well-known networkers. Network marketing - what is it, the pros and cons of working in mlm companies. Comparison of mlm companies in Russia

More and more people are involved. Network marketing reached its highest heights in Russia. The rating of companies in 2018-2019 clearly shows the development trend of such enterprises. But they decide to cooperate with them only indirectly, still considering such work as another pyramid scheme. Is this opinion justified?

We will try to understand all this in this article, with good examples and facts.

The scheme of network marketing is quite simple. There is a company that produces a certain type of goods or receives wholesale products that need to be sold.

To distribute your product, you need workers - distributors who find potential buyers, conduct advertising (usually, they clearly talk about the functional features of the product) and take orders on the spot. They are found using a referral system - a chain where one employee offers profitable cooperation to others, and they, in turn, to a third.

The salary of a sales consultant depends on the share received from the sale of goods. The company benefits from the retail value of products, which exceeds store prices, but in this case no funds are spent on advertising, on wages sellers (bid). The distributor chooses for himself the level of earnings by selling the product.

What this employee needs:

  1. A proven company that brings real earnings.
  2. Base of clients, due to which the percentage will go.
  3. Ability to convince and present a product.
  4. The desire to develop, since in the initial stages it will be quite difficult to stabilize earnings.

An additional incentive for the distributor is to receive a fixed income from involving other people in the business. Such a referral system allows you to receive a percentage not only from your sales, but also from the income of the invited employee.

Many such earnings are compared with a financial pyramid. But there are differences:

sales consultants do not pay upfront fees, which are required in the financial pyramid for dubious documents and agreements.

In this case, the sale of real goods is carried out, at inflated, but favorable prices for the population. Active this business legal and not against the law.

How to start a network marketing business?

When choosing a job in the field of network marketing, an important aspect is convenient marketing plan. Everyone chooses for themselves the option according to their needs. In the domestic market a large number of franchises for remote earnings: (cosmetic, travel, legal).

The very first company related to marketing was Mary Kay, which began its distribution more than two hundred years ago.

Initially, the cosmetics company worked offline: it created trainings, brought distributors as part of the bonus program, and sold its products in different cities and countries.

But the network began to work not among the first. This was the first step in the development of such a business, and other brands began to equal Mary Kay.

Other companies are also actively promoting their product on the World Wide Web - Avon, Faberlic, Oriflame, NL And Amway. At the moment they occupy a leading position in the ranking of successful network companies Russia.

How do you find the perfect network marketing business for you to work on?

Beginners should get comfortable in this business by attending various trainings, consulting with more experienced workers. Many companies create turn system training, which enables everyone to move up the career ladder. In addition, MLM organizations at the first stages of training and work provide training material, video tutorials.


To test the reliability of the company, you can opt for start-up firms or give preference to already established franchises. , which only stands at the origins, can only recommend itself, develop, develop a client base in order to get easy money.

But to promote the brand, you should work on the name, distribution and advertising of products. Because people do not yet have an idea about the new product.
A solid, already established company also has its positive aspects.

The product has already been promoted, and it is sold with great demand. If the company has confirmed its name, then in the coming years it will not close. Among the minuses are the requirements for applicants for distributors.

Product quality

What commercial network companies produce must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. Because this species business is spread like word of mouth, any dissatisfied buyer can spoil the impression of it.

In addition, there are other criteria for evaluating products:

Limited shelf life. This is necessary so that there is a constant demand. If the product has a shelf life of more than a year, then the distributor will practically not be able to find an interested client.

Therefore, cosmetics, chemicals, perfumes, personal hygiene products, and household goods are considered ideal distribution options.

TOP 5 successful network marketing companies in Russia in 2018-2019


In addition to cosmetics, there is a Wellness line that guarantees health.

To receive a salary or a good discount, a consultant should achieve a turnover of at least 6 thousand rubles. A 20% discount is given at the first stage.

If the consultant reaches these 6 thousand, then the income from his structure is automatically calculated and submitted, with the release of the next catalog, 12% is returned upon the personal order of the employee.

From this we can conclude that a person who is going to build his marketing business, upon reaching the turnover, receives a total discount of 32%.

Interesting fact. The company owns five factories and a leather research institute. On the official website are constantly published scientific work, there are personally patented formulas.

You can join the Oriflame team right now. Going by link, you leave a request and an experienced competent specialist will give you detailed instructions cooperation with the company. In addition to this, you can count on round-the-clock assistance, support and free training.

The advantage of modern network marketing is that you don't have to leave your home to build your successful network business. Almost all work processes take place in the virtual space.


Started my work marketing company in 2004. And since 2010, it has been actively introduced into the network. To register as a coordinator and get the opportunity to invite people as referrals, independently build a business, copies of documents are sent to the company on the official website, after which registration is carried out.

As pluses, one can name the minimum prices for purchases from 1.6 thousand rubles, since cosmetics are available to 95% of the population. Avon guarantees bonus program- 125 thousand rubles. But it is possible to get it if the coordinator recruits the first line of the catalog for 5 new active workers throughout the year.

The company has certain plans and turnovers, for failure to comply with which you can lose the opportunity to obtain qualifications. The company gives a discount on each product.

If the employee orders products for himself, then the discount is 15%, when the plan is fulfilled, the bonus reaches 32%. From this we can conclude that if an employee does not fulfill the plan for recruits, then he must independently fulfill the sales plan for them.

How to develop your network team

  1. Blogs. Before you start blogging on Instagram or other social networks, you need to develop a client base.
  2. Distribution of letters with advertising of production.
  3. Providing discounts and assistance in consulting on the city's website.

You do not need to register to receive your first income individual entrepreneurship, the transfer of wages is carried out on the card. The company rarely conducts trainings at the All-Russian level.

In each city there is an office of the company where you can turn for advice. The first line of recruiting has an almost endless plan. If the plan is not fulfilled, the company has the right to terminate the contract with the employee. There is no international sponsorship.


The company has been operating for about 20 years. marketing market. The company began its activities in Russia, which consultants never cease to remind. Faberlic pays a bonus amount after the employee reaches a certain rank - Director.

Bonus 55,000 rubles are paid after the closing of this title. Mandatory turnover is the achievement of 50 points with the expectation that 1 = 80 rubles. The mandatory purchase should be 4000 rubles. The director reaches a turnover of 400,000 rubles.

The company contains a plan for recruiting the first line. Any Director level has a gap. If the consultant has 2 closed directors in the first line, then an additional growing group with a turnover of 1000 points is required to generate income.

If the super-Director does not have a personal group, then he is not given wages for this line of the catalog. This means that passive income is not possible in this case. If the plans are not met, then the cosmetics company may terminate the contract with the employee. There is a possibility of going abroad.


Sole proprietorship registered in Russian Federation. The company's products are - Energy Diet - expensive, but high-quality dietary food.

One of the few companies that cooperates with equally well-known marketing franchises, for example, Oriflame. Therefore, beginners have the opportunity to get advice about food, as well as cosmetics.

To receive wages, there must be a commodity turnover of 21 thousand rubles for the period. The company is quite profitable, despite the narrow focus and high cost.


The business of this network company operating in Russia in 2018-2019 is built on the sale of household chemicals, washing powders. There are negative sides. The newcomer pays a small fee to conclude an agreement with Amway.

The product is expensive and has a fairly long shelf life. Commodity turnover in the exchange of 10 thousand rubles. Some household product is consumed quickly, which allows you to find a sufficient number of buyers. The sale of household chemicals on the Internet is practiced. To do this, they show the capabilities of a particular product online.


Successful Russian network companies are located in a certain professional organization that has developed and established in practice, which is able to build a stable system to ensure the profitability of personal investment.

New hires should prepare for a slow but promising bottom line, as large sums in the first months are almost impossible to get. This is especially true for large companies where there is a lot of competition. Therefore, experience is needed in such a business and it is recommended to start with a small company, smoothly moving to global markets.

  1. Anatoly
  2. Eugene
  3. Alexander
  4. Ludmila
  5. Sergey
  6. Danir
  7. Alexei
  8. Irina
  9. Sergey
  10. Olga
  11. Karina
  12. Olga
  13. Anna
  14. Arthur FLP
  15. Anna
  16. Victoria
  17. Natalia
  18. sadiya
  19. Irina
  20. Vladimir
  21. Waist
  22. Natalia
  23. Catherine
  24. Milan
  25. Tatiana
  26. Rufina
  27. Michael
  28. Svetlana
  29. Svetlana
  30. Olga
  31. LANA
  32. Boris
  33. Oleg
  34. Kate
  35. Andrey
  36. Valentine
  37. Nelly
  38. maryam
  39. Nadine
  40. Daria Loskutova
  41. Maina

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  • Greetings! My heart has been hurting for years. I have also been taking cardamom for many years. IN Lately It so happened that I began to take it three times a day. It has a lot of side effects, you can even die from them.
    When I came to Aklon, I bought the drugs, Viorgon 01 and 10. Today is the second month I have been taking them. The attacks have stopped. I think they are truly miracle drugs. For the first time, when I saw these bubbles, I looked at them skeptically, I think what could be from them?
    Thanks to the company, I'm very glad that I got to know about you! I don't take medicine. I stopped drinking them.

    I am 68 years old, I tried to do without pills, but in magnetic storms I “lay like a corpse”. The head ached unbearably, as in his youth he had twice a concussion. Even the veins in the legs did not let me sleep. The doctors suggested surgery three times.
    Now, thanks to Viorgon 17, I do not notice magnetic storms. The pressure is normal and the nodes on the right leg have completely resolved, and half on the left. The veins don't hurt. Yes, it's two years, but I'm not sorry for the money spent. I drink all the time. I don't even want to remember how I lived without him.

    Hello everyone! In March 2017, I left my review on taking viorgone for prostate cancer. More than a year has passed. My tests are normal. PSA dropped to 0.93(with a normal range of 0 to 4 units) And when cancer was found, PSA rose to 98 units. I thought I wouldn't make it. But now, these miracle drops turned up for me. Samples on a liver too for a long time in norm or rate. I take number 14 prostate viorgon, for prevention, I also added vitamin B17. Also, I continue to take Viorgon 08 (pancreas). Since the production of trypsin (an enzyme that destroys the protein shell of oncocells) depends on this gland, so that T-lymphocytes can recognize and destroy a cancer cell). I take the remaining viorgons in turn for 2-3 months to support other organs and systems.

    I am 58 years old. There were pains in the knees and in the ankle joint of the right leg. Lame. The doctors diagnosed arthrosis. I took viorgons according to Aquaformula 01 and 21, 6 and 26. At first, the pain intensified, I reduced the dosage from 15 to 5 drops per half liter of water. They said that this is an exacerbation and must be endured. Endured. The pains are gone, and with them the lameness.
    There was also an old problem - gout. Bone on the big toe. I took viorgons 20 and 26, the bone became softer and smaller in size.
    All successful treatment and health!

    After a single inhalation of Viorgon 28, a many-month cough with sputum completely stopped. The lungs are clear, there are no wheezing, the sputum is full of leukocytes.
    Before that, I drank Viorgons 28 and 09, against the background of a large number of other flurevites. No effect. I added inhalation 01 to 28, sputum, if it is excreted, is liquid. Now I take it according to the scheme: in the morning 28+01, in the evening 28+09. There is no allergy. I do inhalations so that the drugs immediately enter the bloodstream. Literally like an intravenous injection. Not only for the cure of the lungs, but also for other organs.
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    Mom is 73 years old, she has cataracts. On the recommendation of a friend's doctor, Vioftans 02 and 03 were instilled. They dripped for about two months. Vision began to improve. We also ordered viaftans. We are waiting for the parcel. Thanks Tamara for the tip. And Yamsky for their little miracle.

    Marketing plan

    Colleague, We are happy to greet you!

    We hope you are interested in the opportunity to start working in a new network marketing company. After all, the construction of a network business with AKLON is incomparably faster and easier than in the whole list of other companies represented in the ratings of MLM companies in Russia and the world. And incomes are much higher and more stable.

    Payments to the MLM network up to 60% of turnover."Development Bonus" is credited in real time.

    You will like the terms of cooperation with the TOP network marketing company AKLON:

    1. AKLON - young MLM company established in 2015 with the support of Russian Academy of Sciences. At the same time, products are gaining popularity so rapidly that it is possible to create a structure with an income of tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles within a few months;
    2. No need to sell. The partner does not have to endlessly convince anyone about how MLM products are better than similar ones that can be purchased at other companies or stores.
    3. Products have no analogues. There is simply nothing to compare her to. And here is the rating of MLM products among consumers and they convince any skeptic.
    4. turnover is not reset with the start of a new month. Achieved status, and with it the percentage level, fixed forever.
    5. The company, in accordance with the network marketing plan, pays partners up to 60% of the turnover, which allows you to receive from the very beginning decent payouts.
    6. AKLON supports each Partner with a "Development Bonus" in real time. Funds are credited to the account immediately after registration of a new Partner in your MLM structure.
    7. "Turnover Bonus" and "Leadership Bonus" are paid monthly until 5th of the month following the reporting one.

    This is a good, successful and best network business.

    The AKLON marketing plan involves two types of participation:

    Consumer Partner

    To become a Consumer, go through a simple and free.

    Without investing, You will get the following features in MLM:

    To become a Partner, you also need to purchase a "Business Pack" worth r.5,500
    Of which, r.4,800 is a one-time purchase of products and r.700 is a registration fee.

    Thus, You will get the following features And:

    1 Purchase the Company's products at the Affiliate price with a 33% discount on the entire product line
    2 Build your ownth MLM structure Build your own MLM structure

    Receive "Development Bonus" payments:

    r.250/$4 from each affiliate registration

    in 1-2-3 levels

    Receive "Development Bonus" payments:

    r.500/$8 from each affiliate registration

    in 1-2-3 levels - "Bonus of development";

    r.250/4$ from each affiliate registration

    at 4-5-6-7 levels - "Bonus of development"


    up to 21% of the turnover of the structure in three levels

    Receive "Bonus Turnover" payouts

    up to 35% of the turnover of the structure in seven levels

    5 -

    Receive Leadership Bonus payments

    up to 45% of the turnover of the structure

    6 - Get "Bonus Abundance"
    7 -

    Receive awards "For the stability of success"

    Acquisition of the "Business Pack" (one-time payment in the amount of r. 700 and the purchase of products in the amount of r. 4,800) transfers the Consumer to the status of a Partner, expanding the opportunities for making a profit from network marketing - all types of turnover bonuses and premiums become available.

    "Development Bonus"

    For the registration of Partners in levels 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 of your MLM structure, AKLON credits your account in "real time" with:

    • r.500/$8 - for registration in 1-2-3 levels with any number of partners in the first line;
    • r.250/$4 for registrations in the 4th level, with 5 or more partners in the first line;
    • r.250/$4 for registrations in the 5th level, with 7 or more partners in the first line;
    • r.250/$4 for registrations in the 6th level, with 9 or more partners in the first line;
    • r.250/$4 for registrations in the 7th level, with 11 or more partners in the first line.

    "Bonus Turnover"

    "Turnover Bonus" is an accrual in the form of a fixed percentage of the amount of purchases of all members of your structure (Consumers and Partners) to a depth of 7 generations of network marketing in the following amounts:

    Levels of your structure

    from the turnover of the structure, if you are a consumer

    Fixed interest payments

    from the turnover of the structure, if you are a Partner

    1 10% 10%
    2 7% 7%
    3 4% 4%
    4 - 4%
    5 - 4%
    6 - 3%
    7 - 3%

    "Leader Bonus"

    "Leader's Bonus" is equal to the difference between your interest rate and the rate of your first generation partner, according to the volume of the group turnover (GR) of which the bonus is calculated, multiplied by the GR of this participant for the reporting month.
    At the beginning of your activity, only the Accumulative Group Volume (CGO) affects the growth of the Rate, these achievements secure guaranteed Rates for you to receive the "Leadership Bonus".
    After reaching the Status of "Director", you are assigned a Rate of 15%, and now, to estimate the size of the monthly "Leadership Bonus", the results of the monthly turnover of your MLM structure, expressed in monthly Group Turnover (GRT), are taken into account. 1 point = 2 rubles.

    Status in MLM

    Bid, %

    NGO, points

    GO, points

    Consultant 6 25 000
    Manager 9 100 000
    Top manager 12 300 000
    Director 15 750 000
    Director 1st rank 18
    100 000
    Director 2 rank 21
    300 000
    Director 3rd rank 24
    750 000
    Director 4 rank 27
    1 650 000
    Rank 5 Director 30
    3 300 000
    Director 6th rank 33 6 000 000
    Director of the 7th rank 36 10 000 000
    Rank 8 Director 39 16 000 000
    Director 9 rank 42 24 000 000
    Rank 10 Director 45 34 000 000

    "Bonus Abundance"

    "Bonus of Abundance" is a special accumulative fund, the funds of which are spent on paying for the purchase and rental of housing, the purchase, rental and operation of a car, tours and travel of all MLM Partners with a status of at least "Director of the 3rd rank".
    The "Bonus of Abundance" fund receives funds from the turnover of seven generations of the Partner's personal structure in the amount of 1,000 rubles for every 50,000 points of turnover.

    Council Award "For the stability of success"

    Every time a Partner with the status of "Director" maintains the achieved result in the seven generations of civil defense, specified in the conditions for receiving the "Leadership Bonus", during the "Stability Period", the company rewards this member of network marketing with a special memorable gift and a valuable prize.
    For reaching a new level, the participant also receives a special badge as confirmation of the universal recognition of his professionalism and success.

    The "Stability period" for different Statuses in MLM is different and is:

    1. For Directors of 1, 2, 3 ranks - one month.
    2. For Directors 4, 5, 6 ranks - three months.
    3. For Directors 7, 8, 9, 10 ranks - six months.

    In addition to the distinctive badge for different ranks achieved, valuable gifts, paid trips, solemn banquets, special prizes are attached as decided by the AKLON Council. The Consistency of Success Award will only be awarded once, upon the first achievement of a new Status.

    Advantages of network marketing company AKLON:

    1. AKLON - fast growing MLM company, representing a unique innovative product created on the basis of latest developments in the field of bio- and nanotechnologies with the support of Russian Academy of Sciences;
    2. You can become a Partner of an MLM company without investing your own money;
    3. With the beginning of the development of your structure, you start earning immediately;
    4. The "Development Bonus" reward is paid in real time.
    5. The company's products are unique. These are not the next "completely different" washing powders, dietary supplements, vitamins or perfumes. Millions of people around the world have already been convinced of the effectiveness of the basic product, which in translation is “Liquid that regulates life”. The action of Flurevites is based on their unique ability to stimulate restoration and repair in organs and tissues altered as a result of any pathology or aging, as well as to activate cellular sources of regeneration.
    6. Having started, you will see that the MLM business strives for self-expansion, that is, it builds itself.
    7. Created by MLM partner structure turnover is not reset with the start of a new month. The achieved status, and with it the percentage level, are fixed forever.

    And the most important thing. Our products really help people!

    Marketing plan of the company "ACLON"

    International marketing plan of the company "ACLON"

What is network marketing, what are its pros and cons? Which MLM business companies are popular for 2018? How to make money in the network business the first money?

Hello, friends! This is Alexander Berezhnov, an entrepreneur and one of the authors of the HiterBober.ru website.

Today, the network marketing industry is gaining a new wave of popularity, and the development of the Internet plays a significant role in this.

However, this concept is still controversial in society. Someone calls network marketing almost the only opportunity to open your own business without investments, others are sure that this is all a pyramid scheme, a scam and a hoax.

Some time ago, I myself was involved in network marketing and I know firsthand what it is. In this article, I decided to dot the “and” and reveal this topic from all sides, including taking into account my experience in this industry.

After studying this article, you will firmly decide for yourself whether it is worth doing an MLM business, what are the pros and cons, and also find out which companies are better to start in and why.

So, let's begin!

1. What is network marketing (MLM) and what is its essence?

I'll start with a definition and then expand on it and give examples.

For example, the production cost of ORBIT chewing gum ranges from 20 to 50 kopecks per pack of 10 pads. However, while the gum is on the counter in the store, its value increases by several thousand percent! It's all the fault of intermediaries - large and small wholesalers who sell chewing gum to each other.

But everything does not end there, because, as you know: advertising is the engine of trade and intermediaries spend a lot of money on advertising.


In large companies, up to 50% of the final cost of the product is the cost of advertising and promotion of the product.

Thus, we buy Orbita packaging for 20-50 rubles. Yes, of course this price is included. trade margin the manufacturer itself, but the intermediaries also want to eat. So it turns out that the end consumer suffers, who overpays at exorbitant prices.

About a hundred years ago, people thought about the problem of unreasonable markups of resellers and intermediaries.

Network marketing idea

Make the process of promoting goods (services) more convenient, cheaper and faster. Remove intermediaries and expensive media advertising from the promotion scheme.

This can be done if the people themselves tell each other about the product of the network company, and their motivation will be the percentage that they will receive from the sales of the products of the MLM company.

But you can't earn much just from interest. Therefore, multi-level marketing allows you to build own business by creating a wide network of consumers of goods.

It is assumed that a person who has developed his network structure will receive a percentage of the entire turnover of his structure. That's how he can create himself tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Be sure to watch the video below to learn how you can create such an income in mlm. This is a cartoon about Pablo and Bruno - ordinary guys who have chosen different ways of gaining financial freedom and both wanted to be millionaires. Let's see what they got.

Network marketing was called upon to solve the following tasks:

  1. Reduce the cost of goods for the end consumer. This can be achieved by moving away from expensive standard advertising on radio, TV and the Internet.
  2. Accelerate the process of delivering goods to the end consumer. It is achieved through well-thought-out logistics (network of own warehouses in different cities and countries).
  3. Avoid fake goods. In the process of resale of goods, it is possible to substitute it and falsify large quantities. The MLM company works directly with the end consumer, so the likelihood of product falsification tends to zero.
  4. Motivate company employees with money and business opportunities. In multi-level marketing, there is an opportunity to make good money and build your business from scratch.

2. How network marketing works

First, let me tell you about general principles work in this industry.

The manufacturing company has its own factories for the production of goods.

She sells these products without stores, products are distributed thanks to a built-in system of recommendations. In everyday language, this system is called "word of mouth".

A large number of people like this principle and they are happy to buy goods from the company.

Now all orders of an MLM company can be placed via the Internet, and paper catalogs that were popular some time ago with the development information technologies recede into the background.

The customer uses the products and can start building a business with a direct selling company. To do this, he needs to find several people who will constantly buy products and attract new business partners to develop the network. That is why this type of marketing is called network marketing.

Having its own warehouses and delivery services, the network company delivers products to the warehouse, and then these products are delivered to the offices that the company's partners (distributors) have personally opened for themselves. Sometimes the company delivers the order to the client directly to the house, which is very convenient.

Now I will talk about the features and principles of multi-level marketing for the manufacturer of goods (company), for the end consumer (client) and for the person who decided to open his own business (entrepreneur) using the capabilities of mlm.

From the point of view of an MLM company

A distinctive feature of the promotion of goods in a network way is to reduce the cost of advertising their products. The company cares more about promotional materials for its distribution partners (sometimes called independent entrepreneurs) and building a system of professional training (mentoring).

It is from the qualitative transfer of the MLM idea from person to person that the business of the enterprise ultimately depends.

From the consumer's point of view

It is convenient for the client to receive goods with a quality guarantee, he likes affordable prices, samples, catalogs. Often, direct selling companies have exclusive products and accessories that cannot be found in regular stores.

From the perspective of a distributor (entrepreneur)

People who want to start their own business without investment can succeed here. After all, the whole system has already been built, the market has been formed, the majority large companies already heard by the public. In addition, a powerful system of training and mentoring in network marketing companies makes the opportunity to build your own business more than real.

3. MLM business industry - history and development trend

Network marketing originated in the West in the USA.

In 1945, American entrepreneurs Lee S. Mytinger and William S. Casselberry started their own business, becoming the national distributors of Nutrilite Products. The basis of their activities was the principle of recommendation (network) marketing.

Further, in the late 1950s, two companies were created in the USA: Shaklee and Amway. In Russia and the CIS countries, people are widely familiar with Amway products and the peculiarities of its business. The company itself was founded in 1959 by Rich DeVos and Jay Van Endel and was originally called the American Way Corporation.

The industry developed especially rapidly in the 1980s and 1990s. The range of products grew and by the mid-1990s, mlm-manufacturers offered their customers literally everything: from cosmetics and detergents to automotive products, household appliances, long-distance communication services and computers.

Today, the network marketing industry has undergone great changes and almost all mlm companies have gone online in one way or another.

In 1996, Russia established Direct Selling Association(rdsa.ru), which contributes to the development of the industry, its self-regulation and maintaining the reputation of the network business at a high level.

According to the Association for 2015-2016 in Russia, one way or another, multi-level sales are involved 6% of the total population(distributors), and these are millions of people, not counting consumers.

The Internet space has allowed the industry to develop at a rapid pace. And this is quite logical.


You can now build your business in a network marketing company not only through face-to-face meetings at home or in a rented office, but also via the Internet, using the capabilities of Skype, email and social networks. Advanced entrepreneurs create their own websites.

This is exactly how “networkers”, as it is customary to call distributors of products of multi-level companies, are now actively processing the online space in order to expand the membership of their group (branch).

However, development digital technologies gave rise to the other side of this industry - the emergence of fraudulent companies and financial pyramids, which, under the guise of investment funds or just respectable mlm-firms, draw honest people into illegal and immoral schemes.

Later in the article, I will touch on the issue of fraud and tell you what not to do and how to distinguish a reliable network company from a scam.

4. Why do many people today associate network marketing with a pyramid?

In continuation of the previous paragraph, as promised, I will reveal the “pyramidal question”.

The association with pyramids, deceit and fraud in people arises rather out of inexperience.

I must say right away that there is the concept of "classic marketing" and "network marketing", although it is very conditional. For the sake of completeness, let me tell you how they differ.

1. Classic marketing

These are all the ways and means of promoting goods that we are used to seeing around - advertising on TV, radio, outdoor advertising, and so on.

Selling goods in stores is also a standard way of promotion. As a result, all this can be attributed to the concept of "classical marketing".

2. Network Marketing

This is just an unusual way for the bulk of people to distribute goods. It, as you know, is also called multi-level marketing.

In this concept, there are no promotions, familiar to many, Retail Stores, there is no standard advertising in crowded places, and the goods themselves, as a rule, have more high quality compared to our familiar counterparts.

Unusual for many, the model of distribution of goods instills fear in those who have heard about various kinds of deceptions or have already fallen into financial pyramids.

Dear readers, remember!

Network marketing has nothing to do with pyramid schemes, fraud or illegal activities.

Associations with the pyramid arise because both in the pyramid and in mlm you need to attract people in order to earn.

Only in the first case, you get money for "heads", that is, your earnings depend from the number of people involved, who invested money in the pyramid, and in the second - the income depends on the turnover that the clients you attracted will make.

That is, if we are talking about normal multi-level marketing, you can sign at least 1000 people into your structure, but if they don’t buy anything, then your income will be zero.

In the pyramid, the opposite is true, where each attracted is obliged to make a contribution, usually quite significant (from 500 to 5000 dollars) and you are guaranteed to receive a percentage of his money, and your client will not receive a real product. He pays only for the opportunity to earn money by attracting new “victims”.

Below, in the answers to frequently asked questions, I have clearly outlined the criteria by which you can distinguish a good mlm company from a pyramid scheme.

5. Network marketing on the Internet without investment - myth or reality?

There is no myth here and cannot be. Building your network business via the Internet is a new trend that is gaining momentum every day.

How to find a client in your mlm structure via the Internet - 5 proven ways to attract:

  1. Social media. One of the most popular ways. You can create here a group (community) on the topic of earnings and self-development. The people who enter will be your potential customers. You can also “spam”, that is, send messages to everyone in a row, but then you risk getting your account blocked by the administration of the social network.
  2. Thematic forums. On the earnings forums personal growth you can also find future companions in your layered structure.
  3. Contextual advertising. You can create a website and customize it contextual advertising thereby attracting targeted visitors. There is already an article on our site,. However, this method can be quite expensive for such a purpose.
  4. SEO - promotion. By analogy with the previous method. You can make your own Internet resource and write articles on it containing keywords related to success, earnings and network marketing. Gradually, these articles will be promoted through the subscription form located on the site, and you will receive people loyal to your activities.
  5. Lead generation. This method is to create a flow of contacts (applications) potential clients, which you will attract with various advertising tools. You can learn more about what advertising is and what types of advertising exist from. You can process applications of potential customers (leads) and attract them to your multi-level marketing company.

You can use these and other ways to attract potential participants from the Internet to your network structure.

6. Pros and cons of network marketing - an overview of the main advantages and disadvantages

Network marketing, like any phenomenon, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

That is why there are people who fiercely campaign for mlm, and there are those who are afraid of "network". For clarity, I have compiled a corresponding table that reflects almost all aspects of the SM:

Pros and cons of network marketing:

Comparison criterion pros (+) criteria Minuses (-) criteria
1 Opportunity to start your own businessYou can open an MLM business with little or no investment and create passive income over time Many novice distributors leave the business in SM, as it grows slowly and you often hear rejections
2 Doing Business OnlineThe unlimited possibilities of the World Wide Web provide practically limitless opportunities for the growth of your business.Not all people will agree to cooperate with you and cost business with your company, since getting into an interested audience through cold contacts is small
3 Buying quality goods at an affordable priceIn network companies you can buy really quality goods, often their counterparts on open market either not available or much more expensive.Sometimes the products of multi-level marketing companies are unreasonably expensive, even if they are of high quality.
4 party, teamFor many people in this industry, the very atmosphere of running an mlm business is a way of life and they feel “like a fish in water” here.For most people, spending time at various seminars, trainings and events of such companies is tiring and does not correspond to their nature and psychological type.
5 Skill development, personal growthIn the process of work, you can acquire good skills in interpersonal communication, planning, leadership and managementThere are not many people who are constantly striving for development, most prefer much more understandable ways of earning money, for example, regular work for hire
6 ReputationIt is believed that people with leadership and well-developed communication skills will certainly succeed here.In society, the reputation of network marketing is significantly damaged, so finding like-minded people, and even more so turning them into your clients or business partners, is not easy.

If you have not yet decided whether it is worth doing SM, then the criteria described in this table will help you once again understand whether it is for you or not.

7. Rating of grid companies in Russia - list of TOP-5 market leaders in 2017-2018

The most interesting thing is that the first two companies Avon and Oriflame occupy 31% and 30% respectively in this rating. This means that these companies are far ahead of our citizens in the MLM industry.

As you can see, Mary Kay and Faberlic have almost the same market share, while Amway is somewhere in between.

In any case, I am sure that you have heard if not about all of these companies, then most of them for sure.

I consider them reliable and it is with these companies that I advise you to work if you decide to do business. network business.

8. FAQ - answers to frequently asked questions

These questions are often asked to me, and here I cite them with answers as the most popular.

Question 1: Should a newbie start a network marketing business?

Yes, it is worth it, but only if you are ready to wait a long time for the result (from 6 months to 3 years) and have a cash reserve that will “feed” you in a cashless period. I also advise you to analyze your strengths and weak sides, objectively assessing their capabilities.

But if you get tired of communicating with people and have a hard time enduring rejection, then you better not rush into this pool with your head.

Question 2. How to earn the first money in network marketing?

To do this, find 2-3 customers and simply sell them your company's products, after registering as a partner in it.

Then you will feel the "taste" of the first money. Perhaps it will be a very small amount: from 100 to 1000 rubles, but it will already be your money earned in direct sales.

If you want to get a more serious amount, then find 3-5 people who plan to build a business with you. Help them find 3-5 more people for each and in a few weeks your income will grow to several thousand rubles a month and will increase as your "branch" grows.

Question 3. What and how can you attract people to network marketing today?

Today, you can attract people to network marketing, as always, with the idea of ​​​​earning prospects, creating passive income and a free (flexible) work schedule.

The quality of products and the range of direct sales companies is constantly growing, so to say that we have high quality products is no longer so appropriate.

But if you show the convenience of working with the company's website and the possibility of doing business via the Internet, this will definitely impress your potential partners.

Question 4. How to distinguish network marketing from a pyramid scheme?

It's no secret that some scam companies tarnish the honor of decent MLM businesses and masquerade as them.

How to distinguish scammers? There are some characteristic signs of dishonest firms:

Here they are:

  1. Unreasonably high entry fee. As a rule, it is from 100 to 5000 dollars. It is from this money that the remuneration to the “distributor” is paid.
  2. The product, as such, either does not exist at all, or has no market value outside of this organization.
  3. There is no documentary confirmation of the fact of receiving money and other relevant documents (invoice, contract, checks, etc.);
  4. You are told that you will receive money from number of attracted participants rather than from the turnover structure.
  5. The focus of the organization is on quick money , and the product (if it exists) is needed only as a cover for the activity of the pyramid.

If you notice at least one of them in the company where you are invited, you should thoroughly study it for fraud and the legality of doing business.

To organize a network business on the network, you need to work on the Internet at home. What is the best business to open online for optimal earnings online with minimum investment? Naturally, the best entry into online business is, oddly enough, network companies and network marketing. Network marketing companies in Russia appear regularly and disappear rapidly. In order not to fall for scammers on the network, and, in particular, scammers in network marketing, it is necessary to choose a network company with experience and a reasonable business plan. Of course, it's easier to send all the "obsessive" and work for someone stupidly performing mechanical actions. But you can turn on your mind, choose the best network company with an affordable franchise, and provide for yourself and your children and parents. decent life just working from home online.
What you need to know for remote work on a network at home, if you intend to work on the Internet and looking for ready business with minimal investment?

“There are many network companies, but you have only one life” - the words of a great woman, Tamila Polezhaeva.

When choosing a network marketing industry, it is very important to choose a network company with the most convenient marketing plan for you. It is important that the company's capabilities match your needs. Now I will briefly describe the pros and cons of the most famous network companies - competitors and starting a business in them. Where you can open a business in Russia - the most affordable franchise and telecommuting networking at home.
So, there are many companies on the market (cosmetic, travel, legal). I want to say right away that the founder of network marketing was Mary Kay (Mary Kay), which began its existence in the 19th century! But, this company is engaged in offline promotion (meetings, master classes), entering the company is quite difficult - you need to purchase starter kit expensive cosmetics for a good amount.
Active promotion on the Internet is carried out by Avon, Faberlic, Oriflame, NL and Amway. Consider these network marketing companies in Russia.

What business to open


To register with this company as a coordinator (that is, to get the opportunity to invite people and build your own business), you need to send paper copies of documents to the company, which delays the registration process for a long time. Of the benefits - a small purchase amount - only 1600 rubles, cosmetics are inexpensive. The company promises a good bonus is 125,000 rubles, but it is paid only if the coordinator recruits 5 active consultants to the first line of each catalog, and this continues throughout the year. bonus... The company promises a discount from the price of the catalog.If the consultant buys cosmetics only for himself, his discount is 15%, if he fulfills the plan (each catalog of 5 actives for 1600 rubles) - the discount reaches 32%.It is easy to guess that if the coordinator does not fulfill the plan on recruits, then he finishes the order for inactive consultants.Bonuses and very large discounts you want to get .... The company thus does not encourage the construction of structures in depth. When recruiting, the coordinator is happy to announce that in order to receive income, it is not necessary to start an individual entrepreneur, the money is dripped onto the consultant's card. At the same time, it is forgotten to clarify that for such a procedure the company retains 20% of the consultant's profit at the first stages, and then the retention increases to 40%. The company does not have large-scale events and conferences that the Internet would thunder about. There is also no way to get passive income. The plan for recruiting to the first line is endless. In case of non-compliance with the plan, Avon may terminate the contract with the consultant, transferring its structure to another coordinator. No international sponsorship provided.


This company has been on the market for only 20 years. This is a Russian company, which the consultants are very proud of. The marketing plan and the picture of the career ladder are painfully reminiscent of the Oriflame marketing plan. But the devil is in the details. The Company pays bonuses when a consultant achieves certain Directorial ranks. Prizes in rubles - for closing the title of Director, paid 55 thousand rubles. Mandatory turnover - 50 points. At the same time, 1 point costs 80 rubles. In total, the mandatory purchase for payroll is 4000 rubles. Director's turnover is more than 400,000 rubles. The company DOES have a plan to recruit first line priority. There must be a gap at any Director level. If a consultant has 2 grown directors in the first line, then in order to receive income from these structures, it is necessary that there is an additional growing group with a turnover of 1000 points (80,000 rubles). There is a gap at any level. If the SUPER-Director does not have a personal group, then in this directory, he will not receive a salary. That is the company did not provide for its consultants the possibility of passive income. Also, if the recruitment plan is not fulfilled, the company reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract with the consultant. Travel abroad is not included. Entrance to the company is free and without a passport.


Russian company - IP registered in Russia. The company's product Energy Diet- Pretty expensive food cans. I am not satisfied with the recruiting method in this company - newcomers are taught to recruit existing consultants from other network companies, in particular Oriflame. I also alerted the turnover necessary for accruing income - 21,000 rubles per period. A very narrow focus of products and a high price per unit of goods make it quite problematic to develop a business.


This network company is mainly engaged in household chemicals, washing powders. Of the minuses - there is an entrance fee that must be paid for the right to work in the company. The product is quite expensive and does not run out for a long time. Eat obligatory turnover - 200 points, at the moment this amount is more than 10,000 rubles. Since the goods are consumed for a long time, to ensure a minimum personal turnover, you need to constantly find new buyers. Also, the presentation of the goods takes place offline (i.e. wash clothes and remove stains at the client's home;). On the Internet, Amway business is not common, you can mainly see selling pages. Quality products, but for business I would not choose Amway


This network company 50 years on the market Russian market- 20 years. Survived 3 crises and always only increased its turnover. Assortment - 1800 items for every taste and budget. In addition to decorative cosmetics, skin care products, there is an excellent Wellness series - health products.
To calculate salaries (volume discounts), the consultant must learn how to make a turnover equal to 150 points (about 6000 rubles). The consultant's initial discount is 20% off the catalog price. When a consultant makes 150 points for his number, the system automatically calculates and shows the income from his structure, and in the next catalog 12% of the consultant's personal order is returned to the account. Thus, a partner who came to build a business makes 150 points and the total discount is 32%. The company has own production– 5 factories and 1 skin research institute, constantly publishes scientific publications, has its own patented formulas. The company has milestones - titles, upon reaching which the company pays dollar bonuses. For the title of Director - you will receive $1000, for the title of Golden Director - $2000. At the moment, bonuses of up to $1 million are envisaged. The director's turnover is 250,000 rubles. The company does not have a plan for recruiting in the first line. A consultant may not recruit at all, but buy personally for himself and have the maximum discount. In the projects of the company, building structures in depth is welcomed, which gives a chance to all team members to grow quickly. When a consultant reaches the title of "Golden Director" (that is, 2 director teams have grown under you) - income becomes passive, and you can not recruit at all, but make a personal turnover and receive your 5% of the team's turnover. Basically, everyone goes further and continues to build structures, because "appetite comes with eating", plus the company arranges motivating trips abroad (conferences) from certain levels. Once a year, the company holds a conference for managers and directors - even newcomers can go if they fulfill the conditions for their growth. The second conference is for Gold Directors and above, the third is for Diamond Directors and above, and the fourth is for the Top Leadership of the company. Banquet Director takes place in Moscow every year- the largest corporate party in the country, which attracts all the directors with their companions. Stars of network marketing, show business stars perform at the Banquet. From the "Director" level, an Autobonus is available - a monthly payment from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles. to buy a car. Income is accrued to the consultant to his personal number and is paid in full when the consultant opens an IP (calculations under the simplified taxation system). Upon reaching the level of "Director" Registration costs 149 rubles (if the consultant collects an order for 100 points within 21 days from the date of registration, this money is returned to his account and can be used as a discount on the next purchase. For registration, you need a series and passport number. You can work in 62 countries of the world. International sponsorship is provided, that is, you can have a team in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc. Oriflame is the only best network company in Russia where you can pass on your ready-made business by inheritance - this is perfect job on the network when choosing which business to open so that there is work at home. The best choice to start an online business. They really have something to be proud of. And now good time to

Having studied the company's website, I see only the number hotline, list service centers And email. In fact, there is not enough information for a serious decision in favor of long-term cooperation.

Where is the information about turnover, production, form of activity, assortment? Well, okay, the company was founded in 2007 in Barnaul.

To get a marketing plan, I had to register on the company's website. It turns out that the company is developing in 32 countries around the world. You can see the photo CEO. On the site for checking counterparties, it turned out that 4 companies were registered with the general director, which are LLCs with an authorized capital of 20,000 rubles and total revenue for 2016 in the amount of 383 million rubles. Oriflame, only in Russia, for the same year, had a revenue of 15 billion 940 million rubles.

Not a single fact that tianDe has at least one plant, research center or factory, institute. All production is in China with ISO certification. That is, the products are clearly with an extra charge - everyone needs a profit.

It says at the top - the 35% discount does not apply to the first 20 bb. We drive in an order for 20 bb (1277 rubles) - the discount is not issued, we drive in an order for 130 bb (5900 rubles) - the amount for free delivery - the discount is 29.6%. If the order is reduced to 50bb, then the discount will decrease to 21.3%. Where is 35% on products?

Delivery - only from self-delivery points, which are only in 15 cities. Not enough, compared with the thousands of free software that Ori has, even in the most remote corners of our country ... If your city is not on the list of Tiande pickup points, you will have to pick up the goods at the post office, paying an additional 500 rubles, and you will have to wait from 4 to 15 days for the delivery of the goods .

Now about the marketing plan.

First, the cost of a point for a consultant and the cost of a point payable are different. And the difference is quite large - about 50%. They pay, as in NL, only from half of the sales.

High margin per product kills the idea of ​​network marketing, which should provide accessibility quality product.

Secondly, the "unique non-separable marketing plan" of the company is unique by the total pool of all volumes. All their MP is Ori's marketing plan to the level of Director in Ori, for example. And then imagine that at the Senior Director level the discount would be 23%, at the Gold Director level it would be 24%, and so on up to the Diamond President.

But if you do not have an inter-percentage difference with your leader, you will not be paid anything from your group, only a bonus from 5 generations. And if this branch accounts for 75% of the volume of your structure, then you will not receive this bonus either. It is NOT PROFITABLE to raise leaders in this company.

The marketing plan is final, that is, if you have collected all the qualifications, you will have to come up with new ones until you get to 100%, but this is no longer possible, that's all the uniqueness.

Thirdly, the company has only five levels of bonuses, everything else is cut off, and you must constantly work on breaking away from your branches. There is no passive income in this company.

Fourthly, the Auto program ends in 2018, the only brand you can count on is Volkswagen. A car is leased under specific conditions (an increase of 10,000 - 40,000 points per year). The car program in the company is given under rather harsh conditions, a large number of points, I think. But for me, the most important thing in the network is the ability to build passive income. The rest - then ...

As for travel, they didn’t get into the wilds either - the company has just begun to develop this direction. One thing pleases - of all the companies listed here - representatives of Tiande have never tried to lure our girls and boys to them - this speaks of clean working methods.

I hope that your unique Marketing they will remake the plan, because the network business is a business of mutual assistance, where it is profitable to grow and train leaders.

Grid companies of Russia

Despite the enormous income gained from the network business, in Russia only 7 percent of the population is included in it, who are mainly engaged in open sales, that is, they form the turnover of network companies. Nevertheless, significant dynamics are visible. Every year, new network companies appear in Russia, which are untwisted much more rapidly than companies performing traditional sales. Undoubtedly, in terms of mass, such states as India, China, Brazil, and Japan are mainly leading in this business. In Russia, there is still a lot of free space on the network.
A very delicate point in the network business is the absence of any legislative framework in our country, while in America and Japan, for example, there is a whole section in the laws on network marketing. Such conditions lead only to fertile ground for fraudulent activities, which, unfortunately, occur to this day. It's good that we have at least a special association that somehow checks the network companies in Russia, raising the intended trust in these companies and network marketing in general. In the database provided by the association, there are only 16 organizations that can deserve some trust. When newly minted companies in the fashion chain business emerge, one cannot be one hundred percent sure that they will be able to survive among a significant number of rivals. In any case, one of them will go bankrupt, and there is nothing terrible or shameful in this, because this is a business - nothing personal ...

Remote networking at home

Those people who decide to work in the company must understand that, perhaps, they will have to invest personal funds, undoubtedly there will be a lot of contact with people, research products and of course mentally prepare to the fact that customers will be all the most diverse, and it is strictly forbidden to perceive any disagreement on your own subjective account. Many people have reached significant heights in this difficult networking business - as an example, you can look at similar Russian network companies like Avon, Oriflame, Mary Kay, Amway and Faberlic. Among their top leaders are diamond directors with cars and apartments, and a huge team of successful distributors around the world.
Often, Russian network companies provide their employees with unlimited freedom of action, the potential for themselves, carve out days off and earn as much as they want. Such a positive fact has its own specific nuances, since, on the one hand, it looks like everything is wonderful, and you definitely your own boss, and on the other hand, at the initial stage there is no stability, today you can make good money, and nothing tomorrow, but this is only a matter of time. Undoubtedly, if there is a goal and desire, and essential knowledge of one's products or services, then everything will definitely work out. Successful grid companies in Russia have certain established and well-established tactics professional organization online business capable line up stable business to ensure return on equity. Newcomers need to tune in to a leisurely, but promising outcome, since you won’t earn significant money right away, especially in large companies where there is competition that has captured about 70-80% of the entire sales market. Only with gaining experience and understanding all the subtleties and nuances of the network business, it is possible to come to a decent and stable income.

Interested in raising living standards, join the team!

Question for those who are already registered in any network company:

If everything is fine with you, why are you looking in the search for "Network Marketing Companies in Russia"? If you went to this page, it turns out that you are dissatisfied with your company and are looking for something else?
Or you came to leave here your coordinates in order to lure people from other companies to you. Such behavior is unambiguously incorrect and discredits your entire company. Such comments are removed.

I express my deep gratitude to the blog of E. Penkin in the formation of the addition of part of the article. I completely agree with Evgeny - there should be no competition and enticement within network marketing. Competition should be between traditional and network business. Leave all the "tomatoes" in your pockets and go to work in your companies with clean methods.

o.z. Company director.
Hobbies: photography, design, web design, vector psychology and esotericism.
Marital status: beloved wife and mother)
Life Motto: It's never too late to step out of the crowd. Follow your dream and move towards your goal!

Updated: February 17, 2018 by:

Amazing year! Judge for yourself:
Industry leaders - Amway, Avon, Herbalife, Mary Kay, Tupperware— practically retained their positions, having undergone a slight decline.
Nu Skin And Oriflame slightly increased turnover and raised their positions in the table.
Company Faberlic significantly increased the turnover, increasing it by almost 60%, perhaps this was due to the expansion of the product line in clothing and footwear. Let's rejoice for the only Russian company in the rating.
PM International increased trade turnover, rising from 41st to 36th place.

And here Jeunesse Global, showing a phenomenal rise in past years, fell by as much as 8%. And this is not an accident, but a natural beginning of stabilization or even a fall, it is obvious that the wave of growth on the purchases of other network companies cannot last forever. Next year will show...
The catastrophic fall Tiens(Tianshi) - from 32nd place they fell to 94th ... The reason for this fall is not known, it is very possible that the change in the MT that was introduced for the CIS countries affected it. If so, then the main turnover of the company was in the CIS.

Company LR Health didn't make it into this year's list at all. The reason is not known, but it usually happens when the decline in turnover is so catastrophic that management becomes embarrassed about the position of their company.
Dropped out of the rankings Russian company Vision(Vision), apparently the merger with Freedom International Group did not lead to a significant breakthrough, but quite the contrary.

We mentioned only those companies that worked or continue to work in the CIS market. Perhaps some of those who are now in the table are planning to develop their business with us, if you have such information - let us know, we will take note of such a company.

ATTENTION active distributors of network companies!
You can place your registration link in the rating table.
The cost is negotiable, depending on the number of applicants.
Send requests to Administrator

ATTENTION! Important!
If you came here through a smartphone or tablet, then you will see only the first columns of the table, the rest are in collapsed mode.
To view information for all years, click on the + in the left column.

Company name Dynamics Sales volume in 2017, $ million Sales volume in 2016, $ million Sales volume in 2015, $ million Sales volume in 2014, $ million Sales volume in 2013, $ million Sales volume in 2012, $ million Sales volume in 2011, $ million
1 Amway (Alticor) -2% 8600 8800 9500 10800 11800 11300 10900
2 Avon Products 0% 5700 5700 6160 8900 9950 10700 11300
3 Herbalife -2% 4400 4500 4470 5000 4800 4100 3500
4 Vorwerk & Co 0% 4190 4200 4000 3900 3700 3300 3000
5 Infinitus 15% 3920 3410 3880 2640 2640
6 Mary Kay -2% 3250 3500 3700 4000 3600 3100 2900
7 Natura Cosmetics SA 37% 3090 2260 2410 3200 3200 3200 3010
8 Perfect -3% 2960 3060 3580
9 Nu Skin 3% 2280 2208 2250 2570 3180 2200 1744
10 Tupperware Brands 2% 2260 2210 2280 2600 2670 2600 2600
11 Coway 2050
12 JoyMain 6% 1580 1490
13 Oriflame 10% 1537 1400 1350 1680 1950 2000 2100
14 SUN HOPE 63% 1536 940
15 young living 52% 1520 1000 1000
16 Rodan + Fields 1500
17 New Era Health 15% 1330 1160 1160 928 678 555
18 Jeunesse Global -8% 1300 1410 1090 419 257 126 65
19 Pola 22% 1220 1004 823 800 800
20 Ambit Energy -4% 1150 1200 1400 1500 1200 930 664
21 Belcorp 5% 1140 1090 1200 1400 1960 1900 1600
22 DXN 19% 1100 927 862 780 780
23 USANA 4% 1050 1010 918 790 718 649 582
24 Longrich 549% 1000 154 167 224 292 287 167
25 Telecom Plus -13% 979 1120 1170 1100 1100 892 731
26 Yanbal International 5% 971 924 747 856 848 815 720
27 Isagenix 4% 958 924 890 725 448 334 262
28 Market America 3% 820 798 791 384 574 505 462
29 Quanjian -73% 786 2890
30 Yandi 15% 740 644 597
31 Stream Energy (Ignite) 0% 737 735 866 918 867 840 861
32 Juice Plus 730
33 Team National 9% 719 659 549 399 332 301 230
34 YoFoto 85% 696 376 399 400 428
35 Amore Pacific 681
36 PM International 37% 632 460 350 313 284 249 232
37 Hualin 577
38 Faberlic (Faberlik) 58% 563 356 330 200
39 Plexus 6% 562 532 384 310 160
40 Arbonne 2% 553 541 520 486 413 377 353
41 Mike Corp. -10% 535 597 578 868 783 1100
42 golden days 518
43 Advocate International -19% 472 586 719 494 460 255 138
44 Scentsy 3% 468 456 429 419 485 560 537
45 Rolmex -11% 459 515 448 512 512
46 legal shield 2% 457 450
47 Pro Health 56% 400 257 251
48 For Days 5% 383 365 325 360 376 445 400
49 Nature's Sunshine (NSP) 0% 342 341 325 366 378 368 368
50 Resgreen 41% 326 232 299
51 4Life Research -4% 316 328 321 332 300 268 250
52 Monat Global 314
53 Apollo 296 538 448 340 170
54 LG Household & Healthcare 292 321 215 350
55 Family Heritage Life 7% 284 265 254 237 192 202
56 OPTAVIA / Medifast 257
57 Hy-Cite Enterprises, LLC 9% 253 233 195 178 164 159
58 Alphay International 26% 252 200 135
59 Noevir Holdings 0% 250 249 189 582 455 326 345
60 CUTCO (Vector Marketing) 10% 245 222 204 165 200 200
61 Best World Int'l Ltd 237
62 Alpha 222
63 AnRan -31% 222 321 296
64 Menard Cosmetics -17% 221 267 198
65 Southwestern Advantage 0% 219 218
66 pure romance 7% 218 203 164
67 Pruvit 214
68 Norland 207
69 KK Assuran 205
70 green leaf 201
71 New Image Group 61% 200 124
72 Seacret 24% 200 161 151 145 71
73 Life Vantage -3% 200 207 190 214 208 187 70
74 NHT Global -31% 198 288 265
75 Merro -32% 192 283 328
76 Giffarine Skyline Unity 16% 179 154 153
77 princess house -8% 179 195 170
78 ARIIX 18% 178 151 112 73 50
79 Cosway 178 749 440 433 433
80 Kangli 177
81 Mannatech -2% 176 180 180 190 177 173 201
82 BearCere Ju -1% 169 170 145 185 166 192 198
83 World Global Network 13% 165 146 157
84 Charles Corporation -7% 161 173 154 250 208 258 288
85 Vida Divina 153
86 Marketing Personal -4% 147 153
87 Diana 47% 144 98 139 204 166 204
88 Ideality 24% 143 115 104
89 youngevity -13% 142 163 156 134 86 75
90 FuXion Biotech 4% 141 135
91 Naris Cosmetics -4% 138 144 178 282 214 214
92 Vestige Marketing 31% 127 97
93 Jimon 53% 118 77 90