letters, start with a greeting, write clearly and meaningfully, and indicate all attachments in the body of the letter. And check if you spelled the recipient's name correctly.

7. Dress appropriately for the occasion

Most people understand what it means to dress for the occasion. However, remember that part of your job is to be persuasive, especially if you think you look too young. To do this, you must use all possible methods and your appearance should only help in achieving the goal.

You may not look like a million, but looking like someone who charges a few hundred dollars an hour for their work is a good idea.

8. Don't be the last one to leave

If you're still busy building your own reputation, not being the first to arrive and not the last to leave is unlikely to help you come across as someone you can rely on. But if you work around the clock, you can unobtrusively report this.

9. Discuss issues in person

When you receive assignments from colleagues, try to discuss the details in person. People are always more willing to interact with those they know not only through correspondence. In addition, a personal discussion will always help you better understand what is required of you.

10. The result is more important than the time spent

Completing your work hours is just the minimum that is required of you. Focus on the result, not the hours spent. Don't be afraid to work more than expected - your efforts will not be wasted.

In the 90s, the demand for lawyers increased in Russia. During this period, the country was in great need of qualified personnel. It was then that the question of building a truly rule of law. Law faculties were gaining popularity among young people. By today, the excitement has died down a little, but this does not mean that good lawyers remain unclaimed. On the contrary, he studies at universities a large number of students who want to connect their lives with jurisprudence, but not all of them become true professionals. Is education alone enough to achieve high results? Of course not! To do this, you will need to study well, develop certain qualities in yourself, get an internship, and also make useful contacts. Students are advised to take these tips seriously.

How to become a lawyer, or rather, a professional in your field? This is the question we will try to answer. The article will describe step by step actions which will help aspiring lawyers to realize their potential in life.

Step one - choosing a profession

After graduating from school, every person thinks about choosing a profession. Very rarely is it spontaneous. As a rule, already from school, students dream about what they will become in adulthood. Some dream of fighting for human rights, others want to eradicate crime. But there are also those who have heard about the high earnings of lawyers, and that is why they choose this direction. Motives, of course, can be different and cannot be condemned for them. However, one must understand that a specialty is chosen not for one or two years, but for life.

Beginning lawyers can realize themselves in different areas of activity. For example, work as a notary. These specialists cover many areas of jurisprudence. They provide inheritance services, deal with the purchase and sale of housing and other legal matters. Also, having a legal education, you can work as a lawyer. In order to achieve success in this profession, you must have special qualities. A lawyer will defend human rights and defend his views. For this direction you need not only to know the laws, but also to be able to use them.

Many aspiring lawyers dream of becoming a prosecutor. It is not easy to reach this position. A person of this profession must be fair, not hesitate in making decisions, and also have impartial views and not know what pity is.

And these are just the main professions. In addition to them, having received such an education, you can get a job as a consultant in any large enterprise. Such employees draw up agreements, contracts and other documents.

So, how to become a good lawyer? Where to start your career growth? Where to look for a promising job? Next, we will present an approximate plan that will help you properly plan the future to achieve your goals.

Step two - planning for the future

Having studied all the features of the profession and made the final choice, you can begin planning the future. After all, many people want to build their career in such a way as to be a successful lawyer. How to do it? First, get an education at a prestigious university. You need to select an educational institution carefully, since to work in the police as an investigator or prosecutor you will need to graduate from a military department or have advanced physical training. For those who are planning to become a notary, the training will be much easier. You can enroll in any institute or university that has a law faculty.

A science such as jurisprudence is currently taught in Russia in more than 300 higher educational institutions. It will not be difficult for future lawyers to choose a suitable university. The main thing is that when choosing, the main criterion should not be the price of training, but reputation educational institution. Although this will play a non-decisive role when applying for a job, it will be a significant trump card for the applicant. Nowadays, the education that students receive in public universities is valued.

Step three - admission to university

When wondering how to become a good lawyer, many people mistakenly think that everything necessary knowledge they will receive it at a university or institute, so they begin to prepare immediately before entering the university. And that's wrong. While still at school, it is important to know which subjects to focus on. For example, a future lawyer needs an in-depth study of social science and history. Grades in these subjects can be decisive when entering a university. There are situations when two applicants with the same Unified State Exam score apply for the same place. Then the administration recommends for enrollment the one with the higher grade in the social studies certificate.

It is also important for those who plan to study law to have a thorough knowledge of the Russian language. The applicant must be one hundred percent prepared to pass this exam. Don't forget about physical training. If a future lawyer plans to work in law enforcement agencies, then he must be prepared to pass the standards in physical education. culture.

Step four - personal qualities

In order to become a good lawyer, you also need to work hard on yourself, that is, develop special qualities in yourself. Future professionals must have the following traits:

  • Punctuality.
  • Pedantry.
  • Persistence.
  • Communication skills.
  • Responsibility.
  • Observation.
  • Firmness and determination.
  • Scrupulousness.

Each of these qualities will help a person successfully build a career as a lawyer.

Step five - self-education

If a person is thinking about how to become a good lawyer on his own, then he must understand that this will not be easy. You can achieve success in your profession only if you engage in self-education. For achievement highly qualified It is necessary to live by the motto: “Learn, study and study again!” It is important for a lawyer to constantly improve not only his educational level, but also his cultural level.

In order to be able to write and speak correctly, you need to read a lot, and not detective stories and romance novels, but classic works. They are the best brain trainer.

Don't forget about logic. Currently, such literature is sufficient for development. The ability to think logically and build chains is the key to the successful completion of any business.

Step six - the foundation for a successful career

How to become a good lawyer in the future? You need to ask this question while still a student. Many young people, while studying at a university, have fun with friends, thereby losing precious minutes, hours, and days that could be used to create a solid base. But it is she who will become the foundation successful career.

If a student feels that jurisprudence is the field without which he cannot imagine life, then he will replace entertainment with study judicial practitioners, familiarization with the laws, building strategies for prosecution or defense. And if there are like-minded people, then you can reproduce trials, playing the roles of a prosecutor, lawyer, or judge. This will help you develop in the right direction.

On the one hand, not many will agree with this development of events, since the student years are quickly passing and the time when you can have carefree fun will not return. Tell me that this is only suitable for “nerds”? Well, now think for a moment, what do you want to become after graduation? A simple ordinary lawyer, of whom there are a dime a dozen, or a true professional? If the answer is obvious, then you will have to sacrifice something for the sake of a secure and stable future. A few years of sitting behind books is not the greatest price to pay to achieve a lofty goal. And then you won’t have to ask the question: “How to become a good lawyer?” After all, the answer to it is obvious.

Step seven - practice

Modern system education allows third-year students to get internships. Of course, you can find a notary you know who will write a certificate and affix stamps, but this will not help you become a successful lawyer. It is better to give preference to such vacancies, even on a voluntary basis, where you can actually work in your specialty and gain experience. These skills will be useful to the student in the future.

Step eight - useful connections

No matter how strange it may sound, useful contacts can really help you become a good lawyer. "How it works?" - you ask. Just imagine for a moment that future prosecutors, judges, and lawyers are studying next to you. Getting to know them and even making friends can help you quickly move up the career ladder. And for those who see themselves as lawyers, it would be a good idea to organize their own office. After all, starting your own business together will be much easier than starting your own business.

Step nine - promising work

Where to start for a new lawyer? Of course, from work experience. But this is exactly what many people may have problems with. If you have no friends or relatives working in this field, then getting a job as a lawyer immediately after graduation in a prestigious organization is almost impossible. It is better, as they say, to start from the bottom. What does it mean? Consider any vacancies, even the lowest paid ones. The chance that a small organization will hire a lawyer with no work experience is much higher than a large law firm.

You will have to work with enthusiasm for 2-3 years, after which, with a good recommendation, you can try your hand at sending your resume to prestigious companies. The only thing is that you need to understand that those who live in small towns may encounter problems with employment. They do not always have vacancies, so it is important to be prepared to move to another city.