A marketing plan is a unique plan. Determine a plan to achieve your goals. The manager ensures control over the results of the activities of his subordinate units

One of the main tasks of marketing establishing the maximum possible systematicity and proportionality in the company’s activities based on its strategic goals. The main managerial task of the management of a company (enterprise) when using planning is to reduce the degree uncertainty and risk V economic activity And ensure concentration of resources in selected priority areas. Effective implementation of all marketing functions at the proper level is unrealistic without thoughtful and comprehensive planning.

Planning- this is a type of activity related to setting goals and actions in the future. A plan for the optimal allocation of resources to achieve the goal.

Noting the importance of planning for the economic activities of a company, the famous English scientist - management specialist - K. L. Hudson writes in his book "Organization and Management of an Enterprise": planning means developing a scheme for the future activities of the company to obtain given results at established costs and within a certain time frame. period of time, and further, that planning is a deliberate attempt to influence, to control the scope , the speed and consequences of change.

Effective in-house planning requires adherence to the following basic principles:
  • it must have the necessary flexibility and adaptability, i.e., respond in a timely manner to changes in the external environment of the enterprise;
  • planning should be done, first of all, by those who will then implement the developed plans;
  • the level of competence in planning must correspond to the level of competence in relation to the management of enterprise resources.

The connection between the marketing system and planning is active, two-way. Goals marketing activities have a decisive impact on the nature, time horizon and planning system. At the same time, the implementation of marketing activities in a certain sequence is carried out in conjunction with a comprehensive marketing program (plan). A manifestation of planning in the implementation of marketing activities is the development and implementation of a marketing program, which actually represents a master plan and determines the content of all other plans of the enterprise.

Marketing planning is aimed at solving the following main problems:

  • determination of goals (for example, differentiation of goods taking into account selected market segments, development of new products or markets, solving the problem of competitiveness, etc.), as well as the basic principles and criteria for evaluating the planning process itself;
  • formation of the structure and reserves of private plans, the nature of their mutual connection (for example, linking plans for the sale of goods in individual market segments, sales and production activities foreign branches and branches, etc.);
  • determining the nature of the initial data necessary for planning (state and prospects of the market, current and expected future needs of end users of the enterprise’s products, forecast data on changes in the product structure of foreign markets, etc.);
  • definition general organization planning process and framework (levels of competence and responsibility of managers, rights and responsibilities of organizational and structural divisions of the enterprise, etc.).

The most important components corporate planning work carried out on the basis of the principles and methods of marketing is planning (drawing up a plan) of marketing.

Common sense dictates that a company entering foreign market, it is necessary to initially offer goods that it already produces and sells on the domestic market, and not try to sell something new. Naturally, this product, traditional for the company, must meet the requirements of potential external buyers in terms of its consumer properties; be competitive in terms of these indicators and price; satisfy needs that competing products either do not satisfy at all (this is the most desirable option) or do not satisfy well enough. All these provisions will be discussed further in sufficient detail. For now, we will assume that we have a competitive product (or even a group of products).

Before we begin describing the next stage, we must make one remark. From a methodology point of view, we should start not with drawing up a plan, but with the stages preceding this procedure - with an analysis of the market, competitors, etc. However, in this case we would be faced with the situation - “you can’t see the forest for the trees” . All these stages make sense only in the context of the main goal: marketing planning and control. That is why we decided to take the following path: first describe the entire procedure, introducing new terms and only briefly explaining them in order to present a complete picture, and then explain in detail the content and meaning of each stage and each concept used.

So, the next stage is “pre-planning” - selection of markets, where it is advisable to work (exit or continue activities) with this product.

Based on available goods and forecasts of market conditions (it is probably unnecessary to mention that only real markets that have at least a minimal perspective are assessed), set the task each department of the company: sales volumes in physical units and in monetary terms (sales quotas). Among the goods usually distinguished new goods that have not yet conquered the market, and therefore require increased attention, then traditional goods that are in steady demand, and, finally, weak goods, the demand for which is falling or is uncertain in its trends. It does not matter whether we are talking about expensive or cheap products (services): it is important that they differ in the degree of novelty and demand trends.

An important planning stage is price fixing. The maximum and minimum acceptable prices are determined by considering the best marketing strategy for each product; in terms of marketing activities, list prices (announced to the public) are determined, as well as discounts and allowances that should be taken during negotiations when contractual agreements are formed. prices. To determine the price, the excess of demand over supply is of paramount importance, then own costs (not only production costs, but also transport, insurance, customs and other expenses), and then prices offered by competitors; It is possible to start a “price war” only after a thorough analysis of what consequences it will lead to and whether it will cause dangerous losses.

Volume of deductions for marketing in relation to total sales volume is a question that each company decides independently, based on the experience of competitors and considerations of what role the activities of the marketing service play in achieving the company’s goals. There are no ready-made recipes for all occasions, but the general rule is that the less “serious” and more “mass” the product is, the larger the allocations for marketing (market research and sales promotion) should be. The correct distribution of allocated funds between these departments of the marketing service requires analysis of both the experience of competitors and one’s own practices. In essence, it proceeds by trial and error (therefore, it is harmful both to attach tragic significance to errors and to persist in them).

Planning procedure should represent dialogue between the highest levels of management, dealing with strategic problems, and the lower ones, solving tactical problems. Top management cannot foresee all particular situations in the markets, from which it is also separated in space, but such foresight is not required from managers of this rank. They are only obliged to remember and take into account in their work the private ideas and plans of lower leaders and operational workers, since these ideas and plans usually reflect well the strengths and weak sides local trading conditions and market activities in general (advertising, product promotion, etc.). Continuity of dialogue, encouraging lower management to make proactive proposals, effective reward for such proposals is an effective way to optimize relations between at different levels manuals. By the way (although this does not directly relate to planning procedures), many companies organize multi-day “excursions” for central management employees abroad, where people get acquainted with the work of employees of foreign branches of the company, in an informal setting they become aware of the specifics of work in a given market, better begin to understand the difficulties and needs of people working in the branch. For managers marketing services and marketing departments, it is considered obligatory to visit a foreign branch of the company at least once a year in order to familiarize themselves with the state of affairs with their own eyes, and not from papers. The same purpose (frank conversations and exchange of opinions in an informal setting with senior management) is also served by periodically convened conferences of employees of foreign departments.

The planning procedure is not a linear, but a circular, cyclical process. It is by no means limited to drawing up a marketing plan. The plan adopted at the top must be able to change in accordance with data coming from below and be adjusted in accordance with the realities of the external marketing environment.

We offer a ready-made checklist with which you can draw up a ready-made marketing plan from scratch. The article details the structure and lists the main sections of the marketing plan. We will tell you in what order it is most convenient to draw up a marketing plan, which elements of a marketing plan are mandatory, and which components can sometimes be missed. We are confident that our checklist is suitable for protecting the promotion strategy of any product, because it is an exhaustive list important information, on the basis of which key strategic decisions are made.

A marketing plan has a fairly clear and logically structured structure, and its development is not a one-day process. You will need a lot of time to collect detailed information about consumers, to study the characteristics and conditions of the market, to determine competitive advantages goods and much more. Get ready to process and summarize many different facts and consider more than one alternative for business development. Don't be afraid to spend time analyzing different strategy options.

On average, creating a quality marketing plan can take time (depending on the size of the business and the number of product groups in the company's portfolio) from 1-3 months. And if you engage in marketing planning simultaneously with solving current issues, then allow at least 2-4 months for this process. 50% of this time will be spent collecting information, 40% on analysis and consideration of alternatives, and only 10% on drawing up the marketing plan itself.

The structure of a standard marketing plan includes 8 elements and is as follows:

What is "Executive Summary"

"Executive Summary" - resume or summary key directions marketing plan. This section of the marketing plan attempts to outline the main conclusions, recommendations and goals of the company for the next few years. This section You fill out the very last one, but when presenting your marketing plan, you start with this section.

The practice of laying out the key takeaways at the beginning of any presentation helps align management with the presentation format required, allowing them to evaluate the underlying strategy and prepare questions without detailed examination of the facts. This section of the marketing plan often includes the content, duration of the presentation, presentation format, and preferred form of feedback.

Situation analysis and conclusions

Chapter situational analysis designed to quickly gain a complete understanding of the market, its size, trends and features. Such an analysis helps explain the choice of certain actions in the marketing strategy of a product. The main components of a situational analysis are:

  • Analysis internal environment and company resources, including assessment of the level of achievement of current goals and objectives
  • Analysis of consumer behavior in the market, assessment of the reasons for purchasing and rejecting the company’s product
  • Analysis external factors company, competitor behavior and key market trends

A more detailed example of a situational or business analysis of a company can be found in our article:

SWOT analysis and competitive advantages

Any situational analysis ends with a compilation, describing the company’s strengths and weaknesses, key opportunities and threats to sales and profit growth. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the following is formed:

  • the main product of the company
  • indicating the development vector of product positioning for 3-5 years
  • tactical action plan for the use and development of capabilities
  • tactical action plan to minimize identified threats
  • main

Defining marketing goals and objectives

The first step of any marketing strategy: setting performance targets for the coming year. The marketing plan should contain 2 types of goals: business goals and marketing goals. Business goals relate to issues such as the position of the product in the market (share or place among competitors), sales levels, profits and profitability. Marketing goals consider issues such as attracting new customers, retaining current customers, increasing the frequency and duration of product use.

Protecting your marketing strategy

Marketing strategy presentation is a core section of an organization's marketing plan. At this stage of the presentation of the marketing plan, it is important to talk about the following elements of the marketing strategy:

Without this section, the marketing plan will not be complete and not a single manager will approve the developed programs for product development and its promotion to the market. The section begins with a presentation of the business model or P&L, which shows the projected sales growth from the programs, the required budget for the programs, net income and return on sales. The subsequent stages of this section are comments and explanations on the P&L model:

  • Budget structure divided into main cost items
  • Review of the main sources of sales growth and correlating them with budget items
  • Assumptions used to build the model in the areas of cost growth, inflation and price levels

In a highly competitive environment, marketing is the main function of an enterprise, and, therefore, the marketing plan dominates other plans and is developed first - and there is a reasonable explanation for this. Firstly, decisions in the field of marketing are a priority, since they determine what exactly the enterprise will produce, at what price and where to sell, how to advertise; and, secondly, the content of the marketing plan has a direct impact on the performance of other plans, for example, pricing issues defined in the marketing plan affect financial indicators,development and release decision new products will have an impact on production plan and so on. .

Successful plan marketing is the result of a clearly structured process. But before describing the components of this process, we will give a definition of marketing planning or marketing plan.

Marketing planning is understood as a logical sequence individual species activities and procedures for setting marketing goals, choosing marketing strategies and developing measures to achieve them over a certain period based on assumptions about the future probable conditions for the implementation of the plan, i.e. this is a development activity various types marketing plan. This activity is an element of more general concept-- a marketing planning system, which includes, in addition to the development of a marketing plan, its implementation and control.

A marketing plan is a document compiled in a certain way, containing a description of the target market for goods or services, a detailed analysis of the needs, requirements of the target audience and ways to satisfy them more completely than competitors.

Structured marketing planning- a comprehensive interconnected process of sequential adoption of certain decisions and actions. With this approach to planning, which provides for a clear sequence of measures taken, professing a clear logic and hierarchy, it becomes possible to clearly define the problem and obtain all necessary information and making the right decisions.

Marketing planning is carried out differently in different organizations. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, and the organization of planning. Thus, the range of content of the marketing plan for various companies is different: sometimes it is only slightly broader than the sales department’s activity plan. At the other extreme is a marketing plan based on the broadest consideration of business strategy, which results in the development of an integral plan covering all markets and products. Individual organizations, especially small businesses, may not have a marketing plan as a coherent document that includes several types of marketing plans. The only planning document for such organizations may be a business plan, drawn up either for the organization as a whole or for individual areas of its development. This plan provides information about market segments and their capacity, market share; characteristics of consumers and competitors are given, barriers to entry into the market are described; marketing strategies are formulated; forecast estimates of sales volumes are given for several years with an annual breakdown.

In general, we can talk about the development of strategic, usually long-term, plans and tactical (current), usually annual and more detailed marketing plans.

The strategic marketing plan is aimed at solving a detailed study of the strategic objectives of marketing activities in relation to the company as a whole and to individual strategic business units. It is not being developed for divisions of strategic business units. At the same time, individual positions strategic plan(marketing costs, sales volume, income, profit, market share, etc.) are communicated to the divisions of strategic business units and are the basis for development current plans marketing.

A strategic marketing plan, typically developed over a period of 3-5 or more years, describes the major factors and forces that are expected to affect the organization over several years, and also contains long-term goals and major marketing strategies, indicating the resources needed for their implementation. Thus, a strategic marketing plan characterizes the current marketing situation, describes strategies for achieving goals and those activities, the implementation of which leads to their achievement.

planning promotion product market

It is not enough to produce goods, deliver them to stores and wait for consumers to start buying and talking about the product. IN modern conditions, when every area is overcrowded with competitors, you need to literally fight for every client. The tools of this war are knowledge in the field of marketing and skillful planning.

Goals and development of a marketing plan

If a business is going to be successful, it must move twice as fast as everyone else. This is roughly what experience says successful people in the world of business. Another rule is to think on paper: diagrams, numbers and, most importantly, deadlines.

Considering the fact that the main driving force of all company activities is the process of selling its goods or services, the marketing plan is perhaps the most important strategic document. It will clearly reflect the current position of the company, the goal and means of achieving it. Once the document has been approved by management, it should be presented to other departments directly or indirectly related to the strategic activities companies.

The marketing plan is divided into two types according to the timing: short-term - from 6 months to 1 year, and long-term - from 3 to 5 years. Depending on external factors, small changes may be made during the implementation of the goal, but without concessions or changes to the intended plan.

How to compose?

The marketing plan should give detailed description potential consumers, information about where they can see the product and how they will decide to make a purchase. Before you begin drawing up a plan, you should answer the following questions and clearly define your current boundaries, since this information forms the basis of the plan.

  1. Strategy: what role the plan will play in the context general business processes?
  2. Mission: what is to be done and for what purpose?
  3. Target audience: who are the marketing measures aimed at?
  4. Competitor analysis: who are the competitors and who has what advantages?
  5. Unique product proposition: what differences do you have over your competitors?
  6. Price factor: what does the consumer get for their money?
  7. Advertising plan: how will the target audience find out about the company?
  8. Budget: how much do you need and how much do you have?
  9. List of actions: what needs to be done and in what order?
  10. Analysis of the results: what can be improved, what can be discarded and what can be left as is?

Answering these critical questions will help clarify the path forward. Now we should consider each point separately.


The marketing strategy plan should reflect the main direction of the company, and the remaining parts will tell you how to do this. Suppose an entrepreneur is interested in expanding his network retail stores for sale building materials and wants to gain favor with clients in new regions. The objectives of the marketing plan would then be to introduce your product to a new market segment. At the next stage, the strategy is divided into short-term and long-term measures.

It is also important to be able to distinguish between two important concepts that often appear as descriptions of one action: a marketing plan and a strategy. The difference is that the first term describes a list of actions, and the second - how to implement them.


It is generally accepted that the formation of a mission and the dissemination of ideas is characteristic of large corporations who have achieved a certain level of fame in their field. This was the case until recently. New trends in the business world encourage businesses with social components: a company can simultaneously conduct commercial activities and carry an idea from the field of universal human values. To this end, companies hold entire events to emphasize their solidarity with the opinion of the majority: charity exhibitions and other public events.

But successful businessmen They differ in that they find non-standard solutions. The mission can be applied as marketing tool. Perhaps a marketing plan of this nature will require additional investments in organizing and holding events, but in the end it can serve as a good promotion tool.

The target audience

At this stage, you will have to answer the question: who are the people who will help the business achieve its goals? Target audience is a segment in society to which advertising should be addressed and which may become real customers in the future.

A company's marketing plan begins with creating a psychological and social portrait of the target audience. Marketing research is a great help in this matter. They can be found ready-made or ordered from specialized companies. You can also do it yourself. To do this, you need to objectively answer a number of questions:

  • Who are potential clients?
  • Where can you find them?
  • What is important to them?
  • What problems do they have?
  • How this product will help them solve their problems?

It is necessary to create a sketch of the “ideal client” and build further stages with an eye on it. This will help you personalize your marketing messages as much as possible.


When developing a marketing plan, you need to study in detail your competitors, their approach and product promotion systems. At the same time, we must not forget that there is business ethics, when crude copying of competitors’ materials, open competition and belittling of their product through your advertising materials are not allowed. In some countries this aspect is controlled by special laws.

Information obtained from competitor analysis should be carefully analyzed, but not used in your campaigns. If you look at examples of marketing plans from other companies, at this stage they answer the following questions:

  • Strengths of competitors: how do they attract customers?
  • What additional services do they provide?
  • How does the “ideal client” perceive them?
  • What can they do better in their work?
  • How does your plan compare to their actions?

The purpose of this stage is to compare and objectively assess your own capabilities. After conclusions are drawn, it is necessary to prepare a plan that will allow you to get ahead of them according to certain criteria.

USP - unique selling proposition

The USP must be implemented in the form of a specific product or service that is fundamentally different from competitors’ offerings. If there is no such proposal, then the enterprise’s marketing plan has the right to propose the creation of such a product.

But professional marketers know how to distinguish USP from the most ordinary product. As information base two points are used that have already become known in the previous stages: what problems the client has and how and how this product can help with this.


How to successfully create a USP? Here it is appropriate to recall the advertising of M&M`s chocolate candies. It attracted attention because the inscription appeared on the wrappers: “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands!” Obviously, in the process of developing the USP, experts noted the concern of buyers when chocolate candies may get their hands dirty, and offered a solution.

Another example is Domino's pizza, whose slogan reads: "Wait 30 minutes or get it free!" Here the specialists simply put themselves in the customer’s shoes: what is he currently experiencing? Of course, hunger. For a hungry person, every minute of waiting is very difficult. Marketers showed human understanding, and this had its effects.

Price factor

At this stage, competitors' prices and our own prices are considered. In the pricing process, the marketing part is taken into account only indirectly, since it is influenced by completely different factors: the cost of raw materials, technology, labor, transportation and expected profit.

But ultimately, the price factor can significantly affect sales. It all depends on the type of product. There are goods whose price cannot be low under any circumstances. They usually fall into the luxury category: diamonds, cars, etc. In this area, there is no point in betting on low prices.

On price factor You can place a bet when it comes to selling clothes, gadgets, equipment or furniture. Here it is necessary to take into account that the consumer evaluates the product in terms of price-quality ratio.


The events are short-term advertising campaigns. Excellent results can be expected if the idea of ​​an event is combined with a socially significant event and the company’s own mission. As a rule, you need to prepare for such events well in advance.

Examples: holding a tree planting campaign on Defense Day environment, flash mobs or entertainment activities on Children's Day, etc. Before the event, it would be a good idea to send out a press release to local media and attract their attention. If the idea resonates with everyone, the company will receive media coverage and advertising in its context.

Plan marketing research will help identify successful ideas and ways of presenting such events.


How much money will it require to implement an extensive marketing campaign that can cover the entire target audience? The budget must be set several months in advance.

When planning your budget, you have two options: a solid budget that allows you to buy the best advertising platforms, or a small budget from which you need to squeeze the most.

In the second case, you should reconsider the selected platforms and advertising channels. Expensive channels are eliminated and more affordable ones remain. Another option is to reduce the volume of advertising while maintaining the same quantity.

It is also necessary to determine what is profitable: to have your own marketer with the skills of a designer, copywriter and video editor, or to order materials from advertising agencies. In general, the marketing plan budget in a business plan should be one of priority tasks.

Action List

At this stage, you need to write down an action plan. In particular, on what platforms the advertising will be placed. There are many options.

  • Print advertising: specialized catalogs and magazines.
  • TV advertising: commercials or banner advertising.
  • Web sites.
  • contextual advertising.
  • Targeted advertising in in social networks.
  • Holding exhibitions and special events.
  • Distribution by mail or telephone.
  • PR materials and their distribution.

Not many companies can cover all channels at once. A sample marketing plan should choose from this arsenal the most suitable options and begin placement. At the initial stage, it is enough to identify 3-5 channels and work with them.

The role of the work done in business development can only be assessed through continuous analysis. If you do not analyze the results, then you can assume that resources are wasted.

After each event, the marketing department must compile statistics that will reflect basic information: the number of people involved, their opinion, the impact of the campaign on sales and the company’s image.

Not all campaigns will be equally effective: some will have to be discarded, others will have to be adjusted and included in the action plan for the next period. To evaluate effectiveness marketing campaigns We use our own specific tools, including research.

In any case, successful campaigns should be emphasized and their budget expanded; ineffective ones are postponed until better times or thrown out of the plan.


Trends in the business world change frequently. Including in Russia. At the stage of formation of the private manufacturing and trade sector, the presence of demand was previously important. But today almost all industries are in highly competitive conditions. To gain its place, a new player will have to make its own way into the hearts and wallets of consumers.

When starting a business, every entrepreneur must clearly understand the conditions in which they will have to work and what paths can lead to the growth of the company. An objectively drawn up business plan, in which marketing strategies are carefully developed, will give a clear idea of ​​where to go and how to do it. And already at the planning stage, you can see the prospects: whether there are chances in a particular industry, or whether there is no point in wasting time and money.

Considering the fact that marketing is a separate branch of economic sciences and requires special knowledge, it is recommended to involve professional specialists. They will help you see your strengths and weaknesses. If mistakes are made, alternative ways will be suggested.

A company's marketing plan is a plan that outlines its overall marketing strategy for the coming year. It must indicate for whom you are positioning your products, how you will sell them to the target category of buyers, what techniques you will use to attract new customers and increase sales. The purpose of writing a marketing plan is to outline in detail how to market your products and services to your target market.


Part 1

Conducting a situational analysis

    Think about the goals of your company. The purpose of a situational analysis is to understand the current marketing situation facing your company. Based on this understanding, you can think through and implement the necessary changes in business. Start by looking at your company's mission and goals (if your company doesn't already have these, these should be defined first) and see if your current marketing plan is helping you achieve those goals.

    • For example, your company performs snow removal and other related winter work. You have set yourself a goal of increasing revenue by 10% by concluding new contracts. Do you have a marketing plan that describes how you can attract additional business? If there is a plan, is it effective?
  1. Examine your current marketing strengths and weaknesses. How is your company currently attractive to customers? What makes competing companies attractive to customers? It is very likely that your strengths are what attract buyers to you. Knowing your strengths gives you an important marketing advantage.

    Gather information about external opportunities and threats to your company. They will be external characteristics of the company, depending on competition, fluctuations in market factors, as well as clients and customers. The goal is to identify the various factors that can impact the business. This will allow you to adjust your marketing plan accordingly later.

    Assign responsible persons. When preparing a marketing plan, you will need to assign people responsible for specific aspects of promoting your company in the market. Consider which employees will be best able to perform specific functions. marketing policy, and define their responsibilities. You will also need to think about a system for assessing the success of these tasks. job responsibilities.

    Announce marketing goals. What do you want to achieve with your marketing plan? Do you see your end goal being to expand your customer base, inform existing customers about new services and quality improvements, expand into other regions or demographics, or something completely different? It is your goals that will form the basis for preparing the plan.

    Develop marketing strategies to achieve your goals. Once you clearly define your marketing goals and vision, you'll need to come up with specific actions to achieve them. There are many different types marketing strategies, but the most common ones are listed below.

    Approve the budget. You may have big ideas for promoting your business and expanding your customer base, but with a limited budget, you may have to rethink some of your strategy. The budget should be realistic and reflect both the current state of the business and its potential future growth.

Part 4

Preparing a Marketing Plan

    Start with an explanatory note. This section of the marketing plan should include basic information about your product or service, as well as briefly describe the overall content of the entire document in one or two paragraphs of text. The primary preparation of an explanatory note will allow you to subsequently expand and describe in more detail individual points in the main text of the document.

    • Know that a prepared marketing plan is extremely useful to give to both direct employees of your company and its consultants for review.
  1. Describe your target market. The second section of the marketing plan will address the research you have conducted and describe the company's target market. The text should not be written in complex language, instructions in simple key provisions will be sufficient. You can start by describing the demographics of your market (including age, gender, location, and industry, if applicable) and then move on to highlighting your customers' key preferences for your product or service.

  2. List your goals. This section should not take more than one page of text. It must indicate the company's marketing goals for the coming year. Remember that the goals you set must satisfy five qualities: be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

      • Be objective when reviewing your marketing plan annually. If something isn't working or someone in charge isn't acting in the best interests of the company, you can openly discuss the problems and failure to perform job responsibilities with staff. If things go really badly, you may have to prepare an entirely different marketing plan. This is where it can be helpful to hire an outside consultant to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your old marketing plan and restructure it in the right direction.
  • Be sure to include needs and ideas for every department in your company (and even employee, if appropriate) in your marketing plan. It is also very important that the marketing plan is related and well integrated with the company's business plan and mission, public image and core values.
  • Include in your marketing plan any tables, graphs, etc. that you needed to create while gathering important information. It will also be helpful to include tables that explain key points in your plan.


  • It is necessary to review the marketing plan at least once a year to check the success of the strategies used and to rework those components of the plan that were unsuccessful.
  • Many are critical important factors marketing plan are dynamic. As they change over time, the marketing plan needs to be revised.