Implementation of mes. Implementation of an MES production management system using IFC industrial computers. Programming settings off-line

The article examines a huge project in which several companies participated: the creation and implementation of an MES system at the Voronezhsintezkauchuk plant, which produces synthetic rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). It is shown how the MES system allows you to improve business processes in an enterprise.

Magazine "ISUP", Moscow

MES systems

Articles about MES systems appeared in our magazine several years ago, but this topic did not receive much development then. At some point it even seemed that MES systems themselves were not taking root well in our industry. However, the time simply did not come for them then. Today we will talk about one implementation that has significantly increased efficiency production processes at one of the largest Russian enterprises for the production of synthetic rubber.

Let's start with the main thing: what is MES? This is a kind of intermediate link between production planning systems (ERP) and process control systems (APCS).

The technological process at each enterprise is unique, and yet there are similarities: all plants have long been ruled by automated process control systems of various types, from PLC to powerful DCS. At the same time, at any enterprise there is a level whose focus is on the customer - the consumer of the manufactured products. Here production and logistics are planned, sales are forecasted and costs are controlled. Already 15–20 years ago, to help with work at this level, they also used automated systems ERP ( from English Enterprise Resource Planning – “enterprise resource planning”).

There has always been circulation between the levels of technological process and production planning great amount paper reports written by linemen, operators, engineers, dispatchers and other employees. Paper logs were kept, reports were compiled in Excel tables, regime sheets were printed from the process control system, all these reports were endlessly duplicated and wandered from office to office. Separate difficult work, taking a lot of time, was the reduction of material balances. However, gradually, later than at other levels, automation of “paper” began to occur here too. manual labor. Application programs written for analyzing and processing data related to technological processes began to appear. They are collectively called MES.

Today MES ( from English Manufacturing Execution System - “manufacturing process management system”) is no longer separate applications, but a comprehensive system that unites production (Fig. 1). With the help of MES, users can obtain information about all production operations that are carried out in the enterprise. This happens in a time mode that is as close to real time as possible. And this allows you to make production transparent and accept management decisions With high speed and mobility.

Rice. 1. MES modules

MES systems are especially in demand at enterprises with multi-level technological processes that depend on many factors: temperature, pressure, energy consumption, etc.

This is exactly what the Voronezh enterprise of the SIBUR group “Voronezhsintezkauchuk” is. Therefore, in 2012, in order to increase the efficiency of production processes at the production site in Voronezh, a large-scale project to implement the MES system was launched.

To imagine the scale of production at the Voronezh plant, let’s make a small digression. As is known, oil contains associated gas (APG), which is separated from it during processing. For many years, this gas was simply burned, but APG has another, much more effective use: the production of polymers that surround us every day. Everything - from plastic windows to medical instruments, from mineral water bottles to car parts - is a product of multi-stage processing of associated petroleum gas.

The key raw material for the production of synthetic rubber is butadiene, which, in turn, is also produced from APG. SIBUR's Voronezh site receives butadiene from Togliatti, as well as from Tobolsk, from the Togliattikauchuk and Tobolsk-Neftekhim enterprises, respectively.

Already in Voronezh, using numerous technological operations, butadiene is processed, resulting in not only synthetic rubber, but also thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) - materials that combine the advantages of plastic and rubber. The main segment of application of the first is the automotive sector, the second - construction.

The MES system implemented at the Voronezh industrial site of SIBUR allows you to monitor the entire technological process, from the stage of acceptance of raw materials to the shipment of finished products to the warehouse.

GE Proficy Software Platform

To build an MES, a software platform was required. The choice fell on a product from General Electric.

GE, a huge corporation that was once founded 138 years ago by Thomas Edison himself, has been known throughout its history as a manufacturer of electrical equipment: compressors, turbines, substations, refrigerators, medical units and a huge number of other hardware. However, in last years The company's ambitions have changed: now it is actively engaged in software development: the corporation firmly intends to enter the top 10 leading global developers of software solutions.

One of these solutions is the Proficy software product, which is successfully used to build MES systems all over the world.

Considering the specifics of the implementation at Voronezhsintezkauchka, GE had to determine what exactly the customer needed to build a template solution. Using proprietary methodology, GE's Enterprise Architect software digitized customer requirements and created scenarios for their use. This methodology allowed us to avoid any discrepancies between SIBUR specialists and software product developers. This is how a MES system template was created, which took into account all the customer’s wishes.

Enterprise "Voronezhsintezkauchuk"

Let us briefly introduce the reader to the group’s first enterprise, where an MES system was to be implemented. Voronezhsintezkauchuk has been producing synthetic rubbers since 1932. Until 1992, ethyl alcohol was used as a raw material for rubber production, but later the plant switched to technology based on the processing of butadiene supplied to the plant. Uninterrupted supplies of raw materials from other enterprises of the SIBUR group allow the Voronezh site to build long-term relationships with customers. The importance of this factor is difficult to overestimate: a considerable share of enterprises producing synthetic rubbers in the country were closed precisely because of a lack of raw materials.

As mentioned above, the plant produces not only synthetic rubber (used mainly for the manufacture of tires), but also thermoplastic elastomers - TEP, substances that combine the properties of plastic and rubber. Therefore, the plant’s client portfolio includes both manufacturers car tires(Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli, Yokohama, etc.), as well as companies supplying products to the construction industry.

A separate production facility, TEP-50, produces raw materials for soft roofing, sealants, and adhesives. Also, the products of the TEP-50 installation have found wide application in road construction. Polymer-bitumen binders obtained from thermoplastic elastomers can significantly increase the wear resistance of the top layer of the road surface and generally extend the service life of the road stock. It should be noted that SIBUR’s Voronezh site is the only TEC manufacturer in Russia. More than 80% of thermoplastic elastomers consumed domestically are produced in Voronezh.

"IndaSoft" - system integration

In 2012, the Russian integrator company IndaSoft was invited to implement an MES system at the Voronezh plant. Firstly, because the main direction of its activity is the implementation of MES on a turnkey basis. And secondly, because IndaSoft specialists have developed for this task software products, corresponding to Russian realities and legislation, included in the Register of Russian Software:
- material balance system (I-DRMS);
- energy accounting system (I-EMS);
- supervisory control system (I-DS/P).

The IndaSoft company has completed over 100 projects at different enterprises, but this was the first time we encountered the specifics of rubber production. The fact is that this production has very complex accounting: synthetic rubbers include a huge number of components, and in addition, 19 energy resources are involved in production.

Rice. 2. Integration of MES with SAP

That is why the customer set a task for the integrator: not only to implement the MES system, but also to combine it with SAP system, automating the work of accountants, financial, personnel and other services. This system was implemented at the Voronezhsintezkauchuk plant in parallel. Using the integration of MES and SAP, it was necessary to solve problems related to comparing the plan and actual production, transferring technical orders, test results, the problem of balances, coordinating the production of materials and resources.

For the tasks of integrating MES with other systems implemented at the plant (SAP and LIMS), GE Digital software products were selected. However, from the very beginning, MES was integrated with the process control system - a dispatch module was implemented.

Rice. 3. Mnemonic diagram in the control room, reflecting the technological processes occurring at the enterprise

Already in 2014, the plant dispatcher saw the entire production on the monitor (Fig. 3): which lines are functioning and which ones are stopped, how efficiently the work is going. Previously, the dispatcher found out this information by telephone: operators and other employees servicing the automated process control system called him and reported on what was happening. Thus, the dispatcher’s information depended on the employees, it all had to be recorded in paper logs, and decision-making took a lot of time. Now information comes in a mode as close as possible to real time, directly from the sensors of the automated process control system. And the calls now go in reverse mode: the dispatcher calls the operator and indicates that his line is not working efficiently enough or there is some kind of malfunction. Decisions are made very quickly. In addition, the need to fill out paper logs has completely disappeared, which frees you from unnecessary labor and eliminates human error, because all information about the technological process enters the MES automatically.

Here it should be noted separately that the connection between the process control system and the MES system is one-way. The MES system receives information about the flow technological processes from different automated process control systems of the plant, but no information and no control signals can reach the automated process control system back through the network. Feedback carried out only through people: for example, by the same telephone. This is important primarily for safety reasons.

Rice. 4. In the TEP-50 operator installation: on the wall - video information from the workshop; on the operator’s monitor – a mnemonic diagram of the work process

However, the “hottest time” in working on the implementation of MES came in the second half of 2014. By the summer, all the necessary applications were written, everything was prepared necessary equipment. There were six months left until the new year. During these six months, it was necessary to implement the system, because on January 1, a new financial year begins and MES was supposed to start working in parallel with SAP. This record-breaking implementation was completed on time.

How it works

The project to implement MES at the Voronezh site of SIBUR is truly unique, since it was here that for the first time in Russia it was possible to integrate two systems - MES and SAP. Thanks to the integration, it became possible to quickly reduce the material balance of the plant. Data on the balance of finished products in the warehouse is updated in MES and broadcast to SAP on a daily basis.

Let's explain on good example: as soon as the storekeeper receives part of the rubber shipment, he records this event in the computer. The information is immediately entered into the system and sent to SAP, where it is also seen.

This batch is also sent to the laboratory for quality control. Synthetic rubbers can have a varied composition. Different customers need different rubber. The quality of the batch is recorded by employees in the LIMS laboratory system, from there this information enters the MES, which sorts finished products for a specific customer. Happens monthly a large number of sorting, so it is clear that automation has greatly facilitated, accelerated and optimized the work process. In addition, you can now quickly ship products to the client without storing them in a warehouse.

Based on all the data obtained, a material balance is compiled once a day, as well as an economic balance is compiled - an exceptional situation for our industry, where balances are compiled once a month and requires very large labor costs. Today, balancing balances at Voronezhsintezkauchuk has become a very convenient function that the company needs.

The same balancing occurs for each energy resource.

And all this data (we emphasize – reliable data!) can be seen in real time by all employees of the enterprise different levels: engineers, dispatchers, heads of departments, CEO and etc.

Let's note the key business results of MES implementation and SAP/MES integration:
- receiving in SAP (via MES) primary data from metering devices with an auditable change;
- a transparent algorithm for the formation of aggregated and agreed indicators of plant performance based on measured data;
- access to primary measurements of automated process control systems at all levels of production management, quality control of automated process control data;
- a single reliable set of data for generating operational reporting, all services of the enterprise receive data from a single source;
- a single source of quality data, automatic data transfer to MES and SAP ERP for certification;
- operational control of parameters of safe and effective maintenance of technological modes from any place.

Konstantin Belyakov:
“It is not the choice of MES itself that is important, but its functions”

Manufacturing Execution System (MES), a manufacturing process management system, is a specialized application software(software) designed to solve problems of synchronization, coordination, analysis and optimization of product output within the framework of any production. MES-systems belong to the class of shop-level control systems, but can also be used for integrated production management in the enterprise as a whole.

How do you assess the development of MES systems in general?

There is some dynamics of implementation, but not very much. In enterprises where they talk about the introduction of MES systems, the following functions are mainly implemented: OEE calculation, product genealogy or dispatching (task management). Integrated solutions MES, with integration of ERP, MES, quality management system, equipment maintenance and repair system (EAM), - units.

The functionality of MES and ERP systems partially duplicates each other. For example, personnel management, quality management, production assets and maintenance is available both there and there. What is the reason for this - a real need or marketing aspirations of software manufacturers?

If we consider these systems as separate, then the presence of additional functionality is more of a marketing aspiration. When deciding on the implementation of one or another option, a system with more functionality will look preferable. Again, if this functionality is in demand. But if we say that both systems (ERP and MES) are installed at the enterprise and functionality is duplicated in them, then this is a design error. At the project stage, it is necessary to determine and differentiate the functionality of the systems. And, by increasing the degree of integration of systems, duplication of functions can be avoided.

Which tasks are more logical to solve in an MES, and which in an ERP system?

ERP systems can have many functions, but the main task that an ERP system must solve is centralized financial management: planning, registration and distribution of fact, control. The ERP system must reflect all the company’s actions (material and intangible) related to finance, no matter in which system they are recorded. MES allows you to solve problems of factor analysis of production execution, assess the efficiency of equipment use, take into account energy consumption, dispatch tasks and, of course, build a genealogy (traceability) of processes, etc.

Which economic effect can be obtained when implementing MES? What effects have you observed at your enterprise?

The use of MES can reduce energy costs and material losses in production, as well as increase equipment efficiency and overall operational efficiency in the company. Before starting the implementation of the “pilot project” at Baltika, we were faced with the following tasks: increasing the efficiency of equipment use and reducing extract losses during production.

These goals were achieved, which was confirmed by the management and experts of the factories. Additional effects were also confirmed, one of which is energy savings in one of the production processes.

Is there a methodology for implementing MES and what are the typical problems that arise during implementation?

Preparation for project implementation is no different from usual project activities: defining the boundaries and composition of the project, recording tasks to be solved, describing processes, studying the environment (system, integration), writing terms of reference, architecture formation, solution selection, implementation. But at the implementation (commissioning) stage, atypical problems arise. As MES replaces existing data collection and reporting processes, the battle against the old system begins. And if there is no support and understanding of these processes at the manager level, then the likelihood of launching the system will tend to zero. The system can be “compromised” by complaints such as: “the system does not work”, “the system constantly freezes”, “the system displays incorrectly”, “the system does not do this”, etc. Here you need a full understanding of the management, what these or other problems are related to claims, how justified they are, etc.

Does the choice of MES depend on the type of production and industry specifics? What might be the selection criteria?

I would argue that what is important is not the choice of the MES itself, but the choice of features to implement that the MES provides. There is a dependence on the specifics, and quite serious. For example, for production and assembly enterprises, the “order dispatching” function, integrated with production planning, is relevant. For bottling equipment - a function for recording downtime and calculating efficiency. For production with a significant share of materials in the cost - registration of the fact of production, genealogy and integration with the quality accounting system.

The main selection criterion is to identify a process that has problems or potential for improvement, and select a function that can most effectively influence this process.

How can you briefly determine the advantages and disadvantages of Western and domestic developments?

Among Russian developments, I have not seen ready-made “boxed” solutions. It is usually a product developed by companies involved in process automation. Hence the main disadvantages: systems are most often configured for one or two production specifics. Due to the fact that the “roots” of the system are in automation, replication will most likely be equal to the cost of a new project. You are unlikely to find alternative system integrators for these systems.

Among the advantages, I would note the ease of developing non-standard functionality built into the system, since you are in direct contact with the developer. I cannot say whether the cost of the solution will be an “advantage”, since I have not implemented such systems.

Western companies provide “boxed versions” of the product. There are quite a lot of system integrators on the market who offer their services for configuring these products.

Among the disadvantages, I would note the cost of licenses, as well as the limitations of functions imposed by the product itself. If you need a solution that goes beyond the capabilities of the purchased software, then you will either have to negotiate with the developers for implementation, or make it "on the side", free programming tools.

MES systems implementation projects bring a very tangible economic effect. For example, a project at the Flender plant in Germany, where the MES system managed about 150 pieces of equipment based on heterogeneous CNC systems and was integrated with the SAP ERP system, paid off within a year, while the increase in equipment utilization reached 5%.

At first glance, the integration of IT systems for supporting the production process should not cause serious problems. Any modern system numerical program control built on the basis of an industrial computer equipped with a network card. Local area networks have been laid at many enterprises, uniting the workplaces of specialists from the level of production managers to the level of technologists and operators. It would seem that nothing prevents integrating all the services involved in the production circuit into a single information space. Why today on Russian enterprises so rare are full-fledged implementations of enterprise resource planning systems (Enterprise Resourse Planning, ERP), production management systems (Manufacturing Execution System, MES) and product lifecycle management systems (Product Lifecycle Management, PLM).

The problems that arise in enterprises when implementing MES systems can be divided into organizational and technical.

Organizational reasons

“The client is not mature.” Often the enterprise is not ready for implementation information system. This is manifested in many ways: organizational turmoil, lack of infrastructure and specialists, but the main thing is the lack of motivation among staff to develop and increase efficiency.

"The Three Nails Rule" An employee of the department of one of the universities spoke about this rule, which existed during the Soviet era. In the boss's office, three nails were hammered into the wall. A paper with the text of an order to carry out a particular order was hung on the first nail. If a reminder came, it was moved to the next nail. As you might guess, they performed only those tasks for which the reminder “reached” the third nail. This was about 20% of the tasks. In the context of the article, we will formulate the problem as the reluctance of staff to carry out management orders. The reasons for this may be different - from the lack of proper explanations from management to the reluctance to fulfill their immediate responsibilities.

“You will never have a project in this enterprise.” This is what we were told on the sidelines at one of the large Russian enterprises. It turned out that during the third shift the equipment was not used for production tasks at all. At this time, the machines were working, but they were producing products in the interests of the shop manager, who was involved in commercial activities"left". Of course, with the introduction of MES, such a situation could not arise in principle. Unfortunately, this example is not unique.

"For check". The reasons for launching MES implementation projects often have little to do with the need to manage the production process. Such projects often serve the interests of individual responsible persons, rather than the interests of production. An example is the recent implementation of MES in a large Russian enterprise. The sensors installed on the equipment made it possible to register hundreds of states. However, within of this project for each unit of production equipment, only two states were recorded - “on” and “off”. It is clear that with such primitive measurements there is nothing to talk about production management. Of course, the implementation of MES was recognized as a success, and the subsidiary that launched the pilot project received an order to expand it.

Technical reasons

Inconsistency of software modules. Often the ability to integrate information systems declared by the vendor is imaginary and serious modification of the program code is required.

Expensive integration. It is quite possible that the cost of integrating a manual machine with an MES will be comparable to the cost of the machine itself.

Closed CNC systems. It is possible that the integration of MES with a CNC system is highly complex, information about which is either closed by the equipment manufacturer or lost and cannot be restored.

Equipment warranty. There are situations when everything is ready to implement a project, but the equipment manufacturer has prohibited making changes and installing additional software into the CNC system.

Lack of functionality. We are talking about the lack of an implemented solution for integrating MES with ERP systems and PLM.

Success Factors

Let's formulate the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of the MES implementation project.

First of all, analyze the need to implement an MES system in the enterprise and set a goal for implementation. The goal should have measurable criteria: increasing productivity, reducing costs, improving quality and reducing downtime. Determining the overall efficiency of equipment, optimizing production or implementing MES itself are good and useful ideas, but they must be backed by concrete numbers and profits.

Find allies - those who will help you implement the solution at all levels of production. The top manager and the workshop foreman are, to a certain extent, equally interested in the availability of operational information and the implementation of the production plan.

Define the scope of the project. For existing production It is recommended to start with a pilot project for 10–12 machines. However, think about where you will receive production orders, process programs, tool data, etc. Keep in mind in advance the possibility of expanding the project from site scale to plant level, from transferring orders in Microsoft Excel format to receiving them from ERP. systems through integration.

Purchase and use completely unified equipment based on one or two control systems. Each system must be able to connect to a network based on a standard protocol. When purchasing new equipment, require that the manufacturer create electrical automation data blocks for subsequent automatic data collection, in addition, require the presence of regulations Maintenance V in electronic format, as well as tool management functions for subsequent collection of tool data in the MES. There may be other conditions required for network integration.

All of the above will significantly reduce project costs and allow you to quickly implement such important MES functions as condition monitoring and resource allocation, efficiency analysis, production process management, maintenance and repair management, etc.

Every commercial project must pay off and make a profit. Prepare a case for the project and a return on investment (ROI) calculation for management in advance.

Minimize risks - use standard products with proven processes. It is desirable to have reference projects both in Russia and abroad. The use of non-standard untested solutions is doubtful in terms of achieving results and is fraught with loss of time in the future.

Use the solution being implemented with an eye to further integration between ERP, PLM and MES systems to create a complete IT infrastructure. What seems to be an attractive guide to the future today may already become relevant tomorrow.

There are various motives for introducing information systems in production. Regardless of them, you need to be aware that the MES system will effective tool increasing labor productivity and reducing costs only if the goals and objectives of implementation and use are clear and supported at all levels of production. The obtained figures and data must be analyzed, organizational problems not only identified, but also solved, and, if necessary, escalated. Remember: success is in your hands.

Arkady Dilman, project manager at Siemens; [email protected]

11/29/2013, Fri, 12:11, Moscow time

Today industrial enterprises are concerned about improving efficiency. This task primarily affects the organization of production processes. How to optimally load capacity? How to shorten the production cycle without compromising product quality? How to competently plan the operation of a plant in the short and medium term? How do you generally find out what exactly is being produced and in which workshop? Unfortunately, at many Russian enterprises such questions hang in the air. Manufacturing Execution System (MES) helps answer them. In Russia there are still few examples of their use. Anton Sushkevich, CEO of NVision Group, talks about projects for implementing MES solutions and their capabilities in an interview with CNews.

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We are engaged in production automation based on MES mainly in the interests of oil companies, electric power enterprises, mining and metallurgical industry. Here we are helped by strong partnerships with global manufacturers of MES platforms - OSIsoft and Wonderware Invensys. We have developed the highest level of expertise in oil refining and petrochemicals. We have been implementing MES in this sector since 2009, with some of our experts working in the industry for over 20 years. Therefore, we can “boast” of thoughtful methodological approach and solid implementation experience: the systems we created operate at several large oil refineries with a total refining capacity of more than 22 million tons per year.

CNews: Tell us more about projects in this area. What business problems are solved by MES deployment?

Anton Sushkevich: Our team implemented one of the largest projects on the market at the Bashneft oil refinery. First, the MES solution was launched at one of the customer’s main processing plants, and then successfully replicated to other enterprises.

At the first stage, our specialists conducted a detailed examination technological objects and refinery flows, then created a mathematical model of production and implemented it in an information system based on the PI Systems OSIsoft platform. The information system is integrated with the entire complex of automated process control systems of the refinery, and the transfer of planned data from SAP ERP is configured. Process control system data enters the database in real time, and the interested services are provided with operational information for the reporting day (with accumulation for the reporting month, if necessary) about how the production process is going: how the installations are loaded, what is the output of petroleum products, what are the quality indicators of petroleum products . Today, the implementation of MES continues - the development of an information system is underway, which has already become an integral part of production management.

The result is obvious. Firstly, all technical and economic services of the refinery receive reliable and structured data on all production processes in real time. The model underlying the system provides a single source of information about current processes. All levels of users - from plant operators and engineering and metrological service employees to the chief technologist, chief mechanic and chief dispatcher - work with the same data. This greatly simplified and accelerated the interaction between all departments of the plant.

Secondly, refinery management has received a powerful analytical tool, thanks to which managers quickly receive production data online and see the implementation of assigned tasks.

In addition, the use of MES allows you to create information base for statistical analysis and forecasting as well as training production personnel. This part is not related to direct operational management, but is very important for building and optimizing production processes.

CNews: Are there any special requirements for the customer's infrastructure? What are the factors for successful implementation?

Anton Sushkevich: The quality of MES work directly depends on the level of equipment of installations, machines and other equipment with automation equipment, a fleet of control and measuring equipment, etc. It is important to use modern sensors and devices. Many Russian enterprises, unfortunately, have controllers that are 30 years old. This not only complicates the implementation of MES, but often calls it into question. In such cases, it is more important to install new automation than to create a top-level system.

There are special wishes for the work of the team of the contractor and the customer. It is important that the customer is interested in the final result and provides high-quality data for conducting surveys. Practice shows: the more the customer’s employees are involved in the implementation process, the higher the degree of satisfaction with the result. The other party should also not do the project “for itself”; the integrator should be extremely attentive to his client at all stages. In the project for Bashneft, the joint team worked well together: despite the scale, the implementation was carried out efficiently and on time. The system continues to evolve under the supervision of both parties.

CNews: Can continuous production automation projects be called typical?

Anton Sushkevich: I have already noted the uniqueness of each specific production and the need for personal modification and configuration of systems. Using the example of the oil industry, we can say that after successful implementation at one of the plants, the customer decides to replicate the positive experience at similar enterprises and focuses on copying the already implemented functionality. In most cases, the same software and hardware platform and the same implementation team are chosen as the basis.

CNews: How much does the implementation of MES level systems cost and what factors does the price depend on?

Anton Sushkevich: The cost of creating an MES, like most IT projects, consists of the cost of software, hardware and implementation services. The cost of the software depends on the amount of functionality and the number of integrated sources. The final price of an MES solution varies from several hundred thousand dollars for basic functionality to several million for a unique, full-featured solution.

The MES system is demanding on hardware resources, but the share of hardware costs in the total costs is insignificant. Ideally, the software can be hosted on virtual servers in the company’s own data centers. And many large enterprises usually already have such resources.

CNews: How can you evaluate the profitability of projects for the deployment of MES systems?

Anton Sushkevich: A direct consequence of the implementation of MES is the accurate implementation of the current production plan, compliance with product quality requirements, minimization of defects, unscheduled equipment shutdowns, and reduction of energy costs. Everyone understands perfectly well that even a slight improvement in these parameters directly affects financial indicators activities of the enterprise as a whole. It is also important that MES provides statistics, the analysis of which helps companies reduce the risk of equipment failures, which in one way or another lead to economic losses.

According to generalized data from the international association of manufacturers and users of MES, the effective load of equipment when using such systems increases by 30-60%, the reduction in energy costs approaches 40%, and the payback period reaches 6 months. Of course, it is quite difficult to assess all the positive effects for each specific case in advance, but we can say that it is MES systems that directly affect the economic performance of production.

CNews: What, in your opinion, are the prospects for the development of this area in Russia?

Anton Sushkevich: Certainly the most cheerful ones. These systems have already become widespread in continuous production - oil and gas production, oil refining, petrochemicals. Oil companies Most of their refineries have already completed the implementation of the basic MES functionality and are now moving on to creating analytical applications and tools for optimizing production processes. According to our forecasts, in the coming years, solutions for balancing material and energy balances, as well as for improving technological processes, will be in demand in the industry.

MES solutions are in demand in the mining industry, metallurgy, metalworking, and mechanical engineering, but there are still few projects. Most of these industries need to install modern means automation, increasing the degree of intelligence and controllability of technological processes. However, there are also a lot of limiting factors: a reduction in investment programs due to the slowdown in global economic growth and increased competition from imports. But without relying on production efficiency, it is impossible to maintain market share and profit growth, so I think that in the near future MES systems will take their place in the IT landscape of any enterprise.

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